Philosophical Overdose
Quine's Two Dogmas of Empiricism & Ontological Relativity An introduction is given of W. V. Quine's article Two Dogmas of Empiricism, as well as Quine's indeterminacy of reference, ontological relativity, and epistemology naturalized. Two Dogmas of Empiri...
Quine & Confirmation Holism An introduction to Quine and his epistemological holism. Quine famously attacked positivism by attacking the analytic-synthetic distinction and by pointing out related problems regarding the underd...
Russell's Multiple Relation Theory - The Narrow Direction Problem One of the central objections to Bertrand Russell’s multiple relation theory of judgement is that it cannot distinguish between different judgements involving non-symmetric relations. This has come...
Wittgenstein Anecdote An anecdote about Ludwig Wittgenstein told by Nigel Warburton in a lecture given at Cambridge.
Philosophy as Dialogue Philosophy has always thrived on discussion. Socratic dialogue remains at its heart. Dr Nigel Warburton explores some of the great philosophical dialogues as well as the broader significance of cri...
Graham Priest Interview An interview with Graham Priest on philosophy, its history, and where it may go from here. This is from an episode of ABC Radio National's the Philosopher's Zone from a few years back, with Alan Sa...
Boethius and Divine Foreknowledge John Marenbon discusses Boethius and his solution to the problem of divine foreknowledge with Peter Adamson. The problem of divine foreknowledge is the problem of how we can have free will if every...
Shelly Kagan Lecture Much contemporary writing on animal ethics is 'egalitarian' in the sense that otherwise similar harms (or goods) for people and non-human animals are thought to count equally. In this sense, anima...
Marx's Critique of Capitalism
Hegel Versus Empiricists A clip of Brandom discussing Hegel and the modal "oomph" of experience. One of the biggest difficulties for empiricism has always been that it cannot account for necessity.
Rousseau A section from Philosophy in an Hour by Paul Strathern, read by Jonathan Keeble, from HarperAudio, HarperCollins Publishers. Creative Commons.
Bertrand Russell A section from Philosophy in an Hour by Paul Strathern, read by Jonathan Keeble, from HarperAudio, HarperCollins Publishers. Creative Commons.
Plato's Meno & Theaetetus A discussion of Plato's dialogues the Meno and the Theaetetus, which addresses various epistemological topics, including Plato's theory of recollection, the definition of knowledge, relativism, and...
Karl Popper Versus Induction Popper and induction duke it out.
Bertrand Russell Versus God
Socrates Raphael Woolf discusses Plato's Socrates in an interview with Peter Adamson from Peter's podcast on the history of philosophy.
The Time Gödel Told A Joke...Maybe Gerald Sacks answers one of the great mysteries of the universe: Did Kurt Gödel have a sense of humor? This is from a lecture Gerald Sacks gave on Gödel as part of the Williams Lecture Series for t...
Hannah Arendt Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt in this episode of In Our Time. Hannah Arendt developed many of her ideas in response to the rise of totalitarianism in the...
Relations All The Way Down? Ontic Structural Realism According to Ontic Structural Realism (OSR), there are no such things as individuals and intrinsic natures but only relatively invariant patterns in a web of relations. It says, in a reductive slog...
Structural Realism Two talks are given, one by David Chalmers (NYU) and then one by Thomas Meier (MCMP/LMU). This joint session is on "Structural Realism" (generously supported by the Goethe-Institut New York) at the...
The Unreliability of Naive Introspection How well do we really know our own conscious experiences? According to Descartes, we know it better than anything else. Indeed, while we might be mistaken about things in the external world, we can...
Plato's Parmenides & Forms A brief discussion of Plato's dialogue the Parmenides and its challenges to the theory of Forms, especially the third man argument. This is an episode from Peter Adamson's podcast on the History of...
Being a Woman in Philosophy Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Groningen) gives a talk at a MCMP Colloquium titled "Being a woman in (mathematical) philosophy". Why are there so few women in philosophy, and in technical areas such as ma...