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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年8月20日
Bangalore school on statistical Physics - VI
PROGRAM URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/BSSP2015
DATES: Thursday 02 Jul, 2015 - Saturday 18 Jul, 2015
VENUE: Auditorium, Raman Research Institute
This advanced level school is second in the series of schools being jointly organized by RRI and ICTS, following the highly successful 1st joint school. The present series is an off-shoot of an earlier series of schools entitled RRI School On Statistical Physics started in 2010 at the Raman Research Institute. The present school will be held at the ICTS campus.
This is a pedagogical school, aimed at bridging the gap between masters-level courses and topics in statistical physics at the frontline of current research. It is intended for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows and interested faculty members at the college and university level.
List of topics to be covered and instructors:
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - Abhishek Dhar (ICTS) and Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI)
Introduction to soft matter physics - D. Pine (NewYork)
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - D. Dhar (TIFR)
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - D. Mukamel (Weizmann Institute)
Interacting particle systems - M. Barma (TIFR)
Physics of Molecular Motors - D. Chowdhury (IITK)
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium systems - S. Sasa (Kyoto)
ORGANIZERS: Abhishek Dhar, Sanjib Sabhapandit
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 1 by Abhishek Dhar 1:33:02
Introductory lectures on statistical physics -1 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:33:19
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 2 by Abhishek Dhar 1:30:27
Introductory lectures on statistical physics -2 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:36:53
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 3 by Abhishek Dhar 1:29:25
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 3 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:42:32
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 1 by David Mukamel 1:31:21
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 1 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:28:59
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 4 by Abhishek Dhar 1:18:36
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 2 by David Mukamel 1:28:54
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 2 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:36:26
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 4 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:38:34
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions -3 by David Mukamel 1:30:11
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 3 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:25:48
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 1 by Deepak Dhar 1:33:50
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 4 by David Mukamel 1:34:30
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 4 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:28:48
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 2 by Deepak Dhar 1:49:11
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 5 by David Mukamel 1:34:52
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 5 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:29:56
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 3 by Deepak Dhar 1:30:36
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 6 by David Mukamel 1:30:25
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 6 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:30:27
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 4 by Deepak Dhar 1:21:51
Interacting particle system - 1 by Mustansir Barma 1:37:22
Introduction to soft matter physics - 1 by David Pine 1:35:02
Interacting particle system - 2 by Mustansir Barma 1:33:04
Introduction to soft matter physics - 2 by David Pine 1:36:06
Interacting particle system - 3 by Mustansir Barma 1:36:19
Introduction to soft matter physics - 3 by David Pine 1:21:58
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 4 by David Pine 1:38:11
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 5 by David Pine 1:32:43
Interacting particle system - 4 by Mustansir Barma 1:31:08
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Interacting particle system - 5 by Mustansir Barma 1:37:44
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 6 by David Pine 1:31:13
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Differential and Integral Calculus 2 by Aviv Censor at Technion
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source: Technion 2015年12月7日
Calculus 2 - international
Course no. 104004
Technion - International school of engineering
01 - Introduction 7:04
02 - Vectors 39:15
03 - The Cartesian coordinate system 29:44
04 - The dot product 21:00
05 - The dot product - continued 16:33
06 - The cross product 37:54
07 - The triple product 22:24
08 - The equation of a plane 20:31
09 - Planes - continued 24:54
10 - The equation of a line 18:36
11 - Lines - continued 22:36
12 - Lines - continued 13:49
13 - Lines and planes 12:38
14 - Surfaces 21:13
15 - Surfaces - continued 22:41
16 - Surfaces - continued 8:46
17 - Curves 25:24
18 - Topology 55:34
19 - Sequences 19:14
20 - Functions and graphs 17:52
21 - Level curves 21:03
22 - Level surfaces 11:30
23 - Limits 26:02
24 - Properties of limits 12:05
25 - Limits along curves 20:46
26 - Limits and polar coordinates 27:40
27 - Iterated limits 12:07
28 - Continuity 11:39
29 - The intermediate value theorem 40:26
30 - Tangents to curves 37:55
31 - Partial derivatives 19:21
32 - Calculating partial derivatives 21:39
33 - The tangent plane 18:26
34 - Differentiability 30:00
35 - Differentiability - continued 26:12
36 - Differentiability, continuity and partial derivatives 34:08
37 - Directional derivatives 40:42
38 - The gradient 27:53
39 - The chain rule 28:54
40 - Higher order derivatives 23:51
41 - The Taylor polynomial 27:08
42 - The implicit function theorem 35:49
43 - The implicit function theorem - continued 37:37
44 - Proof of the implicit function theorem 21:07
45 - The gradient is perpendicular to level surfaces 30:58
46 - The implicit function theorem for systems of equations 42:11
47 - The inverse function theorem 17:01
48 - Minima and maxima 39:07
49 - Classification of critical points 56:15
50 - Exterma subject to constraints 19:53
51 - The method of Lagrange multipliers 20:26
52 - A two variable example of Lagrange multipliers 32:54
53 - A three variable example of Lagrange multipliers 16:46
54 - Proof of the Lagrange multipliers theorem 12:40
55 - Lagrange multipliers for several constraints 29:32
56 - Double integrals 40:11
57 - Properties of double integrals 30:15
58 - Iterated integrals 13:56
59 - Simple domains 9:48
60 - Double integrals on simple domains 29:31
61 - Examples of iterated integrals 32:31
62 - Changing order of integration 34:28
63 - Change of variables 21:20
64 - Examples of changing variables 25:50
65 - Examples of changing variables - continued 28:32
66 - The requirement that J is not 0 16:17
67 - The geometric meaning of J 41:31
68 - A cool example 26:00
69 - Triple integrals 28:34
70 - Triple integrals over simple domains 20:05
71 - Cylindrical coordinates 34:09
72 - Spherical coordinates 23:17
73 - One more example of changing variables 19:10
74 - The length of a curve 41:29
75 - Line integrals of scalar functions 33:57
76 - Line integrals of vector fields 33:37
77 - Green's theorem 24:37
78 - Finding area with Green's theorem 16:29
79 - Evaluating line integrals with Green's theorem 37:20
80 - Conservative fields 24:36
81 - Simply connected domains 21:27
82 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains 21:04
83 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains - examples 22:12
84 - Surfaces 36:48
85 - Area of a surface 56:56
86 - Surface integrals of scalar functions 25:00
87 - Surface integrals of vector fields 29:01
88 - Surface integrals of vector fields - example 24:25
89 - The divergence 21:49
90 - The divergence theorem (Gauss) 36:48
91 - More on the divergence 30:04
92 - The curl 19:31
93 - Stokes' theorem 27:29
94 - Using Stokes' theorem 19:15
95 - Using Stokes' theorem - continued 54:48
96 - Conservative fields in 3 dimensions 17:12
97 - An example of a conservative field 22:54
98 - More on the curl 21:34
99 - A review problem 48:23
100 - A review problem - continued 1:00:54
source: Technion 2015年12月7日
Calculus 2 - international
Course no. 104004
Technion - International school of engineering
01 - Introduction 7:04
02 - Vectors 39:15
03 - The Cartesian coordinate system 29:44
04 - The dot product 21:00
05 - The dot product - continued 16:33
06 - The cross product 37:54
07 - The triple product 22:24
08 - The equation of a plane 20:31
09 - Planes - continued 24:54
10 - The equation of a line 18:36
11 - Lines - continued 22:36
12 - Lines - continued 13:49
13 - Lines and planes 12:38
14 - Surfaces 21:13
15 - Surfaces - continued 22:41
16 - Surfaces - continued 8:46
17 - Curves 25:24
18 - Topology 55:34
19 - Sequences 19:14
20 - Functions and graphs 17:52
21 - Level curves 21:03
22 - Level surfaces 11:30
23 - Limits 26:02
24 - Properties of limits 12:05
25 - Limits along curves 20:46
26 - Limits and polar coordinates 27:40
27 - Iterated limits 12:07
28 - Continuity 11:39
29 - The intermediate value theorem 40:26
30 - Tangents to curves 37:55
31 - Partial derivatives 19:21
32 - Calculating partial derivatives 21:39
33 - The tangent plane 18:26
34 - Differentiability 30:00
35 - Differentiability - continued 26:12
36 - Differentiability, continuity and partial derivatives 34:08
37 - Directional derivatives 40:42
38 - The gradient 27:53
39 - The chain rule 28:54
40 - Higher order derivatives 23:51
41 - The Taylor polynomial 27:08
42 - The implicit function theorem 35:49
43 - The implicit function theorem - continued 37:37
44 - Proof of the implicit function theorem 21:07
45 - The gradient is perpendicular to level surfaces 30:58
46 - The implicit function theorem for systems of equations 42:11
47 - The inverse function theorem 17:01
48 - Minima and maxima 39:07
49 - Classification of critical points 56:15
50 - Exterma subject to constraints 19:53
51 - The method of Lagrange multipliers 20:26
52 - A two variable example of Lagrange multipliers 32:54
53 - A three variable example of Lagrange multipliers 16:46
54 - Proof of the Lagrange multipliers theorem 12:40
55 - Lagrange multipliers for several constraints 29:32
56 - Double integrals 40:11
57 - Properties of double integrals 30:15
58 - Iterated integrals 13:56
59 - Simple domains 9:48
60 - Double integrals on simple domains 29:31
61 - Examples of iterated integrals 32:31
62 - Changing order of integration 34:28
63 - Change of variables 21:20
64 - Examples of changing variables 25:50
65 - Examples of changing variables - continued 28:32
66 - The requirement that J is not 0 16:17
67 - The geometric meaning of J 41:31
68 - A cool example 26:00
69 - Triple integrals 28:34
70 - Triple integrals over simple domains 20:05
71 - Cylindrical coordinates 34:09
72 - Spherical coordinates 23:17
73 - One more example of changing variables 19:10
74 - The length of a curve 41:29
75 - Line integrals of scalar functions 33:57
76 - Line integrals of vector fields 33:37
77 - Green's theorem 24:37
78 - Finding area with Green's theorem 16:29
79 - Evaluating line integrals with Green's theorem 37:20
80 - Conservative fields 24:36
81 - Simply connected domains 21:27
82 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains 21:04
83 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains - examples 22:12
84 - Surfaces 36:48
85 - Area of a surface 56:56
86 - Surface integrals of scalar functions 25:00
87 - Surface integrals of vector fields 29:01
88 - Surface integrals of vector fields - example 24:25
89 - The divergence 21:49
90 - The divergence theorem (Gauss) 36:48
91 - More on the divergence 30:04
92 - The curl 19:31
93 - Stokes' theorem 27:29
94 - Using Stokes' theorem 19:15
95 - Using Stokes' theorem - continued 54:48
96 - Conservative fields in 3 dimensions 17:12
97 - An example of a conservative field 22:54
98 - More on the curl 21:34
99 - A review problem 48:23
100 - A review problem - continued 1:00:54
Theoretical and Computational Aspects of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture (2016, ICTS Bangalore)
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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年12月12日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/bsdtc...
12 December 2016 to 22 December 2016
Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is a striking example of conjectures in number theory, specifically in arithmetic geometry, that has abundant numerical evidence but not a complete general solution. An elliptic curve, say E, can be represented by points on a cubic equation as below with certain A, B ∈ Q:
y2 = x3 + Ax +B
A Theorem of Mordell says that that E(Q), the set of rational points of E, is a finitely generated abelian group, and thus,
E(Q) = Zr ⊕ T,
for some non-negative integer r and a finite group T. Here, r is called the algebraic rank of E.
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture relates the algebraic rank of E to the value of the L-function, L(E, s), attached to E at s = 1.
Further theoretical understanding, corroborated by computations lead to a stronger version of the BSD conjecture. This refined version of the BSD conjecture provides a very precise formula for the leading term of L(E, s) at s = 1, the coefficient of (s − 1)r, in terms of various arithmetical data attached to E. Thus, the computational side of the BSD conjecture goes hand in hand with the advanced concepts in the theory of Elliptic curves.
In this program, the computational aspects of the BSD conjecture with various illustrative examples, as well as p-adic L-functions, which are the p-adic analogues of the L-functions and other theoretical aspects which are important for the BSD conjecture will be discussed.
CONTACT US: bsdtc@icts.res.in
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:16:20
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:10:56
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:14:53
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:07:24
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:15
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 1:07:26
Simultaneous non-vanishing of L-values by Soumya Das 1:04:09
On the 2-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves by Zhibin Liang 1:05:29
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On Class Number of Number Fields by Debopam Chakraborty 23:26
K-groups and Global Fields by Haiyan Zhou 46:18
Stark-Heegner points and generalised Kato classes by Henri Darmon 53:35
two variables p-adic L function by Shanwen Wang 1:07:06
Torsion points of the Jacobian of modular curves X0(p2 ) and non- by Debargha Banerjee 57:59
Rigidity of p-adic local systems and Abapplications to Shimura varieties by Ruochuan Liu 1:10:27
Comparing the corank of fine Selmer group and Selmer group of elliptic curves by Sudhanshu Shekhar 52:59
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p-adic Asai transfer by Baskar Balasubramanyam 1:03:31
Horizontal variation of the arithmetic of elliptic curves by Ashay Burungale 1:09:09
A twisting result in non-commutative Iwasawa theory by Somnath Jha 1:11:14
p-adic uniformization of locally symmetric spaces by Aditya Karnataki 27:46
Root numbers and parity of local Iwasawa invariants by Suman Ahmed 37:47
On the Fourier coefficients of a Cohen-Eisenstein series by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:08
On a universal Torelli theorem for elliptic surfaces by CS Rajan 1:11:14
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 57:56
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:50
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 56:21
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:48
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年12月12日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/bsdtc...
12 December 2016 to 22 December 2016
Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is a striking example of conjectures in number theory, specifically in arithmetic geometry, that has abundant numerical evidence but not a complete general solution. An elliptic curve, say E, can be represented by points on a cubic equation as below with certain A, B ∈ Q:
y2 = x3 + Ax +B
A Theorem of Mordell says that that E(Q), the set of rational points of E, is a finitely generated abelian group, and thus,
E(Q) = Zr ⊕ T,
for some non-negative integer r and a finite group T. Here, r is called the algebraic rank of E.
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture relates the algebraic rank of E to the value of the L-function, L(E, s), attached to E at s = 1.
Further theoretical understanding, corroborated by computations lead to a stronger version of the BSD conjecture. This refined version of the BSD conjecture provides a very precise formula for the leading term of L(E, s) at s = 1, the coefficient of (s − 1)r, in terms of various arithmetical data attached to E. Thus, the computational side of the BSD conjecture goes hand in hand with the advanced concepts in the theory of Elliptic curves.
In this program, the computational aspects of the BSD conjecture with various illustrative examples, as well as p-adic L-functions, which are the p-adic analogues of the L-functions and other theoretical aspects which are important for the BSD conjecture will be discussed.
CONTACT US: bsdtc@icts.res.in
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:16:20
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:10:56
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:14:53
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:07:24
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:15
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 1:07:26
Simultaneous non-vanishing of L-values by Soumya Das 1:04:09
On the 2-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves by Zhibin Liang 1:05:29
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On Class Number of Number Fields by Debopam Chakraborty 23:26
K-groups and Global Fields by Haiyan Zhou 46:18
Stark-Heegner points and generalised Kato classes by Henri Darmon 53:35
two variables p-adic L function by Shanwen Wang 1:07:06
Torsion points of the Jacobian of modular curves X0(p2 ) and non- by Debargha Banerjee 57:59
Rigidity of p-adic local systems and Abapplications to Shimura varieties by Ruochuan Liu 1:10:27
Comparing the corank of fine Selmer group and Selmer group of elliptic curves by Sudhanshu Shekhar 52:59
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p-adic Asai transfer by Baskar Balasubramanyam 1:03:31
Horizontal variation of the arithmetic of elliptic curves by Ashay Burungale 1:09:09
A twisting result in non-commutative Iwasawa theory by Somnath Jha 1:11:14
p-adic uniformization of locally symmetric spaces by Aditya Karnataki 27:46
Root numbers and parity of local Iwasawa invariants by Suman Ahmed 37:47
On the Fourier coefficients of a Cohen-Eisenstein series by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:08
On a universal Torelli theorem for elliptic surfaces by CS Rajan 1:11:14
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 57:56
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:50
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 56:21
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:48
Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年3月10日
Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/IP2014
Dates: Monday 16 Jun, 2014 - Saturday 28 Jun, 2014
In Inverse Problems the goal is to determine the properties of the interior of an object from the object response measured on the boundary, when the object is probed by electrical, acoustic or other means. Such problems arise in medical imaging, oil exploration, non-destructive testing and other fields. Determining the object properties corresponds to finding the non-constant coefficients of a partial differential equation (PDE) from the values, on the boundary of the region, of the solutions of the PDE. These problems may also be interpreted as the inversion of non-linear maps or transforms. The solution of these inverse problems requires harmonic analysis, PDE theory, numerical methods for PDEs, and custom designed inversion transforms and schemes.
Basics (Distribution theory) 1:29:45
Basics (Statistical techniques) 1:14:24
Introduction to Inverse problems 53:15
Basics (Control Theory) 1:00:34
Introduction to Inverse problems 13:40
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:08
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:06:44
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:06:54
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:00:10
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:03:11
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:01:37
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 59:07
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:01:27
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:51
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:05:24
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:50
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 57:58
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:04:17
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:11
Numerics Survey 59:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:01:49
Hybrid Imaging 59:40
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 55:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:03:53
Hybrid Imaging 59:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 59:46
Hybrid Imaging 1:00:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 51:54
Numerical methods in inverse problems 56:43
Hybrid Imaging 1:02:22
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 56:39
Calderon problem 54:55
Numerical methods in inverse problems 55:14
Hybrid Imaging 1:04:00
Numerical methods in inverse problems 48:01
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 1:00:01
Carleman estimates 1:10:03
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年3月10日
Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/IP2014
Dates: Monday 16 Jun, 2014 - Saturday 28 Jun, 2014
In Inverse Problems the goal is to determine the properties of the interior of an object from the object response measured on the boundary, when the object is probed by electrical, acoustic or other means. Such problems arise in medical imaging, oil exploration, non-destructive testing and other fields. Determining the object properties corresponds to finding the non-constant coefficients of a partial differential equation (PDE) from the values, on the boundary of the region, of the solutions of the PDE. These problems may also be interpreted as the inversion of non-linear maps or transforms. The solution of these inverse problems requires harmonic analysis, PDE theory, numerical methods for PDEs, and custom designed inversion transforms and schemes.
Basics (Distribution theory) 1:29:45
Basics (Statistical techniques) 1:14:24
Introduction to Inverse problems 53:15
Basics (Control Theory) 1:00:34
Introduction to Inverse problems 13:40
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:08
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:06:44
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:06:54
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:00:10
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:03:11
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:01:37
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 59:07
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:01:27
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:51
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:05:24
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:50
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 57:58
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:04:17
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:11
Numerics Survey 59:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:01:49
Hybrid Imaging 59:40
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 55:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:03:53
Hybrid Imaging 59:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 59:46
Hybrid Imaging 1:00:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 51:54
Numerical methods in inverse problems 56:43
Hybrid Imaging 1:02:22
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 56:39
Calderon problem 54:55
Numerical methods in inverse problems 55:14
Hybrid Imaging 1:04:00
Numerical methods in inverse problems 48:01
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 1:00:01
Carleman estimates 1:10:03
Nonlinear Physics of Disordered Systems: From Amorphous Solids to Complex Flows
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年5月11日
Discussion Meeting: Nonlinear Physics of Disordered Systems: From Amorphous Solids to Complex Flows
URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
Dates: Monday 06 Apr, 2015 - Wednesday 08 Apr, 2015
In recent years significant progress has been made in the physics of disordered systems. As is usual in nonlinear physics one can rarely employ standard methods - nonlinear systems require specialized thinking to provide useful progress. Nevertheless some generic techniques like scaling on the one hand and bifurcation theory on the other can find powerful ramifications in the explored issues. In this discussion meeting we will focus on recent advances in this field and the outstanding open questions.
Continuous descriptions for dry active matter by Eric Bertin 42:06
A colloidal clay suspension as a model glass-former: some recent experimental results 56:16
Phase Diagram of Glass Forming Liquids with Randomly Pinned Particles by Smarajit Karmakar 45:33
Activity-induced fluidization in glassy systems by Chandan Dasgupta 49:28
Micro Big-Bangs and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Turbulent Quantum Fluids 1:08:50
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Statistical physics of athermally sheared amorphous systems by Kirsten Martens 46:49
Finite size effects in a model for plasticity of amorphous composites by Damien Vandembroucq 39:57
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Plasticity and Material Failure in Amorphous Solids(Chandrasekhar Lecture II) by Itamar Procaccia 1:15:47
Two-dimensional Turbulence: Binary mixture and polymer additives by Prasad Perlekar 43:09
Laminar undular hydraulic jumps by Ratul Dasgupta 36:07
Particles and Fields in Superfluid Turbulence by Rahul Pandit 40:51
Do thermal transport measurements show any signatures of a glass transition? by Abhishek Dhar 43:39
Cross Magneto-Mechanical Effects in Amorphous Solids with Magnetic Degrees of Freedom 1:00:57
Disentangling the role of structure and friction in shear jamming by Srikanth Sastry 46:56
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年5月11日
Discussion Meeting: Nonlinear Physics of Disordered Systems: From Amorphous Solids to Complex Flows
URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
Dates: Monday 06 Apr, 2015 - Wednesday 08 Apr, 2015
In recent years significant progress has been made in the physics of disordered systems. As is usual in nonlinear physics one can rarely employ standard methods - nonlinear systems require specialized thinking to provide useful progress. Nevertheless some generic techniques like scaling on the one hand and bifurcation theory on the other can find powerful ramifications in the explored issues. In this discussion meeting we will focus on recent advances in this field and the outstanding open questions.
Continuous descriptions for dry active matter by Eric Bertin 42:06
A colloidal clay suspension as a model glass-former: some recent experimental results 56:16
Phase Diagram of Glass Forming Liquids with Randomly Pinned Particles by Smarajit Karmakar 45:33
Activity-induced fluidization in glassy systems by Chandan Dasgupta 49:28
Micro Big-Bangs and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Turbulent Quantum Fluids 1:08:50
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Statistical physics of athermally sheared amorphous systems by Kirsten Martens 46:49
Finite size effects in a model for plasticity of amorphous composites by Damien Vandembroucq 39:57
[private video]
Plasticity and Material Failure in Amorphous Solids(Chandrasekhar Lecture II) by Itamar Procaccia 1:15:47
Two-dimensional Turbulence: Binary mixture and polymer additives by Prasad Perlekar 43:09
Laminar undular hydraulic jumps by Ratul Dasgupta 36:07
Particles and Fields in Superfluid Turbulence by Rahul Pandit 40:51
Do thermal transport measurements show any signatures of a glass transition? by Abhishek Dhar 43:39
Cross Magneto-Mechanical Effects in Amorphous Solids with Magnetic Degrees of Freedom 1:00:57
Disentangling the role of structure and friction in shear jamming by Srikanth Sastry 46:56
Trademark and Copyright by Ashwini Siwal (University of Delhi)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2016年3月1日
Lecture 1 : Law Relating to Trademarks in India 56:44
Lecture 2 : Law Relating Trademarks in Indian-II 57:14
Lecture 3 : Use of Trademark 1:01:23
Lecture 4 : Grounds for Refusal of Trade Mark Registration 1:00:25
lecture 4 : Shape Trademarks 58:05
Relative Grounds for Refusal of TradeMark Registration- I 56:21
Procedure to Obtain trade mark Registration 58:50
Relative of Grounds for Refusal of Trademarks Registration- II 59:12
Trade Mark Infringement 1:00:20
source: Cec Ugc 2016年3月1日
Lecture 1 : Law Relating to Trademarks in India 56:44
Lecture 2 : Law Relating Trademarks in Indian-II 57:14
Lecture 3 : Use of Trademark 1:01:23
Lecture 4 : Grounds for Refusal of Trade Mark Registration 1:00:25
lecture 4 : Shape Trademarks 58:05
Relative Grounds for Refusal of TradeMark Registration- I 56:21
Procedure to Obtain trade mark Registration 58:50
Relative of Grounds for Refusal of Trademarks Registration- II 59:12
Trade Mark Infringement 1:00:20
(हिन्दी / in Hindi) Music by Sarita Pathak Yajurvedi (University of Delhi)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2016年4月12日
Raag Jaunpuri Bandishien 59:13
Swar aur Saptak 1:00:37
What is Classical Music? 56:32
Raag Miyan Malhar -II 59:09
Raag Miyan Malhar -III 59:57
Raag Miyan Malhar 56:16
Raag Todi - II 56:12
Raag Todi - IV 59:50
Raag Todi -III 51:35
Ragg Todi 58:39
Raag Ramkali -III 58:15
Raag Ramkali -II 58:49
Raag Ramkali -I 1:00:09
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -III 57:07
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -II 56:13
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -I 59:10
Raag Desh - III 53:30
Raga Desh -II 54:09
Raga Desh 56:34
Raag Malkauns -III 56:38
Raag Malkauns - II 53:13
Raag Malkauns 54:05
Raag Bageshiari - Part 2 54:24
Raag Bageshiari 54:58
Raag Kedar - Part 3 56:05
Raag Kedar - Part 2 59:03
Raag Kedar 58:59
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 3 55:45
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 2 56:50
Alhaiya Bilawal 54:27
Music and Literature 52:47
Importance of Bandish in Hindustani Classical Music 44:04
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 3 57:46
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 2 1:00:06
Raag Bhimplasi 58:32
Raag Bhopali - Part 3 57:13
Raag Bhopali - Part 2 52:45
Raag Bhopali - I 56:00
Raag Jaunpuri 55:39
Raag Jaunpuri - Part 2 58:01
Raag Bihag 57:31
Different Styles of Singing in Modern Times 58:51
Raag Bhairav -Part 2 49:18
Raag Bhairav - Part 1 57:31
Raag Yaman - Part 2 32:53
Raag Yaman 52:53
Raag Vrindavani Sarang - Part 2 58:00
Raag Vrindavani Sarang 58:56
Music : Raag Bihag 56:11
Healing Through Music 59:15
The Role of Music in the Development of Nationalism 57:59
source: Cec Ugc 2016年4月12日
Raag Jaunpuri Bandishien 59:13
Swar aur Saptak 1:00:37
What is Classical Music? 56:32
Raag Miyan Malhar -II 59:09
Raag Miyan Malhar -III 59:57
Raag Miyan Malhar 56:16
Raag Todi - II 56:12
Raag Todi - IV 59:50
Raag Todi -III 51:35
Ragg Todi 58:39
Raag Ramkali -III 58:15
Raag Ramkali -II 58:49
Raag Ramkali -I 1:00:09
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -III 57:07
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -II 56:13
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -I 59:10
Raag Desh - III 53:30
Raga Desh -II 54:09

Raga Desh 56:34
Raag Malkauns -III 56:38
Raag Malkauns - II 53:13
Raag Malkauns 54:05
Raag Bageshiari - Part 2 54:24
Raag Bageshiari 54:58
Raag Kedar - Part 3 56:05
Raag Kedar - Part 2 59:03
Raag Kedar 58:59
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 3 55:45
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 2 56:50
Alhaiya Bilawal 54:27
Music and Literature 52:47
Importance of Bandish in Hindustani Classical Music 44:04
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 3 57:46
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 2 1:00:06
Raag Bhimplasi 58:32
Raag Bhopali - Part 3 57:13
Raag Bhopali - Part 2 52:45
Raag Bhopali - I 56:00
Raag Jaunpuri 55:39
Raag Jaunpuri - Part 2 58:01
Raag Bihag 57:31
Different Styles of Singing in Modern Times 58:51
Raag Bhairav -Part 2 49:18
Raag Bhairav - Part 1 57:31
Raag Yaman - Part 2 32:53
Raag Yaman 52:53
Raag Vrindavani Sarang - Part 2 58:00
Raag Vrindavani Sarang 58:56
Music : Raag Bihag 56:11
Healing Through Music 59:15
The Role of Music in the Development of Nationalism 57:59
Algebra (2015) by Aviv Censor at Technion
# click the upper-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Technion 2015年11月23日
Algebra 1M - international
Course no. 104016
Dr. Aviv Censor
Technion - International school of engineering
01 - Introduction 9:13
02 - Sets of numbers 41:58
03 - Fields 32:01
04 - More properties of fields 18:53
05 - Complex numbers 47:34
06 - The Complex conjugate, the modulus and division 51:30
07 - Polar form 27:59
08 - Multiplication, division, powers and roots 39:26
09 - Polynomials 16:40
10 - Roots of polynomials 1:06:26
11 - Matrices 35:01
12 - Operations on matrices 21:49
13 - Matrix multiplication 21:48
14 - Properties of matrix multiplication 33:42
15 - Systems of linear equations 22:20
16 - Solving systems of linear equations 17:01
17 - The method of row-reduction 1:02:06
18 - Determining the number of solutions 47:38
19 - Homogeneous vs. non homogeneous systems 45:31
20 - The space R^n 29:12
21 - Vector spaces 46:18
22 - Vector subspaces 30:24
23 - More examples of subspaces 21:23
24 - Intersections and sums of subspaces 27:05
25 - Direct sums of subspaces 29:22
26 - Linear combinations and spans 35:20
27 - Determining if v belongs to a span 18:54
28 - Linear independence 20:14
29 - Determining linear independence 59:07
30 - Theorems about linear independence 39:56
31 - More on spans and linear independence 37:26
32 - Bases of vector spaces 20:18
33 - The dimension of a vector space 21:57
34 - Properties of bases 17:44
35 - Properties of bases (continued) 1:01:48
36 - Bases and dimensions of subspaces 52:16
37 - Coordinate vectors 34:15
38 - The dimension of Row(A) and Col(A) 44:47
39 - The rank-nullity theorem 32:41
40 - Invertible matrices 20:57
41 - Determining invertibility and finding the inverse 1:01:07
42 - Determinants 34:21
43 - Properties of determinants 31:33
44 - Invertibility and the determinant 21:08
45 - The matrix adj(A) 30:43
46 - Cramer's rule 13:12
47 - Which method is better? 7:02
48 - Linear maps 37:19
49 - Ker(T) and Im(T) 34:28
50 - Some geometric examples 26:48
51 - Properties of Ker(T) and Im(T) 40:07
52 - The rank of T 25:18
53 - The rank-nullity theorem revisited 37:12
54 - Matrix representation of linear maps 42:07
55 - Matrix representation of linear maps (continued) 1:00:27
56 - Operations on linear maps 58:21
57 - Compatability with operations on matrix representations 32:28
58 - Isomorphism 41:42
59 - Hom(V,W) 44:11
60 - Similarity of matrices 1:10:35
61 - Properties of similar matrices 22:29
62 - Diagonalization 25:32
63 - Diagonalization - a simple example 47:20
64 - Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors 1:11:38
65 - An example 34:59
66 - Multiplicities of eigenvalues 33:11
67 - More on eigenvalues 1:13:41
68 - Powers of diagonalizable matrices 10:51
69 - The Cayley-Hamilton theorem 10:35
70 - Inner product 1:05:08
71 - Norm 30:24
72 - Inner product and norm give geometry 53:46
73 - Orthogonality 57:14
source: Technion 2015年11月23日
Algebra 1M - international
Course no. 104016
Dr. Aviv Censor
Technion - International school of engineering
01 - Introduction 9:13
02 - Sets of numbers 41:58
03 - Fields 32:01
04 - More properties of fields 18:53
05 - Complex numbers 47:34
06 - The Complex conjugate, the modulus and division 51:30
07 - Polar form 27:59
08 - Multiplication, division, powers and roots 39:26
09 - Polynomials 16:40
10 - Roots of polynomials 1:06:26
11 - Matrices 35:01
12 - Operations on matrices 21:49
13 - Matrix multiplication 21:48
14 - Properties of matrix multiplication 33:42
15 - Systems of linear equations 22:20
16 - Solving systems of linear equations 17:01
17 - The method of row-reduction 1:02:06
18 - Determining the number of solutions 47:38
19 - Homogeneous vs. non homogeneous systems 45:31
20 - The space R^n 29:12
21 - Vector spaces 46:18
22 - Vector subspaces 30:24
23 - More examples of subspaces 21:23
24 - Intersections and sums of subspaces 27:05
25 - Direct sums of subspaces 29:22
26 - Linear combinations and spans 35:20
27 - Determining if v belongs to a span 18:54
28 - Linear independence 20:14
29 - Determining linear independence 59:07
30 - Theorems about linear independence 39:56
31 - More on spans and linear independence 37:26
32 - Bases of vector spaces 20:18
33 - The dimension of a vector space 21:57
34 - Properties of bases 17:44
35 - Properties of bases (continued) 1:01:48
36 - Bases and dimensions of subspaces 52:16
37 - Coordinate vectors 34:15
38 - The dimension of Row(A) and Col(A) 44:47
39 - The rank-nullity theorem 32:41
40 - Invertible matrices 20:57
41 - Determining invertibility and finding the inverse 1:01:07
42 - Determinants 34:21
43 - Properties of determinants 31:33
44 - Invertibility and the determinant 21:08
45 - The matrix adj(A) 30:43
46 - Cramer's rule 13:12
47 - Which method is better? 7:02
48 - Linear maps 37:19
49 - Ker(T) and Im(T) 34:28
50 - Some geometric examples 26:48
51 - Properties of Ker(T) and Im(T) 40:07
52 - The rank of T 25:18
53 - The rank-nullity theorem revisited 37:12
54 - Matrix representation of linear maps 42:07
55 - Matrix representation of linear maps (continued) 1:00:27
56 - Operations on linear maps 58:21
57 - Compatability with operations on matrix representations 32:28
58 - Isomorphism 41:42
59 - Hom(V,W) 44:11
60 - Similarity of matrices 1:10:35
61 - Properties of similar matrices 22:29
62 - Diagonalization 25:32
63 - Diagonalization - a simple example 47:20
64 - Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors 1:11:38
65 - An example 34:59
66 - Multiplicities of eigenvalues 33:11
67 - More on eigenvalues 1:13:41
68 - Powers of diagonalizable matrices 10:51
69 - The Cayley-Hamilton theorem 10:35
70 - Inner product 1:05:08
71 - Norm 30:24
72 - Inner product and norm give geometry 53:46
73 - Orthogonality 57:14
Modern Trends in Electron Transfer Chemistry: From Molecular Electronics to Devices (2016, ICTS Bangalore)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年10月18日
Modern Trends in Electron Transfer Chemistry: From Molecular Electronics to Devices
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
DATES: Thursday 28 Jan, 2016 - Friday 29 Jan, 2016
VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
The meeting aims to introduce students, young researchers, and the public to exciting problems and directions in contemporary electron transfer chemistry research which spans multiple disciplines across physics, chemistry, and biology. The meeting also aims to bring together the national community of researchers working on the research frontiers of electron transfer reactions within molecules and molecular frameworks. Several prominent International researchers have also been invited to share their research and to get acquainted with the research directions emerging from within the country. The meeting includes a public lecture by Prof. Latha Venkatraman (Columbia University) on the exciting field of Molecular Electronics and a poster session which will allow students to participate and showcase their research work.
ORGANIZERS: Jyotishman Dasgupta, Ravindra Venkatramani
Introductory words by Director, ICTS 12:41
Molecular thermoelectric heat engines and coolers by Bhaskaran Muralidharan 34:05
Strategies to Reduce the Rate of Charge Recombination by Mahesh Hariharan 35:16
Spectroscopy of molecular junctions by Upendra Harbola 35:16
Donor-Acceptor Based 'order in disorder' Conjugated Polymers by Satish Patil 33:55
Molecular Breadboard Circuits by Ravindra Venkatramani 30:36
Molecularly Controlled Semiconductor Interfaces by Ayelet Vilan 25:54
Quantum Dots and Molecular Electronics in Weak Coupling limit by Swapan Pati 33:48
Charge Transfer Rates in Soluble P3HT:PCBM Nano-aggregates... by Jyotishman Dasgupta 38:51
Public Lecture: Scaling of Electronic Devices: From the Vacuum Tube... by Latha Venkataraman 1:08:12
Planning for future meetings by Jyotishman Dasgupta 7:17
Morning poster session 7:17
Vote of thanks to ICTS 6:56
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年10月18日
Modern Trends in Electron Transfer Chemistry: From Molecular Electronics to Devices
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
DATES: Thursday 28 Jan, 2016 - Friday 29 Jan, 2016
VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
The meeting aims to introduce students, young researchers, and the public to exciting problems and directions in contemporary electron transfer chemistry research which spans multiple disciplines across physics, chemistry, and biology. The meeting also aims to bring together the national community of researchers working on the research frontiers of electron transfer reactions within molecules and molecular frameworks. Several prominent International researchers have also been invited to share their research and to get acquainted with the research directions emerging from within the country. The meeting includes a public lecture by Prof. Latha Venkatraman (Columbia University) on the exciting field of Molecular Electronics and a poster session which will allow students to participate and showcase their research work.
ORGANIZERS: Jyotishman Dasgupta, Ravindra Venkatramani
Introductory words by Director, ICTS 12:41
Molecular thermoelectric heat engines and coolers by Bhaskaran Muralidharan 34:05
Strategies to Reduce the Rate of Charge Recombination by Mahesh Hariharan 35:16
Spectroscopy of molecular junctions by Upendra Harbola 35:16
Donor-Acceptor Based 'order in disorder' Conjugated Polymers by Satish Patil 33:55
Molecular Breadboard Circuits by Ravindra Venkatramani 30:36
Molecularly Controlled Semiconductor Interfaces by Ayelet Vilan 25:54
Quantum Dots and Molecular Electronics in Weak Coupling limit by Swapan Pati 33:48
Charge Transfer Rates in Soluble P3HT:PCBM Nano-aggregates... by Jyotishman Dasgupta 38:51
Public Lecture: Scaling of Electronic Devices: From the Vacuum Tube... by Latha Venkataraman 1:08:12
Planning for future meetings by Jyotishman Dasgupta 7:17
Morning poster session 7:17
Vote of thanks to ICTS 6:56
Group Theory and Computational Methods (2016, ICTS Bangalore)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年11月6日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/GTACM16
Manoj Kumar and NSN Sastry
05 November 2016 to 14 November 2016
Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Computational techniques are of great help in dealing with substantial, otherwise intractable examples, possibly leading to further structural insights and the detection of patterns in many abstract mathematical fields like finite group theory, combinatorics, homological algebra etc. Computational mathematics has recently emerged as an important area of study and has established itself as a powerful tool, aiding quick maturing of intuition about concrete mathematical structures.
The first part of this program, a 5-day instructional workshop during November 05 - 09, 2016, is an attempt to introduce computational techniques in group theory and related topics to graduate students and young researchers. This activity will consist of five mini-courses:
Computational Homological Algebra
Computational Representation Theory
Computational aspects of finite p-groups
Computer algebra system GAP
Introduction to Monster simple group and Moonshine
The plan is to have five hours of teaching, tutorials and guided practical sessions in each mini-course.
The second part of the program, a 4-day discussion meeting during November 11-14, 2016, is an attempt to explore some of the recent developments and problems of current mathematical interest in group theory and related areas. Eminent national and international mathematicians will be presenting their work on a variety of topics. It is planned to provide plenty of time for discussions among the participants. It is also planned to have poster presentations by young researchers to foster their interactions with the senior mathematicians. All the lecturers in the instructional workshop and a majority of discussion meeting speakers will be present during the entire program, providing the participants ample opportunities for interaction and collaboration.
p- groups - 1: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares by Heiko Dietrich 54:48
Simple grps: Finite simple groups and the monster by N. S. Narasimha Sastry 52:36
GAP - 1: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 50:51
Representation Theory(Repn Th) 1: Imprimitive irreducible representations of ... by Gerhard Hiss 46:29
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg 1): Group theoretic structures for van Kampen... by Graham Ellis 47:59
p-groups - 2: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares - 2 by Heiko Dietrich 48:27
GAP - 2: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers - 2 by Alexander Hulpke 50:58
Finite simple groups and the monster - 2 by N. S. Narasimha Sastry 47:13
Representation Theory(Repn Th) 2: Imprimitive irreducible representations of ... - 2 by Gerhard Hiss 46:06
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) 2: Group theoretic structures for... - 2 by Graham Ellis 48:55
p-groups - 3: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares - 3 by Heiko Dietrich 51:39
Monstrous Moonshine - 1 By Suresh Govindarajan 55:21
Representation Theory(Repn Th) 3: Imprimitive irreducible representations of...3 by Gerhard Hiss 47:39
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) 3: Group theoretic structures for van... by Graham Ellis 48:58
p-groups - 4: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares - 4 by Heiko Dietrich 51:25
GAP - 3: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 50:46
GAP - 4: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 45:15
Monster simple group(Monster) - 1: Majorana representations by Alexander Ivanov 53:41
Moonshine - 2: Monstrous Moonshine By Suresh Govindarajan 57:56
Representation Theory(Repn Th) - 4: Imprimitive irreducible representations by Gerhard Hiss 51:12
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) - 4: Group theoretic structures by Graham Ellis 49:40
p-groups - 5: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares by Heiko Dietrich 51:15
GAP - 5: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 50:33
Monster simple group(Monster) - 2: Majorana representations of the symmetric by Alexander Ivanov 53:03
Representation Theory(Repn Th) - 5: Imprimitive irreducible representations by Gerhard Hiss 49:09
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) - 5: Group theoretic by Graham Ellis 48:18
Algorithmic Construction of Representations of Finite Solvable Groups by Ravi S Kulkarni 55:44
Group embeddings of partial Latin squares by Heiko Dietrich 42:07
New Local Properties in the Character Table by Gabriel Navarro 47:30
Distinguished representations for classical groups by Dipendra Prasad 51:00
Majorana representations of the symmetric and alternating groups by Alexander Ivanov 51:57
The BNS invariant and applications by Paramesh Sankaran 50:02
Rationality and Morita equivalence for blocks of finite groups by Radha Kessar 48:25
Group theoretic structures for van Kampen theorems by Graham Ellis 46:38
Commutativity Preserving Extensions of Groups by Primoz Moravec 47:36
Hamiltonicity of Cayley graphs and Gray codes: open problems by Elena Konastantinova 51:10
Imprimitive irreducible representations of finite quasisimple groups by Gerhard Hiss 48:37
More on p-groups of small breadth by Carlo M Scoppola 42:31
On the character degree graph of finite groups by Silvio Dolfi 38:49
On Sums of Element Orders in Finite Groups by Patrizia Longobardi 42:44
Retract rationality of some (exceptional) group varieties by Maneesh Thakur 40:41
Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 45:19
Linearity problem for non-abelian tensor product by Valeriy Bardakov 50:10
On characterization of monomial irreducible representations by Pooja Singla 50:37
Conjugacy classes of centralizers in algebraic groups by Anupam K Singh 49:31
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年11月6日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/GTACM16
Manoj Kumar and NSN Sastry
05 November 2016 to 14 November 2016
Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Computational techniques are of great help in dealing with substantial, otherwise intractable examples, possibly leading to further structural insights and the detection of patterns in many abstract mathematical fields like finite group theory, combinatorics, homological algebra etc. Computational mathematics has recently emerged as an important area of study and has established itself as a powerful tool, aiding quick maturing of intuition about concrete mathematical structures.
The first part of this program, a 5-day instructional workshop during November 05 - 09, 2016, is an attempt to introduce computational techniques in group theory and related topics to graduate students and young researchers. This activity will consist of five mini-courses:
Computational Homological Algebra
Computational Representation Theory
Computational aspects of finite p-groups
Computer algebra system GAP
Introduction to Monster simple group and Moonshine
The plan is to have five hours of teaching, tutorials and guided practical sessions in each mini-course.
The second part of the program, a 4-day discussion meeting during November 11-14, 2016, is an attempt to explore some of the recent developments and problems of current mathematical interest in group theory and related areas. Eminent national and international mathematicians will be presenting their work on a variety of topics. It is planned to provide plenty of time for discussions among the participants. It is also planned to have poster presentations by young researchers to foster their interactions with the senior mathematicians. All the lecturers in the instructional workshop and a majority of discussion meeting speakers will be present during the entire program, providing the participants ample opportunities for interaction and collaboration.
p- groups - 1: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares by Heiko Dietrich 54:48
Simple grps: Finite simple groups and the monster by N. S. Narasimha Sastry 52:36
GAP - 1: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 50:51
Representation Theory(Repn Th) 1: Imprimitive irreducible representations of ... by Gerhard Hiss 46:29
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg 1): Group theoretic structures for van Kampen... by Graham Ellis 47:59
p-groups - 2: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares - 2 by Heiko Dietrich 48:27
GAP - 2: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers - 2 by Alexander Hulpke 50:58
Finite simple groups and the monster - 2 by N. S. Narasimha Sastry 47:13
Representation Theory(Repn Th) 2: Imprimitive irreducible representations of ... - 2 by Gerhard Hiss 46:06
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) 2: Group theoretic structures for... - 2 by Graham Ellis 48:55
p-groups - 3: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares - 3 by Heiko Dietrich 51:39
Monstrous Moonshine - 1 By Suresh Govindarajan 55:21
Representation Theory(Repn Th) 3: Imprimitive irreducible representations of...3 by Gerhard Hiss 47:39
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) 3: Group theoretic structures for van... by Graham Ellis 48:58
p-groups - 4: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares - 4 by Heiko Dietrich 51:25
GAP - 3: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 50:46
GAP - 4: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 45:15
Monster simple group(Monster) - 1: Majorana representations by Alexander Ivanov 53:41
Moonshine - 2: Monstrous Moonshine By Suresh Govindarajan 57:56
Representation Theory(Repn Th) - 4: Imprimitive irreducible representations by Gerhard Hiss 51:12
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) - 4: Group theoretic structures by Graham Ellis 49:40
p-groups - 5: Group embeddings of partial Latin squares by Heiko Dietrich 51:15
GAP - 5: Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 50:33
Monster simple group(Monster) - 2: Majorana representations of the symmetric by Alexander Ivanov 53:03
Representation Theory(Repn Th) - 5: Imprimitive irreducible representations by Gerhard Hiss 49:09
Homological Algebra(Homo Alg) - 5: Group theoretic by Graham Ellis 48:18
Algorithmic Construction of Representations of Finite Solvable Groups by Ravi S Kulkarni 55:44
Group embeddings of partial Latin squares by Heiko Dietrich 42:07
New Local Properties in the Character Table by Gabriel Navarro 47:30
Distinguished representations for classical groups by Dipendra Prasad 51:00
Majorana representations of the symmetric and alternating groups by Alexander Ivanov 51:57
The BNS invariant and applications by Paramesh Sankaran 50:02
Rationality and Morita equivalence for blocks of finite groups by Radha Kessar 48:25
Group theoretic structures for van Kampen theorems by Graham Ellis 46:38
Commutativity Preserving Extensions of Groups by Primoz Moravec 47:36
Hamiltonicity of Cayley graphs and Gray codes: open problems by Elena Konastantinova 51:10
Imprimitive irreducible representations of finite quasisimple groups by Gerhard Hiss 48:37
More on p-groups of small breadth by Carlo M Scoppola 42:31
On the character degree graph of finite groups by Silvio Dolfi 38:49
On Sums of Element Orders in Finite Groups by Patrizia Longobardi 42:44
Retract rationality of some (exceptional) group varieties by Maneesh Thakur 40:41
Calculations with Matrix groups over the integers by Alexander Hulpke 45:19
Linearity problem for non-abelian tensor product by Valeriy Bardakov 50:10
On characterization of monomial irreducible representations by Pooja Singla 50:37
Conjugacy classes of centralizers in algebraic groups by Anupam K Singh 49:31
Entanglement from Gravity (2014)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年3月3日
Discussion Meeting: Entanglement from Gravity
(URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...)
Dates: Wednesday 10 Dec, 2014 - Friday 12 Dec, 2014
In the last few years, quantum entanglement considerations have led to profound insights in the connection with gravity. Entanglement entropy has been proposed as a probe to study the architecture of spacetime in quantum gravity. Connections with the Bekenstein-Hawking area law applicable to black holes have been found. This area law behaviour finds support from various approaches to quantum gravity. This program will focus on the lessons that various aspects of quantum entanglement have taught us about holography as well as what the holographic approach via the AdS/CFT correspondence has meant for entanglement.
Long time behaviour of reduced density matrices in 2D quantum quench with conserved charges 1:14:07
Entanglement entropy and dilaton effective action 1:05:15
Comments on State Dependent Operators in Quantum Gravity 1:04:14
Harvesting entanglement from the vacuum requires synchronization 1:02:43
New Dialogues: Entanglement, Holography and Renormalization (Chandrasekhar Lecture Series) 1:13:34
Holographic Entanglement Entropy (Chandrasekhar lecture II) 1:33:15
Higher spin Entanglement Entropy from CFT and Holography 1:04:08
Monogamy of correlations in a quantum world 57:55
Modeling Maxwell's demon 1:00:57
Creating and Using Entanglement (ICTS-IISc Joint Colloquium) 1:02:00
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 1 1:07:30
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 2 46:02
Deriving the entangling surface in higher curvature duals 50:41
Limits and generalizations of extremal surfaces in (A)dS 1:01:16
Some stray thoughts and open questions on entanglement entropy 1:10:24
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年3月3日
Discussion Meeting: Entanglement from Gravity
(URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...)
Dates: Wednesday 10 Dec, 2014 - Friday 12 Dec, 2014
In the last few years, quantum entanglement considerations have led to profound insights in the connection with gravity. Entanglement entropy has been proposed as a probe to study the architecture of spacetime in quantum gravity. Connections with the Bekenstein-Hawking area law applicable to black holes have been found. This area law behaviour finds support from various approaches to quantum gravity. This program will focus on the lessons that various aspects of quantum entanglement have taught us about holography as well as what the holographic approach via the AdS/CFT correspondence has meant for entanglement.
Long time behaviour of reduced density matrices in 2D quantum quench with conserved charges 1:14:07
Entanglement entropy and dilaton effective action 1:05:15
Comments on State Dependent Operators in Quantum Gravity 1:04:14
Harvesting entanglement from the vacuum requires synchronization 1:02:43
New Dialogues: Entanglement, Holography and Renormalization (Chandrasekhar Lecture Series) 1:13:34
Holographic Entanglement Entropy (Chandrasekhar lecture II) 1:33:15
Higher spin Entanglement Entropy from CFT and Holography 1:04:08
Monogamy of correlations in a quantum world 57:55
Modeling Maxwell's demon 1:00:57
Creating and Using Entanglement (ICTS-IISc Joint Colloquium) 1:02:00
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 1 1:07:30
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 2 46:02
Deriving the entangling surface in higher curvature duals 50:41
Limits and generalizations of extremal surfaces in (A)dS 1:01:16
Some stray thoughts and open questions on entanglement entropy 1:10:24
Nonlinear filtering and data assimilation (2014, ICTS Discussion Meeting)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年2月25日
PROGRAM: Nonlinear filtering and data assimilation
DATES: Wednesday 08 Jan, 2014 - Saturday 11 Jan, 2014
VENUE: ICTS-TIFR, IISc Campus, Bangalore
LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
The applications of the framework of filtering theory to the problem of data assimilation is an exciting area of current interest. Some of the emerging areas of research at the interface of these two fields are i) the adaption of filtering theoretical ideas, including those related to particle filters, for use in high or infinite dimensional systems, ii) the effects of nonlinearity on filtering, iii) the use of large quantities of data such as satellite data, iv) the development of new numerical techniques for addressing these problems.
The main aim of this discussion meeting will be to bring together students and researchers in India working on probability, stochastic processes, and other related fields, in mathematics and engineering, to expose them to some of the exciting recent applications of nonlinear filtering theory to data assimilation problems. The invited speakers are all experts in either of the two areas or are working at the forefront of bringing these areas together, and will be able to help us build bridges between the various research groups and communities in India and beyond.
This meeting is supported by the "EADS Corporate Foundation International Teaching and Research Chair" entitled "Mathematics of Complex Systems" and awarded to ICTS-TIFR and TIFR-CAM, Bangalore.
Rajeeva Karandikar - Overview of nonlinear filtering 58:17
Alberto Carrassi - Data Assimilation in Geophysics From Weather to Climate Prediction 1:12:26
Dan Crisan - Convergence of particle filters and relation to DA I 1:05:24
Sanjoy Mitter - Overview of variational approach to nonlinear filtering 58:59
Discussion Meeting 1:12:54
Ramon van - Handel Filtering in high dimension II 1:12:31
Sri Namachchivaya - Stability, dimensional reduction and data assimilation in random dynamical sy 1:08:43
Dan Crisan - Convergence of particle filters and relation to DA III 59:03
Elaine Spiller - Importance Sampling 1:10:53
Discussion Meeting 50:13
Ramon van Handel - Filtering in high dimension III 1:03:27
Sri Namachchivaya - Stability, dimensional reduction and data assimilation in random dynamical sy 55:48
Dan Crisan - Convergence of particle filters and relation to DA III 1:01:04
Discussion Meeting 1:22:16
Ramon van Handel - Filtering in high dimension III 1:11:00
Sri Namachchivaya - Stability, dimensional reduction and data assimilation in random dynamical s 46:41
Chris Jones - Does the problem matter 1:09:06
Discussion Meeting 59:00
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年2月25日
PROGRAM: Nonlinear filtering and data assimilation
DATES: Wednesday 08 Jan, 2014 - Saturday 11 Jan, 2014
VENUE: ICTS-TIFR, IISc Campus, Bangalore
LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
The applications of the framework of filtering theory to the problem of data assimilation is an exciting area of current interest. Some of the emerging areas of research at the interface of these two fields are i) the adaption of filtering theoretical ideas, including those related to particle filters, for use in high or infinite dimensional systems, ii) the effects of nonlinearity on filtering, iii) the use of large quantities of data such as satellite data, iv) the development of new numerical techniques for addressing these problems.
The main aim of this discussion meeting will be to bring together students and researchers in India working on probability, stochastic processes, and other related fields, in mathematics and engineering, to expose them to some of the exciting recent applications of nonlinear filtering theory to data assimilation problems. The invited speakers are all experts in either of the two areas or are working at the forefront of bringing these areas together, and will be able to help us build bridges between the various research groups and communities in India and beyond.
This meeting is supported by the "EADS Corporate Foundation International Teaching and Research Chair" entitled "Mathematics of Complex Systems" and awarded to ICTS-TIFR and TIFR-CAM, Bangalore.
Rajeeva Karandikar - Overview of nonlinear filtering 58:17
Alberto Carrassi - Data Assimilation in Geophysics From Weather to Climate Prediction 1:12:26
Dan Crisan - Convergence of particle filters and relation to DA I 1:05:24
Sanjoy Mitter - Overview of variational approach to nonlinear filtering 58:59
Discussion Meeting 1:12:54
Ramon van - Handel Filtering in high dimension II 1:12:31
Sri Namachchivaya - Stability, dimensional reduction and data assimilation in random dynamical sy 1:08:43
Dan Crisan - Convergence of particle filters and relation to DA III 59:03
Elaine Spiller - Importance Sampling 1:10:53
Discussion Meeting 50:13
Ramon van Handel - Filtering in high dimension III 1:03:27
Sri Namachchivaya - Stability, dimensional reduction and data assimilation in random dynamical sy 55:48
Dan Crisan - Convergence of particle filters and relation to DA III 1:01:04
Discussion Meeting 1:22:16
Ramon van Handel - Filtering in high dimension III 1:11:00
Sri Namachchivaya - Stability, dimensional reduction and data assimilation in random dynamical s 46:41
Chris Jones - Does the problem matter 1:09:06
Discussion Meeting 59:00
Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations by Peter Scholze (ICTS Ramanujan Lectures)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年4月2日
Lecture: Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations
Speaker: Peter Scholze (The University of Bonn, Germany)
Date: 25 Mar 2014, 11:30 AM
Venue: AG 66, TIFR, Mumbai
One of the most studied objects in mathematics is the modular curve, given as the locally symmetric space which is the quotient of 2-dimensional hyperbolic space by congruence subgroups of SL_2(Z). In particular, it is naturally the home of modular forms. It also has an algebraic structure as the moduli space of elliptic curves, and this algebraic structure implies that one can attach number-theoretic objects, such as Galois representations, to modular forms. The simplest generalization of the modular curve are the Bianchi manifolds, introduced in 1892 by the Italian differential geometer Luigi Bianchi, which are quotients of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space by congruence subgroups of SL_2(O_F), where F is an imaginary-quadratic field. Although these are just real manifolds, which do not admit an algebraic structure, it has been speculated already around 1970 that their singular homology, including the large torsion subgroup, knows about Galois representations. The aim of the lecture series is to first explain this conjecture and its higher-dimensional generalizations, and the recent work resolving this conjecture.
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (1) 1:12:52
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (2) 1:06:32
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (3) 1:09:41
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (4) 1:05:50
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年4月2日
Lecture: Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations
Speaker: Peter Scholze (The University of Bonn, Germany)
Date: 25 Mar 2014, 11:30 AM
Venue: AG 66, TIFR, Mumbai
One of the most studied objects in mathematics is the modular curve, given as the locally symmetric space which is the quotient of 2-dimensional hyperbolic space by congruence subgroups of SL_2(Z). In particular, it is naturally the home of modular forms. It also has an algebraic structure as the moduli space of elliptic curves, and this algebraic structure implies that one can attach number-theoretic objects, such as Galois representations, to modular forms. The simplest generalization of the modular curve are the Bianchi manifolds, introduced in 1892 by the Italian differential geometer Luigi Bianchi, which are quotients of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space by congruence subgroups of SL_2(O_F), where F is an imaginary-quadratic field. Although these are just real manifolds, which do not admit an algebraic structure, it has been speculated already around 1970 that their singular homology, including the large torsion subgroup, knows about Galois representations. The aim of the lecture series is to first explain this conjecture and its higher-dimensional generalizations, and the recent work resolving this conjecture.
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (1) 1:12:52
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (2) 1:06:32
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (3) 1:09:41
Peter Scholze - Locally symmetric spaces, and Galois representations (4) 1:05:50
Research Integrity
source: McGill University 2017年1月30日
How familiar are you with general research integrity matters? Do you find yourself in situations you wish you could rely on ethical expertise? This presentation will provide you with an overview of the core principles that govern research integrity. It will also outline researcher obligations and responsibilities, as well as the ethical and legal issues that surround them.
Making metallic hydrogen at Harvard
source: Harvard University 2017年1月25日
Nearly a century after it was theorized, Harvard scientists have succeeded in creating metallic hydrogen. In addition to helping scientists answer fundamental questions about the nature of matter, the material is theorized to have a wide range of applications, ranging from room-temperature superconductors to powerful rocket propellant.
New U.S. Administration’s Policy Towards Eastern and Central Europe
source: Yale University 2017年1月25日
David Cameron, Professor of Political Science; Director of European Union Studies Program (relations with Central European states)
Thomas Graham, Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute (relations with Russia)
Yuriy Sergeyev, Rice Faculty Fellow, Yale (relations with Ukraine)
Sponsored by the European Studies Council and the European Union Studies Program at the MacMillan Center.
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