# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCF CRCV 2016年9月12日
Spatiotemporal Graphs for Object Segmentation and Human Pose Estimation in Videos 48:40
Global Data Association for Multiple Pedestrian Tracking 44:17
Human Detection, Tracking and Segmentation in Surveillance Video 36:29
ADHD 48:49
haroon defense 50:41
Visual Geo-Localization and Location-Aware Image Understanding 52:15
Taming Wild Faces: Web-Scale, Open-Universe Face Identification 40:53
Subhabrata Bhattacharya Defense 55:47
Berkan Thesis Defense 44:25
Yang Yang Thesis Defense 39:45
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Computer Vision (2012) by Mubarak Shah at UCF
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCF CRCV 2012年9月19日
Instructor: Dr. Mubarak Shah (http://vision.eecs.ucf.edu/faculty/sh...)
Presentation: http://crcv.ucf.edu/courses/CAP5415/F...
Lecture 01 Introduction to Computer Vision 54:22
Lecture 02 - Filtering 1:13:08
Lecture 03 - Edge Detection 44:07
Matlab Tutorial Video 1:00:09
Lecture 04 - Interest Point Detection 47:10
Lecture 05 - Scale-invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) 1:12:00
Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) 16:23
Lecture 06 - Optical Flow 51:39
Lecture 07 - Pyramids 58:30
Lecture 08 - Motion Models 1:09:55
Lecture 9 - Global Motion 1:15:45
Lecture 10 - Lucas-Kanade Tracker (KLT) 1:13:41
Lecture 11: Mean Shift 1:06:12
Lecture 12: Camera Model 1:32:13
Lecture 13: Fundamental Matrix 59:10
Lecture 14: Face Recognition 1:11:01
Lecture 15: Structure from Motion 54:24
Lecture 16: Stereo 3:04
Lecture 17: Bag-of-Features (Bag-of-Words) 47:14
Lecture 18: Hough Transform 48:22
source: UCF CRCV 2012年9月19日
Instructor: Dr. Mubarak Shah (http://vision.eecs.ucf.edu/faculty/sh...)
Presentation: http://crcv.ucf.edu/courses/CAP5415/F...
Lecture 01 Introduction to Computer Vision 54:22
Lecture 02 - Filtering 1:13:08
Lecture 03 - Edge Detection 44:07
Matlab Tutorial Video 1:00:09
Lecture 04 - Interest Point Detection 47:10
Lecture 05 - Scale-invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) 1:12:00
Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) 16:23
Lecture 06 - Optical Flow 51:39
Lecture 07 - Pyramids 58:30
Lecture 08 - Motion Models 1:09:55
Lecture 9 - Global Motion 1:15:45
Lecture 10 - Lucas-Kanade Tracker (KLT) 1:13:41
Lecture 11: Mean Shift 1:06:12
Lecture 12: Camera Model 1:32:13
Lecture 13: Fundamental Matrix 59:10
Lecture 14: Face Recognition 1:11:01
Lecture 15: Structure from Motion 54:24
Lecture 16: Stereo 3:04
Lecture 17: Bag-of-Features (Bag-of-Words) 47:14
Lecture 18: Hough Transform 48:22
Computer Vision (2014) by Mubarak Shah (University of Central Florida)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCF CRCV 2012年9月19日
Instructor: Dr. Mubarak Shah (http://vision.eecs.ucf.edu/faculty/sh...)
Presentation: http://crcv.ucf.edu/courses/CAP5415/F...
Lecture 01 Introduction to Computer Vision 54:22 UCF Computer Vision Video Lectures 2012
Lecture 02 - Filtering - 2014 1:03:13
Lecture 03 Edge Detection 1:10:02
Lecture 04 - Interest Point Detection - 2014 1:01:40
Lecture 05 - Pyramids - 2014 56:52
Lecture 06 - SIFT - 2014 1:35:04
Lecture 7 - Optical Flow - 2014 1:02:01
Lecture 08 - Motion Model - 2014 1:35:00
Lecture 09 - Global Motion - 2014 1:18:31
Lecture 10 - KLT - 2014 38:33
Lecture 11 - SVM - 2014 1:13:33
Lecture 12 - Camera Model and caliberation - 2014 1:10:32
Lecture 13 - Fundamental Matrix - 2014 1:31:30
Lecture 14 -Facial Recognition- 2014 1:22:12
Lecture 15 Structure from Motion - 2014 55:06
Lecture 16 -Bag of Words- 2014 51:39
Lecture 17 -Hough Transform- 2014 42:55
Lecture 18- Deformable Part Models (DPM) -2014 59:00
source: UCF CRCV 2012年9月19日
Instructor: Dr. Mubarak Shah (http://vision.eecs.ucf.edu/faculty/sh...)
Presentation: http://crcv.ucf.edu/courses/CAP5415/F...
Lecture 01 Introduction to Computer Vision 54:22 UCF Computer Vision Video Lectures 2012
Lecture 02 - Filtering - 2014 1:03:13
Lecture 03 Edge Detection 1:10:02
Lecture 04 - Interest Point Detection - 2014 1:01:40
Lecture 05 - Pyramids - 2014 56:52
Lecture 06 - SIFT - 2014 1:35:04
Lecture 7 - Optical Flow - 2014 1:02:01
Lecture 08 - Motion Model - 2014 1:35:00
Lecture 09 - Global Motion - 2014 1:18:31
Lecture 10 - KLT - 2014 38:33
Lecture 11 - SVM - 2014 1:13:33
Lecture 12 - Camera Model and caliberation - 2014 1:10:32
Lecture 13 - Fundamental Matrix - 2014 1:31:30
Lecture 14 -Facial Recognition- 2014 1:22:12
Lecture 15 Structure from Motion - 2014 55:06
Lecture 16 -Bag of Words- 2014 51:39
Lecture 17 -Hough Transform- 2014 42:55
Lecture 18- Deformable Part Models (DPM) -2014 59:00
The Crusades by Sally Vaughn (U of Houston)
# playlist of the 24 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2010年7月12日
HIST 4332
Title: The Crusades
Professor: Sally Vaughn
Description: Origins, development, and results of the crusades from the eleventh through the thirteenth centuries.
source: UHouston 2010年7月12日
HIST 4332
Title: The Crusades
Professor: Sally Vaughn
Description: Origins, development, and results of the crusades from the eleventh through the thirteenth centuries.
The Flowering of the Middle Ages by Sally Vaughn (U of Houston)
# playlist of the 28 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2010年1月4日
HIST 4330
Title: The Flowering of the Middle Ages
Professor: Sally Vaughn
Description: Aspects of the Middle Ages from the perspectives of different disciplines such as history, English, French, Spanish, philosophy, music, art history, engineering, architecture, and law.
source: UHouston 2010年1月4日
HIST 4330
Title: The Flowering of the Middle Ages
Professor: Sally Vaughn
Description: Aspects of the Middle Ages from the perspectives of different disciplines such as history, English, French, Spanish, philosophy, music, art history, engineering, architecture, and law.
bhadeshia123 (videos of April 2017)
source: bhadeshia123
35:03 Future materials: a panel discussion courtesy of SKF New materials crop up with notorious regularity; some of these are fanciful and others will see the light of day. But it remains a fact that modern technology relies entirely on the ability of mate...
1:42:14 11th Dara P. Antia Memorial Lecture, March 2017 The Dara P. Antia lecture is held annually in memory of Dr Antia who was an outstanding metallurgist who stimulated the genesis of the Indian Institute of Metals. The 11th lecture in the series was...

Institut Henri Poincaré (videos of April 2017)
source: Institut Henri Poincaré
Vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre nos actualités.
59:55 Univers Convergents 2017 - Séance 3/6 - Jurassic Park Jurassic Park de Steven Spielberg (USA - 1993 - 2h07) avec
Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough et Bob Peck
Séance du 28 mars 2017
Un débat en présence de:
Alice Lebreton...
4:07 Présentation du trimestre Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium à l'IHP STOCHASTIC DYNAMICS OUT OF EQUILIBRIUM
Dynamiques stochastiques hors équilibre
3 avril 2017 au 7 juillet 2017
Organisé par:
Giambattista Giacomin, Université Paris Diderot, USPC
Stefano Oll...
1:53:56 Partitions, Modular Forms and Moduli Spaces - CEB T1 2017 - Zagier - 7/8 28 mars 2017
2017 - T1 - Combinatorics and interactions - CEB Trimester
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)
Keywords: covering of surfaces, modular forms and qua...
48:02 SHM - 24/02/2017 - Décentrer le regard (...) - Laurent Rollet Vingt ans de résultats, d’enquêtes, d’apports méthodologiques sur la France mathématique des années 1870-1914
(séance préparée par Hélène Gispert)
- Laurent Rollet (Université de Lorraine / Ecole ...
54:50 SHM - 24/02/2017 - Cartographier les dynamiques collectives de l'algèbre - Frédéric Brechemacher Vingt ans de résultats, d’enquêtes, d’apports méthodologiques sur la France mathématique des années 1870-1914
(séance préparée par Hélène Gispert)
- Frédéric Brechemacher (LinX, École polytechniq...
15:33 SHM - 24/02/2017 - Introduction - La mise en perspective (...) - Hélène Gispert Vingt ans de résultats, d’enquêtes, d’apports méthodologiques sur la France mathématique des années 1870-1914
(séance préparée par Hélène Gispert)
- Hélène Gispert (GHDSO, Université Paris-Sud) :...
1:58:26 Partitions, Modular Forms and Moduli Spaces - CEB T1 2017 - Zagier - 6/8 22 mars 2017
2017 - T1 - Combinatorics and interactions - CEB Trimester
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)
Keywords: covering of surfaces, modular forms and qua...
1:47:26 Topological Recursion - CEB T1 2017 - Orantin - 7/8 28 mars 2017
2017 - T1 - Combinatorics and interactions - CEB Trimester
Nicolas Orantin (EPFL)
Keywords: combinatorics of maps; higher genus maps; spectral curve; Tutte's...
43:02 SHM - 07/04/2017 - Mathématiques et encyclopédies nationales - Laurent Mazliak Les mathématiques dans les Encyclopédies nationales de l’entre-deux-guerres – une étude comparative
(séance préparée par Laurent Mazliak et Rossana Tazzioli)
- Laurent Mazliak (UPMC, Paris) : "...
40:53 SHM - 07/04/2017 - Mathematics and mathematicians in Polish encyclopedias - Roman Murawski Les mathématiques dans les Encyclopédies nationales de l’entre-deux-guerres – une étude comparative
(séance préparée par Laurent Mazliak et Rossana Tazzioli)
- Roman Murawski (Adam Mickiewicz Uni...
38:52 SHM - 07/04/2017 - Les mathématiques dans l'Enciclopedia Italiana - Rossana Tazzioli Les mathématiques dans les Encyclopédies nationales de l’entre-deux-guerres – une étude comparative
(séance préparée par Laurent Mazliak et Rossana Ta

Vous pouvez nous rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux pour suivre nos actualités.

Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough et Bob Peck
Séance du 28 mars 2017
Un débat en présence de:
Alice Lebreton...

Dynamiques stochastiques hors équilibre
3 avril 2017 au 7 juillet 2017
Organisé par:
Giambattista Giacomin, Université Paris Diderot, USPC
Stefano Oll...

2017 - T1 - Combinatorics and interactions - CEB Trimester
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)
Keywords: covering of surfaces, modular forms and qua...

(séance préparée par Hélène Gispert)
- Laurent Rollet (Université de Lorraine / Ecole ...

(séance préparée par Hélène Gispert)
- Frédéric Brechemacher (LinX, École polytechniq...

(séance préparée par Hélène Gispert)
- Hélène Gispert (GHDSO, Université Paris-Sud) :...

2017 - T1 - Combinatorics and interactions - CEB Trimester
Don Zagier (MPIM Bonn)
Keywords: covering of surfaces, modular forms and qua...

2017 - T1 - Combinatorics and interactions - CEB Trimester
Nicolas Orantin (EPFL)
Keywords: combinatorics of maps; higher genus maps; spectral curve; Tutte's...

(séance préparée par Laurent Mazliak et Rossana Tazzioli)
- Laurent Mazliak (UPMC, Paris) : "...

(séance préparée par Laurent Mazliak et Rossana Tazzioli)
- Roman Murawski (Adam Mickiewicz Uni...

(séance préparée par Laurent Mazliak et Rossana Ta
Brown University (videos of April 2017)
source: Brown University
1:17:42 Carlos Castillo-Chavez | Thinking Out Loud Thinking Out Loud: The Role of Contagion in the Building and Sustainability of Communities
Contagion is sneaky! All seems well until the Tipping Point, after which terrible things may happen -- fa...
1:15:49 Reevaluating US Policy Toward Iran Ambassador Chas Freeman, senior fellow at Watson, and Dr. Michael Rubin, AEI foreign policy scholar, discuss US policy toward Iran. The conversation focuses on the Joint Policy Comprehensive Plan o...
1:03:57 Leave No Trace? Materiality, Temporality, and Visual Culture at the Gateway to Europe Opening with a clip from her latest documentary film, The Burning: An Untold Story from the Other Side of the Migrant Crisis, Dr. Isabella Alexander (Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology at...
1:00:54 17th Annual Casey Shearer Memorial Lecture with Ezra Edelman Oscar-winning director Ezra Edelman will deliver the 17th Annual Casey Shearer Memorial Lecture. Edelman directed the 2016 five-part documentary "O.J.: Made In America," for which he earned an Acad...
1:09:47 Axel Posluschny | Princely Sites: Landscapes and a View from Above Axel Posluschny is the Head of the Research Centre of the Keltenwelt am Glauberg (World of the Celts at the Glauberg) in Germany and a Visiting Scholar in Archaeology and the Ancient World at the J...
1:06:56 Catherine Opie, Artist Talk 04.05.17 Visiting Artist Lecture Series // Brown Visual Art Presents Catherine Opie, April 5, 2017, at the List Art Building, Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
Catherine Opie (b. 1961 Sandusky...
1:13:55 Larry Rand '64 | Why Every Entrepreneur Needs to Understand Board Governance Over the past several years, a great deal of attention has been paid to what entails corporate governance. To some activist shareholders, like Carl Icahn, Daniel Loeb, David Einhorn and Barry Rosen...
1:11:33 Retooling the Monograph: The Manifold Scholarship Project” with Matthew Gold and Douglas Armato Retooling the Monograph: The Manifold Scholarship Project
How can we integrate today’s sprawling landscape of scholarly communication, stretching as it does from print monographs to ebooks to onli...
1:36:31 Carvings In and Out of Time: Afterlives of Rock-Cut Monuments in the Ancient Near East (02/15) Wednesday, February 15
Rhode Island Hall, Room 108
5:30pm – Felipe Rojas (Brown) Opening Remarks
5:45pm – Beate Pongratz-Leisten (NYU) Remote, Privileged, and in the Public Eye: The Multilayered ...
1:38:35 Women of the Page Roundtable at the JCB Library Thursday, February 2, 2017
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
In conjunction with an exhibition guest curated by Tanya Tiffany, Associate Professor of Art History at the U...
1:22:44 So well remembered...: The Life and Career of Gilbert Chinard Friday, March 17, 2017
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
David Bell, Assistant Professor of History, Princeton University
David Bell, Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor of ...
1:20:56 Alumni Writers' Forum - Spring 2017 The Department of English, Nonfiction Writing Program, presented an “Alumnae Writers’ Forum” on Monday, March 20, 2017 at 4:00 pm in Petteruti Lounge, Stephen Robert ’62 Center, 75 Waterman St. Thi...
57:09 Henrietta Lidchi - Gifts and Trades "The Building of Native American Jewellery Collections in the United Kingdom"
This lecture is structured through four case studies (London, Cambridge, Oxford and Edinburgh) and looks at the circum...
3:07 Brown University students talk "Invasion!" Brown students describe their work on stage and off while discussing Sock & Buskin's "Invasion!" directed by Ashley Teague ’17 MFA.
Performances through April 16th. For more information: http://ww...
1:15:20 Mind Brain Research Day - Trevor Robbins Keynote Address "Impulsivity and Compulsivity; Neural Substrates and Neuropsychiatric Implications"
Keynote Speaker - Trevor Robbins, CBE FRS FMedSci
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Experimental Psycholog...
48:49 Jason Garcia/Okuu Pin - Documenting the Ever Changing Cultural Landscape of KhaPo Owingeh Using traditional materials and traditional Pueblo pottery techniques, along with various printmaking techniques, including lithography, serigraphy, and intaglio etching, Garcia feels that it is im...
1:01:39 Ruth Fine, Artist Talk 11.30.16 Visiting Artist Lecture Series // Brown Visual Art Presents Ruth Fine, November 30, 2016, at the List Art Building, Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
Ruth Fine was a curator at the Na...
2:25 Brown Chorus's Fred Jodry Celebrates 25 years with Bach's St. Matthew Passion The annual performance of the Holy Week Passion music on Good Friday was one of the musical highlights of the Leipzig church year, for on this day, concerted music was only presented in one of the ...
1:27:22 Diversity Summit 2017 - Leading Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Higher Education 2017 Diversity Summit Session: "Leading Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Higher Education"
Keynote Speakers: Lisa Coleman
Chief Diversity Officer and Special Assistant to the President
1:12:06 Diversity Summit 2017 - Robin DiAngelo 2017 Diversity Summit Session: "White Fragility and Its Impact on Diversity and Inclusion Efforts on Campus"
Keynote Speaker: Robin DiAngelo
Scholar, Social Justice Education Leader and Author of ...
1:21:21 Diversity Summit 2017 - Natasha Warikoo 2017 Diversity Summit Session: "The Diversity Bargain: And Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities"
Keynote Speaker: Natasha Warikoo
Associate Professor of Educat...
42:26 Jayna Zweiman, Artist Talk 03.22.17 Visiting Artist Lecture Series // Brown Visual Art Presents Jayna Zweiman, March 22, 2017, at the List Art Building, Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
Jayna Zweiman is the founder of ...
1:56:54 Student Forum with John Kabat-Zinn Professor Kabat-Zinn is Professor of Medicine Emeritus and creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachus...
2:01:33 Lecture by Jon Kabat-Zinn Jon Kabat-Zinn, iconic architect of the current Mindfulness movement and author of countless books, gives the annual Mary Interlandi '05 Memorial Lecture entitled "What's all this talk about Mindfu...
1:11:49 Lecture by Tamar Hodos - Globalising the Mediterranean Iron Age Tamar Hodos is a Reader in Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Bristol. She is a specialist in the archaeology of the Mediterranean's Iron Age, a period that extends between c.1200-c.600...
1:11:31 Evening Talk with Christy Clark-Pujara Thursday, February 16, 2017
John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
Christy Clark-Pujara
Assistant Professor of History
Afro-American Studies Department
University of Wisconsin...
1:26:25 Lecture by Professor Rhonda Magee Brown Concentration in Contemplative Studies presents a lecture by Rhonda Magee, J.D., Professor of Law at San Francisco University, entitled: "Contemplative Pedagogy and Teaching for Social Justic...

Contagion is sneaky! All seems well until the Tipping Point, after which terrible things may happen -- fa...

Catherine Opie (b. 1961 Sandusky...

How can we integrate today’s sprawling landscape of scholarly communication, stretching as it does from print monographs to ebooks to onli...

Rhode Island Hall, Room 108
5:30pm – Felipe Rojas (Brown) Opening Remarks
5:45pm – Beate Pongratz-Leisten (NYU) Remote, Privileged, and in the Public Eye: The Multilayered ...

John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
In conjunction with an exhibition guest curated by Tanya Tiffany, Associate Professor of Art History at the U...

John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
David Bell, Assistant Professor of History, Princeton University
David Bell, Sidney and Ruth Lapidus Professor of ...

This lecture is structured through four case studies (London, Cambridge, Oxford and Edinburgh) and looks at the circum...

Performances through April 16th. For more information: http://ww...

Keynote Speaker - Trevor Robbins, CBE FRS FMedSci
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Experimental Psycholog...

Ruth Fine was a curator at the Na...

Keynote Speakers: Lisa Coleman
Chief Diversity Officer and Special Assistant to the President

Keynote Speaker: Robin DiAngelo
Scholar, Social Justice Education Leader and Author of ...

Keynote Speaker: Natasha Warikoo
Associate Professor of Educat...

Jayna Zweiman is the founder of ...

John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
Providence, RI
Christy Clark-Pujara
Assistant Professor of History
Afro-American Studies Department
University of Wisconsin...

(اردو / in Urdu) Personality Psychology (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年11月27日
PSY405 Personality Psychology
source: vu 2008年11月27日
PSY405 Personality Psychology
(اردو / in Urdu) History and System of Psychology (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年11月24日
PSY502 History & System Of Psychology
source: vu 2008年11月24日
PSY502 History & System Of Psychology
(اردو / in Urdu) Theory and Practice of Counseling (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年11月13日
PSY632 Theory and practice of Counseling
source: vu 2008年11月13日
PSY632 Theory and practice of Counseling
(اردو / in Urdu) Neurological Bases of Behavior (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年11月15日
PSY610 Neurological Bases of Behavior
source: vu 2008年11月15日
PSY610 Neurological Bases of Behavior
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