# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: BilkentUniversitesi 2017年2月8日
Calculus II - MATH 102
Lecture 01 47:22 Vectors
Lecture 02 50:15 DOT Product
Lecture 03 50:46 CROSS Product
Lecture 04 44:54 Lines and Planes
Lecture 05 50:31 Problems on Vectors
Lecture 06 43:41 Parametric Curves
Lecture 07 41:02 Arc-length of Parametric Curves
Lecture 08 45:07 Functions of Several Variables
Lecture 09 55:26 Limits and Continuity
Lecture 10 44:35 Limits and Continuity (cont'd)
Lecture 11 35:33 Problems on Limits
Lecture 12 50:50 Partial Derivatives
Lecture 13 49:43 Partial Derivatives and Tangent Planes
Lecture 14 49:02 Linear Approximation
Lecture 15 37:26 Chain Rule
Lecture 16 46:22 Implicit Differentiation and Directional Derivatives
Lecture 17 51:33 Gradient and The Tangent Plane
Lecture 18 49:08 Min. & Max. of Functions of Several Variables
Lecture 19 52:16 The Second Derivative Test
Lecture 20 36:13 Problems on Min. & Max.
Lecture 21 48:01 More Min. & Max. Problems
Lecture 22 46:28 Absolute Min. & Max. Problems
Lecture 23 49:55 Lagrange Multipliers Method
Lecture 24 43:48 Problems on Lagrange's Method
Lecture 25 46:33 Double Integrals over Rectangles
Lecture 26 46:28 Double Integrals over General Regions
Lecture 27 49:36 Problems on Double Integrals
Lecture 28 37:37 More Problems on Double Integrals
Lecture 29 48:55 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
Lecture 30 49:01 Problems on Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
Lecture 31 53:31 Triple Integrals
Lecture 32 32:11 Problems on Triple Integrals
Lecture 33 47:06 Cylindrical Coordinates & Problems
Lecture 34 41:13 More Problems on Cylindrical Coordinates
Lecture 35 52:33 Spherical Coordinates
Lecture 36 31:26 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals
Lecture 37 48:04 Problems on Multiple Integrals
Lecture 38 49:02 Sequences
Lecture 39 51:42 Theorems on Sequences
Lecture 40 33:02 Problems on Sequences
Lecture 42 48:25 The Integral Test
Lecture 43 50:19 Comparison Test
Lecture 44 30:40 Problem of Series
Lecture 45 48:13 More Problem of Series
Lecture 46 53:38 Alternating Series Test
Lecture 47 50:57 Absolute & Conditional Convergence & Ratio Test
Lecture 48 35:08 Root Test & Problems on Series
Lecture 49 46:51 Power Series
Lecture 50 36:40 More Power Series
Lecture 51 49:10 More Power Series (cont'd)
Lecture 52 46:10 Taylor Series
Lecture 53 48:16 Taylor Series (cont'd)
Lecture 54 35:32 Division of Power Series
Lecture 55 44:09 Binomial Theorem
Lecture 56 44:20 Applications & Irrationality of e
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Daniel Bonevac (videos of April 2017)
source: Daniel Bonevac
45:11 Kripke on the Wittgensteinian Paradox Saul Kripke on the Wittgensteinian Paradox
45:42 Kripke on Essential Properties Saul Kripke on Essential Properties
49:19 Gareth Evans on the Causal Theory Gareth Evans on the Causal Theory of Names
48:52 Kripke on Rigid Designators Saul Kripke on Rigid Designators
48:59 Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names Saul Kripke and the Causal Picture of Names
49:12 Kripke on the Descriptive Theory of Names Kripke on the Descriptive Theory of Names, lecture I of Naming and Necessity
46:44 Quine on the Indeterminacy of Translation W. V. O. Quine, "Speaking of Objects" and "Translation and Meaning" from Word and Object
42:46 Quine on Quantifying In W. V. O. Quine, "Reference and Modality," "Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes," and The Flight from Intension, from Word and Object
45:29 Quine on Modality W. V. O. Quine, "Reference and Modality" and "Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes"
45:42 Sellars and the Framework of Thoughts Wilfrid Sellars and the Framework of Thoughts, "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind" and "Philosophy and the Scientific Image of Man," The Analytic Tradition, Spring 2017.
45:19 Sellars on the Inconsistent Triad Wilfrid Sellars, "Empiricism and the Philo

Closer To Truth (videos of April 2017)
source: Closer To Truth
10:09 Alva Noë - Why a Mind-Body Problem? How does the brain produce the mind? This is one of the most difficult problems in science, because how can physical qualities, no matter how complex and sophisticated, actually be mental experienc...
8:58 Simon Blackburn - Why a Mind-Body Problem? How does the brain produce the mind? This is one of the most difficult problems in science, because how can physical qualities, no matter how complex and sophisticated, actually be mental experienc...
3:32 Charles Tart - Why a Mind-Body Problem? How does the brain produce the mind? This is one of the most difficult problems in science, because how can physical qualities, no matter how complex and sophisticated, actually be mental experienc...
16:04 Alan Guth - Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding? The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called "inflation." This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it als...
3:42 Paul Steinhardt - Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding? The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called "inflation." This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it als...
4:19 Andrei Linde - Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding? The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called "inflation." This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it als...
3:44 Paul Fiddes - Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist? What kind of God would create Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer insight into what that kind of God would be like? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism, Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Inf...
2:41 Edward Wierenga - Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist? What kind of God would create Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer insight into what that kind of God would be like? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism, Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Inf...
10:17 Brian Josephson - Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? If ESP can claim some kind of truth, the implications would be profound. The confirmation of any ESP, no matter how minor, would challenge the materialism-physicalism structure of the world, built ...
4:02 Fred Alan Wolf - Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? If ESP can claim some kind of truth, the implications would be profound. The confirmation of any ESP, no matter how minor, would challenge the materialism-physicalism structure of the world, built ...
8:56 Bruce Hood - Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? If ESP can claim some kind of truth, the implications would be profound. The confirmation of any ESP, no matter how minor, would challenge the materialism-physicalism structure of the world, built ...

BBVA Foundation (videos of April 2017)
source: BBVA Foundation
1:12:13 Lecture: "Solitaries: past and present in Central Italy" Lecture: "Solitaries: past and present in Central Italy"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 13/03/2017
Speaker: Matteo Manfredini
Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy)
1:13:26 Lecture: "Urban Environment and Cardiovascular Health: The Heart Healthy Hoods ERC Project" Lecture: "Urban Environment and Cardiovascular Health: The Heart Healthy Hoods ERC Project"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 06/03/2017
Speaker: Manuel Franco
Universidad de Alcalá (Spain)...
1:02:25 Lecture: "From surveys to paradigms, leading to a more general philosophy of social science" Lecture: "From surveys to paradigms, leading to a more general philosophy of social science"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 28/02/2017
Speaker: Daniel Courgeau
Institut National d’Études...
13:29 Tim de Zeeuw: “The search for life on other planets is no longer science fiction, but science” Interview with Tim de Zeeuw, Director General of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), who visited the BBVA Foundation on April 4 for the lecture “In Search of Our Cosmic Origins with the World’...
1:04:09 Lecture by Prof. Tim de Zeeuw from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) 04/04/2017
2017 Series of Lectures on Astrophysics and Cosmology: Science of the cosmos, science in the cosmos
Lecture: "In Search of Our Cosmic Origins

Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 13/03/2017
Speaker: Matteo Manfredini
Università degli Studi di Parma (Italy)

Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 06/03/2017
Speaker: Manuel Franco
Universidad de Alcalá (Spain)...

Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 28/02/2017
Speaker: Daniel Courgeau
Institut National d’Études...

2017 Series of Lectures on Astrophysics and Cosmology: Science of the cosmos, science in the cosmos
Lecture: "In Search of Our Cosmic Origins
The RSA (videos of April 2017)
source: The RSA
1:42 Political Satire with Steven Johnson | RSA Teasers 'Political comedy and satire has never been so important in the current political conversation' - enjoy this witty clip from Steven Johnson's RSA talk! Watch the RSA Spotlight version here: https:/...
8:23 Embracing Imperfection with Tiffany Dufu In this short excerpt from Tiffany Dufu's event, Dufu urges women to embrace imperfection, to expect less of themselves and more from others. Only then can they focus on what they truly care about,...
1:06:18 Supporting Refugee Children in Education | Kevin Watkins | RSA Replay The number of globally displaced people is higher than it has ever been and, in recent years, this has brought unprecedented challenges to receiving countries. Many displaced people cite education ...
6:42 The Knowledge Illusion with Steven Sloman How have we achieved so much despite understanding so little? Whilst individuals know very little, the collective mind knows a lot. Acclaimed cognitive scientist Steven Sloman explains how we survi...
6:00 The Populist Revolt with David Goodhart David Goodhart suggests that a new social division has been created: between the mobile ‘achieved’ identity of the people from Anywhere, and the marginalised, roots-based identity of the people fro...
1:06:11 Solve For Happy | Mo Gawdat | RSA Replay Mo Gawdat is Chief Business Officer at [X], an elite team of engineers that comprise Google's futuristic dream factory. Applying his superior skills of logic and problem solving to the issue of hap...
3:59 5 Minute Life Lessons with Rutger Bregman Watch this 5 Minute Life Lesson interview with one of Europe’s most prominent young thinkers, Rutger Bregman. These bite-sized interviews offer a backstage access insight into the thoughts of Rutge...
53:54 Grand Strategy for the Digital Age | Anne-Marie Slaughter | RSA Replay Anne-Marie Slaughter — one of Foreign Policy's Top 100 Global Thinkers from 2009 to 2012, and the first woman to serve as director of the State Department Office of Policy Planning— visits the RSA ...

Harvard University (videos of April 2017)
source: Harvard University
2:31:46 1. Educating Millennials for Ethical Leadership and Trust | IECO – RCC – AAI – Harvard On March 23, 2017, the Fifth Annual IECO-RCC International Colloquium at Harvard University addressed the topic of “Educating Millennials for Ethical Leadership and Trust." This series of colloquia...
27:38 Public Health, Science and Leadership: A Conversation with Gina McCarthy The former administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, discusses her career path, successes and leadership lessons learned on the Voices in Leadership program.
1:28:45 Game Changers | 4 of 4 | Gender, Media, and Popular Culture || Radcliffe Institute GENDER, MEDIA, AND POPULAR CULTURE
Michael Messner (7:18), professor of sociology and gender studies, University of Southern California
Rachael Miyung Joo (24:30), assistant professor of American...
1:17:26 Game Changers | 3 of 4 | Conversation with Laila Ali || Radcliffe Institute KEYNOTE CONVERSATION
Laila Ali (5:18), four-time undefeated super-middleweight boxing world champion, fitness and wellness expert, and author
Christine Brennan (7:00), national sports columnist, ...
1:28:49 Game Changers | 2 of 4 | Gender, Sports, and Health/Wellness || Radcliffe Institute GENDER, SPORTS, AND HEALTH/WELLNESS
Brian Hainline (6:34), senior vice president, Sports Science Institute; chief medical officer, National Collegiate Athletic Association; clinical professor of n...
1:50 An Economic Case for Acting on Climate Jisung Park, who receives a PhD in economics from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences in May 2017, researches how the impacts of climate change will affect human productivity and economi...
4:02 Backstage with the Lowell House Opera at Harvard Every year, the ornate chandeliers and checkered floors of the Lowell House dining hall witness a dramatic transformation, known well to local-dwellers yet practically undetectable to the outside w...
36:02 Game Changer: Toni Stone | Panel Discussion || Radcliffe Institute This panel discussion followed the staged reading of scenes from the play Toni Stone by the playwright Lydia R. Diamond RI ’13, directed by Megan Sandberg-Zakian, director-in-residence, Merrimack R...
1:35:48 Game Changers | 1 of 4 | Who Gets to Play? || Radcliffe Institute
Lizabeth Cohen, dean, Radcliffe Institute; Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies, Department of History, Harvard University
Donna A. Lopiano (15:...
28:51 ArtScience Talks @ Le Lab – Seeing Is Believing: Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines Wyss Core Faculty member David Mooney presents a talk with Mary Mooney, titled Seeing Is Believing: Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines. Marshalling a patient’s immune system to recognize and destroy cance...
1:08:38 The Poet's Voice: Karen Weiser & Alice Notley "A reading for the ages," as Fanny Howe (who introduces this event) called it, featuring Alice Notley (author of CERTAIN MAGICAL ACTS/Penguin and BENEDICTION/Letter Machine Editions) and Karen Weis...
1:09:58 The Poet's Voice: Borzutsky, Girmay & Hutchinson A dynamic triumvirate of voices, this evening featured readings by National Book Award-winning poet Daniel Borzutsky (author of THE PERFORMANCE OF BECOMING HUMAN/Brooklyn Arts Press, 2016), Araceli...
1:52:24 Technical Landscapes: Aesthetics and the Environment in the History of Science and Art Keynote panel with Peter L. Galison (Joseph Pellegrino University Professor, Harvard University), Caroline A. Jones (Professor, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), a...
2:03 Harvard researchers study what causes falls among elderly For over 50 years, scientists at the Institute for Aging Research, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, have been studying what causes falls among the elderly, and how to prevent them. According...
1:17:34 Fathers and Work Family Balance Although there is still a gender division of labor in post-industrial countries, evidence seems to suggest that there is a growing number of fathers that want to be more involved with their childre...
26:52 Leadership: Public Health and Criminal Justice: Leadership Lessons – R. Gil Kerlikowske The former Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Gil Kerlikowske, discusses his career path, successes and leadership lessons learned during his time as Seattle’s Chief of Police, Pre...
32:48 Leadership: Daring to Fail – A Conversation with Steven Beshear The former Governor of Kentucky, Steven Beshear, discusses his career path, successes and leadership lessons learned as he guided Kentucky through the historic recession to become a leader in job c...
2:42 John Lithgow talks about his art-making experiences The award-winning actor and Harvard Arts Medalist discusses his success on stage and screen, and at Harvard.
1:44:29 Hrant Dink Memorial Peace and Justice Lecture | Minorities and Human Rights in Turkey Participants: Ayşe Gül Altınay (Professor of Anthropology, Sabancı University), Gerard Libaridian
(Alex Manoogian Chair in Modern Armenian History, University of Michigan, retired), Etiyen Mahçupya...
1:01:48 Lead Contamination Beyond Flint: Drinking Water and Children's Health On the whole, American drinking water is safe. However, more than a year after toxic lead levels forced a federal state of emergency in Flint, MI, 63 percent of Americans report that they worry a g...
33:43 The Opioid Epidemic and Bipartisanship: A Conversation with Senator Kelly Ayotte The former United States Senator from New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte, discusses her career path, successes and leadership lessons learned on the Voices in Leadership program.
1:36:11 Text Mining & Libraries: What can we learn from HathiTrust, digital scholars, and the ASHE project? A discussion of libraries' use of full-text metadata for research including copyright issues, scholars' text mining practices, and lessons to be learned from ASHE (Automatic Subject Heading Extract...
2:07 The Harvard Arts Medal Since 1995, Harvard University has awarded the Harvard Arts Medal to a distinguished Harvard or Radcliffe graduate or faculty member who has achieved excellence in the arts and has made a contribut...
1:37:49 Writers Speak | Daniel Alarcón and Francisco Goldman in Conversation with Claire Messud Daniel Alarcón
Author of the novels Lost City Radio (2008) and At Night We Walk in Circles (2014); founder of Radio Ambulante and the recipient of a Lannan Fellowship
Francisco Goldman
Author of t...
1:12:54 Quotas Matter: The Impact of Gender Quota Laws on Work-Family Policies with Ana Catalano Weeks Do gender quotas matter to policy outcomes, or are they just `window dressing'? In this seminar, Ana Catalano Weeks discusses her findings from one of the first studies of the relationship between ...
3:50 New Jersey student uprooted by Hurricane Sandy makes the most of his opportunity at Harvard When Michael Wingate earned his diploma as valedictorian of his high school class, he didn’t have a wall to hang it on. Hurricane Sandy had destroyed the Union Beach, N.J., house where he lived wit...
2:08:04 BOSTON ORIGINALS: Spring 2017 Reading Set One: Oni Buchanan, Jim Dunn, Boyd Nielson & Natalie Shapero
Set Two: Joshua Bennett, David Blair, Steph Burt & Lloyd Schwartz
Our popular Boston Originals series continues with a reading by e...
1:20:19 Jane Kamensky | John Singleton Copley's Declaration of Interdependence || Radcliffe Institute In this lecture, Jane Kamensky (7:36), the Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Director of the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America and a professor of histor...
56:18 A.K. Burns | Negative Space || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Fellows’ Presentation Series at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, A.K. Burns RI ’17 provides a definition of negative space as something unfixed: it's dynamic, ch...
1:58 Learning from the masters: Cassandra Wilson Acclaimed jazz vocalist Cassandra Wilson passes down to Harvard students what she’s learned from her decades in music as part of the University’s “Jazz Master in Residence program.”
1:24:45 Naomi Oreskes: "The Scientist as Sentinel" Naomi Oreskes, "The Scientist as Sentinel"
March 29, 2017
Scientists are often reluctant to speak in public on contested issues, for fear that this will "politicize" their science and have a...
1:01:27 Race and Policing: State and Local Perspectives Building on two previous Forums about race, criminal justice and health (from February 2015 and October 2015), this event examined specific approaches and models to address the complexities of race...
1:16:15 Major Jackson | Urban Renewal: A Poetry Reading and Discussion || Radcliffe Institute The poet Major Jackson RI ’07 reads selected poems from across his catalogue that share a recurring theme: urban renewal.
Introduction by Julie A. Buckler, the faculty director of the humanities ...
57:47 Marijuana: The Latest Scientific Findings and Legalization California, Massachusetts, Maine, and Nevada became the latest states to legalize recreational marijuana, bringing to 28 the number of states that have okayed the drug for medicinal use, recreation...
3:32 Harvard Professor takes Alzheimer’s fight personally Harvard Medical School Professor Reisa Sperling talks about the personal impact of Alzheimer’s disease, which killed both her father and grandfather. Sperling, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Ho...
1:59:40 20 Questions | Heather Cox Richardson on Shock Events and the Trump Presidency Heather Cox Richardson is Professor of History, Boston College.

Michael Messner (7:18), professor of sociology and gender studies, University of Southern California
Rachael Miyung Joo (24:30), assistant professor of American...

Laila Ali (5:18), four-time undefeated super-middleweight boxing world champion, fitness and wellness expert, and author
Christine Brennan (7:00), national sports columnist, ...

Brian Hainline (6:34), senior vice president, Sports Science Institute; chief medical officer, National Collegiate Athletic Association; clinical professor of n...

Lizabeth Cohen, dean, Radcliffe Institute; Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies, Department of History, Harvard University
Donna A. Lopiano (15:...

(Alex Manoogian Chair in Modern Armenian History, University of Michigan, retired), Etiyen Mahçupya...

Author of the novels Lost City Radio (2008) and At Night We Walk in Circles (2014); founder of Radio Ambulante and the recipient of a Lannan Fellowship
Francisco Goldman
Author of t...

Set Two: Joshua Bennett, David Blair, Steph Burt & Lloyd Schwartz
Our popular Boston Originals series continues with a reading by e...

March 29, 2017
Scientists are often reluctant to speak in public on contested issues, for fear that this will "politicize" their science and have a...

Introduction by Julie A. Buckler, the faculty director of the humanities ...

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