
Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition

source: The Partially Examined Life    2017年2月27日
Mark Linsenmayer, Seth Paskin, Wes Alwan, and Dylan Casey at the Pittsburgh Continental Philosophy Network Conference 9/26/15. For the edited audio version, check out http://partiallyexaminedlife.com/2015....

Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediment (Lyell Meeting 2017)

source: GeologicalSociety  7 March 2017
12:14 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Visualising the Role of Microbes in the Development of Sediment Flocs - Jonathan Wheatland (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
10:14 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments How far can biostabilisation go via EPS-mediated sediment erosion process? - Xindi Chen (Hohai University, China)
10:57 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial mat sandwiches and other anactualistic sedimentary features of the Ediacara Member (Rawnsley Quartzite, South Australia): Implications for interpretation of the Ediacaran sedimentary reco...
14:17 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial transport and soil integrity in drylands - David Elliott (University of Derby, UK)
16:00 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbially-influenced Architectural Preservation in Aeolian Bedforms - Robin Westerman
15:59 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Subaqueous sedimentary cracks: evidence for a microbial contribution - Sean McMahon (Yale University, USA)
16:15 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Not just along for the ride - the influence of extracellular polymeric substances on fine-grained sediment gravity flows - Melissa Craig (University of Adelaide, Australia)
15:48 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments The combined effects of cyclic particle flux and anaerobic oxidation of methane support growth of a laminated seep bioherm off Pakistan (northern Arabian Sea) - Tobias Himmler (University of Bremen...
17:36 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Modern and ancient biosignatures in sabkha-associated microbial mats - Cees van der Land (Newcastle University, UK)
14:11 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis in a microbial mat from an anoxic and sulfidic spring - Dirk de Beer (Max-Planck-Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany)
16:20 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Abiotic vs biotic-influenced carbonate nucleation: towards identifying their unique textural signatures - Ramon Mercedes-Martin (University of Hull, UK)
16:33 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial mats as agents in the formation of discoidal pseudofossils: observations from the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, Shropshire, England - Latha Menon (University of Oxford, UK)
16:41 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial activity as a key control on fluvial-aeolian landscapes in the Cambrian - Arnold Reesink (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
15:44 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Microbial mat ecology in lacustrine settings at the Meso-Neoproterozoic boundary - Paul Strother, Weston Observatory of Boston College, USA.
38:15 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments KEYNOTE: Biofilms and Sediment: a 'Geobiological Tango' - Christophe Dupraz, University of Stockholm, Sweden
16:03 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Travertine ridges and microbialite reefs: a rock record of GSL shorelines at Lakeside, Utah - Peter Homewood, Geosolutions TRD & University of Fribourg, Switzerland
15:49 Lyell Meeting 2017: Sticking Together: microbes and their role in forming sediments Hydrodynamic effects on the structure and functioning of reservoir biofilms: A flume investigation - Sabine Gerbersdorf, Stuttgart University, Germany

(русский / in Russian) Макроэкономика (Macroeconomics)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ    2016年3月27日
Макроэкономика (Macroeconomics)
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция и тесты: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...

ономические показатели: ВВП, инфляция и безработица 1:08:56 Автор: Николай Кликунов
Лекция 2: Методики расчета ВВП. Система национальных счетов 1:08:50
Лекция 3: Взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости между базовыми макроэкономическими показателями 1:02:27
Лекция 4: Экономический рост в долгосрочном периоде. Факторный анализ. Функция Кобба-Дугласа 1:18:05
Лекция 5: Модели стационарного состояния. Мальтузианство. Модель Солоу 1:12:15
Лекция 6: Модели стационарного состояния. Безработица. Естественная норма безработицы 1:06:42
Лекция 7: Налогово-бюджетная политика. Понятия и принципы 49:20
Лекция 8: Налогово-бюджетная политика. Эффекты вытеснения 47:39
Лекция 9: Деньги. Банки. Норма резервирования. Инфляция 1:42:36
Лекция 10: Центральные банки. Механизмы денежно-кредитной политики 1:04:58
Лекция 11: Экономика и деньги. Кейнсианский подход 40:03
Лекция 12: Модель AD-AS. Мультипликаторы 1:12:00
Лекция 13: Модель IS-LM 1:14:10
Лекция 14: Международная экономика. Вводные положения 46:43
Лекция 15: Взаимосвязи в международной экономике. Обменные курсы 1:21:53
Лекция 16: Что знают и чего не знают экономисты о работе экономических систем? 42:27

(русский / in Russian) Базы данных (Database)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: НОУ ИНТУИТ    2016年4月28日
Базы данных (Database)
Курс "Базы данных" в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...

Лекция 1: Введение и начало проектирования 2:29:34  Автор: П. Щербинин
Лекция 2: Модификация данных. Выборка данных 2:34:32
Лекция 3: Выборка данных. Транзакции 2:29:24
Лекция 4: Расширенные возможности работы с базами данных. Триггеры и хранимые процедуры 2:07:04
Лекция 5: Определение узких мест 2:34:25
Лекция 6: Профилирование запросов. Сложноструктурированные SQL-запросы 2:31:26
Лекция 7: Оптимизация запросов и индексирование 2:18:59
Лекция 8: Конфигурирование базы данных 2:27:00
Лекция 9: Безопасность баз данных 2:47:45
Лекция 10: Нереляционное решение в области баз данных — NoSQL 2:29:53

DIY Efficient Windows

source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2017年2月11日
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Replacing millions of porous windows with energy-efficient versions in older buildings and homes can be prohibitively expensive. Berkeley Lab’s Raymond Weitekamp, a Caltech PhD, has a new approach: an inexpensive, paint-on, energy-efficient coating that can be applied simply and evenly without the help of a professional—while the windows are still in place. Series: "Science at the Theater" [Science] [Show ID: 31938]

Recycling CO2

source: University of California Television (UCTV)    2017年2月10日
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Kendra Kuhl co-founded Opus 12 to find out if an electrochemical process, operating inside a desk-sized reactor, can do on an industrial scale what is often hailed as the Holy Grail of carbon-recycling research—convert CO2 captured from smokestacks into ethanol and other valuable products. Series: "Science at the Theater" [Science] [Show ID: 31941]

(בעברית / in Hebrew) יחב'ל בעידן הגלובליזציה (International Relations in the Age of Globalization)

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    2012年3月8日
יחב"ל בעידן הגלובליזציה
פרופ אריה קצוביץ
תיאור הקורס:
מגוון הנושאים אשר ניתן לחקור כיום תחת הכותרת של "יחסים בינלאומיים בעידן הגלובליזציה" הוא עצום, ומובן שלא ניתן ולא רצוי לכסותו במסגרת קורס אחד. יחד עם זאת, מטרתו המרכזית של הקורס היא להקנות לכם את הכלים הבסיסיים אשר יאפשרו לכם לגשת בהמשך לכל נושא יחב"לי שהוא ולבחון אותו בצורה שיטתית וביקורתית, גם אם אינכם תלמידי המחלקה ליחב"ל.
לפיכך הקורס סוקר מספר נושאים: ראשית נלמד על השחקנים המרכזיים בזירה הבינלאומית ואמצעי פעולתם. נתמקד במדינת הלאום ובעלייתם של שחקנים לא-מדינתיים, ונדון במושג החשוב של "עוצמה". לאחר מכן נדון במושג המערכת הבינלאומית- מהי על פי גישות שונות, ומה מידת ואופן השפעתה על התנהגות השחקנים השונים הפועלים בתוכה. הנושא הרביעי מתייחס לסוגיה של מדיניות חוץ ואת הגורמים השונים המשפיעים על עיצובה. הנושא החמישי בוחן את האתגרים השונים לשיתוף פעולה בינלאומי והדרכים השונות בעזרתן ניתן להתגבר עליהם. כאן למעשה מסתיים הדיון הכללי שלנו במושגי היסוד של התיאוריה היחב"לית, ומכאן נעבור לדון בתחומי נושא יותר ממוקדים: הנושא השישי יתמקד בסוגיות של קונפליקט ושתוף פעולה בתחום הביטחון הבינלאומי: מהם סכסוכים בינלאומיים, מדוע פורצות מלחמות, מה ההבדל בין מושג הביטחון בעולם הראשון ובעולם השלישי, מהי המשמעות של הרתעה גרעינית בימינו ומהם התנאים למעבר ל- וייצוב של שלום, ולאפשרות של שינויים בדרכי שלום (באזורנו ובכלל). הנושא השביעי של הקורס פותח בפניכם צוהר לתחום המחקר הרחב של הפוליטיקה של הכלכלה הבינלאומית. כאן נבחן כיצד ניתן ליישם את מושגי היסוד שנלמדו קודם לכן גם על התחום הכלכלי, נדון במספר תיאוריות מרכזיות בתחום המסבירות את היחסים הכלכליים מאז 1945, ונעריך את יחסי צפון-דרום. הנושא האחרון של הקורס ירחיב את היריעה לדיון בשאלות הנובעות מהפיכתה של המערכת ממערכת "בינ-לאומית" למערכת "גלובאלית". כאן נבחן את מושג הגלובליזציה, ונדון באתגרים של שתוף פעולה וקונפליקט הקשורים בהתמודדות עם בעיות גלובאליות כמו איכות הסביבה, טרור והפרות זכויות אדם.
Prof. Arie M. Kacowicz

The Royal Society (videos of February 2017)

source: The Royal Society
1:26:09 Frankenstein inspiring the monster The tale of a curious scientist who creates a sapient but grotesque Creature in a scientific experiment gone wrong has shaped science fiction writing for generations. Written by Mary Shelley in 181...
3:02 1.1 - Brian Cox school experiments - Filtration Experiment Set Up - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and exper...
3:04 1.2 - Brian Cox School experiments - Filtration Experiment Video - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experi...
3:05 1.3 - Brian Cox School experiments - Filtration Real World Video (Sewage Plant) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Crea...
3:18 1.4 - Brian Cox School experiments - Filtration Science Video (Drugs Testing) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creati...
3:38 2.1 - Brian Cox School experiments - Heart rate Experiment Set Up - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and exper...
3:25 2.2 - Brian Cox School experiments - Heart rate Experiment Video - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experi...
3:36 2.3 - Brian Cox School experiments - Heart rate Real World Video (Athletes) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative...
2:56 2.4 - Brian Cox School experiments - Heart rate Science Video (Health Care) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative...
2:50 3.1- Brian Cox School experiments - Melting Experiment Set Up - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and exper...
3:29 3.2- Brian Cox School experiments - Melting Experiment Video - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experi...
3:16 3.3- Brian Cox School experiments - Melting Real World Video (Chocolate Factory) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences....
2:53 3.4- Brian Cox School experiments - Melting Science Video (Jet engines) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative...
3:04 4.1- Brian Cox School experiments - Plants Experiment Set Up - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and exper...
3:22 4.2- Brian Cox School experiments - Plants Experiment Video - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experi...
3:08 4.3- Brian Cox School experiments - Plants Real World Video (Urban Farm) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creati...
3:10 4.4- Brian Cox School experiments - Plants Science Video (Soil Health) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative...
3:01 5.1- Brian Cox School experiments - Shadows Experiment Set Up - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and exper...
3:17 5.2- Brian Cox School experiments - Shadows Experiment Video - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experi...
3:15 5.3- Brian Cox School experiments - Shadows Real World Video (X Rays) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative a...
3:11 5.4- Brian Cox School experiments - Shadows Science Video (Eclipse) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and...
2:33 6.1- Brian Cox School experiments - Sound Experiment Set Up - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and exper...
3:09 6.2- Brian Cox School experiments - Sound Experiment Video - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative and experi...
3:13 6.3- Brian Cox School experiments - Sound Real World Video (Composer) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative...
2:51 6.4- Brian Cox School experiments - Sound Science Video (Levitation) - The Brian Cox school experiments are designed to support teachers to carry out experimental science in the classroom, and relate it to real world experiences. Creative ...
1:40:20 Brian Cox presents Science Matters - Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence We're beginning to see more and more jobs being performed by machines, even creative tasks like writing music or painting can now be carried out by a computer.
But how and when will machines be ab...
1:04:14 Why is life the way it is? Michael Faraday Prize Lecture - Dr Nick Lane Dr Nick Lane explores the importance of energy flow in shaping life from its very origins to the flamboyant complexity around us, and asks whether energy flow would direct evolution down a similar ...

ETH Zürich (videos of February 2017)

source: ETH Zürich
3:02 ETH-Wissenschaftler unter Tage Das Schweizer Kompetenzzentrum für Energieforschung – Strombereitstellung (SCCER-SoE) geht in einem weltweit einzigartigen Experiment der Frage nach, wie die für ein funktionierendes Geothermieproj...
6:14 Sand: An (In)Finite Resource? ETH Zurich's second summer school in the programme "Engineering for Development (E4D) - Science & Technology for the South" revolved around the depleting resource sand and the question of how to de...
5:11 ETH researchers with drone in Greenland Glaciologists from ETH Zurich use drones to monitor and model the detachment of icebergs from the Bowdoin Glacier in Northwest Greenland. Film by: Guillaume Jouvet

(français / in French) Judaïsme, Culture juive, etc.../Judaism, Jewish Culture, etc ...

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: La Lucarne et la Nuit

(italiano / in Italian) Architettura Tecnica (Technical Architecture) by Antonio de Vecchi / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba    2012年11月21日
UniNettuno - Architettura Tecnica (Technical Architecture)
Il corso si propone di fornire allo studente strumenti teorici e pratici tali da renderlo consapevole delle problematiche connesso ai diversi aspetti tecnologici dell'edificio. Al termine del corso lo studente dovrà essere in grado di conoscere le problematiche tecnologiche dell'edificio.
Il sistema edilizio con particolare riguardo al sottosistema tecnologico.
Il processo edilizio: fasi attuative, operatori e controllo.
Dalla" regola d'arte" al "progetto del sistema tecnologico".
L'industrializzazione edilizia
Gli elementi tecnici di tipo tradizionale, usuale ed evoluto.
Per i tre tipi prima enunciati verranno analizzati, con diversi livelli di approfondimento, i seguenti elementi tecnici:
- le pareti perimetrali verticali,
- gli infissi esterni verticali,
- le pareti interne verticali,
- gli infissi interni verticali,
- i solai,
- le volte
- le coperture,
- le scale.
Strumenti per l'elaborazione grafica di un progetto edilizio: conoscenza dei diversi criteri di rappresentazione. Nozioni elementari sulle tecnologie di produzione dei materiali adottati nell'edilizia.

01 Il processo edilizio I parte 37:40
02 Il processo edilizio II parte 37:42
03 L'organismo edilizio 37:17
04 Il sistema tecnologico 39:38
05 L'industrializzazione dell'edilizia Realizzazione del prodotto 34:35
06 L'industrializzazione dell'edilizia Prefabbricazione 33:36
07 L'evoluzione tecnologica 36:08
08 Gli elementi tecnici Pareti Perimetrali Verticali I parte 36:20
09 Pareti Perimetrali Verticali II parte 39:31
10 Infissi esterni verticali I parte 37:14
11 Infissi esterni verticali II parte 38:34
12 Solai I parte 31:54
13 Solai II parte 40:20
14 Pareti interne verticali 40:24
15 Infissi interni verticali 38:51
16 Scale I parte 40:21
17 Scale II parte 40:55
18 Coperture I parte 29:41
19 Coperture II parte 35:46
20 Elementi tecnici tradizionali 40:26
21 Pareti perimetrali verticali 42:02
22 Partizioni interne e infissi 39:58
23 I solai e le scale 39:15
24 Le coperture 40:25
25 Archi, volte e cupole 37:11

(italiano / in Italian) Fluidodinamica Applicata (Applied Fluid)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: Ryo Saeba     2013年2月18日
UniNettuno - Fluidodinamica Applicata (Applied Fluid) by Giovanni Maria Carlomagno, Claudio Cancelli and Giorgio Graziani
Fornire allo studente le principali nozioni della statica e della dinamica dei fluidi con particolare riferimento alle applicazioni dell'ingegneria meccanica.
Sistema termofluidodinamico; Grandezza estensive, intensive, specifiche; Grandezze scalari, vettoriali, tensoriali; Flusso di una grandezza estensiva; Produzione di una grandezza estensiva.
Introduzione alle equazioni del bilancio: Logica del bilancio; Flussi e produzioni; Formulazione del bilancio; Equazione di conservazione dell'energia per un sistema chiuso.
Formulazione delle equazioni del bilancio: Descrizione Euleriana e Lagrangiana del moto di un fluido; Derivata sostanziale e teorema del trasporto; Equazione del bilancio per sistemi aperti; Equazione di conservazione della massa; Equazione di conservazione dell'energia; Equazione del bilancio della quantità di moto; Moto laminare e turbolento; Richiami di teoria dell'elasticità; Relazione di Stokes; Equazioni del bilancio e tensore degli sforzi; Conservazione della massa, bilancio della quantità di moto e conservazione dell'energia per moti unidimensionali stazionari; Adimensionalizzazione delle equazioni di conservazione della massa, del bilancio della quantità di moto e della conservazione dell'energia; Unità di misura; Applicazioni.
Statica dei fluidi: Legge di Pascal; Variazione della pressione in un fluido in quiete; Misura della pressione; Forze su superfici, corpi galleggianti e sommersi; Meccanica dei fluidi in moto rigido.
W.F. HUGHES E J.A. BRIGHTON, Fluidodinamica, Collana Schaum, Etas Libri, 1978
Matematica I, Matematica II, Fisica I, Elementi di Meccanica Razionale.

(italiano / in Italian) Fondamenti di Meccanica Applicata by Guido Belforte / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba     2014年6月29日
Fondamenti di Meccanica Applicata (Fundamentals of Applied Mechanics) by Guido Belforte

01 Introduzione al corso 40:21
02 Cinematica del punto 41:44
03 Cinematica del corpo rigido I parte 43:22
04 Cinematica del corpo rigido II parte 40:29
05 Accoppiamenti tra corpi rigidi 42:24
06 Cinematica dei meccanismi piani 41:00
07 Cinematica dei moti relativi 43:27
08 Operazioni su sistemi di forze 40:07
09 Le forze nei sistemi meccanici Equazione c 42:40
10 Applicazione delle equazioni cardinali nel p 43:42
11 Lavoro ed energia 43:50
12 Applicazione dell'equazione dell'energia ai 42:56
13 Quantità di moto e momento della quantità di 40:41
14 Problemi di urto e di equilibramento 43:13
15 Introduzione al fenomeno dell'attrito 43:44
16 Attrito radente Coefficienti di attrito sta 44:29
17 Attrito nei perni Esempi di meccanismi con 44:05
18 Modellazione dell'attrito volvente Applicaz 43:46
19 Schemi elementari di freni ad attrito 43:45
20 Supporti a strisciamento, a rotolamento, lub 41:57
40 Vibrazioni forzate con eccitazione armonica 42:20
39 Vibrazioni libere non smorzate e smorzate di 40:42
38 Vibrazioni Definizioni Elementi molla Mas 41:07
37 Accoppiamento motore utilizzatore Transisto 42:12
35 Accoppiamento motore utilizzatore Organi di 43:11
34 Accoppiamento motore utilizzatore Organi di 43:16
33 Rotismi differenziali e riduttori armonici 42:48
32 Riduttori di velicità 40:18
31 Rotismi ordinari ed epicicloidali 41:57
29 Ruote dentate cilindriche a denti dritti II 41:35
28 Ruote dentate cilindriche a denti dritti I p 41:52
27 Ruote dentate, ruote ad attrito, ruote ellit 40:36
26 Rigidezza delle funi, paranchi, catene 42:58
25 Tensionamento delle cinghie, cinghie dentate 39:21
24 Vite e madrevite, tipi di flessibili, cinghi 42:44
22 Supporti a strisciamento, a rotolamento, lub 43:02
21 Supporti a strisciamento, a rotolamento, lub 43:17

(italiano / in Italian) Architettura del Paesaggio by Mariella Zoppi / UniNettuno

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Ryo Saeba     2012年11月21日
UniNettuno - Architettura del Paesaggio (Landscape Architecture)
Fornire informazioni sul campo di applicazione delle discipline e sulla evoluzione del concetto di paesaggio.
Evoluzione disciplinare (dalla bellezza panoramica alla coincidenza paesaggio-territorio), storia del giardino e del paesaggio, analisi dei campi di applicazione disciplinare/professionale attraverso le opere dei principali progettisti del XX Sec. ed alcuni casi di realizzazioni esemplari degli ultimi 30 anni.
M.ZOPPI & CO. Verde di Città, Progettare con il Verde, vol. I, Alinea Ed., Firenze 1988
F. PANZINI, Per i piaceri del popolo -- L'evoluzione del giardino pubblico in Europa dalle origini al XX Sec., Zanichelli Ed., Bologna 1993
in alternativa al libro di PANZINI:
M. ZOPPI, Storia del Giardino Europeo, Laterza Ed., Bari 1995
Non sono necessari pre-requisiti specifici, tuttavia è opportuna una discreta conoscenza delle vicende storico-artistiche italiane

00 Presentazione del corso 47:41
01 Introduzione al concetto di paesaggio 34:49
02 Nascita e storia del giardino 41:02
03 Il giardino classico 40:00
04 Landscape Gardening 39:11
05 L'esperienza americana 39:41
06 Parchi pubblici in Europa: Il modello inglese 34:51
07 Paesaggio Mediterraneo 39:09
08 I parchi del XX secolo 39:16
09 Barcellona 1966-2000 41:18
10 Tendenze contemporanee 40:19
Lez xx Paesaggio 36:47

Organizational Communications (Spring 2013) with Geri Girardin at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV    2013年1月6日
COM300 Organizational Communications (Spring 2013) with Geri Girardin

Mass Media and Society (Spring 2011) with Catherine Clinch at California State U

# playlist of the 12 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV     2011年1月8日
COM100 Mass Media and Society (Spring 2011) with Catherine Clinch

Introduction to Public Relations (Fall 2012) with Jennifer Peters at California State U

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV    2012年9月11日
COM365 Introduction to Public Relations (Fall 2012) with Jennifer Peters

Educational Psychology (Fall 2012) with Jeff Miller at California State University

# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV     2012年8月29日
TED402 Educational Psychology (Fall 2012) with Jeff Miller

Language Learning (Fall 2012) with Danny Brassell at California State University

# playlist of the 11 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video) 

source: csuDHTV    2012年8月25日
TED407 Language Learning (Fall 2012) with Danny Brassell

Language Learning with Danny Brassell 08/25/12

Multicultural Education (Fall 2013) with Jeff Miller at California State University

# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)

source: csuDHTV    2013年9月8日
TED415 Multi Cultural Education (Fall 2013)Multicultural Education with Jeff Miller