source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月18日
經典名著選讀 102學年
2013.10.07 失落與哀悼的異鄉旅行:柳宗元《永州八記》與奧芬巴哈《霍夫曼的故事》 1:38:37 鄭聖勳
2013.10.14 迢迢簽約路:《奉使俄羅斯日記》中的「異國情調」和「文化想像」 1:49:18 黃郁晴
2013.10.28 群己權界《論自由》:彌爾自由主義的啟示 1:42:16 王冠生
2013.11.18 戲曲中的西遊記:異國行旅與表演 1:37:54 李元皓
2013.11.25 記憶與生命之書:談蕭紅《呼蘭河傳》 1:49:11 蘇敏逸
2013.12.02 心猿歸正 六賊無蹤 :從《西遊記》論歷劫取經的生命之旅 1:51:12 王月秀
2013.12.09 張承志《鮮花的廢墟》中的行與思 1:44:56 石曉楓
2013.12.16 女人們的流浪之歌:從日本作家林芙美子的自我流放談起 1:43:50 蕭幸君
2013.12.23 《馬可波羅行紀》與中世紀旅行 1:43:40 邱德亮
2014.03.03 追尋馬可波羅的足跡:斯文‧赫定《亞洲腹地旅行記》 1:57:31 周健
2014.03.10 混血女子與叛亂丈夫:十九世紀砂拉越新堯灣的族群相遇 1:42:55 羅烈師
2014.03.24 談李商隱的一次桂林行 1:52:48 李宜學
2014.04.21 因人作遠遊 : 杜甫的入蜀之行 1:42:41 李欣錫
2014.04.28 古人的老老與養老:《老老恆言》中的日常養生與物質文化 1:47:58 皮國立
2014.05.19 從山田洋次的武士三部曲看日本 1:38:23 藍弘岳
2014.05.26 地緣與文化:和辻哲郎的《風土》 1:45:38 廖欽彬
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
經典名著選讀 (交大 2012-13)
source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月18日
經典名著選讀 101學年
2012.09.26 史學vs.文學:連橫《臺灣通史》透視 1:30:29 黃富三
2012.10.03 殖民地文學的力學構造:台灣左翼文學的案例 1:34:38 柳書琴
2012.10.17 山林文學的殿堂:《山、雲與蕃人》鹿野忠雄的台灣高山紀行 1:54:32 楊南郡
2012.10.24 俳句的巔峰之作:談《奧之細道》的漢譯問題 1:39:46 鄭清茂
2012.10.31 由吳濁流的《亞細亞的孤兒》看認同的產生 1:36:31 施正鋒
2012.11.07 漸行漸遠的說書人:黃春明的文學世界與台灣社會變遷 1:44:17 徐秀慧
2012.11.28 五四時期的青春之歌:郁達夫《沉淪》與丁玲《莎菲女士的日記》 1:43:14 蘇敏逸
2012.12.12 穿越時代變遷的見證:吳濁流的《無花果》 1:43:42 洪銘水
2012.12.19 如是英雄:談萊蒙托夫的《當代英雄》 1:47:48 鄢定嘉
2012.12.26 蘇東坡詩詞中的人生體驗 1:39:12 呂正惠
2013.02.27 動亂紀實遺言二十年後—吳濁流的《台灣連翹》 1:46:18 洪銘水
2013.03.06 解讀柏拉圖《理想國》中的三個故事 1:49:22 苑舉正
2013.03.13 古蘭經─造物主的話 1:44:15 趙錫鴻
2013.03.20 在有材與廢材之間-從莊子寓言裡「一棵樹」的妙想談起 1:47:20 姚彥淇
2013.03.27 革命或者戀愛:張愛玲的《十八春》與《半生緣》 1:43:13 蔣興立
2013.04.10 秋風裡的風旗:談馮至的《十四行集》 1:45:32 蔡明諺
2013.04.24 下一站,幸福:導讀亞里斯多德《尼可馬各倫理學》第一書與第二書 1:47:15 陳斐婷
2013.05.01 風動?旛動?仁者心動?--淺論《六祖壇經》的人生智慧 1:50:37 王月秀
2013.05.08 職涯步步都發光:如何《作自己職場的諸葛亮》 1:40:48 詹文男
2013.05.22 冷山對月咆嘯:日本昭和期的狼疾作家中島敦《山月記》 1:38:42 廖秀娟
2013.06.05 《好色一代男》:井原西鶴筆下的浮生男女 1:43:16 梁蘊嫻
source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月18日
經典名著選讀 101學年
2012.09.26 史學vs.文學:連橫《臺灣通史》透視 1:30:29 黃富三
2012.10.03 殖民地文學的力學構造:台灣左翼文學的案例 1:34:38 柳書琴
2012.10.17 山林文學的殿堂:《山、雲與蕃人》鹿野忠雄的台灣高山紀行 1:54:32 楊南郡
2012.10.24 俳句的巔峰之作:談《奧之細道》的漢譯問題 1:39:46 鄭清茂
2012.10.31 由吳濁流的《亞細亞的孤兒》看認同的產生 1:36:31 施正鋒
2012.11.07 漸行漸遠的說書人:黃春明的文學世界與台灣社會變遷 1:44:17 徐秀慧
2012.11.28 五四時期的青春之歌:郁達夫《沉淪》與丁玲《莎菲女士的日記》 1:43:14 蘇敏逸
2012.12.12 穿越時代變遷的見證:吳濁流的《無花果》 1:43:42 洪銘水
2012.12.19 如是英雄:談萊蒙托夫的《當代英雄》 1:47:48 鄢定嘉
2012.12.26 蘇東坡詩詞中的人生體驗 1:39:12 呂正惠
2013.02.27 動亂紀實遺言二十年後—吳濁流的《台灣連翹》 1:46:18 洪銘水
2013.03.06 解讀柏拉圖《理想國》中的三個故事 1:49:22 苑舉正
2013.03.13 古蘭經─造物主的話 1:44:15 趙錫鴻
2013.03.20 在有材與廢材之間-從莊子寓言裡「一棵樹」的妙想談起 1:47:20 姚彥淇
2013.03.27 革命或者戀愛:張愛玲的《十八春》與《半生緣》 1:43:13 蔣興立
2013.04.10 秋風裡的風旗:談馮至的《十四行集》 1:45:32 蔡明諺
2013.04.24 下一站,幸福:導讀亞里斯多德《尼可馬各倫理學》第一書與第二書 1:47:15 陳斐婷
2013.05.01 風動?旛動?仁者心動?--淺論《六祖壇經》的人生智慧 1:50:37 王月秀
2013.05.08 職涯步步都發光:如何《作自己職場的諸葛亮》 1:40:48 詹文男
2013.05.22 冷山對月咆嘯:日本昭和期的狼疾作家中島敦《山月記》 1:38:42 廖秀娟
2013.06.05 《好色一代男》:井原西鶴筆下的浮生男女 1:43:16 梁蘊嫻
USC Infectious Disease (2006) by Charles S. Bryan
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Dr. Prodigious 2017年6月7日
01. Introduction to Infectious Diseases - USC Medicine 45:18
02. HIV-AIDS 58:24
03. Upper Respiratory Infection
04. Lower Respiratory Infections 43:34
05. Mycobacterial Infections 46:26
06. Infections of the Skin and Appendages, Muscle and Bone 45:43
07. Gastro-intestinal Tract Infections 42:44
08. Urinary Tract Infections 42:22
09. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 41:32
10. Sepsis 43:44
11. Central Nervous System Infections 37:26
source: Dr. Prodigious 2017年6月7日
01. Introduction to Infectious Diseases - USC Medicine 45:18
02. HIV-AIDS 58:24
03. Upper Respiratory Infection
04. Lower Respiratory Infections 43:34
05. Mycobacterial Infections 46:26
06. Infections of the Skin and Appendages, Muscle and Bone 45:43
07. Gastro-intestinal Tract Infections 42:44
08. Urinary Tract Infections 42:22
09. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 41:32
10. Sepsis 43:44
11. Central Nervous System Infections 37:26
The Art of X-Ray Reading - Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Dr. Prodigious 2017年6月7日
Table of Contents: https://doctorprodigious.wordpress.co...
Visit our website for an organised list of all our videos: https://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
source: Dr. Prodigious 2017年6月7日
Table of Contents: https://doctorprodigious.wordpress.co...
Visit our website for an organised list of all our videos: https://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
(italiano / in Italian) Convertitori Elettronici by Giuseppe Tomasso
# playlist of the 16 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Unicas - Ingegneria 2017年3月6日
1) Introduzione al corso (Modalità di esame, contenuti del corso, organizzazione delle lezioni, organizzazione delle esercitazioni, cenni sull’evoluzione dell’elettronica di potenza)
2) I dispositivi di potenza (SCR, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, perdite di commutazione)
3) Convertitori DC/DC
3.1 Step-down (conduzione continua, conduzione discontinua, modello matematico, controllo di tensione)
3.2 Step-up (conduzione continua, conduzione discontinua, modello matematico, controllo di tensione, caratteristica reale)
3.3 Buck-boost (modello matematico, controllo di tensione)
4) Convertitori DC/AC
4.1Inverter Monofase (struttura, funzionamento, modulazione, inverter a singolo ramo, inverter a doppio ramo, sviluppo in serie di Fourier)
4.2 Inverter Trifase (struttura, modulazione, sviluppo in serie di Fourier)
5) Tecniche di modulazione (modulazione PWM, Space Vector Modulation, modulazione a isteresi di corrente)
6) Convertitori multilivello (convertitore a tre livelli, modulazione)
Nella Lezione 1) ho sviluppato quanto previsto nel punto 1). Nella lezione 2) quanto previsto nel punto 2).
1.1 Step-down
1.2 Step-up
1.3 Buck-boost
2.1 Inverter Monofase
2.2 Inverter Trifase
1) Caratterizzazione interruttore statico
2) DC/DC step-down
3) DC/DC step-up
4) Inverter trifase (progetto del corso)
source: Unicas - Ingegneria 2017年3月6日
1) Introduzione al corso (Modalità di esame, contenuti del corso, organizzazione delle lezioni, organizzazione delle esercitazioni, cenni sull’evoluzione dell’elettronica di potenza)
2) I dispositivi di potenza (SCR, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT, perdite di commutazione)
3) Convertitori DC/DC
3.1 Step-down (conduzione continua, conduzione discontinua, modello matematico, controllo di tensione)
3.2 Step-up (conduzione continua, conduzione discontinua, modello matematico, controllo di tensione, caratteristica reale)
3.3 Buck-boost (modello matematico, controllo di tensione)
4) Convertitori DC/AC
4.1Inverter Monofase (struttura, funzionamento, modulazione, inverter a singolo ramo, inverter a doppio ramo, sviluppo in serie di Fourier)
4.2 Inverter Trifase (struttura, modulazione, sviluppo in serie di Fourier)
5) Tecniche di modulazione (modulazione PWM, Space Vector Modulation, modulazione a isteresi di corrente)
6) Convertitori multilivello (convertitore a tre livelli, modulazione)
Nella Lezione 1) ho sviluppato quanto previsto nel punto 1). Nella lezione 2) quanto previsto nel punto 2).
1.1 Step-down
1.2 Step-up
1.3 Buck-boost
2.1 Inverter Monofase
2.2 Inverter Trifase
1) Caratterizzazione interruttore statico
2) DC/DC step-down
3) DC/DC step-up
4) Inverter trifase (progetto del corso)
(italiano / in Italian) Scienza delle Costruzioni by Elio Sacco
# playlist of the 31 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Unicas - Ingegneria 2017年3月28日
Scienza delle Costruzioni
Equazioni di equilibrio
Legame costitutivo
Problema dell'equilibrio elastico
Principio dei lavori virtuali
Definizione di mezzo continuo e deformabile
Funzione cambiamento di configurazione
Requisiti analitici per la funzione cambiamento di configurazione
Sistemi di riferimento
Deformazione dell'intorno del punto
Deformazione infinitesima
Decomposizione additiva del gradiente di spostamento
Piccole deformazioni e piccoli spostamenti
Interpretazione meccanica di e W
Misure di deformazione
Interpretazione fisica delle componenti di deformazione
Deformazioni per direzioni generiche
Deformazioni e direzioni principali
Proprietà delle deformazioni e delle direzioni principali
Calcolo della dilatazione cubica
Equazioni di compatibilità
Concetto di tensione in un punto
Teoremi di Cauchy
Teorema di azione e reazione o di reciprocità
Teorema di rappresentazione o del tetraedro
Equazioni d'equilibrio
Direzioni e Tensioni principali
Deviatore di tensione
Cerchi di Mohr
Tensione tangenziale ottaedrale
Identità fondamentale della meccanica
Principio degli spostamenti virtuali
Materiali elastici secondo Green
Corpo elastico lineare
Direzioni principali
Legame tensione-deformazione
Definita positività
Determinazione delle costanti elastiche
Principio di sovrapposizione degli effetti
Unicità della soluzione del problema dell'equilibrio elastico
Teorema di Clapeyron
Teorema di Betti
Equazioni di Navier
Posizione del problema
Ipotesi geometriche
Ipotesi di carico
Ipotesi sulla natura del materiale
Ipotesi sul tipo di analisi da condurre
Problema dell'equilibrio elastico
Principio fondamentale di Saint-Venant
Sollecitazioni semplici
Metodo seminverso
Legame costitutivo
Sollecitazione di sforzo normale e momento flettente
Stato tensionale
Legame costitutivo
Sforzo normale centrato
Flessione semplice
Flessione retta
Flessione deviata
Flessione composta
Sollecitazione di torsione
Torsione nella sezione circolare
Torsione per la sezione generica
Legame costitutivo
Problema di Neumann
Funzione di Prandtl
Problema di Dirichlet
Sezione rettangolare allungata
Funzione di Prandtl
Effetto di bordo
Sezione sottile aperta
Sezione sottile chiusa
Sezione triconnessa
Sollecitazione di taglio e flessione
Centro di taglio
Tensione tangenziale media su una corda
Sollecitazione sull'asse di simmetria
La sezione in parete sottile
Deformazione di una trave in parete sottile
Determinazione del centro di taglio
Materiali fragili
Criterio della massima tensione normale
Criterio della massima dilatazione
Materiali duttili
Criterio della massima tensione tangenziale
Criterio della massima energia di distorsione
Criterio della massima tensione tangenziale ottaedrale
Sistemi articolati rigidi
Travi con elasticità diffusa 213
01. Definizione di mezzo continuo e deformabile
Funzione cambiamento di configurazione
Requisiti analitici per la funzione cambiamento di configurazione
source: Unicas - Ingegneria 2017年3月28日
Scienza delle Costruzioni
Equazioni di equilibrio
Legame costitutivo
Problema dell'equilibrio elastico
Principio dei lavori virtuali
Definizione di mezzo continuo e deformabile
Funzione cambiamento di configurazione
Requisiti analitici per la funzione cambiamento di configurazione
Sistemi di riferimento
Deformazione dell'intorno del punto
Deformazione infinitesima
Decomposizione additiva del gradiente di spostamento
Piccole deformazioni e piccoli spostamenti
Interpretazione meccanica di e W
Misure di deformazione
Interpretazione fisica delle componenti di deformazione
Deformazioni per direzioni generiche
Deformazioni e direzioni principali
Proprietà delle deformazioni e delle direzioni principali
Calcolo della dilatazione cubica
Equazioni di compatibilità
Concetto di tensione in un punto
Teoremi di Cauchy
Teorema di azione e reazione o di reciprocità
Teorema di rappresentazione o del tetraedro
Equazioni d'equilibrio
Direzioni e Tensioni principali
Deviatore di tensione
Cerchi di Mohr
Tensione tangenziale ottaedrale
Identità fondamentale della meccanica
Principio degli spostamenti virtuali
Materiali elastici secondo Green
Corpo elastico lineare
Direzioni principali
Legame tensione-deformazione
Definita positività
Determinazione delle costanti elastiche
Principio di sovrapposizione degli effetti
Unicità della soluzione del problema dell'equilibrio elastico
Teorema di Clapeyron
Teorema di Betti
Equazioni di Navier
Posizione del problema
Ipotesi geometriche
Ipotesi di carico
Ipotesi sulla natura del materiale
Ipotesi sul tipo di analisi da condurre
Problema dell'equilibrio elastico
Principio fondamentale di Saint-Venant
Sollecitazioni semplici
Metodo seminverso
Legame costitutivo
Sollecitazione di sforzo normale e momento flettente
Stato tensionale
Legame costitutivo
Sforzo normale centrato
Flessione semplice
Flessione retta
Flessione deviata
Flessione composta
Sollecitazione di torsione
Torsione nella sezione circolare
Torsione per la sezione generica
Legame costitutivo
Problema di Neumann
Funzione di Prandtl
Problema di Dirichlet
Sezione rettangolare allungata
Funzione di Prandtl
Effetto di bordo
Sezione sottile aperta
Sezione sottile chiusa
Sezione triconnessa
Sollecitazione di taglio e flessione
Centro di taglio
Tensione tangenziale media su una corda
Sollecitazione sull'asse di simmetria
La sezione in parete sottile
Deformazione di una trave in parete sottile
Determinazione del centro di taglio
Materiali fragili
Criterio della massima tensione normale
Criterio della massima dilatazione
Materiali duttili
Criterio della massima tensione tangenziale
Criterio della massima energia di distorsione
Criterio della massima tensione tangenziale ottaedrale
Sistemi articolati rigidi
Travi con elasticità diffusa 213
01. Definizione di mezzo continuo e deformabile
Funzione cambiamento di configurazione
Requisiti analitici per la funzione cambiamento di configurazione
(Español / in Spanish) GUÍA UNAM 2017 ÁREA 4
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2017年2月4日
Suscríbanse y compartan. Guías para todas las áreas. Éxitos para todos :)
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kzbX...
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5RFb...
Guía2017 UNAM Área1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzzwd...
Guía 2017 UNAM ÁREA 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C59CP...
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y 4 41:31
Guía de matemáticas UNAM 2017 Área 4 52:07
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 Área 1, 3 y 4 43:20
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y ÁREA 4 30:55
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 Área 4 41:20
Guía de Historia Universal UNAM 2017 ÁREA 4 42:09
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 Y ÁREA 4 26:14
source: Academia Internet 2017年2月4日
Suscríbanse y compartan. Guías para todas las áreas. Éxitos para todos :)
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kzbX...
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5RFb...
Guía2017 UNAM Área1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzzwd...
Guía 2017 UNAM ÁREA 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C59CP...
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y 4 41:31
Guía de matemáticas UNAM 2017 Área 4 52:07
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 Área 1, 3 y 4 43:20
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y ÁREA 4 30:55
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 Área 4 41:20
Guía de Historia Universal UNAM 2017 ÁREA 4 42:09
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 Y ÁREA 4 26:14
A Tribute to Professor Harold C. Conklin (1926-2016)
source: YaleUniversity 2017年7月17日
A Tribute to Professor Harold C. Conklin (1926-2016)
Crosby Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Yale University
Select "SHOW MORE" below to reveal full program schedule.
Harold C. Conklin, was the Franklin Muzzy Crosby Professor Emeritus in Yale’s Department of Anthropology and Curator Emeritus of Anthropology in Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History. A linguist and ethnographer, he was an anthropologist known for his studies of the ecosystems and cultures of the Philippines. Hal Conklin did his undergraduate and graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, and Yale University, respectively. He was on the anthropological faculties at both Columbia (1954-1962) and Yale (1962-2016) After World War II, Conklin concentrated his research in insular southeast Asia; his principal field sites were on Mindoro (the Hanunóo) and Luzon (the Ifugao) in the Philippines.
Formal Tribute - Peabody Museum David Friend Hall
00:00:00 Bruce Conklin, Son, Introduction to the program
00:02:02 Anne Underhill, Professor and Chair, Yale University Department of Anthropology; Curator Peabody Museum
00:05:19 David Skelly, Director, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University; Frank R. Oastler Professor of Ecology, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
00:08:44 William Kelly, Professor of Anthropology and Sumitomo Professor of Japanese Studies, Yale University
00:17:38 Michael Dove, Margaret K. Musser Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
00:25:00 Patricia Afable, Research Associate, Harold C. Conklin Research Collection
00:34:28 Myrdene Anderson, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics, Purdue University
00:40:10 Robert Kasberg Jr. Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
00:47:10 Joel Kuipers, Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs, George Washington University
00:53:02 Ana MT Labrador, Assistant Director, National Museum of the Philippines
Formal Toasts in Peabody Great Hall
01:00:17 Dylan Conklin; Grandson of Hal
01:02:10 Michael Davidson; Former Graduate student of Hal
01:03:57 Kinthi Sturtevant; Daughter of Bill Sturtevant, longtime colleague of Hal
01:05:50 James Sivco and Greg Sivco; Sons of Suzanne Sivco (Hal’s sister)
01:11:55 Frank Hole; Former Chair of Yale Department of Anthropology
01:14:33 Alison Richard; Former Chair of Yale Department of Anthropology; Former Vice Chancellor of the University of Cambridge
01:19:45 Alfred McCoy; Former graduate student of Hal, and Professor of History at University of Wisconsin
01:24:46 Mamerto Tindongan; Ifugao blessing. A sculptor/builder and Ifugao Mumbaki (Shaman), he is also the son of Buwaya Tindongan (one of Hal’s closest Ifugao associates).
01:30:32 Mamerto Tindongan, Mark Conklin and Allen Abayao; Ifugao gong music and dancing.
01:31:54 Mark Conklin; Son, closing remarks
(Español / in Spanish) GUÍA UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2017年1月15日
Temario oficial desarrollado: https://goo.gl/rNzUQq
Ayúdanos compartiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos.
Guia de matematicas UNAM 2017 AREA 3 52:25
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y ÁREA 4 30:55
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 Área 1, 3 y 4 43:20
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 35:32
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y 4 41:31
Guía de Historia Universal UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 48:03
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 Y ÁREA 4 26:14
source: Academia Internet 2017年1月15日
Temario oficial desarrollado: https://goo.gl/rNzUQq
Ayúdanos compartiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos.
Guia de matematicas UNAM 2017 AREA 3 52:25
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y ÁREA 4 30:55
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 Área 1, 3 y 4 43:20
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 35:32
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 y 4 41:31
Guía de Historia Universal UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 48:03
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 3 Y ÁREA 4 26:14
(Español / in Spanish) Guía UNAM 2017 Área (2)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2017年1月25日
Suscríbanse y compartan. Guías para todas las áreas. Éxitos para todos :)
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kzbX...
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5RFb...
Guía2017 UNAM Área1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzzwd...
Guía 2017 UNAM ÁREA 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C59CP...
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 45:45
Guia de matematicas UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 58:42
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 47:27
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 37:49
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA 2 39:55
Guía de Historia Universal 2017 ÁREA 2 43:27
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA2 30:52
source: Academia Internet 2017年1月25日
Suscríbanse y compartan. Guías para todas las áreas. Éxitos para todos :)
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kzbX...
Guía 2017 UNAM Área 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5RFb...
Guía2017 UNAM Área1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzzwd...
Guía 2017 UNAM ÁREA 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C59CP...
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 45:45
Guia de matematicas UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 58:42
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 47:27
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 ÁREA 2 37:49
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA 2 39:55
Guía de Historia Universal 2017 ÁREA 2 43:27
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA2 30:52
(Español / in Spanish) GUÍA UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2017年1月23日
Guía de Matemáticas UNAM 2017 Área 1 58:01 Temario oficial matemáticas desarrollado: https://goo.gl/rNzUQq capítulo por capítulo, teoría y práctica.
Ayúdanos compartiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos.
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1 59:41
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1 43:03
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 Área 1, 3 y 4 43:20
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA 2 39:55
Guía de Historia Universal 2017 ÁREA 1 47:58
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA2 30:52
source: Academia Internet 2017年1月23日
Guía de Matemáticas UNAM 2017 Área 1 58:01 Temario oficial matemáticas desarrollado: https://goo.gl/rNzUQq capítulo por capítulo, teoría y práctica.
Ayúdanos compartiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos.
Guía de Física UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1 59:41
Guía de Biología UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1 43:03
Guía de Química UNAM 2017 Área 1, 3 y 4 43:20
Guía de Español UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA 2 39:55
Guía de Historia Universal 2017 ÁREA 1 47:58
Guía de Literatura UNAM 2017 ÁREA 1, ÁREA2 30:52
(Türk / in Turkish) Yasin Korkut - 2017 YGS Tarih Dersi
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benim Hocam 2016年10月31日
Yasin Korkut - 2017 YGS Tarih Dersi
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
1) Tarih Bilimine Giriş ve Tarih Öncesi Çağlar - I - Yasin Korkut (2017) 42:33
2) Tarih Bilimine Giriş ve Tarih Öncesi Çağlar - II - Yasin Korkut (2017) 28:33
3) Tarih Bilimine Giriş - III - Yasin Korkut (2017) 35:25
4) Tarih Bilimine Giriş - IV - Yasin Korkut (2017) 31:55
5) Tarih Bilimine Giriş - V - Yasin Korkut (2017) 18:13
6) İlkçağ Uygarlıkları - I - Yasin Korkut (2017) 26:41
7) İlkçağ Uygarlıkları - II - Yasin Korkut (2017) 42:47
8) Anadolu Uygarlıkları - Yasin Korkut (2017) 45:36
9) Ege Uygarlıkları - Yasin Korkut (2017) 41:42
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
source: Benim Hocam 2016年10月31日
Yasin Korkut - 2017 YGS Tarih Dersi
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
1) Tarih Bilimine Giriş ve Tarih Öncesi Çağlar - I - Yasin Korkut (2017) 42:33
2) Tarih Bilimine Giriş ve Tarih Öncesi Çağlar - II - Yasin Korkut (2017) 28:33
3) Tarih Bilimine Giriş - III - Yasin Korkut (2017) 35:25
4) Tarih Bilimine Giriş - IV - Yasin Korkut (2017) 31:55
5) Tarih Bilimine Giriş - V - Yasin Korkut (2017) 18:13
6) İlkçağ Uygarlıkları - I - Yasin Korkut (2017) 26:41
7) İlkçağ Uygarlıkları - II - Yasin Korkut (2017) 42:47
8) Anadolu Uygarlıkları - Yasin Korkut (2017) 45:36
9) Ege Uygarlıkları - Yasin Korkut (2017) 41:42
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
(Türk / in Turkish) Ayşegül Aldemir 2017 KPSS Gelişim Psikolojisi
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benim Hocam 2016年11月14日
Ayşegül Aldemir 2017 KPSS Gelişim Psikolojisi
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
1) Gelişim Psikolojisine Giriş ve Ekoller - Gelişim Psikolojisi - Ayşegül Aldemir (2017) 1:04:14
2) Gelişim Psikolojisi Yöntemler-Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 28:25
3) Gelişim Psikolojisi Temel Kavramları-Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 20:50
4) Gelişimi Etkileyen Faktörler - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 43:31
5) Gelişim İlkeleri - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 18:52
6) Gelişimin Görevleri - I - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 30:05
7) Gelişimin Görevleri - II - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 41:32
8) Piaget'in Temel Kavramları - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 19:21
9) Piaget ve Özümleme Uyumsama - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 21:05
10) Piaget ve Duyusal Motor Dönem - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 32:01
11) Piaget ve İşlem Öncesi Dönem - I - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 22:56
12) Piaget ve İşlem Öncesi Dönem - II - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 37:09
13) Piaget ve İşlem Öncesi Dönem - III - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:58
14) Piaget ve Somut İşlemler - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:04
15) Piaget ve Soyut İşlemler - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 20:29
16) Vygotsky ve Sosyal Biliş Kuramı - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:23
17) Bruner ve Bilişsel Gelişim Kuramı - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 6:53
18) Freud Topografik ve Yapısal Kuram - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 8:38
19) Freud ve Dönemler -I- Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 26:42
20) Freud ve Dönemler -II- Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 50:22
21) Erikson Psikososyal Kişilik Kuramı - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 44:30
23) Ahlak Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:41
22) Marcia - Bağlanma Kuramları -Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 42:55
24) Kohlberg Ahlak Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 43:12
25) Dil Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 31:58
26) Benlik Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 9:37
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
source: Benim Hocam 2016年11月14日
Ayşegül Aldemir 2017 KPSS Gelişim Psikolojisi
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
1) Gelişim Psikolojisine Giriş ve Ekoller - Gelişim Psikolojisi - Ayşegül Aldemir (2017) 1:04:14
2) Gelişim Psikolojisi Yöntemler-Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 28:25
3) Gelişim Psikolojisi Temel Kavramları-Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 20:50
4) Gelişimi Etkileyen Faktörler - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 43:31
5) Gelişim İlkeleri - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 18:52
6) Gelişimin Görevleri - I - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 30:05
7) Gelişimin Görevleri - II - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 41:32
8) Piaget'in Temel Kavramları - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 19:21
9) Piaget ve Özümleme Uyumsama - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 21:05
10) Piaget ve Duyusal Motor Dönem - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 32:01
11) Piaget ve İşlem Öncesi Dönem - I - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 22:56
12) Piaget ve İşlem Öncesi Dönem - II - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 37:09
13) Piaget ve İşlem Öncesi Dönem - III - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:58
14) Piaget ve Somut İşlemler - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:04
15) Piaget ve Soyut İşlemler - Eğitim Bilimleri Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 20:29
16) Vygotsky ve Sosyal Biliş Kuramı - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:23
17) Bruner ve Bilişsel Gelişim Kuramı - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 6:53
18) Freud Topografik ve Yapısal Kuram - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 8:38
19) Freud ve Dönemler -I- Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 26:42
20) Freud ve Dönemler -II- Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 50:22
21) Erikson Psikososyal Kişilik Kuramı - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 44:30
23) Ahlak Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 11:41
22) Marcia - Bağlanma Kuramları -Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 42:55
24) Kohlberg Ahlak Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 43:12
25) Dil Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 31:58
26) Benlik Gelişimi - Gelişim Psikolojisi Dersi 9:37
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
Instituto de Física Teórica IFT (videos of July 2017)
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT
2:53 ¿Qué es la materia condensada? La Física de la materia condensada es una de las áreas más activas en la Física actual ... y en nuestra vida cotidiana. La investigadora postdoctoral china Ya-Wen Sun nos lo explica.
No te pierdas...
7:23 ¿Cómo se produce y detecta el bosón de Higgs? ¿Qué procesos cuánticos están involucrados en el descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs? ¿y por qué cuesta mucho más producir un bosón de Higgs que un quark top, si este es más pesado? ¡ Iñaki Lara, doc...
10:02 Entrevista a Graciela Gelmini, experta en materia oscura Entrevista durante su visita al IFT de la investigadora de origen argentino Graciela Gelmini, de UCLA, experta internacional en experimentos de detección de materia oscura.
No te pierdas ningún ví...
6:44 Conoce a un candidato a Premio Nobel: Barry Barish (parte 2/2) ¡NO OLVIDÉIS ACTIVAR LOS SUBTÍTULOS!
Entrevista (2/2) en la visita al IFT de Barry Barish, profesor de Caltech, experto en ondas gravitacionales, fundador de LIGO, Premio Princesa de Asturias 2017,...

No te pierdas...

No te pierdas ningún ví...

Entrevista (2/2) en la visita al IFT de Barry Barish, profesor de Caltech, experto en ondas gravitacionales, fundador de LIGO, Premio Princesa de Asturias 2017,...
iBiology (videos of July 2017)
source: iBiology

Part 2: It’s in our RNA: A study of...

Part 2: It’s in our RNA: A study of...

Part 2: It’s in our RNA: A study of...
stanfordlawschool (videos of July 2017)
source: stanfordlawschool
6:10 A Big Fix | Closing Remarks Speaker: Sandy Levinson (University of Texas Law School)
Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanford on May 12-13 to discuss potential overhauls to the U.S. Const...
1:00:09 A Big Fix | Fixing the Future Constitution: Student Panel Speakers: Max Alderman (Stanford Law School), Jared Crum (Stanford Law School), James Davidson (Stanford Law School)
Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanford o...
1:18:56 A Big Fix | Fixing Executive Power Speakers: Roman Buhler (Madison Coalition), Will Howell (University of Chicago), Ruth Wedgwood (Johns Hopkins University)
Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanf...
1:26:22 A Big Fix | Fixing Elections Speakers: Russ Feingold (Stanford Law School), Richard Pildes (New York University School of Law), Zephyr Teachout (Fordham University School of Law)
Constitutional scholars from across the countr...
1:04:02 A Big Fix | Fixing Separation of Powers Speakers: Elizabeth Foley (Florida International University College of Law), Sai Prakash (University of Virginia School of Law), Michael Ramsey (University of San Diego School of Law)
1:16:16 A Big Fix | Fixing Rights & Judicial Power Speakers: Laura Donohue (Georgetown Law Center), Jamal Greene (Columbia Law School), Michael Stokes Paulsen (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Constitutional scholars from across the country...
1:14:30 A Big Fix | Fixing Federalism & Local Government Speakers: Randy Barnett (Georgetown Law Center), Michael Greve (Scalia Law School, George Mason University), Michael Toth (Texas Office of Attorney General)
Constitutional scholars from across the...
1:48:02 A Big Fix | Fixing Equality Speakers: Mary Anne Case (University of Chicago Law School), Jane Schacter (Stanford Law School), George Thomas (Claremont McKenna College), Amy Wax (University of Pennsylvania Law School)
12:30 A Big Fix | Welcome and Introduction Welcome by Liz Magill; Introductory remarks by Michael McConnell
Constitutional scholars from acr

Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanford on May 12-13 to discuss potential overhauls to the U.S. Const...

Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanford o...

Constitutional scholars from across the country recently gathered at Stanf...

Constitutional scholars from across the countr...


Constitutional scholars from across the country...

Constitutional scholars from across the...


Constitutional scholars from acr
T1-2015 : Disordered systems, random spatial processes and some applications
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2015年2月19日
T1-2015 : Disordered systems, random spatial processes and some applications
The trimester aims at bringing together scientists working on the following three topical areas, with strong common cultural roots and wide research interest intersections:
- probabilistic methods on random spatial processes, for instance on growth models, percolation, coalescence, non-equilibrium phase transitions.
- statistical mechanics of interacting particle systems, especially disordered models like spin glasses, diluted systems, directed and pinned polymers.
- “complex systems” approached with mathematical and physical methods, in particular agent based models applied to socio-economic problems, inverse problems, multi-fractal models.
The program, anchored around those three main topics and subtopics, will be built on a school, three one-week workshops, various mini-symposia, research group meetings and three open lectures for a wide public audience.
Workshop 1 - M. Fedele “Interacting Models in Social Sciences and Health Screening Campaigns” 50:52
Imitation and social pressure are usually observed in the aggregate behavior of populations, and they are responsible for the appearance of trends, herd effects, discontinuities and crashes. To account for these phenomena, interactions networks must be included in the modeling of social systems, and measured from data. We present a recent analysis on an extensive dataset from adhesion to cancer screening campaigns, where a modeling, based on statistical mechanics and multi-species mean field spin models, allows for a quantitive estimate of average interaction effects through an inverse problem and leads to a forecast of effective social policies to enhance participation.
Public lecture 1 - Jean-Philippe Bouchaud “Crises économiques et financières : un point de vue... 1:12:43
Courses - F. Guerra “Equilibrium and off equilibrium properties of ferromagnetic...” 2:01:21
Public Lecture 2 - Andrea Cavagna “The seventh Starling: the Wonders of Collective Animal... 1:16:54
Courses - Chuck Newman “Riemann Hypothesis and Statistical Mechanics” 1:42:55
Public Lecture 3 - Frank den Hollander “Comment mieux comprendre le comportement... 1:10:14
Courses - T. Sasamoto “The one-dimensional KPZ equation... 1:47:16
Courses - R. SUN "Brownian web, Brownian net, and their universality" 1:00:22
Courses - E. PRESUTTI "Phase transitions in systems with spatially non homogeneous interactions” 1:00:22
Courses - G. JONA LASINIO “Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory” 1:35:32
Courses - A. Kupiainen “Quantum Field Theory for Probabilists” 1:35:32
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2015年2月19日
T1-2015 : Disordered systems, random spatial processes and some applications
The trimester aims at bringing together scientists working on the following three topical areas, with strong common cultural roots and wide research interest intersections:
- probabilistic methods on random spatial processes, for instance on growth models, percolation, coalescence, non-equilibrium phase transitions.
- statistical mechanics of interacting particle systems, especially disordered models like spin glasses, diluted systems, directed and pinned polymers.
- “complex systems” approached with mathematical and physical methods, in particular agent based models applied to socio-economic problems, inverse problems, multi-fractal models.
The program, anchored around those three main topics and subtopics, will be built on a school, three one-week workshops, various mini-symposia, research group meetings and three open lectures for a wide public audience.
Workshop 1 - M. Fedele “Interacting Models in Social Sciences and Health Screening Campaigns” 50:52
Imitation and social pressure are usually observed in the aggregate behavior of populations, and they are responsible for the appearance of trends, herd effects, discontinuities and crashes. To account for these phenomena, interactions networks must be included in the modeling of social systems, and measured from data. We present a recent analysis on an extensive dataset from adhesion to cancer screening campaigns, where a modeling, based on statistical mechanics and multi-species mean field spin models, allows for a quantitive estimate of average interaction effects through an inverse problem and leads to a forecast of effective social policies to enhance participation.
Public lecture 1 - Jean-Philippe Bouchaud “Crises économiques et financières : un point de vue... 1:12:43
Courses - F. Guerra “Equilibrium and off equilibrium properties of ferromagnetic...” 2:01:21
Public Lecture 2 - Andrea Cavagna “The seventh Starling: the Wonders of Collective Animal... 1:16:54
Courses - Chuck Newman “Riemann Hypothesis and Statistical Mechanics” 1:42:55
Public Lecture 3 - Frank den Hollander “Comment mieux comprendre le comportement... 1:10:14
Courses - T. Sasamoto “The one-dimensional KPZ equation... 1:47:16
Courses - R. SUN "Brownian web, Brownian net, and their universality" 1:00:22
Courses - E. PRESUTTI "Phase transitions in systems with spatially non homogeneous interactions” 1:00:22
Courses - G. JONA LASINIO “Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory” 1:35:32
Courses - A. Kupiainen “Quantum Field Theory for Probabilists” 1:35:32
Michel Hénon Memoriam
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2014年3月10日
Michel Hénon Memoriam
organized by Jérôme Perez and Roya Moyahaee, Uriel Frisch, Jacques Féjoz, Alain Chenciner, Jean-Michel Alimi
Michel Hénon was a French mathematician and astronomer born in 1931 in Paris. He spent his career initially at the Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris and then at the Observatoire de Nice.
In astronomy, Michel Hénon was a leading figure in the field of stellar dynamics, galactic dynamics, and the evolution of the rings of Saturn. In mathematics, he is known for the so-called Hénon maps and attractor, which is one of the most studied chaotic systems.
In the late 1960s and early 70s, he worked on the star clusters and by using Monte Carlo methods, he developed numerical techniques to follow the dynamics of globular clusters. His probabilistic method proved to be much faster than usual N-body methods.
He published a two volume book on restricted three-body problem.
He died on April 2013 in Nice.
A special tribute shall be made to Michel Hénon during the Gravasco program at the Institut Henri Poincare:
A series of seminars, given by renowned scientists, will be held every Wednesday afternoons during the month of October 2013 on the works of Michel Hénon,
Two exceptional days on 4th and 5th of December, dedicatted entirely to the life and the scientific works of Michel Hénon, shall close the Gravasco trimestre at IHP. 較少資訊
Seminar H1 - October 9th : Daniel Pfenniger 1:16:49 Michel Hénon Numerical studies of hamiltonian systems and application to galactic potentials
Daniel Pfenniger, Geneva observatory, Switzerland
Seminar H2 - October 16th : Scott Tremaine 58:38
Seminar H3 - October 23th : Douglas Heggie 1:21:33
Seminar H4 - October 30th : James Binney 1:02:08
Journées Hénon - 1/21 - Jacques Colin 13:22
Journées Hénon - 2/21 - Jean-Christophe Yoccoz 33:17
Journées Hénon - 3/21 - Carles Simò 38:40
Journées Hénon - 4/21 - Yves Pommeau 30:19
Journées Hénon - 5/21 - François Mignard 29:31
Journées Hénon - 7/21 - Jérôme Perez 38:22
Journées Hénon - 8/21 - Uriel Frisch 32:07
Journées Hénon - 9/21 - Alexander Batkhin 32:09
Journées Hénon - 10/21 - Thibault Damour 40:30
Journées Hénon - 11/21 - Fathi Namouni 30:48
Journées Hénon - 12/21 - Jean-Marc Petit 39:46
Journées Hénon - 13/21 - Jacques Laskar 31:00
Journées Hénon - 14/21 - Donald Lynden-Bell 33:27
Journées Hénon - 15/21 - Alessandro Morbidelli 32:06
Journées Hénon - 16/21 - Sverre Aarseth 9:45
Journées Hénon - 17/21 - Ed Spiegel 39:24
Journées Hénon - 18/21 - Claude Froschlé 22:40
Journées Hénon - 19/21 - Pierre Hénon 16:03
Journées Hénon - 20/21 - André Brahic 26:46
Journées Hénon - 21/21 - Michèle Hénon 20:50
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2014年3月10日
Michel Hénon Memoriam
organized by Jérôme Perez and Roya Moyahaee, Uriel Frisch, Jacques Féjoz, Alain Chenciner, Jean-Michel Alimi
Michel Hénon was a French mathematician and astronomer born in 1931 in Paris. He spent his career initially at the Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris and then at the Observatoire de Nice.
In astronomy, Michel Hénon was a leading figure in the field of stellar dynamics, galactic dynamics, and the evolution of the rings of Saturn. In mathematics, he is known for the so-called Hénon maps and attractor, which is one of the most studied chaotic systems.
In the late 1960s and early 70s, he worked on the star clusters and by using Monte Carlo methods, he developed numerical techniques to follow the dynamics of globular clusters. His probabilistic method proved to be much faster than usual N-body methods.
He published a two volume book on restricted three-body problem.
He died on April 2013 in Nice.
A special tribute shall be made to Michel Hénon during the Gravasco program at the Institut Henri Poincare:
A series of seminars, given by renowned scientists, will be held every Wednesday afternoons during the month of October 2013 on the works of Michel Hénon,
Two exceptional days on 4th and 5th of December, dedicatted entirely to the life and the scientific works of Michel Hénon, shall close the Gravasco trimestre at IHP. 較少資訊

Seminar H1 - October 9th : Daniel Pfenniger 1:16:49 Michel Hénon Numerical studies of hamiltonian systems and application to galactic potentials
Daniel Pfenniger, Geneva observatory, Switzerland
Seminar H2 - October 16th : Scott Tremaine 58:38
Seminar H3 - October 23th : Douglas Heggie 1:21:33
Seminar H4 - October 30th : James Binney 1:02:08
Journées Hénon - 1/21 - Jacques Colin 13:22
Journées Hénon - 2/21 - Jean-Christophe Yoccoz 33:17
Journées Hénon - 3/21 - Carles Simò 38:40
Journées Hénon - 4/21 - Yves Pommeau 30:19
Journées Hénon - 5/21 - François Mignard 29:31
Journées Hénon - 7/21 - Jérôme Perez 38:22
Journées Hénon - 8/21 - Uriel Frisch 32:07
Journées Hénon - 9/21 - Alexander Batkhin 32:09
Journées Hénon - 10/21 - Thibault Damour 40:30
Journées Hénon - 11/21 - Fathi Namouni 30:48
Journées Hénon - 12/21 - Jean-Marc Petit 39:46
Journées Hénon - 13/21 - Jacques Laskar 31:00
Journées Hénon - 14/21 - Donald Lynden-Bell 33:27
Journées Hénon - 15/21 - Alessandro Morbidelli 32:06
Journées Hénon - 16/21 - Sverre Aarseth 9:45
Journées Hénon - 17/21 - Ed Spiegel 39:24
Journées Hénon - 18/21 - Claude Froschlé 22:40
Journées Hénon - 19/21 - Pierre Hénon 16:03
Journées Hénon - 20/21 - André Brahic 26:46
Journées Hénon - 21/21 - Michèle Hénon 20:50
2016-T1 - Nexus of Information and Computation Theory - CEB Trimester
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2016年2月1日
2016-T1 - Nexus of Information and Computation Theory - CEB Trimester
About the Program
Recently, a number of advances in the theory of computation have been made by using information-theoretic arguments. Conversely, some of the most exciting ongoing work in information theory has focused on problems with a computational component. The primary goal of this three-month IHP thematic program is to explore the rich interplay between information theory and the theory of computation, and ultimately create new connections and collaborations between both scientific communities.
The program will begin with a tutorial week at the Centre International de Recontres Mathématiques in Marseille, France. The goal is to provide sufficient background for the primary themes of the program.
The bulk of the program will be hosted at IHP in Paris, France and is organized around four primary themes, each spanning two weeks. The themes are Distributed Computation and Communication, Fundamental Inequalities and Lower Bounds, Inference Problems, and Secrecy and Privacy. Each theme is separately organized by a dedicated committee.
Finally, there will be a week-long workshop at IHP in Paris, France. The workshop will consist of talks that are aimed towards a broad audience and designed to foster discussion and interaction between the CS and IT communities.
Program Organizers
Mark Braverman (Princeton University)
Bobak Nazer (Boston University)
Anup Rao (University of Washington)
Aslan Tchamkerten, General Chair (Telecom Paristech)
Alexander Shen (LIRMM, Montpellier) 1/2 1:02:20 Different versions of Kolmogorov complexity and a priori probability: a gentle introduction 1/2
Alexander Shen (LIRMM, Montpellier)
February 01, 2016
Abstract: The informal idea – the complexity is the minimal number of bits needed to describe the object – has several different implementations. They are not only technical differences, but all they are there for a reason: we may consider binary strings (both as objects and descriptions) as self-contained objects or as partial information about infinite objects (that fixes some prefix of an infinite sequences). We will try to explain basic results about different versions of complexity and their relation to the notion of the a priori probability.
Alexander Shen (LIRMM, Montpellier) 2/2 51:36
George Giakkoupis (INRIA) 58:00
Andrei Romashchenko (LIRMM) 56:14
Yoram Moses (Technion) 1/2 58:10
Yoram Moses (Technion) 2/2 56:17
Marius Zimand (Towson University) 1:01:54
Péter Gács (Boston University) 50:40
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah) 1/3 50:27
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah) 2/3 43:40
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah) 3/3 50:11
John Walsh (Drexel University) 48:46
Salim El Rouayheb (Illinois Institute of Technology) 48:43
Qin Zhang (Indiana University Bloomington) 48:45
Qi Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 52:00
Yael Kalai (Microsoft Research) 48:20
Boaz Patt-Shamir (Tel Aviv University) 45:18
Prakash Ishwar (Boston University) 58:20
Paris Koutris (University of Wisconsin) 53:23
Leonard Schulman (Caltech) 1:01:54
Klim Efremenko (Tel-Aviv University) 1/2 52:43
Klim Efremenko (Tel-Aviv University) 2/2 49:29
Yael Kalai (Microsoft Research) 55:02
Thomas Courtade (UC-Berkeley) 53:30
Ofer Feinerman (Weizmann Institute) 52:06
Anup Rao (University of Washington) 1/3 55:16
Anup Rao (University of Washington) 2/3 56:46
Anup Rao (University of Washington) 3/3 54:02
Amos Korman (CNRS/LIAFA) 42:00
Ran Gelles (Princeton University) 1/2 55:42
Ran Gelles (Princeton University) 2/2 51:37
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 2/6 55:41
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 3/6 49:36
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 4/6 1:12:42
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 5/6 56:45
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 6/6 50:56
Badih Ghazi (MIT) 55:08
Alex Sprintson (Texas A&M) 43:33
Young Han Kim (UCSD) 53:23
Michael Langberg (SUNY at Buffalo) 53:42
Allison Bishop (Columbia) 46:5
Stephan Sebastian Holzer (MIT) 50:40
János Körner (Sapienza University of Rome) 55:23
Chandra Nair (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1/2 46:30
Chandra Nair (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 2/2 51:22
Dan Suciu (University of Washington) 51:26
Cédric Villani (Université de Lyon / Institut Henri Poincaré) 1:06:49
Péter Gács (Boston University) 2/2 51:31
Randall Dougherty (Center for Communications Research) 52:31
László Csirmaz (Central European University, Budapest) 1/3 44:10
László Csirmaz (Central European University, Budapest) 2/3 45:56
László Csirmaz (Central European University, Budapest) 3/3 38:01
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) 50:09
Thathatchar.S. Jayram (IBM Almaden) 51:42
Amin Aminzadeh Gohari (Sharif University of Technology) 48:45
P. Vijay Kumar (Indian Institute of Science, University of Southern California) 42:52
František Matúš (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) 1/3 50:39
František Matúš (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) 2/3 51:47
František Matúš (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) 3/3 38:33
19 02 16 Fan Cheng (National University of Singapore) 52:44
Raymond Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 3/3 31:34
Raymond Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 2/3 51:01
Raymond Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1/3 44:59
John Walsh (Drexel University) 49:16
Sidharth Jaggi (CUHK) 38:17
Petr Kuznetsov (Télécom Paristech) 43:52
Omar Fawzi (ENS Lyon) 34:49
Ofer Shayevitz (Tel Aviv University) 34:39
Maxim Raginsky (University of Illinois) 36:50
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 38:48
Ankit Garg (Princeton) 35:42
Ran Gelles (Princeton) 36:54
Amir Yehudayoff (Technion) 33:16
Iordanis Kerenidis (Université Paris Diderot 7) 37:37
Ayfer Özgür (Stanford) 33:13
Rajesh Sundaresan 37:11
Sidharth Jaggi (CUHK) 34:48
Michelle Effros (California Institute of Technology) 36:15
Aaron Wagner (Cornell) 47:16
Shlomo Shamai (Technion) 38:51
Shay Moran (Technion) 24:27
Giacomo Como (Lund University) 42:28
Bruno Bauwens (Higher School of Economics) 29:06
Stephen Chestnut (ETH Zurich) 34:03
Paul Beame (University of Washington) - 1 57:40
Yuchong Hu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 45:26
Paul Beame (University of Washington) - 3 47:03
Paul Beame (University of Washington) - 1 47:25
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 52:25
Benjamin Sach (University of Bristol) 47:37
Udi Wieder (VMware Research) 49:06
Terence Chan (University of South Australia) - 3 47:29
Terence Chan (University of South Australia) - 2 47:20
Terence Chan (University of South Australia) - 1 48:34
Mokshay Madiman (University of Delaware) 47:49
Frédérique Oggier (Nanyang Technological University) 44:25
Tarik Kaced (Université de Paris-Est, LACL, UPEC) 44:05
Salman Avestimehr (USC) 49:57
Raphael Clifford (University of Bristol) - 3 39:59
Raphael Clifford (University of Bristol) - 2 50:53
Raphael Clifford (University of Bristol) - 1 40:38
Chao Tian (The University of Tennessee Knoxville) 36:27
Yitong Yin (Nanjing University) 51:36
Søren Riis (Queen Mary University of London) -2B 35:43
Søren Riis (Queen Mary University of London) 40:28
Søren Riis (Queen Mary University of London) 42:28
Babak Hassibi (Caltech) 55:06
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University) - 3 38:59
Nigel Boston (University of Wisconsin) 46:18
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University) - 2 35:33
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University) - 1 40:56
Kenneth Shum (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 46:01
Alex Andoni (Columbia) 1/2 47:29
Yue Lu (Harvard University) 40:14
Eric Moulines (Télécom Paristech) 56:03
Alex Andoni (Columbia) 2/2 1:02:28
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University) 2/2 8:15
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University) 1/2 43:00
Sudipto Guha (University of Pennsylvania) 47:05
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 2/2 49:51
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 1/2 50:07
Christian Konrad (Reykjavik University) 33:38
Michael Kapralov (EPFL) 50:53
Krzysztof Onak (IBM T. J. Watson) 42:31
Harry Lang (Johns Hopkins University) 40:56
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick) 2/2 46:40
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick) 1/2 49:14
Christian Sohler (TU Dortmund) 42:02
Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE / CREST, GENES) 45:26
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College) 1/2 43:15
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College) 2/2 56:17
Stephen Chestnut (ETH Zurich) 46:15
Nicolas Macris (EPFL) 56:46
Pascal Vontobel (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1:20:39
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) 1/2 49:26
Alexandre d'Aspremont (École Normale Supérieure) 52:44
David Gamarnik (MIT) 50:24
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) 2/2 38:36
Ioannis Kontoyiannis (Athens U of Econ & Business) 38:53
Mehdi Molkaraie (UPF) 41:57
Sewoong Oh (UIUC) 58:04
Galen Reeves (Duke University) 48:24
Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts) 2/2 39:25
Iryna Andriyanova (ETIS Lab, ENSEA/University of Cergy-Pontoise/CNRS) 51:24
Sidharth Jaggi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 46:52
Henry Pfister (Duke University) 1/2 54:23
Henry Pfister (Duke University) 2/2 53:21
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 2/2 39:48
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 1/2 56:01
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Southern California) 47:33
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 2/2 56:17
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 1/2 46:18
Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts) 1/2 1:02:39
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Southern California) 47:33
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 2/2 56:17
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 1/2 56:01
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 2/2 39:48
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 1/2 46:18
Negar Kiyavash (UIUC) 1:03:01
Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland) 58:11
Stephanie Wehner (Delft University of Technology) 56:17
Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria) 58:57
Andreas Winter (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) 51:31
Yingbin Liang (Syracuse University) 49:39
Sirin Nitinawarat (Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.) 26:49
Matthieu Bloch (Georgia Tech) 55:53
Alex Vardy (University of California, San Diego) 54:34
Stefano Tessaro (University of California, Santa Barbara) 54:49
Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw) 48:26
Imre Csiszár (Renyi Institute, Budapest) 58:46
Shun Watanabe (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) 3/3 57:35
H. Tyagi - S. Watanabe 2/3 52:12
Himanshu Tyagi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) 1/3 52:53
Yevgeniy Dodis (NYU) 59:20
Luca Trevisan (University of California, Berkeley) 50:48
Iftach Haitner (Tel Aviv University) - Leo Reyzin (Boston University) 3/3 54:24
Iftach Haitner (Tel Aviv University) - Leo Reyzin (Boston University) 2/3 48:19
Iftach Haitner (Tel Aviv University) - Leo Reyzin (Boston University) 1/3 50:02
Daniel Wichs (Northeastern) 56:56
Huijia Lin (University of California, Santa Barbara) 57:00
Yuval Ishai (Technion) 1/2 50:19
Yuval Ishai (Technion) - 2/2 31:49
Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois) - 1/2 22:14
Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois) - 2/2 52:15
Hoeteck Wee (ENS, Paris) 52:09
Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 58:12
Ye Wang (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories) 47:00
Adam Smith (Penn State) - 1/3 59:30
Adam Smith (Penn State) - 2/3 56:54
Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft Research) 50:38
Adam Smith (Penn State) - 3/3 51:23
Joerg Kliewer (New Jersey Institute of Technology) 57:02
Sewoong Oh (University of Illinois) 49:13
Moni Naor (Wezimann Institute of Science) 46:12
Kobbi Nissim (CRCS at Harvard and Ben-Gurion University) 53:08
Delaram Kahrobaei (City University of New York) 46:33
Lalitha Sankar (Arizona State University) 1:00:41
Jonathan Ullman (Northeastern University) 51:57
Kamalika Chaudhuri (UC San Diego) 52:26
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (TIFR) 57:06
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2016年2月1日
2016-T1 - Nexus of Information and Computation Theory - CEB Trimester
About the Program
Recently, a number of advances in the theory of computation have been made by using information-theoretic arguments. Conversely, some of the most exciting ongoing work in information theory has focused on problems with a computational component. The primary goal of this three-month IHP thematic program is to explore the rich interplay between information theory and the theory of computation, and ultimately create new connections and collaborations between both scientific communities.
The program will begin with a tutorial week at the Centre International de Recontres Mathématiques in Marseille, France. The goal is to provide sufficient background for the primary themes of the program.
The bulk of the program will be hosted at IHP in Paris, France and is organized around four primary themes, each spanning two weeks. The themes are Distributed Computation and Communication, Fundamental Inequalities and Lower Bounds, Inference Problems, and Secrecy and Privacy. Each theme is separately organized by a dedicated committee.
Finally, there will be a week-long workshop at IHP in Paris, France. The workshop will consist of talks that are aimed towards a broad audience and designed to foster discussion and interaction between the CS and IT communities.
Program Organizers
Mark Braverman (Princeton University)
Bobak Nazer (Boston University)
Anup Rao (University of Washington)
Aslan Tchamkerten, General Chair (Telecom Paristech)
Alexander Shen (LIRMM, Montpellier) 1/2 1:02:20 Different versions of Kolmogorov complexity and a priori probability: a gentle introduction 1/2
Alexander Shen (LIRMM, Montpellier)
February 01, 2016
Abstract: The informal idea – the complexity is the minimal number of bits needed to describe the object – has several different implementations. They are not only technical differences, but all they are there for a reason: we may consider binary strings (both as objects and descriptions) as self-contained objects or as partial information about infinite objects (that fixes some prefix of an infinite sequences). We will try to explain basic results about different versions of complexity and their relation to the notion of the a priori probability.
Alexander Shen (LIRMM, Montpellier) 2/2 51:36
George Giakkoupis (INRIA) 58:00
Andrei Romashchenko (LIRMM) 56:14
Yoram Moses (Technion) 1/2 58:10
Yoram Moses (Technion) 2/2 56:17
Marius Zimand (Towson University) 1:01:54
Péter Gács (Boston University) 50:40
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah) 1/3 50:27
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah) 2/3 43:40
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (University of Utah) 3/3 50:11
John Walsh (Drexel University) 48:46
Salim El Rouayheb (Illinois Institute of Technology) 48:43
Qin Zhang (Indiana University Bloomington) 48:45
Qi Chen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 52:00
Yael Kalai (Microsoft Research) 48:20
Boaz Patt-Shamir (Tel Aviv University) 45:18
Prakash Ishwar (Boston University) 58:20
Paris Koutris (University of Wisconsin) 53:23
Leonard Schulman (Caltech) 1:01:54
Klim Efremenko (Tel-Aviv University) 1/2 52:43
Klim Efremenko (Tel-Aviv University) 2/2 49:29
Yael Kalai (Microsoft Research) 55:02
Thomas Courtade (UC-Berkeley) 53:30
Ofer Feinerman (Weizmann Institute) 52:06
Anup Rao (University of Washington) 1/3 55:16
Anup Rao (University of Washington) 2/3 56:46
Anup Rao (University of Washington) 3/3 54:02
Amos Korman (CNRS/LIAFA) 42:00
Ran Gelles (Princeton University) 1/2 55:42
Ran Gelles (Princeton University) 2/2 51:37
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 2/6 55:41
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 3/6 49:36
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 4/6 1:12:42
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 5/6 56:45
Omri Weinstein (Courant Institute (NYU)) 6/6 50:56
Badih Ghazi (MIT) 55:08
Alex Sprintson (Texas A&M) 43:33
Young Han Kim (UCSD) 53:23
Michael Langberg (SUNY at Buffalo) 53:42
Allison Bishop (Columbia) 46:5
Stephan Sebastian Holzer (MIT) 50:40
János Körner (Sapienza University of Rome) 55:23
Chandra Nair (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1/2 46:30
Chandra Nair (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 2/2 51:22
Dan Suciu (University of Washington) 51:26
Cédric Villani (Université de Lyon / Institut Henri Poincaré) 1:06:49
Péter Gács (Boston University) 2/2 51:31
Randall Dougherty (Center for Communications Research) 52:31
László Csirmaz (Central European University, Budapest) 1/3 44:10
László Csirmaz (Central European University, Budapest) 2/3 45:56
László Csirmaz (Central European University, Budapest) 3/3 38:01
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) 50:09
Thathatchar.S. Jayram (IBM Almaden) 51:42
Amin Aminzadeh Gohari (Sharif University of Technology) 48:45
P. Vijay Kumar (Indian Institute of Science, University of Southern California) 42:52
František Matúš (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) 1/3 50:39
František Matúš (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) 2/3 51:47
František Matúš (Institute of Information Theory and Automation) 3/3 38:33
19 02 16 Fan Cheng (National University of Singapore) 52:44
Raymond Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 3/3 31:34
Raymond Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 2/3 51:01
Raymond Yeung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1/3 44:59
John Walsh (Drexel University) 49:16
Sidharth Jaggi (CUHK) 38:17
Petr Kuznetsov (Télécom Paristech) 43:52
Omar Fawzi (ENS Lyon) 34:49
Ofer Shayevitz (Tel Aviv University) 34:39
Maxim Raginsky (University of Illinois) 36:50
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 38:48
Ankit Garg (Princeton) 35:42
Ran Gelles (Princeton) 36:54
Amir Yehudayoff (Technion) 33:16
Iordanis Kerenidis (Université Paris Diderot 7) 37:37
Ayfer Özgür (Stanford) 33:13
Rajesh Sundaresan 37:11
Sidharth Jaggi (CUHK) 34:48
Michelle Effros (California Institute of Technology) 36:15
Aaron Wagner (Cornell) 47:16
Shlomo Shamai (Technion) 38:51
Shay Moran (Technion) 24:27
Giacomo Como (Lund University) 42:28
Bruno Bauwens (Higher School of Economics) 29:06
Stephen Chestnut (ETH Zurich) 34:03
Paul Beame (University of Washington) - 1 57:40
Yuchong Hu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 45:26
Paul Beame (University of Washington) - 3 47:03
Paul Beame (University of Washington) - 1 47:25
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 52:25
Benjamin Sach (University of Bristol) 47:37
Udi Wieder (VMware Research) 49:06
Terence Chan (University of South Australia) - 3 47:29
Terence Chan (University of South Australia) - 2 47:20
Terence Chan (University of South Australia) - 1 48:34
Mokshay Madiman (University of Delaware) 47:49
Frédérique Oggier (Nanyang Technological University) 44:25
Tarik Kaced (Université de Paris-Est, LACL, UPEC) 44:05
Salman Avestimehr (USC) 49:57
Raphael Clifford (University of Bristol) - 3 39:59
Raphael Clifford (University of Bristol) - 2 50:53
Raphael Clifford (University of Bristol) - 1 40:38
Chao Tian (The University of Tennessee Knoxville) 36:27
Yitong Yin (Nanjing University) 51:36
Søren Riis (Queen Mary University of London) -2B 35:43
Søren Riis (Queen Mary University of London) 40:28
Søren Riis (Queen Mary University of London) 42:28
Babak Hassibi (Caltech) 55:06
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University) - 3 38:59
Nigel Boston (University of Wisconsin) 46:18
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University) - 2 35:33
Kasper Green Larsen (Aarhus University) - 1 40:56
Kenneth Shum (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 46:01
Alex Andoni (Columbia) 1/2 47:29
Yue Lu (Harvard University) 40:14
Eric Moulines (Télécom Paristech) 56:03
Alex Andoni (Columbia) 2/2 1:02:28
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University) 2/2 8:15
Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT and Tel Aviv University) 1/2 43:00
Sudipto Guha (University of Pennsylvania) 47:05
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 2/2 49:51
David Woodruff (IBM Almaden) 1/2 50:07
Christian Konrad (Reykjavik University) 33:38
Michael Kapralov (EPFL) 50:53
Krzysztof Onak (IBM T. J. Watson) 42:31
Harry Lang (Johns Hopkins University) 40:56
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick) 2/2 46:40
Graham Cormode (University of Warwick) 1/2 49:14
Christian Sohler (TU Dortmund) 42:02
Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE / CREST, GENES) 45:26
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College) 1/2 43:15
Amit Chakrabarti (Dartmouth College) 2/2 56:17
Stephen Chestnut (ETH Zurich) 46:15
Nicolas Macris (EPFL) 56:46
Pascal Vontobel (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 1:20:39
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) 1/2 49:26
Alexandre d'Aspremont (École Normale Supérieure) 52:44
David Gamarnik (MIT) 50:24
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) 2/2 38:36
Ioannis Kontoyiannis (Athens U of Econ & Business) 38:53
Mehdi Molkaraie (UPF) 41:57
Sewoong Oh (UIUC) 58:04
Galen Reeves (Duke University) 48:24
Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts) 2/2 39:25
Iryna Andriyanova (ETIS Lab, ENSEA/University of Cergy-Pontoise/CNRS) 51:24
Sidharth Jaggi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 46:52
Henry Pfister (Duke University) 1/2 54:23
Henry Pfister (Duke University) 2/2 53:21
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 2/2 39:48
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 1/2 56:01
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Southern California) 47:33
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 2/2 56:17
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 1/2 46:18
Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts) 1/2 1:02:39
Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Southern California) 47:33
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 2/2 56:17
Gregory Valiant (Stanford) 1/2 56:01
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 2/2 39:48
Gábor Lugosi (Pompeu Fabra University) 1/2 46:18
Negar Kiyavash (UIUC) 1:03:01
Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland) 58:11
Stephanie Wehner (Delft University of Technology) 56:17
Krzysztof Pietrzak (IST Austria) 58:57
Andreas Winter (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) 51:31
Yingbin Liang (Syracuse University) 49:39
Sirin Nitinawarat (Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.) 26:49
Matthieu Bloch (Georgia Tech) 55:53
Alex Vardy (University of California, San Diego) 54:34
Stefano Tessaro (University of California, Santa Barbara) 54:49
Stefan Dziembowski (University of Warsaw) 48:26
Imre Csiszár (Renyi Institute, Budapest) 58:46
Shun Watanabe (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) 3/3 57:35
H. Tyagi - S. Watanabe 2/3 52:12
Himanshu Tyagi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) 1/3 52:53
Yevgeniy Dodis (NYU) 59:20
Luca Trevisan (University of California, Berkeley) 50:48
Iftach Haitner (Tel Aviv University) - Leo Reyzin (Boston University) 3/3 54:24
Iftach Haitner (Tel Aviv University) - Leo Reyzin (Boston University) 2/3 48:19
Iftach Haitner (Tel Aviv University) - Leo Reyzin (Boston University) 1/3 50:02
Daniel Wichs (Northeastern) 56:56
Huijia Lin (University of California, Santa Barbara) 57:00
Yuval Ishai (Technion) 1/2 50:19
Yuval Ishai (Technion) - 2/2 31:49
Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois) - 1/2 22:14
Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois) - 2/2 52:15
Hoeteck Wee (ENS, Paris) 52:09
Manoj Prabhakaran (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 58:12
Ye Wang (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories) 47:00
Adam Smith (Penn State) - 1/3 59:30
Adam Smith (Penn State) - 2/3 56:54
Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft Research) 50:38
Adam Smith (Penn State) - 3/3 51:23
Joerg Kliewer (New Jersey Institute of Technology) 57:02
Sewoong Oh (University of Illinois) 49:13
Moni Naor (Wezimann Institute of Science) 46:12
Kobbi Nissim (CRCS at Harvard and Ben-Gurion University) 53:08
Delaram Kahrobaei (City University of New York) 46:33
Lalitha Sankar (Arizona State University) 1:00:41
Jonathan Ullman (Northeastern University) 51:57
Kamalika Chaudhuri (UC San Diego) 52:26
Arkadev Chattopadhyay (TIFR) 57:06
Algebraic and Complex Geometry (at CIRM)
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年5月27日
Walter Neumann: Lipschitz embedding of complex surfaces 55:17
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities.
Pham and Teissier showed in the late 60's that any two plane curve germs with the same outer Lipschitz geometry have equivalent embeddings into C2. We consider to what extent the same holds in higher dimensions, giving examples of normal surface singularities which have the same topology and outer Lipschitz geometry but whose embeddings into C3 are topologically inequivalent. Recording during the thematic meeting: « Geometry of Singular Spaces and Maps» the March 03, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Film maker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Juan José Nuño-Ballesteros: Equisingularity of map germs from a surface to the plane 52:48
Wojciech Domitrz: Symplectic singularities of varieties 53:39
Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas: Invariants of determinantal varieties 51:16
David Mond: The intersection form, logarithmic vector fields, and the Severi strata.. 49:37
Lazaro Recht: Metric geometry in homogeneous spaces of the unitary group of a C* -algebra. 2 53:28
Nicola Garofalo: Hypoelliptic operators and analysis on Carnot-Carathéodory spaces 1:17:51
Stéphane Fischler: Between interpolation and multiplicity estimates on commutative algebraic groups 35:39
Serge Bouc: Correspondence functors 1:00:26
Cédric Bonnafé: Calogero-Moser cellular characters : the smooth case 1:05:18
Gérard Besson: Some open 3-manifolds 51:36
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 1 45:26
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 2 49:37
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 3 29:43
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 4 45:50
Ingrid Bauer: Faithful actions of Gal(Q¯/Q) and change of fundamental group 46:01
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 1 52:39
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 2 50:33
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 3 45:17
Michele Bolognesi: Mapping classes of trigonal loci 54:52
Enrica Floris: Invariance of plurigenera for foliations on surfaces 45:41
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 1 1:23:55
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 2 1:28:25
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 3 1:29:59
Bernard teissier: Another type of approximation: the valuative Cohen theorem 1:04:58
Wojciech Kucharz: Criteria for equivalence between power series and polynomials 1:02:31
Yohann Genzmer : The Zariski problem for homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous curves 1:06:56
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 1 1:02:03
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 2 1:02:40
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 3 1:00:41
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 4 1:00:07
Shyuichi Izumiya: Caustics of world sheets in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space 49:04
Goo Ishikawa: Singularities of tangent surfaces and generalised frontal 48:43
José Seade: Indices of vector fields on singular varieties and the Milnor number 51:46
Xavier Gómez-Mont: Grothendieck residue in the Jacobian algebra and cup product in vanishing... 53:57
Alex Dimca: Hodge theory and syzygies of the Jacobian ideal 58:26
Nero Budur: Cohomology jump loci and singularities 55:39
Lizhen Ji: Geometry and analysis of locally symmetric spaces of infinite volume 57:26
Jan Draisma: Stabilisation in algebraic geometry 1:02:47
Raf Cluckers: Pfaffian functions: real and non-archimedean, and an application to... 48:59
Matthias Aschenbrenner: The algebra and model theory of transseries 1:06:29
Jack Hall: Tannaka duality and formal glueings 59:45
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 1 1:37:50
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 2 1:25:14
Ivan Mirkovic: Loop Grassmanians and local spaces 1:11:19
Samuel Raskin: Spectral decomposition of the principal series category 1:03:58
David Nadler: Betti Langlands in genus one 1:09:44
Michael Wibmer: Etale difference algebraic groups 49:47
Sergei Yakovenko: Local Weyl equivalence of Fuchsian equations 54:54
Chris Miller: Expansions of the real field by trajectories of definable vector fields 48:02
Georges Comte: Sets with few rational points 45:34
Yosef Yomdin: Smooth parametrizations in analysis, dynamics, and diophantine geometry 47:57
David Sauzin: Nonlinear analysis with resurgent functions 55:30
A. Rod Gover: Boundary calculus on conformally compact manifolds, and a boundary Yamabe problem 55:14
Frank Calegari: Non-minimal modularity lifting theorems for imaginary quadratic fields 1:05:03
Takeshi Saito: The characteristic cycle and the singular support of an étale sheaf 59:34
Peter Scholze: The Witt vector affine Grassmannian 1:02:19
Michael Harris: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups 1:03:06
Gerd Faltings: The category MF in the semistable case 1:03:04
Yichao Tian: Generic Tate cycles on certain unitary Shimura varieties over finite fields 1:02:53
Toby Gee: Moduli stacks of potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations 1:07:54
Mark Kisin: Honda-Tate theory for Shimura varieties 1:02:18
Alexander A. Beilinson: The singular support of a constructible sheaf 1:04:25
David Helm: Whittaker models, converse theorems, and the local Langlands correspondence for ...
Florian Herzig: On de Rham lifts of local Galois representations 1:01:40
Kentaro Nakamura: Local epsilon isomorphisms for rank two p-adic representations of ... 1:04:48
George Boxer: Construction of torsion Galois representations 1:05:32
Naoki Imai: Affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space and simple epipelagic representations 1:03:07
Takeshi Tsuji: On p-adic étale cohomology of perverse sheaves 1:06:09
Benjamin Schraen: Classicality on eigenvarieties 1:03:40
Sug Woo Shin: Galois representations in the cohomology of Shimura varieties 1:03:13
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène : H3 non ramifié et cycles de codimension 2 55:35
Alexander Vishik: Subtle Stiefel-Whitney classes and the J-invariant of quadrics 1:07:51
Alena Pirutka: On examples of varieties that are not stably rational 1:02:56
Burt Totaro: Decomposition of the diagonal, and applications 1:02:46
Marc Levine: The rational motivic sphere spectrum and motivic Serre finiteness 1:06:49
Zinovy Reichstein: The rationality problem for forms of moduli spaces of stable marked curves 1:00:52
Tamás Hausel : Toric non-abelian Hodge theory 1:07:57
Alexander Kuznetsov : Geometry and moduli spaces of Gushel-Mukai varieties 1:07:50
Richard Hain: Mixed motives associated to elliptic curves 1:03:30
Gavril Farkas: The uniformization of the moduli space of abelian 6-folds 1:00:56
Artan Sheshmani : On the proof of S-duality modularity conjecture on quintic threefolds 1:04:28
Jim Bryan : Curve counting on abelian surfaces and threefolds 1:08:16
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu: On the remodeling conjecture for toric Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds 1:00:39
Jérémy Guéré : Mirror symmetry for singularities 53:32
Thibaut Delcroix : Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications 50:41
Arend Bayer: Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 1 44:49
Arend Bayer : Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 2 43:17
Arend Bayer: Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 3 48:34
Yohan Brunebarbe: A strong hyperbolicity property of locally symmetric varieties 1:05:38
Alexandru Dimca: A computational approach to Milnor fiber cohomology 55:06
Fabrizio Catanese: New examples of rigid varieties and criteria for fibred surfaces [...] 1:09:01
Matthew Stover: Variations on an example of Hirzebruch 1:03:30
Carlos Simpson: Rank 3 rigid representations of projective fundamental groups 1:02:14
Christian Liedtke: Crystalline cohomology, period maps, and applications to K3 surfaces 54:03
Sofia Tirabassi: Fourier-Mukai partners of canonical covers in positive characteristic 46:25
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 1/3 51:44
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 2/3 56:04
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 3/3 53:49
Olivier Wittenberg: Sur la conjecture de Hodge entière pour les solides réels 1:02:32
Jose Felipe Voloch: Differential descent obstructions 52:41
François Charles: Bertini theorems in arithmetic geometry 1:00:04
Bjorn Poonen: Heuristics for boundedness of ranks of elliptic curves 1:13:02
Fabio Tanturri: On the unirationality of Hurwitz spaces 54:45
Carlo Gasbarri: Liouville’s inequality for transcendental points on projective varieties 40:56
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 1 46:25
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 2 48:09
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 3 47:40
Hélène Esnault: D-modules and p-curvatures 57:34
Tomoyuki Abe: Arithmetic D-modules and existence of crystalline companion 55:26
Charles Favre: Explosion of Lyapunov exponents using non-Archimedean geometry 54:37
Vladimir Berkovich: de Rham theorem in non-Archimedean analytic geometry 54:58
Andrea Pulita: An overview on some recent results about p-adic differential equations ... 52:24
Dmytro Shklyarov: Semi-infinite Hodge structures in noncommutative geometry 1:02:53
Javier Fresán: Exponential motives 1:04:28
Jean-Baptiste Teyssier: Skeletons and moduli of Stokes torsors 59:44
Tom Bridgeland: Wall-crossing for Donaldson-Thomas invariants 1:26:10
30 ans d'AGCCT 23:13
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年5月27日
Walter Neumann: Lipschitz embedding of complex surfaces 55:17
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities.
Pham and Teissier showed in the late 60's that any two plane curve germs with the same outer Lipschitz geometry have equivalent embeddings into C2. We consider to what extent the same holds in higher dimensions, giving examples of normal surface singularities which have the same topology and outer Lipschitz geometry but whose embeddings into C3 are topologically inequivalent. Recording during the thematic meeting: « Geometry of Singular Spaces and Maps» the March 03, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Film maker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Juan José Nuño-Ballesteros: Equisingularity of map germs from a surface to the plane 52:48
Wojciech Domitrz: Symplectic singularities of varieties 53:39
Maria Aparecida Soares Ruas: Invariants of determinantal varieties 51:16
David Mond: The intersection form, logarithmic vector fields, and the Severi strata.. 49:37
Lazaro Recht: Metric geometry in homogeneous spaces of the unitary group of a C* -algebra. 2 53:28
Nicola Garofalo: Hypoelliptic operators and analysis on Carnot-Carathéodory spaces 1:17:51
Stéphane Fischler: Between interpolation and multiplicity estimates on commutative algebraic groups 35:39
Serge Bouc: Correspondence functors 1:00:26
Cédric Bonnafé: Calogero-Moser cellular characters : the smooth case 1:05:18
Gérard Besson: Some open 3-manifolds 51:36
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 1 45:26
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 2 49:37
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 3 29:43
Carlo Gasbarri: Arithmetic of algebraic points on varieties over function fields - Part 4 45:50
Ingrid Bauer: Faithful actions of Gal(Q¯/Q) and change of fundamental group 46:01
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 1 52:39
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 2 50:33
Massimiliano Mella: Unirational varieties - Part 3 45:17
Michele Bolognesi: Mapping classes of trigonal loci 54:52
Enrica Floris: Invariance of plurigenera for foliations on surfaces 45:41
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 1 1:23:55
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 2 1:28:25
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 3 1:29:59
Bernard teissier: Another type of approximation: the valuative Cohen theorem 1:04:58
Wojciech Kucharz: Criteria for equivalence between power series and polynomials 1:02:31
Yohann Genzmer : The Zariski problem for homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous curves 1:06:56
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 1 1:02:03
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 2 1:02:40
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 3 1:00:41
Tommaso de Fernex: Arc spaces and singularities in the minimal model program - Lecture 4 1:00:07
Shyuichi Izumiya: Caustics of world sheets in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space 49:04
Goo Ishikawa: Singularities of tangent surfaces and generalised frontal 48:43
José Seade: Indices of vector fields on singular varieties and the Milnor number 51:46
Xavier Gómez-Mont: Grothendieck residue in the Jacobian algebra and cup product in vanishing... 53:57
Alex Dimca: Hodge theory and syzygies of the Jacobian ideal 58:26
Nero Budur: Cohomology jump loci and singularities 55:39
Lizhen Ji: Geometry and analysis of locally symmetric spaces of infinite volume 57:26
Jan Draisma: Stabilisation in algebraic geometry 1:02:47
Raf Cluckers: Pfaffian functions: real and non-archimedean, and an application to... 48:59
Matthias Aschenbrenner: The algebra and model theory of transseries 1:06:29
Jack Hall: Tannaka duality and formal glueings 59:45
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 1 1:37:50
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 2 1:25:14
Ivan Mirkovic: Loop Grassmanians and local spaces 1:11:19
Samuel Raskin: Spectral decomposition of the principal series category 1:03:58
David Nadler: Betti Langlands in genus one 1:09:44
Michael Wibmer: Etale difference algebraic groups 49:47
Sergei Yakovenko: Local Weyl equivalence of Fuchsian equations 54:54
Chris Miller: Expansions of the real field by trajectories of definable vector fields 48:02
Georges Comte: Sets with few rational points 45:34
Yosef Yomdin: Smooth parametrizations in analysis, dynamics, and diophantine geometry 47:57
David Sauzin: Nonlinear analysis with resurgent functions 55:30
A. Rod Gover: Boundary calculus on conformally compact manifolds, and a boundary Yamabe problem 55:14
Frank Calegari: Non-minimal modularity lifting theorems for imaginary quadratic fields 1:05:03
Takeshi Saito: The characteristic cycle and the singular support of an étale sheaf 59:34
Peter Scholze: The Witt vector affine Grassmannian 1:02:19
Michael Harris: Construction of p-adic L-functions for unitary groups 1:03:06
Gerd Faltings: The category MF in the semistable case 1:03:04
Yichao Tian: Generic Tate cycles on certain unitary Shimura varieties over finite fields 1:02:53
Toby Gee: Moduli stacks of potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations 1:07:54
Mark Kisin: Honda-Tate theory for Shimura varieties 1:02:18
Alexander A. Beilinson: The singular support of a constructible sheaf 1:04:25
David Helm: Whittaker models, converse theorems, and the local Langlands correspondence for ...
Florian Herzig: On de Rham lifts of local Galois representations 1:01:40
Kentaro Nakamura: Local epsilon isomorphisms for rank two p-adic representations of ... 1:04:48
George Boxer: Construction of torsion Galois representations 1:05:32
Naoki Imai: Affinoids in the Lubin-Tate perfectoid space and simple epipelagic representations 1:03:07
Takeshi Tsuji: On p-adic étale cohomology of perverse sheaves 1:06:09
Benjamin Schraen: Classicality on eigenvarieties 1:03:40
Sug Woo Shin: Galois representations in the cohomology of Shimura varieties 1:03:13
Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène : H3 non ramifié et cycles de codimension 2 55:35
Alexander Vishik: Subtle Stiefel-Whitney classes and the J-invariant of quadrics 1:07:51
Alena Pirutka: On examples of varieties that are not stably rational 1:02:56
Burt Totaro: Decomposition of the diagonal, and applications 1:02:46
Marc Levine: The rational motivic sphere spectrum and motivic Serre finiteness 1:06:49
Zinovy Reichstein: The rationality problem for forms of moduli spaces of stable marked curves 1:00:52
Tamás Hausel : Toric non-abelian Hodge theory 1:07:57
Alexander Kuznetsov : Geometry and moduli spaces of Gushel-Mukai varieties 1:07:50
Richard Hain: Mixed motives associated to elliptic curves 1:03:30
Gavril Farkas: The uniformization of the moduli space of abelian 6-folds 1:00:56
Artan Sheshmani : On the proof of S-duality modularity conjecture on quintic threefolds 1:04:28
Jim Bryan : Curve counting on abelian surfaces and threefolds 1:08:16
Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu: On the remodeling conjecture for toric Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds 1:00:39
Jérémy Guéré : Mirror symmetry for singularities 53:32
Thibaut Delcroix : Kähler-Einstein metrics on group compactifications 50:41
Arend Bayer: Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 1 44:49
Arend Bayer : Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 2 43:17
Arend Bayer: Stability and applications to birational and hyperkaehler geometry - lecture 3 48:34
Yohan Brunebarbe: A strong hyperbolicity property of locally symmetric varieties 1:05:38
Alexandru Dimca: A computational approach to Milnor fiber cohomology 55:06
Fabrizio Catanese: New examples of rigid varieties and criteria for fibred surfaces [...] 1:09:01
Matthew Stover: Variations on an example of Hirzebruch 1:03:30
Carlos Simpson: Rank 3 rigid representations of projective fundamental groups 1:02:14
Christian Liedtke: Crystalline cohomology, period maps, and applications to K3 surfaces 54:03
Sofia Tirabassi: Fourier-Mukai partners of canonical covers in positive characteristic 46:25
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 1/3 51:44
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 2/3 56:04
Johannes Nicaise: The non-archimedean SYZ fibration and Igusa zeta functions - part 3/3 53:49
Olivier Wittenberg: Sur la conjecture de Hodge entière pour les solides réels 1:02:32
Jose Felipe Voloch: Differential descent obstructions 52:41
François Charles: Bertini theorems in arithmetic geometry 1:00:04
Bjorn Poonen: Heuristics for boundedness of ranks of elliptic curves 1:13:02
Fabio Tanturri: On the unirationality of Hurwitz spaces 54:45
Carlo Gasbarri: Liouville’s inequality for transcendental points on projective varieties 40:56
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 1 46:25
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 2 48:09
Alena Pirutka: Stable rationality - Lecture 3 47:40
Hélène Esnault: D-modules and p-curvatures 57:34
Tomoyuki Abe: Arithmetic D-modules and existence of crystalline companion 55:26
Charles Favre: Explosion of Lyapunov exponents using non-Archimedean geometry 54:37
Vladimir Berkovich: de Rham theorem in non-Archimedean analytic geometry 54:58
Andrea Pulita: An overview on some recent results about p-adic differential equations ... 52:24
Dmytro Shklyarov: Semi-infinite Hodge structures in noncommutative geometry 1:02:53
Javier Fresán: Exponential motives 1:04:28
Jean-Baptiste Teyssier: Skeletons and moduli of Stokes torsors 59:44
Tom Bridgeland: Wall-crossing for Donaldson-Thomas invariants 1:26:10
30 ans d'AGCCT 23:13
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