# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2017年3月23日
01) Maliye Nedir ? - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 23:33
02) Devlet Neden Var Olmalıdır ? -1- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 34:22
03) Devlet Neden Var Olmalıdır ? -2- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 46:34
04) Devlet Ne Yapmalıdır ? -1- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 35:54
05) Devlet Ne Yapmalıdır ? -2- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 30:29
06) İktisadi Yaklaşımlar İçerisinde Devletin Rolu Nedir -1- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 43:58
07) İktisadi Yaklaşımlar İçerisinde Devletin Rolu Nedir -2- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 44:41
08) Kamu Maliyesi Yaklaşımları - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 45:12
09) Kamusal Karar Alma Mekânizması - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 52:25
10) Kamu Harcamaları Genel Bilgiler ve Tanımlanması - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 24:19
11) Kamu Harcamalarının Artışı - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 35:16
12) Kamu Harcamalarının Artışı Yaklaşımları - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 35:18
13) Kamu Harcamalarının Sınıflandırılması - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 49:06
14) Kamu Harcamalarında Etkinlik - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 17:55
15) Kamu Gelirleri ve Sınıflandırılması - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 46:37
16) Vergi Teorisi - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 33:30
17) Vergileme İlkeleri - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 25:37
18) Vergileme Süreci - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 24:47
19) Vergi ile İlgili Kavramlar -1- - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 28:29
20) Vergi ile İlgili Kavramlar -2- - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 25:07
21) Vergi ile İlgili Kavramlar -3- - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 28:19
22) Vergi Tarifeleri- ANIL ULAŞ GİRGİN (2017) 33:35
23) Vergi Yansıması Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 35:41
24) Vergilerin Sınıflandırılması Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 19:27
25) Gelir, servet ve harcama vergileri- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 28:19
26) Devlet Borçlanması Genel Bilgiler - Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 25:26
27) Devlet Borçlarının Sınıflandırılması -1- Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 23:17
28) Devlet Borçlarının Sınıflandırılması -2- Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 18:39
29) İç Borç Kaynakları ve Türleri- Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 15:07
30) Dış Borç Kaynakları - Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 21:23
31) Borç Verenlere Tanınan Avantaj ve Garantiler - Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 23:28
32) Borç Yönetimi - Maliye - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 32:48
33) Borç Rasyoları- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 16:14
34) Borcu Sona Erdiren Durumlar- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 24:16
35) Devlet Bütçesi- Temel unsurlar ve özellikler- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 29:46
36) Bütçe Fonksiyonları Ve Teorileri- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 30:39
37) Bütçe Sistemleri- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 38:38
38) 5018 Sayılı KMYK- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 27:16
39 ) Merkezi Yönetim Bütçesinin Hazırlanması - Onaylanması - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 29:22
40) Merkezi Yönetim Bütçesinin Uygulanma Süreci - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 33:07
41) Bütçenin denetimi - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 24:59
42) Vergi Hukuku Bazı Önemli Kararlar - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 27:50
43) Vergileme Süreci - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 30:00
44) Vergi hukukunda süreler - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 23:03
45) Mükellefin ödevleri- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 31:29
46) Vergi Suç ve Cezaları- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 44:56
47) Vergi Borcunu ve cezasını ortadan kaldıran sebepler- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 44:45
48) Türk Vergi Sistemi- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 35:06
49) Ticari Kazanç ve Zirai Kazanç - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 45:57
50) Ücret-Serbest Meslek Kazancı - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 38:09
51) Gayrimenkul - Menkül sermaye irade - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 27:40
52) Diğer Kazanç ve İratlar - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 25:15
53) Maliye Politikası ve Uygulamaları - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 1:01:51
54) Çarpan Mekanizması- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 37:06
55) IS-LM ve AD-AS Analizi - Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 35:58
56) Mundell - Flaming Modeli- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 25:03
57) Enflasyon ve Durgunlukla Mücadelede Maliye Politikası- Anıl Ulaş GİRGİN (2017) 34:15
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - A Grubu İktisat
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年10月8日
01) İktisada Giriş - Tarihsel Süreç -1- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 34:26
02) İktisada Giriş - Tarihsel Süreç -2- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 41:11
03) İktisada Giriş - Tarihsel Süreç -3- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 56:04
04) Matematiksel İktisat -1- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 40:08
05) Matematiksel İktisat -2- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 34:14
06) Matematiksel İktisat -3- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 50:42
07) Matematiksel İktisat-4- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 43:35
08) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 39:11
09) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 40:40
10) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 35:39
11) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 39:39
12) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 43:37
13) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:33
14) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 44:45
15) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:01
16) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:04
17) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 41:12
18) Tüketici - Üretici Rantları -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 43:13
19) Tüketici - Üretici Rantları -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:24
20) Esneklik -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 40:49
21) Esneklik -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 50:13
22) Esneklik -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:47
23) Esneklik -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:03
24) Esneklik -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 38:01
25) Esneklik -6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:13
26) Tüketici Teorisi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 44:54
27) Tüketici Teorisi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:39
28) Tüketici Teorisi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:47
29) Tüketici Teorisi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:25
30) Tüketici Teorisi -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:58
31) Tüketici Teorisi -6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 32:39
32) Tüketici Teorisi -7- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 32:16
33) Tüketici Teorisi -8- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:16
34) Tüketici Teorisi -9- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 38:39
35) Tüketici Teorisi -10- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:44
36) Tüketici Teorisi -11- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 40:31
37) Üretici Teorisi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:30
38) Üretici Teorisi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:36
39) Üretici Teorisi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:50
40) Üretici Teorisi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 49:27
41) Üretici Teorisi -5- (üretim fonksiyonları) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 44:16
42) Üretici Teorisi -6- (maliyet 1) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:02
43) Üretici Teorisi -7- ( maliyet 2) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:12
44) Üretici Teorisi -8- ( maliyet 3 ) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:36
45) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:06
46) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:18
47) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:04
48) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 22:02
49) Piyasalar - Monopol (Tekel) -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 40:46
50) Piyasalar - Monopol (Tekel) -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:19
51) Piyasalar - Monopol (Tekel) -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 36:11
52) Piyasalar - Monopolcü (Tekelci) Rekabet - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:21
53) Piyasalar - Oligopol -1- Musa ÇİEÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:54
54) Piyasalar - Oligopol -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 33:40
55) Piyasaya Devlet Müdahalesi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:14
56) Piyasaya Devlet Müdahalesi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:47
57) Temel Makro Kavramlar -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 41:37
58) Temel Makro Kavramlar -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 41:18
59) Temel Makro Kavramlar -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 15:35
60-) Basit Keynesyen model 1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:46
61-) Basit Keynesyen model 2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 38:29
62-) Basit Keynesyen model 3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 27:35
63-) Basit Keynesyen model 4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:36
64-) Basit Keynesyen model 5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 28:58
65-) Basit Keynesyen model 6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:04
66-) Basit Keynesyen model 7- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:12
67-) Basit Keynesyen model 8- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:04
68-) Çarpan -1 - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:02
69-) Çarpan -2 - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:04
70-) IS-LM Modeli - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:51
71-) IS-LM Modeli -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017 28:01
72-) IS-LM Modeli -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 29:48
73-) IS-LM Modeli -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 29:18
74-) IS-LM Modeli -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:52
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年10月8日
01) İktisada Giriş - Tarihsel Süreç -1- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 34:26
02) İktisada Giriş - Tarihsel Süreç -2- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 41:11
03) İktisada Giriş - Tarihsel Süreç -3- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 56:04
04) Matematiksel İktisat -1- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 40:08
05) Matematiksel İktisat -2- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 34:14
06) Matematiksel İktisat -3- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 50:42
07) Matematiksel İktisat-4- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 43:35
08) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 39:11
09) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 40:40
10) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 35:39
11) Kıtlık ve Ekonomi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK (2017) 39:39
12) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 43:37
13) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:33
14) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 44:45
15) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:01
16) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:04
17) Talep ve Arz - Piyasa Dengesi -6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 41:12
18) Tüketici - Üretici Rantları -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 43:13
19) Tüketici - Üretici Rantları -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:24
20) Esneklik -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 40:49
21) Esneklik -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 50:13
22) Esneklik -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:47
23) Esneklik -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:03
24) Esneklik -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 38:01
25) Esneklik -6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:13
26) Tüketici Teorisi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 44:54
27) Tüketici Teorisi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:39
28) Tüketici Teorisi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:47
29) Tüketici Teorisi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:25
30) Tüketici Teorisi -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:58
31) Tüketici Teorisi -6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 32:39
32) Tüketici Teorisi -7- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 32:16
33) Tüketici Teorisi -8- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:16
34) Tüketici Teorisi -9- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 38:39
35) Tüketici Teorisi -10- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:44
36) Tüketici Teorisi -11- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 40:31
37) Üretici Teorisi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:30
38) Üretici Teorisi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 35:36
39) Üretici Teorisi -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:50
40) Üretici Teorisi -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 49:27
41) Üretici Teorisi -5- (üretim fonksiyonları) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 44:16
42) Üretici Teorisi -6- (maliyet 1) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:02
43) Üretici Teorisi -7- ( maliyet 2) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:12
44) Üretici Teorisi -8- ( maliyet 3 ) Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:36
45) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:06
46) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:18
47) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:04
48) Piyasalar - Tam Rekabet Piyasası -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 22:02
49) Piyasalar - Monopol (Tekel) -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 40:46
50) Piyasalar - Monopol (Tekel) -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:19
51) Piyasalar - Monopol (Tekel) -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 36:11
52) Piyasalar - Monopolcü (Tekelci) Rekabet - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:21
53) Piyasalar - Oligopol -1- Musa ÇİEÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 42:54
54) Piyasalar - Oligopol -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 33:40
55) Piyasaya Devlet Müdahalesi -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:14
56) Piyasaya Devlet Müdahalesi -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:47
57) Temel Makro Kavramlar -1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 41:37
58) Temel Makro Kavramlar -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 41:18
59) Temel Makro Kavramlar -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 15:35
60-) Basit Keynesyen model 1- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:46
61-) Basit Keynesyen model 2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 38:29
62-) Basit Keynesyen model 3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 27:35
63-) Basit Keynesyen model 4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 45:36
64-) Basit Keynesyen model 5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 28:58
65-) Basit Keynesyen model 6- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:04
66-) Basit Keynesyen model 7- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 37:12
67-) Basit Keynesyen model 8- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 34:04
68-) Çarpan -1 - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:02
69-) Çarpan -2 - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:04
70-) IS-LM Modeli - Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 46:51
71-) IS-LM Modeli -2- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017 28:01
72-) IS-LM Modeli -3- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 29:48
73-) IS-LM Modeli -4- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 29:18
74-) IS-LM Modeli -5- Musa ÇİÇEK - ekonomikadam (2017) 39:52
History of Mathematics
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年11月12日
1 Jeff Loveland: Diderot éditeur de l'Encyclopédie : une vue comparative 1:25:02
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
Enregistré pendant le session thématique : "Humanités numériques : édition critique de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et D'Alembert" le 6 octobre 2015 au Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Réalisation: Guillaume Hennenfent
2 Alexandre Guilbaud: Terminologie des données encyclopédiques et politique de repérage 1:28:46
3 Marc Hoffmann: Some memories and facts about the work of Oleg Lepski...1:00:54
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年11月12日
1 Jeff Loveland: Diderot éditeur de l'Encyclopédie : une vue comparative 1:25:02
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
Enregistré pendant le session thématique : "Humanités numériques : édition critique de l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et D'Alembert" le 6 octobre 2015 au Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Réalisation: Guillaume Hennenfent
2 Alexandre Guilbaud: Terminologie des données encyclopédiques et politique de repérage 1:28:46
3 Marc Hoffmann: Some memories and facts about the work of Oleg Lepski...1:00:54
Spain Participation in BigBOSS
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年3月7日
BigBoss: Physics from mapping the universe (David Schlegel) 22:20
Spain Participation in BigBOSS (Francisco Prada) 14:47
Medical Applications: Robotics and Mechatronics (Laura Santos) 22:36
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年3月7日
BigBoss: Physics from mapping the universe (David Schlegel) 22:20
Spain Participation in BigBOSS (Francisco Prada) 14:47
Medical Applications: Robotics and Mechatronics (Laura Santos) 22:36
curso CTIF Madrid-Capital en el IFT
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2014年6月9日
"El CERN y los profesores" (Francisco Barradas) 15:21
Conferencia "El CERN y los profesores" de Francisco
Barradas, Director del Centro de Intercambios Escolares de la
Comunidad de Madrid, y promotor del programa de visitas al CERN de profesores de secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid, en el Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC en la sesión del 4/03/2014 del curso "Temas centrales de la cultura científica y tecnológica: de la divulgación al
aprendizaje de la ciencia", del CTIF Madrid-Capital.
Las instrucciones para la construcción de la cámara de niebla casera utilizada en la jornada en el IFT, y descrita en la sección de preguntas, se encuentran en http://www.i-cpan.es/concurso/ganador... [^]
Para más información sobre actividades de divulgación científica del IFT, http://projects.ift.uam-csic.es/outre... [^]
"La investigación en Física Teórica" (Alberto Casas) 1:12:35
"CERN: el laboratorio de todos" (Inmaculada Fernández, CERN) 48:30
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2014年6月9日
"El CERN y los profesores" (Francisco Barradas) 15:21
Conferencia "El CERN y los profesores" de Francisco
Barradas, Director del Centro de Intercambios Escolares de la
Comunidad de Madrid, y promotor del programa de visitas al CERN de profesores de secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid, en el Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC en la sesión del 4/03/2014 del curso "Temas centrales de la cultura científica y tecnológica: de la divulgación al
aprendizaje de la ciencia", del CTIF Madrid-Capital.
Las instrucciones para la construcción de la cámara de niebla casera utilizada en la jornada en el IFT, y descrita en la sección de preguntas, se encuentran en http://www.i-cpan.es/concurso/ganador... [^]
Para más información sobre actividades de divulgación científica del IFT, http://projects.ift.uam-csic.es/outre... [^]
"La investigación en Física Teórica" (Alberto Casas) 1:12:35
"CERN: el laboratorio de todos" (Inmaculada Fernández, CERN) 48:30
(Español / in Spanish) Redes Neuronales - Fácil y desde cero by Javier Garcia
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Javier Garcia 2015年6月28日
Minicurso de redes neuronales que explica paso a paso la construcción de un perceptrón multicapa.
Los perceptrones se usan frecuentemente en el ámbito de la inteligencia artifical para predecir o agrupar datos que no son fáciles de tratar con los algoritmos tradicionales.
1.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 18:41
2.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 16:47
3.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 53:31
4a.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 26:18
4b.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 18:31
4c.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 25:19
4d.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 46:30
source: Javier Garcia 2015年6月28日
Minicurso de redes neuronales que explica paso a paso la construcción de un perceptrón multicapa.
Los perceptrones se usan frecuentemente en el ámbito de la inteligencia artifical para predecir o agrupar datos que no son fáciles de tratar con los algoritmos tradicionales.
1.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 18:41
2.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 16:47
3.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 53:31
4a.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 26:18
4b.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 18:31
4c.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 25:19
4d.- Redes Neuronales: Fácil y desde cero 46:30
(Español / in Spanish) Sistemas Trifásicos by Javier Garcia
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Javier Garcia 2016年1月6日
Sistema trifásico: Una introducción sencilla 20:39
Potencia aparente, reactiva y activa 17:38
Corrección del factor potencia con condensadores 13:30
Ejemplo carga trifásica equilibrada (triángulo) 2:37
Ejemplo motor trifásico 5:22
Ejemplo batería de cargas trifásicas en triángulo 5:57
Ejemplo de motores monofásicos (en triángulo) 6:48
source: Javier Garcia 2016年1月6日
Sistema trifásico: Una introducción sencilla 20:39
Potencia aparente, reactiva y activa 17:38
Corrección del factor potencia con condensadores 13:30
Ejemplo carga trifásica equilibrada (triángulo) 2:37
Ejemplo motor trifásico 5:22
Ejemplo batería de cargas trifásicas en triángulo 5:57
Ejemplo de motores monofásicos (en triángulo) 6:48
Time Series Analysis for Synoptic Surveys and Gravitational Wave Astronomy (2017)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年4月19日
20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This joint program is co-sponsored by ICTS and SAMSI (as part of the SAMSI yearlong program on Astronomy; ASTRO). The primary goal of this program is to further enrich the international collaboration in the area of synoptic time domain surveys and time series analysis of gravitational wave data. The participants will focus on advancing the current understanding of these research topics by incorporating expertise of researchers from India and US who are working on identifying electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources. In essence, this program would enable US researchers to learn from the expertise of Indian researchers and also enable US researchers to exchange and share the methodologies developed by two of the five working groups of the SAMSI ASTRO program.
The program will begin with a few overview lectures designed to familiarize attendees with current trends in time domain astronomy and modern methodologies in statistics and applied mathematics. The subsequent part of the program will follow with specialized research lectures on the existing subgroups, panel discussions about collaboration possibilities between different groups with specific end-points in mind through collaborative research sessions.
Participation in this program is by invitation only and will involve about 35-40 participants only. If you are interested to participate, please contact one of the organizers.
CONTACT US: tassgw2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/TASSG...
Scientific Aims by Ashish Mahabal 6:09
Challenges for Real-time and Archival Time domain astronomy by Ashish Mahabal 34:01
Issues in time domain astronomy by Matthew Graham 37:27
Challenges in Source Parameter Estimation in GW Astronomy by Rajesh Nayak 28:32
Observing facilities in india by Varun Bhalerao 25:42
The Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to GW sources by Varun Bhalerao 29:30
Transient noise in the LIGO detectors by Jessica Mclver 24:34
Compact binaries, sky localization & all that by Sukanta Bose 33:59
Robust and accurate inference via a mixture of Gaussian and terrors by Hyungsuk Tak 32:51
Gamma Ray Bursts & Associated Supernovae by Kuntal Misra 23:57
[private video]
Bayesian model selection of population synthesismodels of CBCs by Sumit Kumar 9:53
Bayesian identification of strongly lensed GW events by M K Haris 10:24
Statistics in astronomy and the SAMSI ASTRO Program by G Jogesh Babu 24:09
Building a training set for an automatic LSST light curve classifier by Rafael Martinez Galarza 26:16
Searching for ultraviolet transients with Ultra Violet imaging Telescope by Koshy George 7:51
GW astronomy: Overview by Archana pai 32:30
A hybrid geometric-random template placement by Anand Sengupta 12:50
PSD, Structure Function, and CARMA Analysis of AGN Variability by Jackeline Moreno 34:38
Two Statistical Challenges in Classification of Variable Sources by James long 29:31
The Physical, statistical, and computational challenges of Pulsar Timing by Justin Ellis 26:08
SAMSI Deputy Director's welcome 13:48
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年4月19日
20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This joint program is co-sponsored by ICTS and SAMSI (as part of the SAMSI yearlong program on Astronomy; ASTRO). The primary goal of this program is to further enrich the international collaboration in the area of synoptic time domain surveys and time series analysis of gravitational wave data. The participants will focus on advancing the current understanding of these research topics by incorporating expertise of researchers from India and US who are working on identifying electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave sources. In essence, this program would enable US researchers to learn from the expertise of Indian researchers and also enable US researchers to exchange and share the methodologies developed by two of the five working groups of the SAMSI ASTRO program.
The program will begin with a few overview lectures designed to familiarize attendees with current trends in time domain astronomy and modern methodologies in statistics and applied mathematics. The subsequent part of the program will follow with specialized research lectures on the existing subgroups, panel discussions about collaboration possibilities between different groups with specific end-points in mind through collaborative research sessions.
Participation in this program is by invitation only and will involve about 35-40 participants only. If you are interested to participate, please contact one of the organizers.
CONTACT US: tassgw2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/TASSG...
Scientific Aims by Ashish Mahabal 6:09
Challenges for Real-time and Archival Time domain astronomy by Ashish Mahabal 34:01
Issues in time domain astronomy by Matthew Graham 37:27
Challenges in Source Parameter Estimation in GW Astronomy by Rajesh Nayak 28:32
Observing facilities in india by Varun Bhalerao 25:42
The Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to GW sources by Varun Bhalerao 29:30
Transient noise in the LIGO detectors by Jessica Mclver 24:34
Compact binaries, sky localization & all that by Sukanta Bose 33:59
Robust and accurate inference via a mixture of Gaussian and terrors by Hyungsuk Tak 32:51
Gamma Ray Bursts & Associated Supernovae by Kuntal Misra 23:57
[private video]
Bayesian model selection of population synthesismodels of CBCs by Sumit Kumar 9:53
Bayesian identification of strongly lensed GW events by M K Haris 10:24
Statistics in astronomy and the SAMSI ASTRO Program by G Jogesh Babu 24:09
Building a training set for an automatic LSST light curve classifier by Rafael Martinez Galarza 26:16
Searching for ultraviolet transients with Ultra Violet imaging Telescope by Koshy George 7:51
GW astronomy: Overview by Archana pai 32:30
A hybrid geometric-random template placement by Anand Sengupta 12:50
PSD, Structure Function, and CARMA Analysis of AGN Variability by Jackeline Moreno 34:38
Two Statistical Challenges in Classification of Variable Sources by James long 29:31
The Physical, statistical, and computational challenges of Pulsar Timing by Justin Ellis 26:08
SAMSI Deputy Director's welcome 13:48
Complex Geometry (2017)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年3月28日
20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analysis. Much of the interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics, especially string theory, channels through complex analytic geometry. Some of the high points of research in this topic are: Yau’s proof of Calabi’s conjecture, Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau’s theorem that poly stable vector bundles are precisely the solutions of the Hermitian-Einstein equation, Demailly’s work of Kobayashi hyperbolicity.
CONTACT US: program@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal... (Lecture - 01) by Frederic Campana 1:07:57
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 01) by Misha Verbitsky 58:30
Counting curves in a Linear System with upto eight singular points by Ritwik Mukherjee 59:57
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal... (Lecture - 02) by Frederic Campana 1:09:05
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 02) by Misha Verbitsky 59:40
Moduli of connections on curves: some examples by Frank Loray 1:02:29
Motions of limit sets by Mahan Mj 1:02:33
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal... (Lecture - 03) by Frederic Campana 58:28
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 03) by Misha Verbitsky 1:01:43
Nori uniformization of algebraic stacks by Niels Borne 1:04:09
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 04) by Misha Verbitsky 1:01:01
Quotient stacks as root stacks by Ajneet Dhillon 1:02:01
Relative Canonical Bundles for families of Calabi-Yau manifolds, twisted Hodge by Georg Schumacher 1:02:42
The algebraic geometry of Instantons on the Taub-NUT manifold by Jacques Hurtubise 1:04:02
On Moebius and conformal maps between boundaries of CAT(-1) spaces by Kingshook Biswas 1:03:01
Characteristic classes of Real vector bundles by Johannes Huisman 1:08:06
The moduli space of Higgs bundles over a real curve and the real Abel-Jacobi map by Tom Baird 1:02:51
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal...(Lecture - 04) by Frederic Campana 1:07:47
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年3月28日
20 March 2017 to 25 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Complex analytic geometry is a very broad area of mathematics straddling differential geometry, algebraic geometry and analysis. Much of the interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics, especially string theory, channels through complex analytic geometry. Some of the high points of research in this topic are: Yau’s proof of Calabi’s conjecture, Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau’s theorem that poly stable vector bundles are precisely the solutions of the Hermitian-Einstein equation, Demailly’s work of Kobayashi hyperbolicity.
CONTACT US: program@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal... (Lecture - 01) by Frederic Campana 1:07:57
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 01) by Misha Verbitsky 58:30
Counting curves in a Linear System with upto eight singular points by Ritwik Mukherjee 59:57
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal... (Lecture - 02) by Frederic Campana 1:09:05
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 02) by Misha Verbitsky 59:40
Moduli of connections on curves: some examples by Frank Loray 1:02:29
Motions of limit sets by Mahan Mj 1:02:33
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal... (Lecture - 03) by Frederic Campana 58:28
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 03) by Misha Verbitsky 1:01:43
Nori uniformization of algebraic stacks by Niels Borne 1:04:09
Hyperbolic geometry and the proof of Morrison-Kawamata... (Lecture - 04) by Misha Verbitsky 1:01:01
Quotient stacks as root stacks by Ajneet Dhillon 1:02:01
Relative Canonical Bundles for families of Calabi-Yau manifolds, twisted Hodge by Georg Schumacher 1:02:42
The algebraic geometry of Instantons on the Taub-NUT manifold by Jacques Hurtubise 1:04:02
On Moebius and conformal maps between boundaries of CAT(-1) spaces by Kingshook Biswas 1:03:01
Characteristic classes of Real vector bundles by Johannes Huisman 1:08:06
The moduli space of Higgs bundles over a real curve and the real Abel-Jacobi map by Tom Baird 1:02:51
Holomorphic tensors, fundamental groups and universal...(Lecture - 04) by Frederic Campana 1:07:47
School on glass formers and glasses (2010)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年3月30日
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/glass...
DATES: 04 January 2010 to 20 January 2010
VENUE : Conference Hall, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
This two week long school will survey the state-of-the-art in theory and experiment aimed at building a fundamental understanding of glassy behavior. The goal is to prepare students and junior researchers to undertake cutting edge research on glass formers and glasses. Lectures will cover topics ranging from the onset of slow relaxation at temperatures above the glass transition to the origin of mechanical response and material failure in amorphous solids. Tutorial sessions will provide opportunities for informal interaction and instruction. Ph.D. students of physics, chemistry, materials science and other engineering disciplines are encouraged to apply.
ORGANIZERS: Takeshi Egami, Michael Falk and Srikanth Sastry
Broader aspects and grand challenges of the slow...by Austen Angell 1:41:34
Description of structure, dynamics and response in liquids: time correlations...Walter Kob 2:44:41
Experimental techniques 1: Rheology and dielectric spectroscopy by Ranjini Bandyopadyay 1:17:57
Experimental techniques 1: DSC, MDSC, Imaging techniques by Jaydeep Basu 1:24:02
Liquid and Glass Structures and Physical Properties by kenneth kelton 3:04:00
Aging by Jorge Kurchan 1:22:03
The potential energy landscape approach to understanding glass forming liquids by Srikanth Sastry 2:26:22
Introduction to the theory of Spin Glasses by Chandan Dasgupta 2:39:28
Soft glasses, rheology and trap models by Peter Sollich 2:39:18
Seminar Talk by S V Bhat 26:22
The Random first order transition theory by Giulio Biroli 1:25:59
The Random first order transition theory by Giulio Biroli 1:26:07
Kinetically constrained models by Robert Jack 2:08:04
Statistical Approaches to Jamming and Stress transmission in... by Bulbul Chakraborty 2:37:46
Jamming by Jorge Kurchan 1:05:17
Structural Recovery in Glasses: Phenomenological Descriptions and Anomalous... by Greg Mckenna 1:22:16
Structural Recovery in Glasses: Aging and Rejuvenation by Greg Mckenna 1:22:07
Glass formation and crystal nucleation in supercooled liquids: insights from... Peter H Poole 2:29:39
Changes in the Structure due to Temperature and Relaxation by Takeshi Egami 41:01
Continuum aspects of plastic deformation in amorphous alloys by Upadrasta Ramamurthy 2:40:32
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年3月30日
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/glass...
DATES: 04 January 2010 to 20 January 2010
VENUE : Conference Hall, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
This two week long school will survey the state-of-the-art in theory and experiment aimed at building a fundamental understanding of glassy behavior. The goal is to prepare students and junior researchers to undertake cutting edge research on glass formers and glasses. Lectures will cover topics ranging from the onset of slow relaxation at temperatures above the glass transition to the origin of mechanical response and material failure in amorphous solids. Tutorial sessions will provide opportunities for informal interaction and instruction. Ph.D. students of physics, chemistry, materials science and other engineering disciplines are encouraged to apply.
ORGANIZERS: Takeshi Egami, Michael Falk and Srikanth Sastry
Broader aspects and grand challenges of the slow...by Austen Angell 1:41:34
Description of structure, dynamics and response in liquids: time correlations...Walter Kob 2:44:41
Experimental techniques 1: Rheology and dielectric spectroscopy by Ranjini Bandyopadyay 1:17:57
Experimental techniques 1: DSC, MDSC, Imaging techniques by Jaydeep Basu 1:24:02
Liquid and Glass Structures and Physical Properties by kenneth kelton 3:04:00
Aging by Jorge Kurchan 1:22:03
The potential energy landscape approach to understanding glass forming liquids by Srikanth Sastry 2:26:22
Introduction to the theory of Spin Glasses by Chandan Dasgupta 2:39:28
Soft glasses, rheology and trap models by Peter Sollich 2:39:18
Seminar Talk by S V Bhat 26:22
The Random first order transition theory by Giulio Biroli 1:25:59
The Random first order transition theory by Giulio Biroli 1:26:07
Kinetically constrained models by Robert Jack 2:08:04
Statistical Approaches to Jamming and Stress transmission in... by Bulbul Chakraborty 2:37:46
Jamming by Jorge Kurchan 1:05:17
Structural Recovery in Glasses: Phenomenological Descriptions and Anomalous... by Greg Mckenna 1:22:16
Structural Recovery in Glasses: Aging and Rejuvenation by Greg Mckenna 1:22:07
Glass formation and crystal nucleation in supercooled liquids: insights from... Peter H Poole 2:29:39
Changes in the Structure due to Temperature and Relaxation by Takeshi Egami 41:01
Continuum aspects of plastic deformation in amorphous alloys by Upadrasta Ramamurthy 2:40:32
Singularity University (videos of July 2017)
source: Singularity University
2:24 SU Global Summit Highlights | Singularity University Join us August 13-15, 2017.
Converging technologies are accelerating human progress and creating unexpected opportunities at an unfathomable pace. This is your chance to join a world-class collect...
1:33 Organizations | Future of Everything with Jason Silva | Singularity University "Organizations tend to be innovative at the beginning." The problem now is that the exponential progress of technology requires that organizations disrupt themselves, lest they be disrupted. But th...
1:32 Build your exponential organization with Singularity University Why Singularity University?
We're your guide to the future.
We’re experts at helping companies make sense of and evolve their strategic road map to not only persevere in an unpredictable world bu...
2:02 Legacy | Future of Everything with Jason Silva | Singularity University Futurists and entrepreneurs Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil created Singularity University to communicate the implications of exponential technological progress. Humans are only wired to think abo...
10:40 Ray Kurzweil | A Strategy for Keeping the World Safe From AI | Singularity Hub Ray Kurzweil is an inventor, thinker, and futurist famous for forecasting the pace of technology and predicting the world of tomorrow. In this video, Kurzweil discusses AI ethics and risk. Films an...
1:46 What is Machine Learning ? | Tech-x-planations | Singularity Hub Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1Wq6gwm
Connect with Singularity University:
Website: http://su.org
Hub: http://singularityhub.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/singularityu
Twitter: https://twitter...
2:01 Should We Edit Genes To Prevent Disease? | Tech-x-planations | Singularity Hub Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1Wq6gwm
Connect with Singularity University:
Website: http://su.org
Hub: http://singularityhub.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/singularityu
Twitter: https://twitter...
8:56 Ray Kurzweil | What Is the Future of Capitalism? | Singularity Hub Ray Kurzweil is an inventor, thinker, and futurist famous for forecasting the pace of technology and predicting the world of tomorrow. In this video, Kurzweil suggests there is more consensus about...

Converging technologies are accelerating human progress and creating unexpected opportunities at an unfathomable pace. This is your chance to join a world-class collect...

We're your guide to the future.
We’re experts at helping companies make sense of and evolve their strategic road map to not only persevere in an unpredictable world bu...

Connect with Singularity University:
Website: http://su.org
Hub: http://singularityhub.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/singularityu
Twitter: https://twitter...

Connect with Singularity University:
Website: http://su.org
Hub: http://singularityhub.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/singularityu
Twitter: https://twitter...

Gresham College (videos of July 2017)
source: GreshamCollege
2:33 Humphry Davy and his experiments with nitrous oxide - Dr William Harrop-Griffiths A question from the lecture 'The History of Local Anaesthesia' by Dr William Harrop-Griffiths https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/humphrey-davy-and-his-exp...
The transcript a...
1:46 What is it about Cocaine that makes it addictive? - Dr William Harrop-Griffiths A question from the lecture 'The History of Local Anaesthesia' by Dr William Harrop-Griffiths https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/what-is-it-about-cocaine-...
The transcript and d...
2:25 An architect points out a possible contradiction... - Professor Simon Thurley CBE A question from the lecture 'Perfection or Pastiche? New Buildings in Old Places' by Professor Simon Thurley CBE https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/an-architect-points-out-a... T...
2:02 William Morris and the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings - Professor Simon Thu A question from the lecture 'Perfection or Pastiche? New Buildings in Old Places' by Professor Simon Thurley CBE https://www.gresham.ac.uk/short/william-morris-and-the-so......
45:48 The Gray's Inn Reading: The Great Divorce - Brexit and the Law - Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws QC Helena Ann Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws, QC, is a British barrister, broadcaster, and Labour member of the House of Lords. She will be speaking on legal issues of topical interest. The t...
55:17 Migration: A Historical Perspective - Professor Sir Richard Evans Migration from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe has reached mass proportions in the last few years. https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/migration-a...
This ...

The transcript a...

The transcript and d...

This ...
caltech (videos of July 2017)
source: caltech
1:27 Farewell to the Oak Caltech's 400-year-old Engelmann oak has been removed
On July 11, workers dissected Caltech's 400-year-old Engelman oak, which died last year. The wood will be preserved for several uses including:...
13:14 Innovation Speaker Series - Professor Jorge Moreno - 7/27/17
26:54 Summer App Space: Lecture 15 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/24/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
54:14 Summer App Space: Lecture 15 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/17/17 This lecture began with the TED Talk: https://youtu.be/XzZJuEDQ1a0
Jedidah Isler: How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe
The Summer App Space is a summer program fo...
57:40 Summer App Space: Lecture 15 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/21/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
43:52 Innovation Speaker Series - Dr. Adam Lichtl - 7/20/17 Dr. Lichtl is Founder and CEO at Delta Brain Inc. Delta Brain Inc. is a Los Angeles-based AI startup focused on bringing reliable pattern recognition to continuous healthcare monitoring data. Delta...
38:45 Innovation Speaker Series - Dr. Solange Ramírez - 7/20/17 Dr. Ramírez is a scientist working at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI), part of the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). ...
3:33 Gearing up to search for life on Enceladus Professor Jay Nadeau describes her lab's work and proposal to use new microscopes on spacecraft that could visit the icy moons of Enceladus (Saturn) and Europa (Jupiter) to collect and search water...
1:00:21 Summer App Space: Lecture 14 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/17/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
56:46 Summer App Space: Lecture 13 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/17/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
1:02:05 Summer App Space: Lecture 12 - Dr. J. Graef Rollins - 7/14/2017 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
1:14:36 Summer App Space: Lecture 11 - Dr. J. Graef Rollins - 7/14/2017 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
57:13 Summer App Space: Lecture 10 - Dr. J. Graef Rollins - 7/10/2017 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
44:14 Innovation Speaker Series - Zoe Stephenson - 7/13/17 Zoe Stephenson is a Mechanical Engineer at Applied Invention, LLC, where according to her LinkedIn:
"I do everything from preliminary materials research and product brainstorming to small-first-ru...
25:07 Innovation Speaker Series - Athena Ahmadi - 7/13/17 Athena Ahmadi is a Software Engineer at Google. She has extensive experience in designing and implementing systems in C/C++ and Java.- ASP.net, JSP, JavaServlet, Android sd, SQL, HTML, and Hadoo S...
1:56 Techers Dunk to Make a Difference - The Caltech Fund Watch the Undergraduate Dean and IHC get dunked to support current students!
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017
1:00:58 Summer App Space: Lecture 9 - Dr. J. Graef Rollins - 7/10/2017 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
59:16 Summer App Space: Lecture 8 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/7/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
31:08 Innovation Speaker Series - Andrew Pryor-Miller - 7/6/17 Andrew Pryor-Miller is Quality Assurance Engineer Lead at Snapchat, Inc. In the past he's worked as a software engineer at Microsoft, and as an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer and software...
53:33 Summer App Space: Lecture 5 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/3/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
37:31 Innovation Speaker Series - Sean Carroll - 7/6/17 Sean Carroll, Research Professor of Physics, Caltech
From Sean Carroll: "I'm a theoretical physicist at Caltech in sunny Pasadena, California. I do research on theoretical aspects of cosmology, f...
57:40 Summer App Space: Lecture 6 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 7/3/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
47:21 Summer App Space: Lecture 4 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 6/30/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
49:52 Summer App Space: Lecture 1 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 6/26/17 Introducing course objectives, software engineering, python interpreter, IPython console, bash console, Jupyter notebooks, objects, float, int, bool, string, None, type function, asking good questi...
1:01:11 Summer App Space: Lecture 3 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 6/30/17 The Summer App Space is a summer program for LA students and teachers to learn programming while getting paid to do fun space-related projects.
Learn more: http://summerappspace.com
43:05 Summer App Space: Lecture 2 - Dr. C. Corbett Moran – 6/26/17 Introducing course objectives, software engineering, python interpreter, IPython console, bash console, Jupyter notebooks, objects, float, int, bool, string, None, type function, asking good questi...
47:15 Innovation Speaker Series - D.A. Wallach - 6/29/17 D.A. Wallach is a recording artist, songwriter, investor, and essayist who Kanye West and Pharrell Williams discovered while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. Beyond music, D.A. invests i...
19:21 Innovation Speaker Series - Cullen Dudas - 6/29/17 Cullen Dudas has a range of specialties spanning interaction/ behavioral design and creative direction, through software architecture and raising capital. During high school he consulted for the Wi...

On July 11, workers dissected Caltech's 400-year-old Engelman oak, which died last year. The wood will be preserved for several uses including:...

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Jedidah Isler: How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe
The Summer App Space is a summer program fo...

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

"I do everything from preliminary materials research and product brainstorming to small-first-ru...

Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

From Sean Carroll: "I'm a theoretical physicist at Caltech in sunny Pasadena, California. I do research on theoretical aspects of cosmology, f...

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

Learn more: http://summerappspace.com

(русский / in Russian) Моделирование бизнес-процессов
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年10月5日
Моделирование бизнес-процессов
Автор: Я. Горчаков
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Бизнес-системы и их свойства 11:01
Лекция 2: Связь организации как системы с внешней средой 20:30
Лекция 3: Структурно-ориентированный (функциональный) подход к управлению организацией 21:40
Лекция 4: Процессно-ориентированный (процессный) подход к управлению организацией 23:56
Лекция 5: Регламентация и бизнес-процессы 19:46
Лекция 6: Циклы управления 23:08
Лекция 7: Факторы внедрения BPM. Формулировки процесса 14:02
Лекция 8: Теория моделирования на основе методологии ARIS 20:40
Лекция 9: Модели описания деятельности организации. Правила моделирования 17:56
Лекция 10: Представление моделей в ARIS. Экземпляры объектов 11:55
Лекция 11: Инструментарий ARIS. Проводник 21:11
Лекция 12: Создание базы ARIS 10:57
Лекция 13: Моделирование организационной структуры компании 17:14
Лекция 14: Модуль Designer 24:46
Лекция 15: Практическое задание "Оргуструктура". Часть 1 22:42
Лекция 16: Практическое задание "Оргуструктура". Часть 2 16:01
Лекция 17: Моделирование процессов ARIS. Нотация VAD. Часть 1 16:23
Лекция 18: Нотация VAD. Часть 2 24:17
Лекция 19: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 1 10:39
Лекция 20: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 2 16:38
Лекция 21: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 3 11:20
Лекция 22: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 4 20:37
Лекция 23: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 5 15:04
Лекция 24: Моделирование окружения функции FAD. Часть 1 22:00
Лекция 25: Моделирование окружения функции FAD. Часть 2 11:27
Лекция 26: Моделирование BPMN 19:17
Лекция 27: Моделирование BPMN. Инструменты 14:23
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年10月5日
Моделирование бизнес-процессов
Автор: Я. Горчаков
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Бизнес-системы и их свойства 11:01
Лекция 2: Связь организации как системы с внешней средой 20:30
Лекция 3: Структурно-ориентированный (функциональный) подход к управлению организацией 21:40
Лекция 4: Процессно-ориентированный (процессный) подход к управлению организацией 23:56
Лекция 5: Регламентация и бизнес-процессы 19:46
Лекция 6: Циклы управления 23:08
Лекция 7: Факторы внедрения BPM. Формулировки процесса 14:02
Лекция 8: Теория моделирования на основе методологии ARIS 20:40
Лекция 9: Модели описания деятельности организации. Правила моделирования 17:56
Лекция 10: Представление моделей в ARIS. Экземпляры объектов 11:55
Лекция 11: Инструментарий ARIS. Проводник 21:11
Лекция 12: Создание базы ARIS 10:57
Лекция 13: Моделирование организационной структуры компании 17:14
Лекция 14: Модуль Designer 24:46
Лекция 15: Практическое задание "Оргуструктура". Часть 1 22:42
Лекция 16: Практическое задание "Оргуструктура". Часть 2 16:01
Лекция 17: Моделирование процессов ARIS. Нотация VAD. Часть 1 16:23
Лекция 18: Нотация VAD. Часть 2 24:17
Лекция 19: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 1 10:39
Лекция 20: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 2 16:38
Лекция 21: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 3 11:20
Лекция 22: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 4 20:37
Лекция 23: Моделирование процедуры ЕРС. Часть 5 15:04
Лекция 24: Моделирование окружения функции FAD. Часть 1 22:00
Лекция 25: Моделирование окружения функции FAD. Часть 2 11:27
Лекция 26: Моделирование BPMN 19:17
Лекция 27: Моделирование BPMN. Инструменты 14:23
(русский / in Russian) Разработка игр на Unity
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年10月21日
Разработка игр на Unity
Автор: Антон Баранов
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3487/729/info
Курс знакомит слушателей со средой разработки Unity и основам работы в ней.
Unity - среда разработки кроссплатформенных интерактивных приложений и игр. В курсе начального уровня слушатели познакомятся с основами работы в Unity: интерфейсом, меню, игровыми сценами и объектами, работой с камерой, созданием ландшафта, анимацией, разработкой скриптов и созданием собственного интерфейса. При выполнении заданий для самостоятельной работы, слушатели получат основные навыки работы в среде разработки Unity.
Лекция 1: Знакомство с Unity 12:14
Лекция 2: Обзор основных окон 6:56
Лекция 3: Окно сцены 10:09
Лекция 4: Окно игры 5:16
Лекция 5: Окно иерархии 3:50
Лекция 6: Окно проекта 7:15
Лекция 7: Пустой объект 12:15
Лекция 8: Куб 6:14
Лекция 9: Ассеты 2:39
Лекция 10: 3D-объекты 9:17
Лекция 11: Ткань 7:38
Лекция 12: Твердое тело 11:16
Лекция 13: Источник света 8:34
Лекция 14: Камера 11:49
Лекция 15: Организация проекта 1:39
Лекция 16: Террейн 11:17
Лекция 17: Деревья и трава 8:58
Лекция 18: Настройки террейна 9:32
Лекция 19: Эффекты 10:17
Лекция 20: Ветер 3:11
Лекция 21: Пример создания ландшафта 18:50
Лекция 22: Создание деревьев 3:15
Лекция 23: Корень дерева 5:40
Лекция 24: Ветви дерева 10:25
Лекция 25: Ручное редактирование 4:03
Лекция 26: Листья 4:26
Лекция 27: Пример 1 10:13
Лекция 28: Пример 2 8:22
Лекция 29: Пример 3 7:27
Лекция 30: Обзор 6:47
Лекция 31: Консоль 4:31
Лекция 32: Работа с объектами 13:44
Лекция 33: События 10:22
Лекция 34: Создание и уничтожение объектов 6:54
Лекция 35: Взаимодействие с пользователем 5:49
Лекция 36: Пример 1 5:24
Лекция 37: Пример 2 4:18
Лекция 38: Пример 3 6:56
Лекция 39: Пример 4 11:49
Лекция 40: Контроллер от первого лица 17:18
Лекция 41: Контроллер от третьего лица 10:29
Лекция 42: Пример 24:12
Лекция 43: Система частиц и медиа-контент 7:29
Лекция 44: Система частиц 18:52
Лекция 45: Работа с аудио 12:26
Лекция 46: Работа с видео 4:30
Лекция 47: Анимация 11:37
Лекция 48: 2D-Анимация 6:55
Лекция 49: Аниматор 5:25
Лекция 50: Пример 14:54
Лекция 51: Основа проекта 11:03
Лекция 52: Управление персонажем 15:02
Лекция 53: Добавление бонусов 7:53
Лекция 54: Добавление врагов 17:18
Лекция 55: Переход между сценами 6:17
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年10月21日
Разработка игр на Unity
Автор: Антон Баранов
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3487/729/info
Курс знакомит слушателей со средой разработки Unity и основам работы в ней.
Unity - среда разработки кроссплатформенных интерактивных приложений и игр. В курсе начального уровня слушатели познакомятся с основами работы в Unity: интерфейсом, меню, игровыми сценами и объектами, работой с камерой, созданием ландшафта, анимацией, разработкой скриптов и созданием собственного интерфейса. При выполнении заданий для самостоятельной работы, слушатели получат основные навыки работы в среде разработки Unity.
Лекция 1: Знакомство с Unity 12:14
Лекция 2: Обзор основных окон 6:56
Лекция 3: Окно сцены 10:09
Лекция 4: Окно игры 5:16
Лекция 5: Окно иерархии 3:50
Лекция 6: Окно проекта 7:15
Лекция 7: Пустой объект 12:15
Лекция 8: Куб 6:14
Лекция 9: Ассеты 2:39
Лекция 10: 3D-объекты 9:17
Лекция 11: Ткань 7:38
Лекция 12: Твердое тело 11:16
Лекция 13: Источник света 8:34
Лекция 14: Камера 11:49
Лекция 15: Организация проекта 1:39
Лекция 16: Террейн 11:17
Лекция 17: Деревья и трава 8:58
Лекция 18: Настройки террейна 9:32
Лекция 19: Эффекты 10:17
Лекция 20: Ветер 3:11
Лекция 21: Пример создания ландшафта 18:50
Лекция 22: Создание деревьев 3:15
Лекция 23: Корень дерева 5:40
Лекция 24: Ветви дерева 10:25
Лекция 25: Ручное редактирование 4:03
Лекция 26: Листья 4:26
Лекция 27: Пример 1 10:13
Лекция 28: Пример 2 8:22
Лекция 29: Пример 3 7:27
Лекция 30: Обзор 6:47
Лекция 31: Консоль 4:31
Лекция 32: Работа с объектами 13:44
Лекция 33: События 10:22
Лекция 34: Создание и уничтожение объектов 6:54
Лекция 35: Взаимодействие с пользователем 5:49
Лекция 36: Пример 1 5:24
Лекция 37: Пример 2 4:18
Лекция 38: Пример 3 6:56
Лекция 39: Пример 4 11:49
Лекция 40: Контроллер от первого лица 17:18
Лекция 41: Контроллер от третьего лица 10:29
Лекция 42: Пример 24:12
Лекция 43: Система частиц и медиа-контент 7:29
Лекция 44: Система частиц 18:52
Лекция 45: Работа с аудио 12:26
Лекция 46: Работа с видео 4:30
Лекция 47: Анимация 11:37
Лекция 48: 2D-Анимация 6:55
Лекция 49: Аниматор 5:25
Лекция 50: Пример 14:54
Лекция 51: Основа проекта 11:03
Лекция 52: Управление персонажем 15:02
Лекция 53: Добавление бонусов 7:53
Лекция 54: Добавление врагов 17:18
Лекция 55: Переход между сценами 6:17
(русский / in Russian) Управление проектами в соответствии со стандартом PMI PMBOK
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2017年1月6日
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение в управление проектами 7:58
Лекция 2: Модель управления проектами PMBOK идентична циклу PDCA 1:51
Лекция 3: Жизненный цикл проекта и организация 10:40
Лекция 4: Процессы управления проектом 11:58
Лекция 5: Управление содержанием проекта 7:50
Лекция 6: Управление сроками проекта 9:25
Лекция 7: Управление стоимостью в проекте 8:37
Лекция 8: Управление качеством в проекте 7:16
Лекция 9: Управление персоналом в проекте 8:22
Лекция 10: Управление коммуникациями в проекте 5:05
Лекция 11: Управление рисками проекта 11:33
Лекция 12: Управление поставками в проекте 8:14
Лекция 13: Управление заинтересованными сторонами проекта 10:13
Лекция 14: Управление интеграцией 15:12
Лекция 15: Подведение итогов: акценты, важные моменты 3:42
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2017年1月6日
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение в управление проектами 7:58
Лекция 2: Модель управления проектами PMBOK идентична циклу PDCA 1:51
Лекция 3: Жизненный цикл проекта и организация 10:40
Лекция 4: Процессы управления проектом 11:58
Лекция 5: Управление содержанием проекта 7:50
Лекция 6: Управление сроками проекта 9:25
Лекция 7: Управление стоимостью в проекте 8:37
Лекция 8: Управление качеством в проекте 7:16
Лекция 9: Управление персоналом в проекте 8:22
Лекция 10: Управление коммуникациями в проекте 5:05
Лекция 11: Управление рисками проекта 11:33
Лекция 12: Управление поставками в проекте 8:14
Лекция 13: Управление заинтересованными сторонами проекта 10:13
Лекция 14: Управление интеграцией 15:12
Лекция 15: Подведение итогов: акценты, важные моменты 3:42
(русский / in Russian) Разработка Windows Store приложений на XAML/C#
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2017年1月7日
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Windows 8.1 – возможности для пользователя и разработчика 32:17
Лекция 2: WinRT API в Windows 8.1 – обзор доступного, обновленного и нового API 26:11
Лекция 3: Дизайн приложений для Windows 8.1 35:56
Лекция 4: Структура приложения, стандартные шаблоны, шаблон Hub и обработка разных представлений 29:54
Лекция 5: Навигация и команды в приложении 27:42
Лекция 6: ListView, GridVew и связывание данных 29:20
Лекция 7: Работа с контрактами: Sharing, Search, Print. возможности поиска: SearchButton и SearchBox 20:29
Лекция 8: Живые плитки, оповещение и взаимодействие с Windows Azure Mobile Services 35:42
Лекция 9: Основы отладки и оптимизации приложений 29:14
Лекция 10: Сессия вопросов и ответов 24:48
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2017年1月7日
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Windows 8.1 – возможности для пользователя и разработчика 32:17
Лекция 2: WinRT API в Windows 8.1 – обзор доступного, обновленного и нового API 26:11
Лекция 3: Дизайн приложений для Windows 8.1 35:56
Лекция 4: Структура приложения, стандартные шаблоны, шаблон Hub и обработка разных представлений 29:54
Лекция 5: Навигация и команды в приложении 27:42
Лекция 6: ListView, GridVew и связывание данных 29:20
Лекция 7: Работа с контрактами: Sharing, Search, Print. возможности поиска: SearchButton и SearchBox 20:29
Лекция 8: Живые плитки, оповещение и взаимодействие с Windows Azure Mobile Services 35:42
Лекция 9: Основы отладки и оптимизации приложений 29:14
Лекция 10: Сессия вопросов и ответов 24:48
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