# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: James Cook 2016年8月30日
L1, terminology, first order ODEs, 8-30-2016, part 1 59:51
L1, terminology, first order ODEs, 8-30-2016, part 2 15:04
L2, substitutions and existence, 9-1-2016, part 1 59:51
L2, substitutions and existence, 9-1-2016, part 2 19:16
L3, applications of first order ODEs, orthogonal trajectories, 9-6-16, part 1 59:51
L3, applications of first order ODEs, orthogonal trajectories, 9-6-16, part 2 17:33
L4, applications, intro to complex arithmetic, 9-8-16, part 1 59:51
L4, applications, intro to complex arithmetic, 9-8-16, part 2 16:06
L5, the n-th order homogeneous problem, part 1, 9-13-16 59:51
L5, the n-th order homogeneous problem, part 2, 9-13-16 11:32
L6, linear independence and the wronskian, part 1, 9-15-16 59:51
L6, linear independence and the wronskian, part 2, 9-15-16 15:07
L7, undetermined coefficients with annihilators and naive method, part 1, 9-20-16 59:51
L7, undetermined coefficients with annihilators and naive method, part 2, 9-20-16 14:27
L8, variation of parameters, part 1, 9-22-16 59:51
L8, variation of parameters, part 2, 9-22-16 13:18
L9, Cauchy Euler, the second LI solution formula, resonance begins, 9-27-16, part 1 59:51
L9, Cauchy Euler, the second LI solution formula, resonance begins, 9-27-16, part 2 17:37
L10, resonance and applications of 2nd order, energy methods, part 1, 9-29-16 59:51
L10, resonance and applications of 2nd order, energy methods, part 2, 9-29-16 15:32
L11, solution to Test 1 of 2013 and politics, 10-4-16 34:42
L12, series techniques to solve DEqns, 10-13-16, part 1 59:51
L12, series techniques to solve DEqns, 10-13-16, part 2 17:18
L13, regular singular points, ordinary points, domain of solution, 10-18-16, part 1 59:51
L13, regular singular points, ordinary points, domain of solution, 10-18-16, part 2 9:09
L14, frobenious unfurled, 10-20-16, part 1 59:51
L14, frobenious unfurled, 10-20-16, part 2 14:36
L15, crash course in matrix algebra, intro to systems, 10-25-16, part 1 59:51
L15, crash course in matrix algebra, intro to systems, 10-25-16, part 2 16:55
L16, systems of ODEs, 10-27-16, part 1 59:51
L16, systems of ODEs, 10-27-16, part 2 16:10
L17, eigenvector solutions, 11-1-16, part 1 59:51
L17, eigenvector solutions, 11-1-16, part 2 15:53
L18, matrix exponential, 11-3-16, part 1 59:51
L18, matrix exponential, 11-3-16, part 2 15:50
L20, systems by elimination, phase plane, 11-10-16, part 1 59:51
L20, systems by elimination, phase plane, 11-10-16, part 2 8:28
L21, Laplace Transforms the basic theorems, 11-15-16, part 1 59:51
L21, Laplace Transforms the basic theorems, 11-15-16, part 2 9:35
L22, treating discontinuities with Laplace, 11-17-16, part 1 59:51
L22, treating discontinuities with Laplace, 11-17-16, part 2 11:02
L23, Dirac Delta, 11-29-16, part 1 59:51
L23, Dirac Delta, 11-29-16, part 2 10:40
L24, PDEs, heat, wave and Laplace equation an introduction, 12-1-16, part 1 59:51
L24, comments about Test 3, 12-1-16, part 2 21:00
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Differential Equations (Summer 2017) by James Cook at Liberty University
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: James Cook 2017年6月12日
This is the playlist for Math 334 of Summer 2017 at Liberty University. I'm using Nagle, Saff and Snider's "Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" 4th edition and my notes. The course website is: http://www.supermath.info/DEqns.html where I have many resources posted. Naturally, I'll use Blackboard, wait, I should say unnaturally but out of habit to be more honest, to post the actual syllabus etc. I hope to have the Lectures posted the same day if all goes as planned.
introduction, terminology, 6-12-17, part 1 39:21
how to solve first order ODEs, 6-12-17, part 2 59:51
first order solutions and theory, 6-12-17, part 3 31:06
substitutions, reduction order, 6-13-17, part 1 47:52
applications, orthogonal trajectories, 6-13-17, part 2 59:51
vdvdx trick for constant gravity, 6-13-17, part 3 1:09
applications, 6-13-17, part 4 20:33
nth order problem, survey of theory, 6-14-17, part 1 57:17
calculus of operators, 6-14-17, part 2 57:55
nth order problem complex case, 6-14-17, part 3 20:54
undetermined coefficients, 6-15-17, part 1 55:43
annihilator method, superposition, 6-15-17, part 2 59:51
variation of parameters and such, 6-15-17, part 3 17:44
linear eqns and matrices, 6-19-17, part 1 54:13
linear eqns and matrices, 6-19-17, part 2 15:27
eigenvector solutions to systems, 6-20-17, part 1 56:50
eigenvector solutions to systems, 6-20-17, part 2 59:51
matrix exponential, 6-20-17, part 3 20:41
matrix exponential and magic formula, 6-21-17, part 1 59:13
more matrix exp, nonhomog. case, 6-21-17, part 2 59:51
stability, type of critical points intro, 6-21-17, part 3 12:15
energy analysis, 6-22-17, part 1 59:47
energy analysis, 6-22-17, part 2 22:18
Laplace Transforms, 6-22-17, part 3 50:50
inverse Laplace Transforms, 6-26-17, part 1 59:51
inverse Laplace Transforms, 6-26-17, part 2 0:23
trigonmetry, discontinuous terms, 6-26-17, part 3 59:51
trigonmetry, discontinuous terms, 6-26-17, part 4 12:07
Dirac Delta and examples, 6-27-17, part 1 59:51
Dirac Delta and examples, 6-27-17, part 2 3:02
convolution, transfer fnct, power series begins, 6-27-17, part 3 56:37
power series solutions, 6-28-17, part 1 48:43
power series solutions, 6-28-17, part 2 59:51
nearest singularity theorem, 6-28-17, part 3 3:23
Frobenius method, 6-29-17, part 2 59:51
Frobenius method, 6-29-17, part 3 15:45
review for Test 2, 7-3-17, part 1 53:54
review for Test 2, 7-3-17, part 2 5:16
Fourier Series intro, BVPs, 7-3-17, part 3 59:51
heat equation, 7-3-17, part 4 5:21
heat equation, 7-5-17, part 1 59:51
heat and wave equation, 7-5-17, part 2 5:35
wave equation, 7-6-17, part 1 41:10
Test 2 post mortem, Laplace Equation, 7-6-17, part 2 55:38
source: James Cook 2017年6月12日
This is the playlist for Math 334 of Summer 2017 at Liberty University. I'm using Nagle, Saff and Snider's "Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems" 4th edition and my notes. The course website is: http://www.supermath.info/DEqns.html where I have many resources posted. Naturally, I'll use Blackboard, wait, I should say unnaturally but out of habit to be more honest, to post the actual syllabus etc. I hope to have the Lectures posted the same day if all goes as planned.
introduction, terminology, 6-12-17, part 1 39:21
how to solve first order ODEs, 6-12-17, part 2 59:51
first order solutions and theory, 6-12-17, part 3 31:06
substitutions, reduction order, 6-13-17, part 1 47:52
applications, orthogonal trajectories, 6-13-17, part 2 59:51
vdvdx trick for constant gravity, 6-13-17, part 3 1:09
applications, 6-13-17, part 4 20:33
nth order problem, survey of theory, 6-14-17, part 1 57:17
calculus of operators, 6-14-17, part 2 57:55
nth order problem complex case, 6-14-17, part 3 20:54
undetermined coefficients, 6-15-17, part 1 55:43
annihilator method, superposition, 6-15-17, part 2 59:51
variation of parameters and such, 6-15-17, part 3 17:44
linear eqns and matrices, 6-19-17, part 1 54:13
linear eqns and matrices, 6-19-17, part 2 15:27
eigenvector solutions to systems, 6-20-17, part 1 56:50
eigenvector solutions to systems, 6-20-17, part 2 59:51
matrix exponential, 6-20-17, part 3 20:41
matrix exponential and magic formula, 6-21-17, part 1 59:13
more matrix exp, nonhomog. case, 6-21-17, part 2 59:51
stability, type of critical points intro, 6-21-17, part 3 12:15
energy analysis, 6-22-17, part 1 59:47
energy analysis, 6-22-17, part 2 22:18
Laplace Transforms, 6-22-17, part 3 50:50
inverse Laplace Transforms, 6-26-17, part 1 59:51
inverse Laplace Transforms, 6-26-17, part 2 0:23
trigonmetry, discontinuous terms, 6-26-17, part 3 59:51
trigonmetry, discontinuous terms, 6-26-17, part 4 12:07
Dirac Delta and examples, 6-27-17, part 1 59:51
Dirac Delta and examples, 6-27-17, part 2 3:02
convolution, transfer fnct, power series begins, 6-27-17, part 3 56:37
power series solutions, 6-28-17, part 1 48:43
power series solutions, 6-28-17, part 2 59:51
nearest singularity theorem, 6-28-17, part 3 3:23
Frobenius method, 6-29-17, part 2 59:51
Frobenius method, 6-29-17, part 3 15:45
review for Test 2, 7-3-17, part 1 53:54
review for Test 2, 7-3-17, part 2 5:16
Fourier Series intro, BVPs, 7-3-17, part 3 59:51
heat equation, 7-3-17, part 4 5:21
heat equation, 7-5-17, part 1 59:51
heat and wave equation, 7-5-17, part 2 5:35
wave equation, 7-6-17, part 1 41:10
Test 2 post mortem, Laplace Equation, 7-6-17, part 2 55:38
Differential Equations with Linear Algebra by James Cook
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: James Cook 2015年5月6日
Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
This series of talks is a very fast overview of introductory differential equations as I usually teach it. The audience intended is students with some experience with linear algebra, preferably a course which discusses linear transformations as well as the complexification. If you thirst for applications, look elsewhere.
Differential Equations Condensed Part 1 1:33:42 Here I briefly given an overview of the main goals and terms of our study. Applications to physics are mentioned, but, little detail is given. The focus of these lectures will be on techniques for solution. If you desire discussion of application or careful proofs of existence you'll need to look up a different source. My intention here is to quickly outline the major techniques to solving or analyzing ODEs. In this part, we study the three major solution techniques followed by a brief mention of techniques of substitution. Please understand, these lectures are in part an invitation to study my notes and do homework. Only those activities will produce lasting understanding. Of course, you can read any text you like, but these lectures are based on my writings.
Differential Equations Condensed Part 1b 7:10
Differential Equations Condensed Part 2 1:25:27
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 3a 33:27
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 3b 2:51
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 4a 33:26
DEqnsP4b 33:26
DEqnsP4c 9:50
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 5a 33:27
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 5b 30:40
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 6a 33:26
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 6b 9:37
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 7a 59:51
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 7b 20:04
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 8 38:38
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 9a 59:51
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 9b 15:19
source: James Cook 2015年5月6日
Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
This series of talks is a very fast overview of introductory differential equations as I usually teach it. The audience intended is students with some experience with linear algebra, preferably a course which discusses linear transformations as well as the complexification. If you thirst for applications, look elsewhere.
Differential Equations Condensed Part 1 1:33:42 Here I briefly given an overview of the main goals and terms of our study. Applications to physics are mentioned, but, little detail is given. The focus of these lectures will be on techniques for solution. If you desire discussion of application or careful proofs of existence you'll need to look up a different source. My intention here is to quickly outline the major techniques to solving or analyzing ODEs. In this part, we study the three major solution techniques followed by a brief mention of techniques of substitution. Please understand, these lectures are in part an invitation to study my notes and do homework. Only those activities will produce lasting understanding. Of course, you can read any text you like, but these lectures are based on my writings.
Differential Equations Condensed Part 1b 7:10
Differential Equations Condensed Part 2 1:25:27
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 3a 33:27
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 3b 2:51
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 4a 33:26
DEqnsP4b 33:26
DEqnsP4c 9:50
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 5a 33:27
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 5b 30:40
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 6a 33:26
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 6b 9:37
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 7a 59:51
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 7b 20:04
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 8 38:38
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 9a 59:51
Differential Equations Condensed: Part 9b 15:19
Differential Equations (Spring 2017) by James Cook at Liberty University
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: James Cook 2017年1月18日
These are my Lectures from Math 334 of Spring 2017. We roughly base the course on Nagle Saff and Snider's excellent text. However, I have found various efficient paths which more or less ignore the text in certain arcs of the course, so, it's probably more honest to say I don't follow the book. Math is math, I don't disagree with the text. My emphasis just varies. Naturally, my Lecture Notes (free) are closer to what I present this semester. I recommend consulting my Lecture Notes as the primary reference, then perhaps the 4th edition of Nagle Saff and Snider is best (later editions seem to be missing important chapters).
Of course, much more about the structure of the course is found in the Course Planner which all students of this course should consult. You may find the Fall 2016 Differential Equations playlist useful. My teaching here is fairly close, but, I hope to cover a topic or two in better detail here. For example, PDEs are part of the required material this semester (as has classically been the case in Math 334 at Liberty)
introduction, first order ODEs, separable, linear, exact: 1-17-17, part 1 59:51
introduction, first order ODEs, separable, linear, exact: 1-17-17, part 2 16:23
exact condition and simply connectedness, substitutions: 1-19-17, part 1 59:51
exact condition and simply connectedness, substitutions: 1-19-17, part 2 15:32
applications to geometry, physics, etc... 1-24-17, part 1 59:51
applications to geometry, physics, etc... 1-24-17, part 2 16:22
isocline plots, primer in complex math, 1-26-17, part 1 59:51
isocline plots, primer in complex math, 1-26-17, part 2 14:57
nth order, constant coefficient, soln by operators, 1-31-17, part 1 59:51
nth order, constant coefficient, soln by operators, 1-31-17, part 2 14:56
LI and existence theorems, annihilators begin, 2-2-17, part 1 59:51
LI and existence theorems, annihilators begin, 2-2-17, part 2 14:31
annhilator guided undetermined coefficients, 2-7-17, part 1 59:51
annhilator guided undetermined coefficients, 2-7-17, part 2 13:43
applications to springs and RLC, 2-14-17, part 1 59:51
applications to springs and RLC, 2-14-17, part 2 16:54
review for Test 1, 2-16-17, part 1 59:51
review for Test 1, 2-16-17, part 2 13:30
systems of DEqns, intro to eigen-technique, 2-23-17, part 1 59:51
systems of DEqns, intro to eigen-technique, 2-23-17, part 2 12:37
some theory of e-vectors, applications, e-solutions, 2-28-17, part 1 59:51
some theory of e-vectors, applications, e-solutions, 2-28-17, part 2 16:09
e-vecs, and generalized e-vecs and matrix exponential, 3-2-17, part 1 59:51
e-vecs, and generalized e-vecs and matrix exponential, 3-2-17, part 2 15:55
Differential Equations: matrix exponential solutions, variation of parameters, 3-7-17, part 1 59:51
matrix exponential solutions, variation of parameters, 3-7-17, part 2 3:09
most amazing lecture ever, 3-21-17 14:16
convolution, transfer function, 3-23-17, part 1 59:51
convolution, transfer function, 3-23-17, part 2 8:41
laplace transform examples, 3-28-17, part 1 59:51
phase plane for autonomous ODEs, 3-28-17, part 2 15:32
qualitative analysis via phase plane, 4-6-17, part 1 59:51
qualitative analysis via phase plane, 4-6-17, part 2 16:17
series solutions, singularity domain theorem, 4-11-17 55:01
Cauchy Euler Problem, Frobenius method, 4-13-17, part 1 59:51
Cauchy Euler Problem, Frobenius method, 4-13-17, part 2 11:55
PDEs, heat equation, 4-18-17, part 1 59:51
PDEs, heat equation, 4-18-17, part 2 12:38
wave equation, 4-20-17 57:15
wave by Laplace, and Laplace Equation, 4-25-17, part 1 59:51
wave by Laplace, and Laplace Equation, 4-25-17, part 2 6:55
discussion of test 3, pizza party, 5-2-17, part 1 36:43
source: James Cook 2017年1月18日
These are my Lectures from Math 334 of Spring 2017. We roughly base the course on Nagle Saff and Snider's excellent text. However, I have found various efficient paths which more or less ignore the text in certain arcs of the course, so, it's probably more honest to say I don't follow the book. Math is math, I don't disagree with the text. My emphasis just varies. Naturally, my Lecture Notes (free) are closer to what I present this semester. I recommend consulting my Lecture Notes as the primary reference, then perhaps the 4th edition of Nagle Saff and Snider is best (later editions seem to be missing important chapters).
Of course, much more about the structure of the course is found in the Course Planner which all students of this course should consult. You may find the Fall 2016 Differential Equations playlist useful. My teaching here is fairly close, but, I hope to cover a topic or two in better detail here. For example, PDEs are part of the required material this semester (as has classically been the case in Math 334 at Liberty)
introduction, first order ODEs, separable, linear, exact: 1-17-17, part 1 59:51
introduction, first order ODEs, separable, linear, exact: 1-17-17, part 2 16:23
exact condition and simply connectedness, substitutions: 1-19-17, part 1 59:51
exact condition and simply connectedness, substitutions: 1-19-17, part 2 15:32
applications to geometry, physics, etc... 1-24-17, part 1 59:51
applications to geometry, physics, etc... 1-24-17, part 2 16:22
isocline plots, primer in complex math, 1-26-17, part 1 59:51
isocline plots, primer in complex math, 1-26-17, part 2 14:57
nth order, constant coefficient, soln by operators, 1-31-17, part 1 59:51
nth order, constant coefficient, soln by operators, 1-31-17, part 2 14:56
LI and existence theorems, annihilators begin, 2-2-17, part 1 59:51
LI and existence theorems, annihilators begin, 2-2-17, part 2 14:31
annhilator guided undetermined coefficients, 2-7-17, part 1 59:51
annhilator guided undetermined coefficients, 2-7-17, part 2 13:43
applications to springs and RLC, 2-14-17, part 1 59:51
applications to springs and RLC, 2-14-17, part 2 16:54
review for Test 1, 2-16-17, part 1 59:51
review for Test 1, 2-16-17, part 2 13:30
systems of DEqns, intro to eigen-technique, 2-23-17, part 1 59:51
systems of DEqns, intro to eigen-technique, 2-23-17, part 2 12:37
some theory of e-vectors, applications, e-solutions, 2-28-17, part 1 59:51
some theory of e-vectors, applications, e-solutions, 2-28-17, part 2 16:09
e-vecs, and generalized e-vecs and matrix exponential, 3-2-17, part 1 59:51
e-vecs, and generalized e-vecs and matrix exponential, 3-2-17, part 2 15:55
Differential Equations: matrix exponential solutions, variation of parameters, 3-7-17, part 1 59:51
matrix exponential solutions, variation of parameters, 3-7-17, part 2 3:09
most amazing lecture ever, 3-21-17 14:16
convolution, transfer function, 3-23-17, part 1 59:51
convolution, transfer function, 3-23-17, part 2 8:41
laplace transform examples, 3-28-17, part 1 59:51
phase plane for autonomous ODEs, 3-28-17, part 2 15:32
qualitative analysis via phase plane, 4-6-17, part 1 59:51
qualitative analysis via phase plane, 4-6-17, part 2 16:17
series solutions, singularity domain theorem, 4-11-17 55:01
Cauchy Euler Problem, Frobenius method, 4-13-17, part 1 59:51
Cauchy Euler Problem, Frobenius method, 4-13-17, part 2 11:55
PDEs, heat equation, 4-18-17, part 1 59:51
PDEs, heat equation, 4-18-17, part 2 12:38
wave equation, 4-20-17 57:15
wave by Laplace, and Laplace Equation, 4-25-17, part 1 59:51
wave by Laplace, and Laplace Equation, 4-25-17, part 2 6:55
discussion of test 3, pizza party, 5-2-17, part 1 36:43
UNSWelearning (videos of May to July 2017)
source: UNSWelearning
23:08 PHCM9518 Module 2A Folic Acid
14:39 PHCM9518 Module 2B Anitoxidants
4:33 PHCM9518 Module 2C Summary
14:20 PHCM9518 Module 1C Refresher Causation
5:42 PHCM9518 Module 1D Summary
15:46 PHCM9518 Module 1A History
5:58 PHCM9518 Module 1B Refresher Design
6:07 PHCM9518 The Reading Game
1:33 Using the Osmometer
42:48 MECH9761 Automobile Engine Technology Week 1 Lecture Part 2 - A/Prof Kook
44:30 MECH9761 Automobile Engine Technology Week 1 Auto Industry Lecture by A/Prof Kook
19:38 MBAX Strategic Management Unit 1
3:54 PHCM9518 Assessment Information
1:36 Peter Fisher - What is Presence?
2:06 Peter Fisher - Storytelling
2:32 Peter Fisher Introduction
5:28 Peter Fisher - The Limbic System
3:26 Peter Fisher Introduction
8:48 Using Office 365 for learning and teaching. Presented by Sam Hegarty - Digital Learning Specialist, Business School
15:12 Webquit video 7B
17:47 Webquit video 7A
19:47 Webquit video 8A
12:49 Webquit video 8B
8:51 webquit video 2
15:12 Webquit video 7B
17:47 Webquit Video 7A
17:47 Webquit Video 2B1
15:12 Webquit video 2B2
3:37 webquit video 9A
8:51 webquit video 7
8:50 webquit video 2a
3:02 Peter Fisher on Presence
2:17 Scene 5. Resistance to interpreter
2:02 Scene 7. Interpreting everything Part II
0:58 Scene 6. Interpreting everything Part 1
1:11 Scene 3. Waiting room conversation with husband Part II
0:59 Scene 4. Introduction to interpreter
1:07 Scene 2. Waiting room conversation with husband Part I
2:04 Scene 1. Debriefing with interpreter
4:45 Digital Uplift Pilot by Rob Nicholls Rob Nicholls, Lecturer in the School of Taxation and Business Law (UNSW Business School) talks about the changes he made to his course 'Business Ethics and the Law' as part of the Course Uplift pilot.

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy procedure
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: openmichigan 2011年10月2日
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy procedure
Viewer discretion is advised: Some medical content is graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers. This is a series of videos about Total Abdominal Hysterectomy from Prof. Richard Adanu (University of Ghana) and Prof. Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). The complete learning module is available through the African Health OER Network at: http://open.umich.edu/education/med/oernetwork/med/ob-gyn....
This module is meant primarily for medical students but may also be useful for residents and health practitioners. The module includes three interactive case studies with some background information as well as discussion of possible post-surgery complications, narrated video clips of each stage the total abdominal hysterectomy procedure, and a self-assessment on the procedure.
Any medical information in this material is intended to inform and educate and is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Please speak to your physician if you have questions about your medical condition.
This series is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/. (C) 2009 University of Ghana Medical School and Cary Engleberg.
Viewer discretion is advised: Some medical content is graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers.
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Introduction to the learning module 2:00 This video "Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Introduction to the learning module" by Prof. Richard Adanu (University of Ghana) and Prof. Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan) is part of a series of videos from University of Ghana College of Health Sciences about Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. The complete learning module is available through the African Health OER Network at: http://www.oerafrica.org/healthoer/Ho...
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Introduction to the case 1:05
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Induction of anaesthesia 1:05
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Catheterisation 0:55
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Cleansing and draping the patient 1:29
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Incision and opening of the pelvic cavity 2:36
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Placement of a towel to retract the intestines; division and ligation 4:03
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Division the uterovesicular peritoneum and retraction the bladder infe 2:50
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Clamping, cutting, and ligating the uterine arteries 2:31
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Clamping, cutting, and ligating the cardinal ligaments and vagina angl 5:59
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Clamping below the cervix and incision across the upper vaginal vault 4:13
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Vaginal cuff closure and attachment to cardinal ligaments 6:35
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Closure of the abdomen 8:22
source: openmichigan 2011年10月2日
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy procedure
Viewer discretion is advised: Some medical content is graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers. This is a series of videos about Total Abdominal Hysterectomy from Prof. Richard Adanu (University of Ghana) and Prof. Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan). The complete learning module is available through the African Health OER Network at: http://open.umich.edu/education/med/oernetwork/med/ob-gyn....
This module is meant primarily for medical students but may also be useful for residents and health practitioners. The module includes three interactive case studies with some background information as well as discussion of possible post-surgery complications, narrated video clips of each stage the total abdominal hysterectomy procedure, and a self-assessment on the procedure.
Any medical information in this material is intended to inform and educate and is not a tool for self-diagnosis or a replacement for medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a healthcare professional. Please speak to your physician if you have questions about your medical condition.
This series is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/. (C) 2009 University of Ghana Medical School and Cary Engleberg.
Viewer discretion is advised: Some medical content is graphic and may not be suitable for all viewers.
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Introduction to the learning module 2:00 This video "Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Introduction to the learning module" by Prof. Richard Adanu (University of Ghana) and Prof. Cary Engleberg (University of Michigan) is part of a series of videos from University of Ghana College of Health Sciences about Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. The complete learning module is available through the African Health OER Network at: http://www.oerafrica.org/healthoer/Ho...
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Introduction to the case 1:05
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Induction of anaesthesia 1:05
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Catheterisation 0:55
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Cleansing and draping the patient 1:29
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Incision and opening of the pelvic cavity 2:36
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Placement of a towel to retract the intestines; division and ligation 4:03
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Division the uterovesicular peritoneum and retraction the bladder infe 2:50
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Clamping, cutting, and ligating the uterine arteries 2:31
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Clamping, cutting, and ligating the cardinal ligaments and vagina angl 5:59
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Clamping below the cervix and incision across the upper vaginal vault 4:13
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Vaginal cuff closure and attachment to cardinal ligaments 6:35
Total Abdominal Hysterectomy: Closure of the abdomen 8:22
Vox (videos of July 2017)
source: Vox

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Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the US; and climate change ...

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Director Edgar Wright choreographed scenes in Baby Driver to specific songs, with carefully-timed stunts to match...

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Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk is a nerve-wracking movie. Three separate storylines tell the tale...

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For more information about the Hu lab: http://www.hu.gatech...

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In America, voting districts are redrawn every ten years to account for shifts in...

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Note: This is an update of a video we published in 2015.
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The cities we live in are shaped by the way we get arou...

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We often think of the ocean as a quiet, peaceful place, filled with animals that don't make much noise. So wh...

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The Saudis and Iranians have never actually declared war on each other. Instead, they ...

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Famous for chopping off a piece of his ear in a fit and delivering it to a woman in a broth...

Every lane has a pattern. In this episode of Vox Almanac, Phil Edwards explores...

Photo-illustrations by Javier Zarracina. Read more from Vox's Andrew Prokop: https://www.vox.com/2017/7/11/15953204/donald...

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Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut thr...

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Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and other former industrial powerhouses in the Mi...

This video is an update to a previous version, published on April 26, 2017
Additional links: https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/dprk/...

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The past decade has seen a revolution in residential solar systems. Cheap panels...

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The thumbnail is a postcard distributed in 1911 from a toy and fireworks deal...

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