# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2010年9月16日
SOCW 7377
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War, Globalization, and Terror by Robert Buzzanco (U of Houston)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2009年1月15日
HIST 3394
Title: War, Globalization, and Terror
Professor: Robert Buzzanco
Description: A history of the U.S. role in the world, with a particular emphasis on commercial expansion and warfare, and their domestic consequences, in the 20th century.
source: UHouston 2009年1月15日
HIST 3394
Title: War, Globalization, and Terror
Professor: Robert Buzzanco
Description: A history of the U.S. role in the world, with a particular emphasis on commercial expansion and warfare, and their domestic consequences, in the 20th century.
Antifono.gr (videos of April 2017)
source: Antifono.gr
44:38 Παρουσίαση ποιητικής συλλογής Μαρίας Παναγοπούλου Παλίρροιας ώσεις Την Τετάρτη 5 Απριλίου παρουσιάσαμε στον χώρο του βιβλιοπωλείου μας την νέα ποιητική συλλογή της Μαρίας Παναγοπούλου, Παλίρροιας ώσεις
για την οποία εισηγήθηκαν οι:
Θωμάς Μιχαλιέρης, συγγραφέας ...
2:14:30 Γ. Κοντογιώργης, Το έλλογο της προόδου και το άλογο της αντίδρασης Με αφορμή το νέο του βιβλίο Η Συριζαία Αριστερά ως Νέα Δεξιά ο Γιώργος Κοντογιώργης, διαπραγματεύεται τις έννοιες της προόδου, της συντήρησης και της αντίδρασης και ταξινομεί τις δυνάμεις της διανό...
43:48 π. Ιγνάτιος Γεωργακόπουλος: συνέντευξη στη Λιάνα Κανέλλη (“Mega”, 1991) Η Λιάνα Κανέλλη φιλοξενεί στο στούντιο της εκπομπής της (“Mega Channel”, Σάββατο προ του Θωμά 1991) τον αρχιμανδρίτη, τότε, Ιγνάτιο Γεωργακόπουλο.
Ρωτά κατ’ αρχήν για τον πρόσφατα ιδρυμένο ραδιοφων...
40:27 «Η σκόνη του δρόμου» του Κένεθ Σώγερ Γκούντμαν (ΕΡΤ) Ένα μονόπρακτο θεατρικό έργο του αμερικανού Kenneth Sawyer Goodman, διάρκειας 40΄, που γράφτηκε περίπου το 1912.
Η υπόθεσή του, η οποία διαδραματίζεται ένα βράδυ μεγάλης Παρασκευής των νέων καιρών,...
51:48 Βασίλης Ξυδιάς: Ιστορικό και θεολογικό σχόλιο στη σταύρωση Βασίλης Ξυδιάς: Ιστορικό και θεολογικό σχόλιο στη σταύρωση
«Χίλιες φορές να γεννηθείς, τόσες θα σε σταυρώσουν»
Γιατί οι Εβραίοι θέλησαν να σταυρωθεί ο Ιησούς; Αυτό είναι το ερώτημα που διερευνά η...
41:34 «ΔΙΑΛΟΓΟΙ ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΖΩΗΣ»: Ο Κ. Γανωτής για την Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα (1990) «Πολλές φορές που κοινωνάει ακόμα και ένας απροετοίμαστος ή ανάξιος άνθρωπος, μέσα σε μια στιγμή μπορεί να συλλάβει το βάθος της ευθύνης του, και ξαφνικά να αγιάσει. Δεν πρέπει να μπαίνουμε εμείς μ...
3:54:15 «Κρίση του Πολιτισμού – Σκέψεις Διεξόδου» (Δ. Τζουβάνος,Β. Ξυδιάς) Αυτή είναι η τρίτη κοινή διάλεξη των Δημήτρη Τζουβάνου και Βασίλη Ξυδιά με γενικό θέμα «Η Κρίση του Πολιτισμού». Ήταν ένας κύκλος τριών συζητήσεων που έγιναν την άνοιξη του 2016 στο Αετοπούλειο Πολ...

για την οποία εισηγήθηκαν οι:
Θωμάς Μιχαλιέρης, συγγραφέας ...

Ρωτά κατ’ αρχήν για τον πρόσφατα ιδρυμένο ραδιοφων...

Η υπόθεσή του, η οποία διαδραματίζεται ένα βράδυ μεγάλης Παρασκευής των νέων καιρών,...

«Χίλιες φορές να γεννηθείς, τόσες θα σε σταυρώσουν»
Γιατί οι Εβραίοι θέλησαν να σταυρωθεί ο Ιησούς; Αυτό είναι το ερώτημα που διερευνά η...

JCCCvideo (videos of April 2017)
source: JCCCvideo
4:56 Myths V.S. Facts: Students Weigh In Students answer questions about JCCC, related to perception vs reality people have about attending JCCC.
For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://www.jccc.edu.
1:09:11 Challenges of Antibiotic Resistance The Centers for Disease Control estimate that each year in the United States, more than 2 million people are infected with an antibiotic-resistant infection. Melanie Harvey, Associate Professor of ...
5:34 JCCC Concealed Carry - 'Be Safe and Responsible'
2:13:38 Kansas Court of Appeals Oral Arguments April 19, 2017 Oral Arguments before the Kansas Court of Appeals at Johnson County Community College on April 19, 2017
2:05:15 Kansas Court of Appeals Oral Arguments April 18, 2017 – Morning Docket Oral Arguments before the Kansas Court of Appeals at Johnson County Community College on April 18, 2017
1:11:59 Kansas Court of Appeals Oral Arguments April 18, 2017 – Afternoon Docket Oral Arguments before the Kansas Court of Appeals at Johnson County Community College on April 18, 2017
47:22 Venture Communism and the Future of U.S./China Relations – Tailan Chi East Asia: Communism, Capitalism, Gone Girls and Godzilla
From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who ha...
55:45 Politics through the Eyes of the Artist in China from 1949-2017 - Hong Chun Zhang East Asia: Communism, Capitalism, Gone Girls and Godzilla
From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who ha...
42:00 Environmental Challenges in 21st Century Mongolia - J. Christopher Brown Communism, Capitalism, Gone Girls and Godzilla
From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who have knowledge...
49:35 J-Pop from Godzilla to Pokémon Go . . . and Beyond – Keynote Speaker: Bill Tsutsui Communism, Capitalism, Gone Girls and Godzilla
From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who have knowledg...
2:25 The JCCC Brookridge Community Garden Project From a tiny seed…
$7,500 will fund a significant phase of the Brookridge Community Garden for "laboratory" development which can be used for the science curriculum, at the elementary school, as wel...
1:16:00 "Kosher/Soul" By Michael Twitty Co-presented by JCCC Student Sustainability Committee
Michael W. Twitty, a noted culinary and cultural historian and creator of "Afroculinaria," the first blog devoted to African American historic ...
1:00:37 The Free Gift of Health: John Locke and Early Modern Medicine Darrick Taylor, Ph.D, discusses John Locke and the development of early modern medicine, recorded in the Hudson Auditorium, Johnson County Community College, March 23, 2017.
For more information o...
3:03 Andrew Eveloff, Proud Student of JCCC The parents of the late Andrew Eveloff share why their son loved Johnson County Community College and how personalized attention and caring fueled him to learn despite his illness.

For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://www.jccc.edu.

From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who ha...

From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who ha...

From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who have knowledge...

From China and Japan to Mongolia and the Koreas, the countries of East Asia are key players on the global stage. College graduates who have knowledg...

$7,500 will fund a significant phase of the Brookridge Community Garden for "laboratory" development which can be used for the science curriculum, at the elementary school, as wel...

Michael W. Twitty, a noted culinary and cultural historian and creator of "Afroculinaria," the first blog devoted to African American historic ...

For more information o...

NanoBio Node (videos of April 2017)
source: NanoBio Node
39:28 Computational Structural Biology (Emad Tajkhorshid) Light/Matter Interactions at the Nano-Bio Interface Workshop
The Tajkhorshid lab (Computational Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics; CSBMB) is focused on studying membrane prote...
21:09 Physics-Based Preconditioning for a Newton-Krylov Framework... (Brian Weston) "Physics-Based Preconditioning for a Newton-Krylov Framework in a High-Order rDG-based Navier-Stokes Solver"
Brian Weston
"We investigate the preconditioning of an all-speed Navier-Stok...
41:00 Integrated Photonics Technology (Yurii Vlasov) MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
Dr. Yurii Vlasov is a Founder Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is tenured with the departments of Electrical...
14:23 New directions in III-V MBE: from materials to devices (Minjoo Larry Lee) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
Minjoo Larry Lee received the Sc.B. with honors in materials science and engineering from Brown University, Providence, RI in 1998 and the Ph.D. in electr...
11:14 Nano-scale Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices Based on Two-dimensional Materials (Wenjuan Zhu) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
12:10 Piezoelectric MEMS Devices for Future RF Front Ends (Songbin Gong) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
Dr. Songbin Gong joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign as an assistant professor in Augu...
59:54 NanoBIO Interfaces (Aleksi Aksimentiev) 11/29/2016
Light/Matter Interactions at the Nano-Bio Interface Workshop
Professor Aksimentiev received his Ph.D in chemistry cum laude from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland, in ...
14:27 Novel applications of 2D materials as atomic membranes (Arend van der Zande) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
8:48 Poster Presentations (MNTL Industry Affiliates Program) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
15:28 Activities of Photonic Systems Laboratory (Lynford Goddard) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
1:00:00 Light/Matter Interactions in Biology (Prashant K Jain) 11/29/2016
Light/Matter Interactions at the Nano-Bio Interface Workshop
Professor Jain received his B.Tech. from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, India in 2003 and his Ph.D. in Phys...
41:35 Photonic Integrated Circuit Chips and Modules (Fred Kish) 9/8/2016
MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
For his PhD Frederick Kish Jr. worked under the direction of Professor Nick Holonyak Jr. His dissertation work is part of the core Al-bearing III-V native...
21:01 Epigenetics With Semiconductor Nanotechnology (Aditya Sarathy) DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification involving the addition of a methyl group to DNA, which is heavily involved in gene expression and regulation, thereby critical to the progression of di...
12:04 Interphase Chemical Mapping Of Carbon Fiber-epoxy Composites... (Chris Montgomery) "Interphase Chemical Mapping Of Carbon Fiber-epoxy Composites By Afm-ir Spectroscopy"
The properties and performance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites are highly influenced by t...

The Tajkhorshid lab (Computational Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics; CSBMB) is focused on studying membrane prote...

Brian Weston
"We investigate the preconditioning of an all-speed Navier-Stok...

Dr. Yurii Vlasov is a Founder Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is tenured with the departments of Electrical...

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
Minjoo Larry Lee received the Sc.B. with honors in materials science and engineering from Brown University, Providence, RI in 1998 and the Ph.D. in electr...

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
Dr. Songbin Gong joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign as an assistant professor in Augu...

Light/Matter Interactions at the Nano-Bio Interface Workshop
Professor Aksimentiev received his Ph.D in chemistry cum laude from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland, in ...

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program

Light/Matter Interactions at the Nano-Bio Interface Workshop
Professor Jain received his B.Tech. from the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, India in 2003 and his Ph.D. in Phys...

MNTL Industry Affiliates Program
For his PhD Frederick Kish Jr. worked under the direction of Professor Nick Holonyak Jr. His dissertation work is part of the core Al-bearing III-V native...

The properties and performance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites are highly influenced by t...
stanfordlawschool (videos of April 2017)
source: stanfordlawschool
1:13:41 CodeX | Measuring the Temperature and Diversity of the U.S. Regulatory Ecosystem Presented by CodeX—The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics
Stanford Law School
April 5, 2017
1:24:14 CodeX | Group Meeting | April 20, 2017 CodeX Group Meeting
April 20, 2017
58:17 CodeX | Group Meeting | March 16, 2017 CodeX Group Meeting
March 16, 2017
1:09:19 CodeX | Group Meeting | April 13, 2017 CodeX Group Meeting
April 13, 2017
53:43 FutureLaw 2017 | FutureLaw @5 Lightning Round Jeanette Eicks, Margaret Hagan, Tony Lai, Judy Perry Martinez, Jim Sandman, Adam Stock
This year, CodeX FutureLaw turns five, and we ask these experts to share their thoughts on the following crit...
27:46 FutureLaw 2017 | The Rise of the Legal Chatbots Joshua Browder, Artem Goldman, Joshua Lenon, Norman Spaulding, Kevin Xu, Andrey Zinoviev
In recent years, chatbots have emerged as useful tools in collecting information and advancing legal soluti...
55:24 FutureLaw 2017 | The Rule Systems Panel Michael Genesereth, Michael Mills, Abhijeet Mohapatra, Harry Surden, Manik Suri, Sarah Thornton
Computational Law is the branch of Legal Informatics concerned with the mechanization of legal analy...
57:51 FutureLaw 2017 | The Perils and Promise of Predictive Analytics in Law Josh Becker, Gipsy Escobar, Daniel Martin Katz, John Nay, and Dera Nevin
Predictive analytics in the law began in areas of high-stakes corporate litigation, such as in the IP or securities law spa...
49:07 FutureLaw 2017 | Gillian Hadfield Keynote Gillian Hadfield, "Rules for a Flat World – Why Humans Invented Law and How to Reinvent It For a Complex Global Economy"
11:54 FutureLaw 2017 | Welcome Dean M. Elizabeth Magill, Roland Vogl, and N

Stanford Law School
April 5, 2017

April 20, 2017

March 16, 2017

April 13, 2017

This year, CodeX FutureLaw turns five, and we ask these experts to share their thoughts on the following crit...

In recent years, chatbots have emerged as useful tools in collecting information and advancing legal soluti...

Computational Law is the branch of Legal Informatics concerned with the mechanization of legal analy...

Predictive analytics in the law began in areas of high-stakes corporate litigation, such as in the IP or securities law spa...

Alberto Sanagustín (videos of April 2017)
source: Dr. Alberto Sanagustín
6:30 DISNEA CRÓNICA (dificultad para respirar): causas Disnea crónica (dificultad respiratoria): uso este tema como ejemplo para aplicar técnicas de estudio ya comentadas anteriormente como la interrogación elaborativa, el recuerdo activo y la técnica...
7:47 Cómo Evitar que las Redes Sociales ARRUINEN tu Vida (y ESTUDIAR) Cómo evitar que las redes sociales arruinen la vida y usarlas en tu beneficio para estudiar o trabajar. Explico qué son las redes sociales, cómo funcionan, para qué sirven y cómo pueden producirte ...
4:39 Cómo APRENDER más rápido con la Técnica FEYNMAN Aprender y estudiar más rápido con la Técnica Feynman. Es una técnica de estudio simple, pero poderosa para aprender más rápido y con mayor profundidad el material que tenemos que estudiar. En el v...
4:13 TÉCNICA DE ESTUDIO MUY POTENTE (interrogación elaborativa) Técnica de estudio muy potente. Esta es una de las técnicas de estudio más eficientes y que más favorecen el aprendizaje activo de una forma sencilla. Es una técnica para estudiar mejor y con más ...
8:58 MEMORIZA los ANTIARRÍTMICOS (mnemotecnia visual y verbal) Memoriza los antiarrítmicos: en este vídeo explico cómo memorizar las cuatro clases de antiarrítmicos usando la mnemotecnia verbal y visual (mnemotecnogramas) y aprenderlos bien. Hablo de una estr...
7:33 Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT) - Mindfulness y Acción La Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso (ACT): desarrollado por Steven C. Hayes, Kelly G. Wilson y Kirk Strosahl en los años 80.Usa estrategias de aceptación y atención plena (mindfulness) junto a es...
7:59 Cómo MEMORIZAR TEXTOS largos (palabra por palabra) Cómo memorizar textos literalmente, es decir, palabra por palabra. Doy una visión general, posibles utilidades y beneficios de la memorización al pie de la letra y una estrategia concreta para cons...
8:22 OMEPRAZOL: indicaciones, efectos secundarios, mecanismos de acción Omeprazol: hablo de las indicaciones (para qué sirve), efectos secundarios, interacciones y mecanismos de acción. Hablo del mal uso del omeprazol y de las noticias en los medios de comunicación sob...
4:07 Meditación (mindfulness) para Ateos y Cristianos (alternativas fáciles) Meditación (mindfulness) para Ateos y Cristianos. Una objeción frecuente a la meditacion es que es una práctica budista y que puede entrar en conflicto con la visión del mundo o creencias del que l...
5:13 Cómo MEDITAR correctamente (y mejorar la CONCENTRACIÓN) Cómo meditar (mindfulness) correctamente y mejorar la concentración. ¿Qué es la meditación? ¿Para qué sirve la meditación? ¿Cómo hacer meditación de forma correcta y sencilla?
9:59 SISTEMA INMUNITARIO INNATO #inmunología Sistema inmunitario innato: barreras físicas (1:29) , respuesta inflamatoria (3:28), interferón (6:44) , células NK (7:54) y sistema de complemento (8:26) .


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