# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Jordan B Peterson 2017年1月16日
PSY 434
2017 Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief
1: Context and Background 2:31:27
2: Marionettes & Individuals (Part 1). 2:23:34
3: Marionettes and Individuals (Part 2) 2:26:56
4: Marionettes and Individuals (Part 3) 2:12:27
5: Story and Metastory (Part 1) 2:22:29
6: Story and Metastory (Part 2) 2:27:27
7: Images of Story & MetaStory 2:11:51
8: Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation 2:21:22
9: Patterns of Symbolic Representation 2:16:50
10: Genesis and the Buddha 2:18:45
11: The Flood and the Tower 2:32:24
12: Final: The Divinity of the Individual 2:25:56
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Art and Industry in Early America: Rhode Island Furniture, 1650–1830
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Yale University Art Gallery 2017年3月1日
August 19, 2016–January 8, 2017
This groundbreaking exhibition presents a comprehensive survey of Rhode Island furniture from the colonial and early Federal periods, including elaborately carved chairs, high chests, bureau tables, and clocks. Drawing together more than 130 exceptional objects from museums, historical societies, and private collections, the show highlights major aesthetic innovations developed in the region. In addition to iconic, stylish pieces from important centers of production like Providence and Newport, the exhibition showcases simpler examples made in smaller towns and for export. The exhibition also addresses the surprisingly broad reach of Rhode Island’s furniture production, from the boom of the export trade at the turn of the 17th century and its steady growth throughout the 18th century to the gradual decline of the handcraft tradition in the 19th century. Reflecting on one of New England’s most important artistic traditions, Art and Industry in Early America encourages a newfound appreciation for this dynamic school of American furniture making.
Exhibition organized by Patricia E. Kane, Friends of American Arts Curator of American Decorative Arts. Made possible by generous support from an anonymous donor; Lulu C. and Anthony W. Wang, B.A. 1965; Jeanie Kilroy Wilson; Jane P. Watkins, M.P.H. 1979, and Helen D. Buchanan; and the Henry Luce Foundation. Additional support provided by Jerald Dillon Fessenden, B.A. 1960; Judith and John Herdeg; Sarah Jeffords Radcliffe; Gayle and Howard Rothman; the National Endowment for the Arts; the Wunsch Americana Foundation; the Friends of American Arts at Yale Exhibition and Publication Funds; and the David and Rosalee McCullough Fund.
Exhibition Tour: Art and Industry in Early America 22:25
Making a Claw-and-Ball Foot, Shell, and Dovetails 7:27
Making a Wainscot Chair 9:02
Making a Banister-Back Chair 6:57
Studying American Furniture in the Present 49:35
Early Rhode Island Upholstery 4:39
Friendship, Enslavement, and Persistence: Indigenous Relations with the “Wautaconâuog-Coatmen” 52:22
Yale University Art Gallery: Furniture Study 8:29
American Irony: Religious Freedom and Slavery in Colonial Newport 1:24:23
Tall Case Clock with Automated Dial 4:02
Possessions of the Noyes Family of Westerly, Rhode Island 5:27
“To Bigotry No Sanction” 51:41
source: Yale University Art Gallery 2017年3月1日
August 19, 2016–January 8, 2017
This groundbreaking exhibition presents a comprehensive survey of Rhode Island furniture from the colonial and early Federal periods, including elaborately carved chairs, high chests, bureau tables, and clocks. Drawing together more than 130 exceptional objects from museums, historical societies, and private collections, the show highlights major aesthetic innovations developed in the region. In addition to iconic, stylish pieces from important centers of production like Providence and Newport, the exhibition showcases simpler examples made in smaller towns and for export. The exhibition also addresses the surprisingly broad reach of Rhode Island’s furniture production, from the boom of the export trade at the turn of the 17th century and its steady growth throughout the 18th century to the gradual decline of the handcraft tradition in the 19th century. Reflecting on one of New England’s most important artistic traditions, Art and Industry in Early America encourages a newfound appreciation for this dynamic school of American furniture making.
Exhibition organized by Patricia E. Kane, Friends of American Arts Curator of American Decorative Arts. Made possible by generous support from an anonymous donor; Lulu C. and Anthony W. Wang, B.A. 1965; Jeanie Kilroy Wilson; Jane P. Watkins, M.P.H. 1979, and Helen D. Buchanan; and the Henry Luce Foundation. Additional support provided by Jerald Dillon Fessenden, B.A. 1960; Judith and John Herdeg; Sarah Jeffords Radcliffe; Gayle and Howard Rothman; the National Endowment for the Arts; the Wunsch Americana Foundation; the Friends of American Arts at Yale Exhibition and Publication Funds; and the David and Rosalee McCullough Fund.
Exhibition Tour: Art and Industry in Early America 22:25
Making a Claw-and-Ball Foot, Shell, and Dovetails 7:27
Making a Wainscot Chair 9:02
Making a Banister-Back Chair 6:57
Studying American Furniture in the Present 49:35
Early Rhode Island Upholstery 4:39
Friendship, Enslavement, and Persistence: Indigenous Relations with the “Wautaconâuog-Coatmen” 52:22
Yale University Art Gallery: Furniture Study 8:29
American Irony: Religious Freedom and Slavery in Colonial Newport 1:24:23
Tall Case Clock with Automated Dial 4:02
Possessions of the Noyes Family of Westerly, Rhode Island 5:27
“To Bigotry No Sanction” 51:41
The Vietnam War by Robert Buzzanco (U of Houston)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2009年1月14日
HIST 3322
Title: The Vietnam War
Professor: Robert Buzzanco
Description: Prominent developments in twentieth-century Vietnam and U.S. intervention in its civil war.
source: UHouston 2009年1月14日
HIST 3322
Title: The Vietnam War
Professor: Robert Buzzanco
Description: Prominent developments in twentieth-century Vietnam and U.S. intervention in its civil war.
CIA in the Third World by Thomas O'Brien (U of Houston)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2009年4月20日
HIST 3375
Title: CIA in the Third World
Professor: Thomas O'Brien
Description:The Central Intelligence Agency as an instrument of United States policy toward Third World nations. The history of American intelligence institutions, the contemporary history of selected developing nations, U.S. relations with these countries, and specific cases of CIA involvement.
source: UHouston 2009年4月20日
HIST 3375
Title: CIA in the Third World
Professor: Thomas O'Brien
Description:The Central Intelligence Agency as an instrument of United States policy toward Third World nations. The history of American intelligence institutions, the contemporary history of selected developing nations, U.S. relations with these countries, and specific cases of CIA involvement.
20th Century United States History by Tyrone Tillery (U of Houston)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: UHouston 2008年4月8日
HIST 3394
Title: 20th Century United States History
Professor: Tyrone Tillery
Description: Major themes and issues in American history during the 20th century. The goal of this course is to prepare students to understand the world they live by understanding the critical issues and events that America has faced in the last one hundred years
source: UHouston 2008年4月8日
HIST 3394
Title: 20th Century United States History
Professor: Tyrone Tillery
Description: Major themes and issues in American history during the 20th century. The goal of this course is to prepare students to understand the world they live by understanding the critical issues and events that America has faced in the last one hundred years
zammù multimedia - Università di Catania (videos of April 2017)
source: zammù multimedia - Università di Catania
26:59 Access to Risk Finance 2016/17 Il seminario - tenuto da Francesco Anastasi e Giuseppe Vasta (Unicredit) - e organizzato dalla Cattedra Jean Monnet "International Business for European Union" (IB4EU) - fornisce conoscenze circa l...
29:04 Intellectual Property Right Management 2016/17 Il seminario - tenuto dall'ing. Davide Roncuzzi (Roncuzzi&Associati srl) e organizzato dalla Cattedra Jean Monnet "International Business for European Union" (IB4EU) - illustra aspetti delle fasi p...
10:59 INKIVU - Conclusioni (Catania, 7 giugno 2016) La guerriglia al confine tra Congo e Rwanda, nella regione del Kivu, a causa dei conflitti sotterranei tra lo stato congolese, quello rwandese e quello ugandese, in una zona ricchissima di coltan, ...
9:05 INKIVU - La comunicazione stereotipata (Catania, 7 giugno 2016) La guerriglia al confine tra Congo e Rwanda, nella regione del Kivu, a causa dei conflitti sotterranei tra lo stato congolese, quello rwandese e quello ugandese, in una zona ricchissima di coltan, ...
5:16 INKIVU - Il ruolo della MONUSCO (Catania, 7 giugno 2016) La guerriglia al confine tra Congo e Rwanda, nella regione del Kivu, a causa dei conflitti sotterranei tra lo stato congolese, quello rwandese e quello ugandese, in una zona ricchissima di coltan, ...
13:10 INKIVU - Che fare? (Catania, 7 giugno 2016) La guerriglia al confine tra Congo e Rwanda, nella regione del Kivu, a causa dei conflitti sotterranei tra lo stato congolese, quello rwandese e quello ugandese, in una zona ricchissima di coltan, ...
3:57 INKIVU - Raccontare l'Africa (Catania, 7 giugno 2016) La guerriglia al confine tra Congo e Rwanda, nella regione del Kivu, a causa dei conflitti sotterranei tra lo stato congolese, quello rwandese e quello ugandese, in una zona ricchissima di coltan, ...
11:57 INKIVU - Rimozione dei media nelle migrazioni in Africa (Catania, 7 giugno 2016) La guerriglia al confine tra Congo e Rwanda, nella regione del Kivu, a causa dei conflitti sotterranei tra lo stato congolese, quello rwandese e quello ugandese, in una zona ricchissima di coltan, ...
4:45 I futuri ingegneri visitano il cantiere della Metropolitana di Catania In video la visita degli studenti del corso di laurea magistrale in Ingegneria civile strutturale e geotecnica dell'Università di Catania (Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile e Architettura - Dicar) ...
1:06:51 Il percorso del perdono: incontro tra Agnese Moro e Adriana Faranda Ad oltre 30 anni dal rapimento del politico e giurista Aldo Moro da parte delle Brigate Rosse, la figlia del due volte presidente del Consiglio dei ministri, segretario politico e presidente del co...
8:38 Fonte a ponente luna crescente - itinerario teatralizzato al Monastero dei Benedettini di Catania Una fiaba prende vita nel Chiostro più antico del Monastero dei Benedettini ed è la storia di "Fonte a ponente luna crescente”, un racconto dedicato alla fontana in marmo bianco di Carrara, scritto...
48:26 Docere, movere, delectare: una apologia del latino | Ivano Dionigi all'Università di Catania Il latino evoca un lascito non solo storico, cultuale e linguistico ma anche simbolico: si scrive «latino», ma si legge «italiano, storia, filosofia, sapere scientifico e umanistico, tradizione e r...
2:04 Alla Cittadella universitaria di Catania in metro In video l'intervista al rettore dell'Università di Catania Francesco Basile in occasione dell'inaugurazione della nuova tratta della Metropolitana di Catania.
Il prof. Basile auspica che «entro po...
3:48 MonasteroJunior, l'app progettata dagli alunni della scuola Coppola di Catania Un nuovo percorso di visita multimediale al Monastero dei Benedettini pensato per coinvolgere i ragazzi in età pre-adolescenziale nella valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. È questo "MonasteroJ...
2:08 Radicepura Garden Festival, la presentazione al Monastero dei Benedettini In video la presentazione della prima edizione del Radicepura Garden Festival che si è tenuta il 22 marzo 2017 scorso nel Coro di Notte del Monastero dei Benedettini. L'evento, che apre a Giarre il...

Il prof. Basile auspica che «entro po...

Jordan B Peterson (videos of April 2017)
source: Jordan B Peterson
5:42 National Gallery Talk: Creativity -- and Protest On March 9, 2017, I was invited to speak at the National Gallery of Canada on creativity. There were protests at the Gallery, a letter-writing campaign, petitions, disparaging commentary in local m...
2:18:45 2017 Maps of Meaning 10: Genesis and the Buddha In this lecture, I discuss the creation stories in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and describe the parallels with the stories of the development of the Buddha from childhood to early adultho...
14:24 Disinvited to Linfield College: My response In February of 2017, I was invited to speak at Linfield College (http://www.linfield.edu/), a small liberal arts institution in McMinnville, Oregon, about an hour outside of Portland. I agreed, and...
48:58 2017 Personality 19: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity II In this lecture, I complete my discussion of Big Five trait openness to experience, which is the dimension composed of an amalgam of creativity and intelligence. I also discuss IQ: how it is measur...
1:45:50 2017 Personality 18: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity I In this lecture, I talk about Big Five trait openness to experience, which is the dimension composed of an amalgam of creativity and intelligence. I also discuss IQ: how it is measured, what it mea...
4:29 UPDATE: Research crowdfunding: Thank you. Thank you to the almost 2000 people who are supporting the continuation of my research on personality, political belief (conservative, liberal and politically-correct) and the development of writin...
58:13 Dr Jordan B Peterson Chats with Some Black Guy I had a good conversation with Derrick Pilot, better known as Some Black Guy (http://bit.ly/2eZ9xqb). We first talked about protests, YouTube pundits and political correctness. Then we talked about...
54:29 Postmodernism: practice and pathology I gave a talk on postmodernism and its dangers at the Manning Conference in Ottawa February (www.manningcentre.ca/conference) on a panel entitled Censorship on Campus. Panelists included Dr. Gad Sa...
6:22 Research crowdfunding endeavor... Ezra Levant of Rebel Media has generously offered to organize a crowdfunding venture aimed at supporting my research, which was recently denied funding by the Social Sciences and Humanities Researc...
30:01 The equity authoritarians MUST BE STOPPED. NOW! This is a talk I gave in Calgary, Alberta on Mar 25, 2017, for a political action group, Generation Screwed. I wrote it out, and read it, which I rarely do, because I was developing a new argument,...
1:32:00 Mayhem while we're freezing and starving: my talk at Western I was invited to speak at the University of Western Ontario recently. I and spoke about
(1) identity politics,
(2) the basic biological and temperamental differences between men and women,
(3) t...

(1) identity politics,
(2) the basic biological and temperamental differences between men and women,
(3) t...
New America (videos of April 2017)
source: New America
48:51 Unwarranted: A Conversation on Policing
Police play an indispensable role in our society. But the responsibility for keeping them accountable may lay with us, the people.
In June 2013, documents lea...
1:09:29 The Fuzzy and the Techie: Humanizing Technology to Address Our Gravest Problems The division between the fuzzy and the techie - those who studied humanities or social science, and those who studied computer science or other technical fields - has become a default division in t...
1:23:19 Breaking Up the Boys Club: A Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in National Security Over the past few decades, Americans have grown steadily more conscious of the fact that men and women don't interact with their societies in the same way. "Gender mainstreaming" is the concept tha...
1:46:42 America's Longest War, Against Cancer In 1971, Richard Nixon declared war on cancer. Five decades and billions of dollars later, cancer remains the second leading cause of death in the United States. But promising advances in immunothe...
1:29:01 The Givers: Wealth, Power, and Philanthropy in a New Gilded Age While media attention focuses on famous philanthropists such as Bill Gates and Charles Koch, thousands of donors are at work below the radar promoting a wide range of causes. It’s an elite that wor...
1:36:10 Have Internet Giants Taken Over Creative Culture? The beginning of the 21st century brought with it the emergence of three fledgling businesses that would soon redefine America’s notion of a decentralized internet. Over the last fifteen years, Fac...
1:38:48 Toxic Inequality: Race, Mobility, Wealth and Politics in Today’s America Race and economics have been tied together by public policy since America’s founding. Today African American and Latino families face a racial wealth divide that sees them owning just $11,000 and $...
1:09:13 The Age of Responsibility: Luck, Choice, and the Welfare State In the postwar years, there was a consensus that many of the duties the state owed to its citizens were largely independent of the choices those citizens had made: For example, if people were hungr...
1:22:51 Is Technology Enriching Language New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next gene...
1:26:30 The Future of Broadband Privacy and the Open Internet—Who Will Protect Consumers? Amid widespread public outcry, Congress took decisive and largely unprecedented action in recent weeks to undo privacy protections enacted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2016. L...
2:39:33 The Spawn of Frankenstein No work of literature has done more to shape the way people think about science and its moral consequences than Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Frankenstein. Today, almost two centuries after the nov...
35:11 Your Work May Be Killing You New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next gene...
1:35:21 Building Blocks Towards Peace in Syria A successful resolution to the ongoing conflicts in Syria will require effective governance and security provisions. Yet existing governance and security structures on both the regime and rebel sid...
4:24 Building Blocks Towards Peace in Syria: Governance and Security New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next gene...
19:53 David Sterman on Whether the Travel Ban Really Protects American Security Within the first month of his presidency, Donald Trump issued an executive order banning travel to the United States from seven majority-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, ...
1:25:06 Does the Travel Ban Really Protect American Security? Within the first month of his presidency, Donald Trump issued an executive order banning travel to the United States from seven majority-Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, ...
1:19:53 The Career Comeback From Work to Family and Back Again The "Mommy Track" needs a revamp.
As the gender pay gap closes and more women "lean in," the American dream is alive and well for men and women, so long as they fit one criteria: no children. Alth...
54:36 Extreme You Before she turned around a five billion-dollar sports drink business, Sarah Robb O'Hagan was fired twice. But now, with insights from a career full of dramatic successes and epic failures, she's re...
1:03:29 The Future of Digital Rights Is A Library Card New America is dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the digital age through big ideas, technological innovation, next gene...
1:10:11 Is Technology Enriching Language? Join Future Tense for a conversation on how new and emerging technologies are changing the way we speak, write, and communicate. Will language be richer or poorer for it?

Police play an indispensable role in our society. But the responsibility for keeping them accountable may lay with us, the people.
In June 2013, documents lea...

As the gender pay gap closes and more women "lean in," the American dream is alive and well for men and women, so long as they fit one criteria: no children. Alth...

(اردو / in Urdu) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年10月28日
FIN630 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
source: vu 2008年10月28日
FIN630 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
(اردو / in Urdu) Banking Laws and Practice (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2009年10月27日
BNK601 Banking Laws and Practice
source: vu 2009年10月27日
BNK601 Banking Laws and Practice
(اردو / in Urdu) Financial Statement Analysis (VU of Pakistan)
# playlist (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年10月24日
FIN621 Financial Statement Analysis
source: vu 2008年10月24日
FIN621 Financial Statement Analysis
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