# 亦可點按影片左上角清單標誌,選取個別影片觀看
source: Wenlong Jing 2017年1月3日
01 宗教與宗教哲學簡介 1:36:49
02 宗教的條件與類型 1:43:10
03 對宗教之批判與回應上 1:51:06
04 對宗教之批判與回應下 1:34:27
05 宗教經驗 1:38:49
06 上帝的存在問題 1:39:07
07 神話與儀式 1:36:01
08 宗教語言 1:37:39
09 ㄧ神教的特色:猶太教 1:42:31
10 宗教修行:印度教 1:39:23
11 佛教的啟示 1:38:58
12 密契主義 1:40:39
13 「敬鬼神而遠之」:宗教信仰的合宜態度 1:42:28
14 道家的宗教向度 1:38:35
15 宗教對話與文明衝突、宗教的現狀與未來 1:27:03
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# 亦可點按影片左上角清單標誌,選取個別影片觀看
source: Helen Chen
01、包罗万象:易经的基本概念 1:10:54
02、自强不息——乾卦(上) 49:13
03、自强不息——乾卦(下) 48:31
04、厚德载物——坤卦 58:16
05、创业维艰——屯卦 28:20
06、草创启蒙 蒙以养正——蒙卦 46:41
07(上)、守时待命——需卦 20:25
07(下)、做事谋始——讼卦 27:39
08(上)、师出有名、纵横天下——师卦 20:41
08(下)、舍逆取顺——比卦 18:01
09(上)、以小蓄大——小蓄卦 25:06
09(下)、以礼待人——履卦 22:00
10(上)、天地交融——泰卦 22:38
10(下)、否极泰来——否卦 20:46
11(上)、二人同心,其利断金——同人卦 17:20
11(下)、顺天休命——大有卦 26:53
12(上)、卑以自救——谦卦 18:56
12(下)、守正不阿——豫卦 25:15
13(上)、随顺时势——随卦 27:38
13(下)、拨乱反正——蛊卦 26:18
14(上)、施比受有福——临卦 22:53
14(下)、察人观己——观卦 25:20
15(上)、丛林法则 割喉竞争——噬嗑卦 30:15
15(下)、人文化成——贲卦 18:40
16(上)、顺势而止——剥卦 25:20
16(下)、剥极则复 顺势而行——复卦 21:24
17(上)、内外兼修——无妄卦 28:45
17(下)、大有作为——大畜卦 22:39
18(上)、自力更生——颐卦 19:22
18(下)、自处之道——大过卦 20:51
19(上)、防范于未然——习坎卦 30:48
19(下)、化成天下——离卦 22:50
20(上)、夫妻之道——咸卦 29:32
20(下)、相爱容易相处难——恒卦 20:04
21(上)、功成身退——遁卦 16:44
21(下)、进退有度——大壮卦 21:32
22(上)、前途光明——晋卦 27:51
22(下)文明柔顺 明夷卦 23:56
23(上)、回归家庭——家人卦 28:56
23(下)、悲欢离合——睽卦 20:36
24(上)、守正以待——蹇卦 18:01
24(下)、废一切苦厄——解卦 15:23
25(上)、先人后己——损卦 27:54
25(下)、兴盛之始——益卦 21:03
26(上)、居安思危——夬卦 19:20
26(下)、阴盛阳衰——姤卦 20:03
27(上)、慎终追远——萃卦 25:58
27(下)、把握时机——升卦 15:36
28(上)、天无绝人之路——困卦 38:51
28(下)、有福同享——井卦 15:02
29(上)、除旧布新——革卦 18:45
29(下)、正位凝命——鼎卦 21:15
30(上)、谨言慎行——震卦 18:37
30(下1)、遇险则止——艮卦 12:15
30(下2)、如何利用筹策占卦——占卦的原则、方法 16:12
31(上)、循序渐进——渐卦 28:06
31(下)、人生大事——归妹卦 18:36
32(上)、持盈保泰——丰卦 24:29
32(下)、顺时进退——旅卦 17:35
33(上)、借势而动——巽卦 16:58
33(下)、心悦诚服——兑卦 17:08
34(上)、凝聚人心——涣卦 18:01
34(下)、适可而止——节卦 22:25
35(上)、诚信为本——中孚卦 27:26
35(下)、敬慎不败——小过卦 20:24
36(上)、依时更新——既济卦 16:10
36(下)、重启生机——未济卦 15:29
37、系辞传(上)——乾坤定天地 45:50
38、系辞传(上)——崇德广业 慎密处事 42:18
39、系辞传(上)——八卦定吉凶 吉凶生大业 50:38
40、系辞传(上)——自天佑之 吉无不利 49:25
41、系辞传(下)——世事演绎 天下文明 42:09
42、系辞传(下)——天下万物 感而遂通 37:44
43、系辞传(下)——阴阳合德 权变通达 38:13
44、系辞传(下)——无有师保 如临父母 35:20
45、说卦传——八卦相错 数往知来 46:33
46、序卦传——天生地成 阴阳推衍 47:06
47、序卦传 杂卦传——六十四卦 变化无穷 49:57
48、心得交流—— 分享易经智慧 助人一生快乐 23:32
source: Helen Chen
01、包罗万象:易经的基本概念 1:10:54
02、自强不息——乾卦(上) 49:13
03、自强不息——乾卦(下) 48:31
04、厚德载物——坤卦 58:16
05、创业维艰——屯卦 28:20
06、草创启蒙 蒙以养正——蒙卦 46:41
07(上)、守时待命——需卦 20:25
07(下)、做事谋始——讼卦 27:39
08(上)、师出有名、纵横天下——师卦 20:41
08(下)、舍逆取顺——比卦 18:01
09(上)、以小蓄大——小蓄卦 25:06
09(下)、以礼待人——履卦 22:00
10(上)、天地交融——泰卦 22:38
10(下)、否极泰来——否卦 20:46
11(上)、二人同心,其利断金——同人卦 17:20
11(下)、顺天休命——大有卦 26:53
12(上)、卑以自救——谦卦 18:56
12(下)、守正不阿——豫卦 25:15
13(上)、随顺时势——随卦 27:38
13(下)、拨乱反正——蛊卦 26:18
14(上)、施比受有福——临卦 22:53
14(下)、察人观己——观卦 25:20
15(上)、丛林法则 割喉竞争——噬嗑卦 30:15
15(下)、人文化成——贲卦 18:40
16(上)、顺势而止——剥卦 25:20
16(下)、剥极则复 顺势而行——复卦 21:24
17(上)、内外兼修——无妄卦 28:45
17(下)、大有作为——大畜卦 22:39
18(上)、自力更生——颐卦 19:22
18(下)、自处之道——大过卦 20:51
19(上)、防范于未然——习坎卦 30:48
19(下)、化成天下——离卦 22:50
20(上)、夫妻之道——咸卦 29:32
20(下)、相爱容易相处难——恒卦 20:04
21(上)、功成身退——遁卦 16:44
21(下)、进退有度——大壮卦 21:32
22(上)、前途光明——晋卦 27:51
22(下)文明柔顺 明夷卦 23:56
23(上)、回归家庭——家人卦 28:56
23(下)、悲欢离合——睽卦 20:36
24(上)、守正以待——蹇卦 18:01
24(下)、废一切苦厄——解卦 15:23
25(上)、先人后己——损卦 27:54
25(下)、兴盛之始——益卦 21:03
26(上)、居安思危——夬卦 19:20
26(下)、阴盛阳衰——姤卦 20:03
27(上)、慎终追远——萃卦 25:58
27(下)、把握时机——升卦 15:36
28(上)、天无绝人之路——困卦 38:51
28(下)、有福同享——井卦 15:02
29(上)、除旧布新——革卦 18:45
29(下)、正位凝命——鼎卦 21:15
30(上)、谨言慎行——震卦 18:37
30(下1)、遇险则止——艮卦 12:15
30(下2)、如何利用筹策占卦——占卦的原则、方法 16:12
31(上)、循序渐进——渐卦 28:06
31(下)、人生大事——归妹卦 18:36
32(上)、持盈保泰——丰卦 24:29
32(下)、顺时进退——旅卦 17:35
33(上)、借势而动——巽卦 16:58
33(下)、心悦诚服——兑卦 17:08
34(上)、凝聚人心——涣卦 18:01
34(下)、适可而止——节卦 22:25
35(上)、诚信为本——中孚卦 27:26
35(下)、敬慎不败——小过卦 20:24
36(上)、依时更新——既济卦 16:10
36(下)、重启生机——未济卦 15:29
37、系辞传(上)——乾坤定天地 45:50
38、系辞传(上)——崇德广业 慎密处事 42:18
39、系辞传(上)——八卦定吉凶 吉凶生大业 50:38
40、系辞传(上)——自天佑之 吉无不利 49:25
41、系辞传(下)——世事演绎 天下文明 42:09
42、系辞传(下)——天下万物 感而遂通 37:44
43、系辞传(下)——阴阳合德 权变通达 38:13
44、系辞传(下)——无有师保 如临父母 35:20
45、说卦传——八卦相错 数往知来 46:33
46、序卦传——天生地成 阴阳推衍 47:06
47、序卦传 杂卦传——六十四卦 变化无穷 49:57
48、心得交流—— 分享易经智慧 助人一生快乐 23:32
(Español / in Spanish) Algebra Lineal by Gaudencio Zurita Herrera - ICM ESPOL
# playlist of the 198 videos (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral 2009年11月18日
Sesión 1 1-10: Introducción a la Teoría de Matrices
source: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral 2009年11月18日
Sesión 1 1-10: Introducción a la Teoría de Matrices
(Español / in Spanish) Algebra Lineal 2
# playlist of the 82 videos (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral 2009年12月29日
source: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral 2009年12月29日
The RSA (videos of June 2017)
source: The RSA
2:29 5 Minute Life Lessons with Bernadette Jiwa Watch this 5 Minute Life Lesson interview with Bernadette Jiwa, global authority on the role of story in business, innovation and marketing, and author of "Hunch: Turn Your Everyday Insights Into t...
6:57 The Importance of Good Work with Matthew Taylor How do we improve the quality of working lives across our economy? Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, asks whether the government, businesses, employers, employees, individuals and communi...
57:41 Brexit: One Year On | Anand Menon | RSA Replay On the 23rd June 2016, the UK voted to leave the EU – arguably one of the most unexpected and momentous decisions ever taken by the electorate. One year on, and the situation is still uncertain. Ar...
1:14:48 Designing Our Futures: The 2017 RSA Student Design Awards | David Constantine MBE | RSA Replay The RSA Student Design Awards challenge emerging designers to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic issues through design thinking. Join us in celebrating the 2017 Awards and the power...
1:06:46 The War on Truth | Matthew d'Ancona ‘Post-truth’ was the Oxford Dictionary word of the year 2016 – but what does it mean, and how can we champion truth in a world of lies and ‘alternative facts’? Renowned journalist Matthew d’Ancona ...
6:52 The Butterfly Effect with Catharine MacKinnon The Butterfly Effect with Catharine MacKinnon. Under the right conditions, small simple actions can produce large complex effects. Pioneering lawyer and activist for women’s rights Catharine A. Mac...
6:52 How to Seize the Political Day with Roman Krznaric Leading social philosopher Roman Krznaric argues that we need new politics of mass action focused on seizing opportunities, spontaneous mobilisation and hedonistic revelry. He calls it ‘Carpe Diem ...
1:00:01 Closing the Values Gap | Geoff McDonald | RSA Replay It’s a recognizable feature of modern-day working life to many of us: the company mission statement is brandished from the website to the office walls, but day-to-day behaviours fall far short of ...
6:59 How to Make Social Change Happen with Alberto Alemanno We are spectators of life, not actors. We are consumers, not citizens. But how can we change? Leading public interest lawyer Alberto Alemanno argues that we need to utilise our expertise and talent...
6:58 General Election 2017: A Fair Fight? If the preliminary polling is accurate, Jeremy Corbyn will be leading Labour to its biggest defeat since 1935, and Theresa May’s gamble for a firmer handle in Brexit negotiations will have paid off...

(русский / in Russian) Введение в аналитику больших массивов данных
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2015年3月28日
Введение в аналитику больших массивов данных / Introduction to the analysis of large data sets
Авторы: Юрий Аникин, Ирина Борисова, Николай Загоруйко, Александр Зырянов, Евгений Павловский
Курс: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/12385/1181/info
Курс представляет возможность познакомиться с основными понятиями в области аналитической обработки больших данных. В нем изложены основы машинного обучения, визуализации и хранения больших данных. По результатам изучения курса читатель сможет переводить проблемы предметной области на язык технологий обработки больших данных.
В курсе излагаются основы машинного обучения по оригинальной методике, читатель познакомится с технологиями обработки больших данных. В ходе изучения будут сформированы представления о технических и методологических средствах анализа больших данных.
Цель: Ориентирование в области технологий и методологий анализа больших данных.
Необходимые знания: Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика, навык самостоятельной работы с различными источниками информации (интернет, печатные издания), умение обобщать информацию, полученную из разных источников, умение представлять результаты своих исследований.
Лекция 1: Общее понятие о больших данных 17:32
Лекция на сайте НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Основные вызовы больших данных 12:00
Лекция 3: Определение термина "большие данные" 19:39
Лекция 4: Процесс аналитики 30:05
Лекция 5: Введение в когнитивный анализ данных 39:40
Лекция 6: Классификация задач. Функция конкурентного сходства 29:27
Лекция 7: Разработка алгоритмов на базе FRiS-функции 56:15
Лекция 8: Информативность и выбор признаков 45:17
Лекция 9: Обнаружение ошибок и заполнение пробелов 43:54
Лекция 10: Общие сведения о языке R. Основные функции 15:55
Лекция 11: Синтаксис 18:21
Лекция 12: Типы данных 10:01
Лекция 13: Weka 15:53
Лекция 14: Визуализация 21:22
Лекция 15: R как инструмент Data Mining 10:20
Лекция 16: Решение задач Data Mining. R и Hadoop 17:08
Лекция 17: Основные библиотеки для Data Mining 12:56
Лекция 18: Возможности библиотеки Pandas 8:11
Лекция 19: Зачем нужны новые хранилища 9:29
Лекция 20: Свойства больших данных и ограничения RDBMS 10:56
Лекция 21: ACID требования, CAP-теорема, BASE архитектура 13:31
Лекция 22: NoSQL 13:51
Лекция 23: Интерфейсы 11:03
Лекция 24: MapReduce 8:00
Лекция 25: Ключ-значение 9:12
Лекция 26: Колоночные 13:58
Лекция 27: Документо-ориентированные 7:26
Лекция 28: Графовые 18:39
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2015年3月28日
Введение в аналитику больших массивов данных / Introduction to the analysis of large data sets
Авторы: Юрий Аникин, Ирина Борисова, Николай Загоруйко, Александр Зырянов, Евгений Павловский
Курс: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/12385/1181/info
Курс представляет возможность познакомиться с основными понятиями в области аналитической обработки больших данных. В нем изложены основы машинного обучения, визуализации и хранения больших данных. По результатам изучения курса читатель сможет переводить проблемы предметной области на язык технологий обработки больших данных.
В курсе излагаются основы машинного обучения по оригинальной методике, читатель познакомится с технологиями обработки больших данных. В ходе изучения будут сформированы представления о технических и методологических средствах анализа больших данных.
Цель: Ориентирование в области технологий и методологий анализа больших данных.
Необходимые знания: Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика, навык самостоятельной работы с различными источниками информации (интернет, печатные издания), умение обобщать информацию, полученную из разных источников, умение представлять результаты своих исследований.
Лекция 1: Общее понятие о больших данных 17:32
Лекция на сайте НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 2: Основные вызовы больших данных 12:00
Лекция 3: Определение термина "большие данные" 19:39
Лекция 4: Процесс аналитики 30:05
Лекция 5: Введение в когнитивный анализ данных 39:40
Лекция 6: Классификация задач. Функция конкурентного сходства 29:27
Лекция 7: Разработка алгоритмов на базе FRiS-функции 56:15
Лекция 8: Информативность и выбор признаков 45:17
Лекция 9: Обнаружение ошибок и заполнение пробелов 43:54
Лекция 10: Общие сведения о языке R. Основные функции 15:55
Лекция 11: Синтаксис 18:21
Лекция 12: Типы данных 10:01
Лекция 13: Weka 15:53
Лекция 14: Визуализация 21:22
Лекция 15: R как инструмент Data Mining 10:20
Лекция 16: Решение задач Data Mining. R и Hadoop 17:08
Лекция 17: Основные библиотеки для Data Mining 12:56
Лекция 18: Возможности библиотеки Pandas 8:11
Лекция 19: Зачем нужны новые хранилища 9:29
Лекция 20: Свойства больших данных и ограничения RDBMS 10:56
Лекция 21: ACID требования, CAP-теорема, BASE архитектура 13:31
Лекция 22: NoSQL 13:51
Лекция 23: Интерфейсы 11:03
Лекция 24: MapReduce 8:00
Лекция 25: Ключ-значение 9:12
Лекция 26: Колоночные 13:58
Лекция 27: Документо-ориентированные 7:26
Лекция 28: Графовые 18:39
(русский / in Russian) Введение в ФЭЧ. И. Иванов
# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: Фенист 2017年3月23日
Игорь Иванов. Введение в физику элементарных частиц. Урок 1
source: Фенист 2017年3月23日
Игорь Иванов. Введение в физику элементарных частиц. Урок 1
(русский / in Russian) Классическая механика / Classical mechanics
# playlist of the 10 videos (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: NAUKA 0+ 2017年1月12日
Механика. Профессор Деденко Леонид Григорьевич / Mechanics. Professor Dedenko Leonid Grigorievich
source: NAUKA 0+ 2017年1月12日
Механика. Профессор Деденко Леонид Григорьевич / Mechanics. Professor Dedenko Leonid Grigorievich
(русский / in Russian) Электромагнетизм Алешкевич Виктор Александрович
# playlist of the 9 videos (click the video's upper-left icon)
source: NAUKA 0+ 2017年1月12日
Электромагнетизм Алешкевич Виктор Александрович / Electromagnetism Aleshkevich Victor Alexandrovich
source: NAUKA 0+ 2017年1月12日
Электромагнетизм Алешкевич Виктор Александрович / Electromagnetism Aleshkevich Victor Alexandrovich
Group Theory and Hopf Algebras (2012) by A. P. Balachandran
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年10月5日
Prof. A. P. Balachandran on "Group Theory and Hopf Algebras"
APB 23rd August 2012 1:02:24
APB 30th August 2012 1:00:04
APB 29th August 2012 1:02:43
APB 5th September 2012 59:21
APB 6th September 2012 1:04:53
APB 12th September 2012 1:07:14
APB 13th September 56:34
APB 20th September 1:00:39
APB 26th September 2012 58:45
APB 27th September 2012 58:43
APB 03rd October 2012 58:44
APB 04th October 2012 59:47
APB 10th October 2012 1:00:47
11th October 2012 0:42
APB 17th October 2012 1:01:05
18th October 2012 58:46
APB 31st October 2012 1:05:05
APB 01st November 2012 1:04:02
APB 07th November 2012 1:01:53
APB 08th November 2012 57:53
APB 21st November 2012 54:14
APB 22nd November 2012 1:00:24
APB 28th November 2012 58:28
APB 29th November 2012 1:02:07
APB 5th December 2012 59:54
APB 6th December 2012 57:14
APB 12th December 2012 1:01:59
APB 13th December 2012 1:00:22
source: matsciencechannel 2012年10月5日
Prof. A. P. Balachandran on "Group Theory and Hopf Algebras"
APB 23rd August 2012 1:02:24
APB 30th August 2012 1:00:04
APB 29th August 2012 1:02:43
APB 5th September 2012 59:21
APB 6th September 2012 1:04:53
APB 12th September 2012 1:07:14
APB 13th September 56:34
APB 20th September 1:00:39
APB 26th September 2012 58:45
APB 27th September 2012 58:43
APB 03rd October 2012 58:44
APB 04th October 2012 59:47
APB 10th October 2012 1:00:47
11th October 2012 0:42
APB 17th October 2012 1:01:05
18th October 2012 58:46
APB 31st October 2012 1:05:05
APB 01st November 2012 1:04:02
APB 07th November 2012 1:01:53
APB 08th November 2012 57:53
APB 21st November 2012 54:14
APB 22nd November 2012 1:00:24
APB 28th November 2012 58:28
APB 29th November 2012 1:02:07
APB 5th December 2012 59:54
APB 6th December 2012 57:14
APB 12th December 2012 1:01:59
APB 13th December 2012 1:00:22
Enriching Mathematics Education workshop for teachers in schools 2013
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2013年10月28日
01 Registration & Inauguration, Partial Fractions by K. N. Raghavan 1:06:23
Abstract: Partial fractions are typically introduced in Class XII as a method of integration. The integration of rational functions in one variable reduces, by the division algorithm, to that of proper fractions, which are then handled by expressing them as partial fractions. We will take a critical look at this material, examining the underlying assumptions made explicitly or otherwise, learning just a little bit of the theory behind the method, trying methods of solution other than those normally suggested, and exploring what happens when we relax the assumptions.
02 Remarks by R. Balasubramanian, Director, & Lecture - Developing student thinking in calculus 1:15:51
03 Coordinate geometry by Parameswaran Sankaran 49:06
04 Conic sections and the general equation of the second degree by S. Kesavan 1:02:14
05 Jonaki Ghosh and R. Ramanujam: Interactive session 1:06:05
06 Permutations and combinations by Vijay Kodiyalam 1:00:19
07 Curve sketching using calculus by G. P. Youvaraj 1:03:27
08 A discussion on problem solving by R. Ramanujam 1:00:36
09 Geometric Progressions to Partitions by D. Surya Ramana 1:04:51
source: matsciencechannel 2013年10月28日
01 Registration & Inauguration, Partial Fractions by K. N. Raghavan 1:06:23
Abstract: Partial fractions are typically introduced in Class XII as a method of integration. The integration of rational functions in one variable reduces, by the division algorithm, to that of proper fractions, which are then handled by expressing them as partial fractions. We will take a critical look at this material, examining the underlying assumptions made explicitly or otherwise, learning just a little bit of the theory behind the method, trying methods of solution other than those normally suggested, and exploring what happens when we relax the assumptions.
02 Remarks by R. Balasubramanian, Director, & Lecture - Developing student thinking in calculus 1:15:51
03 Coordinate geometry by Parameswaran Sankaran 49:06
04 Conic sections and the general equation of the second degree by S. Kesavan 1:02:14
05 Jonaki Ghosh and R. Ramanujam: Interactive session 1:06:05
06 Permutations and combinations by Vijay Kodiyalam 1:00:19
07 Curve sketching using calculus by G. P. Youvaraj 1:03:27
08 A discussion on problem solving by R. Ramanujam 1:00:36
09 Geometric Progressions to Partitions by D. Surya Ramana 1:04:51
The Functional Analysis Of Quantum Information Theory
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2012年3月5日
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (26-12-2011) 1:44:40
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (27-12-2011) 1:35:41
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (28-12-2011) 1:31:28
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (29-12-2011) 1:32:52
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (30-12-2011) 1:38:34
Quantum Entanglement by K R Parthasarathy (28-12-2011) 1:14:46
Quantum Entanglement by K R Parthasarathy (29-12-2011) 1:18:14
Quantum Entanglement by K R Parthasarathy (30-12-2011) 1:24:41
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (02-01-2012) 1:23:40
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (03-01-2012) 1:10:43
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (04-01- 2012) 1:24:23
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (05-01-2012) 1:23:24
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (06-01-2012) 1:26:23
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (02-01-2012) 1:38:34
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (03-01-2012) 1:36:50
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (04-01-2012) 1:34:26
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (05-01-2012) 1:29:27
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (06-01-2012) 1:29:18
source: matsciencechannel 2012年3月5日
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (26-12-2011) 1:44:40
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (27-12-2011) 1:35:41
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (28-12-2011) 1:31:28
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (29-12-2011) 1:32:52
Operator Spaces By Gilles Pisier (30-12-2011) 1:38:34
Quantum Entanglement by K R Parthasarathy (28-12-2011) 1:14:46
Quantum Entanglement by K R Parthasarathy (29-12-2011) 1:18:14
Quantum Entanglement by K R Parthasarathy (30-12-2011) 1:24:41
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (02-01-2012) 1:23:40
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (03-01-2012) 1:10:43
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (04-01- 2012) 1:24:23
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (05-01-2012) 1:23:24
Operator Systems by Vern Paulsen (06-01-2012) 1:26:23
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (02-01-2012) 1:38:34
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (03-01-2012) 1:36:50
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (04-01-2012) 1:34:26
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (05-01-2012) 1:29:27
Quantum Information by Andreas Winter (06-01-2012) 1:29:18
Cohomological finite generation
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: matsciencechannel 2013年6月19日
Cohomological finite generation 01 55:54
Cohomological finite generation 02 1:27:26
Introductory homological algebra by Rishi Vyas 1:18:01
Cohomological finite generation 03 1:36:29
Introductory homological algebra II by Rishi Vyas 1:20:45
Cohomological finite generation 04 1:41:04
Cohomological finite generation 05 1:38:58
Cohomological finite generation 06 1:37:16
Cohomological finite generation 07 1:46:20
Cohomological finite generation 08 1:53:11
Cohomological finite generation 09 1:39:01
Cohomological finite generation 10 1:31:44
source: matsciencechannel 2013年6月19日
Cohomological finite generation 01 55:54
Cohomological finite generation 02 1:27:26
Introductory homological algebra by Rishi Vyas 1:18:01
Cohomological finite generation 03 1:36:29
Introductory homological algebra II by Rishi Vyas 1:20:45
Cohomological finite generation 04 1:41:04
Cohomological finite generation 05 1:38:58
Cohomological finite generation 06 1:37:16
Cohomological finite generation 07 1:46:20
Cohomological finite generation 08 1:53:11
Cohomological finite generation 09 1:39:01
Cohomological finite generation 10 1:31:44
Gregory B. Sadler (videos of June 2017)
source: Gregory B. Sadler
29:53 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Spirit - Human and Divine Law, sec. 462-463) In this 187th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we begin our study of the first portion of a major section of the work, "Spirit". This portio...
11:55 Immanuel Kant on The Faculties of Reason, Understanding, and Sense - Philosophy Core Concepts This Core Concept video focuses on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, sec. 3 and discusses the distinction and relation between three key faculties of the human being, which Kant term...
10:15 Immanuel Kant on The Thing In Itself and The Free Human Being - Philosophy Core Concepts This Core Concept video focuses on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, sec. 3 and discusses the analogy he provides in that work between the Thing-In-Itself (Ding-in-sich) and the free...
1:06:47 The Scholar Heloise - Women You Should Read This is the second session in a new quarterly series, hosted by the Shorewood Public Library, focused upon women thinkers whose works are sometimes overlooked, but are particularly worth reading...
30:35 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Spirit - Human and Divine Law, sec. 458-461) In this 186th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we begin our study of the first portion of a major section of the work, "Spirit". This portio...
10:51 Immanuel Kant on Freedom of the Will - Philosophy Core Concepts This Core Concept video focuses on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, sec. 2 and examines Kant's discussion of the freedom of the will. In his view, the will is a type of causality t...
12:37 Immanuel Kant on Heteronomy and Spurious Principles of Morality - Philosophy Core Concepts This Core Concept video focuses on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, sec. 2 and examines Kant's discussion of what he terms "heteronomy" (as opposed to autonomy), and how it factors ...
54:10 June 2017 Webinar - Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic This is the fourth in a series of new 45-minute Webinars developed and hosted by ReasonIO. In this webinar, I introduce the participants to some of the key ideas, and the development of what has c...
11:23 Immanuel Kant on Three Modes of Presenting The Principle of Morality - Philosophy Core Concepts This Core Concept video focuses on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, sec. 2 and examines Kant's distinction between three modes of presenting what he terms the "principle of morality...
11:18 Immanuel Kant on the Third Formulation of the Categorical Imperative - Philosophy Core Concepts This Core Concept video focuses on Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, sec. 2 and examines Kant's third formulation of the Categorical Imperative. This formulation focuses on the noti...
32:51 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Spirit - Human and Divine Law, sec. 453-455) In this 184th video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we begin our study of the first portion of a major section of the work, "Spirit". This portio...
1:58 ReasonIO Tutorial Services - Study Philosophy 1-on-1 With Dr. Sadler! This is a short video discussing one of the main services I offer through my company, ReasonIO: 1-on-1 tutorial sessions. Here's the page - https://reasonio.wordpress.com/tutorials/
For most of m...
9:56 Cicero on Why Only The Wise Are Rich (Stoic Paradoxes) - Philosophy Core Concepts This core concept video focuses on Cicero's short work, the Stoic Paradoxes, and discusses his contention that only those who are wise are actually rich. In the course of this, he distinguishes wh...
1:36 Dr. Sadler Meets a Parakeet In The Park Walking our dogs in Ziedler Park (in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) earlier today, I ran across an escaped parakeet - he was very friendly!
I got a bit of footage of him hanging out in the trees - and then...
12:16 Cicero on Wisdom, Foolishness, Freedom, and Slavery (Stoic Paradoxes) - Philosophy Core Concepts This core concept video focuses on Cicero's short work, the Stoic Paradoxes, and discusses the relationship between and foolishness on the one side, and freedom and slavery on the other side. Acco...
1:17:02 Iain Banks Culture Series Galaxy - Worlds of Speculative Fiction (lecture 18) This is the eighteenth session in a series of monthly lectures and discussions, which started in 2016 and continue through 2017, hosted by the Brookfield Public Library. In this session, we focus...
12:37 Cicero on Equality of Good and Bad Things (Stoic Paradoxes) - Philosophy Core Concepts This core concept video focuses on Cicero's short work, the Stoic Paradoxes, and discusses the claim that the Stoic school of philosophy made, that good things and actions are all essentially equal...
2:50 Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic - ReasonIO Online Events in June 2017 We have three great online events in June focused on a key idea in the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel, his famous "Master-Slave Dialectic", one of the most-commented-upon sets of passages in his Phenom...
29:11 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Spirit - Human and Divine Law, sec. 452) In this 183rd video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we begin our study of the first portion of a major section of the work, "Spirit". This portio...
11:44 Cicero on Why Virtue Is Sufficient For Happiness (Stoic Paradoxes) - Philosophy Core Concepts This core concept video focuses on Cicero's short work, the Stoic Paradoxes, and discusses the claim that the Stoic school of philosophy made, that virtue is sufficient for happiness. He argues th...
38:22 Half Hour Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit (Spirit - Human and Divine Law, sec. 450-451) In this 182nd video in the new series on G.W.F. Hegel's great early work, the Phenomenology of Spirit, we begin our study of the first portion of a major section of the work, "Spirit". This portio...
11:14 Cicero on What Is Genuinely Good and What Is Not (Stoic Paradoxes) - Philosophy Core Concepts This core concept video focuses on Cicero's short work, the Stoic Paradoxes, and discusses the particular issue of what both Cicero and the Stoics take to be genuinely good. In their view, what ot...
15:05 Dr. Sadler's Channel Updates - June 2017 In this update, I talk about some of the projects, talks, and activities I've got planned for June 2017, and what took place in May 2017.
Links to some of the projects/events discussed in the vide...

For most of m...

I got a bit of footage of him hanging out in the trees - and then...

Links to some of the projects/events discussed in the vide...
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