# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年10月25日
The 19th Midrasha Mathematicae - 8th Young Set Theory Workshop (Compactness, Incompactness and Canonical Structures)
Peter Sarnak, General Director (IAS Princeton)
Menachem Kojman, Codirector (Ben-Gurion University)
Menachem Magidor, Codirector (The Hebrew University)
Assaf Rinot, Codirector (Bar-Ilan University)
Saharon Shelah, Codirector (The Hebrew University)
The aims of the “Young Set Theory Workshops” are to bring together young researchers in the domain of set theory and give them the opportunity to learn from each other and from experts in a friendly environment. A long-term objective of this series of workshops is to create and maintain a network of young set theorists and senior researchers, so as to establish working contacts and help disseminate knowledge in the field.
Laura Fontanella -Reflection and Anti-reflection at the Successor of a Singular Cardinal (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 57:01
Diego A. Mejia (Vienna University of Technology) Many different values in Cichon's diagram 52:51
Boaz Tsaban -Applications of PCF theory and forcing theory to free topological groups 54:45
W. Hugh Woodin-The HOD Dichotomy, weak extender models, and universality 1:04:01
Martin Zeman - A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals 1:01:47
Menachem Magidor - Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals 57:54
Peter Komjath- The chromatic number of infinite graphs 59:06
Yizheng Zhu (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität, Münster) The higher sharp 54:14
W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard University) The coding obstruction 1:01:43
Martin Zeman -A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals II 1:05:52
Menachem Magidor - Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals II 58:04
Peter Komjath - The chromatic number of infinite graphs II 59:31
W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard University) The comparison obstruction 1:03:41
Menachem Magidor -Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals III 1:02:26
Peter Komjath -The chromatic number of infinite graphs III 55:40
Andrew Marks - Baire measurable paradoxical decompositions via matchings 54:00
Martin Zeman -A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals III 1:08:14
Menachem Magidor - Compactness and Incompactness at small Cardinals IV 1:06:36
Peter Komjath (Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)) The chromatic number of infinite graphs IV 57:59
W. Hugh Woodin (Harvard University) The amenability obstruction 1:12:37
Saharon Shelah (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Iterated forcings for inaccessible cardinals 1:05:57
Martin Zeman-A panoramic view of inner model theory for not so small/large cardinals IV 1:05:46
Diana Ojeda-Aristizabal-Topological partition relations for ordinals below w^w 1:03:23
Ari Brodsky (Bar-Ilan University) A new framework for Souslin-tree constructions 52:11
Menachem Kojman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) The arithmetic of Density 58:35
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Ergodic Theory, Fractals and Groups
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年10月11日
Russell Lyons - Poisson-Furstenberg boundaries and the kaimanovich-vershik conjecture (Indiana University, Bloomington) 45:17
Abért Miklós-Local convergence, cellular maps and entropy 50:57
Tamar Ziegler - Concatenations of cubic structures and applications to primes 49:00
Alexander Gorodnik -Diophantine approximation on group varieties and ergodic theory 57:47
Manfred Einsiedler -Positive entropy and (multiple) quantitative unipotent recurrence 58:14
Uri Bader-Linearity vs. non-linearity of some automorphism groups of buildings 1:00:08
Hillel Furstenberg -Affine group actions and harmonic functions 1:02:21
Damien Gaboriau- Geometric dimension in orbit equivalence 47:46
Perla Sousi - Self-interacting random walks 52:09
Lewis Bowen -Entropy theory for actions of nonamenable groups 57:17
Tim Austin -Additivity of sofic entropy and measures on model spaces 1:00:48
Brandon Seward -Cost, L^2-Betti numbers 58:11
Yuval Peres - Cutoff on Ramanujan graphs 1:02:22
Pablo Shmerkin - Geometric problems at the intersection of fractal geometry and ergodic theory 1:00:27
Peter Varju -Absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions 1:06:01
Jean-Francois Quint -Absolutely continuous stationary measures 43:14
Michael Hochman- Generators in Borel dynamics 54:03
Andres Karlsson -New subadditive and multiplicative ergodic theorems 52:29
Omri Sarig- Temporal distributional limit theorems for dynamical systems 55:29
Bryna Kra (Northwestern University) -Systems with low complexity 51:51
Emmanuel Breuillard -The Furstenberg boundary and C-star simple groups 1:07:27
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年10月11日
Russell Lyons - Poisson-Furstenberg boundaries and the kaimanovich-vershik conjecture (Indiana University, Bloomington) 45:17
Abért Miklós-Local convergence, cellular maps and entropy 50:57
Tamar Ziegler - Concatenations of cubic structures and applications to primes 49:00
Alexander Gorodnik -Diophantine approximation on group varieties and ergodic theory 57:47
Manfred Einsiedler -Positive entropy and (multiple) quantitative unipotent recurrence 58:14
Uri Bader-Linearity vs. non-linearity of some automorphism groups of buildings 1:00:08
Hillel Furstenberg -Affine group actions and harmonic functions 1:02:21
Damien Gaboriau- Geometric dimension in orbit equivalence 47:46
Perla Sousi - Self-interacting random walks 52:09
Lewis Bowen -Entropy theory for actions of nonamenable groups 57:17
Tim Austin -Additivity of sofic entropy and measures on model spaces 1:00:48
Brandon Seward -Cost, L^2-Betti numbers 58:11
Yuval Peres - Cutoff on Ramanujan graphs 1:02:22
Pablo Shmerkin - Geometric problems at the intersection of fractal geometry and ergodic theory 1:00:27
Peter Varju -Absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions 1:06:01
Jean-Francois Quint -Absolutely continuous stationary measures 43:14
Michael Hochman- Generators in Borel dynamics 54:03
Andres Karlsson -New subadditive and multiplicative ergodic theorems 52:29
Omri Sarig- Temporal distributional limit theorems for dynamical systems 55:29
Bryna Kra (Northwestern University) -Systems with low complexity 51:51
Emmanuel Breuillard -The Furstenberg boundary and C-star simple groups 1:07:27
Economic Theory "Dynamic Games" - 2015
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年6月24日
The 26th Jerusalem School in Economic Theory "Dynamic Games" - 2015
Eric Maskin - Introductory Lecture (Harvard University) 1:35:27
Larry Samuelson - Introduction to Games with Incomplete Information and Reputations 1:29:57
George J. Mailath - The Canonical Reputation Model and Reputation Effects 1:31:11
Martin Cripps - Extensions of the Canonical Reputation Model 1:25:02
Martin Cripps - Disappearing Reputations and Reputations with Long-Lived Players 1:24:56
Navin Kartik - Signaling and Muddled Information 1:31:16
Navin Kartik - Information Disclosure and Competition 1:25:21
Israel (Robert John) Aumann - Repeated Games of Incomplete Information 1:29:58
Johannes Hörner - Discounted Stochastic Games: Incomplete Information 2 1:31:16
Guillaume Fréchette - Experiments on Infinitely Repeated Games II: Imperfect Monitoring 1:31:29
Alistair Wilson - Experiments on Dynamic Games I: From Infinitely Repeated Games to Dynamic 1:28:51
Abraham Neyman - "Stochastic Games Past, Present, and Future: A Personal Perspective" 1:29:05
Alistair Wilson - Experiments on Dynamic Games II: Richer Dynamic Environments 1:29:33
Sergiu Hart - Dynamics and Equilibria I 1:26:47
Arrow Lecture by Drew Fudenberg - Learning and Equilibrium in Games 1:08:05
Drew Fudenberg - Bandit Problems and Self-Confirming Equilibrium 1:26:50
Sergiu Hart - Dynamics and Equilibria II 1:31:18
Drew Fudenberg - Learning in Bayesian Games with Rational or Irrational Agents 1:30:38
Eric Maskin - Evolution and Repeated Games 1:32:01
Concert at the Jerusalem Music Center, Eric Maskin 2015 1:15:48
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年6月24日
The 26th Jerusalem School in Economic Theory "Dynamic Games" - 2015
Eric Maskin - Introductory Lecture (Harvard University) 1:35:27
Larry Samuelson - Introduction to Games with Incomplete Information and Reputations 1:29:57
George J. Mailath - The Canonical Reputation Model and Reputation Effects 1:31:11
Martin Cripps - Extensions of the Canonical Reputation Model 1:25:02
Martin Cripps - Disappearing Reputations and Reputations with Long-Lived Players 1:24:56
Navin Kartik - Signaling and Muddled Information 1:31:16
Navin Kartik - Information Disclosure and Competition 1:25:21
Israel (Robert John) Aumann - Repeated Games of Incomplete Information 1:29:58
Johannes Hörner - Discounted Stochastic Games: Incomplete Information 2 1:31:16
Guillaume Fréchette - Experiments on Infinitely Repeated Games II: Imperfect Monitoring 1:31:29
Alistair Wilson - Experiments on Dynamic Games I: From Infinitely Repeated Games to Dynamic 1:28:51
Abraham Neyman - "Stochastic Games Past, Present, and Future: A Personal Perspective" 1:29:05
Alistair Wilson - Experiments on Dynamic Games II: Richer Dynamic Environments 1:29:33
Sergiu Hart - Dynamics and Equilibria I 1:26:47
Arrow Lecture by Drew Fudenberg - Learning and Equilibrium in Games 1:08:05
Drew Fudenberg - Bandit Problems and Self-Confirming Equilibrium 1:26:50
Sergiu Hart - Dynamics and Equilibria II 1:31:18
Drew Fudenberg - Learning in Bayesian Games with Rational or Irrational Agents 1:30:38
Eric Maskin - Evolution and Repeated Games 1:32:01
Concert at the Jerusalem Music Center, Eric Maskin 2015 1:15:48
Quantum (and Classical) Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators (PHHQP13)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年7月19日
Quantum (and Classical) Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators (PHHQP13)
Carl M. Bender - PT symmetry and the taming of instabilities (Washington University in St. Louis) 1:15:17
Lev Vaidman : Effective Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian of a pre- and post-selected quantum system 1:08:06
Naomichi Hatano -Two methods of numerically computing the inverse localization 57:57
Andrey V. Sokolov -Spectral Design for Non-Hermitian Matrix Hamiltonians. 36:12
Michael Ogilvie - PT Symmetry and QCD at finite density 1:02:21
Avner Peleg -Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations 35:37
Jean Zinn-Justin- The imaginary cubic perturbation revisited: 57:04
Philipp Ambichl - Constant-intensity waves in non-Hermitian potentials 34:44
Jörg Doppler- General description of quasi-adiabatic dynamical phenomena near exceptional points 30:15
Avadh Saxena - PT-Symmetric Kagome Lattices and Nonequilibrium Work 50:22
Boris Malomed- PT symmetry in optics beyond the paraxial approximation 1:03:26
Igor V. Barashenkov -Nonlinear Schrodinger dimer with gain and loss:amiltonian structure 1:00:56
Günther Wunner -) Resonances in scattering at third-order exceptional points 56:04
Holger Cartarius - A coupling approach to realize a PT- 58:33
Uwe Guenther - Hamiltonian and dissipative second order polynomial flows on spheres 41:32
Sergii Kuzhel - On the theory of C-symmetries 1:09:00
Joshua Feinberg: Quasihermitian random matrix theory 1:01:57
Miloslav Znojil - Quantum Big Bang/Crunch in a simplified scenario 57:19
Frantisek Ruzicka - Pseudospectra in quantum mechanics 34:40
Gal Harari: topological insulators in PT-symmetric lattices 36:19
Yogesh N Joglekar: PT lattice models 1:04:22
Boris Shapiro: PT-symmetry in macroscopic magnetic structures 47:47
Adi Pick: Ab-initio theory of emission spectra from gain media 36:28
A Douglas Stone - understanding lasers with nonhermitian physics 1:05:47
Tsampikos Kottos - Reflective Power Limiters based On non-Hermitian defect modes 48:24
Qinghai Wang-Spectra of Hamiltonians with PT-symmetric polynomial potentials 25:16
Frederik George Scholtz -Non-commutativity and other applications 1:00:58
Eva-Maria Graefe--Exploring new random matrix ensembles for PT- 54:23
Dorje Brody -PT-symmetric quantum mechanics in finite dimensions 1:02:55
Andreas Fring - a unifying E@-quasi-exactly solvable model 58:40
source: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies 2015年7月19日
Quantum (and Classical) Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators (PHHQP13)
Carl M. Bender - PT symmetry and the taming of instabilities (Washington University in St. Louis) 1:15:17
Lev Vaidman : Effective Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian of a pre- and post-selected quantum system 1:08:06
Naomichi Hatano -Two methods of numerically computing the inverse localization 57:57
Andrey V. Sokolov -Spectral Design for Non-Hermitian Matrix Hamiltonians. 36:12
Michael Ogilvie - PT Symmetry and QCD at finite density 1:02:21
Avner Peleg -Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations 35:37
Jean Zinn-Justin- The imaginary cubic perturbation revisited: 57:04
Philipp Ambichl - Constant-intensity waves in non-Hermitian potentials 34:44
Jörg Doppler- General description of quasi-adiabatic dynamical phenomena near exceptional points 30:15
Avadh Saxena - PT-Symmetric Kagome Lattices and Nonequilibrium Work 50:22
Boris Malomed- PT symmetry in optics beyond the paraxial approximation 1:03:26
Igor V. Barashenkov -Nonlinear Schrodinger dimer with gain and loss:amiltonian structure 1:00:56
Günther Wunner -) Resonances in scattering at third-order exceptional points 56:04
Holger Cartarius - A coupling approach to realize a PT- 58:33
Uwe Guenther - Hamiltonian and dissipative second order polynomial flows on spheres 41:32
Sergii Kuzhel - On the theory of C-symmetries 1:09:00
Joshua Feinberg: Quasihermitian random matrix theory 1:01:57
Miloslav Znojil - Quantum Big Bang/Crunch in a simplified scenario 57:19
Frantisek Ruzicka - Pseudospectra in quantum mechanics 34:40
Gal Harari: topological insulators in PT-symmetric lattices 36:19
Yogesh N Joglekar: PT lattice models 1:04:22
Boris Shapiro: PT-symmetry in macroscopic magnetic structures 47:47
Adi Pick: Ab-initio theory of emission spectra from gain media 36:28
A Douglas Stone - understanding lasers with nonhermitian physics 1:05:47
Tsampikos Kottos - Reflective Power Limiters based On non-Hermitian defect modes 48:24
Qinghai Wang-Spectra of Hamiltonians with PT-symmetric polynomial potentials 25:16
Frederik George Scholtz -Non-commutativity and other applications 1:00:58
Eva-Maria Graefe--Exploring new random matrix ensembles for PT- 54:23
Dorje Brody -PT-symmetric quantum mechanics in finite dimensions 1:02:55
Andreas Fring - a unifying E@-quasi-exactly solvable model 58:40
Hebrew U of Jerusalem (videos of the past month: 01/29-02/28/17)
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem
24:32 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Jewish journeys : South Africa: Blacks, Jews & Whites Name:Jewish journeys : South Africa: Blacks, Jews & Whites
Year: 1986
Duration: 00:49:27
Language: English
Abstract: Examines the South African Jewish community.
The Spielberg Jewish Film Archiv...
14:40 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - HaArieh shel hatzionut Name: HaArieh shel hatzionut
Year: 1990
Duration: 00:13:00
Language: Hebrew and English
Abstract: Biography of the life of Arieh Dulzin from his birth in Russia through this work for the Jewish A...
44:45 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - And the redeemed shall be the redeemers Name: And the redeemed shall be the redeemers
Year: 1984
Duration: 00:21:30
Language: German
Abstract: The absorption of young Ethiopian immigrants who came on "Operation Moses".
The Spielb...
18:11 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - A message from Yitzchak Rabin prime Minister of Israel Name: A special message from Mr. Yitzchak Rabin prime Minister of Israel
Duration: 00:5:37
Language: English
Abstract: Yitzchak Rabin congraulates Keren HaYesod on 75 years of work.
The Spiel...
14:00 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Brachot shalom M’Ethiopia Name: Brachot shalom M’Ethiopia
Year: 1992
Duration: 00:12:30
Language: Amha
26:44 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Galil South Africa : today’s challenge tomorrow’s strength
Name: Galil South Africa : today’s challenge tomorrow’s strength
Year : 1986
Duration : 00:12:00
Language : English
Abstract : Galilee South Africa helps the mitzpeh (outpost) of Netofa
The Spielbe...
13:10 The Spielberg Jewish Film Archive - Projects
Name: Projects
Duration: 00:12:39
Language: English
Abstract: Abstract : Projects of Keren Hayesod, and how donors can make a difference
1:19 אינפוגרפיקה יום הסגל תשע"ז
0:35 החלטה רצינית – יום פתוח 2017
10:35 Tu B'Shevat Clip See Tu B'Shevat 1957 , Jerusalem in snow , opening of the First Knesset and more surprises
1:27:31 הרצאת בקנשטיין | מכון רקח לפיסיקה
1:23:12 אבני פינה: כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת - שיעור מס' 12
1:15:49 אבני פינה: כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת - שיעור מס' 11
1:30:57 Syrians Speak Syria | The Truman Institute
1:15:49 אבני פינה: כל הביולוגיה על רגל אחת - שיעור מס' 11

Year: 1986
Duration: 00:49:27
Language: English
Abstract: Examines the South African Jewish community.
The Spielberg Jewish Film Archiv...

Year: 1990
Duration: 00:13:00
Language: Hebrew and English
Abstract: Biography of the life of Arieh Dulzin from his birth in Russia through this work for the Jewish A...

Year: 1984
Duration: 00:21:30
Language: German
Abstract: The absorption of young Ethiopian immigrants who came on "Operation Moses".
The Spielb...

Duration: 00:5:37
Language: English
Abstract: Yitzchak Rabin congraulates Keren HaYesod on 75 years of work.
The Spiel...

Year: 1992
Duration: 00:12:30
Language: Amha

Name: Galil South Africa : today’s challenge tomorrow’s strength
Year : 1986
Duration : 00:12:00
Language : English
Abstract : Galilee South Africa helps the mitzpeh (outpost) of Netofa
The Spielbe...

Name: Projects
Duration: 00:12:39
Language: English
Abstract: Abstract : Projects of Keren Hayesod, and how donors can make a difference

caltech (videos: 01/31-02/28/17)
source: caltech
3:08 Supersonic Gas Jets Blast Off Related: http://www.caltech.edu/news/supersonic-gas-jets-blast-54227 Supersonic gas jets sound like science fiction, but they are actually found throughout our solar system: for example, fast jets...
1:09 Blending Mathematical Models with Data: Andrew Stuart Shares Real-World Examples Read Caltech's 10/28/2016 feature, "Practical Mathematics: An Interview with Andrew Stuart,"
Produced in association...
51:51 Using Fish to Understand How and Why We Sleep - D. Prober - 2/22/2017 "Using Fish to Understand How and Why We Sleep" - David Prober, Professor of Biology, Caltech
Learn more about:
36:19 A Conversation with Eric Schmidt - 02/17/17 Eric Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc. and former CEO of Google, talked about the future of technology, artificial intelligence, and science, as well as the role of the internet in p...
2:04 José Andrade on Landslides and Mudslides George W. Housner Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering José Andrade explains how mudslides and landslide occur, part of his research into the dynamics of granular materials.
4:25 Caltech’s Kip Thorne: Long Haul, Towering Discovery On September 14, 2015, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) for the first time observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves, which arrived at the...
1:00:33 What Are Glasses? Atomic Organization and the Price of Nonconformity - W. Johnson - 02/01/2017 "What Are Glasses? Atomic Organization and the Price of Nonconformity" - William Johnson, Ruben F. and Donna Mettler Professor of Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech
Learn more about: - Dr. J...
0:40 Eros Clip - The Science Behind The Expanse at Caltech More Info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-hosts-science-behind-...
Naren Shankar, executive producer and showrunner of The Expanse, talks about how the asteroid Eros is based...
1:46 No Joystick Clip - The Science Behind "The Expanse" at Caltech More Info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-hosts-science-behind-ex
Actor Cas Anvar, who plays pilot Alex Kamal on the show, talks about what it's like to drive a fictional spaceship under inte...
1:19 Momentum Clip - The Science Behind "The Expanse" at Caltech More Info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-hosts-science-behind-...
Jessie Christiansen, a staff scientist at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at Caltech, breaks down the ...
1:26:33 The Science Behind "The Expanse" - 1/25/17 More Info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-hosts-science-behind-...
Caltech and JPL researchers, and the cast and creators of "The Expanse" explore the real science behind Syfy...
0:15 Ribosomal and chaperone proteins More Info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/protein-chaperone-takes-its-j...
A chaperone protein binds to a ribosomal protein in a manner that protects the ribosomal protein from degrada...
2:41 Advanced Robotic Bat Can Fly Like the Real Thing more info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/engineers-build-robot-drone-m...
Using a custom-made silicon skin and articulated morphing wings, Soon-Jo Chung and researchers from UIUC ...
16:19 Growth and Characterization of Graphene Nanoribbons From PECVD... - K. Yang - 1/12/17 Kathleen Yang, Robert K. and Alice L. Roney SURF Fellow
Full Presentation Title = Growth and Characterization of Graphene Nanoribbons From PECVD and Different Carbon Based Molecules
2016 Doris S....
19:39 A Self Powered Electro-Osmotic Locomotive Implant - D. Magley - 1/12/17 Daniel Magley, Kirk and Marjory Dawson Family SURF Endowment
A Self Powered Electro-Osmotic Locomotive Implant
2016 Doris S. Perpall SURF Speaking Competition Final Round
Produced in association ...
15:17 Synthesis of Chiral Tetrahydropyrans by a Tandem Sakurai Allylation... - C. Ordner - 1/12/17 Ciara Ordner, Richard H. Cox SURF Fellow
Full Presentation Title = Synthesis of Chiral Tetrahydropyrans by a Tandem Sakurai Allylation/Intramolecular 6-Exo-Tet Cyclization
2016 Doris S. Perpall S...
17:17 Comparing Convolutional Network Representations Across Classes and Datasets - E. Gokcen - 1/12/17 Evren Gokcen, Northrop Grumman Corporation SURF Fellow
2016 Doris S. Perpall SURF Speaking Competition Final Round
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017 Californ...
14:35 Investigating Genetic Interactors of Glycolytic Body Formation in Hypoxia - G. Ha - 1/12/17 Gloria Ha
2016 Doris S. Perpall SURF Speaking Competition Final Round
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017 California Institute of Technology
18:39 Detrital Zircons of the Jack Hills, Western Australia… - A. Brenner - 1/12/17 Alec Brenner, G. Edward Bryan Memorial SURF Fellow
Full Presentation Title = Detrital Zircons of the Jack Hills, Western Australia: Rock Magnetic and Mineralogical Assessments
2016 Doris S. Per...
52:57 Ignite Your Teaching: Ideas and Practices You Can Use - 1/23/17 TeachWeek (January 17 - 23, 2017) is a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring events and discussions with Caltech faculty and students, as well as distinguished guest presenter...

Produced in association...

Learn more about:

Learn more about: - Dr. J...

Naren Shankar, executive producer and showrunner of The Expanse, talks about how the asteroid Eros is based...

Actor Cas Anvar, who plays pilot Alex Kamal on the show, talks about what it's like to drive a fictional spaceship under inte...

Jessie Christiansen, a staff scientist at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute at Caltech, breaks down the ...

Caltech and JPL researchers, and the cast and creators of "The Expanse" explore the real science behind Syfy...

A chaperone protein binds to a ribosomal protein in a manner that protects the ribosomal protein from degrada...

Using a custom-made silicon skin and articulated morphing wings, Soon-Jo Chung and researchers from UIUC ...

Full Presentation Title = Growth and Characterization of Graphene Nanoribbons From PECVD and Different Carbon Based Molecules
2016 Doris S....

A Self Powered Electro-Osmotic Locomotive Implant
2016 Doris S. Perpall SURF Speaking Competition Final Round
Produced in association ...

Full Presentation Title = Synthesis of Chiral Tetrahydropyrans by a Tandem Sakurai Allylation/Intramolecular 6-Exo-Tet Cyclization
2016 Doris S. Perpall S...

2016 Doris S. Perpall SURF Speaking Competition Final Round
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017 Californ...

2016 Doris S. Perpall SURF Speaking Competition Final Round
Produced in association with Caltech Academic Media Technologies. ©2017 California Institute of Technology

Full Presentation Title = Detrital Zircons of the Jack Hills, Western Australia: Rock Magnetic and Mineralogical Assessments
2016 Doris S. Per...

Gregory B. Sadler (videos: 01/29-02/27/17)
source: Gregory B. Sadler
20:57 Aristotle on The Ten Categories (Categories, c.4) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his listing in chapter 4 of the ten categories or predicables. These are main ways that uncombined terms signify something.
33:46 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom, sec. 409-410) In this 162nd video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
18:10 Aristotle on In a Subject vs. Predicated of a Subject (Categories, c. 2) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his distinction in chapter 2 between something being "in" a subject, and something being predicated of a subject. There are fou...
27:56 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom, sec. 406-408) In this 161st video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
21:03 Aristotle on Univocal, Equivocal, and Derivative Terms (Categories, c.1) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Categories, and examines his distinction in chapter 1 between three types of terms - Univocal (sunonuma), Equivocal (homonuma), and Derivative (paronuma)...
31:00 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom, sec. 405) In this 160th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
29:51 Is It A Good Idea To Major In Philosophy? (And Other Related Questions) This is a more personal video, in which I respond to one of my viewers, who asks a set of questions that a number of other people have asked me as well.
I break down his questions into three main ...
22:01 My Interest in Mary Wollstonecraft's Philosophy - Philosophical Developments and Commitments In this more personal video, I discuss my interest in an often overlooked philosophical figure, Mary Wollstonecraft, best known for her Vindication of the Rights of Women. I talk about why I find ...
29:32 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom, sec. 402-404) In this 159th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
1:32:16 Madeline L'Engle's Time Quintet - Worlds of Speculative Fiction (lecture 14) This is the fourteenth session in a series of monthly lectures and discussions, which started in 2016 and continue through 2017, hosted by the Brookfield Public Library. In this session, we focus...
35:17 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom, sec. 401) In this 158th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
1:28:23 Plato, Athenian Democracy, and the Greek Enlightenment - Philosophers in the Midst of History In this fifth installment of our quarterly series, Philosophers in the Midst of History, I discuss the life, thought, and importance of Plato in his historical context.
Plato lived in ancient At...
21:28 My "Thomist" Phase- Philosophical Developments and Commitments In this video, I discuss my interest in the thought of Thomas Aquinas and - for a phase of my graduate studies - my involvement with Thomism as my main philosophical position.
Over the years I ha...
34:56 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Reason - The Spiritual Animal Kingdom, sec. 397-400) In this 157th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we continue our study of a major section of the work, "Reason," specifically the sub-section,...
20:19 Why I Keep Going Back To Plato - Philosophical Developments and Commitments This more personal video discusses my ongoing interest in the works and thought of the philosopher, Plato. He's not someone on whom I've published anything at this point in time, but he does funct...
17:53 Dr. Sadler's Channel Updates - February 2017 In this update, I talk about some of the projects, talks, and activities I've got planned for February 2017, and what took place in January 2017.
Links to some of the projects/events discussed in ...
8:24 FAQ: Dr Sadler Responds #3 - Questions That Are Not Relevant To The Video My answer to one of the types of issues I frequently encounter on YouTube - and occasionally in my social media as well
This one addresses people who post questions or comments that are not in any...
24:51 My Interest in G.W.F. Hegel's Philosophy - Philosophical Developments and Commitments This more personal video discusses my interest in the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, foremost among which is the Phenomenology of Spirit. Although I would not describe myself as a "Hegeli...
11:36 Aristotle on Education and Ethics (Nicomachean Ethics book 10) - Philosophy Core Concepts This video focuses on Aristotle's work, the Nicomachean Ethics, and examines his discussion in book 10 of the connections between education (understood in a broad sense) and ethics. Among the issu...

I break down his questions into three main ...

Plato lived in ancient At...

Over the years I ha...

Links to some of the projects/events discussed in ...

This one addresses people who post questions or comments that are not in any...

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