# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Jordan B Peterson 2017年2月8日
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson
Self Authoring: http://selfauthoring.com/
Jordan Peterson Website: http://jordanbpeterson.com/
Podcast: http://jordanbpeterson.com/jordan-b-p...
Reading List: http://jordanbpeterson.com/2017/03/gr...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson
2017 Personality 01: Introduction 54:03
In this lecture, I define personality from multiple angles, historical, constructivist, psychoanalytic, behavioral and neuropsychological. Personality is a way of looking at the world, and a characteristic mode of behaving. It's both stable and adaptively dynamic.
2017 Personality 02/03: Historical & Mythological Context 2:18:33
2017 Personality 04/05: Heroic and Shamanic Initiations 2:37:35
2017 Personality 06: Jean Piaget & Constructivism 1:45:26
2017 Personality 07: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 1) 54:03
2017 Personality 08: Carl Jung and the Lion King (Part 2) 1:44:25
2017 Personality 09: Freud and the Dynamic Unconscious 48:22
2017 Personality 10: Humanism & Phenomenology: Carl Rogers 50:10
2017 Personality 11: Existentialism: Nietzsche Dostoevsky & Kierkegaard 1:34:32
2017 Personality 12: Phenomenology: Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss 46:33
2017 Personality 13: Existentialism via Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag 1:41:04
2017 Personality 14: Introduction to Traits/Psychometrics/The Big 5 49:37
2017 Personality 15: Biology/Traits: The Limbic System 1:18:58
2017 Personality 16: Biology/Traits: Incentive Reward/Neuroticism 1:13:38
2017 Personality 17: Biology and Traits: Agreeableness 49:26
2017 Personality 18: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity I 1:45:50
2017 Personality 19: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity II 48:58
2017 Personality 20: Biology & Traits: Orderliness/Disgust/Conscientiousness 1:34:33
2017 Personality 21: Biology & Traits: Performance Prediction 1:28:31
2017 Personality 22: Conclusion: Psychology and Belief 1:08:29
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Renew America: New America's 2017 Annual Conference
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: New America 2017年5月19日
New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next generation politics, and creative engagement with broad audiences.
Subscribe to The New America Weekly and other newsletters: http://www.newamerica.org/subscribe/#
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellows, thinkers, writers, researchers, technologists, and community activists who believe deeply in the possibility of American renewal.
We’re incubating and cultivating big ideas and talents from our program directors to our fellows who are questioning, challenging, and solving some of tomorrow’s biggest problems. From media literacy to racial justice to the future of work we’re addressing major social, economic, and political challenges in an era of profound, exhilarating, but often threatening change.
Renew America 29:30 ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO
In Conversation: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Anne Marie Slaughter 54:16
We the People: Populism vs Pluralism 54:05
A Hard Pill to Swallow: Bridging the Health Care Divide 33:45
Civic Tech for Good 16:01
Past Performance, Future Potential: A Look Back and Ahead at Economics, Racial, and Social Justice 1:23:16
The Future of Us 1:07:42
Closing Remarks 10:03
source: New America 2017年5月19日
New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next generation politics, and creative engagement with broad audiences.
Subscribe to The New America Weekly and other newsletters: http://www.newamerica.org/subscribe/#
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellows, thinkers, writers, researchers, technologists, and community activists who believe deeply in the possibility of American renewal.
We’re incubating and cultivating big ideas and talents from our program directors to our fellows who are questioning, challenging, and solving some of tomorrow’s biggest problems. From media literacy to racial justice to the future of work we’re addressing major social, economic, and political challenges in an era of profound, exhilarating, but often threatening change.
Renew America 29:30 ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO
In Conversation: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Anne Marie Slaughter 54:16
We the People: Populism vs Pluralism 54:05
A Hard Pill to Swallow: Bridging the Health Care Divide 33:45
Civic Tech for Good 16:01
Past Performance, Future Potential: A Look Back and Ahead at Economics, Racial, and Social Justice 1:23:16
The Future of Us 1:07:42
Closing Remarks 10:03
Driving Change, Securing Tenure: Innovations in Land & Property Rights
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: New America 2017年6月27日
ISS at FPR - David Mayson: Putting Justice into Practice: Communal Land Tenure in Ebenhaeser, RSA 20:13
On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR - hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations in land tenure and formalization. http://bit.ly/FPR-ISS-Event #ISSCases. In this talk David Mayson (Managing Partner, Phulisani Solutions) discusses the case "Putting Justice into Practice: Communal Land Tenure in Ebenhaeser, RSA." The case can be downloaded freely at http://bit.ly/ISSRSAEb. Please let us know how you are using these cases via Twitter @NewAmericaFPR or email FPR@NewAmerica.org
The shortened link to this video is: http://bit.ly/ISSRSAEb-v
ISS at FPR - Kathryn Ewing: Land Rights in the Township: Building Incremental Tenure in CPT, RSA 21:44
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Formalization in Ebenhaeser and Cape Town, South Africa 17:09
ISS at FPR - Elizabeth Stair: From the Ground Up: Developing Jamaica’s National Land Agency 16:03
ISS at FPR - Elgin Farewell: Breaking New Ground: Pioneering Electronic Land Registration in Ontario 19:35
ISS at FPR - Jodi Cant: Embracing Disruption: Transforming Western Australia's Land Agency 18:12
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Registries in Jamaica, Ontario, and Western Australia 32:47
ISS at FPR - Emidío Oliveira: Putting Rural Communities on the Map: Land Registration in Mozambique 20:38
ISS at FPR - Seraphia Mgembe: Rural Land Registration in Tanzania 18:06
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Registration in Mozambique and Tanzania 14:15
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion with the two ISS Case Researchers 40:29
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding the Cross-Cutting Themes of the ISS Cases 55:25
source: New America 2017年6月27日
ISS at FPR - David Mayson: Putting Justice into Practice: Communal Land Tenure in Ebenhaeser, RSA 20:13
On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR - hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations in land tenure and formalization. http://bit.ly/FPR-ISS-Event #ISSCases. In this talk David Mayson (Managing Partner, Phulisani Solutions) discusses the case "Putting Justice into Practice: Communal Land Tenure in Ebenhaeser, RSA." The case can be downloaded freely at http://bit.ly/ISSRSAEb. Please let us know how you are using these cases via Twitter @NewAmericaFPR or email FPR@NewAmerica.org
The shortened link to this video is: http://bit.ly/ISSRSAEb-v
ISS at FPR - Kathryn Ewing: Land Rights in the Township: Building Incremental Tenure in CPT, RSA 21:44
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Formalization in Ebenhaeser and Cape Town, South Africa 17:09
ISS at FPR - Elizabeth Stair: From the Ground Up: Developing Jamaica’s National Land Agency 16:03
ISS at FPR - Elgin Farewell: Breaking New Ground: Pioneering Electronic Land Registration in Ontario 19:35
ISS at FPR - Jodi Cant: Embracing Disruption: Transforming Western Australia's Land Agency 18:12
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Registries in Jamaica, Ontario, and Western Australia 32:47
ISS at FPR - Emidío Oliveira: Putting Rural Communities on the Map: Land Registration in Mozambique 20:38
ISS at FPR - Seraphia Mgembe: Rural Land Registration in Tanzania 18:06
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Registration in Mozambique and Tanzania 14:15
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion with the two ISS Case Researchers 40:29
ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding the Cross-Cutting Themes of the ISS Cases 55:25
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Prasad/Heiermann
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2016年7月4日
Interview at Cirm: Dipendra Prasad 28:37
Jean-Morlet Chair 2016: Cirm is delighted to welcome Dipendra Prasad (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai) and Volker Heiermann (I2M Marseille) for six months.
Five scientific events are scheduled at CIRM between January and June 2016 and a range of worldwide guests will be invited over this period.
More information : http://www.math.tifr.res.in/%7Edprasad/ www.chairejeanmorlet.com
Dipendra Prasad: The local Langlands correspondence: functoriality, L-functions, gamma ... 1:41:58
Omer Offen : The relative trace formula 1:01:45
Omer Offen: Period integrals of automorphic forms 1:06:12
Omer Offen : Distinction by a symmetric subgroup 1:02:04
Omer Offen : Distinction and the geometric lemma 1:03:04
Fiona Murnaghan: Tame relatively supercuspidal representations 1:08:59
James Arthur: Beyond Endoscopy and elliptic terms in the trace formula 1:13:55
Wee Teck Gan: Theta lifts of tempered representations and Langlands parameter 1:01:59
Shou-Wu Zhang: Congruent number problem and BSD conjecture 49:01
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2016年7月4日
Interview at Cirm: Dipendra Prasad 28:37
Jean-Morlet Chair 2016: Cirm is delighted to welcome Dipendra Prasad (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai) and Volker Heiermann (I2M Marseille) for six months.
Five scientific events are scheduled at CIRM between January and June 2016 and a range of worldwide guests will be invited over this period.
More information : http://www.math.tifr.res.in/%7Edprasad/ www.chairejeanmorlet.com
Dipendra Prasad: The local Langlands correspondence: functoriality, L-functions, gamma ... 1:41:58
Omer Offen : The relative trace formula 1:01:45
Omer Offen: Period integrals of automorphic forms 1:06:12
Omer Offen : Distinction by a symmetric subgroup 1:02:04
Omer Offen : Distinction and the geometric lemma 1:03:04
Fiona Murnaghan: Tame relatively supercuspidal representations 1:08:59
James Arthur: Beyond Endoscopy and elliptic terms in the trace formula 1:13:55
Wee Teck Gan: Theta lifts of tempered representations and Langlands parameter 1:01:59
Shou-Wu Zhang: Congruent number problem and BSD conjecture 49:01
Investigación Forestal Avanzada / Advanced Forest Research
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: UPM 2016年4月28日
How American Forestry destroyed the forest in California 58:36
Conferencia Lynn Huntsinger, profesora Univ Berkeley, dentro del ciclo de seminarios del PD en Investigación Forestal Avanzada
Vídeo producido por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Seminario del prof. Bruce Larson en el PD en Investigación Forestal Avanzada 1:12:22
Seminario Investigación en Incendios Forestales “Jugando con Fuego” 51:02
Jornada de acogida del programa de doctorado en Investigación Forestal Avanzada 1:38:20
Forest and forestry in New England, USA. Challenges for Sustainability 56:15
Ingeniería, Tecnología e Industria Forestal Brasileña 1:23:54
Optimización de la gestión forestal: un enfoque basado en la programación por metas 59:39
Investigación Forestal Avanzada: Selvicultura de masas mixtas y Acción CST EuMIXFOR 1:01:41
Investigación Forestal Avanzada. Mapeo 3D de plantaciones forestales con LiDAR 1:45:16
Investigación forestal avanzada. Modelos de distribución de especies 1:20:45
La certificación en el sector forestal: una oportunidad para empresas y gestores forestales 1:02:04
Monetizar mi investigación. ¿Quimera o realidad? 1:02:23
Una defensa apasionada de los bosques 1:18:42
Genomic studies of the Dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi: dimorphism, pathogenicity 1:10:58
source: UPM 2016年4月28日
How American Forestry destroyed the forest in California 58:36
Conferencia Lynn Huntsinger, profesora Univ Berkeley, dentro del ciclo de seminarios del PD en Investigación Forestal Avanzada
Vídeo producido por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Seminario del prof. Bruce Larson en el PD en Investigación Forestal Avanzada 1:12:22
Seminario Investigación en Incendios Forestales “Jugando con Fuego” 51:02
Jornada de acogida del programa de doctorado en Investigación Forestal Avanzada 1:38:20
Forest and forestry in New England, USA. Challenges for Sustainability 56:15
Ingeniería, Tecnología e Industria Forestal Brasileña 1:23:54
Optimización de la gestión forestal: un enfoque basado en la programación por metas 59:39
Investigación Forestal Avanzada: Selvicultura de masas mixtas y Acción CST EuMIXFOR 1:01:41
Investigación Forestal Avanzada. Mapeo 3D de plantaciones forestales con LiDAR 1:45:16
Investigación forestal avanzada. Modelos de distribución de especies 1:20:45
La certificación en el sector forestal: una oportunidad para empresas y gestores forestales 1:02:04
Monetizar mi investigación. ¿Quimera o realidad? 1:02:23
Una defensa apasionada de los bosques 1:18:42
Genomic studies of the Dutch elm disease fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi: dimorphism, pathogenicity 1:10:58
Engineering Economics
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: UPM 2013年3月13日
Vídeo producido por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Lecture 5 of Engineering Economics 30:19
Lecture 4 of Engineering Economics 1:21:33
Lecture 2 of Engineering Economics 1:55:12
Lecture 3 of Engineering Economics 56:08
Lecture 1 of Engineering Economics 1:17:29
Lecture 0 of Engineering Economics 1:06:54
Lecture 7 of Engineering Economics 1:05:03
Lecture 6 of Engineering Economics 1:06:39
Lecture 9 of Engineering Economics 35:38
Lecture 8 of Engineering Economics 32:22
source: UPM 2013年3月13日
Vídeo producido por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Lecture 5 of Engineering Economics 30:19
Lecture 4 of Engineering Economics 1:21:33
Lecture 2 of Engineering Economics 1:55:12
Lecture 3 of Engineering Economics 56:08
Lecture 1 of Engineering Economics 1:17:29
Lecture 0 of Engineering Economics 1:06:54
Lecture 7 of Engineering Economics 1:05:03
Lecture 6 of Engineering Economics 1:06:39
Lecture 9 of Engineering Economics 35:38
Lecture 8 of Engineering Economics 32:22
(русский / in Russian) Введение в интернет-маркетинг
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2015年2月10日
Введение в интернет-маркетинг / Introduction to Internet Marketing
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3494/736/info
Курс является вводным и дает обзор задач, которые решаются инструментами интернет-маркетинга.
В курсе дано описание принципов работы информационных систем, обеспечивающих решение задач интернет-маркетинга без детализации до уровня отдельных приложений. Особенностью предлагаемых лекций является болшое привлечение иллюстраций в виде схем, таймлайнов, концепт-карт, диаграмм, которые позволяют представить логическую взаимосвязь различных задач, решаемых методами интернет-маркетинга.
Лекция 1: Введение 2:40 Лекция в НОУ "ИНТУИТ":
Лекция 2: Что такое интернет-маркетинг 31:48
Лекция 3: Эволюция представлений об интернет-маркетинге 8:26
Лекция 4: Эволюция электронной коммерции 16:15
Лекция 5: Эволюция веб-технологий 8:17
Лекция 6: Рынок услуг интернет-маркетинга 19:24
Лекция 7: Интернет-маркетинг и интерактивный маркетинг 22:55
Лекция 8: Преимущества интернет-маркетинга и интернет-рекламы 11:40
Лекция 9: Экосистема интерактивной рекламы/интерактивного маркетинга 12:59
Лекция 10: Элементы экосистемы цифрового маркетинга и их взаимодействие 20:19
Лекция 11: Стратегия сайта и этапы его создания 21:05
Лекция 12: Хостинг Web-сайта 13:53
Лекция 13: CMS — Content Managment System 13:40
Лекция 14: Как работает поисковая машина 15:13
Лекция 15: SEO-факторы и эволюция их веса 38:24
Лекция 16: Подбор ключевых слов, семантическое ядро 13:49
Лекция 17: Оптимизация контента и структуры сайта 11:58
Лекция 18: Легальные и нелегальные методы оптимизации 15:37
Лекция 19: SEO или аутсорсинг SEO? 9:43
Лекция 20: Поисковая реклама 29:35
Лекция 21: Аффилированный маркетинг 7:20
Лекция 22: Поведенческая реклама, ретаргетинг 21:59
Лекция 23: Как работает AD-сервер 10:04
Лекция 24: Как работает RTB 8:16
Лекция 25: Реклама на мобильных платформах, видео реклама 23:54
Лекция 26: Методы, стратегия и тактика e-mail маркетинга 26:31
Лекция 27: Социальные сети. Принципы SMO и SMM. Особенности размещения рекламы в UGC ресурсах 1:34:37
Лекция 28: Типы социальных сетей и их использование в интернет-маркетинге 15:38
Лекция 29: Медиапланирование 17:32
Лекция 30: Анализ эффективности 37:58
Лекция 31: Что вошло и не вошло в настоящий курс. Будущее интернет-маркетинга 47:53
[deleted video]
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2015年2月10日
Введение в интернет-маркетинг / Introduction to Internet Marketing
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3494/736/info
Курс является вводным и дает обзор задач, которые решаются инструментами интернет-маркетинга.
В курсе дано описание принципов работы информационных систем, обеспечивающих решение задач интернет-маркетинга без детализации до уровня отдельных приложений. Особенностью предлагаемых лекций является болшое привлечение иллюстраций в виде схем, таймлайнов, концепт-карт, диаграмм, которые позволяют представить логическую взаимосвязь различных задач, решаемых методами интернет-маркетинга.
Лекция 1: Введение 2:40 Лекция в НОУ "ИНТУИТ":
Лекция 2: Что такое интернет-маркетинг 31:48
Лекция 3: Эволюция представлений об интернет-маркетинге 8:26
Лекция 4: Эволюция электронной коммерции 16:15
Лекция 5: Эволюция веб-технологий 8:17
Лекция 6: Рынок услуг интернет-маркетинга 19:24
Лекция 7: Интернет-маркетинг и интерактивный маркетинг 22:55
Лекция 8: Преимущества интернет-маркетинга и интернет-рекламы 11:40
Лекция 9: Экосистема интерактивной рекламы/интерактивного маркетинга 12:59
Лекция 10: Элементы экосистемы цифрового маркетинга и их взаимодействие 20:19
Лекция 11: Стратегия сайта и этапы его создания 21:05
Лекция 12: Хостинг Web-сайта 13:53
Лекция 13: CMS — Content Managment System 13:40
Лекция 14: Как работает поисковая машина 15:13
Лекция 15: SEO-факторы и эволюция их веса 38:24
Лекция 16: Подбор ключевых слов, семантическое ядро 13:49
Лекция 17: Оптимизация контента и структуры сайта 11:58
Лекция 18: Легальные и нелегальные методы оптимизации 15:37
Лекция 19: SEO или аутсорсинг SEO? 9:43
Лекция 20: Поисковая реклама 29:35
Лекция 21: Аффилированный маркетинг 7:20
Лекция 22: Поведенческая реклама, ретаргетинг 21:59
Лекция 23: Как работает AD-сервер 10:04
Лекция 24: Как работает RTB 8:16
Лекция 25: Реклама на мобильных платформах, видео реклама 23:54
Лекция 26: Методы, стратегия и тактика e-mail маркетинга 26:31
Лекция 27: Социальные сети. Принципы SMO и SMM. Особенности размещения рекламы в UGC ресурсах 1:34:37
Лекция 28: Типы социальных сетей и их использование в интернет-маркетинге 15:38
Лекция 29: Медиапланирование 17:32
Лекция 30: Анализ эффективности 37:58
Лекция 31: Что вошло и не вошло в настоящий курс. Будущее интернет-маркетинга 47:53
[deleted video]
(русский / in Russian) Статистика / Statistics
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2014年1月29日
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/2301/601/info
Автор: Борис Бояршинов
Статистика -- это прикладная наука, базирующаяся на математической статистике. Статистика развивает методы применительно к описанию и исследованию явлений и процессов в реальной жизни. Это относится как сфере экономических и социальных процессов, так и к исследованиям в области естественных наук.
Рассматриваются основные приёмы и методы сбора, обработки и анализа статистических данных. Излагаются методы обобщения статистических данных. Приводятся способы выявления взаимосвязи между показателями.
Лекция 1: Вводная лекция 1:17:10
История статистики как науки и как инструмента лица принимающего решение.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Статистическое наблюдение 1:13:53
Лекция 3: Группировка статистических данных 1:31:52
Лекция 4: Обобщающие статистические показатели 1:24:17
Лекция 5: Вариационные ряды 1:17:08
Лекция 6: Анализ вариационных рядов 1:21:23
Лекция 7: Дисперсионный анализ 1:27:27
Лекция 8: Показатели концентрации и дифференциации 44:26
Лекция 9: Моменты распределения 1:20:46
Лекция 10: Теоретические распределения и критерии согласия 1:29:26
Лекция 11: Выборочное наблюдение. Способы формирование выборки 1:13:16
Лекция 12: Специальные виды отбора 1:17:24
Лекция 13: Статистическое изучение взаимодействий. Случай количественных признаков 1:27:24
Лекция 14: Статистическое изучение взаимодействий. Случай качественных признаков 1:20:06
Лекция 15: Исследование связи между двумя количественными признаками 1:26:17
Лекция 15: Исследование связи между двумя количественными признаками 1:26:17
Лекция 16: Уравнение парной линейной регрессии 1:16:30
Лекция 17: Уравнение регрессии между двумя признаками 1:25:01
Лекция 18: Множественная и квадратичная регрессии 1:23:29
Лекция 19: Исследование связи между ранжируемыми качественными признаками 1:21:41
Лекция 20: Ряды динамики 1:04:57
Лекция 21: Методы выявления тенденции в рядах динамики 1:15:29
Лекция 22: Колеблемость в рядах динамики 1:09:17
Лекция 23: Автокорреляция в рядах динамики 1:23:51
Лекция 24: Статистические индексы 56:14
Лекция 25: Структурные сдвиги 1:18:52
Лекция 26: Демографическая статистика 1:13:57
Лекция 27: Множественная корреляция 1:04:44
Лекция 28: Заключительная лекция 1:10:46
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2014年1月29日
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/2301/601/info
Автор: Борис Бояршинов
Статистика -- это прикладная наука, базирующаяся на математической статистике. Статистика развивает методы применительно к описанию и исследованию явлений и процессов в реальной жизни. Это относится как сфере экономических и социальных процессов, так и к исследованиям в области естественных наук.
Рассматриваются основные приёмы и методы сбора, обработки и анализа статистических данных. Излагаются методы обобщения статистических данных. Приводятся способы выявления взаимосвязи между показателями.
Лекция 1: Вводная лекция 1:17:10
История статистики как науки и как инструмента лица принимающего решение.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Статистическое наблюдение 1:13:53
Лекция 3: Группировка статистических данных 1:31:52
Лекция 4: Обобщающие статистические показатели 1:24:17
Лекция 5: Вариационные ряды 1:17:08
Лекция 6: Анализ вариационных рядов 1:21:23
Лекция 7: Дисперсионный анализ 1:27:27
Лекция 8: Показатели концентрации и дифференциации 44:26
Лекция 9: Моменты распределения 1:20:46
Лекция 10: Теоретические распределения и критерии согласия 1:29:26
Лекция 11: Выборочное наблюдение. Способы формирование выборки 1:13:16
Лекция 12: Специальные виды отбора 1:17:24
Лекция 13: Статистическое изучение взаимодействий. Случай количественных признаков 1:27:24
Лекция 14: Статистическое изучение взаимодействий. Случай качественных признаков 1:20:06
Лекция 15: Исследование связи между двумя количественными признаками 1:26:17
Лекция 15: Исследование связи между двумя количественными признаками 1:26:17
Лекция 16: Уравнение парной линейной регрессии 1:16:30
Лекция 17: Уравнение регрессии между двумя признаками 1:25:01
Лекция 18: Множественная и квадратичная регрессии 1:23:29
Лекция 19: Исследование связи между ранжируемыми качественными признаками 1:21:41
Лекция 20: Ряды динамики 1:04:57
Лекция 21: Методы выявления тенденции в рядах динамики 1:15:29
Лекция 22: Колеблемость в рядах динамики 1:09:17
Лекция 23: Автокорреляция в рядах динамики 1:23:51
Лекция 24: Статистические индексы 56:14
Лекция 25: Структурные сдвиги 1:18:52
Лекция 26: Демографическая статистика 1:13:57
Лекция 27: Множественная корреляция 1:04:44
Лекция 28: Заключительная лекция 1:10:46
(русский / in Russian) Логистика
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2014年1月29日
Логистика / Logistics
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/2303/603/info
Автор: Борис Бояршинов
Данный курс знакомит с моделями, используемыми в логистике -- науке исследующей оптимальные способы управления запасами и их распределение.
В логистике возникают задачи, для решения которых необходимо использовать прикладную математику. Логистика может рассматриваться как одно из направлений, использующих методы прикладной математики и исследования операций.
Лекция 1: Вводная лекция 1:14:47
Задачи логистики. Принципы логистики. Функции логистики.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Этапы развития логистики 1:17:38
Лекция 3: Логистика запасов. Управление запасами (однопродуктовая модель) 1:09:50
Лекция 4: Логистика запасов. Управление запасами (многопродуктовая модель) 1:07:00
Лекция 5: Логистика запасов. Стохастический подход 1:17:56
Лекция 6: Логистика запасов. Стохастическое моделирование 1:37:49
Лекция 7: Транспортная логистика. Стандартная транспортная задача. (Часть 1) 1:04:52
Лекция 8: Транспортная логистика. Стандартная транспортная задача. (Часть 2) 58:28
Лекция 9: Решение транспортной задачи на компьютере 48:46
Лекция 10: Транспортная логистика. Задача типа транспортной 59:45
Лекция 11: Транспортная логистика. Многопродуктовая транспортная задача 1:07:25
Лекция 12: Транспортная логистика. 1:06:51
Лекция 13: Логистика производственных процессов (часть 1) 1:12:38
Лекция 14: Логистика производственных процессов (часть 2) 56:38
Лекция 15: Логистика сервисного обслуживания, информационная логистика, финансовая логистика 1:25:19
Лекция 16: Организация производственного процесса во времени 1:16:29
Лекция 17: Логистика цен 56:46
Лекция 18: Заключительная лекция 1:16:36
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2014年1月29日
Логистика / Logistics
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/2303/603/info
Автор: Борис Бояршинов
Данный курс знакомит с моделями, используемыми в логистике -- науке исследующей оптимальные способы управления запасами и их распределение.
В логистике возникают задачи, для решения которых необходимо использовать прикладную математику. Логистика может рассматриваться как одно из направлений, использующих методы прикладной математики и исследования операций.
Лекция 1: Вводная лекция 1:14:47
Задачи логистики. Принципы логистики. Функции логистики.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Этапы развития логистики 1:17:38
Лекция 3: Логистика запасов. Управление запасами (однопродуктовая модель) 1:09:50
Лекция 4: Логистика запасов. Управление запасами (многопродуктовая модель) 1:07:00
Лекция 5: Логистика запасов. Стохастический подход 1:17:56
Лекция 6: Логистика запасов. Стохастическое моделирование 1:37:49
Лекция 7: Транспортная логистика. Стандартная транспортная задача. (Часть 1) 1:04:52
Лекция 8: Транспортная логистика. Стандартная транспортная задача. (Часть 2) 58:28
Лекция 9: Решение транспортной задачи на компьютере 48:46
Лекция 10: Транспортная логистика. Задача типа транспортной 59:45
Лекция 11: Транспортная логистика. Многопродуктовая транспортная задача 1:07:25
Лекция 12: Транспортная логистика. 1:06:51
Лекция 13: Логистика производственных процессов (часть 1) 1:12:38
Лекция 14: Логистика производственных процессов (часть 2) 56:38
Лекция 15: Логистика сервисного обслуживания, информационная логистика, финансовая логистика 1:25:19
Лекция 16: Организация производственного процесса во времени 1:16:29
Лекция 17: Логистика цен 56:46
Лекция 18: Заключительная лекция 1:16:36
(русский / in Russian) Инвестиции
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2014年1月29日
Инвестиции / Investments
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/2304/604/info
Автор: Борис Бояршинов
урс посвящен основам инвестиционной деятельности. Cодержит сведения по оптимальному инвестированию в ценные бумаги и оптимизации реальных инвестиций.
Курс "Инвестиции" находится на стыке экономики, социальной истории и методов оптимизации. Он содержит анализ методов оптимизационной деятельности и причин, по которым такой вид деятельности как портфельное инвестирование является важным элементом современной мировой экономической системы. Курс предназначен для специалистов по компьютерным наукам, поэтому в нём активно используются элементы математики для изложения сути дела.
Лекция 1: Вводная лекция 1:27:58 Сущность инвестиционной деятельности. Причины, по которым портфельное инвестирование необходимо и полезно обществу.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Основы финансовой математики 1:12:34
Лекция 3: Инвестиционный менеджмент, содержание, цели, функции 1:10:11
Лекция 4: Инвестиционный портфель и методы управления им 1:17:42
Лекция 5: Оптимизация инвестиционного портфеля (часть 1) 1:16:23
Лекция 6: Оптимизация инвестиционного портфеля (часть 2) 1:09:37
Лекция 7: Метод Шарпа 1:08:42
Лекция 8: Метод Шарпа в электронных таблицах 1:16:19
Лекций 9: Управление портфелем облигаций 1:12:03
Лекция 10: Реальные инвестиции 1:01:21
Лекция 11: Инвестиционные риски (часть 1) 56:21
Лекция 12: Инвестиционные риски (часть 2) 59:21
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2014年1月29日
Инвестиции / Investments
Курс и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/2304/604/info
Автор: Борис Бояршинов
урс посвящен основам инвестиционной деятельности. Cодержит сведения по оптимальному инвестированию в ценные бумаги и оптимизации реальных инвестиций.
Курс "Инвестиции" находится на стыке экономики, социальной истории и методов оптимизации. Он содержит анализ методов оптимизационной деятельности и причин, по которым такой вид деятельности как портфельное инвестирование является важным элементом современной мировой экономической системы. Курс предназначен для специалистов по компьютерным наукам, поэтому в нём активно используются элементы математики для изложения сути дела.
Лекция 1: Вводная лекция 1:27:58 Сущность инвестиционной деятельности. Причины, по которым портфельное инвестирование необходимо и полезно обществу.
Лекция и тесты в НОУ ИНТУИТ http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Основы финансовой математики 1:12:34
Лекция 3: Инвестиционный менеджмент, содержание, цели, функции 1:10:11
Лекция 4: Инвестиционный портфель и методы управления им 1:17:42
Лекция 5: Оптимизация инвестиционного портфеля (часть 1) 1:16:23
Лекция 6: Оптимизация инвестиционного портфеля (часть 2) 1:09:37
Лекция 7: Метод Шарпа 1:08:42
Лекция 8: Метод Шарпа в электронных таблицах 1:16:19
Лекций 9: Управление портфелем облигаций 1:12:03
Лекция 10: Реальные инвестиции 1:01:21
Лекция 11: Инвестиционные риски (часть 1) 56:21
Лекция 12: Инвестиционные риски (часть 2) 59:21
Local Class Field Theory by Denis Benois
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2016年3月22日
Lecture 02 2:02:51
Lecture 03 2:16:10
Lecture 04 2:19:48
Lecture 05 2:12:48
Lecture 06 2:10:25
Lecture 07 2:11:21
source: matsciencechannel 2016年3月22日
Lecture 02 2:02:51
Lecture 03 2:16:10
Lecture 04 2:19:48
Lecture 05 2:12:48
Lecture 06 2:10:25
Lecture 07 2:11:21
ASPAK 2014
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2016年2月11日
ASPAK 03 03 2014 1:10:04
ASPAK 03 03 2014 53:30
ASPAK 04 03 2014 1:20:56
ASPAK 4 3 2014 54:42
ASPAK 5 3 2014 1:10:56
ASPAK 5 03 2014 Part 2 1:12:15
ASPAK 05 03 2014 Part 3 1:09:31
ASPAK 05 03 2014 Part 4 1:20:43
ASPAK 6 3 2014 1:12:58
ASPAK 6 3 2014 1:19:32
ASPAK 6 3 2014 1:10:51
ASPAK 7 3 2014 1:13:12
ASPAK 07 03 2014 Part 2 1:12:19
ASPAK 07 03 2014 Part 3 1:11:02
ASPAK 7 3 2014 1:00:24
ASPAK 08 03 2014 1:26:38
ASPAK 08 03 2014 53:02
source: matsciencechannel 2016年2月11日
ASPAK 03 03 2014 1:10:04
ASPAK 03 03 2014 53:30
ASPAK 04 03 2014 1:20:56
ASPAK 4 3 2014 54:42
ASPAK 5 3 2014 1:10:56
ASPAK 5 03 2014 Part 2 1:12:15
ASPAK 05 03 2014 Part 3 1:09:31
ASPAK 05 03 2014 Part 4 1:20:43
ASPAK 6 3 2014 1:12:58
ASPAK 6 3 2014 1:19:32
ASPAK 6 3 2014 1:10:51
ASPAK 7 3 2014 1:13:12
ASPAK 07 03 2014 Part 2 1:12:19
ASPAK 07 03 2014 Part 3 1:11:02
ASPAK 7 3 2014 1:00:24
ASPAK 08 03 2014 1:26:38
ASPAK 08 03 2014 53:02
Introduction to Enumerative, Algebraic, and Bijective Combinatorics (2016) by Xavier Viennot
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2016年1月6日
Download slides at http://www.xavierviennot.org/cours/IM...
A course by Xavier Viennot
A spectacular renaissance is appearing for combinatorial mathematics. One of the first step is the resolution of enumerative problems. Very often motivations come from other fields such as theoretical physics (statistical and quantum physics), probabilities theory, algebraic geometry, analysis of algorithms in computer science or molecular biology. The main tool is the notion of generating power series (ordinary and exponential). Recurrence formulae, functional or differential equations, inversion formulae, rational, algebraic or D-finite power series appear everywhere in this domain called enumerative combinatorics.
Another trends appearing is the « bijective paradigm ». A bijective proof of an identity will be the construction of a correspondance between the finite objects interpreting both sides of the identity. Conversely, it can be the search for combinatorial interpretations of objects or topics from some parts of classical mathematics (algebra, analysis, algebraic geometry, ….). The interplay between algebra and combinatorics is called algebraic combinatorics. Very recently bijective combinatorics has played an important role in theoretical physics (combinatorial maps in quantum gravity, resolution of the Razumov-Stroganov conjecture, …).
More generally « bijective tools » enables to put some order in the jungle of combinatorial identities. For example, many enumeration formulae involving determinants can be proved using a single Lemma relating determinants and configurations of non-intersecting paths.
In this course topics will include ordinary and exponential generating series, the main bijections related to the Catalan world (trees, paths, triangulations, ….) and to the n! world (permutations, Young tableaux, Robinson-Schensted correspondance, Laguerre histories), determinants and non-crossing paths, tilings, combinatorial theory of differential equations.
This course is supposed to be the first of a series of 3 or 4 combinatorics courses, with emphasis on the bijective point of view. Other courses will be about a combinatorial theory of orthogonal polynomials, heaps of pieces in interaction with physics and algebra, and the « cellular ansatz », that is the interplay between quadratic algebras and combinatorics.
Chapter 0: Introduction to the course 1:09:53
Chapter 1a: Ordinary generating functions 1:22:41
Chapter 1b: Ordinary Generating Functions 1:22:32
Chapter 1c: Ordinary Generating Functions 1:24:19
Chapter 1d: Ordinary Generating Functions 1:22:19
Chapter 2a: The Catalan Garden 1:20:51
Chapter 2b: The Catalan Garden 1:34:49
Chapter 2c: The Catalan Garden 1:21:22
Chapter 2d: The Catalan Garden 1:26:32
Chapter 3a: Exponential Structures and Exponential Generating Functions 1:17:09
Chapter 3b: Exponential structures and exponential generating functions 1:19:27
Chapter 4a: The n! garden 1:26:39
Chapter 4b: the n! garden 1:18:49
Chapter 4c: the n! garden 1:13:15
Chapter 4d: The n! garden 1:34:43
Chapter 5a: Tilings, Determinants, and non-crossing paths 1:14:06
Chapter 5b: Tilings, determinants, and non-crossing paths 1:35:24
source: matsciencechannel 2016年1月6日
Download slides at http://www.xavierviennot.org/cours/IM...
A course by Xavier Viennot
A spectacular renaissance is appearing for combinatorial mathematics. One of the first step is the resolution of enumerative problems. Very often motivations come from other fields such as theoretical physics (statistical and quantum physics), probabilities theory, algebraic geometry, analysis of algorithms in computer science or molecular biology. The main tool is the notion of generating power series (ordinary and exponential). Recurrence formulae, functional or differential equations, inversion formulae, rational, algebraic or D-finite power series appear everywhere in this domain called enumerative combinatorics.
Another trends appearing is the « bijective paradigm ». A bijective proof of an identity will be the construction of a correspondance between the finite objects interpreting both sides of the identity. Conversely, it can be the search for combinatorial interpretations of objects or topics from some parts of classical mathematics (algebra, analysis, algebraic geometry, ….). The interplay between algebra and combinatorics is called algebraic combinatorics. Very recently bijective combinatorics has played an important role in theoretical physics (combinatorial maps in quantum gravity, resolution of the Razumov-Stroganov conjecture, …).
More generally « bijective tools » enables to put some order in the jungle of combinatorial identities. For example, many enumeration formulae involving determinants can be proved using a single Lemma relating determinants and configurations of non-intersecting paths.
In this course topics will include ordinary and exponential generating series, the main bijections related to the Catalan world (trees, paths, triangulations, ….) and to the n! world (permutations, Young tableaux, Robinson-Schensted correspondance, Laguerre histories), determinants and non-crossing paths, tilings, combinatorial theory of differential equations.
This course is supposed to be the first of a series of 3 or 4 combinatorics courses, with emphasis on the bijective point of view. Other courses will be about a combinatorial theory of orthogonal polynomials, heaps of pieces in interaction with physics and algebra, and the « cellular ansatz », that is the interplay between quadratic algebras and combinatorics.
Chapter 0: Introduction to the course 1:09:53
Chapter 1a: Ordinary generating functions 1:22:41
Chapter 1b: Ordinary Generating Functions 1:22:32
Chapter 1c: Ordinary Generating Functions 1:24:19
Chapter 1d: Ordinary Generating Functions 1:22:19
Chapter 2a: The Catalan Garden 1:20:51
Chapter 2b: The Catalan Garden 1:34:49
Chapter 2c: The Catalan Garden 1:21:22
Chapter 2d: The Catalan Garden 1:26:32
Chapter 3a: Exponential Structures and Exponential Generating Functions 1:17:09
Chapter 3b: Exponential structures and exponential generating functions 1:19:27
Chapter 4a: The n! garden 1:26:39
Chapter 4b: the n! garden 1:18:49
Chapter 4c: the n! garden 1:13:15
Chapter 4d: The n! garden 1:34:43
Chapter 5a: Tilings, Determinants, and non-crossing paths 1:14:06
Chapter 5b: Tilings, determinants, and non-crossing paths 1:35:24
Information Transfer Technique (2015)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2015年9月4日
Lecture 01 1:19:38
Lecture 02 1:30:24
source: matsciencechannel 2015年9月4日
Lecture 01 1:19:38
Lecture 02 1:30:24
JCCCvideo (videos of June 2017)
source: JCCCvideo
1:34 Concealed Carry at JCCC – A Message from President Joe Sopcich Hello. My name is Joe Sopcich, and I'm president of Johnson County Community College. Starting on July 1, Johnson County Community College will be implementing our campus concealed-carry weapons ...
1:37:02 JCCC Board of Trustees Meeting for June 15, 2017 The monthly meeting of the JCCC Board of Trustees which was held on June 15, 2017.
For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://www.jccc.edu.
52:31 Kansas Languages Symposium - Osage Kansas Languages Symposium
November 8, 2012
Johnson County Community College
The Kansas Languages Symposium explores the languages of Kansans as well as the ethnicities and cultures that created t...
1:05:01 Voices Of The Earth: Johnson County Chorus and Choraliers 2017 Voices Of The Earth: Johnson County Chorus and Choraliers
With The Spring Hill High School Madrigals. JCCC Spring Concert 2017.
For more information on this and other happenings at the college, v...

For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://www.jccc.edu.

November 8, 2012
Johnson County Community College
The Kansas Languages Symposium explores the languages of Kansans as well as the ethnicities and cultures that created t...

With The Spring Hill High School Madrigals. JCCC Spring Concert 2017.
For more information on this and other happenings at the college, v...
Jordan B Peterson (videos of June 2017)
source: Jordan B Peterson
2:31:28 Biblical Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers Bible Series V: Cain and Abel: The Hostile Brothers
The account of Cain and Abel is remarkable for its unique combination of brevity and depth. In a few short sentences, it outlines two diametrica...
2:01:51 Strategy (1): 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism Conservatism has all-too-often found itself unable to articulate a coherent positive doctrine. By this I mean specifically that the laudable conservative tendency to preserve the best of past has t...
2:32:47 Biblical Series IV: Adam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and Death I turned my attention in this lecture to the older of the two creation accounts in Genesis: the story of Adam and Eve. In its few short paragraphs, it covers:
1. the emergence of human self-consci...
1:08:29 2017 Personality 22: Conclusion: Psychology and Belief In this lecture, I bring the 2017 Introduction to Personality and its Transformations to its close, talking about the psychology of belief, describing the reality and potential of the individual. H...
2:40:53 Biblical Series III: God and the Hierarchy of Authority Although I thought I might get to Genesis II in this third lecture, and begin talking about Adam & Eve, it didn't turn out that way. There was more to be said about the idea of God as creator (with...
12:01 Jordan Peterson: Postmodernism: How and why it must be fought This is a clip from a 2017 Manning Centre Conference (February 23-25 in Ottawa), where I spoke along with Professor Gad Saad and John Carpay, President of the Justice Center for Constitutional Fre...
1:28:31 2017 Personality 21: Biology & Traits: Performance Prediction In this lecture, I talk about the thorny problem of predicting performance: academic, industrial, creative and entrepreneurial); about the practical utility of such prediction, in the business and ...
2:17:16 June 1 2017 Patreon Q & A (#2 in a monthly series) This is a Question and Answer session that I set up for my Patreon subscribers (www.patreon.com/jordanbpeterson)
Thanks very much to all 3500 of my Patreon supporters. As I described in this video...

The account of Cain and Abel is remarkable for its unique combination of brevity and depth. In a few short sentences, it outlines two diametrica...

1. the emergence of human self-consci...

Thanks very much to all 3500 of my Patreon supporters. As I described in this video...
zammù multimedia - Università di Catania (videos of June 2017)
source: zammù multimedia - Università di Catania
1:14:14 Introduzione alla Dinamica delle terre - Maria Rossella Massimino (Università di Catania) In video la lezione di introduzione alla Dinamica delle Terre della prof.ssa Maria Rossella Massimino, associata di Ingegneria Geotecnica del dipartimento di Ingegneria civile e architettura dell'...
15:37 Intervista a Isabel Allende - Teatro romano di Catania 3 giugno 2017 - La scrittrice Isabel Allende - autrice di romanzi come "La casa degli spiriti", "Ritratto in seppia", "La figlia della fortuna" - ha inaugurato il festival Taobuk 2017 (Taormina Book Festival), in ...
37:34 Isabel Allende: Madres e Hijas - Teatro romano de Catania, 3 de junio 2017 (texto integral) La scrittrice Isabel Allende - autrice di romanzi come "La casa degli spiriti", "Ritratto in seppia", "La figlia della fortuna" - ha inaugurato il festival Taobuk 2017 (Taormina Book Festival), in ...
7:31:07 Presente e futuro dei servizi per l'inclusione: atenei a confronto Presente e futuro dei servizi per l'inclusione: atenei a confronto
Centro per l'integrazione attiva e partecipata (CInAP)
Università di Catania
10.30 – 10.45 Saluti Prof. F. Basile
25:39 Come sono cambiati i vaccini - Giancarlo Icardi, Università di Genova In video la relazione del prof. Giancarlo Icardi (Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Università di Genova e UO Igiene, Policlinico San Martino - IRCCS Genova) al convegno dell'associazione Paid...
17:01 Com'è cambiata l’epidemiologia delle malattie prevenibili -Elisabetta Franco, Università Tor Vergata In video la relazione della prof.ssa Elisabetta Franco (Dipartimento di Biomedicina e prevenzione, Università "Tor Vergata" di Roma) al convegno dell'associazione Paidos "Il bambino tra passato e f...
26:48 Copertura vaccinale nella prima infanzia in Sicilia - Mario Cuccia, Asp Catania In video la relazione del dott. Mario Cuccia (Servizio di Epidemiologia e Prevenzione dell'Asp di Catania) al convegno dell'associazione Paidos "Il bambino tra passato e futuro" (Catania, sabato 10...
6:15 Villa del Casale, studenti Unict partecipano alla campagna di scansioni 3D (CVAST) In video la giornata di attività didattiche al complesso archeologico della Villa del Casale e al Museo di Aidone che ha visto per protagonisti ben 70 studenti dei dipartimenti di Scienze umanistic...
37:41 I generi letterari nelle letterature romanza - 3. Il romanzo In video la terza parte della lezione del prof. Antonio Pioletti "I generi letterari nelle letterature romanze" dedicata al romanzo, forse la forma letteraria più comune oggi.
«È sostenibile ritene...
1:11:18 I generi letterari nelle letterature romanze - 2. L'epica In video il prof. Antonio Pioletti parla dell'epica a cui ha dedicato la prima parte della sua lezione su "I generi letterari nelle letterature romanze".
Nella sua lezione, il docente catanese si ...
44:08 I generi letterari nelle letterature romanze - 1. Introduzione In video la lezione del prof. Antonio Pioletti, già ordinario di Filologia romanza all'Università di Catania, su "I generi letterari nelle letterature romanze".
Nella parte introduttiva lo studios...
14:03 "Storie dal Paradiso" (cortometraggio su Divina Commedia, Paradiso, canto IV) Nel video l'ultima fatica dei "Pelandroni della montagna", giovani videomaker ex allievi del Liceo Majorana di Caltagirone protagonisti fuori concorso al Premio di lettura dantesca "La Selva, il Mo...
1:29:47 Ig Nobel Spring Tour 2017 - (Catania, 6 aprile 2017) In video la tappa catanese dell'Ig Nobel Spring Tour europeo che il 6 aprile 2017 è stata ospitata nell'aula magna del Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Catania.
2:11 Catania: il Teatro (di) Bellini Spot sul Teatro Massimo Bellini di Catania (www.teatromassimobellini.it) realizzato da Zammù TV in occasione delle giornate dedicate alla città di Catania dall'Ambasciata d'Italia in Spagna, nell'a...

Centro per l'integrazione attiva e partecipata (CInAP)
Università di Catania
10.30 – 10.45 Saluti Prof. F. Basile

«È sostenibile ritene...

Nella sua lezione, il docente catanese si ...

Nella parte introduttiva lo studios...


New America (videos of June 2017)
source: New America
1:27:31 Before Things Go Boom: Improving Government and Industry Cooperation Before it's Too Late From ISACs and ISAOs to threat alliances and the NCCIC, public- private collaborations and organizations pervade the cybersecurity ecosystem. While most of these organizations focus on information ...
1:22:33 Where Privacy Meets Security Cybersecurity is essential to online privacy, but too often the two are placed into conflict with one another. In recent years, the CIS Critical Security Controls, a prioritized list of important a...
55:25 ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding the Cross-Cutting Themes of the ISS Cases On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
40:29 ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion with the two ISS Case Researchers On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
14:15 ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Registration in Mozambique and Tanzania On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
18:06 ISS at FPR - Seraphia Mgembe: Rural Land Registration in Tanzania On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
20:38 ISS at FPR - Emidío Oliveira: Putting Rural Communities on the Map: Land Registration in Mozambique On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
32:47 ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Registries in Jamaica, Ontario, and Western Australia On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
18:12 ISS at FPR - Jodi Cant: Embracing Disruption: Transforming Western Australia's Land Agency On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
19:35 ISS at FPR - Elgin Farewell: Breaking New Ground: Pioneering Electronic Land Registration in Ontario On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
16:03 ISS at FPR - Elizabeth Stair: From the Ground Up: Developing Jamaica’s National Land Agency On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
17:09 ISS at FPR - Panel Discussion Regarding Land Formalization in Ebenhaeser and Cape Town, South Africa On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
21:44 ISS at FPR - Kathryn Ewing: Land Rights in the Township: Building Incremental Tenure in CPT, RSA On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
20:13 ISS at FPR - David Mayson: Putting Justice into Practice: Communal Land Tenure in Ebenhaeser, RSA On May 31, 2017 New America's Future of Property Rights - http://www.NewAmerica.org/FPR- hosted Princeton's Innovations for Sustainable Societies to launch a series of cases regarding innovations ...
46:15 Practitioners Panel Thousands of U.S. students and workers who would not have
traditionally had the opportunity to learn as apprentices have
recently been able to do so. Still, there are concerns that
some groups of s...
27:01 Apprentices Panel Thousands of U.S. students and workers who would not have
traditionally had the opportunity to learn as apprentices have
recently been able to do so. Still, there are concerns that
some groups of s...
7:31 Apprenticeship Forward - Introduction of Speaker Welcome to Apprenticeship Forward! American
Apprenticeship has seen an exciting resurgence in
recent years. What is the potential path forward
for American Apprenticeship in the years ahead?
What r...
16:19 Apprenticeship Forward - Morning Keynote Welcome to Apprenticeship Forward! American
Apprenticeship has seen an exciting resurgence in
recent years. What is the potential path forward
for American Apprenticeship in the years ahead?
What r...
14:12 Apprenticeship Forward - Morning Intro Welcome to Apprenticeship Forward! American
Apprenticeship has seen an exciting resurgence in
recent years. What is the potential path forward
for American Apprenticeship in the years ahead?
What r...
2:27:22 Net Neutrality and the Economy Net Neutrality and the Economy: How the FCC’s Rules Promote Investment, Create Jobs, and Protect Consumers
The Federal Communications Commission’s 2015 net neutrality rules were a landmark achiev...
1:18:49 The Other Great Power: China in the Era of Trump_ Since President Trump took office, U.S.-China relations have been largely overshadowed by more urgent news stories. A number of critical developments have thus passed beneath the radar -- including...
1:58:13 World Refugee Day 2017: Where We Are Globally and Locally In recognition of World Refugee Day, New America is hosting a 2-panel discussion on the global refugee situation. The first panel will provide a deeper look into the world's 21.3 million refugees a...
25:43 Afghanistan in Crisis: Where to Go From Here Pt 2 New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next gene...
44:29 Afghanistan in Crisis: Where to Go From Here The security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating. The massive truck bomb in Kabul that killed dozens highlights the crisis just as the Trump administration considers what direction it should ...
1:51:32 Beyond Respectability: Centering Black Women as Agents of Change Join New America’s Family-Centered Social Policy program for a conversation with Professor Brittney Cooper, author of Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women about centering t...
1:23:27 How the Trump Campaign Took the White Working Class by Storm Following Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election, many on the left were surprised at his success. As for many in the white middle class, they were only astonished that others didn...
1:45:42 Will the Internet Fragment? A Discussion with Milton Mueller The internet has united the world as never before. But is it in danger of breaking apart? Cybersecurity, geopolitical tensions, and calls for data sovereignty have made many believe that the intern...
1:29:30 Is Countering Violent Extremism Measurable? Countering Violent Extremism or CVE has long been heralded as an essential aspect of the fight against terrorism. Yet the effort to measure CVE’s effectiveness has lagged behind the calls for expan...
3:23 #RiseLocal On May 1, 2017 New America CA and the Presidio Institute co-hosted "RiseLocal: Building a New America from the Ground Up," to highlight the local innovators around the country solving problems in t...

traditionally had the opportunity to learn as apprentices have
recently been able to do so. Still, there are concerns that
some groups of s...

traditionally had the opportunity to learn as apprentices have
recently been able to do so. Still, there are concerns that
some groups of s...

Apprenticeship has seen an exciting resurgence in
recent years. What is the potential path forward
for American Apprenticeship in the years ahead?
What r...

Apprenticeship has seen an exciting resurgence in
recent years. What is the potential path forward
for American Apprenticeship in the years ahead?
What r...

Apprenticeship has seen an exciting resurgence in
recent years. What is the potential path forward
for American Apprenticeship in the years ahead?
What r...

The Federal Communications Commission’s 2015 net neutrality rules were a landmark achiev...

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