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經典名著選讀 (交大 2010-11)
# 亦可點按影片右上角之播放清單標誌選取影片觀看
source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月17日
經典名著選讀 99學年
2010.09.29《詩經》愛情篇章的語言技術 2:04:21 吳宏一
2010.10.06 有恨無悔的愛情:《羅密歐與茱麗葉》 2:06:42 彭鏡禧
2010.10.13 《正義論》的「正義」探索 1:52:28 錢永祥
2010.10.20 從《蘇菲的世界》談哲學的異想世界 1:47:25 王冠生
2010.10.27 史坦貝克《人鼠之間》與你我他 1:49:05 李家同
2010.11.03 何謂《第三種猩猩》? 1:54:00 孫治本
2010.11.17 愛情不簡單:簡論《簡愛》 1:53:06 康來昌
2010.11.24 葛拉斯戰後小說《錫鼓》(Die Blechtrommel)的杜撰與寫實 2:06:35 鄭芳雄
2010.12.08 自《戰爭論》論戰爭 1:55:31 翁明賢
2010.12.15 《咆哮山莊》裏的愛恨咆哮與歇息 2:01:30 董挽華
2010.12.22 漂在密西西比河上,讀《頑童流浪記》 1:57:04 楊台恩
2010.12.29 《失去的地平線》縱橫談 2:06:17 達瓦才仁
2011.03.09 眾神的微笑:芥川龍之介的《羅生門》與《煙草和魔鬼》 1:35:57 賴振南
2011.03.30 雙身共存的天使:卡拉馬助夫兄弟們 1:40:53 阮慶岳
2011.04.13 軍醫.學者.文豪 森鷗外(1862-1922)-其人及文學 1:59:44 邱若山
2011.04.27 魯迅的復仇哲學 1:48:43 倪偉
2011.05.04 從唐宋詩詞看中國人的審美觀 1:51:28 呂正惠
2011.05.11 大江健三郎:《死者的傲氣》─生與死的對談 1:57:40 何資宜
2011.05.18 夏目漱石的東方與西方:以《三四郎》為例 1:49:08 范淑文
2011.05.25 永恆之美:三島由紀夫《金閣寺》 1:47:18 梁蘊嫻
2011.06.01 沒落貴族的輓歌:太宰治《斜陽》 1:38:38 賴雲莊
source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月17日
經典名著選讀 99學年
2010.09.29《詩經》愛情篇章的語言技術 2:04:21 吳宏一
2010.10.06 有恨無悔的愛情:《羅密歐與茱麗葉》 2:06:42 彭鏡禧
2010.10.13 《正義論》的「正義」探索 1:52:28 錢永祥
2010.10.20 從《蘇菲的世界》談哲學的異想世界 1:47:25 王冠生
2010.10.27 史坦貝克《人鼠之間》與你我他 1:49:05 李家同
2010.11.03 何謂《第三種猩猩》? 1:54:00 孫治本
2010.11.17 愛情不簡單:簡論《簡愛》 1:53:06 康來昌
2010.11.24 葛拉斯戰後小說《錫鼓》(Die Blechtrommel)的杜撰與寫實 2:06:35 鄭芳雄
2010.12.08 自《戰爭論》論戰爭 1:55:31 翁明賢
2010.12.15 《咆哮山莊》裏的愛恨咆哮與歇息 2:01:30 董挽華
2010.12.22 漂在密西西比河上,讀《頑童流浪記》 1:57:04 楊台恩
2010.12.29 《失去的地平線》縱橫談 2:06:17 達瓦才仁
2011.03.09 眾神的微笑:芥川龍之介的《羅生門》與《煙草和魔鬼》 1:35:57 賴振南
2011.03.30 雙身共存的天使:卡拉馬助夫兄弟們 1:40:53 阮慶岳
2011.04.13 軍醫.學者.文豪 森鷗外(1862-1922)-其人及文學 1:59:44 邱若山
2011.04.27 魯迅的復仇哲學 1:48:43 倪偉
2011.05.04 從唐宋詩詞看中國人的審美觀 1:51:28 呂正惠
2011.05.11 大江健三郎:《死者的傲氣》─生與死的對談 1:57:40 何資宜
2011.05.18 夏目漱石的東方與西方:以《三四郎》為例 1:49:08 范淑文
2011.05.25 永恆之美:三島由紀夫《金閣寺》 1:47:18 梁蘊嫻
2011.06.01 沒落貴族的輓歌:太宰治《斜陽》 1:38:38 賴雲莊
經典名著選讀 (交大 2011-12)
# 亦可點按影片右上角之播放清單標誌選取影片觀看
source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月18日
經典名著選讀 100學年
2011.09.21 《預知傳播紀事》:麥克魯漢的觀點 1:56:10 陳偉之
2011.09.28 談契訶夫小說的女性形象 1:43:09 劉皇杏
2011.10.05 倫理與政治:馬基維利的《君王論》 1:41:21 莊錦農
2011.10.12 通往宗教聖域的心靈之旅:伊里亞德的《聖與俗:宗教的本質》 1:40:19 蔡源林
2011.10.19 《不連續的時代》:如何思考未來並洞察趨勢 1:42:00 陳國華
2011.10.26 人生如戲:高夫曼《日常生活中的自我表演》 1:40:21 曾凡慈
2011.11.16 《大師與瑪格麗特》與俄國魔幻寫實主義 1:50:08 鄢定嘉
2011.12.14 榮格與積極想像:從《人及其象徵》一書談起 1:51:09 陳雪均
2011.12.21 從牟斯的《禮物》談當代社會的禮物 1:47:42 何翠萍
2011.12.28 核爆與日本戰後文學 1:41:12 笹沼俊暁
2012.03.07 我願意為你解讀《我願意為妳朗讀》:從「嘔吐」到「清洗」 1:53:28 謝志偉
2012.03.14 騎士詩人但丁愛的哲學 1:39:11 林惠玲
2012.04.11 饗宴光影:從《陰翳禮讚》看谷崎文學的感官藝術 1:42:57 蕭幸君
2012.04.25 弒母的故事:《杜瓦特家族》的國家寓言 1:49:38 張淑英
2012.05.16 敗犬女王:明治時期的女流作家-樋口一葉 1:41:58 廖秀娟
2012.05.23 川端康成《雪國》:哀愁之美 1:40:19 梁蘊嫻
2012.05.30 福爾摩斯如是說:偵探小說的黃金時代 1:45:53 陳國偉
2012.06.06 「無畸不美」:波特萊爾的《惡之華》 1:43:13 趙順良
2012.06.13 馬勒《第九交響曲》與世紀末維也納:聆聽、記憶、救贖 1:41:03 金立群
source: NCTU OCW 2017年7月18日
經典名著選讀 100學年
2011.09.21 《預知傳播紀事》:麥克魯漢的觀點 1:56:10 陳偉之
2011.09.28 談契訶夫小說的女性形象 1:43:09 劉皇杏
2011.10.05 倫理與政治:馬基維利的《君王論》 1:41:21 莊錦農
2011.10.12 通往宗教聖域的心靈之旅:伊里亞德的《聖與俗:宗教的本質》 1:40:19 蔡源林
2011.10.19 《不連續的時代》:如何思考未來並洞察趨勢 1:42:00 陳國華
2011.10.26 人生如戲:高夫曼《日常生活中的自我表演》 1:40:21 曾凡慈
2011.11.16 《大師與瑪格麗特》與俄國魔幻寫實主義 1:50:08 鄢定嘉
2011.12.14 榮格與積極想像:從《人及其象徵》一書談起 1:51:09 陳雪均
2011.12.21 從牟斯的《禮物》談當代社會的禮物 1:47:42 何翠萍
2011.12.28 核爆與日本戰後文學 1:41:12 笹沼俊暁
2012.03.07 我願意為你解讀《我願意為妳朗讀》:從「嘔吐」到「清洗」 1:53:28 謝志偉
2012.03.14 騎士詩人但丁愛的哲學 1:39:11 林惠玲
2012.04.11 饗宴光影:從《陰翳禮讚》看谷崎文學的感官藝術 1:42:57 蕭幸君
2012.04.25 弒母的故事:《杜瓦特家族》的國家寓言 1:49:38 張淑英
2012.05.16 敗犬女王:明治時期的女流作家-樋口一葉 1:41:58 廖秀娟
2012.05.23 川端康成《雪國》:哀愁之美 1:40:19 梁蘊嫻
2012.05.30 福爾摩斯如是說:偵探小說的黃金時代 1:45:53 陳國偉
2012.06.06 「無畸不美」:波特萊爾的《惡之華》 1:43:13 趙順良
2012.06.13 馬勒《第九交響曲》與世紀末維也納:聆聽、記憶、救贖 1:41:03 金立群
Лекториум (videos of June & July 2017)
source: Лекториум
2:17 Открытая студия на Старконе день 3 Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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4:14:22 Открытая студия на Старконе день 2 Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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1:33:44 Открытая студия на Старконе день 1 Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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9:53 Лекция 1 | Будущая пенсия | Сергей Попов | Лекториум Лекция 1 | Курс: Будущая пенсия: как грамотно управлять своими пенсионными накоплениями | Лектор: Сергей Попов | Организатор: Пенсионный фонд Российской Федерации
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2:04 Мастерская Голдберга | СПб Студенты из Москвы и Питера построили 19 машин Голдберга за один день на мастерских-хакатонах.
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2:00 Мастерская Голдберга | СПб и Мск Студенты из Москвы и Питера построили 19 машин Голдберга за один день на мастерских-хакатонах.
Машины Голдберга — это абсурдно сложные приспособления, которые выполняют простейшие задачи. Как пра...
33:29 Наука в действии. Часть 3 | Г. Юдин, М. Велижев, А. Вовин | Лекториум Наука в действии: что значат базовые понятия. Часть 3 | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лекторы: Григорий Юдин, Михаил Велижев, Алексей Вовин | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
Об общественном мнении — Григорий Юдин...
46:45 Одежда как технология | Наталья Никифорова | Лекториум Одежда как технология | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Наталья Никифорова | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
Как электроника, которую мы носим, создает новые формы коммуникации и контроля
Наталья Никифорова...
1:27:36 Lecture 1 | Random planar maps | Jean-Francois Le Gall | Лекториум Lecture 1 | Курс: Random planar maps | Лектор: Jean-Francois Le Gall | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture...
1:31:58 Lecture 2 | Random planar maps | Jean-Francois Le Gall | Лекториум Lecture 2 | Курс: Random planar maps | Лектор: Jean-Francois Le Gall | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture...
1:30:15 Lecture 3 | Random planar maps | Jean-Francois Le Gall | Лекториум Lecture 3 | Курс: Random planar maps | Лектор: Jean-Francois Le Gall | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture...
1:26:04 Lecture 4 | Random planar maps | Jean-Francois Le Gall | Лекториум Lecture 4 | Курс: Random planar maps | Лектор: Jean-Francois Le Gall | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture...
1:31:01 Лекция 25. Василий Жуковский (продолжение) | Краткая история русской поэзии | Лекториум Лекция 25 | Курс: Краткая история русской поэзии | Лектор: Алексей Машевский | Организатор: Проект Нефиктивное образование
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture/30607...
1:47:27 Лекция 24. Василий Жуковский | Краткая история русской поэзии | Лекториум Лекция 24 | Курс: Краткая история русской поэзии | Лектор: Алексей Машевский | Организатор: Проект Нефиктивное образование
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture/30606 ...
1:32:22 Lecture 4 | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Martin Hairer | Лекториум Lecture 4 | Курс: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Лектор: Martin Hairer | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lekto...
1:27:57 Lecture 3 | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Martin Hairer | Лекториум Lecture 3 | Курс: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Лектор: Martin Hairer | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lekto...
1:31:24 Lecture 2 | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Martin Hairer | Лекториум Lecture 2 | Курс: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Лектор: Martin Hairer | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lekto...
1:30:09 Lecture 1 | Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Martin Hairer | Лекториум Lecture 1 | Курс: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations | Лектор: Martin Hairer | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lekto...
1:05:49 The mathematics of randomness | Martin Hairer | Лекториум The mathematics of randomness | Лектор: Martin Hairer | Организатор: Математическая лаборатория имени П.Л.Чебышева
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture/30583
From th...
1:27:18 Лекция 2 | Modern algorithms for some data processing | Григорий Ярославцев | Лекториум Лекция 2 | Курс: Modern algorithms for parallel, streaming and query-based data processing | Лектор: Григорий Ярославцев | Организатор: Computer Science клуб
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: http...
1:16:04 Лекция 4 | Modern algorithms for some data processing | Григорий Ярославцев | Лекториум Лекция 4 | Курс: Modern algorithms for parallel, streaming and query-based data processing | Лектор: Григорий Ярославцев | Организатор: Computer Science клуб
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: http...
1:19:45 Лекция 3 | Modern algorithms for some data processing | Григорий Ярославцев | Лекториум Лекция 3 | Курс: Modern algorithms for parallel, streaming and query-based data processing | Лектор: Григорий Ярославцев | Организатор: Computer Science клуб
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: http...
1:12:51 Лекция 1 | Modern algorithms for some data processing | Григорий Ярославцев | Лекториум Лекция 1 | Курс: Modern algorithms for parallel, streaming and query-based data processing | Лектор: Григорий Ярославцев | Организатор: Computer Science клуб
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: http...
1:06:10 Наука в действии. Часть 2 | И. Курилла, В. Волков, К. Федорова, Ж. Чернова | Лекториум Наука в действии: что значат базовые понятия. Часть 2 | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лекторы: Иван Курилла, Вадим Волков, Капитолина Федорова, Жанна Чернова | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
Об истории — Иван...
1:05:51 Наука в действии. Часть 1 | А. Магун, Ю. Вымятина, А. Миллер, А. Марей | Лекториум Наука в действии: что значат базовые понятия. Часть 1 | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лекторы: Артемий Магун, Юлия Вымятина, Алексей Миллер, Александр Марей | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
Авторы серии «Азбу...
45:43 Может ли Петербург перейти на «чистую» энергию | Ирина Миронова | Лекториум Может ли Петербург перейти на «чистую» энергию | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Ирина Миронова | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
О том, как снизить выбросы парниковых газов и сделать Петербург чище
Ирина М...
1:04:07 Как работает лоббизм в России | Сергей Сушинский | Лекториум Как работает лоббизм в России | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Сергей Сушинский | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
Сергей Сушинский — член Координационного совета по борьбе против табака при Минздраве РФ, а...
1:04:32 Есть ли в Петербурге эпидемия ВИЧ | Марина Ветрова | Лекториум Есть ли в Петербурге эпидемия ВИЧ | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Марина Ветрова | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
О количестве ВИЧ-инфицированных в Петербурге, причинах распространения болезни и мерах пр...
1:05:27 Чему нас научил вирус Wanna Cry | Павел Кузьмич | Лекториум Чему нас научил вирус Wanna Cry | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Павел Кузьмич | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
О том, почему кибербезопасность становится одним из главных вызовов для современного обществ...
1:06:09 Как не попасть в информационный пузырь | Алексей Ковалев | Лекториум Как не попасть в информационный пузырь | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Алексей Ковалев | Организатор: Бумага Медиа
Алексей Ковалев — журналист, создатель сайта «Лапшеснималочная»
27 мая 2017 года
1:01:41 Можно ли определить террориста по его цифровому следу | Артур Хачуян | Лекториум Можно ли определить террориста по его цифровому следу | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Артур Хачуян | Организатор: Бумага Медиа

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Алексей Ковалев — журналист, создатель сайта «Лапшеснималочная»
27 мая 2017 года

Quantum Gravity Research (video of July 2017)
source: Quantum Gravity Research
1:50:12 Sinziana Paduroiu: The Dark Universe - Dark Matter Models in Theory, Simulations and Observations A review of dark matter theoretical models and their challenges, Astrophysicist and Cosmologist Sinziana Paduroiu's talk covers several particle candidates, with a focus on numerical simulations of...
1:18:04 Jack Sarfatti: The Post-Quantum Mechanics of Conscious Artificial Intelligence Renowned physicist Jack Sarfatti stopped by Quantum Gravity Research last week to give a talk on how human consciousness is now easily understood as a natural physical phenomenon. This explanation ...

(italiano / in Italian) UniNettuno - Idraulica
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Ryo Saeba 2012年11月8日
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
L’Idraulica è quella parte della meccanica dei fluidi che si occupa, del moto del liquidi incomprimibili o poco comprimibili, in pressione e a superficie libera, in quiete o in movimento a causa delle forze ad esso applicate e dell’interazione di un corpo fluido con solidi o altri fluidi. Nel corso saranno trattati gli argomenti teorici di base e di progettazione dei casi più frequenti nella pratica professionale.
Per seguire con profitto il corso di Idraulica è necessaria la frequenza di Analisi Matematica I, Analisi Matematica II, Fisica generale ed Elementi di meccanica razionale.
Gli obiettivi del corso sono: fornire le equazioni e i principi fondamentali dell’idraulica e mostrare le diverse applicazioni ai problemi pratici.
Il corso si articola nei seguenti argomenti: • Statica dei fluidi • Dinamica dei fluidi perfetti e dei fluidi reali • Correnti in pressione • Correnti a superficie libera • Acque sotterranee
Correnti a superficie libera
Acque sotterranee
• D. Citrini, G. Noseda, IDRAULICA, Edizioni CEA, 1992. • G. Alfonsi, E. Orsi, PROBLEMI DI IDRAULICA E MECCANICA DEI FLUIDI, Edizioni CEA, 1984.
Le esercitazioni consistono in esercizi numerici riguardanti problemi pratici di semplice risoluzione.
Docente d'Area
Roberto Revelli
Docenti video
Prof. Guglielmo Benfratello - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Gerardo Bonvissuto - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Luigi Butera - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
Prof. Enrico Larcan - Politecnico di Milano (Milano - Italy)
Prof. Guelfo Pulci Doria - Università di Napoli "Federico II" (Napoli - Italia)
00 Presentazione del corso 13:05
01 L'idraulica Base Per Le Costruzioni Idrauliche 38:16
02 Proprietà fisiche dei liquidi 41:07
03 Locuzioni e termini speciali dell'idraulica 37:49
04 Sforzi nei sistemi continui fluidi 37:47
05 Idrostatica (I Parte) Distribuzione e misura della pressione 40:48
06 Idrostatica (II Parte) Equazioni della idrostatica. Spinte su superfici 41:01
07 Idrostatica (III Parte) Applicazioni della idrostatica. 42:43
08 Idrostatica (IV parte) Pressioni assolute e relative. 41:33
09 Statica dei fluidi 41:48
10 Cinematica dei fluidi 40:05
11 Dinamica dei fluidi 37:19
12 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti. Il teorema di Bernoulli: casi particolari 42:11
13 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti (II parte) 40:16
14 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti. Applicazioni del teorema di Bernoulli 41:09
15 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti: la corrente lineare 40:18
16 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti: il teorema di Bernoulli 40:44
17 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti: estensione del teorema di Bernoulli 52:14
18 Estensioni del teorema di Bernoulli al moto vario e al liquido reale 38:59
19 Liquido reale: equazione del moto e scambi di energia 40:06
20 Applicazioni dell’equazione globale della dinamica 39:48
21 Equazioni fondamentali dei fluidi reali 40:28
22 Correnti in pressione: moto uniforme; moto uniforme laminare 45:08
23 Correnti in pressione: moto uniforme (in media) turbolento 44:14
24 Correnti in pressione: sforzi tangenziali viscosi e turbolenti; 43:40
25 Correnti in pressione: analisi dimensionale 40:36
26 Correnti in pressione: moto turbolento in tubi scabri; abaco di Moody 43:12
27 Correnti in pressione: formule pratiche e perdite di carico localizzate 41:29
28 Correnti in pressione: perdite di carico localizzate 44:29
29 Correnti in pressione: applicazioni del teorema di Bernoulli 44:24
30 Correnti in depressione 45:02
31 Lunghe condotte 1 Definizione; condotte erogatrici; 44:38
32 Lunghe condotte 2 - Reti a maglie chiuse; metodo di Cross 44:43
33 Processi di moto vario 40:22
34 Le oscillazioni di massa 41:25
35 Il colpo d'ariete 41:08
36 Il colpo d'ariete - Applicazioni 42:31
37 Correnti a pelo libero 1 - Introduzione; moto uniforme nei canali 44:13
38 Correnti a pelo libero 2 - Scala di deflusso; 43:33
39 Correnti a pelo libero 3 - Moto permanente; 42:50
40 Correnti a pelo libero 4 - Bilanci energetici; profili di pelo libero 42:03
41 Correnti a pelo libero 5 - Profili in alvei a forte pendenza 41:57
42 Correnti a pelo libero 6 - Risalto e profili separati dal risalto 42:04
43 Correnti a pelo libero 7- Fenomeni con minime dissipazioni 42:45
44 Correnti a pelo libero 8 - Deflusso sopra una soglia; 43:22
45 Foronomia - Luci a battente 41:50
46 Foronomia - Luci a stramazzo 40:39
47 Idrometria (I parte) 40:56
48 Idrometria (II parte) 41:00
49 Acque sotterranee - Falde artesiane 40:45
50 Acque sotterranee - Falde freatiche 41:27
source: Ryo Saeba 2012年11月8日
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
L’Idraulica è quella parte della meccanica dei fluidi che si occupa, del moto del liquidi incomprimibili o poco comprimibili, in pressione e a superficie libera, in quiete o in movimento a causa delle forze ad esso applicate e dell’interazione di un corpo fluido con solidi o altri fluidi. Nel corso saranno trattati gli argomenti teorici di base e di progettazione dei casi più frequenti nella pratica professionale.
Per seguire con profitto il corso di Idraulica è necessaria la frequenza di Analisi Matematica I, Analisi Matematica II, Fisica generale ed Elementi di meccanica razionale.
Gli obiettivi del corso sono: fornire le equazioni e i principi fondamentali dell’idraulica e mostrare le diverse applicazioni ai problemi pratici.
Il corso si articola nei seguenti argomenti: • Statica dei fluidi • Dinamica dei fluidi perfetti e dei fluidi reali • Correnti in pressione • Correnti a superficie libera • Acque sotterranee
Correnti a superficie libera
Acque sotterranee
• D. Citrini, G. Noseda, IDRAULICA, Edizioni CEA, 1992. • G. Alfonsi, E. Orsi, PROBLEMI DI IDRAULICA E MECCANICA DEI FLUIDI, Edizioni CEA, 1984.
Le esercitazioni consistono in esercizi numerici riguardanti problemi pratici di semplice risoluzione.
Docente d'Area
Roberto Revelli
Docenti video
Prof. Guglielmo Benfratello - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Gerardo Bonvissuto - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Luigi Butera - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
Prof. Enrico Larcan - Politecnico di Milano (Milano - Italy)
Prof. Guelfo Pulci Doria - Università di Napoli "Federico II" (Napoli - Italia)
00 Presentazione del corso 13:05
01 L'idraulica Base Per Le Costruzioni Idrauliche 38:16
02 Proprietà fisiche dei liquidi 41:07
03 Locuzioni e termini speciali dell'idraulica 37:49
04 Sforzi nei sistemi continui fluidi 37:47
05 Idrostatica (I Parte) Distribuzione e misura della pressione 40:48
06 Idrostatica (II Parte) Equazioni della idrostatica. Spinte su superfici 41:01
07 Idrostatica (III Parte) Applicazioni della idrostatica. 42:43
08 Idrostatica (IV parte) Pressioni assolute e relative. 41:33
09 Statica dei fluidi 41:48
10 Cinematica dei fluidi 40:05
11 Dinamica dei fluidi 37:19
12 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti. Il teorema di Bernoulli: casi particolari 42:11
13 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti (II parte) 40:16
14 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti. Applicazioni del teorema di Bernoulli 41:09
15 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti: la corrente lineare 40:18
16 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti: il teorema di Bernoulli 40:44
17 Dinamica dei liquidi perfetti: estensione del teorema di Bernoulli 52:14
18 Estensioni del teorema di Bernoulli al moto vario e al liquido reale 38:59
19 Liquido reale: equazione del moto e scambi di energia 40:06
20 Applicazioni dell’equazione globale della dinamica 39:48
21 Equazioni fondamentali dei fluidi reali 40:28
22 Correnti in pressione: moto uniforme; moto uniforme laminare 45:08
23 Correnti in pressione: moto uniforme (in media) turbolento 44:14
24 Correnti in pressione: sforzi tangenziali viscosi e turbolenti; 43:40
25 Correnti in pressione: analisi dimensionale 40:36
26 Correnti in pressione: moto turbolento in tubi scabri; abaco di Moody 43:12
27 Correnti in pressione: formule pratiche e perdite di carico localizzate 41:29
28 Correnti in pressione: perdite di carico localizzate 44:29
29 Correnti in pressione: applicazioni del teorema di Bernoulli 44:24
30 Correnti in depressione 45:02
31 Lunghe condotte 1 Definizione; condotte erogatrici; 44:38
32 Lunghe condotte 2 - Reti a maglie chiuse; metodo di Cross 44:43
33 Processi di moto vario 40:22
34 Le oscillazioni di massa 41:25
35 Il colpo d'ariete 41:08
36 Il colpo d'ariete - Applicazioni 42:31
37 Correnti a pelo libero 1 - Introduzione; moto uniforme nei canali 44:13
38 Correnti a pelo libero 2 - Scala di deflusso; 43:33
39 Correnti a pelo libero 3 - Moto permanente; 42:50
40 Correnti a pelo libero 4 - Bilanci energetici; profili di pelo libero 42:03
41 Correnti a pelo libero 5 - Profili in alvei a forte pendenza 41:57
42 Correnti a pelo libero 6 - Risalto e profili separati dal risalto 42:04
43 Correnti a pelo libero 7- Fenomeni con minime dissipazioni 42:45
44 Correnti a pelo libero 8 - Deflusso sopra una soglia; 43:22
45 Foronomia - Luci a battente 41:50
46 Foronomia - Luci a stramazzo 40:39
47 Idrometria (I parte) 40:56
48 Idrometria (II parte) 41:00
49 Acque sotterranee - Falde artesiane 40:45
50 Acque sotterranee - Falde freatiche 41:27
(Español / in Spanish) Sin Calculadora
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2016年7月28日
Sin Calculadora
Ayúdanos difundiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos. Saludos. #AcademiaInternet
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras sin calculadora 5:25
Multiplicar dos números cuya primera cifra es igual y sus unidades suman 10 3:35
Dividir cualquier número por 9 sin calculadora 6:07
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiezan con 9 4:30
Como restar cualquier número sumando 4:35
Truco para sumar varias cantidades de 4 cifras sin calculadora 3:47
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que empieza con 5 2:47
Cuadrado de cualquier número que termina en cinco 3:41
Multiplicar cualquier número por 11 sin calculadora 5:52
Multiplicar cualquier número par por 15 sin usar calculadora 2:43
Multiplicar cualquier número impar por 15 3:23
Multiplicar cualquier número de tres cifras por 101 2:21
Multiplicación de cualquier número por otro de la forma 100...001 sin calculadora 5:35
Multiplicar cualquier número de dos cifras por 99 2:27
Multiplicación de dos números de dos cifras que empiezan con dos 3:50
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que termina en cuatro 4:16
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que termina en 2 3:26
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que empieza con 9 3:33
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiecen con 1 3:38
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiecen con la misma cifra 4:45
Cómo calcular el 10% de cualquier número sin calculadora 3:26
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que termina en 3 sin calculadora 3:56
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras dibujando líneas 6:21
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiecen por 9 sin calculadora 3:29
source: Academia Internet 2016年7月28日
Sin Calculadora
Ayúdanos difundiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos. Saludos. #AcademiaInternet
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras sin calculadora 5:25
Multiplicar dos números cuya primera cifra es igual y sus unidades suman 10 3:35
Dividir cualquier número por 9 sin calculadora 6:07
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiezan con 9 4:30
Como restar cualquier número sumando 4:35
Truco para sumar varias cantidades de 4 cifras sin calculadora 3:47
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que empieza con 5 2:47
Cuadrado de cualquier número que termina en cinco 3:41
Multiplicar cualquier número por 11 sin calculadora 5:52
Multiplicar cualquier número par por 15 sin usar calculadora 2:43
Multiplicar cualquier número impar por 15 3:23
Multiplicar cualquier número de tres cifras por 101 2:21
Multiplicación de cualquier número por otro de la forma 100...001 sin calculadora 5:35
Multiplicar cualquier número de dos cifras por 99 2:27
Multiplicación de dos números de dos cifras que empiezan con dos 3:50
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que termina en cuatro 4:16
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que termina en 2 3:26
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que empieza con 9 3:33
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiecen con 1 3:38
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiecen con la misma cifra 4:45
Cómo calcular el 10% de cualquier número sin calculadora 3:26
Cuadrado de un número de dos cifras que termina en 3 sin calculadora 3:56
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras dibujando líneas 6:21
Multiplicar dos números de dos cifras que empiecen por 9 sin calculadora 3:29
(Español / in Spanish) EXANI-I (preparatoria)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2017年5月29日
EXANI-I (preparatoria)
Ayúdanos difundiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos. Saludos. #AcademiaInternet
Pensamiento Matemático EXANI-I (bachillerato) 55:45
Pensamiento Analítico EXANI-I (bachillerato) 44:29
Estructura de la Lengua EXANI-I (bachillerato) 51:04
Comprensión Lectora, EXANI-I (bachillerato) 42:37
source: Academia Internet 2017年5月29日
EXANI-I (preparatoria)
Ayúdanos difundiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos. Saludos. #AcademiaInternet
Pensamiento Matemático EXANI-I (bachillerato) 55:45
Pensamiento Analítico EXANI-I (bachillerato) 44:29
Estructura de la Lengua EXANI-I (bachillerato) 51:04
Comprensión Lectora, EXANI-I (bachillerato) 42:37
(Español / in Spanish) Exani-II
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Academia Internet 2016年6月16日
EXANI-II pensamiento matemático 2:04:29 Ayúdanos difundiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos. Saludos. #AcademiaInternet
Exani-II Estructura de la lengua 1:16:39
Exani-II Pensamiento Analítico 1:33:28
Comprensión Lectora 30:46
Exani-II Biología 1:25:40
Exani-II Química 1:28:07
Exani-II Matemáticas 2:01:45
Exani-II Economía - administración 54:26
Exani-II Lenguaje escrito 47:48
Exani-II Física 56:23
source: Academia Internet 2016年6月16日
EXANI-II pensamiento matemático 2:04:29 Ayúdanos difundiendo este material en tus redes, suscribiéndote (muy importante) eso nos ayudaría mucho para seguir creciendo y ofrecer materiales de estudio de mejor calidad. Recordar que más vídeo clases de todos los temas en nuestro blog: academiainternet.wordpress.com Gracias a todos. Saludos. #AcademiaInternet
Exani-II Estructura de la lengua 1:16:39
Exani-II Pensamiento Analítico 1:33:28
Comprensión Lectora 30:46
Exani-II Biología 1:25:40
Exani-II Química 1:28:07
Exani-II Matemáticas 2:01:45
Exani-II Economía - administración 54:26
Exani-II Lenguaje escrito 47:48
Exani-II Física 56:23
(Türk / in Turkish) İlyas Güneş 2017 KPSS Matematik Konu Anlatım Videoları
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benim Hocam 2016年10月24日
İlyas Güneş 2017 KPSS Matematik Konu Anlatım Videoları
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
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Matematik Çalışma Yöntemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 8:52
1) Sözel Mantık - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 43:50
2) Sözel Mantık - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:50
3) Temel Kavramlar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 33:24
4) Temel Kavramlar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:26
5) Tek Çift Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 43:22
6) Tek Çift Sayılar - II ve Asal Sayılar - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:18
7) Faktöriyel- I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:11
8) Faktöriyel- II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 21:48
9) Ardışık Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:27
10) Ardışık Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:15
11) Sayı Basamakları - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 25:23
12) Sayı Basamakları - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:33
13) Bölme - İlyas Güneş (2017) 31:15
14) Bölünebilme - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:46
15) Asal Çarpanlar- İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:26
16) Ebob Ekok - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:24
17) Ebob Ekok - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:25
18) Rasyonel Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:27
19) Rasyonel Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 27:58
20) Ondalıklı Sayılar - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:42
21) Basit Eşitsizlikler - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:58
22) Basit Eşitsizlikler - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 46:24
23) Mutlak Değer - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:55
24) Mutlak Değer - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:29
25) Üslü Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 42:56
26) Üslü Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 28:42
27) Köklü Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:59
28) Köklü Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:49
29) Köklü Sayılar - III - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:50
30) Çarpanlara Ayırma - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:05
31) Çarpanlara Ayırma - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:35
32) Çarpanlara Ayırma - III - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:06
33) Oran Orantı - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 35:59
34) Oran-Orantı - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:22
35) Oran-Orantı -III- İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:14
36)Sayı-Kesir Problemleri -I- İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:53
37) Sayı-Kesir Problemleri -II- İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:27
38)Sayı-Kesir Problemleri -III- İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:19
39) Yaş Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:21
40)Karışım Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:54
41) İşçi-Havuz Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:38
42) Yüzde - Kar - Zarar - Faiz Problemleri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:10
43) Yüzde - Kar - Zarar - Faiz Problemleri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 30:42
44) Hız ( Hareket ) Problemleri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:25
45) Hız ( Hareket ) Problemleri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 30:28
46) Grafik Problemleri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:25
47) Grafik Problemleri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:22
48) Kümeler - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:07
49) Kümeler - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:46
50) Küme Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:57
51) İşlem - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:00
52) İşlem - II ve Modüler Aritmetik - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:35
53) Modüler Aritmetik - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 29:55
54) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:04
55) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:25
56) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - III - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:04
57) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - IV - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:20
58) Fonksiyonlar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:35
59) Fonksiyonlar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:32
60) Sayısal Mantık - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:31
61) Sayısal Mantık - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 28:42
62) Üçgende Açılar- I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 30:54
63) Üçgende Açılar- II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:29
64) Üçgende Açıkenar Bağıntıları - İlyas Güneş (2017) 23:24
65) Dik Üçgen- İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:57
66) İkizkenar Eşkenar Üçgen - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:52
67) Açıortay - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:41
68) Kenarortay - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:15
69) Üçgende Alan - İlyas Güneş (2017) 33:33
70) Üçgende Benzerlik -I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 42:18
71) Üçgende Benzerlik -II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:00
72) Çokgenler - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:57
73) Dörtgenler -I- İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:32
74) Dörtgenler -II- İlyas Güneş (2017) 28:41
75) Dörtgenler -II- İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:01
76) Çember - Daire - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 29:37
17) Çember - Daire - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 25:44
78) Katı Cisimler - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:58
79) Katı Cisimler - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 25:08
80) Analitik Geometri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 42:57
81) Analitik Geometri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 27:48
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
source: Benim Hocam 2016年10月24日
İlyas Güneş 2017 KPSS Matematik Konu Anlatım Videoları
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
Matematik Çalışma Yöntemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 8:52
1) Sözel Mantık - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 43:50
2) Sözel Mantık - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:50
3) Temel Kavramlar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 33:24
4) Temel Kavramlar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:26
5) Tek Çift Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 43:22
6) Tek Çift Sayılar - II ve Asal Sayılar - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:18
7) Faktöriyel- I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:11
8) Faktöriyel- II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 21:48
9) Ardışık Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:27
10) Ardışık Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:15
11) Sayı Basamakları - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 25:23
12) Sayı Basamakları - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:33
13) Bölme - İlyas Güneş (2017) 31:15
14) Bölünebilme - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:46
15) Asal Çarpanlar- İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:26
16) Ebob Ekok - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:24
17) Ebob Ekok - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:25
18) Rasyonel Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:27
19) Rasyonel Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 27:58
20) Ondalıklı Sayılar - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:42
21) Basit Eşitsizlikler - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:58
22) Basit Eşitsizlikler - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 46:24
23) Mutlak Değer - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:55
24) Mutlak Değer - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:29
25) Üslü Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 42:56
26) Üslü Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 28:42
27) Köklü Sayılar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:59
28) Köklü Sayılar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:49
29) Köklü Sayılar - III - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:50
30) Çarpanlara Ayırma - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:05
31) Çarpanlara Ayırma - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:35
32) Çarpanlara Ayırma - III - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:06
33) Oran Orantı - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 35:59
34) Oran-Orantı - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:22
35) Oran-Orantı -III- İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:14
36)Sayı-Kesir Problemleri -I- İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:53
37) Sayı-Kesir Problemleri -II- İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:27
38)Sayı-Kesir Problemleri -III- İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:19
39) Yaş Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:21
40)Karışım Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:54
41) İşçi-Havuz Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:38
42) Yüzde - Kar - Zarar - Faiz Problemleri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:10
43) Yüzde - Kar - Zarar - Faiz Problemleri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 30:42
44) Hız ( Hareket ) Problemleri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:25
45) Hız ( Hareket ) Problemleri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 30:28
46) Grafik Problemleri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:25
47) Grafik Problemleri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:22
48) Kümeler - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:07
49) Kümeler - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:46
50) Küme Problemleri - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:57
51) İşlem - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:00
52) İşlem - II ve Modüler Aritmetik - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:35
53) Modüler Aritmetik - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 29:55
54) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:04
55) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:25
56) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - III - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:04
57) Permütasyon - Kombinasyon - Olasılık - IV - İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:20
58) Fonksiyonlar - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:35
59) Fonksiyonlar - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 39:32
60) Sayısal Mantık - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:31
61) Sayısal Mantık - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 28:42
62) Üçgende Açılar- I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 30:54
63) Üçgende Açılar- II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 32:29
64) Üçgende Açıkenar Bağıntıları - İlyas Güneş (2017) 23:24
65) Dik Üçgen- İlyas Güneş (2017) 34:57
66) İkizkenar Eşkenar Üçgen - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:52
67) Açıortay - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:41
68) Kenarortay - İlyas Güneş (2017) 38:15
69) Üçgende Alan - İlyas Güneş (2017) 33:33
70) Üçgende Benzerlik -I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 42:18
71) Üçgende Benzerlik -II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:00
72) Çokgenler - İlyas Güneş (2017) 41:57
73) Dörtgenler -I- İlyas Güneş (2017) 40:32
74) Dörtgenler -II- İlyas Güneş (2017) 28:41
75) Dörtgenler -II- İlyas Güneş (2017) 37:01
76) Çember - Daire - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 29:37
17) Çember - Daire - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 25:44
78) Katı Cisimler - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 36:58
79) Katı Cisimler - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 25:08
80) Analitik Geometri - I - İlyas Güneş (2017) 42:57
81) Analitik Geometri - II - İlyas Güneş (2017) 27:48
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
(Türk / in Turkish) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - Ramazan Yetgin
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benim Hocam 2016年10月10日
Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - Ramazan Yetgin
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
1) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - (1 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 1:33:11
2) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - ( 2 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 1:13:19
3) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - ( 3 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 1:02:10
4) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - ( 4 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 29:54
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
source: Benim Hocam 2016年10月10日
Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - Ramazan Yetgin
Türkiye’nin Hocaları Sizin yanınızda …
Kitap Satışımız İçin;
http://www.benimhocamyayinevi.com https://www.facebook.com/benimhocamya...
1) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - (1 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 1:33:11
2) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - ( 2 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 1:13:19
3) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - ( 3 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 1:02:10
4) Diyarbakır Genel Tekrarı - ( 4 ) - Ramazan Yetgin 29:54
Benim Hocam Sözel Mantık Konu Kitabı Tanıtımı - Mantığın Kapısı - Kenan Bozkurt - (2017) 11:25
Engineering Maths - MATLAB by Benjamin Drew at UWE Bristol
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benjamin Drew 2012年10月1日
UFMFJ9-30-1 at UWE Bristol.
Eng Maths - MATLAB - Lecture 1 48:51 This lecture introduces the material and covers the basic concepts involved in using MATLAB, including:
- basic calculations
- variables
- vectors, matrices and arrays
- performing calculations with arrays
- indexing values
- saving files
Eng Maths - MATLAB - Lecture 2 45:44
Eng Maths - MATLAB - Lecture 3 37:59
source: Benjamin Drew 2012年10月1日
UFMFJ9-30-1 at UWE Bristol.
Eng Maths - MATLAB - Lecture 1 48:51 This lecture introduces the material and covers the basic concepts involved in using MATLAB, including:
- basic calculations
- variables
- vectors, matrices and arrays
- performing calculations with arrays
- indexing values
- saving files
Eng Maths - MATLAB - Lecture 2 45:44
Eng Maths - MATLAB - Lecture 3 37:59
Control Systems Engineering by Benjamin Drew at UWE Bristol
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benjamin Drew 2011年9月29日
Lecture 1 - Introduction 41:29 Lecture 1 for Control Systems Engineering (UFMEUY-20-3) and Industrial Control (UFMF6W-20-2) at UWE Bristol. Slides available here: http://www.cems.uwe.ac.uk/~bw-drew/CS....
This lecture covers introduction to the module, control system basics with some examples, and modelling simple systems with differential equations.
Lecture 2 - Modelling Systems 43:51
Lecture 3 - Time Response 36:32
Lecture 4 - Second Order Time Response 46:34
Lecture 5 - Block Diagrams 41:20
Lecture 6a - Frequency Response 49:58
Lecture 6b - Frequency Response 55:08
Lecture 7 - Frequency Response and Stability 32:52
Lecture 8 - Modifying Behaviour 33:40
Lecture 9 - The s-plane 46:41
Lecture 10 - Root Locus 55:07
Lecture 11 - Controllers 42:50
Lecture 12 - Simulation Software 22:23
Lecture 13 - Discrete Time and Non-linearity 38:15
source: Benjamin Drew 2011年9月29日
Lecture 1 - Introduction 41:29 Lecture 1 for Control Systems Engineering (UFMEUY-20-3) and Industrial Control (UFMF6W-20-2) at UWE Bristol. Slides available here: http://www.cems.uwe.ac.uk/~bw-drew/CS....
This lecture covers introduction to the module, control system basics with some examples, and modelling simple systems with differential equations.
Lecture 2 - Modelling Systems 43:51
Lecture 3 - Time Response 36:32
Lecture 4 - Second Order Time Response 46:34
Lecture 5 - Block Diagrams 41:20
Lecture 6a - Frequency Response 49:58
Lecture 6b - Frequency Response 55:08
Lecture 7 - Frequency Response and Stability 32:52
Lecture 8 - Modifying Behaviour 33:40
Lecture 9 - The s-plane 46:41
Lecture 10 - Root Locus 55:07
Lecture 11 - Controllers 42:50
Lecture 12 - Simulation Software 22:23
Lecture 13 - Discrete Time and Non-linearity 38:15
Dynamics and Control by Benjamin Drew at UWE Bristol
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Benjamin Drew 2014年10月1日
Dynamics and Control
Captured lectures for the Dynamics section of the 2014-2015 Dynamics and Control module (code UFMFM8-30-3) at UWE Bristol.
1-1 Undamped Oscillation 16:27 This video covers undamped oscillation, deriving equations for displacement for free and forced undamped oscillation.
1-2 Complex Notation 8:51
1-3 Damped Oscillation 38:18
2-1 Damping, Amplitude and Frequency Ratios 9:03
2-2 Solutions in Alternative Forms 15:40
2-3 Ch 2 Exercise 5 18:05
2-4 Ch 2 Exercise 10 16:01
3-1 SDOF Response to Forcing Functions: Theory 37:32
3-2 SDOF Response: Example 1 9:44
3-3 Damped Reponse and Beating 11:14
3-4 SDOF Response Example 2 7:45
4-1 Fourier Series 26:35
4-2 Fourier Series Example 15:12
4-3 Fourier Transforms 17:24
5-1 Multiple Degrees of Freedom Basics 40:33
5-2 Two degree of freedom example 22:05
6-1 MDOF: Modal Analysis Theory 23:55
6-2 Modal Analysis Worked Example 1 10:36
6-3 Modal Analysis Worked Example 2 11:07
7-1 Modal Analysis Context 17:59
7-2 Modal Analysis 2DOF Example 23:52
8-1 Energy and Lagrange's Equation 7:51
8-2 Lagrange - Linear Example 10:29
8-3 Lagrange - Pendulum Example 12:25
8-4 Lagrange - Non-linear Example 11:40
8-5 Lagrange - Ch 7 Ex 2 30:46
9-1 Probability and Statistics 19:58
9-2 Random Processes 20:35
9-3 Fractals 3:24
9-4 Statistics Example 11:58
9-5 Random Process Example 22:18
10-1 Revision for Chapters 2-4 23:21
10-2 Sample Exercise Q6 26:44
11-1 Revision Chapters 5-8 11:57
11-2 Sample Exercise Q14 37:29
11-3 Sample Exercise Q23 22:21
12-1 Solution to 2014 Exam Q1 54:49
12-2 Sample Exercise Q21 22:45
source: Benjamin Drew 2014年10月1日
Dynamics and Control
Captured lectures for the Dynamics section of the 2014-2015 Dynamics and Control module (code UFMFM8-30-3) at UWE Bristol.
1-1 Undamped Oscillation 16:27 This video covers undamped oscillation, deriving equations for displacement for free and forced undamped oscillation.
1-2 Complex Notation 8:51
1-3 Damped Oscillation 38:18
2-1 Damping, Amplitude and Frequency Ratios 9:03
2-2 Solutions in Alternative Forms 15:40
2-3 Ch 2 Exercise 5 18:05
2-4 Ch 2 Exercise 10 16:01
3-1 SDOF Response to Forcing Functions: Theory 37:32
3-2 SDOF Response: Example 1 9:44
3-3 Damped Reponse and Beating 11:14
3-4 SDOF Response Example 2 7:45
4-1 Fourier Series 26:35
4-2 Fourier Series Example 15:12
4-3 Fourier Transforms 17:24
5-1 Multiple Degrees of Freedom Basics 40:33
5-2 Two degree of freedom example 22:05
6-1 MDOF: Modal Analysis Theory 23:55
6-2 Modal Analysis Worked Example 1 10:36
6-3 Modal Analysis Worked Example 2 11:07
7-1 Modal Analysis Context 17:59
7-2 Modal Analysis 2DOF Example 23:52
8-1 Energy and Lagrange's Equation 7:51
8-2 Lagrange - Linear Example 10:29
8-3 Lagrange - Pendulum Example 12:25
8-4 Lagrange - Non-linear Example 11:40
8-5 Lagrange - Ch 7 Ex 2 30:46
9-1 Probability and Statistics 19:58
9-2 Random Processes 20:35
9-3 Fractals 3:24
9-4 Statistics Example 11:58
9-5 Random Process Example 22:18
10-1 Revision for Chapters 2-4 23:21
10-2 Sample Exercise Q6 26:44
11-1 Revision Chapters 5-8 11:57
11-2 Sample Exercise Q14 37:29
11-3 Sample Exercise Q23 22:21
12-1 Solution to 2014 Exam Q1 54:49
12-2 Sample Exercise Q21 22:45
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: openmichigan 2015年2月3日
View course on Open.Michigan: http://open.umich.edu/education/med/1...
Help us caption & translate this video: http://amara.org/v/GFA4/
source: openmichigan 2015年2月3日
View course on Open.Michigan: http://open.umich.edu/education/med/1...
Help us caption & translate this video: http://amara.org/v/GFA4/
2015-T3 - Mathematical general relativity - CEB Trimester
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2015年10月15日
2015-T3 - Mathematical general relativity - CEB Trimester
COURSE: On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
Sergiu Klainerman
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University
COURSE: An Introduction to Self-Gravitating Matter
Philippe LeFloch
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique & Université Pierre et Marie Curie
8/12/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 6 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:15:40
27/11/2015 - Philippe G LeFloch - Lec. 7 - Nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for massive fields 2:10:33
24/11/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 5 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:10:02
17/11/2015 - Jérémie Szeftel - Remarks on the nonlinear stability of Schwarzschild 55:24
19/11/2015 - Thibault Damour - The Structure of Cosmological Singularities 59:36
17/11/2015 - Qian Wang - Global Existence for the Einstein Equations with Massive Scalar Fields 1:03:41
20/11/2015 - Richard Schoen - Localizing Solutions of the Einstein Equations 1:00:19
19/11/2015 - Gustav Holzegel - The Linear Stability of the Schwarzschild Solution 1:02:00
19/11/2015 - Jacques Smulevici - Dynamics in asymptotically AdS spacetimes 47:28
20/11/2015 - Georges Ellis - The Steps Along The Way Whereby Einstein’s General Theory... 1:06:08
19/11/2015 - Demetrios Christodoulou - The Formulation of the Two-Body Problem in General Relativity 1:12:17
17/11/2015 - Mihalis Dafermos - The stability problem for black holes... 1:00:00
17/11/2015 - Jonathan Luk - Interior of Dynamical Vacuum Black Holes 1:04:53
16/11/2015 - Jean Philippe Uzan - Introduction 3:04
16/11/2015 - Roger Penrose - Palatial Twistor Theory: a Quantum Approach to Classical Space-Time 1:02:30
16/11/2015 - Jean-Pierre Bourguignon - General Relativity and Geometry 1:02:34
16/11/2015 - Robert Wald - Dynamic and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Holes and Black Branes 59:01
13/11/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 6 - The geometry of weakly regular spacetimes 1:57:32
10/11/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 4 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:07:24
06/11/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 5 - Self-gravitating fluids with bounded variation 2:09:45
03/11/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 3 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:00:14
30/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 4 - Weakly regular Cauchy developments 1:56:50
23/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 3 - Weak solutions to the Einstein equations 2:06:51
20/10/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 2 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:08:47
16/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 2 - Modified gravity and weakly regular spacetimes 2:07:07
16/10/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 1 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:01:08
9/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 1 - An Introduction to Self-Gravitating Matter 1:58:46
This course offers an introduction to some aspects of the dynamics of self-gravitating matter described by the Einstein equations of general relativity. The notion of "weakly regular spacetime" is introduced and the initial value problem for the Einstein equations is solved when the initial data set has solely weak regularity and enjoys T2 or spherical symmetry. The proposed theory allows for impulsive gravitational waves, as well as shock waves, and despite the presence of such singular waves propagating in the spacetime, its global causal geometry can be analyzed: geodesic completeness, crushing singularity property, formation of trapped surfaces, etc. This course also studies the dynamics of self-gravitating massive fields and provides a proof that Minkowski spacetime is nonlinearly stable in presence of massive fields with sufficiently small mass. A small perturbation of an asymptotically flat, spacelike hypersurface in Minkowski space is proven to disperse toward future timelike directions, so that the spacetime is future geodesically complete.
This course is part of the Trimester Program “Mathematical general relativity” which took place at the Institut Henri Poincaré in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of general relativity.
See http://philippelefloch.org for further information.
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2015年10月15日
2015-T3 - Mathematical general relativity - CEB Trimester
COURSE: On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
Sergiu Klainerman
Department of Mathematics, Princeton University
COURSE: An Introduction to Self-Gravitating Matter
Philippe LeFloch
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique & Université Pierre et Marie Curie
8/12/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 6 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:15:40
27/11/2015 - Philippe G LeFloch - Lec. 7 - Nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for massive fields 2:10:33
24/11/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 5 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:10:02
17/11/2015 - Jérémie Szeftel - Remarks on the nonlinear stability of Schwarzschild 55:24
19/11/2015 - Thibault Damour - The Structure of Cosmological Singularities 59:36
17/11/2015 - Qian Wang - Global Existence for the Einstein Equations with Massive Scalar Fields 1:03:41
20/11/2015 - Richard Schoen - Localizing Solutions of the Einstein Equations 1:00:19
19/11/2015 - Gustav Holzegel - The Linear Stability of the Schwarzschild Solution 1:02:00
19/11/2015 - Jacques Smulevici - Dynamics in asymptotically AdS spacetimes 47:28
20/11/2015 - Georges Ellis - The Steps Along The Way Whereby Einstein’s General Theory... 1:06:08
19/11/2015 - Demetrios Christodoulou - The Formulation of the Two-Body Problem in General Relativity 1:12:17
17/11/2015 - Mihalis Dafermos - The stability problem for black holes... 1:00:00
17/11/2015 - Jonathan Luk - Interior of Dynamical Vacuum Black Holes 1:04:53
16/11/2015 - Jean Philippe Uzan - Introduction 3:04
16/11/2015 - Roger Penrose - Palatial Twistor Theory: a Quantum Approach to Classical Space-Time 1:02:30
16/11/2015 - Jean-Pierre Bourguignon - General Relativity and Geometry 1:02:34
16/11/2015 - Robert Wald - Dynamic and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Holes and Black Branes 59:01
13/11/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 6 - The geometry of weakly regular spacetimes 1:57:32
10/11/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 4 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:07:24
06/11/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 5 - Self-gravitating fluids with bounded variation 2:09:45
03/11/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 3 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:00:14
30/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 4 - Weakly regular Cauchy developments 1:56:50
23/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 3 - Weak solutions to the Einstein equations 2:06:51
20/10/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 2 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:08:47
16/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 2 - Modified gravity and weakly regular spacetimes 2:07:07
16/10/2015 - Sergiu Klainerman - Lecture 1 - On The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 2:01:08
9/10/2015 - Philippe G. LeFloch - Lecture 1 - An Introduction to Self-Gravitating Matter 1:58:46
This course offers an introduction to some aspects of the dynamics of self-gravitating matter described by the Einstein equations of general relativity. The notion of "weakly regular spacetime" is introduced and the initial value problem for the Einstein equations is solved when the initial data set has solely weak regularity and enjoys T2 or spherical symmetry. The proposed theory allows for impulsive gravitational waves, as well as shock waves, and despite the presence of such singular waves propagating in the spacetime, its global causal geometry can be analyzed: geodesic completeness, crushing singularity property, formation of trapped surfaces, etc. This course also studies the dynamics of self-gravitating massive fields and provides a proof that Minkowski spacetime is nonlinearly stable in presence of massive fields with sufficiently small mass. A small perturbation of an asymptotically flat, spacelike hypersurface in Minkowski space is proven to disperse toward future timelike directions, so that the spacetime is future geodesically complete.
This course is part of the Trimester Program “Mathematical general relativity” which took place at the Institut Henri Poincaré in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of general relativity.
See http://philippelefloch.org for further information.
T1-2014 : Random walks and asymptopic geometry of groups.
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2014年4月14日
T1-2014 : Random walks and asymptopic geometry of groups.
March 24 - 28, 2014
Organizers: Emmanuel Breuillard, Indira Chatterji and Anna Erschler
Part of the IHP trimester on "random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups"
Organizers: Indira Chatterji, Anna Erschler, Vadim Kaimanovich and Laurent Saloff-Coste
Rostislav Grigorchuk - Invariant random subgroups of groups of the lamplighter type 41:54 Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M University, USA)
After a short introduction to invariant random subgroups (IRS) I will present some results obtained in collaboration with L.Bowen, R.Kravchenko and T.Nagnibeda and with M.Benli and T.Nagnibeda.
First I will talk about IRS of groups of lamplighter type. Then about IRS
of groups of intermediate growth. And finally, about IRS on hyperbolic groups, mapping class group and group of outer automorphisms of a free group. The latter results are based on study of characteristic random subgroups of a free abelian group of infinite rank and of a free non-commutative group.
Alex Lubotzky - Quantum error correcting codes... 47:00
Amos Nevo - On best possible rates of Diophantine approximation by lattice orbits. 53:51
Elon Lindenstrauss - Spectral gap, random walks on Euclidean isometry groups... 50:18
Elyahu Rips - Free Engel Groups and Similar Groups 49:58
Joel Friedman - Sheaves on Graphs, L^2 Betti Numbers, and Applications. 48:48
John s. Wilson - Metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups 43:44
Laurent Bartholdi - Imbeddings in groups of subexponential growth 50:38
Mark Sapir - The Tarski numbers of groups. 50:40
Martin Bridson - Profinite isomorphism problems. 50:50
Miklos Abert - Invariant random subgroups. 49:41
Mladen Bestvina - On the asymptotic dimension of a curve complex. 47:40
Nicolas Monod - Cutting and pasting: a group for Frankenstein 46:50
Nikolay Nikolov - Right angled cocompact lattices in higher rank simple Lie groups. 49:26
Thomas Delzant - Holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces from the pov of asymptotic group theory 40:37
Alexander Olshanskii - Relative growth of subgroups in finitely generated groups 44:13
Karen Vogtmann - Outer space for right-angled Artin groups 47:16
Leonid Potyagailo - Similar Relatively hyperbolic actions of a group 48:06
Yves Benoist - Random walk on p-adic flag varieties 50:35
Zlil Sela - Envelopes and equivalence relations in a free group 46:50
Gilbert Levitt - Vertex finiteness for relatively hyperbolic groups 48:30
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2014年4月14日
T1-2014 : Random walks and asymptopic geometry of groups.
March 24 - 28, 2014
Organizers: Emmanuel Breuillard, Indira Chatterji and Anna Erschler
Part of the IHP trimester on "random walks and asymptotic geometry of groups"
Organizers: Indira Chatterji, Anna Erschler, Vadim Kaimanovich and Laurent Saloff-Coste
Rostislav Grigorchuk - Invariant random subgroups of groups of the lamplighter type 41:54 Rostislav Grigorchuk (Texas A&M University, USA)
After a short introduction to invariant random subgroups (IRS) I will present some results obtained in collaboration with L.Bowen, R.Kravchenko and T.Nagnibeda and with M.Benli and T.Nagnibeda.
First I will talk about IRS of groups of lamplighter type. Then about IRS
of groups of intermediate growth. And finally, about IRS on hyperbolic groups, mapping class group and group of outer automorphisms of a free group. The latter results are based on study of characteristic random subgroups of a free abelian group of infinite rank and of a free non-commutative group.
Alex Lubotzky - Quantum error correcting codes... 47:00
Amos Nevo - On best possible rates of Diophantine approximation by lattice orbits. 53:51
Elon Lindenstrauss - Spectral gap, random walks on Euclidean isometry groups... 50:18
Elyahu Rips - Free Engel Groups and Similar Groups 49:58
Joel Friedman - Sheaves on Graphs, L^2 Betti Numbers, and Applications. 48:48
John s. Wilson - Metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups 43:44
Laurent Bartholdi - Imbeddings in groups of subexponential growth 50:38
Mark Sapir - The Tarski numbers of groups. 50:40
Martin Bridson - Profinite isomorphism problems. 50:50
Miklos Abert - Invariant random subgroups. 49:41
Mladen Bestvina - On the asymptotic dimension of a curve complex. 47:40
Nicolas Monod - Cutting and pasting: a group for Frankenstein 46:50
Nikolay Nikolov - Right angled cocompact lattices in higher rank simple Lie groups. 49:26
Thomas Delzant - Holomorphic families of Riemann surfaces from the pov of asymptotic group theory 40:37
Alexander Olshanskii - Relative growth of subgroups in finitely generated groups 44:13
Karen Vogtmann - Outer space for right-angled Artin groups 47:16
Leonid Potyagailo - Similar Relatively hyperbolic actions of a group 48:06
Yves Benoist - Random walk on p-adic flag varieties 50:35
Zlil Sela - Envelopes and equivalence relations in a free group 46:50
Gilbert Levitt - Vertex finiteness for relatively hyperbolic groups 48:30
T2-2014 : Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2014年4月22日
T2-2014 : Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics
Institut Henri Poincaré thematic trimester
Program and registration : https://ihp2014.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/
After years of steady development, the technology of proof assistants is currently coming to a mature state. As a matter of fact, it is possible today to formalize a non trivial mathematical proof inside a computer, and to check its correctness automatically. This "tour de force" has been recently achieved for the four color theorem, and a certified proof of the classification of finite groups and of the Kepler conjecture are on the way.
These achievements would not have been possible without the rich and active mathematics of formal proofs which emerged in the 1970s at the frontier of logic and computer science, along the Curry-Howard correspondence. This seminal correspondence enables us to understand a logical proof (of a given formula) as a well-behaved program (of a given type). Besides this by now traditional connection between logic and computer science, a number of unexpected connections are currently emerging with other fields of mathematics -- this including homotopy theory, higher dimensional algebra, quantum topology, topos theory, functional analysis and operator algebra. Finally, proof assistants have been successfully applied to certify properties of programs written in high-level languages as well as low-level languages, to implement certified compilers, or to establish important security properties of protocols.
The purpose of this thematic trimester is to provide a forum for the extended community of researchers and students in mathematics and in computer science interested in proof assistants, and more generally, in the mathematics of formal proofs. Much care will be devoted during the trimester to train the mathematicians interested to learn and to use the current proof assistants in their work.
1 - Kick-off afternoon : introduction and welcoming word by Cédric Villani 20:25
2 - Kick-off afternoon : Georges Gonthier, Digitizing the Group Theory of the Odd Order Theorem 40:32
3 - Kick-off afternoon : Thomas Hales, Formalizing the proof of the Kepler Conjecture 43:18
4 - Kick-off afternoon : Xavier Leroy, Proof assistants in computer science research 50:30
5 - Kick-off afternoon : Vladimir Voevodsky, Univalent Foundations 54:16
6 - Lectures - Gérard Berry, Constructive semantics, electricity propagation in circuits... 1/2 2:13:02
7 - Lectures - Gérard Berry, Constructive semantics, electricity propagation in circuits... 2/2 1:00:17
8 - Lectures : Jean-Yves Girard 1/3, Qu'est-ce qu'une réponse ? (l'analytique) 1:03:58
9 - Lectures : Jean-Yves Girard 2/3, Qu'est-ce qu'une question ? (le format) 1:04:53
10 - Lectures : Jean-Yves Girard 3/3, D'où vient la certitude ? (l'épidictique) 1:17:27
Jean Louis Krivine - 1/2 La correspondance de Curry-Howard donne de nouveaux modèles de ZF 1:35:58
Jean Louis Krivine - 2/2 Curry-Howard correspondence gives new models of ZF 1:44:15
François Potier - 1/2 The practice and theory of Mezzo 1:36:03
François Potier - 2/2 The practice and theory of Mezzo 1:35:44
Thorsten Altenkirch - 1/2 Towards a Syntax for Cubical Type Theory 1:17:33
Thorsten Altenkirch - 2/2 Towards a Syntax for Cubical Type Theory 59:32
source: Institut Henri Poincaré 2014年4月22日
T2-2014 : Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics
Institut Henri Poincaré thematic trimester
Program and registration : https://ihp2014.pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr/
After years of steady development, the technology of proof assistants is currently coming to a mature state. As a matter of fact, it is possible today to formalize a non trivial mathematical proof inside a computer, and to check its correctness automatically. This "tour de force" has been recently achieved for the four color theorem, and a certified proof of the classification of finite groups and of the Kepler conjecture are on the way.
These achievements would not have been possible without the rich and active mathematics of formal proofs which emerged in the 1970s at the frontier of logic and computer science, along the Curry-Howard correspondence. This seminal correspondence enables us to understand a logical proof (of a given formula) as a well-behaved program (of a given type). Besides this by now traditional connection between logic and computer science, a number of unexpected connections are currently emerging with other fields of mathematics -- this including homotopy theory, higher dimensional algebra, quantum topology, topos theory, functional analysis and operator algebra. Finally, proof assistants have been successfully applied to certify properties of programs written in high-level languages as well as low-level languages, to implement certified compilers, or to establish important security properties of protocols.
The purpose of this thematic trimester is to provide a forum for the extended community of researchers and students in mathematics and in computer science interested in proof assistants, and more generally, in the mathematics of formal proofs. Much care will be devoted during the trimester to train the mathematicians interested to learn and to use the current proof assistants in their work.
1 - Kick-off afternoon : introduction and welcoming word by Cédric Villani 20:25
2 - Kick-off afternoon : Georges Gonthier, Digitizing the Group Theory of the Odd Order Theorem 40:32
3 - Kick-off afternoon : Thomas Hales, Formalizing the proof of the Kepler Conjecture 43:18
4 - Kick-off afternoon : Xavier Leroy, Proof assistants in computer science research 50:30
5 - Kick-off afternoon : Vladimir Voevodsky, Univalent Foundations 54:16
6 - Lectures - Gérard Berry, Constructive semantics, electricity propagation in circuits... 1/2 2:13:02
7 - Lectures - Gérard Berry, Constructive semantics, electricity propagation in circuits... 2/2 1:00:17
8 - Lectures : Jean-Yves Girard 1/3, Qu'est-ce qu'une réponse ? (l'analytique) 1:03:58
9 - Lectures : Jean-Yves Girard 2/3, Qu'est-ce qu'une question ? (le format) 1:04:53
10 - Lectures : Jean-Yves Girard 3/3, D'où vient la certitude ? (l'épidictique) 1:17:27
Jean Louis Krivine - 1/2 La correspondance de Curry-Howard donne de nouveaux modèles de ZF 1:35:58
Jean Louis Krivine - 2/2 Curry-Howard correspondence gives new models of ZF 1:44:15
François Potier - 1/2 The practice and theory of Mezzo 1:36:03
François Potier - 2/2 The practice and theory of Mezzo 1:35:44
Thorsten Altenkirch - 1/2 Towards a Syntax for Cubical Type Theory 1:17:33
Thorsten Altenkirch - 2/2 Towards a Syntax for Cubical Type Theory 59:32
Number Theory (at CIRM)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2014年8月12日
Jean-Pierre Serre: How to prove that Galois groups are "large" 53:38 Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities.
The Galois groups of the title are those which are associated with elliptic curves over number fields; I shall explain the methods which were introduced in the 1960's in order to prove that they are large, and the questions about them which are still open fifty years later.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Heights, modularity, transcendence " the May 12, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Jean Pierre Serre: Distributions des valeurs propres des Frobenius des variétés abéliennes ... 1:00:04
Harald Helfgott: Towards ternary Goldbach's conjecture 57:12
Fabien Pazuki: Bounds for the number of rational points on curves over global fields 53:58
János Pintz: Polignac numbers and the consecutive gaps between primes 51:54
Gilles Lachaud: Formulas for the limiting distribution of traces of Frobenius 48:59
Jan-Hendrik Evertse: On Scmidt's subspace theorem 58:27
Mike Zieve: Unlikely intersections of polynomial orbits 40:05
Winnie Li: Towers of Ramanujan graphs 1:02:48
Peter Scholze: p-adic cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower 55:21
Cameron L. Stewart: A refinement of the abc conjecture 33:22
Andrzej Schinzel: The Congruence f ( x ) + g ( y ) + c = 0 (mod xy ) 30:27
Daniel Bertrand: Generalized Jacobians and Pellian polynomials 34:42
Igor Shparlinski: Group structures of elliptic curves #1 59:06
Igor Shparlinski: Group structures of elliptic curves #2 59:44
Igor Shparlinski: Group structures of elliptic curves #3 59:41
Jared Weinstein: Local Shimura varieties for p-adic fields 1:03:52
Heinrich Matzat: Braids and Galois groups 1:07:25
Wim Veys : Zeta functions and monodromy 1:03:25
Chantal David: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #1 56:29
Chantal David: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #2 1:00:47
Nathan Jones: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #3 58:25
Nathan jones: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #4 1:04:13
Chantal David: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #5 1:02:11
Nathan Jones : Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #6 45:16
Andrew Sutherland: Introduction to Sato-Tate distributions 1:03:38
Andrew Sutherland: Moment sequences of Sato-Tate groups 58:06
Andrew Sutherland: Computing Sato-Tate statistics 1:11:19
Francesc Fité: The generalized Sato-Tate conjecture 58:52
Francesc Fité: Sato-Tate axioms 53:53
Francesc Fité: The Galois type of an Abelian surface 1:04:05
Peter Stevenhagen: The Chebotarev density theorem 1:02:29
Peter Stevenhagen: Character sums for primitive root densities 1:05:46
Kevin Buzzard: Pre-adic and adic spaces 1:05:13
Freydoon Shahidi: On equality of arithmetic and analytic exterior square root numbers 1:07:06
Christian Elsholtz: Hilbert cubes in arithmetic sets 31:47
Jean-Marie de Koninck: On the proximity of additive and multiplicative functions 45:39
Hugh Montgomery: Moments of a Thue-Morse generating function 24:03
Michael Drmota: Automatic sequences along squares and primes 44:10
Olivier Ramaré: Some news on bilinear decomposition of the Möbius function 46:31
Alena Pirutka: Algebraic cycles on varieties over finite fields 48:59
Andrew Sutherland: Computing the image of Galois representations attached to elliptic curves 28:54
Marco Streng: Generators for the group of modular units for Γ1(N) over the rationals 27:48
Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler: Algebraic curves with many rational points over non-prime finite fields 1:00:38
Aurore Guillevic: Computing discrete logarithms in GF(pn): practical improvement of ... 25:53
Scott Ahlgren: Algebraic and transcendental formulas for the smallest parts function 42:45
Jan Bruinier: Classes of Heegner divisors and traces of singular moduli 52:18
Karl Mahlburg: Automorphic forms and classical partition identities 47:50
Boris Pioline : A string theorist view point on the genus-two Kawazumi-Zhang invariant 49:57
Sander Zwegers: Fourier coefficients of meromorphic Jacobi forms 53:23
Entretien au CIRM : Jean-Pierre SERRE avec Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THELENE 55:12
Winnie Li: Unramified graph covers of finite degree 47:12
José Felipe Voloch: Generators of elliptic curves over finite fields 34:20
Pär Kurlberg: Class number statistics for imaginary quadratic fields Pär Kurlberg 42:18
William Banks: Primes, exponential sums, and L-functions 41:17
James Arthur: Beyond Endoscopy and elliptic terms in the trace formula 1:13:55
Fiona Murnaghan: Tame relatively supercuspidal representations 1:08:59
Shou-Wu Zhang: Congruent number problem and BSD conjecture 49:01
Wee Teck Gan: Theta lifts of tempered representations and Langlands parameter 1:01:59
Raphaël Beuzart-Plessis: The local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups 59:51
Dipendra Prasad: The local Langlands correspondence: functoriality, L-functions, gamma ... 1:41:58
Omer Offen : The relative trace formula 1:01:45
Omer Offen: Period integrals of automorphic forms 1:06:12
Omer Offen : Distinction by a symmetric subgroup 1:02:04
Omer Offen : Distinction and the geometric lemma 1:03:04
Nikos Frantzikinakis: Ergodicity of the Liouville system implies the Chowla conjecture 1:00:09
Harald Helfgott: The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools 48:05
Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics 1:02:30
Benjamin Weiss: The unsolved problems of Halmos 57:15
James Maynard: Primes with missing digits 1:01:13
Peter Sarnak: Möbius randomness and dynamics six years later 1:12:38
Interview at Cirm: Michael Harris 21:36
Anke Pohl: Isomorphisms between eigenspaces of slow and fast transfer operators 58:06
Javier Fresán: Exponential motives 1:04:28
Youness Lamzouri: Large character sums 44:59
Sigrid Grepstad: Bounded remainder sets for the discrete and continuous irrational rotation 32:39
Zeev Rudnick: Angles of Gaussian primes 42:14
Anne de Roton: Small sumsets in continuous and discrete settings 41:56
James Maynard: Large gaps between primes in subsets 49:39
30 ans d'AGCCT 23:13
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2014年8月12日
Jean-Pierre Serre: How to prove that Galois groups are "large" 53:38 Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities.
The Galois groups of the title are those which are associated with elliptic curves over number fields; I shall explain the methods which were introduced in the 1960's in order to prove that they are large, and the questions about them which are still open fifty years later.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Heights, modularity, transcendence " the May 12, 2014 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Jean Pierre Serre: Distributions des valeurs propres des Frobenius des variétés abéliennes ... 1:00:04
Harald Helfgott: Towards ternary Goldbach's conjecture 57:12
Fabien Pazuki: Bounds for the number of rational points on curves over global fields 53:58
János Pintz: Polignac numbers and the consecutive gaps between primes 51:54
Gilles Lachaud: Formulas for the limiting distribution of traces of Frobenius 48:59
Jan-Hendrik Evertse: On Scmidt's subspace theorem 58:27
Mike Zieve: Unlikely intersections of polynomial orbits 40:05
Winnie Li: Towers of Ramanujan graphs 1:02:48
Peter Scholze: p-adic cohomology of the Lubin-Tate tower 55:21
Cameron L. Stewart: A refinement of the abc conjecture 33:22
Andrzej Schinzel: The Congruence f ( x ) + g ( y ) + c = 0 (mod xy ) 30:27
Daniel Bertrand: Generalized Jacobians and Pellian polynomials 34:42
Igor Shparlinski: Group structures of elliptic curves #1 59:06
Igor Shparlinski: Group structures of elliptic curves #2 59:44
Igor Shparlinski: Group structures of elliptic curves #3 59:41
Jared Weinstein: Local Shimura varieties for p-adic fields 1:03:52
Heinrich Matzat: Braids and Galois groups 1:07:25
Wim Veys : Zeta functions and monodromy 1:03:25
Chantal David: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #1 56:29
Chantal David: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #2 1:00:47
Nathan Jones: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #3 58:25
Nathan jones: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #4 1:04:13
Chantal David: Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #5 1:02:11
Nathan Jones : Distributions of Frobenius of elliptic curves #6 45:16
Andrew Sutherland: Introduction to Sato-Tate distributions 1:03:38
Andrew Sutherland: Moment sequences of Sato-Tate groups 58:06
Andrew Sutherland: Computing Sato-Tate statistics 1:11:19
Francesc Fité: The generalized Sato-Tate conjecture 58:52
Francesc Fité: Sato-Tate axioms 53:53
Francesc Fité: The Galois type of an Abelian surface 1:04:05
Peter Stevenhagen: The Chebotarev density theorem 1:02:29
Peter Stevenhagen: Character sums for primitive root densities 1:05:46
Kevin Buzzard: Pre-adic and adic spaces 1:05:13
Freydoon Shahidi: On equality of arithmetic and analytic exterior square root numbers 1:07:06
Christian Elsholtz: Hilbert cubes in arithmetic sets 31:47
Jean-Marie de Koninck: On the proximity of additive and multiplicative functions 45:39
Hugh Montgomery: Moments of a Thue-Morse generating function 24:03
Michael Drmota: Automatic sequences along squares and primes 44:10
Olivier Ramaré: Some news on bilinear decomposition of the Möbius function 46:31
Alena Pirutka: Algebraic cycles on varieties over finite fields 48:59
Andrew Sutherland: Computing the image of Galois representations attached to elliptic curves 28:54
Marco Streng: Generators for the group of modular units for Γ1(N) over the rationals 27:48
Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler: Algebraic curves with many rational points over non-prime finite fields 1:00:38
Aurore Guillevic: Computing discrete logarithms in GF(pn): practical improvement of ... 25:53
Scott Ahlgren: Algebraic and transcendental formulas for the smallest parts function 42:45
Jan Bruinier: Classes of Heegner divisors and traces of singular moduli 52:18
Karl Mahlburg: Automorphic forms and classical partition identities 47:50
Boris Pioline : A string theorist view point on the genus-two Kawazumi-Zhang invariant 49:57
Sander Zwegers: Fourier coefficients of meromorphic Jacobi forms 53:23
Entretien au CIRM : Jean-Pierre SERRE avec Jean-Louis COLLIOT-THELENE 55:12
Winnie Li: Unramified graph covers of finite degree 47:12
José Felipe Voloch: Generators of elliptic curves over finite fields 34:20
Pär Kurlberg: Class number statistics for imaginary quadratic fields Pär Kurlberg 42:18
William Banks: Primes, exponential sums, and L-functions 41:17
James Arthur: Beyond Endoscopy and elliptic terms in the trace formula 1:13:55
Fiona Murnaghan: Tame relatively supercuspidal representations 1:08:59
Shou-Wu Zhang: Congruent number problem and BSD conjecture 49:01
Wee Teck Gan: Theta lifts of tempered representations and Langlands parameter 1:01:59
Raphaël Beuzart-Plessis: The local Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups 59:51
Dipendra Prasad: The local Langlands correspondence: functoriality, L-functions, gamma ... 1:41:58
Omer Offen : The relative trace formula 1:01:45
Omer Offen: Period integrals of automorphic forms 1:06:12
Omer Offen : Distinction by a symmetric subgroup 1:02:04
Omer Offen : Distinction and the geometric lemma 1:03:04
Nikos Frantzikinakis: Ergodicity of the Liouville system implies the Chowla conjecture 1:00:09
Harald Helfgott: The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools 48:05
Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics 1:02:30
Benjamin Weiss: The unsolved problems of Halmos 57:15
James Maynard: Primes with missing digits 1:01:13
Peter Sarnak: Möbius randomness and dynamics six years later 1:12:38
Interview at Cirm: Michael Harris 21:36
Anke Pohl: Isomorphisms between eigenspaces of slow and fast transfer operators 58:06
Javier Fresán: Exponential motives 1:04:28
Youness Lamzouri: Large character sums 44:59
Sigrid Grepstad: Bounded remainder sets for the discrete and continuous irrational rotation 32:39
Zeev Rudnick: Angles of Gaussian primes 42:14
Anne de Roton: Small sumsets in continuous and discrete settings 41:56
James Maynard: Large gaps between primes in subsets 49:39
30 ans d'AGCCT 23:13
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