# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: GraduatePhysics 2017年7月10日
2017 TASI summer school on "Anticipating the Next Discoveries in Particle Physics"
Lectures at the 2017 TASI summer school on "Anticipating the Next Discoveries in Particle Physics" held at the Theoretical Advanced Study Institute, Jun05-30, 2017.
Event website: https://physicslearning.colorado.edu/tasi/tasi_2017/tasi_...
Juan Maldacena - Simple Toy Models for Black Holes - 1 1:24:47
Juan Maldacena - Simple Toy Models for Black Holes - 2 1:24:41
Juan Maldacena - Simple Toy Models for Black Holes - 3 1:28:52
Juan Maldacena - Simple Toy Models for Black Holes - 4 1:24:22
Daniel Baumann - Primordial Cosmology - 1 1:21:14
Daniel Baumann - Primordial Cosmology - 2 1:37:05
Daniel Baumann - Primordial Cosmology - 3 1:25:48
Daniel Baumann - Primordial Cosmology - 4 1:28:29
Johanna Erdmenger - Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality - 1 1:21:22
Johanna Erdmenger - Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality - 2 1:24:40
Johanna Erdmenger - Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality - 3 1:25:50
Johanna Erdmenger - Introduction to Gauge/Gravity Duality - 4 1:26:11
Daniel Harlow - The Emergence of Bulk Physics in AdS/CFT - 1 1:21:00
Daniel Harlow - The Emergence of Bulk Physics in AdS/CFT - 2 1:20:45
Daniel Harlow - The Emergence of Bulk Physics in AdS/CFT - 3 1:25:51
Daniel Harlow - The Emergence of Bulk Physics in AdS/CFT - 4 1:28:25
Xi Yin - Aspects of Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories - 1 1:19:52
Xi Yin - Aspects of Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories - 2 1:21:59
Xi Yin - Aspects of Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories - 3 1:24:54
Xi Yin - Aspects of Two-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories - 4 & Panel Discussion 1:31:30
Igor Klebanov - Large N Models - 1 1:19:01
Igor Klebanov - Large N Models - 2 1:28:41
Igor Klebanov - Large N Models - 3 1:29:19
Thomas LeCompte - What have we learned from the LHC so far? (June 2017) 1:21:18
Luis Lehner - Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Status, Promises and Challenges - 1 1:25:47
Luis Lehner - Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Status, Promises and Challenges - 2 1:20:25
Silviu Pufu - Bootstrap and CFT above Two Dimensions - 1 1:24:02
Silviu Pufu - Bootstrap and CFT above Two Dimensions - 3 1:22:09
Silviu Pufu - Bootstrap and CFT above Two Dimensions - 4 1:31:08
Silviu Pufu - Bootstrap and CFT above Two Dimensions - 2 1:23:51
Miranda Cheng - Moonshine - 1 1:30:02
Miranda Cheng - Moonshine - 2 1:24:29
Hong Liu - Non-Equilibrium Effective Field Theories, Hydrodynamics, and Emergent Supersymmetry - 1 1:37:05
Hong Liu - Non-Equilibrium Effective Field Theories, Hydrodynamics, and Emergent Supersymmetry - 2 1:23:46
Hong Liu - Non-Equilibrium Effective Field Theories, Hydrodynamics, and Emergent Supersymmetry - 3 1:24:01
Hong Liu - Non-Equilibrium Effective Field Theories, Hydrodynamics, and Emergent Supersymmetry - 4 1:37:05
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Stanford University (videos of July 2017)
source: Stanford
1:18:13 Encountering Antiquity in Renaissance Europe: Greeks, Jews, and Humanists (April 2, 2009) Princeton University History Professor Anthony Grafton discusses the role of Jewish and Greek texts and individuals in shaping Renaissance thinkers' version of the ancient world.
53:26 The Importance of Understanding the Past: Greece, China, and Mesopotamia (November 18, 2009) Sir Geoffry Lloyd analyzes the social and intellectual institutions that favored or inhibited innovation in the study of science, medicine and religion in ancient Greece, China ...
1:01:26 Cicero at the Tea Party: Conflict in Republican Politics, Then and Now (May 5, 2010) Joy Connolly, Associate Professor of Classics, argues that the Romans' contribution to our politics should be seen not in their abstract concepts but in their adversarial practices of...
2:25 New Stanford archaeology exhibit curated and installed by students A Papua New Guinean mask, shell necklaces from Samoa and Hawaii, and a ceremonial club from New Zealand are among some of the antique pieces now on display in the new exhibit, Pacific Links: Curren...
0:06 Humpback whale flapping foreflipper Researchers in the Goldbogen lab at Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station used video tags to film humpback whales and found a unique and rare foreflipper movement. Previously, it was believe...
2:47 Stanford researchers develop vine-like, growing robot Mechanical engineers at Stanford have developed a robot that grows
like a vine. It’s ability to grow across distances without moving its whole body could be useful in search and rescue and medical ...
1:43 Warhol Unframed at the Cantor Arts Center How is a soup can like Chairman Mao? At the Cantor Arts Center, Peggy Phelan, the Ann O'Day Maples Professor in the Arts and professor of English, and Alex Zivkovic, ’17, discuss celebrity and comm...
2:11 Stanford researchers develop algorithm to diagnose heart arrhythmias Life-threatening heart arrhythmias can be difficult to detect but a new deep learning algorithm can evaluate each second of a heart signal and diagnose 14 types of arrhythmia with performance simil...

like a vine. It’s ability to grow across distances without moving its whole body could be useful in search and rescue and medical ...

Antifono.gr (videos of July 2017)
source: Antifono.gr
1:14:10 Θεόδωρος Ι. Ζιάκας: Ο σύχγρονος Μηδενισμός Ο Θεόδωρος Ι. Ζιάκας και ο Νίκος Μαυρίδης συζητούν για τον Μηδενισμό, τα αδιέξοδα και τις εξόδους διαφυγής του σύγχρονου κόσμου. Επίκεντρο της συζήτησης είναι η γενεαλογία του μηδενισμού με γνώμονα...
1:10:15 Χρήστος Γιανναράς: Η επιστήμη σήμερα αχρηστεύει τη φιλοσοφία; Το ελεύθερο Πανεπιστήμιο του δήμου Βριλησσίων διοργάνωσε τον Φεβρουάριο του 2017 , στην αίθουσα «Ν.Εγγονόπουλος» στο Πάρκο Μ. Θεοδωράκης, εκδήλωση με θέμα:
«Η επιστήμη σήμερα αχρηστεύει τη φιλοσο..
34:39 Σύγχρονος Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος, από τον «Κυνόδοντα» στο «Ξα μου» Το Κίνημα Άρδην διοργάνωσε την Τετάρτη 28 Ιουνίου εκδήλωση – συζήτηση με θέμα:
Σύγχρονος Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος, από τον «Κυνόδοντα» στο «Ξα μου«
Κωνσταντίνος Μπλάθρας, Κριτικός Κινημ...

«Η επιστήμη σήμερα αχρηστεύει τη φιλοσο..

Σύγχρονος Ελληνικός Κινηματογράφος, από τον «Κυνόδοντα» στο «Ξα μου«
Κωνσταντίνος Μπλάθρας, Κριτικός Κινημ...
Australian National University (videos of July 2017)
source: ANU TV
1:04:05 Climate Wars In this video recorded at ANU on the 27th of July 2017 Mark Butler discusses climate policy and politics with Professor Mark Howden, Director of the ANU Climate Change Institute.
Mark Butler makes...
56:22 Stability in the Indo-Pacific: the roles of the US and Australian navies In an era of strategic uncertainty in the world and in Australia’s region, marked by changing power balances, North Korean nuclear and missile provocations, and violent extremism, new questions hav...
8:37 Renewable energy technology: developments and challenges In this video recorded at ANU on the 27th of July, 2017 Professor Ken Baldwin, Director of the Energy Change Institute (ECI) discusses the key issues and developments in renewable energy technologi...
0:19 Disrupting insects’ sense of smell may save crops and human lives An international team of scientists say disrupting the ability of insects to smell the scent of food and potential mates may offer a way to protect humans from deadly diseases such as malaria and a...
12:52 The Making of Jane Austen How did Jane Austen, a no-name author in her own day, become an international literary icon? It started long before Colin Firth's wet-white-shirt Darcy.
1:30 ANU Science Circus Africa Video by CPAS student Tangyao Zhang
In May 2017, Science communicators from eight African countries visited The Australian National University (ANU) for a six week training program at the National...
1:08 ANU Values Being part of the ANU community means acting and behaving in a way that is consistent with a set of fundamental values.
• We are inclusive, open and respectful, reflecting the diversity of...
0:40 Union Court Update
2:59 The Grand Challenge of Negative Emissions
11:43 The promise and peril of active cyber defence Cyber defenders in the private sector are facing a dilemma. On the one hand, governments have told them that they must largely defend themselves against cyber criminals and spies. On the other, nat...
47:31 ANU Asbestos Health Study public forum The ACT Asbestos Health Study driven by the ANU National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health has examined the health effects of living in a house with loose-fill asbestos insulation in th...
3:04 Removing atmospheric greenhouse gases to prevent dangerous climate change
2:42 Removing atmospheric greenhouse gases to prevent dangerous climate change
1:20 ANU awards Honorary Doctorate to Matilda House Well-known Ngambri-Ngunnawal-Canberra Indigenous elder Matilda House has been formally recognised with an honorary doctorate following a decades-long history with ANU that goes back to the formatio...
2:59 Jeremy Smith – Pioneering Humanitarian Engineering education For the past decade, Jeremy Smith has been at the forefront of humanitarian engineering education in Australasia. He immerses his students in experiential learning and engagement with communities a...
2:55 Dr Anna von Reibnitz – Transmitting the passion through authentic learning Dr von Reibnitz’s passionate and engaged teaching style can be summarised by one of the words most frequently used in her evaluations – ‘students.’ Her student-centred teaching methods focus on eng...
2:54 Dr John Debs – Think like a physicist One of the University’s most dynamic and inspiring educators, Dr John Debs’ teaching incorporates a blended approach of inquiry-based leaning, hands-on design, building and making, encouraging inde...
2:33 Dr Jason Payne – Leading transformation in the criminal justice system As an applied criminologist, Dr Jason Payne is committed to scaffolding student learning through a journey punctuated by genuine, contemporary and authentic criminological experiences. Taking a col...
2:54 Dr Andrew Bradly – Bringing the business world to the classroom With a background as an auditor, industry economist, project manager and policy analyst, Dr Andrew Bradly brings an extensive depth of industry knowledge to his teaching. He is renowned for his int...
2:47 Associate Professor Katrina Anderson – Placing patients and students at the forefront With a philosophy that patient centredness is most effectively taught by modelling student centredness, Associate Professor Katrina Anderson is committed to training doctors who are compassionate, ...
2:39 Mr Gilbert Riedelbauch – Respect, relevance and creativity Gilbert Riedelbauch’s Foundation Studies course at the ANU School of Art has breathed new life into the faculty, with its innovative, dynamic and flexible curriculum. Relevance, flexibility and equ...
1:36 REunion Court update Sam Jordan, Director of RMS Projects (Aust), provides an update on the changes happening on campus from 10 July.
1:41 ANU invention may help to protect astronauts from radiation in space Scientists at The Australian National University (ANU) have designed a new nano material that can reflect or transmit light on demand with temperature control, opening the door to technology that p...
2:42 See the bold new Union Court in fly-over video Take a sneak-peek of what the new heart of The Australian National University will look like in 2019. The aim of the new Union Court precinct is to bring together the University’s facilities and at...

Mark Butler makes...

In May 2017, Science communicators from eight African countries visited The Australian National University (ANU) for a six week training program at the National...

• We are inclusive, open and respectful, reflecting the diversity of...

Pauline and General Epistles by Robert Yarbrough
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Pilgrim Seminary 2017年3月23日
BST 321 "Pauline and General Epistles" by Robert Yarbrough
About Pilgrim Seminary: Welcome to Myrtle Beach Wesleyan College and Pilgrim Theological Seminary. Our mission is to provide high quality, affordable, and easily accessible higher education to those who live in or visit coastal South Carolina and to people around the world through our distance education program. The college will begin offering online courses and campus based instruction beginning in September of 2017. Visit www.pilgrimseminary.org and www.mbwesleyan.org. About this lecture: This is the first lecture for the Pauline and General Epistles course. Dr. Yarbrough introduces the course and discusses the book of Galatians. This is part one of three lectures on this topic. About the professor: We are pleased to have Dr. Robert Yarbrough as the instructor for our course on the Gospels and Acts. He is currently a Professor of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Yarbrough taught previously at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Covenant Theological Seminary (1991-96), Wheaton College, and Liberty University. He has been involved in theological education in Eastern Europe since 1990 and in Africa since 1995. He served on pastoral staffs in Montana, Missouri, North Carolina, and Illinois. Bob is the author of 1, 2, and 3 John (2008) in the Baker Exegetical Commentary Series, which he co-edits. Other books include: The Salvation-Historical Fallacy? Reassessing the History of New Testament Theology; and The Gospel of John. With Walter Elwell he authored the widely used textbook Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey which has been translated into numerous languages. A special thanks to Dr. Robert Yarbrough and Covenant Theological Seminary in Missouri for their assistance and contribution to PTS.
Lecture 1- Intro to BST 321 and Galatians Part 1 31:24
Lecture 2- Galatians Part 2 20:24
Lecture 3- Galatians Part 3 26:35
Lecture 4- 1 Thessalonians Part 1 22:47
Lecture 5- Thessalonians Part 2 15:40
Lecture 6- 1 Corinthians Part 1 30:28
Lecture 7- 1 Corinthians Part 2 32:16
Lecture 8- 1 Corinthians Part 3 36:42
Lecture 9- 2 Corinthians Part 1 31:38
Lecture 10- 2 Corinthians Part 2 29:38
Lecture 11- 2 Corinthians Part 3 15:04
Lecture 12- Romans Part 1 26:46
Lecture 13- Romans Part 2 27:19
Lecture 14- Romans Part 3 23:52
Lecture 15- Romans Part 4 27:09
Lecture 16- Romans Part 5 22:16
Lecture 17- Romans Part 6 25:45
Lecture 18- Romans Part 7 22:53
Lecture 19- Ephesians Part 1 32:49
Lecture 20- Ephesians Part 2 18:28
Lecture 21- Philippians Part 1 23:23
Lecture 22- Philippians and Colossians 35:01
Lecture 23- Colossians and Philemon 15:38
Lecture 24- 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus 21:03
Lecture 25-Hebrews Part 1 29:29
Lecture 26-Hebrews Part 2 18:57
Lecture 28- Hebrews and James 19:28
Lecture 29- James and 1 Peter 26:22
Lecture 30- 1 Peter 26:57
Lecture 31- 2 Peter 25:30
Lecture 32- 2 Peter Part 2 18:38
Lecture 33 Letters of John Part 1 33:07
Lecture 34- Letters of John Part 2 21:11
Lecture 36- Revelation Part 1 20:15
Lecture 35- Letters of John Part 3 and Jude 32:25
Lecture 37- Revelation Part 2 20:18
source: Pilgrim Seminary 2017年3月23日
BST 321 "Pauline and General Epistles" by Robert Yarbrough
About Pilgrim Seminary: Welcome to Myrtle Beach Wesleyan College and Pilgrim Theological Seminary. Our mission is to provide high quality, affordable, and easily accessible higher education to those who live in or visit coastal South Carolina and to people around the world through our distance education program. The college will begin offering online courses and campus based instruction beginning in September of 2017. Visit www.pilgrimseminary.org and www.mbwesleyan.org. About this lecture: This is the first lecture for the Pauline and General Epistles course. Dr. Yarbrough introduces the course and discusses the book of Galatians. This is part one of three lectures on this topic. About the professor: We are pleased to have Dr. Robert Yarbrough as the instructor for our course on the Gospels and Acts. He is currently a Professor of New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Yarbrough taught previously at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Covenant Theological Seminary (1991-96), Wheaton College, and Liberty University. He has been involved in theological education in Eastern Europe since 1990 and in Africa since 1995. He served on pastoral staffs in Montana, Missouri, North Carolina, and Illinois. Bob is the author of 1, 2, and 3 John (2008) in the Baker Exegetical Commentary Series, which he co-edits. Other books include: The Salvation-Historical Fallacy? Reassessing the History of New Testament Theology; and The Gospel of John. With Walter Elwell he authored the widely used textbook Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey which has been translated into numerous languages. A special thanks to Dr. Robert Yarbrough and Covenant Theological Seminary in Missouri for their assistance and contribution to PTS.
Lecture 1- Intro to BST 321 and Galatians Part 1 31:24
Lecture 2- Galatians Part 2 20:24
Lecture 3- Galatians Part 3 26:35
Lecture 4- 1 Thessalonians Part 1 22:47
Lecture 5- Thessalonians Part 2 15:40
Lecture 6- 1 Corinthians Part 1 30:28
Lecture 7- 1 Corinthians Part 2 32:16
Lecture 8- 1 Corinthians Part 3 36:42
Lecture 9- 2 Corinthians Part 1 31:38
Lecture 10- 2 Corinthians Part 2 29:38
Lecture 11- 2 Corinthians Part 3 15:04
Lecture 12- Romans Part 1 26:46
Lecture 13- Romans Part 2 27:19
Lecture 14- Romans Part 3 23:52
Lecture 15- Romans Part 4 27:09
Lecture 16- Romans Part 5 22:16
Lecture 17- Romans Part 6 25:45
Lecture 18- Romans Part 7 22:53
Lecture 19- Ephesians Part 1 32:49
Lecture 20- Ephesians Part 2 18:28
Lecture 21- Philippians Part 1 23:23
Lecture 22- Philippians and Colossians 35:01
Lecture 23- Colossians and Philemon 15:38
Lecture 24- 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus 21:03
Lecture 25-Hebrews Part 1 29:29
Lecture 26-Hebrews Part 2 18:57
Lecture 28- Hebrews and James 19:28
Lecture 29- James and 1 Peter 26:22
Lecture 30- 1 Peter 26:57
Lecture 31- 2 Peter 25:30
Lecture 32- 2 Peter Part 2 18:38
Lecture 33 Letters of John Part 1 33:07
Lecture 34- Letters of John Part 2 21:11
Lecture 36- Revelation Part 1 20:15
Lecture 35- Letters of John Part 3 and Jude 32:25
Lecture 37- Revelation Part 2 20:18
(Dalai Lama) TCV 佛法介紹 [2015年5月28日]
source: DalaiLamaWorld 2015年5月29日
2015年5月28日 TCV 佛法介紹
2015年5月27日心類攝頌明取捨鏡 (第一天) 2:05:15
5月28日2015 心類攝頌明取捨鏡 (第二天 ) 2:40:39
2015年05月29日TCV 事部千手千眼觀音灌頂 2:59:47
(Dalai Lama) 佛法教義 [2015年五月十日 於上密院]
source: DalaiLamaWorld 2015年5月16日
2015年5月10日,尊者達賴喇嘛於達隆薩拉上密院傳授「三主要道、緣起讚、菩提道次第攝誦、中觀見訣具四念之歌集 -「降成就霖」」。
2015年五月十日 於上密院傳授佛法教義 3:38:50
(Dalai Lama)《修次中篇》《佛子三十七誦》《三主要道》[ 2017年3月13-14日]
source: DalaiLamaWorld 2017年3月15日
2017年3月13-14日《修次中篇》《佛子三十七誦》 《三主要道》
法本:無著賢論師著《佛子三十七誦》 http://e-dalailama.com/sutra/37.pdf
(Dalai Lama) 寶性論 第一 如来藏品 [2017年05月1-2日]
source: DalaiLamaWorld 2017年5月11日
2017年05月1-2日 - 寶性論
2017年05月01日 - 寶性論 第一 如来藏品至第34句 3:08:23
2017年05月02日 - 寶性論 第一 如来藏品第35句至結束 2:55:16
Calit2ube (videos of July 2017)
source: Calit2ube
53:13 QI Summer Research Communication Seminars 2017 - Oral Presentation Oral Presentation Seminar - Tiffany Fox
QI Summer Research Communication Seminars 2017
July 17, 2017
Calit2 Auditorium
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
This topic is for effectively communicating rese...
59:04 QI Summer Research Communication Seminars 2017 - Speaking “Off the cuff” Speaking “Off the cuff” : Panel Discussion and Q&A - Tiffany Fox
QI Summer Research Communication Seminars 2017
July 17, 2017
Calit2 Auditorium
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
The art of extemporane...
41:49 Healthy Aging and Senior Housing - Dilip Jeste Symposium for Healthy Aging & Senior Living
Organized by the UC San Diego Center for Healthy Aging
June 12, 2017
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
1:40:35 Science Fiction Meets Architecture: London in 2080 - Designing for an Aging Population SCIENCE FICTION MEETS ARCHITECTURE: LONDON 2080
June 29, 2017
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
The Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination (UC San Diego) and the Bartlett School of Architecture (...
3:41 IDEAS Performance: Song Cycle for Security Camera IDEAS Performance: Song Cycle for Security Camera
Joe Cantrell, UC San Diego, Ph.D. Candidate, Integrative Studies, Department of Music
May 25, 2017
Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
4:48 IDEAS Performance: Still, by Kyle Johnson IDEAS Performance: Still, by Kyle Johnson
April 20, 2017
Calit2 Auditoirum, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
Kyle Johnson, Ph.D. Student, Music, UC San Diego
Host: IDEAS Director Shahrokh Yadegari

QI Summer Research Communication Seminars 2017
July 17, 2017
Calit2 Auditorium
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
This topic is for effectively communicating rese...

QI Summer Research Communication Seminars 2017
July 17, 2017
Calit2 Auditorium
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
The art of extemporane...

Organized by the UC San Diego Center for Healthy Aging
June 12, 2017
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

June 29, 2017
Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
The Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination (UC San Diego) and the Bartlett School of Architecture (...

Joe Cantrell, UC San Diego, Ph.D. Candidate, Integrative Studies, Department of Music
May 25, 2017
Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego

April 20, 2017
Calit2 Auditoirum, Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego
Kyle Johnson, Ph.D. Student, Music, UC San Diego
Host: IDEAS Director Shahrokh Yadegari
(Türk / in Turkish) KPSS Matematik - İlyas Güneş (2016)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2015年11月18日
KPSS Matematik - İlyas Güneş (2016)
1) Temel İşlemler 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 30:39
2) Temel İşlemler 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:38
3) Temel İşlemler 3 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 33:21
4) Temel Kavramlar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 50:03
5) Geometri - Üçgende Açılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:46
6) Temel Kavramlar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 49:22
7) Ardışık Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:33
8) Ardışık Sayılar - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 55:59
9) Sayı Basamakları 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:55
10) Sayı Basamakları 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 38:50
11) Faktöriyel - İlyas Güneş (2016) 54:24
12) Bölme - İlyas Güneş (2016) 42:31
13) Bölünebilme - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:39
14) Asal Çarpanlar - İlyas Güneş (2016) 45:42
15) EBOB - EKOK 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:04
16) EBOB - EKOK 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 52:20
17) Rasyonel Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:10
18) Rasyonel Sayılar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 37:17
19) Basit Eşitsizlik - İlyas Güneş (2016) 45:00
20) Mutlak Değer - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:01:06
21) Üslü Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:34
22) Üslü Sayılar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 32:22
23) Köklü Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:01:03
24) Köklü Sayılar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 55:49
25) Sayı Problemleri 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 52:47
26) Sayı Kesir Problemleri 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 51:00
27) Sayı Kesir Problemleri 3 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 59:03
28) Sayı Kesir Problemleri 4 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:13:50
29) Yaş Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 44:27
30) İşçi Havuz Problemleri 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 44:06
31) İşçi Havuz Problemleri 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 48:33
32) Hız Problemleri 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 44:59
33) Hız Problemleri 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:09
34) Yüzde Faiz Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 46:17
35) Kar Zarar Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 46:09
36) Grafik Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 47:31
37) Karışım Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 37:58
38) Çarpanlara Ayırma - 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 41:35
39) Çarpanlara Ayırma - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 26:14
40) İşlem - İlyas Güneş (2016) 33:42
41) Modüler Aritmetik - İlyas Güneş (2016) 40:21
42) Permutasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık- 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:05:29
43) Permutasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık- 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 40:19
44) Permutasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık -3 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 51:33
45) kümeler - İlyas Güneş (2016) 39:25
46) Kümeler-2- İlyas Güneş (2016) 45:10
47) Oran Orantı -1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 33:09
48 ) Oran Orantı - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 54:28
49) Fonksiyonlar - İlyas Güneş (2016) 37:07
50) Sayısal Mantık-1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 55:56
51) Sayısal Mantık - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 48:54
1) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular -1 (2016) 55:40
2) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular-2 (2016) 57:46
3) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular- 3 (2016) 42:20
4) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular - 4 (2016) 51:23
5) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular-5 (2016) 44:52
6) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular - 6 (2016) 49:39
7) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular-7 (2016) 56:10
8 ) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular -8 (2016) 1:00:06
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2015年11月18日
KPSS Matematik - İlyas Güneş (2016)
1) Temel İşlemler 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 30:39
2) Temel İşlemler 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:38
3) Temel İşlemler 3 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 33:21
4) Temel Kavramlar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 50:03
5) Geometri - Üçgende Açılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:46
6) Temel Kavramlar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 49:22
7) Ardışık Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:33
8) Ardışık Sayılar - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 55:59
9) Sayı Basamakları 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:55
10) Sayı Basamakları 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 38:50
11) Faktöriyel - İlyas Güneş (2016) 54:24
12) Bölme - İlyas Güneş (2016) 42:31
13) Bölünebilme - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:39
14) Asal Çarpanlar - İlyas Güneş (2016) 45:42
15) EBOB - EKOK 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:04
16) EBOB - EKOK 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 52:20
17) Rasyonel Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:10
18) Rasyonel Sayılar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 37:17
19) Basit Eşitsizlik - İlyas Güneş (2016) 45:00
20) Mutlak Değer - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:01:06
21) Üslü Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 53:34
22) Üslü Sayılar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 32:22
23) Köklü Sayılar 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:01:03
24) Köklü Sayılar 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 55:49
25) Sayı Problemleri 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 52:47
26) Sayı Kesir Problemleri 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 51:00
27) Sayı Kesir Problemleri 3 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 59:03
28) Sayı Kesir Problemleri 4 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:13:50
29) Yaş Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 44:27
30) İşçi Havuz Problemleri 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 44:06
31) İşçi Havuz Problemleri 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 48:33
32) Hız Problemleri 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 44:59
33) Hız Problemleri 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 43:09
34) Yüzde Faiz Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 46:17
35) Kar Zarar Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 46:09
36) Grafik Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 47:31
37) Karışım Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2016) 37:58
38) Çarpanlara Ayırma - 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 41:35
39) Çarpanlara Ayırma - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 26:14
40) İşlem - İlyas Güneş (2016) 33:42
41) Modüler Aritmetik - İlyas Güneş (2016) 40:21
42) Permutasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık- 1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 1:05:29
43) Permutasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık- 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 40:19
44) Permutasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık -3 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 51:33
45) kümeler - İlyas Güneş (2016) 39:25
46) Kümeler-2- İlyas Güneş (2016) 45:10
47) Oran Orantı -1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 33:09
48 ) Oran Orantı - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 54:28
49) Fonksiyonlar - İlyas Güneş (2016) 37:07
50) Sayısal Mantık-1 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 55:56
51) Sayısal Mantık - 2 - İlyas Güneş (2016) 48:54
1) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular -1 (2016) 55:40
2) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular-2 (2016) 57:46
3) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular- 3 (2016) 42:20
4) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular - 4 (2016) 51:23
5) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular-5 (2016) 44:52
6) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular - 6 (2016) 49:39
7) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular-7 (2016) 56:10
8 ) İlyas Güneş - KPSS Matematik Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular -8 (2016) 1:00:06
(Türk / in Turkish) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - İsem Yayıncılık
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月9日
Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - İsem Yayıncılık
01) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - Selim Sırrı ATAY (2017) 40:37
02) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - Fatih GENÇ (2017) 31:46
03) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - Fatih GENÇ 3 (2017) 30:24
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月9日
Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - İsem Yayıncılık
01) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - Selim Sırrı ATAY (2017) 40:37
02) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - Fatih GENÇ (2017) 31:46
03) Mülakata Hazırlık Semineri - Fatih GENÇ 3 (2017) 30:24
(Türk / in Turkish) KPSS Türkçe Soru Çözüm - 2016
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2015年10月9日
KPSS Türkçe Soru Çözüm - 2016
1) Ses Olayları - Gizem Ural (2016) 11:16 Ses olayları soru tarzı, çözümleme
2) Yazım Kuralları- Gizem Ural (2016) 12:49
2) Aker Kartal - KPSS Türkçe Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular 2 (2016) 33:53
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2015年10月9日
KPSS Türkçe Soru Çözüm - 2016
1) Ses Olayları - Gizem Ural (2016) 11:16 Ses olayları soru tarzı, çözümleme
2) Yazım Kuralları- Gizem Ural (2016) 12:49
2) Aker Kartal - KPSS Türkçe Çıkması Muhtemel Sorular 2 (2016) 33:53
PBS Idea Channel (videos of July 2017)
source: PBS Idea Channel
12:07 Comment Responses: Is Super Mario Brothers A Surrealist Masterpiece?
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19:04 A Bunch MORE Questions: ANSWERED! Tweet us! http://bit.ly/pbsideachanneltwitter
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11:28 Comment Responses: Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
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12:59 Is Super Mario Brothers A Surrealist Masterpiece? It’sa me… the unexpected combination of visual elements
We can look at Mario, and his 30+ year series of ult
9:13 Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
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27:19 A Bunch of Questions: ANSWERED! You had lots of questions and we have lots of answers!
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IC Mix Tape:...
10:36 Comment Responses: Can You Own a Color? Comment Responses!
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We can look at Mario, and his 30+ year series of ult

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Books on the Idea Channel set: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/26304157-mike-rugne...
IC Mix Tape:...

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WIRED UK (videos of July 2017)
source: WIRED UK
2:17 The new Range Rover Velar has a Clever Algorithm to Prevent Dazzling Oncoming Drivers Range Rover Velar review: Land Rover's brand new, urban-focused, tech-packed, upmarket 4x4 arrives to take on the mid-size SUV sector in considerable style.
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1:58 How We Made It: Why Growth Hacking Propelled Dropbox to Massive Success | WIRED Ellis and Brown's new book explains how their market-tested, data-driven growth hacking experiments were the driving force behind some of technology's biggest success stories.Subscribe to WIRED►► h...
1:38 Kings of Cargo: Marvel at the Strange Beauty of these Colossal Cargo Clanes | WIRED We may live in a digitised world where distance doesn't matter, but moving objects from one continent to another still requires a lot of effort. Planes like Lockheed Martin C-5 Super Galaxy and Boe...

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