# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: SNS Channel Mathematical and Natural Sciences 2015年3月26日
Minicourses of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory" (2015)
Winter School of the University of Padova
Planned Activities
This INDAM Intensive Period will be divided into three sessions on different topics, the timetable is available here
1) "Vertex algebras, W-algebras, and applications" from December 9th to December 23th 2014 and from January 12th to January 18th 2015 (seminars and mini-courses);
2) "Lie Theory and Representation Theory'' from January 19th to February 6th 2015 (seminars and mini-courses);
3) "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory'' from February 8th 2015 to February 28th 2015 (seminars and mini-courses).
The idea of the Intensive Period is to have some interesting mini courses for PhD students and researchers and regular talks, but also time for discussions and collaboration in the beautiful setting of the city of Pisa. A preliminary calendar of the mini-courses is available here.
There will be other special activities organized during the intensive period: A Cluster Algebras Day on 2th February 2015 A Super Quantum Lie Day on 4th February 2015. The workshop Combinatorics and Algebraic Topology of Configurations from 17th February to 20th February 2015. Two satellite workshop will be part of this INDAM Intensive Period: INdAM Meeting "Configuration spaces: Geometry, Topology and Representation Theory", in Cortona from August 31st to September 6th, 2014 (http://www.dm.unipi.it/~gaiffi/configurationscortona/); INdAM Workshop "Aspects of Lie Theory", in Rome from January 7th to January 10th, 2015 (http://www1.mat.uniroma1.it/people/bravi/indam2015.html).
Third session: Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory
An important part of the present project is centered around the study of the geometry, topology and combinatorics of subspace and toric arrangements and of their wonderful models.
We will focus on the role which arrangements, configurations spaces and their compactifications play in several fields of mathematical research: subspace and toric arrangements, toric varieties and tropical geometry, moduli spaces of curves, configuration spaces, box splines, index theory, discrete geometry, Coxeter groups and Artin groups, mapping class groups, loop spaces. Minicourses during this session will enlight the connections of all this topics with algebraic topology, combinatorics and geometric group theory.
Vic Reiner, Lecture I - 9 February 2015 1:36:07 Vic Reiner (University of Minnesota) - Lecture I http://www.crm.sns.it/course/4036/
Many results in the combinatorics and invariant theory of reflection groups have q-analogues for the finite general linear groups GLn(Fq). These lectures will discuss several examples, and open questions arising in this context.
Michael Falk, Research talk - 9 February 2015 1:01:19
Max Wakefield, Research talk - 9 February 2015 58:25
Ulrike Tillmann, Lecture I - 10 February 2015 53:20
Karen Vogtmann, Lecture I - 10 February 2015 1:43:26
Tony Bahri, Research talk - 10 February 2015 54:30
Alexandru Dimca, Research talk - 10 February 2015 57:49
Nancy Abdallah, Research talk - 10 February 2015 47:17
Vic Reiner, Lecture II - 11 February 2015 1:37:43
Ulrike Tillmann, Lecture II - 11 February 2015 1:26:47
Matthias Lenz, Research talk - 11 February 2015 51:15
42 Ana Maria Brecan, Research talk - 11 February 2015 56:03
Karen Vogtmann, Lecture II - 12 February 2015 1:32:50
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Stoicism Today (Stoic Philosophy for Modern Living) 2016-11-17
Donald Robertson - Stoicism, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Therapy 26:26
Julia Annas - Is Stoic Virtue as Off-Putting as it Seems? 29:09
Bill Irvine - On Becoming an Insult Pacifist 32:07
Lawrence Becker - Stoic Ethics-in-Action 16:32
Albert Ellis: A Model of Resiliency, Compassion, and Stoicism in Action 15:53
Chris Gill - Can you be a Stoic and a Political Activist? 26:31
Cinzia Arruzza - Let us Take Care of Ourselves: Stoic Exercises and Foucault 29:11
Stoicism as a Wellbeing Intervention in the Workplace, Prisons, and Mental Health Charities 26:49
Keynote Speaker Ryan Holiday 1:00:08
source: Stoicism Today (Stoic Philosophy for Modern Living) 2016-11-17
Donald Robertson - Stoicism, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Therapy 26:26
Julia Annas - Is Stoic Virtue as Off-Putting as it Seems? 29:09
Bill Irvine - On Becoming an Insult Pacifist 32:07
Lawrence Becker - Stoic Ethics-in-Action 16:32
Albert Ellis: A Model of Resiliency, Compassion, and Stoicism in Action 15:53
Chris Gill - Can you be a Stoic and a Political Activist? 26:31
Cinzia Arruzza - Let us Take Care of Ourselves: Stoic Exercises and Foucault 29:11
Stoicism as a Wellbeing Intervention in the Workplace, Prisons, and Mental Health Charities 26:49
Keynote Speaker Ryan Holiday 1:00:08
Introduction to Schopenhauer
source: Academy of Ideas 2013年11月23日
In this 2 part series we introduction the ideas of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, who posited the universe to be the manifestation of an underlying 'blind' force he called 'will', and human existence to be filled with misery and something that would have been better off it had never been.
Recommended Readings:
The Philosophy of Schopenhauer - Bryan Magee -http://amzn.to/1WR5FHv (affiliate link)
The World as Will and Representation - http://amzn.to/1WR65xJ (affiliate link)
Schopenhauer: Robert Wicks - http://amzn.to/1TKwk5t (affiliate link)
Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/academyofideas
Get the transcript: http://academyofideas.com/2013/11/int...
Introduction to Schopenhauer - The World as Will 16:07 In this video we investigate the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer's claim that "the world is will".
Introduction to Schopenhauer: Schopenhauer's Ethics 15:40
In Pursuit of Liberty
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academy of Ideas 2015年3月25日
In this series we promote the pursuit of liberty and individual freedom
Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/academyofideas
Visit http://www.academyofideas.com for more videos, video transcripts and more!
Political Authority - An Examination 9:29 Is political authority legitimate? Justifying the special moral status of government is known as the problem of political authority. In this video we will look at the various ways this problem has been approached.
Recommended Reading:
The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey - http://amzn.to/1NPqyAo (affiliate link)
The Individual vs. Tyranny 9:42
Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control 12:37
Fear and Social Control 9:59
Democracy and the Road to Tyranny 10:52
Spontaneous Order vs. Centralized Control 10:34
Collectivism and Individualism 7:49
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty 11:10
Frédéric Bastiat - The Law 9:32
Introduction to Propaganda 11:26
source: Academy of Ideas 2015年3月25日
In this series we promote the pursuit of liberty and individual freedom
Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/academyofideas
Visit http://www.academyofideas.com for more videos, video transcripts and more!
Political Authority - An Examination 9:29 Is political authority legitimate? Justifying the special moral status of government is known as the problem of political authority. In this video we will look at the various ways this problem has been approached.
Recommended Reading:
The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey - http://amzn.to/1NPqyAo (affiliate link)
The Individual vs. Tyranny 9:42
Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control 12:37
Fear and Social Control 9:59
Democracy and the Road to Tyranny 10:52
Spontaneous Order vs. Centralized Control 10:34
Collectivism and Individualism 7:49
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty 11:10
Frédéric Bastiat - The Law 9:32
Introduction to Propaganda 11:26
Introduction to Philosophy
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academy of Ideas 2013年8月9日
Recommended Readings:
An Introduction to Ethics by John Deigh - http://amzn.to/2496GKz (affiliate link)
Human Happiness and Morality: A Brief Introduction to Ethics by Robert Almeder - http://amzn.to/1UfjoEP (affiliate link)
Good and Evil by Richard Taylor - http://amzn.to/24972ka (affiliate link)
In this lecture we look at the subject matter of ethics, distinguish between moral subjectivism and moral realism, discuss Hume's law, and look at the difference between teleological and deontological theories of ethics.
Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/academyofideas
Visit http://www.academyofideas.com for more videos, video transcripts and more!
Get the transcript here: http://academyofideas.com/2013/08/int...
Introduction to Ethics 10:08
Introduction to Epistemology 10:51
Introduction to Metaphysics 8:11
source: Academy of Ideas 2013年8月9日
Recommended Readings:
An Introduction to Ethics by John Deigh - http://amzn.to/2496GKz (affiliate link)
Human Happiness and Morality: A Brief Introduction to Ethics by Robert Almeder - http://amzn.to/1UfjoEP (affiliate link)
Good and Evil by Richard Taylor - http://amzn.to/24972ka (affiliate link)
In this lecture we look at the subject matter of ethics, distinguish between moral subjectivism and moral realism, discuss Hume's law, and look at the difference between teleological and deontological theories of ethics.
Support us on Patreon: http://patreon.com/academyofideas
Visit http://www.academyofideas.com for more videos, video transcripts and more!
Get the transcript here: http://academyofideas.com/2013/08/int...
Introduction to Ethics 10:08
Introduction to Epistemology 10:51
Introduction to Metaphysics 8:11
BISG Diagnosing Behavioral Challenges Workshop with Robert Reynolds (ide...
source: HarvardCPL 2017年4月10日
March 6th, Cason Conference Room, Harvard Kennedy School.
Robert Reynolds (Associate at ideas42; HKS MPP '15) gives a talk to BISG students on the ideas42 framework and how it applies to the problem diagnosis stage of behavioral intervention design.
Simons Institute (videos of May 2017)
source: Simons Institute
43:14 Learning from Untrusted Data Gregory Valiant, Stanford University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
41:35 The “Tell Me Something New” Model of Computation for Machine Learning Yoav Freund, UC San Diego
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
1:03:16 Computationally Tractable and Near Optimal Design of Experiments Aarti Singh, Carnegie Mellon University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
1:03:24 Computational Challenges and the Future of ML Panel Panelists: Maryam Fazel (University of Washington), Yoav Freund (UC San Diego), Michael Jordan (UC Berkeley), Richard Karp (UC Berkeley), and Marina Meila (University of Washington).
Computational ...
42:41 The Polytope Learning Problem Navin Goyal, Microsoft Research
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
42:11 System and Algorithm Co-Design, Theory and Practice, for Distributed Machine Learning Eric Xing, Carnegie Mellon University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
52:08 Does Computational Complexity Restrict Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning? Sanjeev Arora (Princeton University)
Simons Institute Open Lecture
46:59 Computational Efficiency and Robust Statistics Ilias Diakonikolas, University of Southern California
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
35:35 Robust Estimation of Mean and Covariance Anup Rao, Georgia Institute of Technology
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
1:08:02 Embedding as a Tool for Algorithm Design Le Song, Georgia Institute of Technology
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
45:27 The Imitation Learning View of Structured Prediction Hal Daume, University of Maryland at College Park
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
29:39 Exponential Computational Improvement by Reduction John Langford, Microsoft Research New York
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
50:12 Machine Learning Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms Dorit Hochbaum, UC Berkeley
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
40:49 A Cost Function for Similarity-Based Hierarchical Clustering Sanjoy Dasgupta, UC San Diego
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
1:09:46 Machine Learning for Healthcare Data Katherine Heller, Duke University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
45:18 Efficient Distributed Deep Learning Using MXNet Anima Anandkumar, UC Irvine
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
39:37 Your Neural Network Can't Learn Mine John Wilmes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
48:31 Sampling Polytopes: From Euclid to Riemann Yin Tat Lee, Microsoft Research and University of Washington
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
38:54 Understanding Generalization in Adaptive Data Analysis Vitaly Feldman, IBM Almaden
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
1:02:06 On Gradient-Based Optimization: Accelerated, Distributed, Asynchronous and Stochastic Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley
Computational Challenges in Machine Learninghttps://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/michael-jordan-2017-5-2
53:37 Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Independent and Dependent Data Sources Emily Fox, University of Washington
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
46:48 Scaling Up Bayesian Inference for Big and Complex Data David Dunson, Duke University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
36:23 Unbiased Estimation of the Spectral Properties of Large Implicit Matrices Ryan Adams, Harvard University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
44:41 Representational and Optimization Properties of Deep Residual Networks Peter Bartlett, UC Berkeley
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
41:36 Composing Graphical Models with Neural Networks for Structured Representations and Fast Inference David Duvenaud, University of Toronto
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
1:05:29 Variational Inference: Foundations and Innovations David Blei, Columbia University
Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational ...

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Simons Institute Open Lecture

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learninghttps://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/michael-jordan-2017-5-2

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning

Computational Challenges in Machine Learning
UWTV (videos of May 2017)
source: UWTV
3:38 Peter Janicki Every day countless cities and communities around the world struggle to get clean, safe water. And every day, one University of Washington graduate is getting closer and closer to solving that cris...
3:25 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge From the UW Foster School of Business’ Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship – a new competition that could soon help improve medical practices around the world. One winning team has already started a ...
3:21 Husky Band Mechanic It's considered one of the greatest shows on earth or at least, one of the greatest marching bands on earth! The world-famous UW Husky Marching Band has been firing up fans for more than 80 years. ...
4:59 Edmonds CC Veterans Center The University of Washington takes great pride in supporting our military veterans through its many veteran programs and initiatives on campus. Meet one UW alum who's earning great acclaim for his ...
3:37 Labor Archives: Everett Massacre Washington state has a rich history of progressive activism - and that history has just hit a significant milestone. Relive the one hundredth anniversary of the Everett Massacre and learn how that ...
22:39 UW 360 Season 7: Episode 3 UW 360, hosted by Carolyn Douglas, is an Emmy-award winning news magazine show that features stories about the University of Washington.
In this episode:
– Meet the UW alumnus who's helping transf...
52:10 Exposure to Early Psychosocial Deprivation Can Undermine Healthy Brain Development Healthy brain development depends on experiences that occur during relatively narrow windows of time. Dr. Charles Nelson describes a 15-year longitudinal study of children abandoned at birth and ra...
56:11 Learning from Experience: How Does the Developing Brain Adapt to Environmental Adversity? Exposure to violence and other forms of environmental adversity like poverty, neglect and unstable caregiving are common among children in the United States. This talk by Dr. Katie McLaughlin, exam...
38:28 Learning to See Again: A New Era of Sight Restoration, Pt. II Advances in medicine and technology are enabling the possible restoration of sight in the blind. Learning to see again can be an extraordinary challenge. UW Professor Geoffrey Boynton will discuss ...
51:35 Decoding Intentions and Encoding Sensations: The Emerging Science of Brain-Computer Interfacing Recent advances in the field of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have allowed direct brain control of cursors and prosthetic arms, artificial sensations, and even direct brain-to-brain communicatio...
56:48 Sensing and Deciding in the Real World: How Physics Shapes Our Choices Sensing and deciding are connected – our senses gather information to guide decisions and these decisions lead to more information. How do our brains collect information and use it to guide decisio...
22:39 UW 360 Season 7: Episode 2 UW 360, hosted by Carolyn Douglas, is an Emmy-award winning news magazine show that features stories about the University of Washington.
In this episode:
– From the UW classroom to the Yakima city...
4:03 UW Medicine Eye Institute Each year surgeons at the UW Medicine Eye Institute perform some 2500 surgeries. This story introduces us to a logger whose vision is returning, thanks to the work of UW eye surgeons.
David Dahlbe...
44:16 Learning to See Again: A New Era of Sight Restoration, Pt. I Advances in medicine and technology are enabling the possible restoration of sight in the blind. Learning to see again can be an extraordinary challenge. UW Professor Geoffrey Boynton will discuss ...
52:55 Monoclonal B Cell Lymphocytosis (MBL), Clonal Hematopoiesis and Other Age-Related Findings Monoclonal B cell lymphocytoses (MBL) are small clonal B cell expansions that can be identified by flow cytometry in the peripheral blood of healthy adults, particularly the elderly. Most MBL popul...

In this episode:
– Meet the UW alumnus who's helping transf...

In this episode:
– From the UW classroom to the Yakima city...

David Dahlbe...

Webinar: Introduction to Developmental Mentoring
source: The Physiological Society 2017年4月25日
How can you get the most of a mentor-mentee relationship? Alexis Hutson guides you through tips and pitfalls in this Developmental Mentoring webinar delivered for The Physiological Society, on April 25, 2017.
The Physiological Society (videos of May 2017)
source: The Physiological Society
0:27 David Eisner at STEM for Britain Filmed in Parliament in March 2017 for the STEM for Britain event, our President David Eisner explains why this event is so important.
0:23 'Stress in Modern Britain' report Losing your mobile phone or Brexit: which sounds more stressful? We asked over 2000 British people how stressed they felt about these and 16 other situations. Watch Lucy Donaldson introduce our pro...
3:39 David Eisner speech at STEM for Britain Last March at STEM for BRITAIN, our president David Eisner talked about the relationship between science and politics, and scientists’ chief concerns about Brexit.
0:28 Stafford Lightman on Making Sense of Stress What did Professor Stafford Lightman make of our 'Making sense of stress' event?
Stafford is president of the British Neuroscience Association and took part in our public lecture 'Under pressure: ...
0:30 Gail Kinman on Making Sense of Stress What is the cost of stress?
Gail Kinman is Professor of Occupational Health Psychology at University of Bedfordshire. She gives us her reaction to our Making Sense of Stress event, in
36:52 R Jean Banister Prize Lecture 2017: Pacemaking in the Athletic Heart Alicia D'Souza, University of Manchester, UK.
The heart undergoes remodelling in response to endurance exercise, resulting in rhythm ‘disturbances’. For example, elite athletes can present with lo...
2:32 Conquering Exam Stress: Lessons From Our Bodies We all know how stressful exam time can be. When we let our stress levels get too intense for long periods of time, it can have negative effects on our physical and mental well-being. But stress it...
1:31:37 Under pressure: Making sense of stress
In 2015/2016 stress accounted for 37% of all work related ill health cases. Stress is a rapidly increasing feature in our society, but how does stress actually lead to illness? And what in society ...

Stafford is president of the British Neuroscience Association and took part in our public lecture 'Under pressure: ...

Gail Kinman is Professor of Occupational Health Psychology at University of Bedfordshire. She gives us her reaction to our Making Sense of Stress event, in

The heart undergoes remodelling in response to endurance exercise, resulting in rhythm ‘disturbances’. For example, elite athletes can present with lo...

In 2015/2016 stress accounted for 37% of all work related ill health cases. Stress is a rapidly increasing feature in our society, but how does stress actually lead to illness? And what in society ...
(اردو / in Urdu) Public Relations (2009, VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2009年1月10日
MCM401 Public Relations
source: vu 2009年1月10日
MCM401 Public Relations
(اردو / in Urdu) Media Ethics and Law (2013, VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 15 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2013年11月4日
MCM610 Mass Communication Law and Ethics
source: vu 2013年11月4日
MCM610 Mass Communication Law and Ethics
(اردو / in Urdu) Approaches To Theorizing International Communication (2014) by Zafar Iqbal (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 23 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2014年11月25日
MCM604 Approaches To Theorizing International Communication
source: vu 2014年11月25日
MCM604 Approaches To Theorizing International Communication
(اردو / in Urdu) Human Relations (2009, VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2009年1月3日
MGMT611 Human Relations
source: vu 2009年1月3日
MGMT611 Human Relations
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