# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Richard Brown 2011年9月2日
Introduction to Philosophy Winter 2017
::UPDATE:: I have edited the closed captions and they are now accurate!
For a listing of the videos go here: http://onlinephilosophyclass.wordpres...
What is Philosophy? 1:08:13
Aristotle 1: Logic and Rational Thought 45:05
Presocratic Philosophy 1:02:01
Socrates & the Socratic Turn 1:13:04
Plato 1:08:05
Aristotle 2: The Philosopher 50:24
Sensation and Perception 1:24:16
Descartes 1: The Method of Doubt 57:05
Descartes 2: A Priori Knowledge and Mind/Body Dualism 52:17
The Mind-Body Problem 1:16:50
Locke & Berkeley 38:22
Hume 1: Empiricism and the A Priori 33:00
Hume 2: The Problem of Induction 33:52
Kant 1: Synthetic A Priori Knowledge 51:21
Kant 2: Transcendental Idealism 35:50
Consciousness 53:03
The Mind-Brain Identity Theory 1:04:50
Functionalism 1:05:00
Artificial Intelligence and the Computational Theory of Mind 39:48
Consciousness and the Technological Singularity 1:06:03
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Introduction to Philosophy (2011) by Richard Brown
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Richard Brown 2011年9月2日
My lectures for my online introduction to philosophy course (recorded in 2011)
::UPDATE:: I have edited the closed captions and they are now accurate!
For a listing of the videos go here: http://onlinephilosophyclass.wordpres...
What is Philosophy? 1:08:13
Presocratic Philosophy 1:02:01
Socrates & the Socratic Turn 1:13:04
Plato 1:08:05
Aristotle 1: Logic and Rational Thought 45:05
Aristotle 2: The Philosopher 50:24
Descartes 1: The Method of Doubt 57:05
Descartes 2: A Priori Knowledge and Mind/Body Dualism 52:17
Locke & Berkeley 38:22
Hume 1: Empiricism and the A Priori 33:00
Hume 2: The Problem of Induction 33:52
Kant 1: Synthetic A Priori Knowledge 51:21
Kant 2: Transcendental Idealism 35:50
source: Richard Brown 2011年9月2日
My lectures for my online introduction to philosophy course (recorded in 2011)
::UPDATE:: I have edited the closed captions and they are now accurate!
For a listing of the videos go here: http://onlinephilosophyclass.wordpres...
What is Philosophy? 1:08:13
Presocratic Philosophy 1:02:01
Socrates & the Socratic Turn 1:13:04
Plato 1:08:05
Aristotle 1: Logic and Rational Thought 45:05
Aristotle 2: The Philosopher 50:24
Descartes 1: The Method of Doubt 57:05
Descartes 2: A Priori Knowledge and Mind/Body Dualism 52:17
Locke & Berkeley 38:22
Hume 1: Empiricism and the A Priori 33:00
Hume 2: The Problem of Induction 33:52
Kant 1: Synthetic A Priori Knowledge 51:21
Kant 2: Transcendental Idealism 35:50
Intro to Philosophy by Paul Stearns
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: teachphilosophy 2013年10月19日
Intro to Philosophy is like a sampler platter at a restaurant: samples of logic, ethics, philosophy of religion, etc. We also study the history of great thinkers and how they built on each other...
Is the world real? 18:45 How do you know the world around you is real (external world of trees, bodies, cars, etc.)? In this video, I explore this question with the famous "Brain in a vat" thought experiment. The story about Colin comes from S Law's Philosophy Gym. I'll consider major objections in second half.
what is philosophy? 17:21
22 Common Fallacies 51:33
10 Themes of Stoicism (full version) 22:03
What is an argument? 6:00
How to evaluate logical arguments 14:07
Is killing animals for food immoral? A thorough and philosophical overview 52:47
Plato's Cave, Divided Line, Forms, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, & Phil of Education 15:01
Part 2 of Plato's Cave, line, 6:14
Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Part 1 of 4) 4:53
02 - Epicurus on Happiness - Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness 23:59
Vagueness, Ambiguity, & Philosophy 3:06
Why consciousness is a mystery in every worldview 52:32
Are you free? Do you have free will? 14:18
How do you explain consciousness? | David Chalmers 18:38
Jaron Lanier - What's the Meaning of Consciousness? 8:46
Stoicism for Everyday Life - Roundtable Discussion 56:21
Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Part 2 of 4) 5:26
Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Part 3 of 4) Space & Time 6:36
Alan Watts - Mental Noise 3:57
Jonathan Haidt: Three Stories About Capitalism (2014 WORLD.MINDS) 23:53
Mindwalk 8/9 15:00
Falsifiability: One Key to Critical Thinking 12:19
Intro to Philosophy of Religion 20:04
Plato's Soul (Advice for living well) 11:50
Formal and Informal Fallacies 13:07
Sean Carroll - What Would an Infinite Universe Mean? 2:35
Who am I? Personal Identity from Aristotle to Krisnamurti 14:57
Why some moral opinions are incorrect. 1:56
Philosophy of Love 6:46
Buddhism: Part 1 of 3 15:01
Are we always selfish? Psychological Egoism: The scientific evidence 15:45
Are you a product of your culture or upbringing? 4:36
Evolution and Ethics 33:27
Intro to Ethics Ethical Distinctions 11:20
Buddhism: Part 2 of 3 15:02
Anthony De Mello 6:29
Is anything impossible? 4:32
John Stossel - Science vs. God: Big Bang, Intelligent Design, Bill Nye, Democide, Charity 12/13/2012 41:15
The Experiment That Debunked Materialism 7:27
Lecture 3. The Hebrew Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Setting: Genesis 1-4 in Context 47:43
Eckart Tolle and Peter Russell on Meditation 5:04
Thomas Moore Care of the Soul 23:49
10 Themes of Stoicism (full version) 22:03
[private video]
Roger Scruton on Moral Relativism 1/5 [source: AustralianNeoCon2] 15:01
How to write a good philosophy paper in this course. 17:09
To Have or to Be? 22:48
Welcome to Ethics (overview of ethical principles, etc.) 19:18
Why I don't respect my opinions (some of them): The Opinion Video 11:30
Psychological Egoism Lecture (Thorough): Are we always selfish, self-interested, or egoistic? 53:32
Against Happiness? Is happiness (or pleasure) the only intrinsic good? 39:07
source: teachphilosophy 2013年10月19日
Intro to Philosophy is like a sampler platter at a restaurant: samples of logic, ethics, philosophy of religion, etc. We also study the history of great thinkers and how they built on each other...
Is the world real? 18:45 How do you know the world around you is real (external world of trees, bodies, cars, etc.)? In this video, I explore this question with the famous "Brain in a vat" thought experiment. The story about Colin comes from S Law's Philosophy Gym. I'll consider major objections in second half.
what is philosophy? 17:21
22 Common Fallacies 51:33
10 Themes of Stoicism (full version) 22:03
What is an argument? 6:00
How to evaluate logical arguments 14:07
Is killing animals for food immoral? A thorough and philosophical overview 52:47
Plato's Cave, Divided Line, Forms, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, & Phil of Education 15:01
Part 2 of Plato's Cave, line, 6:14
Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Part 1 of 4) 4:53
02 - Epicurus on Happiness - Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness 23:59
Vagueness, Ambiguity, & Philosophy 3:06
Why consciousness is a mystery in every worldview 52:32
Are you free? Do you have free will? 14:18
How do you explain consciousness? | David Chalmers 18:38
Jaron Lanier - What's the Meaning of Consciousness? 8:46
Stoicism for Everyday Life - Roundtable Discussion 56:21
Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Part 2 of 4) 5:26
Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Part 3 of 4) Space & Time 6:36
Alan Watts - Mental Noise 3:57
Jonathan Haidt: Three Stories About Capitalism (2014 WORLD.MINDS) 23:53
Mindwalk 8/9 15:00
Falsifiability: One Key to Critical Thinking 12:19
Intro to Philosophy of Religion 20:04
Plato's Soul (Advice for living well) 11:50
Formal and Informal Fallacies 13:07
Sean Carroll - What Would an Infinite Universe Mean? 2:35
Who am I? Personal Identity from Aristotle to Krisnamurti 14:57
Why some moral opinions are incorrect. 1:56
Philosophy of Love 6:46
Buddhism: Part 1 of 3 15:01
Are we always selfish? Psychological Egoism: The scientific evidence 15:45
Are you a product of your culture or upbringing? 4:36
Evolution and Ethics 33:27
Intro to Ethics Ethical Distinctions 11:20
Buddhism: Part 2 of 3 15:02
Anthony De Mello 6:29
Is anything impossible? 4:32
John Stossel - Science vs. God: Big Bang, Intelligent Design, Bill Nye, Democide, Charity 12/13/2012 41:15
The Experiment That Debunked Materialism 7:27
Lecture 3. The Hebrew Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Setting: Genesis 1-4 in Context 47:43
Eckart Tolle and Peter Russell on Meditation 5:04
Thomas Moore Care of the Soul 23:49
10 Themes of Stoicism (full version) 22:03
[private video]
Roger Scruton on Moral Relativism 1/5 [source: AustralianNeoCon2] 15:01
How to write a good philosophy paper in this course. 17:09
To Have or to Be? 22:48
Welcome to Ethics (overview of ethical principles, etc.) 19:18
Why I don't respect my opinions (some of them): The Opinion Video 11:30
Psychological Egoism Lecture (Thorough): Are we always selfish, self-interested, or egoistic? 53:32
Against Happiness? Is happiness (or pleasure) the only intrinsic good? 39:07
Brown University (videos of May 2017)
source: Brown University
2:32 The Problem Solver: Nifemi Madarikan '17 From the Brown Alumni Magazine:
During his first year at Brown, Nifemi Madarikan was a spoken-word poet who planned to become an engineer. Then he took Computer Science 15, an introductory compute...
2:08:27 The Americas and the Generative Power of Fire: Panel Discussion and Exhibition Opening Friday, April 28, 2017
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
Panel: The Americas and the Generative Power of Fire
Exhibition Opening: The Americas on Fire
The Americas and t...
1:11:48 Provoking Attention Conference - Adam Phillips, On Vacancies of Attention Adam Phillips, Psychoanalyst/Writer – “On 'Vacancies of Attention'”
A line is drawn from Sterne's Tristram Shandy to the uses of inattention in Freud and Marion Milner.
Brown University
April 7, ...
1:22:43 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 7 Moderator: Benjamin Parker, Department of English, Brown University
Minnie Scott, Tate Galleries – “Regimes of Attention in the Contemporary Art Museum”
Drawing on my experience as an ‘interpret...
58:04 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 6 Moderator: Andre Willis, Religious Studies, Brown University
Joshua Chambers-Letson, Northwestern University – “A Tension: White Deficit, Blackness and Disorder”
“Racial tension” is often used a...
1:35:49 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 5 Moderator: Jacques Khalip, Department of English, Brown University
Heather Love, University of Pennsylvania – “The Natural History of Attention”
In this presentation, I address relays between na...
1:30:12 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 4 Moderator: Leela Gandhi, Department of English, Brown University
Rita Felski, University of Virginia – “Getting it: Art and Attunement”
How does one "get" or fail to "get" a work of art? Can we ...
2:09:39 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 3 Moderator: Timothy Bewes, Department of English, Brown University
Toril Moi, Duke University – “Language and Attention: Morality and Literature after Wittgenstein”
"Attention to particulars!" co...
1:24:30 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 2 Moderator: Ourida Mostefai, French Studies, Brown University
David Russell, Corpus Christi College/Oxford University – “Ruskin's Vision”
David Russell will examine how Ruskin's writing insists o...
1:44:31 Provoking Attention Conference - Panel 1 Introductions by Amanda Anderson, Director, Cogut Center for the Humanities, Brown University, and David Russell, Corpus Christi College, Oxford University.
Moderator: Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg, ...
49:56 Value Proposition: Creating Solutions That Matter Need help with your startup? Or discovering how to find customers? Join the Jonathan M. Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship and Deb Mills-Scofield '82, for a workshop that will show you how to find ...
1:22:17 Princess Nokia In Conversation at Brown University Princess Nokia In Conversation
Facilitated by Sofia Robledo Rower '18
Destiny Nicole Frasqueri, also known as Princess Nokia, is an Afro-Latina Boricua artist and musician based in New York City....
2:36 Celebrating 125 Years Of Women at Brown "Women at Brown have and will continue to play a significant role in the University's growth and evolution. I look forward to celebrating the innovation, intellectual curiosity, and transformative ...
1:01:10 2017 AO Williams Lecture: John Reppy "Superfluidity, Phase Transitions, and Topology” “Superfluidity, Phase Transitions, and Topology”
The critical point and the superfluid transition of bulk liquid 4He provide a unique opportunity for the study of influence of geometry on phase tr...
5:35 Getting Ready for the 2017 Doctoral Commencement Ceremony at Brown University This video will help doctoral students to prepare for Brown's Commencement day. It includes essential information on what to wear, why the lineup instructions are important, and how to receive your...
6:34 Getting Ready for the 2017 Master's Commencement Ceremony at Brown University This video will help master's and executive master's students to prepare for Brown's Commencement day. It includes essential information on what to wear, why the lineup instructions are important, ...
2:36 Celebrating 125 Years Of Women at Brown "Women at Brown have and will continue to play a significant role in the University's growth and evolution. I look forward to celebrating the innovation, intellectual curiosity, and transformative ...
1:09:20 2017 Maury A. Bromsen Memorial Lecture with Andrés Reséndez Tuesday, April 25, 2017
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
Andrés Reséndez
Professor of History
University of California, Davis
Andrés Reséndez, Professor of History at t...
55:30 "The Race Beat: Straddling America's Great Divide" by John Eligon Veteran New York Times reporter John Eligon covers issues of race and class as a national correspondent based in Kansas City. In his writing, he tries to document the nuance of America's difficult ...
1:06:54 Gina Rodriguez-Drix, Writing Diversity Series Gina Rodriguez-Drix, ’08.5, writer, performer, birth worker, and arts administrator, discusses "The Subversive Tools We Carry: Writing from the intersection of cultural production and reproductive ...
1:01:35 NPR's Corey Flintoff - Resurgent Russia in the Time of Trump Thursday, April 6, 2017 - 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Metcalf Research Building, Room 101, Friedman Auditorium, Brown University
Corey Flintoff has spent nearly 40 years as a radio journalist, serving most r...

During his first year at Brown, Nifemi Madarikan was a spoken-word poet who planned to become an engineer. Then he took Computer Science 15, an introductory compute...

John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
Panel: The Americas and the Generative Power of Fire
Exhibition Opening: The Americas on Fire
The Americas and t...

A line is drawn from Sterne's Tristram Shandy to the uses of inattention in Freud and Marion Milner.
Brown University
April 7, ...

Minnie Scott, Tate Galleries – “Regimes of Attention in the Contemporary Art Museum”
Drawing on my experience as an ‘interpret...

Joshua Chambers-Letson, Northwestern University – “A Tension: White Deficit, Blackness and Disorder”
“Racial tension” is often used a...

Heather Love, University of Pennsylvania – “The Natural History of Attention”
In this presentation, I address relays between na...

Rita Felski, University of Virginia – “Getting it: Art and Attunement”
How does one "get" or fail to "get" a work of art? Can we ...

Toril Moi, Duke University – “Language and Attention: Morality and Literature after Wittgenstein”
"Attention to particulars!" co...

David Russell, Corpus Christi College/Oxford University – “Ruskin's Vision”
David Russell will examine how Ruskin's writing insists o...

Moderator: Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg, ...

Facilitated by Sofia Robledo Rower '18
Destiny Nicole Frasqueri, also known as Princess Nokia, is an Afro-Latina Boricua artist and musician based in New York City....

The critical point and the superfluid transition of bulk liquid 4He provide a unique opportunity for the study of influence of geometry on phase tr...

John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
Andrés Reséndez
Professor of History
University of California, Davis
Andrés Reséndez, Professor of History at t...

Metcalf Research Building, Room 101, Friedman Auditorium, Brown University
Corey Flintoff has spent nearly 40 years as a radio journalist, serving most r...
GoogleTechTalks (videos of May 2017)
source: GoogleTechTalks
53:46 Multi-armed Bandit Problems with Strategic Arms A Google Algorithms Seminar, 4/11/17, presented by Jon Schneider, Princeton University
Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization
47:50 Computational Aspects of Optimal Information Revelation A Google Algorithms Seminar, 4/14/17, presented by Yu Cheng, USC
Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization
56:12 Learning from Untrusted Data A Google Algorithms Seminar, 4/414/17, presented by Greg Valiant, Stanford University
Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization
35:19 Practical Load Balancing with Consistent Hashing A Google Algorithms Seminar, 4/18/17, presented by Andrew Rodland, Vimeo
Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization
50:21 Hardness of Approximation Between P and NP A Google Algorithms Seminar Talk, 5/18/17, presented by Aviad Rubinstein
Google Algorithms Seminar: Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization
1:04:59 Assortment Optimization Under a Mixture of Mallows Distribution Over Preferences A Google Algorithms Seminar Talk, 3/28/17, presented by Vineet Goyal
"Assortment Optimization Under a Mixture of Mallows Distribution Over Preferences"
from the talk series Google Algorithms Semin...

Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization

Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization

Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization

Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization

Google Algorithms Seminar: Talks from visiting speakers on Algorithms, Theory, and Optimization

"Assortment Optimization Under a Mixture of Mallows Distribution Over Preferences"
from the talk series Google Algorithms Semin...
Vanderbilt University (videos of May 2017)
source: Vanderbilt University
42:04 The Zeppos Report #7 with Ken Burns Legendary filmmaker Ken Burns talks about his enduring sense of discovery on ‘The Zeppos Report’
Just after graduating from college, Ken Burns found himself sick in bed with pneumonia. To help him...
1:00 Give to the AVBA Scholarship on Giving Day The AVBA is giving to the AVBA scholarship fund again in 2017 to help support a second Vanderbilt scholar. Help them reach their goal on June 15!
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/...
8:54 Vanderbilt Poll: Tennesseans cooling on Trump, favor ACA provisions A majority of Tennesseans approve of the job President Trump is doing, but they are less optimistic that he’ll change things for the better, according to the latest Vanderbilt Poll-Tennessee. Co-di...
1:03 A Giving Day message from Alumni Association President Perry Brandt Alumni Association President Perry Brandt talks about why giving on Giving Day is important to him and how all alumni can make a difference by giving on June 15.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: http...
3:00 Visualizing Cass Gilbert's Woolworth Building Ellen Dement, Library Fellow, Vanderbilt University
April 24, 2017
Recently purchased for the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, the Reiman Collection contains more than 150 previously-unkn...
4:26 Tracing the Movement of Populations in Latin America Dora Saclarides, Library Fellow, Vanderbilt University
April 24, 2017
Population movements have been a continuous part of Latin American history and remain instrumental in shaping the region to t...
3:59 Tracing the Movement of Populations: American Legacies of Expansion and Removal Janna Adelstein, Library Fellow, Vanderbilt University
April 24, 2017
From the birth of the United States to modern times, many living on American soil migrated across the country either by force...
3:29 Attending Worship Services Keeps You Alive Longer-New Research NASHVILLE, Tenn. - People who attend services at a church, synagogue or mosque are less stressed and live longer, according to new research from Vanderbilt University.
“Middle-aged (ages 40 to 65)...
1:17:19 Peabody Commencement 2017 Watch video of the Vanderbilt Peabody College commencement ceremony on May 12, 2017.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vanderbiltu ...
0:43 Gnash and Mr. C: A Friendship is Born What do you do when you need a ride to see the Nashville Predators play Game 6 of the Western Conference Final? You call your friend, of course.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/v...
1:53 VISE Project Vault - improving patient hearing outcomes Ahmet Cakir, doctoral student in computer science, works in the Medical Image Processing lab (MIP), a VISE affiliated lab. Cakir talks about his work with neural prosthetics that are used for peopl...
0:54 Knitting to better math Vanderbilt Peabody Professor Melissa Gresalfi explains how knitting can help build math skills.
2:19:32 Scientific Salon: A Soirée of Science and Song The Program for Music, Mind, & Society at Vanderbilt presents a Scientific Salon: A Soirée of Science and Song on May 3 from 5 to 8pm at the Wyatt Rotunda. Our musician-scientists performed and pre...
1:28 VISE Project Vault - Manual surgical tool with robot-like dexterity Patrick Anderson, doctoral student in mechanical engineering, works in the VISE affiliated MED lab. He's working on developing tools to give surgeons more dexterity when they're trying to do comple...
3:12 Sick kids live longer, but brain function may suffer Hundreds of thousands of children with chronic illnesses who used to die are now surviving their disease and treatment—which is amazing. But their brains are being damaged in the process of keeping...
2:30 Vanderbilt Peabody College Faculty Profile: Rogers Hall Rogers Hall, Professor Teaching and Learning, explores innovative approaches to teaching mathematics, including embodied action. Recorded in March 2017. For more information on Rogers Hall and his ...
1:35 Vanderbilt Rocketeers: Watch High Roller soar! For 10 straight years, Vanderbilt has soared to success with innovative rocket designs and payloads and 2017 no exception. Earning more than 20 awards in the past decade, the Vanderbilt Aerospace D...
2:13 Peabody Faculty Profile: Ana Christina da Silva Ana Christina da Silva, director of Learning, Diversity, and Urban Studies Program
See all Vanderbilt social media at http://social.vanderbilt.edu.
30:09 The Zeppos Report #6 with Jeff Rothschild When Facebook’s founding engineer and Vanderbilt alumnus, Jeff Rothschild, first visited the fledgling company in 2005 at the behest of a venture capital firm, he was wary of the social media space...
2:53 Celebrating the Class of 2017 Tag your posts #VU2017
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vanderbiltu and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanderbilt.
See all...
3:02:06 Commencement 2017 Tag your posts #VU2017
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vanderbiltu and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanderbilt.
See all...
1:11:42 Vanderbilt Divinity School Commencement Worship Service 2017 Watch video of the Vanderbilt Divinity School Commencement Worship Service on May 10, 2017.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vande...
1:15:42 Astronomy Sampler: Duane Lee Through this Osher Lifelong Learning Institute series of six lectures, students will learn about the upcoming 2017 total solar eclipse, the Hubble Space Telescope, chemical evolution in the univers...
1:07:28 Meet The Astronomer: Dr. Susan Stewart Watch video of Dr. Susan Stewart's talk “Looking to the Stars in the Age of Modern Navigation.”
As navigation methods have advanced, the practice of celestial navigation has largely been oversha...
56:29 Intellectual Sampler: Andy Spickard Watch video from the Osher Lifelong Institute series "'Intellectual Sampler." This week's class featured Andy Spickard on May 9, 2017.
For more information, visit www.vanderbilt.edu/olli.
2:38 VISE affiliated lab: Medical Engineering and Discovery Lab (MED Lab) Robert Webster, associate professor of mechanical engineering and VISE Steering Committee Member, talks about the MED lab. "We use lots of robotics because we're mechanical engineers and robots are...
1:37 Welcome Next Steps at Vanderbilt Class of 2021 Next Steps at Vanderbilt would like to welcome the class of 2021! We are so excited for these incoming students to join us in the fall.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbilt...
0:43 Class of 2017: What will you miss most about Peabody? Students from the Class of 2017 share what they will miss most about Vanderbilt Peabody College.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/v...
1:09:18 Astronomy Sampler: Robert O'Dell Through this Osher Lifelong Learning Institute series of six lectures, students will learn about the upcoming 2017 total solar eclipse, the Hubble Space Telescope, chemical evolution in the univers...
1:11:42 Intellectual Sampler: Herbert R. Marbury Watch video from the Osher Lifelong Institute series "'Intellectual Sampler." This week's class featured Herbert R. Marbury on May 2, 2017.
For more information, visit www.vanderbilt.edu/olli.
0:35 Where Paths Cross - A Vanderbilt Story A story about innovation, hard work and passion demonstrated by students at Vanderbilt as we follow their separate paths from high school to their time on campus. This video was an entirely student...
2:39 Peabody Faculty Profile: Melissa Gresalfi Professor Melissa Gresalfi describes how activities like knitting engage students with math.
Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vande...
0:36 Nashville: Where Champions Are Made Vanderbilt University has been selected to co-host the 2021 NCAA Regional Championship for Division I men’s golf—the latest in a string of NCAA and SEC events the university has helped bring to Mid...
3:26 Making Hospital Alarms Smarter and Quieter Alarms are the often the jarring, yet necessary soundtrack of hospitals. But too many conflicting sounds could lead to problems for patients and staff in critical situations.
Vanderbilt Universit...
39:08 Miracle Cures, Journeys of Hope, and a Cutting-Edge Science Amit Prasad is Associate Professor Sociology and Director of the South Asian Studies Program at the University of Missouri and he gave the MHS Hot Topics Lecture on April 12, 2017. The title of h...

Just after graduating from college, Ken Burns found himself sick in bed with pneumonia. To help him...

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Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: http...

April 24, 2017
Recently purchased for the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, the Reiman Collection contains more than 150 previously-unkn...

April 24, 2017
Population movements have been a continuous part of Latin American history and remain instrumental in shaping the region to t...

April 24, 2017
From the birth of the United States to modern times, many living on American soil migrated across the country either by force...

“Middle-aged (ages 40 to 65)...

Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vanderbiltu ...

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See all Vanderbilt social media at http://social.vanderbilt.edu.

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See all...

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See all...

Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/vande...

As navigation methods have advanced, the practice of celestial navigation has largely been oversha...

For more information, visit www.vanderbilt.edu/olli.

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Follow Vanderbilt on Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanderbiltu, on Instagram: http://instagram.com/v...

For more information, visit www.vanderbilt.edu/olli.

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