# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Ryo Saeba 2017年3月10日
Tecnica Delle Costruzioni / Construction Technique
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
La Tecnica delle Costruzioni si occupa dello studio delle teorie e delle tecniche necessarie alla concezione strutturale e al dimensionamento di nuove costruzioni, nonché alla verifica ed alla riabilitazione strutturale di quelle esistenti. Il corso contempla quindi i fondamenti di statica e dinamica delle strutture in c.a. ordinario e in acciaio, fornendo le basi concettuali e i metodi necessari ad un corretto approccio alla progettazione strutturale e alla realizzazione di strutture in accordo ai principali riferimenti normativi europei.
Per seguire con profitto il corso di Tecnica delle Costruzioni è necessario aver preventivamente superato il corso di Scienza delle Costruzioni.
L’obiettivo dell’insegnamento è quello di fornire all’allievo quei principi teorici fondamentali che, ove correttamente acquisiti ed applicati, consentono di valutare e stimare le azioni sulle costruzioni, conoscere il comportamento strutturale in funzione della tipologia e della morfologia dell’opera, scegliere opportunamente i materiali e le tecnologie di realizzazione delle strutture, analizzare l’interazione delle costruzioni con l’ambiente, definire i modi e le strategie d’uso e di controllo delle opere; fare valutazioni di vulnerabilità, affidabilità, comfort, sicurezza e durabilità.
01 Sicurezza Strutturale I 40:40
02 Sicurezza Strutturale II 42:53
03 Sicurezza Strutturale III 43:36
04 Basi Della Progettazione Strutturale I 40:56
05 Basi Della Progettazione Strutturale II 41:52
06 Basi Della Progettazione Strutturale III 41:00
07 Basi Della Progettazione Strutturale IV 42:01
08 Effetti Strutturali Del Fluage I 41:17
09 Effetti Strutturali Del Fluage II 42:26
10 Effetti Strutturali Del Fluage III 40:44
11 Effetti strutturali del fluage IV 41:41
12 Plasticità I 40:59
13 Plasticità II 41:13
14 Plasticità III 40:52
15 Plasticità IV 41:21
16 Plasticità V 41:04
17 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi I 41:24
18 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi II 43:17
19 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi III 43:29
20 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi IV 42:54
21 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi V 41:06
22 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi VI 41:48
23 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Ultimi VII 41:30
24 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Di Esercizio I 41:36
25 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Di Esercizio II 41:14
26 Cemento Armato - Stati Limite Di Esercizio III 40:37
27 Cemento Armato - Disposizioni Costruttive II 40:22
28 Cemento Armato - Disposizioni Costruttive III 42:19
29 Strutture In Acciaio 44:43
30 Caratteristiche Del Materiale I 43:52
31 Caratteristiche Del Materiale II - Unioni Saldate I 41:53
32 Unioni Saldate II - Unioni Bullonate I 40:30
33 Unioni Bullonate II - Collegamenti I 40:36
34 Collegamenti II 40:47
35 Collegamenti III 40:43
36 Membrature Semplici I 40:20
37 Membrature Semplici II 42:31
38 Membrature Semplici e Composte 43:35
39 Costruzioni In Zona Sismica 43:37
40 Dinamica Delle Strutture I 43:30
41 Dinamica Delle Strutture II 43:14
42 Dinamica Delle Strutture III 44:27
43 Dinamica Degli Edifici Nello Spazio 3D 43:55
44 Normativa Sismica 44:08
45 Caratteristiche Generali Degli Edifici In Zona Sismica 41:17
46 Metodi Di Analisi I 41:41
47 Metodi Di Analisi II 41:42
48 Modellazione Strutturale Per Il Calcolo Automatico 43:18
49 Edifici In Cemento Armato In Zona Sismica 43:59
50 Edifici In Acciaio In Zona Sismica 44:18
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
多變量分析--黃冠華 / 交大 (2017)
# 播放清單 (可按影片右上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: NCTU OCW 2017年4月26日
The aims of this course are:
(1) To illustrate extensions of univariate statistical methodology to multivariate data.
(2) To introduce students to some of the distinctive statistical methodologies which arise only in multivariate data.
(3) To introduce students to some of the computational techniques required for multivariate analysis available in standard statistical packages.
Topics include: multivariate techniques and analyses, multivariate analysis of variance, principal component analysis and factor analysis, cluster analysis, discrimination and classification.
授課教師:統計學研究所 黃冠華老師
Lec01 Introduction 5:56
Lec02 Aspects of multivariate analysis 7:05
Lec03 Matrix algebra and random vectors 22:36
Lec04 Multivariate normal distribution 1:06:37
Lec05 Inferences about a mean vector 49:41
Lec06 Comparisons of several multivariate means 1:25:11
Lec07 Principal components 57:21
Lec08 Factor analysis (1/2) 1:32:53
Lec09 Factor analysis (2/2) 1:25:35
Lec10 Clustering (1/2) 1:43:54
Lec11 Clustering (2/2) 1:56:29
Lec12 Discrimination and classification 1:47:51
Lec13 2:00:50
Lec14 Canonical correlation analysis (1/2) 1:38:12
Lec15 Canonical correlation analysis (2/2) 1:24:49
source: NCTU OCW 2017年4月26日
The aims of this course are:
(1) To illustrate extensions of univariate statistical methodology to multivariate data.
(2) To introduce students to some of the distinctive statistical methodologies which arise only in multivariate data.
(3) To introduce students to some of the computational techniques required for multivariate analysis available in standard statistical packages.
Topics include: multivariate techniques and analyses, multivariate analysis of variance, principal component analysis and factor analysis, cluster analysis, discrimination and classification.
授課教師:統計學研究所 黃冠華老師
Lec01 Introduction 5:56
Lec02 Aspects of multivariate analysis 7:05
Lec03 Matrix algebra and random vectors 22:36
Lec04 Multivariate normal distribution 1:06:37
Lec05 Inferences about a mean vector 49:41
Lec06 Comparisons of several multivariate means 1:25:11
Lec07 Principal components 57:21
Lec08 Factor analysis (1/2) 1:32:53
Lec09 Factor analysis (2/2) 1:25:35
Lec10 Clustering (1/2) 1:43:54
Lec11 Clustering (2/2) 1:56:29
Lec12 Discrimination and classification 1:47:51
Lec13 2:00:50
Lec14 Canonical correlation analysis (1/2) 1:38:12
Lec15 Canonical correlation analysis (2/2) 1:24:49
ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΑΡΜΟΣ (videos of March & April 2017)
2:33:47 ΤΟ ΠΡΑΓΜΑ Η ΛΕΞΗ ΚΑΙ Ο ΚΟΣΜΟΣ του Φώτη Καγγελάρη Παρουσίαση του νέου βιβλίου του
Φώτη Καγγελάρη
Η αόρατη πλευρά των πραγμάτων στο προσκήνιο
της Τέχνης, της Φιλοσοφίας, της Ψυχανάλυσης και της Πολιτικής…
Για το βιβλί...
1:42:29 «Αμαρτωλή αλεπού» στον Αρμό Θεσσαλονίκης. Ο Χρυσόστομος Σταμούλης συνομιλεί με τον Αντώνη Παπαρίζο. Με αφορμή την έκδοση των βιβλίων τους, «Κοινωνία των Αμαρτωλών» και «Τί γυρεύει η Αλεπού στο Παζάρι;», ο Αντώνης Παπαρίζος, καθηγητής στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και ο Χρυσόστομος Σταμούλης, κα...
58:59 "Ποιος σκότωσε τον θεό του έρωτα;"των Δημήτρη Τζουβάλη & Αρσινόης Σερμιντζέλη Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου των Δημήτρη Τζουβάλη & Αρσινόης Σερμιντζέλη
"Ποιος σκότωσε τον θεό του έρωτα;"
Για το βιβλίο μιλουν:
π. Αλέξανδρος Καριώτογλου
Αγγελική Τζουβάλη-Καριώτογλου
και Όλγα Νικολαϊδου
1:12:47 "Οι ευνούχοι διοικούσαν υπέροχα!" του Στέφανου Λέπουρα Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Στέφανου Λέπουρα
"Οι ευνούχοι διοικούσαν υπέροχα!"
Σκοτεινές πτυχές της εξουσίας στο Βυζάντιο της δόξας. Αφηγηματική αναφορά γύρω από τη Διοίκηση της Μακεδονικής Δυναστεί...
1:58:58 «Αμαρτωλή αλεπού» Ο Χρυσόστομος Σταμούλης συνομιλεί με τον Αντώνη Παπαρίζο. Με αφορμή την έκδοση των βιβλίων τους, «Κοινωνία των Αμαρτωλών» και «Τί γυρεύει η Αλεπού στο Παζάρι;», ο Αντώνης Παπαρίζος, καθηγητής στο Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών και ο Χρυσόστομος Σταμούλης, κα...
1:19:24 Παρουσίαση του νέου βιβλίου "Αγία και Μεγάλη Πέμπτη" Παρουσίαση του νέου βιβλίου:
" Αγία και Μεγάλη Πέμπτη,
Η θεία ευσπλαγνία και η απώλεια του Ιούδα"
Μετάφραση - Σχόλια: Νικόλαος Μιχαλολιάκος
Εισαγωγή - Επιμέλεια: Αντώνιος Καπώνης
Για το βιβλίο μιλ...
1:27:12 "Ελληνικό αδιέξοδο και αυτογνωσία" του Δημήτρη Σουλιώτη Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Δημήτρη Σουλιώτη
"Ελληνικό αδιέξοδο και αυτογνωσία"
Δευτέρα 20 Μαρτίου
Για το βιβλίο μιλούν:
Ανδρέας Ανδριανόπουλος, πρ. Υπουργός - Διευθυντής Ινστιτούτου Διπλωματίας ...
1:23:16 "Λεξικό χωρίς γραβάτα" του Γιάννη Βλαστάρη Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Γιάννη Βλαστάρη
"Λεξικό χωρίς γραβάτα"
Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου
Για το βιβλίο μιλούν:

Φώτη Καγγελάρη
Η αόρατη πλευρά των πραγμάτων στο προσκήνιο
της Τέχνης, της Φιλοσοφίας, της Ψυχανάλυσης και της Πολιτικής…
Για το βιβλί...

"Ποιος σκότωσε τον θεό του έρωτα;"
Για το βιβλίο μιλουν:
π. Αλέξανδρος Καριώτογλου
Αγγελική Τζουβάλη-Καριώτογλου
και Όλγα Νικολαϊδου

"Οι ευνούχοι διοικούσαν υπέροχα!"
Σκοτεινές πτυχές της εξουσίας στο Βυζάντιο της δόξας. Αφηγηματική αναφορά γύρω από τη Διοίκηση της Μακεδονικής Δυναστεί...

" Αγία και Μεγάλη Πέμπτη,
Η θεία ευσπλαγνία και η απώλεια του Ιούδα"
Μετάφραση - Σχόλια: Νικόλαος Μιχαλολιάκος
Εισαγωγή - Επιμέλεια: Αντώνιος Καπώνης
Για το βιβλίο μιλ...

"Ελληνικό αδιέξοδο και αυτογνωσία"
Δευτέρα 20 Μαρτίου
Για το βιβλίο μιλούν:
Ανδρέας Ανδριανόπουλος, πρ. Υπουργός - Διευθυντής Ινστιτούτου Διπλωματίας ...

"Λεξικό χωρίς γραβάτα"
Τρίτη 28 Φεβρουαρίου
Για το βιβλίο μιλούν:
Belinda Jack--Rhetoric and the Life of Literature (Gresham College)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: GreshamCollege 2016年11月30日
Narrative, the way a tale is told, is less straightforward than we might suppose. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
Jane Austen, Persuasion: Irony and the Mysterious Vagaries of Narrative 51:46
Austen handles irony brilliantly and systematically exploited new ways of narrating, including free indirect discourse. This lecture explores why Austen's way of narrating are so compelling.
Charles Dickens: Hard Times and Hyberbole 52:45
Shakespeare's Sonnets and the Use of Personification 56:13
'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and Poetic Technique 56:31
The Poetry of Robert Frost: The Power and Intrigue of Simile 47:19
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson: Metaphor and its Philosophical Mysteries 45:30
source: GreshamCollege 2016年11月30日
Narrative, the way a tale is told, is less straightforward than we might suppose. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
Jane Austen, Persuasion: Irony and the Mysterious Vagaries of Narrative 51:46
Austen handles irony brilliantly and systematically exploited new ways of narrating, including free indirect discourse. This lecture explores why Austen's way of narrating are so compelling.
Charles Dickens: Hard Times and Hyberbole 52:45
Shakespeare's Sonnets and the Use of Personification 56:13
'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and Poetic Technique 56:31
The Poetry of Robert Frost: The Power and Intrigue of Simile 47:19
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson: Metaphor and its Philosophical Mysteries 45:30
Carolyn Roberts - A Bigger Picture: Global Scale Environmental Challenges
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: GreshamCollege 2016年12月1日
Our planets fragility as a life support system is being revealed today in ways that would not have been anticipated even twenty years ago. Recent developments in space technology have allowed us to view the Earth in new ways, and to identify our impact on land, atmosphere, oceans and freshwater in astonishing detail. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 1,900 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
Scratching the Surface? Looking from Space at Human Impact on Earth 56:42 The lecture will explore some of the science behind these observations, show a range of the curious and beautiful imagery being generated, and ask questions about the opportunities and risks of this type of environmental surveillance.
Hotting Up: Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change in the Twenty-First Century 58:59
Something In The Air: The Insidious Challenge of Air Pollution 1:01:39
Under the Sea: What's Happening in Our Oceans 57:15
The Environmental Challenges of MegaCities 55:06
'All Must Have Prizes': Citizen Science and the Environment 55:24
source: GreshamCollege 2016年12月1日
Our planets fragility as a life support system is being revealed today in ways that would not have been anticipated even twenty years ago. Recent developments in space technology have allowed us to view the Earth in new ways, and to identify our impact on land, atmosphere, oceans and freshwater in astonishing detail. http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. There are currently over 1,900 lectures free to access or download from the website.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
Scratching the Surface? Looking from Space at Human Impact on Earth 56:42 The lecture will explore some of the science behind these observations, show a range of the curious and beautiful imagery being generated, and ask questions about the opportunities and risks of this type of environmental surveillance.
Hotting Up: Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change in the Twenty-First Century 58:59
Something In The Air: The Insidious Challenge of Air Pollution 1:01:39
Under the Sea: What's Happening in Our Oceans 57:15
The Environmental Challenges of MegaCities 55:06
'All Must Have Prizes': Citizen Science and the Environment 55:24
UCLAArchitecture (videos of April 2017)
source: UCLAArchitecture
1:46:05 Machines of Loving Grace: A Symposium on AI, Architecture and Virtual Worlds (session 1) MACHINES OF LOVING GRACE:
Session 1
Popularly labeled as the 4th Industrial Revolution, the proliferation of artificial intelligence, robotics, a...
1:28:48 Machines of Loving Grace: A Symposium on AI, Architecture and Virtual Worlds (session 2) MACHINES OF LOVING GRACE:
Session 2
Popularly labeled as the 4th Industrial Revolution, the proliferation of artificial intelligence, robotics, a...
1:09:03 Machines of Loving Grace: A Symposium on AI, Architecture and Virtual Worlds (session 3) MACHINES OF LOVING GRACE:
Session 3

Session 1
Popularly labeled as the 4th Industrial Revolution, the proliferation of artificial intelligence, robotics, a...

Session 2
Popularly labeled as the 4th Industrial Revolution, the proliferation of artificial intelligence, robotics, a...

Session 3
MinuteEarth (videos of March & April 2017)
source: MinuteEarth
2:08 Why Don’t Sheep Shrink In The Rain? We appreciate your support on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth
Getting wet isn’t REALLY what makes wool shrink; it merely exacerbates the friction between the wool fibers, which is stronger in ...
2:50 Why Some Molecules Have Evil Twins A tiny change in a molecule’s geometry completely changes its effects on the human body.
How We Made This Video (Ever & David Talk About Drugs): https://youtu.be/tefxgYP0BVM
March for Science webs...
3:05 How Cats Became our Feline Overlords (ft. It's Okay To Be Smart) Check out how cats became our favorite little murder machines.
To learn how dogs and humans got together, watch the companion video over at It's OK To Be Smart: https://youtu.be/tggdERc8E6Y - be su...
2:26 What Makes A Dinosaur? Thanks to 23andMe for sponsoring this video! http://www.23andme.com/minuteearth
Due to a revolution in our understanding of the tree of life, birds are dinosaurs, while dimetrodons are not.
1:28 MinuteEarth Needs Your Support Please support us on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth
THANK YOU for helping us stick around!
Credits (and Twitter handles): Script Writer: Alex Re...
1:59 Why Is A Group Of Crows Called A “Murder”? Collective nouns are a great way to have fun with language and nature.
PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth
2:44 Ambergris: Why Perfume Makers Love Constipated Whales How whale poop becomes perfume. Thanks to Crunchyroll for sponsoring this video! http://www.crunchyroll.com/minuteearth
Thanks also to our supporters on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth
2:23 Why Are Snakes So Creepy? Thanks to 23andMe for sponsoring this video! http://www.23andme.com/minuteearth
Snakes occupy a special place in the human brain because they’re so weird.
Thanks also to our supporters on https:...
3:00 Why Did T Rex Have Such Tiny Arms? It's easy to assume that every trait - including stubby arms on a terrifying predator - must be beneficial, but the forces of evolution don't really work like that.
Thanks to the University of Mi...

Getting wet isn’t REALLY what makes wool shrink; it merely exacerbates the friction between the wool fibers, which is stronger in ...

How We Made This Video (Ever & David Talk About Drugs): https://youtu.be/tefxgYP0BVM
March for Science webs...

To learn how dogs and humans got together, watch the companion video over at It's OK To Be Smart: https://youtu.be/tggdERc8E6Y - be su...

Due to a revolution in our understanding of the tree of life, birds are dinosaurs, while dimetrodons are not.

THANK YOU for helping us stick around!
Credits (and Twitter handles): Script Writer: Alex Re...

PLEASE SUPPORT US ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth

Thanks also to our supporters on https://www.patreon.com/MinuteEarth

Snakes occupy a special place in the human brain because they’re so weird.
Thanks also to our supporters on https:...

Thanks to the University of Mi...
2017 Dean's Honor Symposium at Eugene Lang College
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: The New School 2017年5月11日
Each year, the Eugene Lang College (http://newschool.edu/lang/) community gathers to celebrate our thoughtful, dedicated, and engaged students. We recognize high-achieving, academically rigorous students as well as their unique and groundbreaking work, from nesting oysters in the Hudson to learning Khmer in Cambodia.
Dean's Honors Symposium
The Lang College Dean’s Honor Symposium is a conference for students to present their academic work and co-curricular projects to the Lang community. Participating students applied to present their work in the fall semester. The work shows a range of academic disciplines and inter-disciplines; furthermore, many explore critical histories as well as contemporary social issues because at Lang, social justice is at the core of our liberal arts education. Projects range from rigorous academic writing, to civic engagement and social justice work, to creative projects, to exemplary work outside of Lang such as through internships or work experiences.
The New School | http://newschool.edu
- Ken Wark, Chair, Culture and Media
- James Malzone
- Mark Suciu
Location: John L. Tishman Auditorium, University Center
63 Fifth Avenue, Room U100, New York, NY 10003
Monday, April 24, 2017 at 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Three Lessons from the Avant Garde 48:06
Optimizing Profits, Wellness and Accountability 47:28
Mapping Gender onto the Divine Body 55:10
The Call for Transformative Justice 51:00
How Cultural Legacy Spans the Globe 43:25
Deconstructing Representation 51:57
source: The New School 2017年5月11日
Each year, the Eugene Lang College (http://newschool.edu/lang/) community gathers to celebrate our thoughtful, dedicated, and engaged students. We recognize high-achieving, academically rigorous students as well as their unique and groundbreaking work, from nesting oysters in the Hudson to learning Khmer in Cambodia.
Dean's Honors Symposium
The Lang College Dean’s Honor Symposium is a conference for students to present their academic work and co-curricular projects to the Lang community. Participating students applied to present their work in the fall semester. The work shows a range of academic disciplines and inter-disciplines; furthermore, many explore critical histories as well as contemporary social issues because at Lang, social justice is at the core of our liberal arts education. Projects range from rigorous academic writing, to civic engagement and social justice work, to creative projects, to exemplary work outside of Lang such as through internships or work experiences.
The New School | http://newschool.edu
- Ken Wark, Chair, Culture and Media
- James Malzone
- Mark Suciu
Location: John L. Tishman Auditorium, University Center
63 Fifth Avenue, Room U100, New York, NY 10003
Monday, April 24, 2017 at 2:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Three Lessons from the Avant Garde 48:06
Optimizing Profits, Wellness and Accountability 47:28
Mapping Gender onto the Divine Body 55:10
The Call for Transformative Justice 51:00
How Cultural Legacy Spans the Globe 43:25
Deconstructing Representation 51:57
Design and Displacement | The New School (2017)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: The New School 2017年4月19日
The symposium is sponsored by the MA History of Design and Curatorial Studies program (http://newschool.edu/parsons/ma-history-design-curatorial...), offered jointly by Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and Parsons School of Design (http://newschool.edu/parsons/).
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Parsons/Cooper Hewitt
Graduate Student Symposium on the History of Design
The New School | http://newschool.edu
The challenges faced by vast numbers of migrants and refugees worldwide—uprooted by war, persecution, or ecological crises or relocating in search of economic opportunity—are giving rise to innovative design solutions. Although often urgent, these crises are unfortunately rarely new.
The Catherine Hoover Voorsanger Keynote Address 1:11:25
Carolyn Eletto 27:59
Siddhartha V. Shah 20:36
Ignacio G. Galán 20:44
Panel Discussion 1 13:42
Michelle Jackson 25:18
A. Jakobus Coetsee 21:51
Panel Discussion 2 19:51
source: The New School 2017年4月19日
The symposium is sponsored by the MA History of Design and Curatorial Studies program (http://newschool.edu/parsons/ma-history-design-curatorial...), offered jointly by Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum and Parsons School of Design (http://newschool.edu/parsons/).
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Parsons/Cooper Hewitt
Graduate Student Symposium on the History of Design
The New School | http://newschool.edu
The challenges faced by vast numbers of migrants and refugees worldwide—uprooted by war, persecution, or ecological crises or relocating in search of economic opportunity—are giving rise to innovative design solutions. Although often urgent, these crises are unfortunately rarely new.
The Catherine Hoover Voorsanger Keynote Address 1:11:25
Carolyn Eletto 27:59
Siddhartha V. Shah 20:36
Ignacio G. Galán 20:44
Panel Discussion 1 13:42
Michelle Jackson 25:18
A. Jakobus Coetsee 21:51
Panel Discussion 2 19:51
[臺大探索第17期] 心靈黑洞:意識的奧秘
# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 .NTU CASE 2017年3月8日
探索17-1搶先看:最後的疆界:心靈與意識的奧秘 2:48
探索17-2搶先看:誰是我?我是誰?世界如何產生我? 2:50
探索17-3搶先看:從臨床醫學看人類意識的神經機制 2:23
探索17-4搶先看:腦與情感:人之異於禽獸,幾希? 2:44
探索17-5搶先看:知覺與覺知:意識的二重奏 3:16
探索17-6搶先看:合一之美 2:45
探索17-7搶先看:大腦、意識與錯覺 2:30
探索17-8搶先看:人工智慧與機器人能有意識嗎? 2:12
探索17-9搶先看:機器算得出心靈與意識嗎?——歌德爾vs涂林 3:19
探索17-1講座:最後的疆界:心靈與意識的奧秘/黃榮村教授 2:01:32
探索17-2講座:誰是我?我是誰?世界如何產生我?/洪裕宏教授 2:43:07
探索17-3講座:從臨床醫學看人類意識的神經機制/杜培基醫師 2:13:16
探索17-5講座:知覺與覺知:意識的二重奏 / 葉素玲教授 2:46:45
探索17-6講座:合一之美 / 陳一平教授 2:37:11
探索17-7講座:大腦、意識與錯覺 / 謝伯讓教授 2:29:13
探索17-8講座:人工智慧與機器人能有意識嗎? / 黃從仁教授 2:37:22
探索17-9講座:機器算得出心靈與意識嗎?——歌德爾 vs 涂林 / 李國偉研究員 2:25:47
source: 臺大科學教育發展中心 .NTU CASE 2017年3月8日
探索17-1搶先看:最後的疆界:心靈與意識的奧秘 2:48
探索17-2搶先看:誰是我?我是誰?世界如何產生我? 2:50
探索17-3搶先看:從臨床醫學看人類意識的神經機制 2:23
探索17-4搶先看:腦與情感:人之異於禽獸,幾希? 2:44
探索17-5搶先看:知覺與覺知:意識的二重奏 3:16
探索17-6搶先看:合一之美 2:45
探索17-7搶先看:大腦、意識與錯覺 2:30
探索17-8搶先看:人工智慧與機器人能有意識嗎? 2:12
探索17-9搶先看:機器算得出心靈與意識嗎?——歌德爾vs涂林 3:19
探索17-1講座:最後的疆界:心靈與意識的奧秘/黃榮村教授 2:01:32
探索17-2講座:誰是我?我是誰?世界如何產生我?/洪裕宏教授 2:43:07
探索17-3講座:從臨床醫學看人類意識的神經機制/杜培基醫師 2:13:16
探索17-5講座:知覺與覺知:意識的二重奏 / 葉素玲教授 2:46:45
探索17-6講座:合一之美 / 陳一平教授 2:37:11
探索17-7講座:大腦、意識與錯覺 / 謝伯讓教授 2:29:13
探索17-8講座:人工智慧與機器人能有意識嗎? / 黃從仁教授 2:37:22
探索17-9講座:機器算得出心靈與意識嗎?——歌德爾 vs 涂林 / 李國偉研究員 2:25:47
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# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
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# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
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# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
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