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Strategic Partnership Romania-USA (Emil Constantinescu & Bill Clinton)
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2017年7月11日
"Strategic Partnership Romania-USA"
The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies - Publications
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
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source: École normale supérieure 2017年7月3日
L'effet de mise en perspective correspond à un changement d'attitude résultant du "choc cognitif" produit par l'observation de la planète terre depuis une orbite ou depuis la surface lunaire. Les images des premières expéditions spatiales ont par ailleurs joué un rôle important dans le domaine de l'écologie scientifique et de l'écologie politique. Elles ont par exemple influencé les théories symbiotiques globales, conduisant à une vision de la Terre comme un unique écosystème (e.g., la théorie Gaïa de J. Lovelock), ou encore l’écologie politique, un mouvement se développant dans les années 1970, sur la base des travaux du club de Rome.
Le 28 juin 2017, nous avons pu interroger Jean-François Clervoy, ce vétéran de plusieurs missions spatiales avec la NASA sur son expérience de l'Overview effect (*), et débattre librement de grands thèmes liés à l'exploration, aux sciences et technologies spatiales.
Ces échanges ont été conduits et animés par Christian Lorenzi, Directeur des études sciences de l'ENS, Guillaume Dugué, Chercheur à l'Institut de Biologie de l'ENS, Emmanuelle Jouët-Pastré, Professeur de littérature à l'Université de Lorraine, et Lucas Paoli, élève normalien en Biologie à l'ENS et membre d'EcoCampus.
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(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - A Grubu - Anayasa Hukuku
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年11月9日
01) Anayasa Hukukuna Giriş - Tarihsel Gelişim - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:20
02) 61 Anayasası ve 82 Anayasasının Yapılışları - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 30:46
03) 82 Anayasasına Giriş-Başlangıç Bölümü - İlk 3 Madde -Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 40:44
04) Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 40:02
05) Temel Hak ve Özgürlüklerin Sınırlandırılması, Seçimler-Soysal AYGÜN(2017) 39:02
06) Ara Seçimler ve Siyasi Partiler Hukuku - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 35:58
07) TBMM Yasamaya Giriş Millet Vekilleri - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 42:16
08) Dokunulmazlık Millet Vekilinin Düşmesi Başkanlık Divanı-Soysal AYGÜN(2017) 37:38
09) Kanun Yapım Süreci - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:01
10) Özel Nitelikli, Şekli Kanunlar-Anayasa Değişiklikleri-Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 41:04
11) Toplantı Karar Yeter Sayıları-Bilgi Edinme-Denetleme Yöntemleri-Soysal AYGÜN(2017) 40:44
12) Denetleme Yöntemleri, Cumhurbaşkanı Seçimi - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:23
13) Bakanlar Kurulumun Oluşumu ve KHK'ler - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:55
14) Ohal Sıkı Yönetim, Tüzükler Yönetmelikler - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 37:45
15) HSYK, Anayasa Mahkemesinin Oluşumu - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 36:49
16) Anayasa Mahkemesinin Görev ve Yetkileri - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:02
17) Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararların Özellikleri - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 12:48
18) Anayasa Hukuku Soru Çözümü -1- Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 38:08
19) Anayasa Hukuku Soru Çözümü -2- Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 50:50
20) Anayasa Hukuku Soru Çözümü -3- Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 33:50
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年11月9日
01) Anayasa Hukukuna Giriş - Tarihsel Gelişim - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:20
02) 61 Anayasası ve 82 Anayasasının Yapılışları - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 30:46
03) 82 Anayasasına Giriş-Başlangıç Bölümü - İlk 3 Madde -Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 40:44
04) Temel Hak ve Özgürlükler - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 40:02
05) Temel Hak ve Özgürlüklerin Sınırlandırılması, Seçimler-Soysal AYGÜN(2017) 39:02
06) Ara Seçimler ve Siyasi Partiler Hukuku - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 35:58
07) TBMM Yasamaya Giriş Millet Vekilleri - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 42:16
08) Dokunulmazlık Millet Vekilinin Düşmesi Başkanlık Divanı-Soysal AYGÜN(2017) 37:38
09) Kanun Yapım Süreci - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:01
10) Özel Nitelikli, Şekli Kanunlar-Anayasa Değişiklikleri-Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 41:04
11) Toplantı Karar Yeter Sayıları-Bilgi Edinme-Denetleme Yöntemleri-Soysal AYGÜN(2017) 40:44
12) Denetleme Yöntemleri, Cumhurbaşkanı Seçimi - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:23
13) Bakanlar Kurulumun Oluşumu ve KHK'ler - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:55
14) Ohal Sıkı Yönetim, Tüzükler Yönetmelikler - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 37:45
15) HSYK, Anayasa Mahkemesinin Oluşumu - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 36:49
16) Anayasa Mahkemesinin Görev ve Yetkileri - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 39:02
17) Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararların Özellikleri - Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 12:48
18) Anayasa Hukuku Soru Çözümü -1- Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 38:08
19) Anayasa Hukuku Soru Çözümü -2- Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 50:50
20) Anayasa Hukuku Soru Çözümü -3- Soysal AYGÜN (2017) 33:50
(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - Türkçe Konu Anlatım
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月17日
01) Sözcükte Yapı - Gizem Ural (2017) 42:32
02) Sözcükte Yapı - Gizem Ural (2017) 37:05
03) Sözcükte Yapı - Gizem URAL (2017) 32:30
04) Sözcük Türleri (isim) - Gizem URAL (2017) 50:51
05) Sözcük Türleri ( zamir ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 38:17
06) Sözcük Türleri ( sıfat ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 58:18
07) Sözcük Türleri ( zarf ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 1:00:20
08) Sözcük Türleri ( edat, bağlaç, ünlem ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 27:31
09) Sözcük Türleri ( fiil ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 53:06
10) Ek Eylem - Gizem URAL (2017) 38:23
11) Fiilimsi - Gizem URAL (2017) 40:27
12) Cümlenin Ögeleri - Gizem URAL (2017) 47:51
13) Fiilde Çatı - Gizem URAL (2017) 48:22
14) Cümle Türleri - Gizem URAL (2017) 50:57
15) Ses Olayları - Gizem URAL (2017) 35:52
16) Ses Olayları -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 57:42
17) Yazım Kuralları -1- Gizem URAL (2017) 48:04
18) Yazım Kuralları -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 34:17
19) Yazım Kuralları -3- Gizem URAL (2017) 25:17
20) Noktalama İşaretleri - Gizem URAL (2017) 55:41
21) Sözcükte ve Söz Öbeklerinde Anlam - Gizem URAL (2017) 54:46
22) Cümlede Anlam - Gizem URAL (2017) 35:56
23) Paragraf Bilgisi - Gizem URAL (2017) 33:36
24) Anlatım Bozukluğu - Gizem URAL (2017) 27:14
25) Anlam Bilgisi Sorularında Tüyolar -1- Gizem URAL (2017) 38:45
26) Anlam Bilgisi Sorularında Tüyolar -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 49:00
27) Sözel Mantık -1- Erman DİNLER (2017) 43:00
28) Sözel Mantık -2- Erman DİNLER (2017) 41:14
29) Sözel Mantık -3- Erman DİNLER (2017) 52:58
30) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -1- Gizem URAL (2017) 9:22
31) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 6:40
32) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -3- Gizem URAL (2017) 7:30
33) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -4- Gizem URAL (2017) 6:40
34) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -5- Gizem URAL (2017) 4:43
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月17日
01) Sözcükte Yapı - Gizem Ural (2017) 42:32
02) Sözcükte Yapı - Gizem Ural (2017) 37:05
03) Sözcükte Yapı - Gizem URAL (2017) 32:30
04) Sözcük Türleri (isim) - Gizem URAL (2017) 50:51
05) Sözcük Türleri ( zamir ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 38:17
06) Sözcük Türleri ( sıfat ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 58:18
07) Sözcük Türleri ( zarf ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 1:00:20
08) Sözcük Türleri ( edat, bağlaç, ünlem ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 27:31
09) Sözcük Türleri ( fiil ) - Gizem URAL (2017) 53:06
10) Ek Eylem - Gizem URAL (2017) 38:23
11) Fiilimsi - Gizem URAL (2017) 40:27
12) Cümlenin Ögeleri - Gizem URAL (2017) 47:51
13) Fiilde Çatı - Gizem URAL (2017) 48:22
14) Cümle Türleri - Gizem URAL (2017) 50:57
15) Ses Olayları - Gizem URAL (2017) 35:52
16) Ses Olayları -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 57:42
17) Yazım Kuralları -1- Gizem URAL (2017) 48:04
18) Yazım Kuralları -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 34:17
19) Yazım Kuralları -3- Gizem URAL (2017) 25:17
20) Noktalama İşaretleri - Gizem URAL (2017) 55:41
21) Sözcükte ve Söz Öbeklerinde Anlam - Gizem URAL (2017) 54:46
22) Cümlede Anlam - Gizem URAL (2017) 35:56
23) Paragraf Bilgisi - Gizem URAL (2017) 33:36
24) Anlatım Bozukluğu - Gizem URAL (2017) 27:14
25) Anlam Bilgisi Sorularında Tüyolar -1- Gizem URAL (2017) 38:45
26) Anlam Bilgisi Sorularında Tüyolar -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 49:00
27) Sözel Mantık -1- Erman DİNLER (2017) 43:00
28) Sözel Mantık -2- Erman DİNLER (2017) 41:14
29) Sözel Mantık -3- Erman DİNLER (2017) 52:58
30) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -1- Gizem URAL (2017) 9:22
31) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -2- Gizem URAL (2017) 6:40
32) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -3- Gizem URAL (2017) 7:30
33) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -4- Gizem URAL (2017) 6:40
34) Bir Soru Bir Cevap -5- Gizem URAL (2017) 4:43
Semester on 'Moduli Spaces in Symplectic Topology and Gauge Theory'
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年8月7日
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Lalonde/Teleman
Semester on 'Moduli Spaces in Symplectic Topology and Gauge Theory'
May - October 20154
General themes
Many areas of modern geometry lead naturally to moduli spaces classifying certain geometric objects and a minimality problem on these moduli spaces. For instance, Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture uses the Ricci flow, hence a parabolic evolution equation on the moduli space of metrics. The same setting is also present in higher dimensions, where Aubin, Yau, Tian and Donaldson established fundamental existence theorems. In Contact-Symplectic topology, the focus of the program, the same concepts are also behind the recent spectacular proof by Taubes of the full Weinstein conjecture on the existence of closed orbits of the Reeb flow on contact manifolds, which uses implicitly Seiberg-Witten theory hence moduli spaces of monopoles and the Embedded Contact Homology developed by Hutchings. The ubiquitous Floer theory is present almost everywhere in symplectic topology, but has also found extraordinary applications in low-dimensional differential topology. The theory of $J$-holomorphic curves, which is the core of the Gromov-Witten theory, has been used in almost complex geometry at all levels, but also by Welschinger, Kharlamov, Itenberg and Salomon to derive new real enumerative invariants.
The proposed theme semester at CIRM will be a hub dedicated to the study of these questions that lie at the heart of the current developments in symplectic and differential topology, as plenary talks at the ICM's 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010 show.
Nick Sheridan: Counting curves using the Fukaya category 1:11:23
Find other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
In 1991, string theorists Candelas, de la Ossa, Green and Parkes made a startling prediction for the number of curves in each degree on a generic quintic threefold, in terms of periods of a holomorphic volume form on a ‘mirror manifold’. Givental and Lian, Liu and Yau gave a mathematical proof of this version of mirror symmetry for the quintic threefold (and many more examples) in 1996. In the meantime (1994), Kontsevich had introduced his ‘homological mirror symmetry’ conjecture and stated that it would ‘unveil the mystery of mirror symmetry’. I will explain how to prove that the number of curves on the quintic threefold matches up with the periods of the mirror via homological mirror symmetry. I will also attempt to explain in what sense this is ‘less mysterious’ than the previous proof. This is based on joint work with Sheel Ganatra and Tim Perutz.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Jean-Morlet Chair: Moduli spaces in symplectic topology and in Gauge theory" the June 4, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Sheel Ganatra: The Floer theory of a cotangent bundle, the string topology of the base and... 1:06:22
Kai Cieliebak: On a question by Michele Audin 1:03:08
Tim Perutz: From categories to curve-counts in mirror symmetry 1:07:36
Emmy Murphy: Existence of Liouville structures on cobordisms 1:05:11
Jake Solomon: The degenerate special Lagrangian equation 1:06:16
Mohammed Abouzaid: Nearby Lagrangians are simply homotopic 58:56
John Pardon: Virtual fundamental cycles and contact homology 1:01:41
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年8月7日
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Lalonde/Teleman
Semester on 'Moduli Spaces in Symplectic Topology and Gauge Theory'
May - October 20154
General themes
Many areas of modern geometry lead naturally to moduli spaces classifying certain geometric objects and a minimality problem on these moduli spaces. For instance, Perelman's proof of the Poincaré conjecture uses the Ricci flow, hence a parabolic evolution equation on the moduli space of metrics. The same setting is also present in higher dimensions, where Aubin, Yau, Tian and Donaldson established fundamental existence theorems. In Contact-Symplectic topology, the focus of the program, the same concepts are also behind the recent spectacular proof by Taubes of the full Weinstein conjecture on the existence of closed orbits of the Reeb flow on contact manifolds, which uses implicitly Seiberg-Witten theory hence moduli spaces of monopoles and the Embedded Contact Homology developed by Hutchings. The ubiquitous Floer theory is present almost everywhere in symplectic topology, but has also found extraordinary applications in low-dimensional differential topology. The theory of $J$-holomorphic curves, which is the core of the Gromov-Witten theory, has been used in almost complex geometry at all levels, but also by Welschinger, Kharlamov, Itenberg and Salomon to derive new real enumerative invariants.
The proposed theme semester at CIRM will be a hub dedicated to the study of these questions that lie at the heart of the current developments in symplectic and differential topology, as plenary talks at the ICM's 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010 show.
Nick Sheridan: Counting curves using the Fukaya category 1:11:23
Find other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
In 1991, string theorists Candelas, de la Ossa, Green and Parkes made a startling prediction for the number of curves in each degree on a generic quintic threefold, in terms of periods of a holomorphic volume form on a ‘mirror manifold’. Givental and Lian, Liu and Yau gave a mathematical proof of this version of mirror symmetry for the quintic threefold (and many more examples) in 1996. In the meantime (1994), Kontsevich had introduced his ‘homological mirror symmetry’ conjecture and stated that it would ‘unveil the mystery of mirror symmetry’. I will explain how to prove that the number of curves on the quintic threefold matches up with the periods of the mirror via homological mirror symmetry. I will also attempt to explain in what sense this is ‘less mysterious’ than the previous proof. This is based on joint work with Sheel Ganatra and Tim Perutz.
Recording during the thematic meeting: "Jean-Morlet Chair: Moduli spaces in symplectic topology and in Gauge theory" the June 4, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Filmmaker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Sheel Ganatra: The Floer theory of a cotangent bundle, the string topology of the base and... 1:06:22
Kai Cieliebak: On a question by Michele Audin 1:03:08
Tim Perutz: From categories to curve-counts in mirror symmetry 1:07:36
Emmy Murphy: Existence of Liouville structures on cobordisms 1:05:11
Jake Solomon: The degenerate special Lagrangian equation 1:06:16
Mohammed Abouzaid: Nearby Lagrangians are simply homotopic 58:56
John Pardon: Virtual fundamental cycles and contact homology 1:01:41
La relatividad general, 100 años después / General relativity, 100 years later
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2015年6月5日
Presentación de la jornada divulgativa: "La relatividad general, 100 años después"
Introducción: "La relatividad general, 100 años después" 16:47
Relatividad General Para Principiantes (José L. F. Barbón) 1:18:38
Tests de la Relatividad General: ¿Tenía razón Einstein 100 años después? (Carlos Fernández Sopuerta) 1:07:13
Relatividad General y Cosmología (Juan García-Bellido) 1:17:02
Astrofísica Relativista y agujeros negros: Observando lo invisible (Antxon Alberdi) 1:01:07
Relatividad General y Mecánica Cuántica (Enrique Álvarez) 58:17
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2015年6月5日
Presentación de la jornada divulgativa: "La relatividad general, 100 años después"
Introducción: "La relatividad general, 100 años después" 16:47
Relatividad General Para Principiantes (José L. F. Barbón) 1:18:38
Tests de la Relatividad General: ¿Tenía razón Einstein 100 años después? (Carlos Fernández Sopuerta) 1:07:13
Relatividad General y Cosmología (Juan García-Bellido) 1:17:02
Astrofísica Relativista y agujeros negros: Observando lo invisible (Antxon Alberdi) 1:01:07
Relatividad General y Mecánica Cuántica (Enrique Álvarez) 58:17
Ibañez Fest /
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年4月17日
My experience with Ibáñez: from "Grand" to "Super" (C. López) 16:44
A SM-like Higgs from Supersymmetry (M. Quirós) 30:26
Yukawa hierarchies in F-theory GUTs (A. Font) 29:15
(U)-Dual fluxes and Double (Extended) Field Theory (G. Aldazabal) 34:04
Flavor mixing and CP violation 2013 a.d., 60 a.I. (G. Martinelli) 44:43
The ZIP code of MSSM particles (H. P. Nilles) 34:40
Duality and Strings (D. Lüst) 32:01
Local String Models in Compact Calabi-Yau Orientifolds (F. Quevedo) 46:35
Luis and SUSY (G. Ross) 38:54
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年4月17日
My experience with Ibáñez: from "Grand" to "Super" (C. López) 16:44
A SM-like Higgs from Supersymmetry (M. Quirós) 30:26
Yukawa hierarchies in F-theory GUTs (A. Font) 29:15
(U)-Dual fluxes and Double (Extended) Field Theory (G. Aldazabal) 34:04
Flavor mixing and CP violation 2013 a.d., 60 a.I. (G. Martinelli) 44:43
The ZIP code of MSSM particles (H. P. Nilles) 34:40
Duality and Strings (D. Lüst) 32:01
Local String Models in Compact Calabi-Yau Orientifolds (F. Quevedo) 46:35
Luis and SUSY (G. Ross) 38:54
IFT Xmas Workshop 2011
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年3月11日
Life after 13/12/11 (N. Arkani-Hamed) 38:38
Highlights from the LHC (A. De Roeck) 1:25:12
What has the LHC done to theory? (S. Dimopoulos) 9:42
Some Things Borrowed, Some Things New (S. Glashow) 38:24
Theoretical particle physics: Past, present, future (D. Gross) 42:17
The LHC and the Higgs Bosson (M. Veltman) 36:56
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年3月11日
Life after 13/12/11 (N. Arkani-Hamed) 38:38
Highlights from the LHC (A. De Roeck) 1:25:12
What has the LHC done to theory? (S. Dimopoulos) 9:42
Some Things Borrowed, Some Things New (S. Glashow) 38:24
Theoretical particle physics: Past, present, future (D. Gross) 42:17
The LHC and the Higgs Bosson (M. Veltman) 36:56
(Español / in Spanish) Divulgación
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Javier Garcia 2016年12月4日
Si te interesa apoyarme para seguir haciendo vídeos de física a un buen ritmo, puedes hacerlo en: https://www.patreon.com/JavierGarcia
Javier García en Patreon 7:19
¿Qué es REALMENTE el spin del electrón? 1:20:45
La Acción Fantasmal de Einstein - El experimento GHZ 55:39
La máquina de Turing (explicada) 1:02:49
Schrödinger's cat 1:11:43
El verdadero Heisenberg 32:05
El principio de Incertidumbre (Sin fórmulas) 47:18
PAUL DIRAC. Parte 1: ¿Quién fue Paul Dirac? 19:21
PAUL DIRAC. Parte 2: ¿Cómo llegó Dirac a su ecuación? 44:11
La física en las películas 1:17:54
Espacio de Hilbert y Observable en Mecánica Cuántica: ejemplo sencillo 32:17
Richard Feynman: Biografía 24:10
Richard Feynman: Principio de Mínima Acción & Path Integral 21:06
Richard Feynman: Diagramas de Feynman 43:56
Mecánica Cuántica y Viajes en el Tiempo 1:17:25
TEDxUdG ¿Cuánta entropía tiene la música? 5:18
Computación Cuántica Topológica: Introducción para NO expertos. PARTE 1 de 2 1:02:08
La mecánica cuántica del cerebro 1:31:08
Introducción a la Relatividad Especial: (Deducción de E=mc² desde cero) 1:04:15
Entropía y Teoría de la Información 1:06:19
Teleportación cuántica [Full HD] 1:25:30
Introducción a las redes neuronales para no expertos 2:00:15
¿Cómo empezó la Teoría de cuerdas? Un modelo sencillo de cuerda clásica cuantizada 50:37
Agujeros negros y principio holográfico 1:15:39
A lesson to Young Physicists - Anthony Zee [Subtitulado] 4:36
source: Javier Garcia 2016年12月4日
Si te interesa apoyarme para seguir haciendo vídeos de física a un buen ritmo, puedes hacerlo en: https://www.patreon.com/JavierGarcia
Javier García en Patreon 7:19
¿Qué es REALMENTE el spin del electrón? 1:20:45
La Acción Fantasmal de Einstein - El experimento GHZ 55:39
La máquina de Turing (explicada) 1:02:49
Schrödinger's cat 1:11:43
El verdadero Heisenberg 32:05
El principio de Incertidumbre (Sin fórmulas) 47:18
PAUL DIRAC. Parte 1: ¿Quién fue Paul Dirac? 19:21
PAUL DIRAC. Parte 2: ¿Cómo llegó Dirac a su ecuación? 44:11
La física en las películas 1:17:54
Espacio de Hilbert y Observable en Mecánica Cuántica: ejemplo sencillo 32:17
Richard Feynman: Biografía 24:10
Richard Feynman: Principio de Mínima Acción & Path Integral 21:06
Richard Feynman: Diagramas de Feynman 43:56
Mecánica Cuántica y Viajes en el Tiempo 1:17:25
TEDxUdG ¿Cuánta entropía tiene la música? 5:18
Computación Cuántica Topológica: Introducción para NO expertos. PARTE 1 de 2 1:02:08
La mecánica cuántica del cerebro 1:31:08
Introducción a la Relatividad Especial: (Deducción de E=mc² desde cero) 1:04:15
Entropía y Teoría de la Información 1:06:19
Teleportación cuántica [Full HD] 1:25:30
Introducción a las redes neuronales para no expertos 2:00:15
¿Cómo empezó la Teoría de cuerdas? Un modelo sencillo de cuerda clásica cuantizada 50:37
Agujeros negros y principio holográfico 1:15:39
A lesson to Young Physicists - Anthony Zee [Subtitulado] 4:36
Indian Statistical Physics Community Meeting 2017
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年2月16日
Date & Time: 17 February 2017 to 19 February 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This is an annual discussion meeting of the Indian statistical physics community which is attended by scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students, from across the country, working in the broad area of statistical physics.
This meeting would be the 4th in this series of meetings
This meeting will cover all the 8 Topics covered at STATPHYS meetings, namely:
General and mathematical aspects:
rigorous results, exact solutions, probability theory, stochastic field theory, phase transitions and critical phenomena at equilibrium, information theory, optimization, etc.
Out-of-equilibrium aspects:
driven systems, transport theory, relaxation and response dynamics, random processes, anomalous diffusion, fluctuation theorems, large deviations, out-of-equilibrium phase transitions, etc.
Quantum fluids and condensed matter:
strongly correlated electrons, cold atoms, graphene, mesoscopic quantum phenomena, fractional quantum Hall effect, low dimensional quantum field theory, quantum phase transitions, quantum information, entanglement, Lüttinger liquid, spin liquid, etc.
Disordered and glassy systems:
percolation, spin glasses, structural glasses, metallic glasses, jamming, glass transition, algorithmic problems, etc.
Biological physics:
molecular motors, single and multicellular dynamics, bacteria, swimmers, spatio-temporal organization, biological membranes, biopolymer folding, genomics, biological networks, evolution models, evolutionary game theory, etc.
Soft matter:
simple and complex fluids, active matter, molecular and ionic fluids,wetting, self-assembly, polymers, gels, liquid crystals, microemulsions, foams, membranes, colloids, granular materials, etc.
Nonlinear physics:
dynamical systems, chaos (classical and quantum), pattern formation, chemical reactions, hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence (classical and quantum), etc.
Interdisciplinary and complex systems:
networks and graphs, epidemics, econophysics, social phenomena, traffic flow, ecology, etc.
CONTACT US: ispc2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Revisiting the Szilard engine by Abhishek Dhar 15:18
Velocity distribution of driven granular systems by Rajesh Ravindran 14:16
Is Rosenzweig-Porter ensemble the hidden skelton by Pragya Shukla 14:10
The chiral phase transition in the chiral limit of QCD by Prasad Hegde 15:57
RFIM once more! (general criteria for infinite avalanches) by Prabodh Shukla 12:48
Heterogeneous dynamics during onset of shear flow in glasses by Pinaki Chaudhuri 15:02
Metastable minima of the Heisenberg spin glass in a random magnetic field by Auditya Sharma 15:04
Plastic events in sheared amorphous solids by Srikanth Sastry 15:37
An experimental study of the glass transition in suspensions by Ranjini Bandyopadhyay 14:55
Efficiency of a Stochastic Search with Punctual and Costly Restarts by Sandeep Krishna 15:02
Controlling synchronization in multiplex networks by Sarika Jalan 14:19
Flocks With Trap, Vision-Cone And Communication-delay by Arnab Saha 15:01
Effective time-independent Hamiltonian of periodica Jayendra N Bandyopadhyay 15:37
Tracer diffusion in a sea of polymers with binding zones: mobile by Rajarshi Chakrabarti 15:34
Driven-Dissipative Quantum Dot Circuit-QED systems by Manas Kulkarni 12:59
Aging during ordering in Ising ferromagnet by Subir K Das 15:22
Kinetics of Swelling and Collapse in Polyelectrolyte Systems by Arindam Kundagrami 14:47
Random fiber bundle model: how loading paths matter by Parongama Sen 13:15
Mechanical stability of bipolar spindle assembly by Sudipto Muhuri 15:23
Targeting functional motifs of a protein family by Nivedita Deo 14:31
Topological properties on inertial particles in 2d turbulence by Prasad Perlekar 15:52
Onset of thermalisation in hydrodynamic equations: by Samriddhi Sankar Ray 13:21
Ligands Control Superlattice Structure and Crystallite by Pralay K Santra 15:11
Statistical mechanics of a polymer chain attached to the interface by Sanjay Kumar 11:26
The Island-Mainland Transition identified by Euler Number by Sujata Tarafdar 15:32
Multi-scale patterns formed by Sodium Sulphate in a drying droplet of Gelatin: by Tapati Dutta 17:09
Equilibration of energy in periodically driven systems by Kushal K Shah 14:55
Quantum spin ice in external electric field by Subhro Bhattacharjee 13:53
Topological Quantum Phase Transition in Interacting Helical Liquid by Sujit Sarkar 14:14
Pairing of renormalized eigenstates of disordered superconductors by Amit Ghoshal 16:33
Noise-induced decoherence in a 3-site mesoscopic ring by Sushanta Dattagupta 14:51
Electron tunneling in graphene-hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures by Chandni U 13:32
Random Field Ising Model with Conserved Kinetics: by Varsha Banerjee 16:57
Origin of large scale spatial organization of the DNA-polymer by Apratim Chatterji 16:25
The Dynein Catch Bond - Implications for cooperative transport by Mithun Mitra 17:01
Ergodic dynamics in a Many-Body Localized system by Soumya Bera 14:13
Nonlocal transport in InAs/GaSb composite quantum well: by Atindra Nath Pal 15:37
Solvable model for a dynamical quantum phase transition from fast by Sumilan Banerjee 16:15
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年2月16日
Date & Time: 17 February 2017 to 19 February 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This is an annual discussion meeting of the Indian statistical physics community which is attended by scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students, from across the country, working in the broad area of statistical physics.
This meeting would be the 4th in this series of meetings
This meeting will cover all the 8 Topics covered at STATPHYS meetings, namely:
General and mathematical aspects:
rigorous results, exact solutions, probability theory, stochastic field theory, phase transitions and critical phenomena at equilibrium, information theory, optimization, etc.
Out-of-equilibrium aspects:
driven systems, transport theory, relaxation and response dynamics, random processes, anomalous diffusion, fluctuation theorems, large deviations, out-of-equilibrium phase transitions, etc.
Quantum fluids and condensed matter:
strongly correlated electrons, cold atoms, graphene, mesoscopic quantum phenomena, fractional quantum Hall effect, low dimensional quantum field theory, quantum phase transitions, quantum information, entanglement, Lüttinger liquid, spin liquid, etc.
Disordered and glassy systems:
percolation, spin glasses, structural glasses, metallic glasses, jamming, glass transition, algorithmic problems, etc.
Biological physics:
molecular motors, single and multicellular dynamics, bacteria, swimmers, spatio-temporal organization, biological membranes, biopolymer folding, genomics, biological networks, evolution models, evolutionary game theory, etc.
Soft matter:
simple and complex fluids, active matter, molecular and ionic fluids,wetting, self-assembly, polymers, gels, liquid crystals, microemulsions, foams, membranes, colloids, granular materials, etc.
Nonlinear physics:
dynamical systems, chaos (classical and quantum), pattern formation, chemical reactions, hydrodynamic instabilities, turbulence (classical and quantum), etc.
Interdisciplinary and complex systems:
networks and graphs, epidemics, econophysics, social phenomena, traffic flow, ecology, etc.
CONTACT US: ispc2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Revisiting the Szilard engine by Abhishek Dhar 15:18
Velocity distribution of driven granular systems by Rajesh Ravindran 14:16
Is Rosenzweig-Porter ensemble the hidden skelton by Pragya Shukla 14:10
The chiral phase transition in the chiral limit of QCD by Prasad Hegde 15:57
RFIM once more! (general criteria for infinite avalanches) by Prabodh Shukla 12:48
Heterogeneous dynamics during onset of shear flow in glasses by Pinaki Chaudhuri 15:02
Metastable minima of the Heisenberg spin glass in a random magnetic field by Auditya Sharma 15:04
Plastic events in sheared amorphous solids by Srikanth Sastry 15:37
An experimental study of the glass transition in suspensions by Ranjini Bandyopadhyay 14:55
Efficiency of a Stochastic Search with Punctual and Costly Restarts by Sandeep Krishna 15:02
Controlling synchronization in multiplex networks by Sarika Jalan 14:19
Flocks With Trap, Vision-Cone And Communication-delay by Arnab Saha 15:01
Effective time-independent Hamiltonian of periodica Jayendra N Bandyopadhyay 15:37
Tracer diffusion in a sea of polymers with binding zones: mobile by Rajarshi Chakrabarti 15:34
Driven-Dissipative Quantum Dot Circuit-QED systems by Manas Kulkarni 12:59
Aging during ordering in Ising ferromagnet by Subir K Das 15:22
Kinetics of Swelling and Collapse in Polyelectrolyte Systems by Arindam Kundagrami 14:47
Random fiber bundle model: how loading paths matter by Parongama Sen 13:15
Mechanical stability of bipolar spindle assembly by Sudipto Muhuri 15:23
Targeting functional motifs of a protein family by Nivedita Deo 14:31
Topological properties on inertial particles in 2d turbulence by Prasad Perlekar 15:52
Onset of thermalisation in hydrodynamic equations: by Samriddhi Sankar Ray 13:21
Ligands Control Superlattice Structure and Crystallite by Pralay K Santra 15:11
Statistical mechanics of a polymer chain attached to the interface by Sanjay Kumar 11:26
The Island-Mainland Transition identified by Euler Number by Sujata Tarafdar 15:32
Multi-scale patterns formed by Sodium Sulphate in a drying droplet of Gelatin: by Tapati Dutta 17:09
Equilibration of energy in periodically driven systems by Kushal K Shah 14:55
Quantum spin ice in external electric field by Subhro Bhattacharjee 13:53
Topological Quantum Phase Transition in Interacting Helical Liquid by Sujit Sarkar 14:14
Pairing of renormalized eigenstates of disordered superconductors by Amit Ghoshal 16:33
Noise-induced decoherence in a 3-site mesoscopic ring by Sushanta Dattagupta 14:51
Electron tunneling in graphene-hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures by Chandni U 13:32
Random Field Ising Model with Conserved Kinetics: by Varsha Banerjee 16:57
Origin of large scale spatial organization of the DNA-polymer by Apratim Chatterji 16:25
The Dynein Catch Bond - Implications for cooperative transport by Mithun Mitra 17:01
Ergodic dynamics in a Many-Body Localized system by Soumya Bera 14:13
Nonlocal transport in InAs/GaSb composite quantum well: by Atindra Nath Pal 15:37
Solvable model for a dynamical quantum phase transition from fast by Sumilan Banerjee 16:15
Remembering C. V. Vishveshwara (2017)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年2月22日
Date: 23 February 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This one-day discussion meeting celebrates the life and work of the pioneering black hole physicist C. V. Vishveshwara. The morning session will feature four scientific talks summarizing various aspects of Vishveshwara’s scientific work and will discuss the spin offs and the state of the art of these areas. The afternoon session will feature a few short talks summarizing Vishveshwara’s contribution to science popularization and science education and personal reminiscences by participants.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Beyond the Black Hole Trail by Bala R Iyer 38:20
Stability of the Schwarzschild solution by Amitabh Virmani 41:31
Black Hole Whispers [Remote talk] by B. S. Sathyaprakash 41:50
Frenet–Serret Formalism and its Application in Black Hole Spacetimes by Rajesh K Nayak 28:16
Vishveshwara and the Bangalore planetarium by B S Shylaja 20:56
Vishveshwara and the REAP program by K. Vijay Kumar 20:36
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年2月22日
Date: 23 February 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
This one-day discussion meeting celebrates the life and work of the pioneering black hole physicist C. V. Vishveshwara. The morning session will feature four scientific talks summarizing various aspects of Vishveshwara’s scientific work and will discuss the spin offs and the state of the art of these areas. The afternoon session will feature a few short talks summarizing Vishveshwara’s contribution to science popularization and science education and personal reminiscences by participants.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Beyond the Black Hole Trail by Bala R Iyer 38:20
Stability of the Schwarzschild solution by Amitabh Virmani 41:31
Black Hole Whispers [Remote talk] by B. S. Sathyaprakash 41:50
Frenet–Serret Formalism and its Application in Black Hole Spacetimes by Rajesh K Nayak 28:16
Vishveshwara and the Bangalore planetarium by B S Shylaja 20:56
Vishveshwara and the REAP program by K. Vijay Kumar 20:36
Laser Plasma Accelerator (2017)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年3月6日
06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundamental level, the latest being discovery of the Higgs Boson. The conventional accelerators, however, have reached their limit in terms of size and energy, as acceleration gradients in the state of art accelerators have reached the material breakdown limit (~ MV/cm). A new principle of particle acceleration is desirable at this juncture. A strong candidate for this is the plasma wake field based acceleration (driven by lasers and/or particle beams). This scheme provides a promise of about thousand fold increase in the acceleration gradient (~ GV/cm). Furthermore, plasma being already a broken down medium, does not get adversely effected by such huge electric fields. This paves a way for building table top compact accelerators for electron as well as ion beams which can make crucial contributions to our fundamental understanding of matter and would have applications in many areas such as medical, security, imaging etc.
This program will cover a series of pedagogical lectures on the status and future of this new technology. In addition, a focused program on exploring collaborative activities on theoretical aspects of laser-plasma interactions in general (partly supported by the UK-India Newton-Bhabha funds) is also planned. Brain storming discussion sessions to look into possible near and long term challenges in high energy physics would be conducted. Other applications in the field of medical, security and imaging would be discussed. Moreover, looking at the pace of development in laser intensity, possibility of exploring new physics such as radiation reaction effects, pair production etc., in laboratory experiments would soon become a reality. Keeping these excitements in view, a planned activity at national level will be explored.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/LPA2017
Plasma Accelerator by Bob Bingham 1:08:55
Upcoming High Power Laser facilities by K A Tanaka 49:43
Fundamental quantum physics in intense laser fields by Anton Ilderton 1:10:06
Plasma Based Particle Acceleration by Amita Das 45:30
Radiation reaction in intense laser pulses:from classical to quantum by Sam Yoffe 22:42
A novel laser-solid interaction geometry for the creation of a convergent.. by Robbie Scott 19:44
Wave-kinetic theory and simulations for filamentation and modulational instabilities by Raoul Trines
Aspects of wavebreaking in nonlinear plasma oscillations by Adam Noble 23:17
Electron heating in Radiation Pressure driven Acceleration (RPA) by B S Paradkar 18:25
Laser-plasma accelerators and radiation sources by Dino Jaroszynski 1:02:53
Development of laser plasma accelerators and their applications by Zulfikar Najmudin 1:03:00
High Power Laser Facilities in the UK by Rajeev Pattathil 30:21
Overview of Experiments and methods by M Krishnamurthy 31:46
Super-penetration may be good for Fast Ignition by Kazuo A Tanaka 23:42
Introduction to fluid simulation in plasmas by Bhavesh Patel 50:12
Molecular Dynamics simulation of strongly coupled plasmas by Sanat Kumar Tiwari 59:02
Laser plasma acceleration simulations with new code AGASTHII by Sushil Arun Samant 1:03:40
Hundred years of Fundamental Physics and a Crisis by G Rajasekaran 1:14:57
Strongly Coupled Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions: Opportunities and Challenges by Vinod Chandra 56:55
Hydrodynamics Driven by Intense short-pulse lasers by John Pasley 49:57
Modeling astrophysical plasmas using particle in cell method by Ujjwal Sinha 25:57
Radiation Pressure Acceleration of ions from Sub-Critical by V. K. Tripathi 48:03
Next big things(s) in high energy physics by Gagan Mohanty 56:03
Generation of strong Electro-Magnetic Fields in HIC and their impact by Sukanya Mitra 45:36
Laser plasma particle acceleration activities at RRCAT, Indore by J A Chakera 21:34
Laser Plasma Electron Accelerator: Experimental studies performed at RRCAT, Indore by Anand Moorti 18:44
Status of the Simulation Activity by Ajit Upadhyay 22:50
Introducing Acceleration Technology as a Discipline in Academic Institutions by Raghava Varma 33:04
Newton-Bhaba Theory & Simulation Workshop by Alex Robinson 12:32
Thoughts on Managing International Collaborations by Alex Robinson 26:20
Use of PLUTO code for High Energy Astrophysical Problems by Bhargava Vaidya 53:32
Positron Acceleration using Plasma-based accelerators by Aakash Sahai 26:59
Some thoughts on plasma-based acceleration (PBA)...(Lecture - 01) by Warren Mori 1:13:32
Laser Plasmas for Acceleration and Applications: Science and Sources by Christopher Murphy 33:14
Laser-plasmas electron acceleration in a strongly-mismatched regime by Aakash Sahai 35:41
Surface Plasma Attosource: from electrons to high harmonics at ELI-ALPS by Subhendu Kahaly 53:18
Status and plans of the PWFA Program by Chan Joshi 1:04:04
Relativistic Laser Science Explored with PW Lasers at CoReLS by Chang Hee Nam 1:01:37
Laser-Plasma Acceleration Research at Berkeley Lab by Carl B Schroeder 1:17:50
Table Top Accelerators Effective field theory approach by V Ravishankar 58:56
Turbulent magnetic field amplification in Laser Plasma interaction by R. P. Sharma 31:12
Features of ion-acceleration from Petawatt femtosecond laser pulses by Prashant Singh 30:54
Some thoughts on plasma-based acceleration (PBA)...(Lecture - 02) by Warren Mori 29:01
Accelerators: The Technical challenges by Amit roy 1:19:03
Technical Talk by Mahendra Verma 17:43
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年3月6日
06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the deep questions related to matter at the fundamental level, the latest being discovery of the Higgs Boson. The conventional accelerators, however, have reached their limit in terms of size and energy, as acceleration gradients in the state of art accelerators have reached the material breakdown limit (~ MV/cm). A new principle of particle acceleration is desirable at this juncture. A strong candidate for this is the plasma wake field based acceleration (driven by lasers and/or particle beams). This scheme provides a promise of about thousand fold increase in the acceleration gradient (~ GV/cm). Furthermore, plasma being already a broken down medium, does not get adversely effected by such huge electric fields. This paves a way for building table top compact accelerators for electron as well as ion beams which can make crucial contributions to our fundamental understanding of matter and would have applications in many areas such as medical, security, imaging etc.
This program will cover a series of pedagogical lectures on the status and future of this new technology. In addition, a focused program on exploring collaborative activities on theoretical aspects of laser-plasma interactions in general (partly supported by the UK-India Newton-Bhabha funds) is also planned. Brain storming discussion sessions to look into possible near and long term challenges in high energy physics would be conducted. Other applications in the field of medical, security and imaging would be discussed. Moreover, looking at the pace of development in laser intensity, possibility of exploring new physics such as radiation reaction effects, pair production etc., in laboratory experiments would soon become a reality. Keeping these excitements in view, a planned activity at national level will be explored.
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/LPA2017
Plasma Accelerator by Bob Bingham 1:08:55
Upcoming High Power Laser facilities by K A Tanaka 49:43
Fundamental quantum physics in intense laser fields by Anton Ilderton 1:10:06
Plasma Based Particle Acceleration by Amita Das 45:30
Radiation reaction in intense laser pulses:from classical to quantum by Sam Yoffe 22:42
A novel laser-solid interaction geometry for the creation of a convergent.. by Robbie Scott 19:44
Wave-kinetic theory and simulations for filamentation and modulational instabilities by Raoul Trines
Aspects of wavebreaking in nonlinear plasma oscillations by Adam Noble 23:17
Electron heating in Radiation Pressure driven Acceleration (RPA) by B S Paradkar 18:25
Laser-plasma accelerators and radiation sources by Dino Jaroszynski 1:02:53
Development of laser plasma accelerators and their applications by Zulfikar Najmudin 1:03:00
High Power Laser Facilities in the UK by Rajeev Pattathil 30:21
Overview of Experiments and methods by M Krishnamurthy 31:46
Super-penetration may be good for Fast Ignition by Kazuo A Tanaka 23:42
Introduction to fluid simulation in plasmas by Bhavesh Patel 50:12
Molecular Dynamics simulation of strongly coupled plasmas by Sanat Kumar Tiwari 59:02
Laser plasma acceleration simulations with new code AGASTHII by Sushil Arun Samant 1:03:40
Hundred years of Fundamental Physics and a Crisis by G Rajasekaran 1:14:57
Strongly Coupled Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions: Opportunities and Challenges by Vinod Chandra 56:55
Hydrodynamics Driven by Intense short-pulse lasers by John Pasley 49:57
Modeling astrophysical plasmas using particle in cell method by Ujjwal Sinha 25:57
Radiation Pressure Acceleration of ions from Sub-Critical by V. K. Tripathi 48:03
Next big things(s) in high energy physics by Gagan Mohanty 56:03
Generation of strong Electro-Magnetic Fields in HIC and their impact by Sukanya Mitra 45:36
Laser plasma particle acceleration activities at RRCAT, Indore by J A Chakera 21:34
Laser Plasma Electron Accelerator: Experimental studies performed at RRCAT, Indore by Anand Moorti 18:44
Status of the Simulation Activity by Ajit Upadhyay 22:50
Introducing Acceleration Technology as a Discipline in Academic Institutions by Raghava Varma 33:04
Newton-Bhaba Theory & Simulation Workshop by Alex Robinson 12:32
Thoughts on Managing International Collaborations by Alex Robinson 26:20
Use of PLUTO code for High Energy Astrophysical Problems by Bhargava Vaidya 53:32
Positron Acceleration using Plasma-based accelerators by Aakash Sahai 26:59
Some thoughts on plasma-based acceleration (PBA)...(Lecture - 01) by Warren Mori 1:13:32
Laser Plasmas for Acceleration and Applications: Science and Sources by Christopher Murphy 33:14
Laser-plasmas electron acceleration in a strongly-mismatched regime by Aakash Sahai 35:41
Surface Plasma Attosource: from electrons to high harmonics at ELI-ALPS by Subhendu Kahaly 53:18
Status and plans of the PWFA Program by Chan Joshi 1:04:04
Relativistic Laser Science Explored with PW Lasers at CoReLS by Chang Hee Nam 1:01:37
Laser-Plasma Acceleration Research at Berkeley Lab by Carl B Schroeder 1:17:50
Table Top Accelerators Effective field theory approach by V Ravishankar 58:56
Turbulent magnetic field amplification in Laser Plasma interaction by R. P. Sharma 31:12
Features of ion-acceleration from Petawatt femtosecond laser pulses by Prashant Singh 30:54
Some thoughts on plasma-based acceleration (PBA)...(Lecture - 02) by Warren Mori 29:01
Accelerators: The Technical challenges by Amit roy 1:19:03
Technical Talk by Mahendra Verma 17:43
McGill University (videos of July 2017)
source: McGill University
2:43 Translational Biomedical Engineering at McGill The Department of Biomedical Engineering at McGill University is offering a Graduate Certificate in Translational Biomedical Engineering that will enable students to translate advances in biomedica...
2:24 Meet Keiko Shikako-Thomas, PhD OT, researcher at the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy Dr. Keiko Shikako-Thomas focuses on the promotion of healthy living and participation for children with disabilities. Her research program uses participatory methodology to engage different stakeho...
1:04 McGill’s Human Development Program, Dept. of Educational & Counselling Psychology McGILL UNIVERSITY: Our research-intensive Human Development Program is offered with the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill’s Faculty of Education. Focused on interdiscip...

New Thinking Allowed (videos of July 2017)
source: New Thinking Allowed
4:22 Video Nugget: What is Consciousness? with Richard Smoley This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Richard Smoley and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Mystery of Consciousness".
27:12 The Problem of Evil with James P. Driscoll James P. Driscoll, PhD, is one of the foremost critics of Renaissance literature from a Jungian perspective. He is author of Identity in Shakespearean Drama and The Unfolding God of Jung and Milton...
5:16 Video Nugget: Retrocausality and Free Will with Russell Targ This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Russell Targ and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Precognition".
4:39 Video Nugget: Overcoming Hostility with Debbie Joffe Ellis This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Debbie Joffe Ellis and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Part Two: The ABCs".
4:58 Video Nugget: Self-Help and Trauma with Charles Whitfield This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Charles Whitfield and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Misdiagnosis of Mental Illness".
4:41 Video Nugget: Introduction to Qabala with Fred Alan Wolf This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Fred Alan Wolf and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Qabala and Physics, Part One: Stories Within Stories".
28:02 Successful Military Intelligence Applications of Psi With Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
3:52 Video Nugget: The Beckoning Spiritual World with Marty Rosenblatt This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Marty Rosenblatt and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Practical Applications of Precognition, Part Three: Psychol...
3:43 Video Nugget: Psychic and Spiritual Traps with Barbara Harris Whitfield This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" was excerpted from a longer conversation with Barbara Harris Whitfield and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Power of Humility".
4:06 Video Nugget: Wild Animals in Captivity with Miranda Alcott This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Miranda Alcott and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Speaking With Animals".
29:11 Denier Movements With Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of ...
4:57 Video Nugget: Vedanta vs. Tantra with Debashish Banerji This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Debashish Banerji and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Language of the Gods, Part Three: Tantra and Chakras".
4:28 Video Nugget: The Future of BioTechnology with Jason Reza Jorjani This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Jason Reza Jorjani and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Technological Apocalypse".
3:28 Video Nugget: A "Psychic Retina" for Precognition with Edwin C. May This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Edwin C. May and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "How Precognition Works".
4:05 Video Nugget: Deities vs. Archetypes with P. Sufenas Virius Lupus This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with P. Sufenas Virius Lupus and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Understanding Polytheism".
26:58 Inside the Remote Viewing Unit at Fort Meade with Lyn Buchanan Lyn Buchanan, MA, is the executive director of Problems-Solutions-Innovations, a corporation based in Alamogordo, New Mexico. For over eight years, he participated in the Army's remote viewing prog...
4:51 Video Nugget: Criteria for a Theory of Everything with Vernon Neppe This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Theories of Everything".
4:45 Video Nugget: The Primacy of Consciousness with Stephan A. Schwartz This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stephan A. Schwartz and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Parapsychology and Social Transformation".
4:02 Video Nugget: Deceased Pets as Spirit Guides with Miranda Alcott This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Miranda Alcott and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Animals and the Afterlife".
29:31 Historical Highlights of Parapsychology With Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
5:21 Video Nugget: Hostile vs. Cordial Skeptics with Stanley Krippner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stanley Krippner and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Parapsychology and the Skeptics".
4:31 Video Nugget: Stages of Awakening with Gino Yu This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Gino Yu and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Consciousness in Business".
4:24 Video Nugget: UFOs and Alien Beings with Debra Lynne Katz This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Debra Lynne Katz and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Reflections on the PK Man".
4:00 Video Nugget: The Key to My Success with Russell Targ This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Russell Targ and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Military Intelligence Interest in Remote Viewing".
30:27 Remote Viewing the Future with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of ...
4:17 Video Nugget: Virtual Particles with Ruth E. Kastner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Ruth Kastner and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Reality of Possibility".
4:11 Video Nugget: Consciousness and Anesthesia with Stuart Hameroff This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stuart Hameroff and Jeffrey Mishlove titled " Consciousness and the Brain, Part Two: The Mystery of Anest...
3:35 Video Nugget: Remote Viewing and Changes in Entropy with Ed May This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Ed May and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Entropy and the Nature of Time".
27:47 The Godhead Archetype with James P. Driscoll James P. Driscoll, PhD, is one of the foremost critics of Renaissance literature from a Jungian perspective. He is author of Identity in Shakespearean Drama and The Unfolding God of Jung and Milton...
4:50 Video Nugget: Quantum Computers and ESP with Elizabeth Rauscher This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Elizabeth Rauscher and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Quantum Entanglement".
5:04 Video Nugget: Transpersonal Awareness with Cate Montana This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Cate Montana and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Ego and Enlightenment".
5:07 Video Nugget: Mediumistic Afterlife Descriptions with Stafford Betty This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stafford Betty and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Spiritualist Vision of the Afterlife".
4:04 Video Nugget: Henri Bergson and William James with Jason Reza Jorjani This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Jason Reza Jorjani and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Philosophy and Psychical Research".
26:34 The Poltergeist Experience with Lyn Buchanan Lyn Buchanan, MA, is the executive director of Problems-Solutions-Innovations, a corporation based in Alamogordo, New Mexico. For over eight years, he participated in the Army's remote viewing prog...
4:49 Video Nugget: Displacement in Psychic Readings with Debra Lynne Katz This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Debra Lynne Katz and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Remote Viewing Versus Psychic Reading, Part Two: Practical ...
4:43 Video Nugget: Separation and Oneness with Jason Gregory This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Jason Gregory and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Humility As A Spiritual Practice".
5:06 Video Nugget: The Hard Problem of Consciousness with Stuart Hameroff This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Stuart Hameroff and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Consciousness and the Brain, Part One: Possibilities Within ...
27:55 Non-Duality with Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
4:35 Video Nugget: Satanism and Culture With Richard Smoley This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Richard Smoley and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "The Supernatural".
4:29 Video Nugget: Trauma And Transcendence With Barbara Harris Whitfield This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Barbara Harris Whitfield and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Implications of the Near-Death Experience".

(русский / in Russian) Управление проектами с использованием Microsoft Project 2013
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月24日
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/13976/1279/info
Курс о работе с Microsoft Project предназначен для руководителей всех уровней, менеджеров и офисных сотрудников, государственных служащих, работающих в органах управления.
Microsoft Project является мощным инструментом, помогающим управлять процессом планирования и выполнения проекта. Project позволяет наилучшим образом спланировать выполнение проекта, обеспечить оптимальное использование ресурсов, эффективно контролировать реализацию проекта, решать множество других рутинных и трудоемких задач. Обучение проводится по оригинальной авторской методике, подкрепленной соответствующими учебно-методическими материалами.
Лекция 1: Основы планирования 19:31
Лекция 2: Работа с данными 21:51
Лекция 3: Создание проекта 13:55
Лекция 4: Задачи проекта 22:59
Лекция 5: Ресурсы проекта 20:30
Лекция 6: Выравнивание загрузки ресурсов 17:31
Лекция 7: Работа с задачами, ресурсами и назначениями 33:33
Лекция 8: Работа с проектом 21:13
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月24日
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/13976/1279/info
Курс о работе с Microsoft Project предназначен для руководителей всех уровней, менеджеров и офисных сотрудников, государственных служащих, работающих в органах управления.
Microsoft Project является мощным инструментом, помогающим управлять процессом планирования и выполнения проекта. Project позволяет наилучшим образом спланировать выполнение проекта, обеспечить оптимальное использование ресурсов, эффективно контролировать реализацию проекта, решать множество других рутинных и трудоемких задач. Обучение проводится по оригинальной авторской методике, подкрепленной соответствующими учебно-методическими материалами.
Лекция 1: Основы планирования 19:31
Лекция 2: Работа с данными 21:51
Лекция 3: Создание проекта 13:55
Лекция 4: Задачи проекта 22:59
Лекция 5: Ресурсы проекта 20:30
Лекция 6: Выравнивание загрузки ресурсов 17:31
Лекция 7: Работа с задачами, ресурсами и назначениями 33:33
Лекция 8: Работа с проектом 21:13
(русский / in Russian) Основы менеджмента для ИТ-руководителей
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月28日
Основы менеджмента для ИТ-руководителей
Автор: Арсен Чичикин
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ" http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/4457/755/info
Курс знакомит руководителей ИТ-компаний с основами управления организацией, разработке и принятию управленческих решений.
В курсе кратко рассматриваются долгосрочные цели, подходы и методы планирования, изучаются организация как система, вопросы ее управления и подходы к созданию системы ключевых показателей.
Отдельно представлены организационные структуры, их проектирование и управление изменениями в организационной структуре, а также методы и инструменты разработки и принятия управленческих решений.
Лекция 1: Долгосрочные цели и стратегия организации 18:54
Лекция 2: Долгосрочное планирование 24:47
Лекция 3: Изменения в организации и стратегия организации 9:15
Лекция 4: Что такое организация? 3:20
Лекция 5: Типовые "подсистемы" организации: логистика, производство 17:10
Лекция 6: Функциональный подход к управлению организацией 3:47
Лекция 7: Процессный подход к управлению организацией 7:22
Лекция 8: Управление по отклонениям 2:41
Лекция 9: Управление по целям 3:58
Лекция 10: Система KPI (ключевых показателей эффективности) 4:38
Лекция 11: Что такое организационная структура? 9:33
Лекция 12: Проектирование организационных структур 36:40
Лекция 13: Управление изменениями в организационной структуре 5:24
Лекция 14: Введение в разработку и принятие управленческих решений 10:02
Лекция 15: Этапы научного метода в практике школы управления 11:13
Лекция 16: Процессный подход для разработки и принятия управленческих решений 7:17
Лекция 17: Управление изменениями 16:49
Лекция 18: Действия в процессе преобразований 10:25
Лекция 19: Системный анализ организационных проблем 11:09
Лекция 20: Матрица сравнений 17:24
Лекция 21: Неформальные признаки системы 14:49
Лекция 22: SSM-анализ 24:05
Лекция 23: Создание релевантных систем 18:06
Лекция 24: Стратегии и сценарий проведения изменений 13:13
Лекция 25: Управление организацией в период преобразований 15:37
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月28日
Основы менеджмента для ИТ-руководителей
Автор: Арсен Чичикин
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ" http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/4457/755/info
Курс знакомит руководителей ИТ-компаний с основами управления организацией, разработке и принятию управленческих решений.
В курсе кратко рассматриваются долгосрочные цели, подходы и методы планирования, изучаются организация как система, вопросы ее управления и подходы к созданию системы ключевых показателей.
Отдельно представлены организационные структуры, их проектирование и управление изменениями в организационной структуре, а также методы и инструменты разработки и принятия управленческих решений.
Лекция 1: Долгосрочные цели и стратегия организации 18:54
Лекция 2: Долгосрочное планирование 24:47
Лекция 3: Изменения в организации и стратегия организации 9:15
Лекция 4: Что такое организация? 3:20
Лекция 5: Типовые "подсистемы" организации: логистика, производство 17:10
Лекция 6: Функциональный подход к управлению организацией 3:47
Лекция 7: Процессный подход к управлению организацией 7:22
Лекция 8: Управление по отклонениям 2:41
Лекция 9: Управление по целям 3:58
Лекция 10: Система KPI (ключевых показателей эффективности) 4:38
Лекция 11: Что такое организационная структура? 9:33
Лекция 12: Проектирование организационных структур 36:40
Лекция 13: Управление изменениями в организационной структуре 5:24
Лекция 14: Введение в разработку и принятие управленческих решений 10:02
Лекция 15: Этапы научного метода в практике школы управления 11:13
Лекция 16: Процессный подход для разработки и принятия управленческих решений 7:17
Лекция 17: Управление изменениями 16:49
Лекция 18: Действия в процессе преобразований 10:25
Лекция 19: Системный анализ организационных проблем 11:09
Лекция 20: Матрица сравнений 17:24
Лекция 21: Неформальные признаки системы 14:49
Лекция 22: SSM-анализ 24:05
Лекция 23: Создание релевантных систем 18:06
Лекция 24: Стратегии и сценарий проведения изменений 13:13
Лекция 25: Управление организацией в период преобразований 15:37
(русский / in Russian) Алгоритмы интеллектуальной обработки больших объемов данных
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月28日
Алгоритмы интеллектуальной обработки больших объемов данных
Авторы: Николай Анохин, Владимир Гулин, Павел Нестеров | Технопарк Mail.ru Group
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3498/740/info
В курсе изучаются подходы к решению задач Data Mining, основанных на алгоритмах машинного обучения.
Объемы данных, ежедневно генерируемые сервисами крупной интернет компании, поистине огромны. Цель динамично развивающейся в последние годы дисциплины Data Mining состоит в разработке подходов, позволяющих эффективно обрабатывать такие данные для извлечения полезной для бизнеса информации. Эта информация может быть использована при создании рекомендательных и поисковых систем, оптимизации рекламных сервисов или при принятии ключевых бизнес-решений.
Лекция 1: Задачи Data Mining 1:21:00
Лекция 2: Задача кластеризации и ЕМ-алгоритм 1:54:58
Лекция 3: Различные алгоритмы кластеризации 1:31:08
Лекция 4: Задача классификации 2:35:04
Лекция 5: Обработка текстов, Naive Bayes 1:53:39
Лекция 6: Линейные модели для классификации и регрессии 1:29:45
Лекция 7: Машина опорных векторов 1:11:35
Лекция 8: Методы снижения размерности пространства 1:36:19
Лекция 9: Алгоритмические композиции 1:28:17
Лекция 10: Алгоритмические композиции 1:35:18
Лекция 11: Основы нейронных сетей 1:57:37
Лекция 12: Ограниченная машина Больцмана 1:59:32
Лекция 13: Глубокие нейронные сети 1:28:33
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月28日
Алгоритмы интеллектуальной обработки больших объемов данных
Авторы: Николай Анохин, Владимир Гулин, Павел Нестеров | Технопарк Mail.ru Group
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3498/740/info
В курсе изучаются подходы к решению задач Data Mining, основанных на алгоритмах машинного обучения.
Объемы данных, ежедневно генерируемые сервисами крупной интернет компании, поистине огромны. Цель динамично развивающейся в последние годы дисциплины Data Mining состоит в разработке подходов, позволяющих эффективно обрабатывать такие данные для извлечения полезной для бизнеса информации. Эта информация может быть использована при создании рекомендательных и поисковых систем, оптимизации рекламных сервисов или при принятии ключевых бизнес-решений.
Лекция 1: Задачи Data Mining 1:21:00
Лекция 2: Задача кластеризации и ЕМ-алгоритм 1:54:58
Лекция 3: Различные алгоритмы кластеризации 1:31:08
Лекция 4: Задача классификации 2:35:04
Лекция 5: Обработка текстов, Naive Bayes 1:53:39
Лекция 6: Линейные модели для классификации и регрессии 1:29:45
Лекция 7: Машина опорных векторов 1:11:35
Лекция 8: Методы снижения размерности пространства 1:36:19
Лекция 9: Алгоритмические композиции 1:28:17
Лекция 10: Алгоритмические композиции 1:35:18
Лекция 11: Основы нейронных сетей 1:57:37
Лекция 12: Ограниченная машина Больцмана 1:59:32
Лекция 13: Глубокие нейронные сети 1:28:33
(русский / in Russian) Уроки информатики и ЕГЭ
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月30日
Уроки информатики и ЕГЭ
Автор: Владимир Биллиг
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3568/810/info
Курс ориентирован на школьников, которые собираются сдавать ЕГЭ по информатике и намерены связать свою будущую профессию с компьютером, программированием, информационными технологиями.
Особенностью курса является то, что каждая тема состоит из нескольких видео уроков длительностью от 15 до 30 минут. В каждом уроке излагается как некоторый теоретический материал, так и решаются конкретные задачи. К каждому уроку даются задачи для самостоятельного решения.
Такой подход позволяет с одной стороны овладеть основами информатики, с другой – научиться решать задачи, тематика которых охватывает задачи, традиционно предлагаемые в ЕГЭ по информатике.
Лекция 1: 2 * 2 = 4? 17:08
Лекция 2: Знаете ли Вы числа? 12:30
Лекция 3: Первая система 23:08
Лекция 4: Цифры на позиции 18:33
Лекция 5: Позиционная система и математика 19:03
Лекция 6: Разбор и сборка 30:58
Лекция 7: Три задачи 23:47
Лекция 8: Из Q в P 14:04
Лекция 9: Частный случай 21:22
Лекция 10: А у меня число не целое 13:40
Лекция 11: ABTOMAT = АВТОМАТ? 33:36
Лекция 12: Код 23:46
Лекция 13: Из Кириллицы в {0,1} 34:23
Лекция 14: Морзе, Брайль, Фано 36:50
Лекция 15: Все в порядке 20:30
Лекция 16: Сколько весит номер? 30:37
Лекция 17: Маска, я тебя знаю 29:04
Лекция 18: Все под контролем 47:43
Лекция 19: Око, рок и рококо 23:45
Лекция 20: Исторический обзор 28:53
Лекция 21: Логический вывод – индукция 23:00
Лекция 22: Логический вывод – дедукция 25:39
Лекция 23: Логический вывод – дедукция. Часть 2 11:38
Лекция 24: Множества 26:22
Лекция 25: Множества. Часть 2 15:03
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年8月30日
Уроки информатики и ЕГЭ
Автор: Владимир Биллиг
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/3568/810/info
Курс ориентирован на школьников, которые собираются сдавать ЕГЭ по информатике и намерены связать свою будущую профессию с компьютером, программированием, информационными технологиями.
Особенностью курса является то, что каждая тема состоит из нескольких видео уроков длительностью от 15 до 30 минут. В каждом уроке излагается как некоторый теоретический материал, так и решаются конкретные задачи. К каждому уроку даются задачи для самостоятельного решения.
Такой подход позволяет с одной стороны овладеть основами информатики, с другой – научиться решать задачи, тематика которых охватывает задачи, традиционно предлагаемые в ЕГЭ по информатике.
Лекция 1: 2 * 2 = 4? 17:08
Лекция 2: Знаете ли Вы числа? 12:30
Лекция 3: Первая система 23:08
Лекция 4: Цифры на позиции 18:33
Лекция 5: Позиционная система и математика 19:03
Лекция 6: Разбор и сборка 30:58
Лекция 7: Три задачи 23:47
Лекция 8: Из Q в P 14:04
Лекция 9: Частный случай 21:22
Лекция 10: А у меня число не целое 13:40
Лекция 11: ABTOMAT = АВТОМАТ? 33:36
Лекция 12: Код 23:46
Лекция 13: Из Кириллицы в {0,1} 34:23
Лекция 14: Морзе, Брайль, Фано 36:50
Лекция 15: Все в порядке 20:30
Лекция 16: Сколько весит номер? 30:37
Лекция 17: Маска, я тебя знаю 29:04
Лекция 18: Все под контролем 47:43
Лекция 19: Око, рок и рококо 23:45
Лекция 20: Исторический обзор 28:53
Лекция 21: Логический вывод – индукция 23:00
Лекция 22: Логический вывод – дедукция 25:39
Лекция 23: Логический вывод – дедукция. Часть 2 11:38
Лекция 24: Множества 26:22
Лекция 25: Множества. Часть 2 15:03
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