# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
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(2016下-商專) 商事法--李禮仲 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多商事法(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多商事法(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
(2016下-學院) 法律與生活--劉瀚宇 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多法律與生活(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多法律與生活(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
Singularity University (videos of March 2017)
source: Singularity University
10:45 The Cacophony Project | SingularityU New Zealand | Grant Ryan The Cacophony Project will turn birdsong into data and use the best of breed IT technologies to dramatically improve trapping ability. Grant Ryan at SingularityU New Zealand Summit 2016.
44:56 Introduction to Exponentials | SingularityU New Zealand | Kaila Colbin Wondering what all this exponential tech stuff is about? Start here.
Kaila Colbin is a co-founder of the non-profit Ministry of Awesome, the starting point to make things happen in Christchurch an...

Kaila Colbin is a co-founder of the non-profit Ministry of Awesome, the starting point to make things happen in Christchurch an...
La Lucarne et la Nuit (videos of March 2017)
source: La Lucarne et la Nuit
59:43 Les Frères de la pureté avec Christian Lochon Les « Frères de la pureté » constituent une société secrète d’auteurs qui – par définition – sont anonymes afin de composer entre le début du 9ème siècle et la fin du 10ème une encyclopédie de 52 é...
44:32 Prendre soin de soi, des autres et du monde avec Françoise Bonardel Pour pouvoir réaliser notre humanité, devenir véritablement soi et quittant l’ego tyrannique, peut-être qu’il faudrait prendre mieux soin de soi, et même plus : revisiter de fond en comble la notio...
26:58 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin avec Jacques Arnould Jésuite, chercheur, paléontologue, théologien et philosophe, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin fut un des théoriciens de l’évolution les plus remarquables de son temps. A une époque où l’église a encore d...
28:06 Le mythe de la fin du monde avec Luc Mary La plupart des religions parle d’une fin du monde. Fin des temps, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Déluge, al-Qiyāmah, Mappo ou encore Ragnarök. Celle des mayas devait se passer courant décembre 2012. Que s...
1:36:01 Apollinaire “Il est grand temps de rallumer les étoiles” Précurseur du surréalisme, Apollinaire est toujours à l'affût de la modernité. Son œuvre dit l’érotisme, l’amour, la nostalgie, et ouvre des voies nouvelles à la poésie de son époque. Un monde en é...
52:46 Sénèque, Lettres à Lucilius 4/4 Peut-on se passer de l’amitié ? (Valéry Laurand) Découvrons aujourd'hui , en compagnie de Valéry Laurand, en quoi l'amitié est la sagesse de l'amour.
"Pourquoi est-ce que je prends un ami ? afin d’avoir pour qui mourir, d’avoir qui suivre en exi...
50:45 Sénèque, Lettres à Lucilius 3/4 Pourquoi mépriser l'argent ? (Pierre Pellegrin) Sénèque invite Lucilius à mépriser les richesses... mais il est lui-même l'homme le plus riche de son temps. Est-il en contradiction avec ses propres principes de sagesse ? Bien sûr que non ! Décou...
51:10 Sénèque, Lettres à Lucilius 2/4 Comment apprivoiser la mort ? (Jérôme Lagouanère) La mort soulève des abîmes de complexité : si la mort n'est rien, pourquoi s'en préoccuper autant ?
Y a-t-il une recette pour accueillir sereinement la mort ? A priori oui, il est possible de musc...
51:48 Sénèque, Lettres à Lucilius 1/4 Qu'est ce que la philosophie stoïcienne ? (Juliette Dross) Juliette Dross nous invite à parcourir les lettres qui dessinent le portrait d'un homme illustre, qui pressentait que son nom et sa doctrine perdurerait bien longtemps après sa mort...
Sénèque est...
44:39 Aux limites de la conscience avec Sylvie Dethiollaz La conscience, nous en avons tous une expérience intime et singulière, mais que savons-nous réellement de ses "états modifiés" et de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler les "expériences de sortie de cor...
1:07:18 L’Atlantide : utilisations idéologiques du mythe par René Treuil L’Atlantide est d’abord un mythe, forgé par Platon au IVe siècle avant notre ère, pour illustrer une pensée politique précise : la richesse et la puissance navale d’Athènes ne doivent plus la condu...
51:38 La création du monde avec Sophie Nordmann & Paul Clavier Réplique : La création du monde avec Sophie Nordmann & Paul Clavier (20.10.2012)
Intervenants :
Sophie Nordmann : philosophe, Agrégée de philosophie et docteur de l'Université Paris Sorbonne, elle...
28:43 La révolution culturelle nazie avec Johann Chapoutot Selon Hitler, l’Allemagne, au lendemain de la Grande Guerre qu’elle n’avait pas mérité de perdre, vivait une fin du monde. Sa population pervertie était devenue inféconde. La pyramide des âges se c...
1:05:03 Guérisseuses, anthropologues et exorcistes racontent les rituels du bocage En 1998 En 1998, l'émission "Changement de Décor" partait en reportage en Mayenne pour collecter les "Récits du bocage et rituels du bocage", avec la complicité de Maurice Gruau, curé de campagne et anthro...
28:36 Jésus a t-il eu une vraie enfance ? Avec François Boespflug La Vierge elle-même restait pensive devant l’enfant. Il lui avait été annoncé qu’il était Dieu incarné. C’était néanmoins un bébé. Serait-il comme les autres ? Plus tard, les peintres de l’Occident...
28:54 Jack London avec Philippe Jaworski Il a été mauvais garçon, presque de profession et, au chantier ou à l’usine, bête de somme. Quand, sur le coup de ses 20 ans, il décide d’entrer dans le métier d’écrivain, il n’en a pas fini avec s...
1:00:04 Nouvelles des Etats Unis - Jack London Nouvelles des Etats-Unis - Jack London (1ère diffusion : 29/05/1986) Par Marie-Claire Pasquier - Réalisation Jacques Taroni
Choisies et présentées par Marie-Claire Pasquier : Jack LONDON "Les Larm...
1:20:01 Ainsi parlait Alain. Avec Henri Mondor, André Maurois, Jean Paulhan & Romain Rolland Ainsi parlait Alain (1ère diffusion : 18/06/1952 Chaîne Nationale) Par Pierre Sipriot - Avec Henri Mondor, André Maurois, Jean Paulhan et Romain Rolland - Réalisation Pierre Barbier
Date de public...
35:03 L’aventure de Gaspard Hauser par Jean Mistler Les grandes conférences - L’aventure de Gaspard Hauser par Jean Mistler (1ère diffusion : 04/09/1971) Par Denise Parent - Avec Jean Mistler
59:39 Canoniser : l'invention des saints. Avec André Vauchez On se souvient que lors des obsèques du pape Jean-Paul II, en 2005, de nombreux fidèles rassemblés place Saint-Pierre s’écrièrent d’une seule voix Santo subito ! Comprenez qu’il était réclamé qu’il...
37:00 Les procès d'animaux avec Jean Vartier Arcanes 70 - Les procès d'animaux (1ère diffusion : 20/08/1970) Par Roger Pillaudin et Jean-Louis Cavalier - Avec Jean Vartier
52:00 Claude Seignolle, ethnologue du monde fantastique Ecrivain-culte pour un grand nombre de lecteurs, Claude Seignolle, collecteur des croyances rurales avait donné un entretien à Marie-Hélène Fraïssé en 2002, dans l'émission "Appel d'Air". Cet écriv...
29:03 "Trésor du terroir : Les noms de lieux de la France" par Roger Brunet La France mystérieuse avec Roger Brunet (1ère diffusion : 26/02/2017)
37:03 Légendes urbaines parisiennes : de Nicolas Flamel au "petit homme rouge des Tuileries"... En 1967, Gilette Ziegler auteur de l'Histoire secrète de Paris et Jacques Yonnet (qui avait publié en 1954 Enchantements sur Paris) racontaient une histoire de Paris, tirée du folklore populaire. I...
24:33 Le "Dictionnaire des Sorcières" raconté par Grégoire Solotareff Pour "La Nuit spéciale - La France mystérieuse" Philippe Garbit s'entretient avec Grégoire Solotareff qui publie un "Dictionnaire des Sorcières" à l'Ecole des Loisirs.
Production : Philippe Garbit...
40:03 Marie-Charlotte Delmas : "L'homme est un animal superstitieux qui a besoin de mythes et de rites" Le premier entretien de cette nuit spéciale "La France mystérieuse" avec la sémiologue Marie-Charlotte Delmas vous emmène dans un voyage historique dans les croyances et rites populaires des campag...
1:40:03 Histoire du loup garou entre lycanthropie savante et croyances populaires "La matinée des autres" s'intéressait au loup-garou en février 1981 : une émission consacrée à la lycanthropie, aux différentes manifestations du loup-garou dans les campagnes françaises et italien...
28:28 L'orthodoxie russe en France, avec Olga Lossky Le premier lieu de culte orthodoxe en France date de 1816. C’était une simple chapelle dans l’ambassade du tsar. Poutine insiste afin d’obtenir la même extraterritorialité pour l’i
Il agit par le ...
51:40 Averroès : Je fantasme, donc je suis. Avec Jean-Baptiste Brenet Remontons le temps pour découvrir toute la portée fantasmatique de la cogitation et explorons, grâce à Jean-Baptiste Brenet, qu'être, ce n'est pas d'abord penser, mais imaginer !
"Je pense, donc j...
22:51 Les lettres spirituelles de Saint Théophane le Reclus Saint Théophane le Reclus (1815-1894) : sa vie ; sa place parmi les Saints de Rusie du 19e siècle ; les traits marquants de sa personnalité ; sa vocation d'enseignant ; ses œuvres ; ses Lettres spi...
1:06:48 Christianisme et confucianisme : regards croisés sur la théologie et la philosophie coréenne Conférence donnée dans le cadre d'un des ateliers interdisciplinaires de l'Institut Romand de Systématique et d'Ethique (IRSE).
Yang Myung-Su est professeur de théologie systématique et d'éthique ...
50:45 Le TTP de Spinoza (3) Quelles conditions pour la liberté d'expression ? (Chantal Jaquet) Le TTP de Spinoza (3) Quelles conditions pour la liberté d'expression ? Avec Chantal Jaquet (professeure d’histoire de la philosophie moderne à l'Université de Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne)
54:11 L'agriculture biodynamique, un autre rapport au sol et au cosmos La biodynamie propose aux agriculteurs un autre rapport à la terre et au cosmos. De plus en plus d'agriculteurs se tourne vers elle, mais elle est largement méconnue.
"Si les vignerons regardaient...
28:49 L'homme du néolithique avec Jean Guilaine Allons creuser jusqu'au néolithique avec Jean Guilaine, professeur d'archéologie au Collège de France. Le point de départ du néolithique, c'est la sédentarisation des hommes (pêche, cueillette...)....
44:36 Femmes et mystiques, avec Véronique Francou Une fois n’est pas coutume, nous sacrifions ce soir à la coutume des célébrations. Nous sommes le 8 mars, Journée internationale de femme et c’est donc l’occasion de parler de mystique au féminin, ...

"Pourquoi est-ce que je prends un ami ? afin d’avoir pour qui mourir, d’avoir qui suivre en exi...

Y a-t-il une recette pour accueillir sereinement la mort ? A priori oui, il est possible de musc...

Sénèque est...

Intervenants :
Sophie Nordmann : philosophe, Agrégée de philosophie et docteur de l'Université Paris Sorbonne, elle...

Choisies et présentées par Marie-Claire Pasquier : Jack LONDON "Les Larm...

Date de public...

Production : Philippe Garbit...

Il agit par le ...

"Je pense, donc j...

Yang Myung-Su est professeur de théologie systématique et d'éthique ...


"Si les vignerons regardaient...

Higher Computing (2008) by Richard Buckland, Tim Lambert & Malcolm Ryan at UNSW
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UNSWelearning 2008年3月16日
CS1: Higher Computing - Richard Buckland teaches Higher Computing at UNSW - The University of New South Wales.
This is the introductory course for computer science at UNSW.
This course consists of three strands: programming, systems, and general computer-science literacy.
The programming strand is further divided into two parts. For the first half of the course we cover small scale programming, in the second half we look at how to effectively use teams to produce more substantial software.
In the systems strand we will look at how computers work. Concentrating on microprocessors, memory, and machine code.
In the literacy strand we will look at topics drawn from: computing history, algorithms, WWW programming, ethics and law, cryptography and security, and other topics of general interest.
The strands will be covered in an intermingled fashion.
The following course, "CS2: Data Structures and Algorithms", will be recorded and posted in semester 2 of 2009.
1: Higher Computing 52:22 Richard Buckland
2: Inside a computer 59:36 Richard Buckland
3: Machine Code 55:55 Richard Buckland
4: Simple C Program 47:06 Richard Buckland
5: Clarity (C programming #2) 46:08 Richard Buckland
6: Solving Problems 52:59 Richard Buckland
7: Side Effects 38:57 Richard Buckland
8: writing a simple C program1:01:09 Richard Buckland
Revision Lecture 8.1: COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:03:13 Richard Buckland
Revision Lecture 8.2: COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:10:37 Richard Buckland
9: A simple recursive function 1:02:51 Richard Buckland
10: Functions 38:58 Richard Buckland
11: What to do when things go wrong? 43:27 Richard Buckland
12.1: The mechanics of function calls 11:14 Richard Buckland
12.2: The mechanics of function calls (part 2) 23:45 Richard Buckland
12.3: The Amazing Alan Turing - (extension lecture) 25:46 Richard Buckland
Lecture 13: COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:06:47 Richard Buckland
Lecture 14: The Turing Test 37:15 Richard Buckland
15: UNSW COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:05:17 Richard Buckland
16: Frames (revision) 31:50 Richard Buckland
17: Arrays (part 1) - Tim Lambert 52:36
18: Arrays (part 2) - Tim Lambert 43:09
19: Pass by reference: Arrays#3 - Tim Lambert 53:07
20: Game design - Malcolm Ryan 36:25
21:Everything u need 2 know about pointers -Richard Buckland 48:29
22: The most important thing - Richard Buckland 57:10
23: Stack Frames - Richard Buckland 58:26
24: eXtreme Programming - Richard Buckland 44:48
25: A Miracle - Richard Buckland 52:53
26: Programming in the Large - Richard Buckland 50:33
27: Stress - Richard Buckland 1:01:34
28: Random Numbers - Richard Buckland (2008) 42:18
29: The Trouble with Concrete Types - Richard Buckland 57:23
30: Abstract Data Types in C - Richard Buckland 45:07
31a: The Major Project - Richard Buckland 30:37
31b: Task2 rewritten as an ADT - Richard Buckland 34:23
32: Steganography (hidden messages) - Richard Buckland 31:47
33: Don't give up - Richard Buckland 1:06:04
34: The Australian National Anthem - Richard Buckland 34:04
35: Linked Lists - Richard Buckland 44:28
36: Experimenting with CMOS - Richard Buckland 47:56
38: Complexity & Trees - Richard Buckland 46:58
39: Programming errors - Richard Buckland 1:01:55
40: taste of Graphics - Tim Lambert, Yose Widjaja 34:21
41: Sample Tree Code: loop detection - Richard Buckland 2008 1:04:58
42: Ethics - Richard Buckland 34:11
43: Hamming Error Correcting Code - Richard Buckland 38:05
44: Professionalism - Richard Buckland 1:06:04
45: What makes a good programmer? - Richard Buckland 55:09
46: The entire semester in 46 minutes and 2 seconds - Richard Buckland 46:03
47: Learning and Teaching Computing - Richard Buckland 41:09
48: The strange case of the erotic kiss - Richard Buckland 59:49
Coding Samples C: extracting digits using % /, recursion 38:12
Coding Samples B: scope, pass by copy 16:56
Coding Samples A: xcode, .hfiles 23:10
Gamification and The Joy of Learning - Richard Buckland 4:07
source: UNSWelearning 2008年3月16日
CS1: Higher Computing - Richard Buckland teaches Higher Computing at UNSW - The University of New South Wales.
This is the introductory course for computer science at UNSW.
This course consists of three strands: programming, systems, and general computer-science literacy.
The programming strand is further divided into two parts. For the first half of the course we cover small scale programming, in the second half we look at how to effectively use teams to produce more substantial software.
In the systems strand we will look at how computers work. Concentrating on microprocessors, memory, and machine code.
In the literacy strand we will look at topics drawn from: computing history, algorithms, WWW programming, ethics and law, cryptography and security, and other topics of general interest.
The strands will be covered in an intermingled fashion.
The following course, "CS2: Data Structures and Algorithms", will be recorded and posted in semester 2 of 2009.
1: Higher Computing 52:22 Richard Buckland
2: Inside a computer 59:36 Richard Buckland
3: Machine Code 55:55 Richard Buckland
4: Simple C Program 47:06 Richard Buckland
5: Clarity (C programming #2) 46:08 Richard Buckland
6: Solving Problems 52:59 Richard Buckland
7: Side Effects 38:57 Richard Buckland
8: writing a simple C program1:01:09 Richard Buckland
Revision Lecture 8.1: COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:03:13 Richard Buckland
Revision Lecture 8.2: COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:10:37 Richard Buckland
9: A simple recursive function 1:02:51 Richard Buckland
10: Functions 38:58 Richard Buckland
11: What to do when things go wrong? 43:27 Richard Buckland
12.1: The mechanics of function calls 11:14 Richard Buckland
12.2: The mechanics of function calls (part 2) 23:45 Richard Buckland
12.3: The Amazing Alan Turing - (extension lecture) 25:46 Richard Buckland
Lecture 13: COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:06:47 Richard Buckland
Lecture 14: The Turing Test 37:15 Richard Buckland
15: UNSW COMP1917 Higher Computing 1:05:17 Richard Buckland
16: Frames (revision) 31:50 Richard Buckland
17: Arrays (part 1) - Tim Lambert 52:36
18: Arrays (part 2) - Tim Lambert 43:09
19: Pass by reference: Arrays#3 - Tim Lambert 53:07
20: Game design - Malcolm Ryan 36:25
21:Everything u need 2 know about pointers -Richard Buckland 48:29
22: The most important thing - Richard Buckland 57:10
23: Stack Frames - Richard Buckland 58:26
24: eXtreme Programming - Richard Buckland 44:48
25: A Miracle - Richard Buckland 52:53
26: Programming in the Large - Richard Buckland 50:33
27: Stress - Richard Buckland 1:01:34
28: Random Numbers - Richard Buckland (2008) 42:18
29: The Trouble with Concrete Types - Richard Buckland 57:23
30: Abstract Data Types in C - Richard Buckland 45:07
31a: The Major Project - Richard Buckland 30:37
31b: Task2 rewritten as an ADT - Richard Buckland 34:23
32: Steganography (hidden messages) - Richard Buckland 31:47
33: Don't give up - Richard Buckland 1:06:04
34: The Australian National Anthem - Richard Buckland 34:04
35: Linked Lists - Richard Buckland 44:28
36: Experimenting with CMOS - Richard Buckland 47:56
38: Complexity & Trees - Richard Buckland 46:58
39: Programming errors - Richard Buckland 1:01:55
40: taste of Graphics - Tim Lambert, Yose Widjaja 34:21
41: Sample Tree Code: loop detection - Richard Buckland 2008 1:04:58
42: Ethics - Richard Buckland 34:11
43: Hamming Error Correcting Code - Richard Buckland 38:05
44: Professionalism - Richard Buckland 1:06:04
45: What makes a good programmer? - Richard Buckland 55:09
46: The entire semester in 46 minutes and 2 seconds - Richard Buckland 46:03
47: Learning and Teaching Computing - Richard Buckland 41:09
48: The strange case of the erotic kiss - Richard Buckland 59:49
Coding Samples C: extracting digits using % /, recursion 38:12
Coding Samples B: scope, pass by copy 16:56
Coding Samples A: xcode, .hfiles 23:10
Gamification and The Joy of Learning - Richard Buckland 4:07
Design in Computing (2010) by Richard Buckland at UNSW
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: BucklandRichard 2012年3月9日
The first lecture of Computing 3 (COMP2911) from 2010. I've uploaded this quickly and will eventually follow behind with a cleaned edited higher quality version. Please don't distribute this version. As it it is a low resolution unedited version without proper attributions and sound problems.
CS3: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW
Introduction to Java, OO Design, Algorithm Design for second year programmers. Anyone is welcome to access the course materials and teach yourself this course at www.openlearning.net
These are low res lightly edited draft versions of the lectures from 2010 which are currently being used in Comp2911.
I'll eventually edit them and post better quality versions. But you are welcome to explore here if you want an advance peek. (Sorry about all the pauses and the ums.)
Let me know if you find them useful - if there is enough interest I'll do it faster.
1: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 32:16
2: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 48:46
CS3 Greetings from the Future - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 32:54
2b: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 19:25
3: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 51:40
4: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 1:10:45
5: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 1:04:26
6: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 37:29
7: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 46:12
8: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 55:40
source: BucklandRichard 2012年3月9日
The first lecture of Computing 3 (COMP2911) from 2010. I've uploaded this quickly and will eventually follow behind with a cleaned edited higher quality version. Please don't distribute this version. As it it is a low resolution unedited version without proper attributions and sound problems.
CS3: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW
Introduction to Java, OO Design, Algorithm Design for second year programmers. Anyone is welcome to access the course materials and teach yourself this course at www.openlearning.net
These are low res lightly edited draft versions of the lectures from 2010 which are currently being used in Comp2911.
I'll eventually edit them and post better quality versions. But you are welcome to explore here if you want an advance peek. (Sorry about all the pauses and the ums.)
Let me know if you find them useful - if there is enough interest I'll do it faster.
1: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 32:16
2: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 48:46
CS3 Greetings from the Future - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 32:54
2b: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 19:25
3: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW COMP2911 51:40
4: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 1:10:45
5: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 1:04:26
6: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 37:29
7: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 46:12
8: Design in Computing - Richard Buckland (draft) UNSW COMP2911 55:40
Closer To Truth (videos of March 2017)
source: Closer To Truth
6:42 Lawrence Krauss - How is the Cosmos Constructed? What are the basic components of the cosmos? At the deepest levels of reality—the particles, fields and forces of the smallest slices of existence—how does the world work?
Click here to watch more...
0:41 Juan Maldacena - How is the Cosmos Constructed? What are the basic components of the cosmos? At the deepest levels of reality—the particles, fields and forces of the smallest slices of existence—how does the world work?
Click here to watch more...
11:09 Lisa Randall - How is the Cosmos Constructed? What are the basic components of the cosmos? At the deepest levels of reality—the particles, fields and forces of the smallest slices of existence—how does the world work?
Click here to watch more...
9:57 Anthony Aguirre - Did God Create Multiple Universes? What is the extent of God's creation? If there are multiple universes, did God create each of them? If an infinite number of universes, did God create all of them?
Click here to watch more intervi...
5:06 Robin Collins - Did God Create Multiple Universes? What is the extent of God's creation? If there are multiple universes, did God create each of them? If an infinite number of universes, did God create all of them?
Click here to watch more intervi...
4:23 Richard Swinburne - Did God Create Multiple Universes? What is the extent of God's creation? If there are multiple universes, did God create each of them? If an infinite number of universes, did God create all of them?
Click here to watch more intervi...
4:43 Stuart Hameroff - Physics of Free Will Free will has traditionally been a problem in philosophy. Recently, the battleground of free will has shifted to neuroscience. Now some claim that to solve the problem of free will, we must go far ...
1:37 Jenann Ismael - Physics of Free Will Free will has traditionally been a problem in philosophy. Recently, the battleground of free will has shifted to neuroscience. Now some claim that to solve the problem of free will, we must go far ...
8:25 Scott Aaronson - Physics of Free Will Free will has traditionally been a problem in philosophy. Recently, the battleground of free will has shifted to neuroscience. Now some claim that to solve the problem of free will, we must go far ...
4:31 Roger Penrose - What Things Really Exist? When you ask what things really exist, and you think deeply about this probe to apprehend what is out there, you see the whole world anew. What are the most general categories to understand the wor...
2:12 William Lane Craig - What Things Really Exist? When you ask what things really exist, and you think deeply about this probe to apprehend what is out there, you see the whole world anew. What are the most general categories to understand the wor...
4:36 John Searle - What Things Really Exist? When you ask what things really exist, and you think deeply about this probe to apprehend what is out there, you see the whole world anew. What are the most general categories to understand the wor...

Click here to watch more...

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Data Structures and Algorithms (2009) by Richard Buckland at UNSW
source: UNSWelearning 2009年8月16日
CS2: Data Structures and Algorithms (2009) - Richard Buckland
A selection of the course material is available at https://wiki.cse.unsw.edu.au/openlear...
These are the 2009 lectures of COMP1927 Algorithms and Data Structures, aka Computing2 the second computing course taken by first year computing students at UNSW. This course follows immediately on from COMP1917 (also available on YouTube).
These lectures were recorded August-November 2009 and are gradually being uploaded to youtube. Currently the lectures 1-39 of 50 have been uploaded in draft form.
A selection of the course material is available at www.openlearning.net All of the course material will eventually be available (once all the videos are posted)
This course is followed by COMP2911 which looks at Design in computing, including OO design and algorithm design. In the first half of 2010 Richard's lectures for this course were also be recorded and will be posted next.
Lecture 1: Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms 48:13
Lecture 2: Data Structures and Algorithms 47:44
Lecture 3: Data Structures and Algorithms 45:48
Lecture 4: data structures and algorithms 58:22
Lecture 5: Data Structures and Algorithms 58:00
Lecture 6: Data Structures and Algorithms 43:48
Lecture 7: Data Structures and Algorithms 47:29
Lecture 8: Data Structures and Algorithms 51:08
Lecture 9: Data Structures and Algorithms 55:35
Lecture 10a: Bucket Sort, Counting Sort 27:28
Lecture 10b: Exponential Growth 19:46
Lecture11: Data Structures and Algorithms 40:29
a priori VS a posteriori: Interview with Glen Kelley 2:46
Lecture12: Data Structures and Algorithms 48:43
Lecture13a: Data Structures and Algorithms 36:54
Lecture13b: Data Structures and Algorithms 29:26
Lecture14: Data Structures and Algorithms 40:10
Lecture15: Data Structures and Algorithms 54:42
Lecture 16: Data Structures and Algorithms 55:27
Lecture 17: Data Structures and Algorithms 1:12:41
Lecture 18: Data Structures and Algorithms 31:56
Lecture 19: Data Structures and Algorithms 43:15
Lecture 20: Data Structures and Algorithms 21:59
Lecture 21: Search Design 58:24
Lecture 22: Inside and Outside 40:27
Lecture 23: Hash Tables 59:11
Lecture 24: Task 2 46:17
Lecture 25: Hashing 58:06
Lecture 26: LOOPS!! 44:33
27: Introduction to Graphs 1:06:00
Lecture 29: Design and Discovery 58:48
About the Project: Fury of Dracula 41:41
31: Simple Graph Problems 1:02:31
Linked List ADT in C 2/2 6:12
Linked List ADT in C 1/2 9:37
32: What is Life? The Amazing R.H. Conway 37:30
33a: admin only 21:22
33b: Graph Algorithms and Skepticism 37:43
34a: Controlling Errors 8:40
34b: Numerical Algorithms I 34:03
35a: The loneliest number 9:20
35b: Numerical Algorithms II 48:17
not a lecture: just chitchat about the project and misc before extension lecture 36 24:00
36: Puzzles and Protocols (with Movie) 24:36
37: Balancing 46:56
38: Balanced Trees 49:40
39: Things Go Wrong, Heaps 1:01:36
領袖學程的16堂課 (2015學年): 交大
# 播放清單 (可按影片右上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: NCTU OCW 2017年1月9日
Lec 01 課程介紹;導論 16:45
Lec 02 青年的自我尋路與應有的擔當 ─ 為什麼我們要開設領袖學程的16堂課:林志潔副院長 1:16:16
Lec 03 一心二用-由蔚華教育基金會談「企業社會責任」:許宗賢董事長 1:34:32
Lec 03 Q&A:許宗賢董事長 7:03
Lec 04 勞資關係、勞動權益與社會正義:高偉凱議員 1:28:27
Lec 04 Q&A:高偉凱議員 5:25
Lec 05 關懷、奉獻、影響--我的學習之旅:劉尚志院長 1:33:36
Lec 05 Q&A:劉尚志院長 20:53
Lec 06 交大人需要知道的建築-台灣建築國際化:劉育東副校長 1:24:35
Lec 06 Q&A:劉育東副校長 13:08
Lec 07 淺談生命縱剖面:蔡明勳董事長 (1/2) 1:50:02
Lec 07 淺談生命縱剖面:蔡明勳董事長 (2/2) 1:00:53
Lec 08 我的學思歷程 - 真理的追尋:郭瑞年教授 1:39:41
Lec 08 Q&A:郭瑞年教授 15:31
Lec 09 無辜者運動的新展望:羅秉成律師 1:23:21
Lec 09 Q&A:羅秉成律師 24:42
Lec 10 面對死亡學習愛:黃勝堅院長 1:11:53
Lec 10 Q&A:黃勝堅院長 18:14
Lec 11 閱讀大歷史:從《全球史視野下的廣州、長崎與巴達維亞》談起:蔣竹山教授 1:37:07
Lec 12 Q&A:蔣竹山教授 6:54
Lec 13 Accessible Universal Design ~無障礙更友善~:甘仲維博士 1:28:21
Lec 13 Q&A:甘仲維博士 13:46
Lec 14 世代正義的道德切入點:周偉航教授 1:54:18
Lec 14 Q&A:周偉航教授 12:38
Lec 15 溫柔革命-全球環境變遷的挑戰與回應:李偉文醫師 1:54:24
Lec 15 Q&A:李偉文醫師 13:24
Lec 16 Q&A:顏擇雅社長 20:45
Lec 16 教育與資源分配:顏擇雅社長 1:46:17
source: NCTU OCW 2017年1月9日
Lec 01 課程介紹;導論 16:45
Lec 02 青年的自我尋路與應有的擔當 ─ 為什麼我們要開設領袖學程的16堂課:林志潔副院長 1:16:16
Lec 03 一心二用-由蔚華教育基金會談「企業社會責任」:許宗賢董事長 1:34:32
Lec 03 Q&A:許宗賢董事長 7:03
Lec 04 勞資關係、勞動權益與社會正義:高偉凱議員 1:28:27
Lec 04 Q&A:高偉凱議員 5:25
Lec 05 關懷、奉獻、影響--我的學習之旅:劉尚志院長 1:33:36
Lec 05 Q&A:劉尚志院長 20:53
Lec 06 交大人需要知道的建築-台灣建築國際化:劉育東副校長 1:24:35
Lec 06 Q&A:劉育東副校長 13:08
Lec 07 淺談生命縱剖面:蔡明勳董事長 (1/2) 1:50:02
Lec 07 淺談生命縱剖面:蔡明勳董事長 (2/2) 1:00:53
Lec 08 我的學思歷程 - 真理的追尋:郭瑞年教授 1:39:41
Lec 08 Q&A:郭瑞年教授 15:31
Lec 09 無辜者運動的新展望:羅秉成律師 1:23:21
Lec 09 Q&A:羅秉成律師 24:42
Lec 10 面對死亡學習愛:黃勝堅院長 1:11:53
Lec 10 Q&A:黃勝堅院長 18:14
Lec 11 閱讀大歷史:從《全球史視野下的廣州、長崎與巴達維亞》談起:蔣竹山教授 1:37:07
Lec 12 Q&A:蔣竹山教授 6:54
Lec 13 Accessible Universal Design ~無障礙更友善~:甘仲維博士 1:28:21
Lec 13 Q&A:甘仲維博士 13:46
Lec 14 世代正義的道德切入點:周偉航教授 1:54:18
Lec 14 Q&A:周偉航教授 12:38
Lec 15 溫柔革命-全球環境變遷的挑戰與回應:李偉文醫師 1:54:24
Lec 15 Q&A:李偉文醫師 13:24
Lec 16 Q&A:顏擇雅社長 20:45
Lec 16 教育與資源分配:顏擇雅社長 1:46:17
(italiano / in Italian) Gestione e qualità degli impianti industriali (Management and quality of industrial plants) by Domenico Falcone
# playlist of the 19 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Ingegneria Unicas 2016年10月5日
Cenni storici sul concetto di qualità.
source: Ingegneria Unicas 2016年10月5日
Cenni storici sul concetto di qualità.
(italiano / in Italian) Meccanica applicata alle macchine (Applied Mechanics) by Giorgio Figliolini
# playlist of the 37 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Ingegneria Unicas 2015年9月22日
Cinematica del corpo rigido: esempio ruota-rotaia. Analisi delle velocità: Teorema di Galilei/Varignon; Centro di istantanea rotazione e Teorema di Chasles. Analisi delle accelerazioni: Teorema di Rivals.
# about the course:
Meccanica applicata alle macchine
Cinematica applicata: Cinematica del punto e del corpo rigido. Moti relativi. Coppie e catene cinematiche, meccanismi. Analisi delle velocità, della curvatura e delle accelerazioni. Analisi cinematica dei meccanismi piani.
Dinamica applicata: Forze e momenti. Analisi statica di meccanismi piani. Moltiplicatori di forza. Equazioni cardinali della dinamica e Principio di D'Alembert. Lavoro ed energia. Principio dei Lavori Virtuali. Analisi dinamica: metodo energetico e newtoniano. Attrito e rendimento. Moto diretto e moto retrogrado.
Componenti meccanici: Ruote di frizione e ruote dentate ad evolvente. Cenni sui rotismi ordinari ed epicicloidali. Trasmissioni a cinghie. Funi e paranchi. Vite-madrevite. Freni e frizioni. Cuscinetti a strisciamento e rotolamento.
source: Ingegneria Unicas 2015年9月22日
Cinematica del corpo rigido: esempio ruota-rotaia. Analisi delle velocità: Teorema di Galilei/Varignon; Centro di istantanea rotazione e Teorema di Chasles. Analisi delle accelerazioni: Teorema di Rivals.
# about the course:
Meccanica applicata alle macchine
Cinematica applicata: Cinematica del punto e del corpo rigido. Moti relativi. Coppie e catene cinematiche, meccanismi. Analisi delle velocità, della curvatura e delle accelerazioni. Analisi cinematica dei meccanismi piani.
Dinamica applicata: Forze e momenti. Analisi statica di meccanismi piani. Moltiplicatori di forza. Equazioni cardinali della dinamica e Principio di D'Alembert. Lavoro ed energia. Principio dei Lavori Virtuali. Analisi dinamica: metodo energetico e newtoniano. Attrito e rendimento. Moto diretto e moto retrogrado.
Componenti meccanici: Ruote di frizione e ruote dentate ad evolvente. Cenni sui rotismi ordinari ed epicicloidali. Trasmissioni a cinghie. Funi e paranchi. Vite-madrevite. Freni e frizioni. Cuscinetti a strisciamento e rotolamento.
(italiano / in Italian) Progettazione di Meccanismi (Mechanisms of Design) by Giorgio Figliolini
# playlist of the 49 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Ingegneria Unicas 2015年4月12日
Cinematica del corpo rigido e moti relativi: Teoremi di Galilei-Varignon, Rivals, Coriolis; Formule di Poisson e di Bour; Centro di istantanea rotazione e campo vettoriale delle velocità; Traiettorie polari (moto di Cardano).
Progettazione di Meccanismi
# about the course:
Cinematica del corpo rigido e moti relativi. Teoremi di Galilei-Varignon, Rivals e Coriolis. Formule di Poisson e di Bour. Centro di istantanea rotazione e teorema di Chasles. Traiettorie polari e matrici di trasformazione. Centro delle accelerazioni. Campi vettoriali delle velocità e delle accelerazioni. Analisi della curvatura. Formula di Eulero-Savary, teorema di Bobillier e costruzione di Hartmann. Circonferenza dei flessi e di stazionarietà (cerchi di Bresse).
Macchine e meccanismi. Coppie e catene cinematiche. Gradi di libertà e teorema di Grübler. Sintesi di tipo e di numero. Catene cinematiche a 4, 6 (Watt e Stephenson) e 8 membri. Inversione cinematica e meccanismi derivati. Teorema di Grashof: quadrilateri e manovellismi. Teorema di Aronhold-Kennedy. Applicazioni: Meccanismi a rapido ritorno (Fairbairn e Whithworth); Meccanismi per moto intermittente (croce di Malta); Meccanismi per veicoli (McPherson, double A-arm, sterzo); Meccanismi moltiplicatori di forza (presse meccaniche). Analisi cinematica di meccanismi piani. Metodi grafo-numerici: diagrammi polari e cerchi di Bresse. Metodo analitico: equazioni di chiusura. Giunti articolati (Oldham e Cardano).
Sintesi cinematica dimensionale. Cubica di curvatura stazionaria. Punto di Ball. Meccanismi generatori di traiettoria rettilinea esatta e approssimata. Teorema di Roberts-Chebyshev. Pantografi e inversori. Meccanismi generatori di moto rigido per due e tre posizioni finite. Meccanismi generatori di funzione: equazioni e teorema di Freudenstein.
Meccanismi con coppie superiori. Profili coniugati e formula di Eulero-Savary per inviluppi. Meccanismi equivalenti. Circonferenza dei Regressi e teoremi di Aronhold. Teoria dell’inviluppo di curve piane. Sintesi di meccanismi a camme. Teorema di Camus (metodi dell’inviluppo e dell’epiciclo). Sintesi di ruote dentate cilindriche e coniche. Rotismi ordinari ed epicicloidali. Meccanismi con flessibili e ad attrito.
Azionamenti elettropneumatici ed elettroidraulici. Gruppi trattamento aria e centraline elettroidrauliche. Attuatori e valvole di potenza. Valvole ausiliarie e Circuiti. Sistemi automatici. Diagramma movimenti-fasi e Grafcet. Sistemi a logica cablata e sistemi programmabili. PLC: programmazione e gestione di sistemi on/off. Applicazioni in Laboratorio.
source: Ingegneria Unicas 2015年4月12日
Cinematica del corpo rigido e moti relativi: Teoremi di Galilei-Varignon, Rivals, Coriolis; Formule di Poisson e di Bour; Centro di istantanea rotazione e campo vettoriale delle velocità; Traiettorie polari (moto di Cardano).
Progettazione di Meccanismi
# about the course:
Cinematica del corpo rigido e moti relativi. Teoremi di Galilei-Varignon, Rivals e Coriolis. Formule di Poisson e di Bour. Centro di istantanea rotazione e teorema di Chasles. Traiettorie polari e matrici di trasformazione. Centro delle accelerazioni. Campi vettoriali delle velocità e delle accelerazioni. Analisi della curvatura. Formula di Eulero-Savary, teorema di Bobillier e costruzione di Hartmann. Circonferenza dei flessi e di stazionarietà (cerchi di Bresse).
Macchine e meccanismi. Coppie e catene cinematiche. Gradi di libertà e teorema di Grübler. Sintesi di tipo e di numero. Catene cinematiche a 4, 6 (Watt e Stephenson) e 8 membri. Inversione cinematica e meccanismi derivati. Teorema di Grashof: quadrilateri e manovellismi. Teorema di Aronhold-Kennedy. Applicazioni: Meccanismi a rapido ritorno (Fairbairn e Whithworth); Meccanismi per moto intermittente (croce di Malta); Meccanismi per veicoli (McPherson, double A-arm, sterzo); Meccanismi moltiplicatori di forza (presse meccaniche). Analisi cinematica di meccanismi piani. Metodi grafo-numerici: diagrammi polari e cerchi di Bresse. Metodo analitico: equazioni di chiusura. Giunti articolati (Oldham e Cardano).
Sintesi cinematica dimensionale. Cubica di curvatura stazionaria. Punto di Ball. Meccanismi generatori di traiettoria rettilinea esatta e approssimata. Teorema di Roberts-Chebyshev. Pantografi e inversori. Meccanismi generatori di moto rigido per due e tre posizioni finite. Meccanismi generatori di funzione: equazioni e teorema di Freudenstein.
Meccanismi con coppie superiori. Profili coniugati e formula di Eulero-Savary per inviluppi. Meccanismi equivalenti. Circonferenza dei Regressi e teoremi di Aronhold. Teoria dell’inviluppo di curve piane. Sintesi di meccanismi a camme. Teorema di Camus (metodi dell’inviluppo e dell’epiciclo). Sintesi di ruote dentate cilindriche e coniche. Rotismi ordinari ed epicicloidali. Meccanismi con flessibili e ad attrito.
Azionamenti elettropneumatici ed elettroidraulici. Gruppi trattamento aria e centraline elettroidrauliche. Attuatori e valvole di potenza. Valvole ausiliarie e Circuiti. Sistemi automatici. Diagramma movimenti-fasi e Grafcet. Sistemi a logica cablata e sistemi programmabili. PLC: programmazione e gestione di sistemi on/off. Applicazioni in Laboratorio.
(בעברית / in Hebrew) ארה"ב: מימים ראשונים ועד למלחמת האזרחים (US: early days to the Civil War)
# playlist of the 15 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2011年11月1日
Prof. Menahem Blondheim
ארה"ב: מימים ראשונים למלחמת האזרחים
פרופ' מנחם בלונדהיים
תוכנית "אבני פינה"
הקורס מציע סקירה, ברמת מבוא, של תולדות צפון אמריקה מראשית מגעם של אירופים עם היבשת עובר לכינונה של ארצות הברית של אמריקה ועד למלחמת האזרחים. נעסוק בניתוחם של תהליכים מרכזיים שפעלו מימים ראשונים בעיצובה של החוויה האמריקנית והממשיכים להקרין על העולם בן זמננו. במסגרת ההרצאות יידונו היבטים חברתיים וכלכליים, פוליטיים וחוקתיים, כמו גם היבטים אידיאולוגיים, תרבותיים ותקשורתיים בהתפתחותה של צפון אמריקה.
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2011年11月1日
Prof. Menahem Blondheim
ארה"ב: מימים ראשונים למלחמת האזרחים
פרופ' מנחם בלונדהיים
תוכנית "אבני פינה"
הקורס מציע סקירה, ברמת מבוא, של תולדות צפון אמריקה מראשית מגעם של אירופים עם היבשת עובר לכינונה של ארצות הברית של אמריקה ועד למלחמת האזרחים. נעסוק בניתוחם של תהליכים מרכזיים שפעלו מימים ראשונים בעיצובה של החוויה האמריקנית והממשיכים להקרין על העולם בן זמננו. במסגרת ההרצאות יידונו היבטים חברתיים וכלכליים, פוליטיים וחוקתיים, כמו גם היבטים אידיאולוגיים, תרבותיים ותקשורתיים בהתפתחותה של צפון אמריקה.
Community Health (Fall 2014) with Robin Sinks
# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: csuDHTV 2014年8月25日
HEA 395 Community Health: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals and people in the community.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
What this course is: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=3m54s
What this course is not: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=4m17s
Health Educators: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=5m17s
Health Education Code of Ethics: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=20m34s
Goal of Health Education- Health Literacy: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=24m42s
Health Education Standards: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=25m54s
Core Concepts: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=26m48s
Analyzing Health Influences: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=29m41s
Accessing Valid Health Information:
Interpersonal Communication:
Decision Making:
Goal Setting:
Self Management:
source: csuDHTV 2014年8月25日
HEA 395 Community Health: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals and people in the community.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
What this course is: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=3m54s
What this course is not: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=4m17s
Health Educators: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=5m17s
Health Education Code of Ethics: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=20m34s
Goal of Health Education- Health Literacy: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=24m42s
Health Education Standards: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=25m54s
Core Concepts: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=26m48s
Analyzing Health Influences: https://youtu.be/KAW0xDGkpoI?t=29m41s
Accessing Valid Health Information:
Interpersonal Communication:
Decision Making:
Goal Setting:
Self Management:
Community Health (Spring 2015) with Robin Sinks
# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: csuDHTV 2015年1月20日
HEA395 Community Health: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals and people in the community.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
What this Course is: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=4m1s
What this Course is not: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=5m13s
Health Educators: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=16m47s
Health Education Code of Ethics: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=23m19s
Goal of Health Education: Health Literacy: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=28m39s
Health Education Standards: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=30m25s
Core Concepts: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=30m29s
Analyzing Health Influences: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=34m33s
Accessing Valid Health Information: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=36m11s
Interpersonal Communication: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=37m44s
Decision Making: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=38m57s
Goal Setting: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=39m45s
Self-Management: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=40m44s
Advocacy: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=44m56s
source: csuDHTV 2015年1月20日
HEA395 Community Health: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals and people in the community.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
What this Course is: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=4m1s
What this Course is not: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=5m13s
Health Educators: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=16m47s
Health Education Code of Ethics: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=23m19s
Goal of Health Education: Health Literacy: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=28m39s
Health Education Standards: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=30m25s
Core Concepts: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=30m29s
Analyzing Health Influences: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=34m33s
Accessing Valid Health Information: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=36m11s
Interpersonal Communication: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=37m44s
Decision Making: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=38m57s
Goal Setting: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=39m45s
Self-Management: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=40m44s
Advocacy: https://youtu.be/nHZUjzs1CQE?t=44m56s
Community Health (Spring 2014) with Robin Sinks
# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: csuDHTV 2014年1月18日
HEA395 Community Health: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals and people in the community. Today's topic is What is Community Health.
Please Subscribe
source: csuDHTV 2014年1月18日
HEA395 Community Health: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals and people in the community. Today's topic is What is Community Health.
Please Subscribe
Health Education Strategies and Resources (Fall 2015) with Robin Sinks
# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: csuDHTV 2015年8月22日
HEA395 Health Education Strategies and Resource: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
source: csuDHTV 2015年8月22日
HEA395 Health Education Strategies and Resource: A 14 week 1 unit college course with Robin Sinks for health professionals.
www.YouTube.com/csuDHTV [Please Subscribe]
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