# 播放清單 (可按影片右上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: NCTU OCW 2017年5月30日
To help the students understand the fundamental theory of the finite element method and its application to analyzing problems.
授課教師:土木工程學系 楊子儀老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0
Lec0 22 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (3/5) 32:30
Lec0 20 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (1/5) 40:59
Lec0 17 Chapter 9 Principle of Minimum Total Potential Energy (2/2) 30:14
Lec0 31 Chapter 14 Variational Method for One-Dimensional FE Formulation (2/2) 45:54
Lec0 26 Chapter 12 Weighted Residual Methods (2/3) 30:22
Lec0 01 課程介紹 9:28
Lec0 19 Chapter 10 Isoparametric Formulation and Numerical Integration (2/2) 34:40
Lec0 23 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (4/5) 29:02
Lec0 03 Chapter 2 Matrix Algebra (1/2) 1:25:05
Lec0 28 Chapter 13 Finite Element Formulation (1/2) 1:17:05
Lec0 06 Chapter 3 Direct Approach: Axial Springs (2/2) 41:48
Lec0 18 Chapter 10 Isoparametric Formulation and Numerical Integration (1/2) 1:08:37
Lec0 07 Chapter 4 Direct Approach: Bar Structures (1/2) 38:26
Lec0 10 Chapter 5 Direct Approach: Truss Analysis (2/2) 43:23
Lec0 24 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (5/5) 27:14
Lec0 05 Chapter 3 Direct Approach: Axial Springs (1/2) 45:45
Lec0 29 Chapter 13 Finite Element Formulation (2/2) 37:12
Lec0 30 Chapter 14 Variational Method for One-Dimensional FE Formulation (1/2) 37:04
Lec0 32 Chapter 15 Guidelines for Finite Element Mesh and Global Nodal Numbering 52:27
Lec0 02 Chapter 1 Introduction 1:21:15
Lec0 04 Chapter 2 Matrix Algebra (2/2) 37:01
Lec0 14 Chapter 8 Beam and Frame Analysis (2/3) 1:21:16
Lec0 21 Chapter 11 Strong and Weak Formulations (2/5) 21:25
Lec0 11 Chapter 6 Approximating Functions: One-Dimensional Element 1:21:11
Lec0 27 Chapter 12 Weighted Residual Methods (3/3) 37:29
Lec0 13 Chapter 8 Beam and Frame Analysis (1/3) 1:24:09
Lec0 08 Chapter 4 Direct Approach: Bar Structures (2/2) 36:37
Lec0 15 Chapter 8 Beam and Frame Analysis (3/3) 35:41
Lec0 09 Chapter 5 Direct Approach: Truss Analysis (1/2) 1:13:55
Lec0 16 Chapter 9 Principle of Minimum Total Potential Energy (1/2) 1:11:18
Lec0 25 Chapter 12 Weighted Residual Methods (1/3) 44:30
Lec0 12 Chapter 7 Convergence Criteria 48:47
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分析二 - 臺大數學系 齊震宇
# 亦可點按影片左上角之清單標誌選取影片觀看
source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 .NTU CASE 2017年4月12日
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介19】單位分解與paracompactness的關聯 47:15
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介20】局部有限開覆蓋的收縮定理 20:39
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介21】局部緊緻Hausdorff空間中的部分單位分解(partial partition of unity) 12:12
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介22】Stone定理─任何可賦距空間皆是paracompact 32:56
分析二:【可微流形簡介1】拓樸流形的概念;拓樸地圖與地圖集(topological charts and topological atlas);維度與流形邊界;基本的流形實例 1:03:49
分析二:【可微流形簡介2】可微流形與可微映射 ─ C^k流形與C^k結構;C^k映射;標準微分結構與怪(exotic)微分結構 1:03:26
分析二:【可微流形簡介3】關於可微流形上坐標系的一個註解 11:48
分析二:【可微流形簡介4】可微流形在每個點處的切向量;每點的切空間(該點處切向量的全體)上的向量空間結構;利用坐標系給出切空間的基底;坐標變化下導出的基底轉換公式 8:34
分析二:【可微流形簡介5】可微映射導出的切映射(tangent maps)及其坐標表示法 18:07
分析二:【光滑函數的基本性質1】在歐氏空間中實際構造顛簸函數 (bump functions);Whitney定理─歐氏空間中的任意閉集均為某光滑函數的零點集 22:11
分析二:【光滑函數的基本性質2】利用單位分解拼湊局部資訊的例子 6:42
分析二:【光滑函數的基本性質3】光滑映射的臨界值(critical value)與正則值 (regular value) 1:43:26
分析二:【可微流形簡介6】子流形的概念 46:26
分析二:【可微流形簡介7】流形間光滑映射的切映射(tangent map)的秩、正則值與子流形的關係 1:03:45
分析二:【可微流形簡介8】習題檢討:關於子流形的討論 46:37
分析二:【可微流形簡介9】流形上的 partition of unity 25:55
分析二:【可微流形簡介10】流形上的定向(orientation)概念 21:47
分析二:【可微流形簡介11】微分形式(differential form)(一):(局部版本)歐氏半空間中開集上的微分形式與它們的一些基本操作 53:51
分析二:【可微流形簡介12】微分形式(二):(大域版本)流形上的微分形式與它們的一些基本操作 56:53
分析二:【可微流形簡介13】微分形式(三):賦向流形(oriented manifold)上最高次微分形的積分 1:02:09
分析二:【可微流形簡介14】微分形式(四):賦向流形的正定向(positively oriented)流形邊界;流形上的Stokes定理(敘述) 48:30
分析二:【可微流形簡介15】微分形式(五):流形上的Stokes定理(證明) 28:45
分析二:【可微流形簡介16】微分形式(六):比較流形上微分形式的積分與傳統上先將積分區域參數化後所算得的積分 23:35
分析二:【可微流形簡介17】流形上「場」(field)的概念(一):切向量場;藉著「黏貼」來構造拓樸空間與流形 47:24
分析二:【可微流形簡介18】流形上「場」的概念(二):張量場與微分形式 1:32:33
【可微流形簡介21B】微分形式(十二):前次問題討論;Mayer-Vietoris正合(exact)序列 59:41
【可微流形簡介21C】微分形式(十三):星形集(star-shaped set)的上同調─Poincaré引理 1:17:52
【可微流形簡介21E】Brouwer不動點定理;連續映射版本的幅角原理 28:50
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介2A】同倫算子(仿射鍊版本) 1:08:25
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介2B】同倫算子(一般奇異鍊的版本);鍊同倫(chain homotopy);同調映射的同倫不變性; 44:26
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3A】重心分割(barycentric subdivision)(仿射單體版本) 40:59
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3B】重心分割(一般奇異鍊的版本);分割算子sd與恆等映射彼此鍊同倫 36:39
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3C】由開覆蓋導出的一種同調群;奇異同調群的Mayer-Vietoris序列 1:02:51
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3D】(回顧:奇異同調群的Mayer-Vietoris序列);計算實例:球面的同調群 45:36
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3D】球面扣除一個有界閉方塊的拓樸嵌入影像後的同調群; 1:00:00
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3D】球面扣除一個較低維球面的拓樸嵌入影像後的同調群;Jordan-Brouwer分離定理 35:41
source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 .NTU CASE 2017年4月12日
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介19】單位分解與paracompactness的關聯 47:15
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介20】局部有限開覆蓋的收縮定理 20:39
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介21】局部緊緻Hausdorff空間中的部分單位分解(partial partition of unity) 12:12
分析二:【點集拓樸簡介22】Stone定理─任何可賦距空間皆是paracompact 32:56
分析二:【可微流形簡介1】拓樸流形的概念;拓樸地圖與地圖集(topological charts and topological atlas);維度與流形邊界;基本的流形實例 1:03:49
分析二:【可微流形簡介2】可微流形與可微映射 ─ C^k流形與C^k結構;C^k映射;標準微分結構與怪(exotic)微分結構 1:03:26
分析二:【可微流形簡介3】關於可微流形上坐標系的一個註解 11:48
分析二:【可微流形簡介4】可微流形在每個點處的切向量;每點的切空間(該點處切向量的全體)上的向量空間結構;利用坐標系給出切空間的基底;坐標變化下導出的基底轉換公式 8:34
分析二:【可微流形簡介5】可微映射導出的切映射(tangent maps)及其坐標表示法 18:07
分析二:【光滑函數的基本性質1】在歐氏空間中實際構造顛簸函數 (bump functions);Whitney定理─歐氏空間中的任意閉集均為某光滑函數的零點集 22:11
分析二:【光滑函數的基本性質2】利用單位分解拼湊局部資訊的例子 6:42
分析二:【光滑函數的基本性質3】光滑映射的臨界值(critical value)與正則值 (regular value) 1:43:26
分析二:【可微流形簡介6】子流形的概念 46:26
分析二:【可微流形簡介7】流形間光滑映射的切映射(tangent map)的秩、正則值與子流形的關係 1:03:45
分析二:【可微流形簡介8】習題檢討:關於子流形的討論 46:37
分析二:【可微流形簡介9】流形上的 partition of unity 25:55
分析二:【可微流形簡介10】流形上的定向(orientation)概念 21:47
分析二:【可微流形簡介11】微分形式(differential form)(一):(局部版本)歐氏半空間中開集上的微分形式與它們的一些基本操作 53:51
分析二:【可微流形簡介12】微分形式(二):(大域版本)流形上的微分形式與它們的一些基本操作 56:53
分析二:【可微流形簡介13】微分形式(三):賦向流形(oriented manifold)上最高次微分形的積分 1:02:09
分析二:【可微流形簡介14】微分形式(四):賦向流形的正定向(positively oriented)流形邊界;流形上的Stokes定理(敘述) 48:30
分析二:【可微流形簡介15】微分形式(五):流形上的Stokes定理(證明) 28:45
分析二:【可微流形簡介16】微分形式(六):比較流形上微分形式的積分與傳統上先將積分區域參數化後所算得的積分 23:35
分析二:【可微流形簡介17】流形上「場」(field)的概念(一):切向量場;藉著「黏貼」來構造拓樸空間與流形 47:24
分析二:【可微流形簡介18】流形上「場」的概念(二):張量場與微分形式 1:32:33
【可微流形簡介21B】微分形式(十二):前次問題討論;Mayer-Vietoris正合(exact)序列 59:41
【可微流形簡介21C】微分形式(十三):星形集(star-shaped set)的上同調─Poincaré引理 1:17:52
【可微流形簡介21E】Brouwer不動點定理;連續映射版本的幅角原理 28:50
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介2A】同倫算子(仿射鍊版本) 1:08:25
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介2B】同倫算子(一般奇異鍊的版本);鍊同倫(chain homotopy);同調映射的同倫不變性; 44:26
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3A】重心分割(barycentric subdivision)(仿射單體版本) 40:59
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3B】重心分割(一般奇異鍊的版本);分割算子sd與恆等映射彼此鍊同倫 36:39
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3C】由開覆蓋導出的一種同調群;奇異同調群的Mayer-Vietoris序列 1:02:51
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3D】(回顧:奇異同調群的Mayer-Vietoris序列);計算實例:球面的同調群 45:36
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3D】球面扣除一個有界閉方塊的拓樸嵌入影像後的同調群; 1:00:00
【研究連續函數的代數方法─奇異同調論簡介3D】球面扣除一個較低維球面的拓樸嵌入影像後的同調群;Jordan-Brouwer分離定理 35:41
Religion, Science and Culture: Six Big Questions by Alister McGrath (Gresham College)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: GreshamCollege 2016年11月18日
Professor Alister McGrath explores how the natural sciences and Christian theology might offer an enriched or deepened vision of reality, which transcends the limits placed on each http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
John Ruskin (1819-1900) was one of the most acute observers of the tensions to emerge between science and religion during the Victorian age. We shall explore Ruskin's concerns, set against the background of the Industrial Revolution, and ask how can we do science without losing sight of the beauty of nature? And in what ways might a religious reading of nature help meet at least some concerns?
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 2,000 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
Does Science Rob Nature of its Mystery and Beauty? - Professor Alister McGrath 52:12
Does Faith Make Sense of Things? 55:44
Is Reality Limited to What Science Can Uncover? 53:38
Respecting and Transcending Nature 56:12
Is Humanity Naturally Good? Richard Dawkins's Selfish Gene 54:59
Is Matter Evil? Philip Pullman's Dark Materials Trilogy 53:25
source: GreshamCollege 2016年11月18日
Professor Alister McGrath explores how the natural sciences and Christian theology might offer an enriched or deepened vision of reality, which transcends the limits placed on each http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
John Ruskin (1819-1900) was one of the most acute observers of the tensions to emerge between science and religion during the Victorian age. We shall explore Ruskin's concerns, set against the background of the Industrial Revolution, and ask how can we do science without losing sight of the beauty of nature? And in what ways might a religious reading of nature help meet at least some concerns?
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 2,000 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
Does Science Rob Nature of its Mystery and Beauty? - Professor Alister McGrath 52:12
Does Faith Make Sense of Things? 55:44
Is Reality Limited to What Science Can Uncover? 53:38
Respecting and Transcending Nature 56:12
Is Humanity Naturally Good? Richard Dawkins's Selfish Gene 54:59
Is Matter Evil? Philip Pullman's Dark Materials Trilogy 53:25
Christopher Page--The Christian Singer from the Gospels to the Gothic Cathedrals
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: GreshamCollege 2016年11月22日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
The Music of the First Christians - Professor Christopher Page 49:57
Professor Christopher Page looks at the early Christians singing and illustrates it with performances by the world-renowned tenor Christopher Watson http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Early in the second century a Roman governor interrogated a group of Christians to satisfy himself that they had not offended against his recent edict banning clubs that might acquire a political slant. The Christians told him that they said that they convened before dawn on Sundays, when they were accustomed to sing a hymn of praise, and that they met subsequently to share a common meal. Perhaps to confute the rumour that they and their co-religionists indulged in cannibalism, the prisoners insisted that they ate perfectly innocent food when they gathered. Like many others in the first and second centuries, the governor thought the Christians very strange. So they were in many respects, but they were not so strange that they repudiated the use of ritual song. We begin our survey with the music of the first Christian communities.
Towards a Ministry of Singing 52:11
Schooling Singers in the Cathedrals 47:25
Roman Singing and its Influence Across Europe 48:05
The Christian Singer: Charlemagne and Beyond 45:22
source: GreshamCollege 2016年11月22日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
The Music of the First Christians - Professor Christopher Page 49:57
Professor Christopher Page looks at the early Christians singing and illustrates it with performances by the world-renowned tenor Christopher Watson http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Early in the second century a Roman governor interrogated a group of Christians to satisfy himself that they had not offended against his recent edict banning clubs that might acquire a political slant. The Christians told him that they said that they convened before dawn on Sundays, when they were accustomed to sing a hymn of praise, and that they met subsequently to share a common meal. Perhaps to confute the rumour that they and their co-religionists indulged in cannibalism, the prisoners insisted that they ate perfectly innocent food when they gathered. Like many others in the first and second centuries, the governor thought the Christians very strange. So they were in many respects, but they were not so strange that they repudiated the use of ritual song. We begin our survey with the music of the first Christian communities.
Towards a Ministry of Singing 52:11
Schooling Singers in the Cathedrals 47:25
Roman Singing and its Influence Across Europe 48:05
The Christian Singer: Charlemagne and Beyond 45:22
Harvard University (videos of May 2017)
source: Harvard University
46:59 Kathleen Ossip | Book of Poems || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Kathleen Ossip RI ’17 explains how poems, more than any other kind of text, invite or even deman...
1:48:48 Tiya Miles on “I’ve Known Rivers”: Slave Resistance and Environmental Consciousness Tiya Miles is Mary Henrietta Graham Distinguished University Professor (University of Michigan); author of Tales from the Haunted South: Dark Tourism and Memories of Slavery from the Civil War Era ...
3:09 Veritas banners unfurled at Memorial Church for Harvard Commencement 2017 Veritas banners unfurled at Memorial Church for Harvard Commencement 2017! Video of the annual tradition in quick-time, set to music of the Harvard University Band recorded in 1926.
2:56 Among the Harvard Graduates For most students, the journey to graduation is challenging and rewarding, made up of hundreds of experiences and lessons that will influence and inform the rest of their lives. On Commencement Day...
2:10:22 Harvard University Commencement 2017 Class Day Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony, including speaker Joe Biden, on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre.
32:36 Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Commencement Address | Harvard Commencement 2017 Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg gave his address at Harvard's 366th Commencement on May 25, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/topic/co...
14:55 Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust Address | Harvard Commencement 2017 Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust addresses graduates at Harvard's 366th Commencement on May 26, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/to...
0:38 James Earl Jones tells Harvard grads "May the Force be with you" Legendary actor and Harvard honorary degree recipient James Earl Jones shares the famous Star Wars blessing with the 2017 graduates of Harvard University
2:17:49 Harvard University Commencement 2017 Afternoon Exercises
6:37 Latin Orator Jessica Rachael Glueck | Harvard Commencement 2017 Latin Orator Jessica Rachael Glueck addresses graduates at Harvard's 366th Commencement on May 25, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre.
8:05 Graduate Speaker Walter Smelt III | Harvard Commencement 2017 Graduate Speaker Walter Smelt III addresses graduates at Harvard's 366th Commencement on May 25, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/topi...
8:11 Undergraduate Speaker Auguste Roc | Harvard Commencement 2017 Undergraduate Speaker Auguste Roc addresses graduates at Harvard's 366th Commencement on May 25, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/topi...
2:48:56 Harvard University Commencement 2017 Morning Exercises The Morning Exercises at Harvard's 366th Commencement at Tercentenary Theatre on May 25, 2017. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/topic/commencement-....
5:31 Din and Tonics a cappella tribute to John Williams | Harvard University Commencement 2017 Student group "Harvard Din and Tonics" give an a cappella performance of famed composer and honorand John Williams most beloved scores, including Star Wars, Jaws, and Indiana Jones.
43:09 Edward Ball | Life of a Klansman || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Edward Ball RI ’17 investigates the life of a fighter in the Ku Klux Klan in Louisiana—a member ...
46:50 Vice President Joe Biden: Class Day Speech | Harvard Commencement 2017 Vice President Joe Biden addresses graduating seniors at Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/sto...
6:17 Harvard Female Orator Bessie Zhang | Harvard Commencement 2017 Female Orator Bessie Zhang addresses graduating seniors at Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/s...
7:03 Ivy Female Orator Rachel Stromberg | Harvard Commencement 2017 Ivy Female Orator Rachel Stromberg addresses graduating seniors at Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/g...
8:01 Ivy Male Orator Declan Garvey | Harvard Commencement 2017 Ivy Male Orator Declan Garvey addresses graduating seniors at Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazett...
9:33 Harvard Male Orator Jonathan Roberts | Harvard Commencement 2017 Male Orator Jonathan Roberts addresses graduating seniors at Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre. For more information, visit http://news.harvard.edu/gazette...
1:38:20 Intersections | 4 of 4 | Planned and Unplanned || Radcliffe Institute PLANNED AND UNPLANNED
Official city plans are often not realized in their proposed forms, but rather adapt to realities on the ground, including unexpected practices and patterns of human behavior....
1:21:16 Intersections | 3 of 4 | Beyond the Nature/Technology Divide || Radcliffe Institute BEYOND THE NATURE/TECHNOLOGY DIVIDE
This panel looks at the intertwined workings of nature and technology in urban infrastructure, green spaces, public art, and landscape design.
Dilip da Cunha (...
1:32:08 Intersections | 2 of 4 | Ways of Knowing the City || Radcliffe Institute WAYS OF KNOWING THE CITY
This panel explores how urban environments offer a dense and intense human experience, while also being a complex object of study generating vast quantities of data for ana...
1:02:34 Intersections | 1 of 4 | Keynote || Radcliffe Institute WELCOME
Lizabeth Cohen, dean of the Radcliffe Institute and Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies, Harvard University
KEYNOTE (9:57)
Angela Flournoy, author of The Turner House; Rona ...
55:32 Gene Editing: Promises and Challenges In labs and in clinical trials, scientists are seeking ways to rewrite DNA, a building block of life. Tools such as zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) and, more recently,...
5:36 An Introduction to the Human Genome | HMX Genetics Humans are 99.9% genetically identical - and yet we are all so different. How can this be? This video, taken from a lesson in Harvard Medical School’s HMX Genetics course, explains.
Learn more: h...
5:10 Comparing Air Pollution and Its Health Effects in Beijing and Mexico City On February 8, 2017, Nobel Prize-winning chemist Mario Molina gave a public lecture at Harvard comparing air quality issues in Mexico City and Beijing. Dr. Molina is part of a community of scholars...
36:50 Xaviera Simmons | Overlay Exhibition: Opening Discussion || Radcliffe Institute The artist Xaviera Simmons participates in a discussion pertaining to the opening of Overlay, a multimedia exhibition based in part on stories and historical narratives found in the archives of the...
36:34 Alex Gourevitch | The Political Ethics of the Strike || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Alex Gourevitch RI ’17 uses social theory, history, and political philosophy to develop a defens...
1:13:06 Rediscovering Pauli Murray || Radcliffe Institute Anna Pauline Murray (1910–1985), better known as Pauli, was a pioneering civil and human rights activist, feminist and legal theorist, preacher, and poet. The Schlesinger Library holds the Papers o...
31:19 Public Service and Global Leadership: A Conversation with Ban Ki-moon The 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations and Angelopoulos Global Public Leaders Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Government, the Honorable Ban Ki-moon, discusses his career path, successe...
3:13 Seminal Harvard speeches through the years | 360° video While it’s common for a modern-day speech to become instantly familiar to millions of viewers through television or the internet, few people experienced the direct impact of British Prime Minister ...
50:35 Anna Cummins | More Ocean, Less Plastic || Radcliffe Institute The problem of plastic pollution in the oceans is now a recognized threat to the health of our global marine ecosystems. More complex, however, is coming up with solutions to this ubiquitous plague...
40:41 Public Health Leadership in Challenging Times: Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future The 21st Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Margaret Hamburg, discusses her career path, successes and leadership lessons learned on the Voices in Leadership program.
54:49 Petros Koumoutsakos | Computing for the Benefit of Mankind || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Petros Koumoutsakos RI ’17 discusses computing: is it or can it be structured for the benefit of...
1:53:59 Timothy LeCain | "A Thousand Dead Snow Geese: The Matter of the Non-Human in the Age of Humans" The Environment Forum at the Mahindra Center is convened by Robin Kelsey (Dean of Arts and Humanities, Harvard University) and Ian Jared Miller (Professor of History, Harvard University). http://m...
59:04 Supplements and Health: Sorting the Facts “Lose belly fat.” “Build muscle.” “Lower your cholesterol.” “Improve your sex drive.” Browse the shelves of any supermarket or pharmacy, and you will find dietary supplements that promise to do all...
2:10 Wyss Focus: Immuno-Materials Wyss Core Faculty member, Dave Mooney, explains the Wyss Institute’s new Immuno-Materials Focus Area, which adds a new dimension to immunotherapy in that it harnesses materials to make treatments m...
1:00:37 The Opioid Crisis: A Governors Roundtable Opioid overdoses claim the lives of 91 Americans every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this Forum event, four former governors offered candid insights into how ...
58:20 Zaid Jabri | Chamber Music || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Zaid Jabri RI ’17 presents Chamber Music, a collection of compositions from 2008 to 2016. (11:2...
1:07:05 Dava Sobel | A Woman's Place at the Harvard Observatory || Radcliffe Institutev The acclaimed author of Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time (Walker, 1995), Dava Sobel speaks about her new book, The Glass Universe: H...
8:46 Educating Millennials – Insights from the panelists | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard The panelists and the organizer of the Colloquium give some insights on the importance of educating millennials for ethical leadership and trust.
17:20 Educating Millennials – Participants' short testimonial | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard Several participants talk about their experience attending the Colloquium, what they take home and their ideas and suggestions regarding the education of millennials for ethical leadership and trust.
6:53 Are we helping millennials to enjoy working at their best? Kevin Majeres | IECO – AAI – Harvard Kevin Majeres, MD, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, explained how the searching for meaning and purpose in work yields surprising benefits for task-related attention. Therefore, striving...
9:46 What are 'millennials' expecting from us as educators? Rita Jácome | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard Rita Jácome, PhD, IECO-UV Chair of Business Ethics, University of Valencia, illustrated that millennials want us to teach them something that they can’t find in Google, something more related to th...
8:02 What is missing in our education of future leaders? Donna Hicks | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard Donna Hicks, PhD, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, defends that education has done a good job teaching students about the outside world, but has neglected the "worl...
10:26 Has business ethics education failed? Leon Goldman | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard Leon Goldman, MD, CBE Executive Fellow, Bentley University, pointed out that the idea that education has failed assumes that students learn everything we teach. But role modeling, both individual a...
4:41 Introduction to the Colloquium: Educating Millennials. Danilo Petranovich | IECO – AAI – Harvard Moderator Danilo Petranovich, PhD, the Director of the Abigail Adams Institute, opened the colloquium introducing the institutions organizing the event and the panelists, and presenting a brief int...

Official city plans are often not realized in their proposed forms, but rather adapt to realities on the ground, including unexpected practices and patterns of human behavior....

This panel looks at the intertwined workings of nature and technology in urban infrastructure, green spaces, public art, and landscape design.
Dilip da Cunha (...

This panel explores how urban environments offer a dense and intense human experience, while also being a complex object of study generating vast quantities of data for ana...

Lizabeth Cohen, dean of the Radcliffe Institute and Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies, Harvard University
KEYNOTE (9:57)
Angela Flournoy, author of The Turner House; Rona ...

Learn more: h...

The Nth Degree Series
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: The New School 2017年5月17日
The Nth Degree is a curated series of events featuring thinkers, visionaries, and creators who bring about positive change in the world—and redefine the cutting edge. The series continues The New School’s century-long tradition of forward thinking by spotlighting lectures, performances, panels, and other public programs that galvanize curious minds.
Democracy Now!: Covering the Movements Changing America - A Talk by Journalist Amy Goodman 1:35:12
Anonymous No More: Recovering Women From the Past to Change Our Future 1:21:57
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Exploration Narrative: Agency and VR experience 1:00:25
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Keynote Speaker: Jessica Brillhart 1:09:25
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Beyond the Classroom: How do we teach VR? 1:06:49
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Subjective/Objective: Versions of Reality 1:09:19
What Is an Open Campus 1:16:08
Obama, Race, and Politics: Public Voices 10 1:54:28
The Marvin Traub Lecture: Andrew Rosen, CEO of Theory 1:13:37
Bill McKibben On The Fate Of The Earth 1:10:38
Environmental Justice: Then and Now 1:50:26
bell hooks + Jill Soloway - Ending Domination: The Personal is Political 1:32:38
Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism Awards 1:25:18
Food, Power, and Politics - A Conversation 1:11:20
Hans Maeder Lecture Series: Timothy Garton Ash: "Free Speech in an Age of Trumpery" 1:26:39
ArtTable Annual Leadership Series at The New School: New Visions New Voices 1:31:49
source: The New School 2017年5月17日
The Nth Degree is a curated series of events featuring thinkers, visionaries, and creators who bring about positive change in the world—and redefine the cutting edge. The series continues The New School’s century-long tradition of forward thinking by spotlighting lectures, performances, panels, and other public programs that galvanize curious minds.
Democracy Now!: Covering the Movements Changing America - A Talk by Journalist Amy Goodman 1:35:12
Anonymous No More: Recovering Women From the Past to Change Our Future 1:21:57
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Exploration Narrative: Agency and VR experience 1:00:25
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Keynote Speaker: Jessica Brillhart 1:09:25
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Beyond the Classroom: How do we teach VR? 1:06:49
Immersive Storytelling Symposium - Subjective/Objective: Versions of Reality 1:09:19
What Is an Open Campus 1:16:08
Obama, Race, and Politics: Public Voices 10 1:54:28
The Marvin Traub Lecture: Andrew Rosen, CEO of Theory 1:13:37
Bill McKibben On The Fate Of The Earth 1:10:38
Environmental Justice: Then and Now 1:50:26
bell hooks + Jill Soloway - Ending Domination: The Personal is Political 1:32:38
Creative Publishing and Critical Journalism Awards 1:25:18
Food, Power, and Politics - A Conversation 1:11:20
Hans Maeder Lecture Series: Timothy Garton Ash: "Free Speech in an Age of Trumpery" 1:26:39
ArtTable Annual Leadership Series at The New School: New Visions New Voices 1:31:49
About the Work | School of Drama
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: The New School 2017年2月22日
Part of the Guest Artist series at School of Drama, The New School (http://newschool.edu).
Through Company Residencies, Workshops and About the Work interviews School of Drama (http://www.newschool.edu/drama) students have significant opportunities to engage and work with a wide and distinguished range of visiting performing artists and creators.
About the Work: David Hyde Pierce | School of Drama 1:06:26
Jeremy Irons 1:11:52
Cherry Jones 1:23:02
Eric Bogosian 56:21
James Lapine 53:15
Billy Crudup 59:37
Adrienne C. Moore 49:02
Donald Margulies 58:36
Daniel Sullivan 53:34
Wallace Shawn & Deborah Eisenberg 57:36
Robyn Goodman 59:02
Lucie Arnaz 1:12:37
Josh Hamilton 1:01:01
Neil LaBute 1:07:03
Mandy Patinkin 58:56
Ethan Hawke 1:00:39
Tonya Pinkins 55:58
Moises Kaufman 51:16
Tommy Kail 1:00:59
Daphne Rubin-Vega 50:53
Holland Taylor 50:56
Dael Orlandersmith 50:01
Cynthia Nixon 1:04:41
Christopher Abbott 52:00
Lisa Kron 56:18
Jason Kim 43:48
source: The New School 2017年2月22日
Part of the Guest Artist series at School of Drama, The New School (http://newschool.edu).
Through Company Residencies, Workshops and About the Work interviews School of Drama (http://www.newschool.edu/drama) students have significant opportunities to engage and work with a wide and distinguished range of visiting performing artists and creators.
About the Work: David Hyde Pierce | School of Drama 1:06:26
Jeremy Irons 1:11:52
Cherry Jones 1:23:02
Eric Bogosian 56:21
James Lapine 53:15
Billy Crudup 59:37
Adrienne C. Moore 49:02
Donald Margulies 58:36
Daniel Sullivan 53:34
Wallace Shawn & Deborah Eisenberg 57:36
Robyn Goodman 59:02
Lucie Arnaz 1:12:37
Josh Hamilton 1:01:01
Neil LaBute 1:07:03
Mandy Patinkin 58:56
Ethan Hawke 1:00:39
Tonya Pinkins 55:58
Moises Kaufman 51:16
Tommy Kail 1:00:59
Daphne Rubin-Vega 50:53
Holland Taylor 50:56
Dael Orlandersmith 50:01
Cynthia Nixon 1:04:41
Christopher Abbott 52:00
Lisa Kron 56:18
Jason Kim 43:48
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