source: NCTU OCW 2017年6月28日
授課教師:電機工程學系 楊谷洋老師
機器人學-課程介紹 32:10
單元零 機器人時代的來臨 1:28:11
單元一 Introduction 1:24:50
單元二 Spatial Representation and Transformation (1/2) 40:28
單元二 Spatial Representation and Transformation (2/2) 39:34
單元三 Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics (1/4) 1:00:16
單元三 Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics (2/4) 1:06:17
單元三 Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics (3/4) 54:54
單元三 Kinematics and Inverse Kinematics (4/4) 30:37
單元四 Differential Relationship (1/3) 22:31
單元四 Differential Relationship (2/3) 1:00:25
單元四 Differential Relationship (3/3) 1:11:46
單元五 Motion Planning (1/4) 34:33
單元五 Motion Planning (2/4) 1:20:56
單元五 Motion Planning (3/4) 54:29
單元五 Motion Planning (4/4) 41:25
單元六 Dynamics (1/3) 48:35
單元六 Dynamics (2/3) 1:20:42
單元六 Dynamics (3/3) 47:14
單元七 Robot Control and Compliance (1/5) 1:05:26
單元七 Robot Control and Compliance (2/5) 35:55
單元七 Robot Control and Compliance (3/5) 58:08
單元七 Robot Control and Compliance (4/5) 1:09:09
單元七 Robot Control and Compliance (5/5) 37:09
單元八 A Multi-Functional Virtual Manipulation System 1:07:58
單元九 A Networked VR-Based Telerobotic System 56:00
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(italiano / in Italian) Costruzioni Idrauliche by Alessandro Paoletti / UniNettuno
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Ryo Saeba 2017年6月16日
UniNettuno - Costruzioni Idrauliche
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
Le costruzioni idrauliche comprendono tutte le opere di ingegneria civile che hanno stretta relazione con le acque; in particolare durante il corso verranno trattate, le opere destinate all’accumulo della risorsa idrica, nonché alla laminazione delle piene (DIGHE), le opere destinate a trasportare l’acqua per usi civili, industriali e agricoli (ACQUEDOTTI), le opere destinate ad allontanare le acque reflue e pluviali dai centri abitati (FOGNATURE). Nel corso saranno trattati gli argomenti teorici di base dell’idrologia.
Per seguire con profitto il corso di Costruzioni Idrauliche è necessaria la frequenza di Idraulica e Scienza delle Costruzioni.
Gli obiettivi del corso sono acquisire gli elementi necessari ad una conoscenza sia di tipo costruttivo sia manutentivo delle opere idrauliche, al fine di fornire al discente i criteri di dimensionamento e verifica delle opere di maggior rilevanza ingegneristica.
Il corso si articola nei seguenti argomenti: • Legislazione di riferimento • Tipologia e modalità costruttive delle opere di sbarramento • Nozioni di idrologia di base • Caratteristiche e dimensionamento delle opere di approvvigionamento idraulico • Tipologie e dimensionamento delle reti di collettamento e di drenaggio urbano
• G. Ippolito, APPUNTI DI COSTRUZIONI IDRAULICHE, Liguori Editore, Edizione aggiornata a cura di G. De Martino, 1995. • L. Da Deppo, C. Datei, V. Fioretto, P. Salandin ACQUEDOTTI, Libreria Internazionale Cortina Padova, Seconda Edizione, 2003. • AA.VV., SISTEMI DI FOGNATURA, Manuale di progettazione; HOEPLI EDITORE, 1997. • G. Becciu, A. Paletti, ESERCITAZIONI DI COSTRUZIONI IDRAULICHE, Edizione CEDAM, 1999.
01 Introduzione al corso 43:28
02 Le costruzioni idrauliche nell'evoluzione civile e storica 35:33
03 Le costruzioni idrauliche nell'evoluzione civile e storica 41:37
04 Serbatoi I: I serbatoi e le loro funzioni 40:34
05 Serbatoi II: L'equazione di continuità 42:36
06 Serbatoi III: La regolazione dei serbatoi 42:50
07 Serbatoi IV: Verifica di serbatoi di capacità assegnata 41:42
08 Laminazione delle piene I: Le misure di controllo delle piene 40:32
09 Laminazione delle piene II: Le equazioni della laminazione 40:51
10 Laminazione delle piene III: 43:41
11 Dighe e traverse I parte: Generalità sulle dighe 43:39
12 Dighe e traverse II parte: 43:12
13 Dighe e traverse III parte: Dighe a gravità: 43:27
14 Dighe e traverse IV parte: Dighe a speroni: dimensionamento 42:57
15 Dighe e traverse V parte: Dighe ad arco: dimensionamento 40:59
16 Dighe e traverse VI parte: Dighe ad arco-gravità: 42:31
17 Dighe e traverse VII parte: Dighe in materiali sciolti 43:49
18 Dighe e traverse VIII parte: Traverse: generalità 41:54
19 Canali e gallerie a pelo libero I parte. Moto uniforme e 43:40
20 Canali e gallerie a pelo libero II parte. Correnti, rapide e 44:04
21 Opere accessorie alle dighe I parte. Scarichi di superficie 43:19
22 Opere accessorie alle dighe II parte. Canali collettori e 41:59
23 Opere accessorie alle dighe III parte. Scarichi di superficie 43:43
24 Il fabbisogno idrico e la necessità degli acquedotti 40:01
25 Le risorse idriche sotterranee 40:27
source: Ryo Saeba 2017年6月16日
UniNettuno - Costruzioni Idrauliche
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
Le costruzioni idrauliche comprendono tutte le opere di ingegneria civile che hanno stretta relazione con le acque; in particolare durante il corso verranno trattate, le opere destinate all’accumulo della risorsa idrica, nonché alla laminazione delle piene (DIGHE), le opere destinate a trasportare l’acqua per usi civili, industriali e agricoli (ACQUEDOTTI), le opere destinate ad allontanare le acque reflue e pluviali dai centri abitati (FOGNATURE). Nel corso saranno trattati gli argomenti teorici di base dell’idrologia.
Per seguire con profitto il corso di Costruzioni Idrauliche è necessaria la frequenza di Idraulica e Scienza delle Costruzioni.
Gli obiettivi del corso sono acquisire gli elementi necessari ad una conoscenza sia di tipo costruttivo sia manutentivo delle opere idrauliche, al fine di fornire al discente i criteri di dimensionamento e verifica delle opere di maggior rilevanza ingegneristica.
Il corso si articola nei seguenti argomenti: • Legislazione di riferimento • Tipologia e modalità costruttive delle opere di sbarramento • Nozioni di idrologia di base • Caratteristiche e dimensionamento delle opere di approvvigionamento idraulico • Tipologie e dimensionamento delle reti di collettamento e di drenaggio urbano
• G. Ippolito, APPUNTI DI COSTRUZIONI IDRAULICHE, Liguori Editore, Edizione aggiornata a cura di G. De Martino, 1995. • L. Da Deppo, C. Datei, V. Fioretto, P. Salandin ACQUEDOTTI, Libreria Internazionale Cortina Padova, Seconda Edizione, 2003. • AA.VV., SISTEMI DI FOGNATURA, Manuale di progettazione; HOEPLI EDITORE, 1997. • G. Becciu, A. Paletti, ESERCITAZIONI DI COSTRUZIONI IDRAULICHE, Edizione CEDAM, 1999.
01 Introduzione al corso 43:28
02 Le costruzioni idrauliche nell'evoluzione civile e storica 35:33
03 Le costruzioni idrauliche nell'evoluzione civile e storica 41:37
04 Serbatoi I: I serbatoi e le loro funzioni 40:34
05 Serbatoi II: L'equazione di continuità 42:36
06 Serbatoi III: La regolazione dei serbatoi 42:50
07 Serbatoi IV: Verifica di serbatoi di capacità assegnata 41:42
08 Laminazione delle piene I: Le misure di controllo delle piene 40:32
09 Laminazione delle piene II: Le equazioni della laminazione 40:51
10 Laminazione delle piene III: 43:41
11 Dighe e traverse I parte: Generalità sulle dighe 43:39
12 Dighe e traverse II parte: 43:12
13 Dighe e traverse III parte: Dighe a gravità: 43:27
14 Dighe e traverse IV parte: Dighe a speroni: dimensionamento 42:57
15 Dighe e traverse V parte: Dighe ad arco: dimensionamento 40:59
16 Dighe e traverse VI parte: Dighe ad arco-gravità: 42:31
17 Dighe e traverse VII parte: Dighe in materiali sciolti 43:49
18 Dighe e traverse VIII parte: Traverse: generalità 41:54
19 Canali e gallerie a pelo libero I parte. Moto uniforme e 43:40
20 Canali e gallerie a pelo libero II parte. Correnti, rapide e 44:04
21 Opere accessorie alle dighe I parte. Scarichi di superficie 43:19
22 Opere accessorie alle dighe II parte. Canali collettori e 41:59
23 Opere accessorie alle dighe III parte. Scarichi di superficie 43:43
24 Il fabbisogno idrico e la necessità degli acquedotti 40:01
25 Le risorse idriche sotterranee 40:27
(русский / in Russian) Вариационное исчисление
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Нормальность 2017年4月22日
Вариационное исчисление — наука о поиске минимума функции в бесконечномерном пространстве. В отличие от привычных нам задач на минимум, когда нужно оптимальным образом выбрать число (параметр), или, скажем, точку на плоскости, в вариационных задачах требуется найти оптимальную функцию. При этом, одним и тем же набором средств решаются задачи самого разного происхождения: из классической механики, геометрии, математической экономики и т.д.
Мы начнем со старых задач, известных с XVII века, и, перекидывая мостки от одной задачи к другой, быстро доберемся до современных результатов и нерешенных проблем.
Вначале мы познакомимся с некоторыми общими принципами (уравнения Эйлера–Лагранжа, и т.д.) и посмотрим как они работают на примере задачи о минимальных поверхностях. В частности, мы увидим, почему форма мыльной пленки близка к графику экспоненты. От неё мы перейдём к аэродинамической задаче Ньютона, которая в течение трех веков считалась решенной, и лишь сравнительно недавно выяснилось, что её решение не совсем верно (а правильного решения, как и ответа, нет до сих пор). Здесь естественным образом возникнет понятие оптимального управления и принцип максимума, который выведет нас к современным результатам о феномене чаттеринга и импульсного управления.
Примерный план (разбивка — не по лекциям, а по темам):
- С чего всё началось? Задача о кривой наискорейшего спуска. Уравнения Эйлера–Лагранжа.
- Катеноида, или, почему лопаются мыльные пленки?
- Аэродинамическая задача Ньютона: 300 лет спустя — всё сначала. Поверхности почти нулевого сопротивления и полностью невидимые поверхности.
- Что такое оптимальное управление? Принцип максимума.
- Всё оказалось сложнее, чем мы думали… NP-сложность вариационных задач. Хаос с точками переключения: эффект чаттеринга и пример Фуллера. Отсутствие оптимальных траекторий, импульсное управление.
Вариационные задачи Лекция 1 В.Ю. Протасов 1:21:11
Вариационные задачи Лекция 2 В.Ю.Протасов 1:17:15
Вариационные задачи Лекция 3 В. Ю. Протасов 1:06:28
Вариационные задачи Лекция 4 В.Ю. Протасов 1:18:58
source: Нормальность 2017年4月22日
Вариационное исчисление — наука о поиске минимума функции в бесконечномерном пространстве. В отличие от привычных нам задач на минимум, когда нужно оптимальным образом выбрать число (параметр), или, скажем, точку на плоскости, в вариационных задачах требуется найти оптимальную функцию. При этом, одним и тем же набором средств решаются задачи самого разного происхождения: из классической механики, геометрии, математической экономики и т.д.
Мы начнем со старых задач, известных с XVII века, и, перекидывая мостки от одной задачи к другой, быстро доберемся до современных результатов и нерешенных проблем.
Вначале мы познакомимся с некоторыми общими принципами (уравнения Эйлера–Лагранжа, и т.д.) и посмотрим как они работают на примере задачи о минимальных поверхностях. В частности, мы увидим, почему форма мыльной пленки близка к графику экспоненты. От неё мы перейдём к аэродинамической задаче Ньютона, которая в течение трех веков считалась решенной, и лишь сравнительно недавно выяснилось, что её решение не совсем верно (а правильного решения, как и ответа, нет до сих пор). Здесь естественным образом возникнет понятие оптимального управления и принцип максимума, который выведет нас к современным результатам о феномене чаттеринга и импульсного управления.
Примерный план (разбивка — не по лекциям, а по темам):
- С чего всё началось? Задача о кривой наискорейшего спуска. Уравнения Эйлера–Лагранжа.
- Катеноида, или, почему лопаются мыльные пленки?
- Аэродинамическая задача Ньютона: 300 лет спустя — всё сначала. Поверхности почти нулевого сопротивления и полностью невидимые поверхности.
- Что такое оптимальное управление? Принцип максимума.
- Всё оказалось сложнее, чем мы думали… NP-сложность вариационных задач. Хаос с точками переключения: эффект чаттеринга и пример Фуллера. Отсутствие оптимальных траекторий, импульсное управление.
Вариационные задачи Лекция 1 В.Ю. Протасов 1:21:11
Вариационные задачи Лекция 2 В.Ю.Протасов 1:17:15
Вариационные задачи Лекция 3 В. Ю. Протасов 1:06:28
Вариационные задачи Лекция 4 В.Ю. Протасов 1:18:58
(русский / in Russian) Философия / Philosophy
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: LEU INTUIT 2014年2月10日
The course and test in LEU INTUIT http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/665/521/info
Author: Vyacheslav Moiseev
The course on philosophy for schools, including sections of the general philosophy - ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The aim is to lay the foundations of a new system of building a high school course in philosophy, relying on the ideas of integral philosophy. At the same time course consistent with the requirements of the new federal standard for philosophy.
Based on the basic requirements of the federal educational standard for college courses philosophy, an attempt is made to lay the foundations of a new systematic course in philosophy, based on the ideas and principles of integral philosophy. It examines the main areas of philosophical knowledge - ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The presentation of all these subjects held the line on the integration of the various more specific philosophical trends - materialism and idealism, determinism and non-determinism, reductionism and holism, etc. The establishment of a new system of construction of philosophical knowledge is put integrative model of reality (the so-called "subjective ontology"), in which the outer and inner world are regarded as ryadopolozhennye ontological regions within a single ontological space.
Objective: To give the students a systematic understanding of modern philosophical knowledge - the knowledge of how much an integral, active interaction with various forms of culture and are in constant evolution.
Lecture 1: The concept of philosophy. The structure of philosophical knowledge 1:19:04 The phenomenon of philosophical knowledge, the history of its origin, the relationship of philosophy and worldview. The following gives a brief description of the main topics of philosophical knowledge - ontology, epistemology, axiology, logic. We study the basic problems of philosophy in relation to these sections are examples of different philosophies.
Lecture 2: The problem of being 1:42:52
Lecture 3: Development and Evolution 1:21:30
Lecture 4: The problem of man from nature to society and culture, 1:23:36
Lecture 5: Society and production of 1:20:11
Lecture 6: The structure of the society. Society and nature 53:35
Lecture 7: Fundamentals of Axiology 1:20:29
Lecture 8: Elements of philosophical anthropology 1:22:55
Lecture 9: The Philosophy of History 1:45:16
Lecture 10: Fundamentals of epistemology 1:34:38
source: LEU INTUIT 2014年2月10日
The course and test in LEU INTUIT http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/665/521/info
Author: Vyacheslav Moiseev
The course on philosophy for schools, including sections of the general philosophy - ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The aim is to lay the foundations of a new system of building a high school course in philosophy, relying on the ideas of integral philosophy. At the same time course consistent with the requirements of the new federal standard for philosophy.
Based on the basic requirements of the federal educational standard for college courses philosophy, an attempt is made to lay the foundations of a new systematic course in philosophy, based on the ideas and principles of integral philosophy. It examines the main areas of philosophical knowledge - ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The presentation of all these subjects held the line on the integration of the various more specific philosophical trends - materialism and idealism, determinism and non-determinism, reductionism and holism, etc. The establishment of a new system of construction of philosophical knowledge is put integrative model of reality (the so-called "subjective ontology"), in which the outer and inner world are regarded as ryadopolozhennye ontological regions within a single ontological space.
Objective: To give the students a systematic understanding of modern philosophical knowledge - the knowledge of how much an integral, active interaction with various forms of culture and are in constant evolution.
Lecture 1: The concept of philosophy. The structure of philosophical knowledge 1:19:04 The phenomenon of philosophical knowledge, the history of its origin, the relationship of philosophy and worldview. The following gives a brief description of the main topics of philosophical knowledge - ontology, epistemology, axiology, logic. We study the basic problems of philosophy in relation to these sections are examples of different philosophies.
Lecture 2: The problem of being 1:42:52
Lecture 3: Development and Evolution 1:21:30
Lecture 4: The problem of man from nature to society and culture, 1:23:36
Lecture 5: Society and production of 1:20:11
Lecture 6: The structure of the society. Society and nature 53:35
Lecture 7: Fundamentals of Axiology 1:20:29
Lecture 8: Elements of philosophical anthropology 1:22:55
Lecture 9: The Philosophy of History 1:45:16
Lecture 10: Fundamentals of epistemology 1:34:38
(русский / in Russian) Трансляции
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Фенист 2016年9月25日
Борис Штерн. Откуда взялась вселенная? 53:36
Эмиль Ахмедов. Мифы о теории относительности 58:14
Архив: Сергей Попов и Ксения Ануфриева. Кинофантастика - новая реальность? 1:20:36
Константин Постов. Фундаментальные следствия гравитационных волн 46:17
Ефим Хазанов. Как устроен детектор LIGO 50:21
Архив: Дмитрий Вибе. Жизнь солнечной системы 1:02:21
Илья Щуров. Фрактальная живопись 1:05:23
Николай Андреев. Математическая составляющая 1:41:04
Архив: Станислав Дробышевский. Урок по антропологии 54:51
Виталий Егоров: Охота на кометы от ВЕГИ до Розетты 1:05:23
Архив: Александр Соколов. Наука против древних астронавтов 57:48
Станислав Дробышевский. Урок по антропологии 1:10:59
Олег Фея. Физика, бессердечная ты наука 1:04:54
Светлана Боринская. Происхождение жизни, человека и общества 1:33:33
source: Фенист 2016年9月25日
Борис Штерн. Откуда взялась вселенная? 53:36
Эмиль Ахмедов. Мифы о теории относительности 58:14
Архив: Сергей Попов и Ксения Ануфриева. Кинофантастика - новая реальность? 1:20:36
Константин Постов. Фундаментальные следствия гравитационных волн 46:17
Ефим Хазанов. Как устроен детектор LIGO 50:21
Архив: Дмитрий Вибе. Жизнь солнечной системы 1:02:21
Илья Щуров. Фрактальная живопись 1:05:23
Николай Андреев. Математическая составляющая 1:41:04
Архив: Станислав Дробышевский. Урок по антропологии 54:51
Виталий Егоров: Охота на кометы от ВЕГИ до Розетты 1:05:23
Архив: Александр Соколов. Наука против древних астронавтов 57:48
Станислав Дробышевский. Урок по антропологии 1:10:59
Олег Фея. Физика, бессердечная ты наука 1:04:54
Светлана Боринская. Происхождение жизни, человека и общества 1:33:33
(русский / in Russian) Лекции 2016
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Фенист 2016年9月27日
Дмитрий Вибе: Космические угрозы 1:19:57 26 сентября 2016 года
Нижегородский планетарий
Земля не изолирована от остального Космоса. Она связана с ним многочисленными связями, не все из которых благоприятны для человечества. В лекции будет рассказано о том, какие космические опасности реальны, а какие вымышлены или, по крайней мере, преувеличены.
Вибе Дмитрий Зигфридович - доктор физико-математических наук, заведующий отделом физики и эволюции звезд Института астрономии РАН
Олег Верходанов: Радиогалактики 1:36:55
Виталий Егоров: Охота на кометы от ВЕГИ до Розетты 1:05:23
Александр Соколов. Наука против астронавтов древности 49:03
Борис Штерн. Экзопланеты 55:56
Николай Андреев. Математическая составляющая 1:49:34
Василий Власов. Почему надо расслабиться и есть вкусно 1:55:46
Сергей Попов и Ксения Ануфриева. Кинофантастика – новая реальность? Астрофизик vs искусствовед 1:19:47
Дмитрий Вибе. Космические угрозы 1:06:28
Мария Гельфонд. Как устроен роман Евгений Онегин 1:14:37
Ирина Юхнова. Из чего рождаются сказки 1:04:16
Ирина Мухина. Технологии нейроинженерии в изучении, восстановлении и замене нервной системы 53:06
Илья Щуров. Бифуркации, катастрофы и хаос 1:14:32
Василий Власов. Клиническая эпидемиология - единственное средство 1:12:31
Олег Верходанов. Удивительная Вселенная 37:13
Олег Верходанов. Космологические результаты космической миссии Planck 1:15:24
Владимир Антонец. Инновации: что это такое? хорошо это или плохо? 1:36:22
Григорий Полотовский. Две знаменитые математические задачи, связанные с Нижним Новгородом 1:28:00
source: Фенист 2016年9月27日
Дмитрий Вибе: Космические угрозы 1:19:57 26 сентября 2016 года
Нижегородский планетарий
Земля не изолирована от остального Космоса. Она связана с ним многочисленными связями, не все из которых благоприятны для человечества. В лекции будет рассказано о том, какие космические опасности реальны, а какие вымышлены или, по крайней мере, преувеличены.
Вибе Дмитрий Зигфридович - доктор физико-математических наук, заведующий отделом физики и эволюции звезд Института астрономии РАН
Олег Верходанов: Радиогалактики 1:36:55
Виталий Егоров: Охота на кометы от ВЕГИ до Розетты 1:05:23
Александр Соколов. Наука против астронавтов древности 49:03
Борис Штерн. Экзопланеты 55:56
Николай Андреев. Математическая составляющая 1:49:34
Василий Власов. Почему надо расслабиться и есть вкусно 1:55:46
Сергей Попов и Ксения Ануфриева. Кинофантастика – новая реальность? Астрофизик vs искусствовед 1:19:47
Дмитрий Вибе. Космические угрозы 1:06:28
Мария Гельфонд. Как устроен роман Евгений Онегин 1:14:37
Ирина Юхнова. Из чего рождаются сказки 1:04:16
Ирина Мухина. Технологии нейроинженерии в изучении, восстановлении и замене нервной системы 53:06
Илья Щуров. Бифуркации, катастрофы и хаос 1:14:32
Василий Власов. Клиническая эпидемиология - единственное средство 1:12:31
Олег Верходанов. Удивительная Вселенная 37:13
Олег Верходанов. Космологические результаты космической миссии Planck 1:15:24
Владимир Антонец. Инновации: что это такое? хорошо это или плохо? 1:36:22
Григорий Полотовский. Две знаменитые математические задачи, связанные с Нижним Новгородом 1:28:00
TCS Golden Jubilee Thematic Lectures (2012)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年10月25日
TCS 21st april ss I 1:12:58
TCS 21st april ss II 1:08:13
TCS 21st april ss III 1:29:48
TCS 21st april ss IV 1:07:24
TCS GJ 17th March 2012 session I 1:44:53
TCS GJ 17th March 2012 session II 1:55:44
TCS GJ 17th march session III 1:55:45
TCS GJ 19th May 2012 SS I 52:52
TCS GJ 19th may 2012 SS II 1:08:35
TCS GJ 19th May 2012 SS III 1:05:50
TCS GJ May 2012 SS IV 56:07
TCS GJ JUNE 2012 SS I 1:09:05
TCS GJ JUNE 2012 SS II 1:08:56
TCS GJ JUNE 2012 SS III 1:08:20
source: matsciencechannel 2012年10月25日
TCS 21st april ss I 1:12:58
TCS 21st april ss II 1:08:13
TCS 21st april ss III 1:29:48
TCS 21st april ss IV 1:07:24
TCS GJ 17th March 2012 session I 1:44:53
TCS GJ 17th March 2012 session II 1:55:44
TCS GJ 17th march session III 1:55:45
TCS GJ 19th May 2012 SS I 52:52
TCS GJ 19th may 2012 SS II 1:08:35
TCS GJ 19th May 2012 SS III 1:05:50
TCS GJ May 2012 SS IV 56:07
TCS GJ JUNE 2012 SS I 1:09:05
TCS GJ JUNE 2012 SS II 1:08:56
TCS GJ JUNE 2012 SS III 1:08:20
Sunder Fest 2012
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年11月12日
001 K.B. Sinha 40:20
002 Krishna Maddaly 41:01
003 Rajeeva Karandikar 41:16
004 R. Srinivasan 41:27
005 M.G. Nadkarni 40:46
006 B.V. Rao 55:08
007 R B Bapat 54:55
008 Gadadhar Misra 41:57
009 Vijay Kodiyalam 54:31
010 Masaki Izumi 1:23:23
011 Zeph Landau 43:49
012 Shamindra Ghosh 42:21
013 S_ Sundar 41:06
014 Ved Prakash Gupta 45:57
source: matsciencechannel 2012年11月12日
001 K.B. Sinha 40:20
002 Krishna Maddaly 41:01
003 Rajeeva Karandikar 41:16
004 R. Srinivasan 41:27
005 M.G. Nadkarni 40:46
006 B.V. Rao 55:08
007 R B Bapat 54:55
008 Gadadhar Misra 41:57
009 Vijay Kodiyalam 54:31
010 Masaki Izumi 1:23:23
011 Zeph Landau 43:49
012 Shamindra Ghosh 42:21
013 S_ Sundar 41:06
014 Ved Prakash Gupta 45:57
Instructional Workshop on Subfactors & Planar Algebras 2012
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年6月20日
Vaughan Jones I Lecture on Planar Algebras 1:21:43
Zeph Landau I Session II on Sub Factors and Planar Algebras 1:22:55
Vaughan Jones II First session on Planar algebras 1:29:36
Masaki Izumi I 1:25:00
Vaughan Jones III 1:33:11
Zeph Landau II 1:33:11
Vaughan Jones IV 1:22:07
Masaki Izumi II 1:23:24
Zeph Landau III 1:21:56
Masaki Izumi III 1:30:22
Zeph Landau IV 1:25:11
Masaki Izumi IV 1:26:50
Zeph Landau V 1:22:35
Masaki Izumi V 1:22:24
source: matsciencechannel 2012年6月20日
Vaughan Jones I Lecture on Planar Algebras 1:21:43
Zeph Landau I Session II on Sub Factors and Planar Algebras 1:22:55
Vaughan Jones II First session on Planar algebras 1:29:36
Masaki Izumi I 1:25:00
Vaughan Jones III 1:33:11
Zeph Landau II 1:33:11
Vaughan Jones IV 1:22:07
Masaki Izumi II 1:23:24
Zeph Landau III 1:21:56
Masaki Izumi III 1:30:22
Zeph Landau IV 1:25:11
Masaki Izumi IV 1:26:50
Zeph Landau V 1:22:35
Masaki Izumi V 1:22:24
Mathematics Seminars (2012)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年3月21日
Xavier Gérard Viennot: Combinatorial operators and quadratic algebras 1:11:03 Mathematics colloquium lecture at IMSc on 1 March 2012.
The slides for this talk are available at http://web.mac.com/xgviennot/Xavier_V... Amritanshu Prasad: Schur algebras and polynomial represenations of GL(m) 1:09:41 Representation theory seminar talk (14 March 2012)
S. Viswanath: Unique Factorization of Tensor Products 1:12:54 Representation theory seminar at IMSc on21 March 2012. Suppose V is a representation of a complex simple Lie algebra that can be written as a tensor product of irreducible representations. A theorem of Rajan states that the irreducible factors that occur are uniquely determined, up to reordering, by the isomorphism class of V. I will present an elementary proof of Rajan's theorem, which generalizes with no extra effort to the infinite dimensional (Kac-Moody) Lie algebras. This is joint work with R. Venkatesh.
Amritanshu Prasad: Irreducible polynomial representations of GL(m) 1:02:28 Representation theory seminar talk from 4th April 2012.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年3月21日
Xavier Gérard Viennot: Combinatorial operators and quadratic algebras 1:11:03 Mathematics colloquium lecture at IMSc on 1 March 2012.
The slides for this talk are available at http://web.mac.com/xgviennot/Xavier_V... Amritanshu Prasad: Schur algebras and polynomial represenations of GL(m) 1:09:41 Representation theory seminar talk (14 March 2012)
S. Viswanath: Unique Factorization of Tensor Products 1:12:54 Representation theory seminar at IMSc on21 March 2012. Suppose V is a representation of a complex simple Lie algebra that can be written as a tensor product of irreducible representations. A theorem of Rajan states that the irreducible factors that occur are uniquely determined, up to reordering, by the isomorphism class of V. I will present an elementary proof of Rajan's theorem, which generalizes with no extra effort to the infinite dimensional (Kac-Moody) Lie algebras. This is joint work with R. Venkatesh.
Amritanshu Prasad: Irreducible polynomial representations of GL(m) 1:02:28 Representation theory seminar talk from 4th April 2012.
Universität Göttingen (videos of June 2017)
source: Universität Göttingen
58:20 „Dieses Blatt muß man ganz sehen" – Lichtenberg zerlegt Hogarth Prof. Dr. Arnd Beise, Universität Fribourg: „Dieses Blatt muß man ganz sehen" – Lichtenberg zerlegt Hogarth. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorlesung "G. C. Lichtenberg - Schriftsteller, Ph...
39:25 Lichtenberg und die Dichtung Prof. Dr. Burkhard Moennighoff, Hildesheim: „Gegenstände … die … fast wie erhabene Poesie klingen“ – Lichtenberg und die Dichtung. Vortrag im Rahmen der öffentlichen Ringvorlesung "G. C. Lichtenbe...
39:34 Jazz Up! Christine Paulus ist M. Sc. Psychologin und zertifizierter Integraler Coach und Business Coach. In Ihrem Vortrag "Jazz up! Wer bin ich? Was kann ich? Was will ich?" erläutert sie das Zusammenspiel ...
1:32:10 Kennen Sie Ihren Kompetenzschlüssel? Marc-Oliver Dorn, Alumnus der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät und Personalreferent bei der Hannover Rück SE, gibt in seinem Vortrag Hinweise, wie Studierende ein Qualifikationsprofil von sich ers...
1:09:39 Bundespräsident Steinmeier besucht die Universität Göttingen Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat auf seiner Antrittsreise in Niedersachsen die Universität Göttingen besucht. In der Aula am Wilhelmsplatz hielt er eine Ansprache und nahm an einer Podiu...

BBVA Foundation (videos of June 2017)
source: BBVA Foundation
Interview with Cristóbal Halffter, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Contemporary Music Interview with Spanish composer and conductor Cristóbal Halffter, winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Contemporary Music category. Halffter receives the award for...
13:01 Interview with Thomas Kailath, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in ICT Interview with Thomas Kailath, winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Information and Communication Technologies category. Kailath, Hitachi America Professor Emeritu...
4:04 Interview with William Easterly and Yaw Nyarko, 2009 Frontiers Award in Development Cooperation Interview with William Easterly and Yaw Nyarko, directors of the Development Research Institute, DRI, at New York University. The DRI has been awarded the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledg...
20:54 Interview with Hugo Sonnenschein, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics Interview with Hugo Sonnenschein (New York, 1940). Sonnenschein and Andreu Mas-Colell share the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance and Management for extendin...
5:58 Interview with Andreu Mas-Colell, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics Interview with Andreu Mas-Colell, winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Economics, Finance and Management category. Porf. Mas-Colell shares the award with Prof. Hug...
3:11 Interview with Peter Reich, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology Interview with Professor Peter Reich, winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Ecology and Conservation Biology Category.
4:09 Interview with Klaus Hasselmann, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change Interview with German physicist and mathematician Klaus Hasselmann, winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Climate Change category.
5:20 Interview with Robert J. Lefkowitz, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine Interview with Prof. Robert J. Lefkowitz, winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Biomedicine category.
6:23 Interview with Richard N. Zare, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences Interview with physicist and chemist Richard N. Zare (Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor in Natural Science at Stanford University), winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award i...
9:21 Interview with Michael E. Fisher, 2009 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences Interview with physicist Michael E. Fisher (Distinguished University Professor and Regents Professor at the University of Maryland), winner of the 2009 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award ...
2:22 Interview with Shinya Yamanaka, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Biomedicine category goes in this third edition to Shinya Yamanaka for showing that it is possible to reprogram differentiated cells back ...
10:34 Interview with Edward O. Wilson, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Ecology and Conservation Biology category goes in this third edition to naturalist Edward O. Wilson, one of the most influential thinkers ...
4:50 Interview with Gabor A. Somorjai, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Basic Sciences The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Basic Sciences category goes in this third edition to the U.S. scientist of Hungarian origin Gabor A. Somorjai, for his pioneering experim...
12:08 Interview with Helmut Lachenmann, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Contemporary Music The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Contemporary Music category goes in this edition to German composer Helmut Lachenmann. His creative works, which based on an intimate know...
5:15 Interview with Donald E. Knuth, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in ITC The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Information and Communication Technologies category goes in this third edition to U.S. mathematician Donald E. Knuth, for making computing...
2:38 Interview with Lars Peter Hansen, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Economics, Finance and Management category goes in this third edition to Professor Lars Peter Hansen of the University of Chicago, for mak...
10:36 Interview with Nicholas Stern, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Climate Change The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Climate Change category goes in this third edition to British economist Nicholas Stern, whose pioneering 2006 report shaped and focused th...
3:25 Interview with IRRI, 2010 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Development Cooperation The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Development Cooperation category goes in this third edition to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for its contribution to re...
1:41 Helmut Lachenmann, 2010 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Contemporary Music The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Contemporary Music category goes in this edition to German composer Helmut Lachenmann. His creative works, which based on an intimate know...
1:29 Donald Knuth, 2010 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in ITC The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Laureate in the Information and Communication Technologies category goes in this third edition to U.S. mathematician Donald E. Knuth, for making computing...
1:33:25 Ceremony of the 9th BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards Ceremony of the 9th BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, held in Madrid on June 15, 2017.
1:07:42 Lecture: "Digital revolution and demographic behaviour" Lecture: "Digital revolution and demographic behaviour"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 22/05/2017
Speaker: Francesco Billari
Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)
Summary: This lecture will...
2:53 9th edition BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards seek to recognize and encourage world-class research and artistic creation, prizing contributions of lasting impact for their originality, theoreti...
1:14:17 Lecture: "Long lives and old age poverty" Lecture: "Long lives and old age poverty"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 09/05/2017
Speaker: Michel Oris
Université de Genève (Switzerland)
Summary: This presentation combines an inter-...
1:06:01 Lecture: "Real-time numerical forecast of global epidemic spreading" Lecture: "Real-time numerical forecast of global epidemic spreading"
Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 24/04/2017
Speaker: José Javier Ramasco
50:54 "Epidemics and pandemics of influenza: an example of limitations on predictive modeling efforts" Lecture: "Epidemics and pandemics of influenza: an example of limitations on predictive modeling efforts" Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 10/04/2017
Speaker: Wladimir J. Alonso
National I...

Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 22/05/2017
Speaker: Francesco Billari
Bocconi University, Milan (Italy)
Summary: This lecture will...

Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 09/05/2017
Speaker: Michel Oris
Université de Genève (Switzerland)
Summary: This presentation combines an inter-...

Lecture Series: "Demography Today"
Date: 24/04/2017
Speaker: José Javier Ramasco

Date: 10/04/2017
Speaker: Wladimir J. Alonso
National I...
Berkley Center (videos of June 2017)
source: Berkley Center
1:36:23 Best Practices in International Religious Freedom Policy For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2swQ8RL
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Jun 6, 2017 | Two former ambassadors charged with a...
1:44:09 The Cognition of Belief: Cognitive Insights into Mechanisms of Belief For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2slp0sc
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Can the new science of mind and brain help overcome...
1:37:01 The Cognition of Belief: Implications for Religious Freedom and Understanding Across Cultures For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2slp0sc
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Can the new science of mind and brain help overcome...
1:55:29 The Cognition of Belief: Presentations by Zach Warren, Nicholas Gibson, and Jordan Grafman For more information on this event: http://bit.ly/2slp0sc
For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Can the new science of mind and brain help overcome...

For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Jun 6, 2017 | Two former ambassadors charged with a...

For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Can the new science of mind and brain help overcome...

For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Can the new science of mind and brain help overcome...

For more information on The Berkley Center, visit: http://berkleycenter.georgetown.edu
Can the new science of mind and brain help overcome...
Cambridge University (videos of June 2017)
source: Cambridge University
6:15 The Vice-Chancellor discusses Brexit As Brexit negotiations begin, the University of Cambridge's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, discusses the University's priorities in any future Brexit deal.
4:37 Dr Lisa Jardine-Wright - Department of Physics Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
3:33 Return of the Titan Cambridge University Botanic Garden was delighted that one of our Titan Arums flowered in June 2017. After an impressively smelly opening, Titus (as it was christened by the public) was pollinated ...
2:19 India Unboxed: Meet the meteorites? Our #IndiaUnboxed series continues with the puzzling story of the fiery meteorites which were cold to the touch.
157 years ago the people of Dharamsala in Northwest India watched as three meteori...
2:29 Fantastic voyage of the nanobots Nanomachines small enough to move around our bloodstream have long been a dream of scientists and public alike. But working out how to make them move has meant they’ve remained in the realm of scie...
4:39 Dr Martin Ruehl - Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages Cambridge University has produced a series of films about five of this year’s Pilkington Prize winners. These films go behind the scenes to show Cambridge teaching in action as well as inviting win...
1:44 May Bumps 2017 The May Bumps are an annual competition between collegiate boat clubs, taking place in June (of course) on the River Cam. The Cam is too narrow to race side-by-side, so the rowing crews chase one a...
2:11 Patching up a broken heart It is almost impossible for an injured heart to fully mend itself. Within minutes of being deprived of oxygen – as happens during a heart attack when arteries to the heart are blocked – the heart’s...
27:43 How Liszt's Lost Opera was Rescued This documentary tells the story of how a team of Cambridge University researchers and singers worked to rescue the first act of Liszt's opera from a manuscript that was assumed to be fragmentary a...
3:31 Cambridgeshire Time Credits – an overview of the public health outcomes Dr Gemma Burgess, of Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research, explains how the evaluation of public health outcomes for the Cambridgeshire Time Credits Scheme in Wisbech looked at how th...
2:49 Cambridgeshire Time Credits - the benefits of volunteering As a Time Credits partner, Orchards C of E Primary School played a key role as a case study in the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research's recent evaluation of the public health outcom...
3:09 Cambridgeshire Time Credits - a volunteer's story Recent research carried out by the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research evaluated the public health outcomes of the Cambridgeshire Time Credits scheme in Wisbech. This short, animated...
3:51 India Unboxed: The Perfection of Wisdom Over the course of six centuries Cambridge University Library’s collection has grown from a few dozen volumes on a handful of subjects into an extraordinary accumulation of several million books, m...
3:28 Student Finance (Updated 2017) Student Finance for Home undergraduate students (Updated 2017). There have been a number of changes to financial arrangements for UK/EU students. Cambridge is not only cost-effective while you are ...

157 years ago the people of Dharamsala in Northwest India watched as three meteori...

American Society for Microbiology (videos of June 2017)
source: American Society for Microbiology
1:01:20 Listeria monocytogenes: A multifaceted model... and a reference by Pascale Cossart, PhD A talk by Dr. Pascale Cossart, professor and director of the Unité des Interactions Bactéries-Cellules at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, gives an overview of our understanding of the Listeria infect...
32:08 Women in Microbiology - Jo Handelsman Watch "Women in Microbiology" hosted by Hazel Barton live from ASM Microbe 2017. Pat Schloss will be interviewing Jo Handelsman along with Courtney Robinson and Nichole Broderick.
Subscribe to ASM...
40:33 Best of Microbe 2017 with Stan and Jeff Maloy (Part 2) The Best of Microbe 2017: Session Highlights with Stan & Jeff Maloy. Featuring special guests Harmit Malik and Chris Kellogg.
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
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1:16:34 This Week in Microbiology - Live from Microbe 2017 Join the full This Week in Microbiology team, Vincent Racaniello, Michael G. Schmidt, Elio Schaechter, and Michele Swanson with special guest Arturo Casadevall, live from ASM Microbe 2017.
35:46 Microbial Music with Sheldon Campbell (Part 2) - Microbe 2017 Sheldon Campbell closes out day 2 of our live-streams from Microbe 2017 with another fun round of "Microbial Music."
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
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42:07 The Best of Microbe 2017 with Stan and Jeff Maloy (June 3) Watch "The Best of Microbe 2017: Session Highlights with Stan & Jeff Maloy" live from ASM Microbe 2017, June 3rd.
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
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1:13:08 This Week in Virology - Astro Kate, The Right Stuff - Microbe 2017 NASA Astronaut and the first person to sequence DNA in space, Kate Rubins, is our guest on This Week in Virology, live from ASM Microbe 2017!
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/m...
33:26 Microbiology Careers: An Insiders' Guide to Finding a Job Looking for a job in microbiology? Join Shilpa Gadwal with guests Olga Calderon and Kara Levinson for "Microbiology Careers: An Insiders' Guide to Finding a Job" live from Microbe 2017 on June 3rd....
31:26 Women in Microbiology - Esther Lederberg Watch "Women in Microbiology - Esther Lederberg" a live session from Microbe 2017 hosted by Hazel Barton with guest Mark O. Martin interviewed by Rebecca V. Ferrell.
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1:03:06 Microbiologist and NASA astronaut Kate Rubins at ASM Microbe 2017 Microbiologist and NASA astronaut Kate Rubins at the ASM Microbe 2017 keynote session. Moderated by Ed Yong.
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the Amer...
32:38 Early African American Microbiologists: Making Contributions/Overcoming Barriers - Microbe 2017 Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the American Society for Microbiology at http://www.asm.org
Become a member today at http://www.asmscience.org/join
45:11 Microbial Music with Sheldon Campbell - Microbe 2017 Join a microbial sing-along with Sheldon Campbell the "singing microbiologist" as we close out day one of our live-streams from Microbe 2017
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mO...
47:56 Microbiology Careers: Which One is Right for You? - Microbe 2017 Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the American Society for Microbiology at http://www.asm.org
Become a member today at http://www.asmscience.org/join
27:51 Agar Art: Conversation with Caitlin Cahak at at Microbe 2017 Watch Vincent Racaniello and Caitlin Cahak discuss the process of making agar art.
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the American Society for Microbiolo...
17:14 Introducing MicroNow - ASM's newest online community for microbiologists Introducing MicroNow - Watch Jason Rao and Emma Muir demo ASM's newest online community for microbiologists.
Visit http://www.micronow.org for more info.
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at htt...
47:14 Communicating Science: A Conversation with Islam Hussein and Vincent Racaniello - Microbe 2017 Vincent Racaniello, PhD, Columbia University, interviews Islam Hussein, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, about Virolvlog, a video series about virology in Arabic, live from Microbe 2017....

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Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
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Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
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Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the ...

Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/m...

Subscribe to ASM's YouTube ch...

Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the Amer...

Learn more about the American Society for Microbiology at http://www.asm.org
Become a member today at http://www.asmscience.org/join

Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mO...

Learn more about the American Society for Microbiology at http://www.asm.org
Become a member today at http://www.asmscience.org/join

Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at https://goo.gl/mOVHlK
Learn more about the American Society for Microbiolo...

Visit http://www.micronow.org for more info.
Subscribe to ASM's YouTube channel at htt...

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