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Terry Smith. The Contemporary Condition. 2016
source: European Graduate School Video Lectures 2017年1月11日
http://www.egs.edu Terry Smith, Professor at The European Graduate School / EGS. Saas Fee, Switzerland. August 23 2016.
Terry Smith is an Australian art historian, critic, and theoretician. He is Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh. His main research interests are contemporary art and its position in wider institutional and social contexts together with the examination of the notion of “contemporaneity” that enables him to provide an answer to the question: “what comes after modernism and postmodernism?”
Smith completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Melbourne (1967) and earned his MA at the University of Sydney (1976). The title of his MA thesis was American Abstract Expressionism: Ethical Attitudes and Moral Function. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1986, and his dissertation (full title: Making the Modern: Industry, Art and Design in America) was published in 1993 by the University of Chicago Press. In 2009, this book won the Georgia O’Keeff Museum Prize for the best book on Modern American Art published in the past 25 years. In 1976, Smith was appointed a lecturer at Power Institute of Fine Arts, University of Sydney and remained there until 2001. Presently, he serves as a board member of both the Andy Warhol Museum and the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh.
In the 1960s and 1970s, Australia was on the margin of the art world and major international movements and Smith wanted both to introduce them and to make them relevant for the Australian audience. In 1970, he founded (together with Paul McGillick) a new journal of art criticism entitled Other Voices. The aim was “to offer an alternative platform for serious writing about the newest art.” The leading article in the first issue of this journal was Terry Smith’s “Color-Form Painting: Sydney 1965–1970.”
Smith did not want to write only scholarly articles, and he also wrote art criticism for The Nation Review and for The Australian, which was, at the time, owned by Rupert Murdoch. He was sacked by the owner of the newspaper after he published a supportive review of an artist who criticized Australian involvement in the Vietnam war and a series of increasingly political art columns. Smith drew the attention of the art world to himself when he published an essay “The Provincial Problem” (1974) in the international magazine Artforum. In this essay, he compares Jackson Pollock and an Australian artist Sydney Nolan, who is practically unknown outside Australia. He argues that art can be understood as “the question of consequence, a battle for appropriate acknowledgment, which a provincial artist will always lose unless you revise the history and entire narrative.”
During his career, Smith has written extensively about Australian art. His most important contributions in this area include chapters on the modern and the postmodern in Australian Painting 1788-2000 (2001) and Transformations in Australian Art, vol. 1, The Nineteenth Century: Landscape, Colony and Nation; vol. 2. The Twentieth Century: Modernism and Aboriginality (2002).
Another preoccupation in the work of Terry Smith is the notion of “contemporaneity” together with the status of art in our society. In What Is Contemporary Art? (2009), Smith argues that three forms of contemporary art currently exist: 1. art reflecting the after-effects of modernism, which can be classified either as a return to mainstream modernism (Richard Serra and Gerhard Richter) or as something that Smith describes as retro-sensationalism (Damien Hirst and Takashi Murakami); 2. the art of the transnational turn: since Euro-centric or EuroAmerican-centric are no longer dominant, various influences from around the world create a movement within contemporary art that is characterized by its lack of homogeneity; 3. the art of a younger generation that investigates mediation and the possibility of ethics “through small scale and participatory art making.” Other important works of Terry Smith that explore features, significance, and the position of art in the contemporary world are Contemporary Art: World Currents (2011), a wide-ranging textbook, and two books on curating. In Thinking Contemporary Curating (2012), Smith attempts to explore what is distinctive about curatorial thought. Talking Contemporary Curating (2015), takes this further, through conversations with leading international curators, art historians, and theorists, including Zdenka Badovinac, Claire Bishop, Zoe Butt, Germano Celant, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Okwui Enwezor, Boris Groys, Jens Hoffmann, Mami Kataoka, Maria Lind, Hans Ulrich Obrist, and Mari Carmen Ramírez.
Freud (Contemporary Sociology Theory at METU) by Erdoğan Yıldırım
Course: Contemporary Sociology Theory - WEEK 4 - Freud
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Erdoğan Yıldırım
For Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.php?id=249

Steven Garfinkle - Commerce, Communication, and State Formation: Daily Life in an Ancient Mesopotamian City from a Merchant’s Perspective
source: Yale University 2016年12月5日
Steven Garfinkle - Commerce, Communication, and State Formation: Daily Life in an Ancient Mesopotamian City from a Merchant’s Perspective
Cities were the building blocks of civilization in early Mesopotamia. Literary texts like the Epic of Gilgamesh highlight the urban environment as the height of human development. The expansion of state power in these communities was often built around ensuring the productivity of commerce, both local and long distance, and protecting the accumulation of property. Much of this was an elite phenomenon, and these elites created the documentary record that we use to construct daily life. Commercial activity brought the communities of the ancient Near East together. This was true within communities as commerce supported the redistributive mechanisms within the early city-states and states of the region, and this was true across state boundaries as long distance trade networks arose to supply these communities with both staple and luxury goods unavailable in their local environments. The presentation will cover the mechanisms of exchange in early cities, the various goods and services that were exchanged, the ways in which communication was managed over long distances, and finally we will discuss how all of this activity shaped the development of states in early Mesopotamia.
Steven Garfinkle is Professor of History at Western Washington University, where he has been a faculty member since 2001. He teaches a broad range of courses on the ancient world. His research focuses on social and economic history in early Mesopotamia with an emphasis on the origins of commerce and state formation. Steven is a past recipient of a research fellowship rom the National Endowment for the Humanities, and he received the outstanding Faculty Leadership Award at Western for 2015-16. He is a member of the board of directors for the International Association for Assyriology and the American Oriental Society, and he is the chair of the Committee on Mesopotamian Civilization for the American Schools of Oriental Research. Steven has authored and edited several books, including Entrepreneurs and Enterprise in Early Mesopotamia (2012), along with numerous articles. He is the editor of the Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History.
For more information, please visit: http://pier.macmillan.yale.edu/summer...
A PROVOCATION: A Pre-Election Poetry Reading
source: Harvard University 2016年12月8日
As a part of A PROVOCATION, a pre-election poetry reading sponsored by the Woodberry Poetry Room and the Harvard Art Museum, poets and activists Don Mee Choi, Tyehimba Jess, Juliana Spahr, Rodrigo Toscano and Anne Waldman shared works (including poems, original films and/or photographs) intended to provoke/inspire/demand critical and imaginative thinking around subjects and concepts that are/were fundamental to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and beyond.
For additional information, visit hcl.harvard.edu/poetryroom.
Date: October 24, 2016, at the Harvard Art Museums.
Robin Jacob: Understanding Mathematics Instruction in Kindergarten
source: HarvardEducation 2016年11月15日
A conversation with Robin Jacob, Assistant Research Scientist, University of Michigan
Ten Big Ideas: Realizing NSF's Vision for Research and Discovery - Dr. France A. Córdova - 12/9/2016
source: caltech 2016年12月12日
Dr. France A. Córdova, Director of the National Science Foundation, is a true supporter of graduate students at Caltech, and strongly believes in Caltech's mission. She visited Caltech in part to meet graduate students and postdocs, and presented this special talk for the entire campus community.
Dr. France A. Córdova earned her Ph.D. in Physics at Caltech in 1979. She then joined the Space Astronomy and Astrophysics Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory and subsequently has held extraordinary leadership positions in academic and public service, including head of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Penn State University, NASA Chief Scientist, Vice Chancellor of UC Santa Barbara, Chancellor of UC Riverside, President of Purdue University, and Chair of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. She began her term as the Director of the National Science Foundation in 2014. She has also published more than 150 scientific papers and has an experiment on the European Space Agency's X-Ray Multi-Mirror Mission.
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies and sponsored by the Caltech Alumni Association. ©2016 California Institute of Technology
Graphics Architecture (Winter 2009) by John Owens at UC Davis
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月25日
UC Davis course EEC277 introduces the design and analysis of the architecture of computer graphics systems. Topics include the graphics pipeline, general-purpose programmability of modern graphics architectures, exploiting parallelism in graphics, and case studies of noteworthy and modern graphics architectures.
Introduction / Course Overview Introduction to the course: why we should study graphics architecture, history of graphics architecture, overview of the course, administrivia. 1:09:51
OpenGL Graphics Pipeline Overview 1:14:14
Graphics Performance and Characterization 1:17:56
Programmability 1:19:52
GPGPU 1 1:19:52
GPGPU 2 1:19:38
VLSI Trends: Why Graphics Hardware Is Fast 1:16:04
Geometry 1:21:43
Rasterization 1:19:38
The Latest Graphics Processing Units 1:20:18
Texture 1:16:37
GPU Graphics and Compute Architecture 1:23:07
Composition/display 1:11:19
Overflow from the Pipeline Lectures 1:19:32
Juggling the Pipeline 1:16:26
GRAMPS: A Programming Model for Graphics Pipelines and Heterogeneous Parallelism 1:20:43
Parallelism 1:04:21
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月25日
UC Davis course EEC277 introduces the design and analysis of the architecture of computer graphics systems. Topics include the graphics pipeline, general-purpose programmability of modern graphics architectures, exploiting parallelism in graphics, and case studies of noteworthy and modern graphics architectures.
Introduction / Course Overview Introduction to the course: why we should study graphics architecture, history of graphics architecture, overview of the course, administrivia. 1:09:51
OpenGL Graphics Pipeline Overview 1:14:14
Graphics Performance and Characterization 1:17:56
Programmability 1:19:52
GPGPU 1 1:19:52
GPGPU 2 1:19:38
VLSI Trends: Why Graphics Hardware Is Fast 1:16:04
Geometry 1:21:43
Rasterization 1:19:38
The Latest Graphics Processing Units 1:20:18
Texture 1:16:37
GPU Graphics and Compute Architecture 1:23:07
Composition/display 1:11:19
Overflow from the Pipeline Lectures 1:19:32
Juggling the Pipeline 1:16:26
GRAMPS: A Programming Model for Graphics Pipelines and Heterogeneous Parallelism 1:20:43
Parallelism 1:04:21
Art History Symposium (UC Davis)
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月25日
graduate students in the UC Davis Masters in Art History give thesis presentations on a variety of topics ranging from Any Warhol and Chicano mural artists to ancient Greek sculpture.
Thomas Eakins: A Pictorialist Vision 31:26
UC Davis art history graduate student Lucinda White Frachtenberg reads from her master's thesis about the relatively unstudied photographs of the painter Thomas Eakins, who most known for his painting "Gross Clinic."
Temporality in Form 20:36
Regarded/Disregarded: The Reception of Body Culture: Chicano Figuration, from 1990-1992 34:19
Social Themes in American Women Seen Through the Eyes of Alice Neel 33:29
The Non-Objectifying Voyeurism in John Sloan's "The Cot" 28:44
The 21st Century Tiller Girls of YouTube in Natalie Bookchin's Mass Ornament 36:52
Paul Morrisey's "Flesh": Seeing through the Eyes of Warhol's America 27:47
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月25日
graduate students in the UC Davis Masters in Art History give thesis presentations on a variety of topics ranging from Any Warhol and Chicano mural artists to ancient Greek sculpture.
Thomas Eakins: A Pictorialist Vision 31:26
UC Davis art history graduate student Lucinda White Frachtenberg reads from her master's thesis about the relatively unstudied photographs of the painter Thomas Eakins, who most known for his painting "Gross Clinic."
Temporality in Form 20:36
Regarded/Disregarded: The Reception of Body Culture: Chicano Figuration, from 1990-1992 34:19
Social Themes in American Women Seen Through the Eyes of Alice Neel 33:29
The Non-Objectifying Voyeurism in John Sloan's "The Cot" 28:44
The 21st Century Tiller Girls of YouTube in Natalie Bookchin's Mass Ornament 36:52
Paul Morrisey's "Flesh": Seeing through the Eyes of Warhol's America 27:47
Image Processing and Analysis (UC Davis)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月25日
This course deals with the techniques for automated extraction of high-level information from images generated by cameras, three-dimensional surface sensors, and medical devices. Typical applications include automated construction of 3D models from video footage and detection of objects in various types of images.
Course Introduction Lecture 01: An introduction to image processing and analysis; covers image processing on a broad scope as well as course logistics. 51:38
Fourier Analysis 50:23
Edge and Corner Detection 53:32
Saliency and Scale 51:18
Object Detection 52:32
Object Detection Continued 51:05
Bottom-Up Image Segmentation 41:24
Top-Down Image Segmentation 51:22
Texture Analysis 56:59
Neighborhoods 33:24
Invariants 50:09
3D Image Acquisition 53:06
Mesh Smoothing 50:30
Mesh Alignment I 51:28
Mesh Alignment II 51:28
Combining Multiple Meshes 50:55
Global Shape Representations 55:06
Local Shape Representations 51:43
Object Detection from Range Data 51:30
Medical Image Acquisition 44:35
Global Shape Representations 55:06
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月25日
This course deals with the techniques for automated extraction of high-level information from images generated by cameras, three-dimensional surface sensors, and medical devices. Typical applications include automated construction of 3D models from video footage and detection of objects in various types of images.
Course Introduction Lecture 01: An introduction to image processing and analysis; covers image processing on a broad scope as well as course logistics. 51:38
Fourier Analysis 50:23
Edge and Corner Detection 53:32
Saliency and Scale 51:18
Object Detection 52:32
Object Detection Continued 51:05
Bottom-Up Image Segmentation 41:24
Top-Down Image Segmentation 51:22
Texture Analysis 56:59
Neighborhoods 33:24
Invariants 50:09
3D Image Acquisition 53:06
Mesh Smoothing 50:30
Mesh Alignment I 51:28
Mesh Alignment II 51:28
Combining Multiple Meshes 50:55
Global Shape Representations 55:06
Local Shape Representations 51:43
Object Detection from Range Data 51:30
Medical Image Acquisition 44:35
Global Shape Representations 55:06
International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the United Nations 2016
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年5月31日
"Utilizing Cultural Diplomacy to Unite the World's Cultures Before Hard Power takes the Lead"
(New York City; May 26th - 30th, 2016)
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 9:28
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 31:01
Matthew Black Eagle Man Cordes (Founder of Red Road Awareness) 16:26
Joseph R. Marthone (Director of Global Sustainable Development, World Energy Forum) 45:52
Komal Qureshi (Human Rights activist, Pakistan) 49:16
Mathilde Ho Si Fat-Marlaud (BA in Art History, The Université Paris) 57:27
Michael Tettay (MA in Democracy, Governance, Law & Development Ghana) 23:41
Gianni Picco (Former Under Secretary General to United Nations; Member of IPCGE Board) 48:59
Sergi Kapanadze (Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia) 20:08
Joseph R. Marthone (Director of Global Sustainable Development, World Energy Forum) 45:52
Lily Valtchanova (UNESCO Liaison Officer) 21:40
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 31:01
Matthew Black Eagle Man Cordes (Founder of Red Road Awareness) 16:26
Chris J. Dolan (Professor of Politics and Director of Global Studies, Lebanon Valley College) 48:29
Ashot Avetisyan (Head of Yerevan Center for Democracy and Peace) 25:51
Marcel Bucsescu (Executive Director, Millstein Center, at Columbia Law Schhol)) 2:27
Flavio Guaratto (International Affairs & Global Politics Analyst) 1:46
A Panel Discussion with "Saving Next Generation" 56:12
Martha Mathews Libster (Founding Director of the Bamboo Bridge) 18:14
Joana Meyer (Representative, Africa Views NGO) 5:09
Ugoji Adanma Eze, ESQ (Founder/CEO, Aja Eze Foundation) 8:49
Päivi Kannisto (Chief, Peace and Security Section, United Nations Women Organization) 13:05
Christoph Bartmann (Regional Manager for North America; Director Goethe -Institut New York) 1:22:45
Peter Njenga & Josephine Ngunjiri (University of Nairobi, Kenya) 35:33
Jessica Litwak & David Diamond (Theatre Without Borders) 1:37:55
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 9:28
Tabriz Jafarov (President of the "Presidental Scholar" Youth Organisation, Azerbaijan) 19:48
Rabbi Abadie & Agha H. Jafri (Special Interfaith Dialogue Session) 1:58:52
Mathilde Ho Si Fat-Marlaud (BA in Art History, The Université Paris) 57:27
Komal Qureshi (Human Rights activist, Pakistan) 49:16
Michael Tettay (MA in Democracy, Governance, Law & Development Ghana) 23:41
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年5月31日
"Utilizing Cultural Diplomacy to Unite the World's Cultures Before Hard Power takes the Lead"
(New York City; May 26th - 30th, 2016)
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 9:28
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 31:01
Matthew Black Eagle Man Cordes (Founder of Red Road Awareness) 16:26
Joseph R. Marthone (Director of Global Sustainable Development, World Energy Forum) 45:52
Komal Qureshi (Human Rights activist, Pakistan) 49:16
Mathilde Ho Si Fat-Marlaud (BA in Art History, The Université Paris) 57:27
Michael Tettay (MA in Democracy, Governance, Law & Development Ghana) 23:41
Gianni Picco (Former Under Secretary General to United Nations; Member of IPCGE Board) 48:59
Sergi Kapanadze (Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Georgia) 20:08
Joseph R. Marthone (Director of Global Sustainable Development, World Energy Forum) 45:52
Lily Valtchanova (UNESCO Liaison Officer) 21:40
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 31:01
Matthew Black Eagle Man Cordes (Founder of Red Road Awareness) 16:26
Chris J. Dolan (Professor of Politics and Director of Global Studies, Lebanon Valley College) 48:29
Ashot Avetisyan (Head of Yerevan Center for Democracy and Peace) 25:51
Marcel Bucsescu (Executive Director, Millstein Center, at Columbia Law Schhol)) 2:27
Flavio Guaratto (International Affairs & Global Politics Analyst) 1:46
A Panel Discussion with "Saving Next Generation" 56:12
Martha Mathews Libster (Founding Director of the Bamboo Bridge) 18:14
Joana Meyer (Representative, Africa Views NGO) 5:09
Ugoji Adanma Eze, ESQ (Founder/CEO, Aja Eze Foundation) 8:49
Päivi Kannisto (Chief, Peace and Security Section, United Nations Women Organization) 13:05
Christoph Bartmann (Regional Manager for North America; Director Goethe -Institut New York) 1:22:45
Peter Njenga & Josephine Ngunjiri (University of Nairobi, Kenya) 35:33
Jessica Litwak & David Diamond (Theatre Without Borders) 1:37:55
Heather Schmid Mehdi (GRAMMY member recording artist, Global Music Ambassador) 9:28
Tabriz Jafarov (President of the "Presidental Scholar" Youth Organisation, Azerbaijan) 19:48
Rabbi Abadie & Agha H. Jafri (Special Interfaith Dialogue Session) 1:58:52
Mathilde Ho Si Fat-Marlaud (BA in Art History, The Université Paris) 57:27
Komal Qureshi (Human Rights activist, Pakistan) 49:16
Michael Tettay (MA in Democracy, Governance, Law & Development Ghana) 23:41
International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Arab World 2016
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年8月2日
"The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions"
(Berlin; July 26th - 30th, 2016)
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh (Deputy of the National Assembly of Djibouti) 14:13
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 56:53
Panel Discussion: “Best Practices of Cultural Diplomacy in the Arab World” 53:02
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 7:35
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 6:30
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin (Member of the Parliament of Malaysia) 5:19
Faisal J. Abbas (Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English) 49:24
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 9:26
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 2:41
Oktar Babuna (Medical Doctor specialized in Neurosurgery & Journalist) 22:47
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi (Member of the Parliament of Iraq, Leader of the Al-Ahrar Bloc) 35:44
Emil Constantinescu (President, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy; Former President of Romania) 24:56
Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari (Qatar’s Candidate for the Position of Director General of UNESCO) 1:01:50
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin (Member of the Parliament of Malaysia) 34:12
Yasar Yakis (Former Foreign Minister of Turkey) 41:00
Panel Discussion: “Best Practices of Cultural Diplomacy in the Arab World” 53:02
Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) 31:59
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 6:30
Ustad Ashraf Shareef Khan & Friends Live at ICD 17:22
Stephan Mayer (Member of the German Parliament) 27:46
Mohammed Abubaker Al Ghasani (Deputy Chairman of Majlis A'shura Council of Oman) 21:13
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi (Member of the Parliament of Iraq, Leader of the Al-Ahrar Bloc) 35:44
Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla (Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany) 28:41
Skender Bruçaj (Grand Mufti of the Albanian Muslim Community) 41:08
Hassan Diab (Former Minister of Education of Lebanon) 41:50
Safet Softić (House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 22:45
Mirsad Isaković (Chair of the Gender Equality Committee Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 12:16
Maja Gasal Vražalica (Joint Committee on Human Rights) 9:23
Oktar Babuna (Medical Doctor specialized in Neurosurgery & Journalist) 22:47
Badr Ahmed Mohamed Abdelatty (Ambassador of Egypt to Germany) 23:01
Mohamed Kazem (Deputy Assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt) 21:27
Tamer Marzouk (Egyptian Tourist Authority) 10:55
Live Egyptian Cultural Performance 8:06
Yara Moualla (PhD Student, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) 26:32
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 56:53
Rashed Al Balooshi (CEO, Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange) 31:03
Fadi Khalaf (Secretary General, Arab Federation of Exchanges) 33:36
Developing Economic Cooperation between Germany and the Arab World 1:25:03
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh (Deputy of the National Assembly of Djibouti) 14:13
Developing a Culture of Peace through Parliaments and the Educational Systems 1:34:09
Harald Kindermann (Secretary General, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.) 49:17
Samir Barhoum (Chief Editor, The Jordan Times) 23:46
Faisal J. Abbas (Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English) 49:24
Philip Lengsfeld (Member of the German Parliament) 56:24
Günter Mulack (Executive Director German Orient Institute in Berlin) 1:10:53
Cultural Exchange: A Chance For Booth Sides 1:18:45
Empowering Woman, Empowering Society 1:26:07
Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari (Qatar’s Candidate for the Position of Director General of UNESCO) 6:43
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin (Member of the Parliament of Malaysia) 5:19
Yasar Yakis (Former Foreign Minister of Turkey) 17:37
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi (Member of the Parliament of Iraq, Leader of the Al-Ahrar Bloc) 7:36
Idriss Benarafa (Editor-in-Chief, the Moroccan Times) 8:44
Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) 14:07
Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) 4:07
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 7:35
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 2:41
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh (Deputy of the National Assembly of Djibouti) 6:40
Mohammed Abubaker Al Ghasani (Deputy Chairman of Majlis A'shura Council of Oman) 10:00
Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla (Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany) 13:26
Mirsad Isaković (House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8:42
Safet Softić (House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 10:49
Rashed Al Balooshi (CEO, Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange) 6:15
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 9:26
Fadi Khalaf (Secretary General, Arab Federation of Exchanges) 22:51
Harald Kindermann (Secretary General, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.) 10:01
Philip Lengsfeld (MdB) (Member of the German Parliament) 8:16
Hassan Diab (Former Minister of Education of Lebanon) 10:28
Idriss Benarafa (Editor-in-Chief, the Moroccan Times) 23:08
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年8月2日
"The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions"
(Berlin; July 26th - 30th, 2016)
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh (Deputy of the National Assembly of Djibouti) 14:13
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 56:53
Panel Discussion: “Best Practices of Cultural Diplomacy in the Arab World” 53:02
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 7:35
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 6:30
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin (Member of the Parliament of Malaysia) 5:19
Faisal J. Abbas (Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English) 49:24
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 9:26
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 2:41
Oktar Babuna (Medical Doctor specialized in Neurosurgery & Journalist) 22:47
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi (Member of the Parliament of Iraq, Leader of the Al-Ahrar Bloc) 35:44
Emil Constantinescu (President, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy; Former President of Romania) 24:56
Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari (Qatar’s Candidate for the Position of Director General of UNESCO) 1:01:50
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin (Member of the Parliament of Malaysia) 34:12
Yasar Yakis (Former Foreign Minister of Turkey) 41:00
Panel Discussion: “Best Practices of Cultural Diplomacy in the Arab World” 53:02
Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) 31:59
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 6:30
Ustad Ashraf Shareef Khan & Friends Live at ICD 17:22
Stephan Mayer (Member of the German Parliament) 27:46
Mohammed Abubaker Al Ghasani (Deputy Chairman of Majlis A'shura Council of Oman) 21:13
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi (Member of the Parliament of Iraq, Leader of the Al-Ahrar Bloc) 35:44
Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla (Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany) 28:41
Skender Bruçaj (Grand Mufti of the Albanian Muslim Community) 41:08
Hassan Diab (Former Minister of Education of Lebanon) 41:50
Safet Softić (House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 22:45
Mirsad Isaković (Chair of the Gender Equality Committee Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 12:16
Maja Gasal Vražalica (Joint Committee on Human Rights) 9:23
Oktar Babuna (Medical Doctor specialized in Neurosurgery & Journalist) 22:47
Badr Ahmed Mohamed Abdelatty (Ambassador of Egypt to Germany) 23:01
Mohamed Kazem (Deputy Assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt) 21:27
Tamer Marzouk (Egyptian Tourist Authority) 10:55
Live Egyptian Cultural Performance 8:06
Yara Moualla (PhD Student, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) 26:32
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 56:53
Rashed Al Balooshi (CEO, Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange) 31:03
Fadi Khalaf (Secretary General, Arab Federation of Exchanges) 33:36
Developing Economic Cooperation between Germany and the Arab World 1:25:03
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh (Deputy of the National Assembly of Djibouti) 14:13
Developing a Culture of Peace through Parliaments and the Educational Systems 1:34:09
Harald Kindermann (Secretary General, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.) 49:17
Samir Barhoum (Chief Editor, The Jordan Times) 23:46
Faisal J. Abbas (Editor-in-Chief of Al Arabiya English) 49:24
Philip Lengsfeld (Member of the German Parliament) 56:24
Günter Mulack (Executive Director German Orient Institute in Berlin) 1:10:53
Cultural Exchange: A Chance For Booth Sides 1:18:45
Empowering Woman, Empowering Society 1:26:07
Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al-Kawari (Qatar’s Candidate for the Position of Director General of UNESCO) 6:43
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin (Member of the Parliament of Malaysia) 5:19
Yasar Yakis (Former Foreign Minister of Turkey) 17:37
Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi (Member of the Parliament of Iraq, Leader of the Al-Ahrar Bloc) 7:36
Idriss Benarafa (Editor-in-Chief, the Moroccan Times) 8:44
Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) 14:07
Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) 4:07
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 7:35
Jamal Ahmed Qaiser (Diplomatic Council Business Ambassador and UN Commission) 2:41
Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh (Deputy of the National Assembly of Djibouti) 6:40
Mohammed Abubaker Al Ghasani (Deputy Chairman of Majlis A'shura Council of Oman) 10:00
Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla (Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany) 13:26
Mirsad Isaković (House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 8:42
Safet Softić (House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina) 10:49
Rashed Al Balooshi (CEO, Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange) 6:15
Abdelouahid Khouja (Secretary General, House of Councilors of Morocco) 9:26
Fadi Khalaf (Secretary General, Arab Federation of Exchanges) 22:51
Harald Kindermann (Secretary General, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.) 10:01
Philip Lengsfeld (MdB) (Member of the German Parliament) 8:16
Hassan Diab (Former Minister of Education of Lebanon) 10:28
Idriss Benarafa (Editor-in-Chief, the Moroccan Times) 23:08
Imagine a world with no slums - Dr Priti Parikh - UCL LHL
source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures 2016年12月1日
Speaker: Dr Priti Parikh, UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering - Thursday 24th November 2016 #ucllhl
How can we make our cities slum free? Dr Priti Parikh will discuss innovative approaches where engineering solutions are used to improve the living conditions of slums dwellers and have resulted in them being integrated into the city fabric. This talk will also explore socio-economic issues such as gender, land tenure, public partnership models and the business case for slum upgrading.
Free to attend, live stream or watch online
More info: http://events.ucl.ac.uk/lhl
Join the conversation on Twitter at #UCLLHL
Engineering Change in Medicine: Molly Shoichet Public Lecture
source: Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics 2016年12月8日
In her public lecture at Perimeter Institute on Dec. 7, 2016, Molly Shoichet (University of Toronto) explains how new treatments might help researchers stop, and even reverse, the effects of cancer, blindness, and stroke.
Padma Lakshmi: "The Encyclopedia of Spices and Herbs" | Talks At Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年12月15日
Award-winning New York Times bestselling author and television host Padma Lakshmi, inspired by her life of traveling across the globe, brings together the world’s spices and herbs in a vibrant, comprehensive alphabetical guide entitled "THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPICES AND HERBS: An Essential Guide to the Flavors of the World."
This definitive culinary reference book is illustrated with rich color photographs that capture the essence of a diverse range of spices and their authentic flavors. It was written with Judith Sutton and the iconic New York City gourmet food store Kalustyan’s. No other market epitomizes Padma’s love for spices and global cuisine more than Kalustyan’s, where she spent her childhood lingering in the aisles.
Get the book here: goo.gl/jwLKOh
Hume & the Necessary Connection Analysis of Causation by Marianne Talbot
source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年12月18日
Marianne Talbot gives the third talk in a series on the nature of causation at Oxford. This talk explores Hume again, and the idea that there are real metaphysical necessities underlying the regularities, relating cause and effect...
Causation is an important concept that we all use in ordinary, everyday life, as well as in science. Causation is so important in fact that it has been said that: “With regard to our total conceptual apparatus, causation is the centre of the centre”, and it has been called called ‘the cement of the universe’. But what exactly is causation? In these lectures, the most influential theories of causation are introduced, as well as the motivations for them, the arguments behind them, and the problems they face.
This is from the University of Oxford -- Creative Commons.
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