# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2016年5月23日
No te pierdas ningún vídeo: solo tienes que... ¡SUSCRIBIRTE!, ¡es GRATIS!:
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LHC más allá del Bosón de Higgs - Pablo García Abia (CIEMAT) 1:19:46
Después de la tempestad la calma. O tal vez no. El descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs en los experimentos de LHC podría haber abierto una puerta a nueva física más allá del modelo estándar. La materia oscura está en el punto de mira, pero LHC podría desvelar sorpresas exóticas. O en última instancia la calma. ¿Tienen las colisiones que estamos produciendo a 13 TeV la última palabra?
Esta charla fue parte del Ciclo de Conferencias "Los límites de la Física Fundamental", impartida en Noviembre de 2015 en la Residencia de Estudiantes, en Madrid.
Desenredando la Teoría de Cuerdas - Ángel Uranga 1:22:03
La Fuerza de las Interacciones Fundamentales - Gregorio Herdoiza 1:36:27
Las Fronteras Teóricas del Universo - Tomás Ortín 1:20:02
El Líquido Perfecto al Comienzo del Universo - Karl Landsteiner 1:10:45
¿Qué sabemos del Big Bang y por qué? - Enrique Álvarez 1:17:05
Neutrinos: la Luz Invisible - Michele Maltoni 1:24:49
El misterioso Vacío de la Física Cuántica y la Cosmología - Antonio González-Arroyo 1:15:11
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
The Read Read
source: HarvardEducation 2017年7月18日
Former teacher Alex Tavares, Ed.M.’17, spent much of his year in the Technology, Innovation, and Education Program working on his invention, The Read Read, a device which allows visually impaired children to independently learn how to read using the same techniques as teachers. This summer Tavares is continuing this work as he focuses on building an organization and scaling the device at the Harvard iLab.
(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - Matematik Konu Anlatım
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月28日
01) Doğal Sayılar ve Tam Sayılar -1- Erman DİNLER (2017) 39:36
02) Doğal Sayılar ve Tam Sayılar -2 32:31
03) Tek, Çift ve Ardışık Doğal Sayılar -1 41:16
04) Tek,Çift ve Ardışık Doğal Sayılar -2 37:13
05) Basamak Çözümleme -1 39:01
06) Basamak Çözümleme -2 35:13
07) Asal Sayılar 37:41
08) FAKTÖRİYEL 1 35:46
09) FAKTÖRİYEL 2 36:15
10) Bölme ve Bölünebilme -1 37:56
11) Bölme ve Bölünebilme -2 41:06
12) Obeb - Okek -1 37:56
13) Obeb - Okek -2 39:05
14) Obeb - Okek -3 19:39
15) Rasyonel Sayılar -1 35:27
16) Rasyonel Sayılar -2 47:50
17) Eşitsizlikler -1 44:28
18) Eşitsizlikler -2 41:55
19) Eşitsizlikler -3 44:37
20) Mutlak Değer -1 41:34
21) Mutlak Değer -2 41:46
22) Mutlak Değer -3 16:40
23) Üslü Sayılar -1 42:01
24) Üslü Sayılar -2 35:00
25) Köklü Sayılar -1 41:23
26) Köklü Sayılar -2 36:34
27) Köklü Sayılar -3 41:03
28) Çarpanlara Ayırma -1 40:18
29) Çarpanlara Ayırma -2 40:17
30) Çarpanlara Ayırma -3 57:01
31) Oran - Orantı -1 34:33
32) Oran - Orantı -2 41:07
33) Oran - Orantı -3 39:40
34) Oran - Orantı -4 41:42
35) I. Dereceden Denklemler 45:01
36) Problemler -1 44:28
37) Problemler -2 37:07
38) Problemler -3 37:07
39) Problemler -4 29:23
40) Problemler -5 45:27
41) Problemler -6 31:43
42) Problemler -7 46:04
43) Problemler -8 51:01
44) Problemler -9 43:25
45) Problemler -10 30:05
46) Problemler -11 46:24
47) Problemler -12 40:04
48) Modüler Aritmatik 41:58
49) Fonksiyonlar 41:32
50) İşlem 41:01
51) Kümeler -1 42:26
52) Kümeler -2 45:41
53) Permutasyon -1 42:46
54) Permutasyon -2 36:23
55) Kombinasyon 44:24
56) Olasılık -1 37:04
57) Olasılık -2 40:17
58) Sayısal Mantık -1 44:39
59) Sayısal Mantık -2 53:17
60) Sayısal Mantık -3 45:04
61) Sayısal Mantık -4 54:58
62) Üçgenler -1 50:36
63) Üçgenler -2 50:04
64) Dörtgenler -1 43:44
65) Dörtgenler -2 46:25
66) Çember ve Daire -1 41:48
67) Çember ve Daire -2 43:06
68) Analitik Geometri 46:23
Bir Soru Bir Cevap - Birkan BEKTAŞ (2017) 1:42
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月28日
01) Doğal Sayılar ve Tam Sayılar -1- Erman DİNLER (2017) 39:36
02) Doğal Sayılar ve Tam Sayılar -2 32:31
03) Tek, Çift ve Ardışık Doğal Sayılar -1 41:16
04) Tek,Çift ve Ardışık Doğal Sayılar -2 37:13
05) Basamak Çözümleme -1 39:01
06) Basamak Çözümleme -2 35:13
07) Asal Sayılar 37:41
08) FAKTÖRİYEL 1 35:46
09) FAKTÖRİYEL 2 36:15
10) Bölme ve Bölünebilme -1 37:56
11) Bölme ve Bölünebilme -2 41:06
12) Obeb - Okek -1 37:56
13) Obeb - Okek -2 39:05
14) Obeb - Okek -3 19:39
15) Rasyonel Sayılar -1 35:27
16) Rasyonel Sayılar -2 47:50
17) Eşitsizlikler -1 44:28
18) Eşitsizlikler -2 41:55
19) Eşitsizlikler -3 44:37
20) Mutlak Değer -1 41:34
21) Mutlak Değer -2 41:46
22) Mutlak Değer -3 16:40
23) Üslü Sayılar -1 42:01
24) Üslü Sayılar -2 35:00
25) Köklü Sayılar -1 41:23
26) Köklü Sayılar -2 36:34
27) Köklü Sayılar -3 41:03
28) Çarpanlara Ayırma -1 40:18
29) Çarpanlara Ayırma -2 40:17
30) Çarpanlara Ayırma -3 57:01
31) Oran - Orantı -1 34:33
32) Oran - Orantı -2 41:07
33) Oran - Orantı -3 39:40
34) Oran - Orantı -4 41:42
35) I. Dereceden Denklemler 45:01
36) Problemler -1 44:28
37) Problemler -2 37:07
38) Problemler -3 37:07
39) Problemler -4 29:23
40) Problemler -5 45:27
41) Problemler -6 31:43
42) Problemler -7 46:04
43) Problemler -8 51:01
44) Problemler -9 43:25
45) Problemler -10 30:05
46) Problemler -11 46:24
47) Problemler -12 40:04
48) Modüler Aritmatik 41:58
49) Fonksiyonlar 41:32
50) İşlem 41:01
51) Kümeler -1 42:26
52) Kümeler -2 45:41
53) Permutasyon -1 42:46
54) Permutasyon -2 36:23
55) Kombinasyon 44:24
56) Olasılık -1 37:04
57) Olasılık -2 40:17
58) Sayısal Mantık -1 44:39
59) Sayısal Mantık -2 53:17
60) Sayısal Mantık -3 45:04
61) Sayısal Mantık -4 54:58
62) Üçgenler -1 50:36
63) Üçgenler -2 50:04
64) Dörtgenler -1 43:44
65) Dörtgenler -2 46:25
66) Çember ve Daire -1 41:48
67) Çember ve Daire -2 43:06
68) Analitik Geometri 46:23
Bir Soru Bir Cevap - Birkan BEKTAŞ (2017) 1:42
(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - Tarih Konu Anlatım
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月20日
Satın alma www.isemkitap.com
01) İslamiyet Öncesi TÜRK Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -1- Mehmet Celal ÖZYILDIZ (2017) 37:03
02) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -2 47:09
03) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -3 37:40
04) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -1
05) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -2 35:59
06) Türk İslam Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -1 33:40
07) Türk İslam Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -2 43:08
08) Türk İslam Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -1 37:05
09) Türk İslam Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -2 28:33
10) Türkiye Tarihi - Anadolu Selçuklu - Siyasi Tarih 39:27
11) Türkiye Tarihi - Anadolu Selçuklu - Kültür ve Uygarlık 35:09
12) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -1 46:12
13) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık 2 45:35
14) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve uygarlık -3 25:17
15) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -4 35:47
16) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -5 42:34
17) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -6 35:55
18) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -7 44:15
19) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -8 41:23
20) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -9 54:30
21) Orta, Yeni, Yakın Çağda Avrupa Tarihi 39:55
22) Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi -1 39:40
23) Osmalı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi -2 57:31
24) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi -1 40:25
25) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi -2 44:58
26) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi -3 38:32
27) Osmanlı Devleti Duraklama Dönemi -1 45:49
28) Osmanlı Devleti Duraklama Dönemi -2 35:28
29) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi -1 30:10
30) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi -2 24:36
31) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi - İsyan ve Islahatlar -1 28:46
32) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi - İsyan ve Islahatlar -2 31:38
33) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -1 32:45
34) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -2 37:16
35) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -3 44:40
36) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -4 38:49
37) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -5 38:19
38) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -6 25:03
39) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılmayı Önleme Çabaları -1 43:09
40) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılmayı Önleme Çabaları -2 52:02
41) Trablusgarp - Balkan Savaşı 47:59
42) I. Dünya Savaşı 33:27
43) I. Dünya Savaşı Gizli Anlaşmalar 35:40
44) I. Dünya Savaşı - Osmanlı'nın Savaştığı Cepheler 46:48
45) Wilson İlkeleri 40:14
46) I. Dünya Savaşı - Mondros, İşgaller, Tepkiler 41:27
47) Cemiyetler 46:47
48) Milli Mücadele Örgütlenme Dönemi -1 27:43
49) Milli Mücadele Örgütlenme Dönemi -2 37:02
50) Milli Mücadele Örgütlenme Dönemi -3 45:11
51) Son Osmanlı Mebusan Meclisi - Misak-ı Milli 52:38
52) TBMM'nin Açılması 46:58
53) Sevr Anlaşması - Doğu ve Güney Cepheleri 37:38
54) Kurtuluş Savaşı - Batı Cephesi -1 46:05
55) Kurtuluş Savaşı - Batı Cephesi -2 42:10
56) Saltanatın Kaldırılması - Lozan Barış Anlaşması 36:33
57) Lozan Barış Anlaşması -2 28:05
58) II. TBMM - İç Politika 31:07
59) Çok Partili Hayata Geçiş Denemeleri 35:03
60) Atatürk Devri Diğer Olaylar - Çok Partili Hayat 23:26
61) Atatürk İlkeleri -1 30:48
62) Atatürk İlkeleri -2 24:11
63) İnkılaplar -1 39:41
64) İnkılaplar -2 43:51
65) İnkılaplar -3 42:41
66) Atatürk Devri Dış Politika -1 23:23
67) Atatürk Devri Dış Politika -2 40:45
68) ÇTDT - XX. Yüzyıl Başlarında Dünya 43:05
69) ÇTDT - II. Dünya Savaşı 50:23
70) Soğuk Savaş Dönemi -1 33:32
71) Soğuk Savaş Dönemi -2 22:29
72) Yumuşama - Detant Dönemi -1 37:39
73) Yumuşama - Detant Dönemi -2 29:46
74) Küreselleşen Dünya 43:52
75) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -1 11:50
76) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -2 31:50
77) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -3 8:39
78) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -4 7:47
79) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -5 11:37
80) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -6 6:56
81) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -7 8:08
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2016年9月20日
Satın alma www.isemkitap.com
01) İslamiyet Öncesi TÜRK Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -1- Mehmet Celal ÖZYILDIZ (2017) 37:03
02) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -2 47:09
03) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -3 37:40
04) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -1
05) İslamiyet Öncesi Türk Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -2 35:59
06) Türk İslam Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -1 33:40
07) Türk İslam Tarihi - Siyasi Tarih -2 43:08
08) Türk İslam Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -1 37:05
09) Türk İslam Tarihi - Kültür ve Uygarlık -2 28:33
10) Türkiye Tarihi - Anadolu Selçuklu - Siyasi Tarih 39:27
11) Türkiye Tarihi - Anadolu Selçuklu - Kültür ve Uygarlık 35:09
12) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -1 46:12
13) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık 2 45:35
14) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve uygarlık -3 25:17
15) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -4 35:47
16) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -5 42:34
17) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -6 35:55
18) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -7 44:15
19) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -8 41:23
20) Osmanlı Devleti Kültür ve Uygarlık -9 54:30
21) Orta, Yeni, Yakın Çağda Avrupa Tarihi 39:55
22) Osmanlı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi -1 39:40
23) Osmalı Devleti Kuruluş Dönemi -2 57:31
24) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi -1 40:25
25) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi -2 44:58
26) Osmanlı Devleti Yükselme Dönemi -3 38:32
27) Osmanlı Devleti Duraklama Dönemi -1 45:49
28) Osmanlı Devleti Duraklama Dönemi -2 35:28
29) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi -1 30:10
30) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi -2 24:36
31) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi - İsyan ve Islahatlar -1 28:46
32) Osmanlı Devleti Gerileme Dönemi - İsyan ve Islahatlar -2 31:38
33) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -1 32:45
34) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -2 37:16
35) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -3 44:40
36) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -4 38:49
37) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -5 38:19
38) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılma Dönemi -6 25:03
39) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılmayı Önleme Çabaları -1 43:09
40) Osmanlı Devleti Dağılmayı Önleme Çabaları -2 52:02
41) Trablusgarp - Balkan Savaşı 47:59
42) I. Dünya Savaşı 33:27
43) I. Dünya Savaşı Gizli Anlaşmalar 35:40
44) I. Dünya Savaşı - Osmanlı'nın Savaştığı Cepheler 46:48
45) Wilson İlkeleri 40:14
46) I. Dünya Savaşı - Mondros, İşgaller, Tepkiler 41:27
47) Cemiyetler 46:47
48) Milli Mücadele Örgütlenme Dönemi -1 27:43
49) Milli Mücadele Örgütlenme Dönemi -2 37:02
50) Milli Mücadele Örgütlenme Dönemi -3 45:11
51) Son Osmanlı Mebusan Meclisi - Misak-ı Milli 52:38
52) TBMM'nin Açılması 46:58
53) Sevr Anlaşması - Doğu ve Güney Cepheleri 37:38
54) Kurtuluş Savaşı - Batı Cephesi -1 46:05
55) Kurtuluş Savaşı - Batı Cephesi -2 42:10
56) Saltanatın Kaldırılması - Lozan Barış Anlaşması 36:33
57) Lozan Barış Anlaşması -2 28:05
58) II. TBMM - İç Politika 31:07
59) Çok Partili Hayata Geçiş Denemeleri 35:03
60) Atatürk Devri Diğer Olaylar - Çok Partili Hayat 23:26
61) Atatürk İlkeleri -1 30:48
62) Atatürk İlkeleri -2 24:11
63) İnkılaplar -1 39:41
64) İnkılaplar -2 43:51
65) İnkılaplar -3 42:41
66) Atatürk Devri Dış Politika -1 23:23
67) Atatürk Devri Dış Politika -2 40:45
68) ÇTDT - XX. Yüzyıl Başlarında Dünya 43:05
69) ÇTDT - II. Dünya Savaşı 50:23
70) Soğuk Savaş Dönemi -1 33:32
71) Soğuk Savaş Dönemi -2 22:29
72) Yumuşama - Detant Dönemi -1 37:39
73) Yumuşama - Detant Dönemi -2 29:46
74) Küreselleşen Dünya 43:52
75) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -1 11:50
76) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -2 31:50
77) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -3 8:39
78) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -4 7:47
79) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -5 11:37
80) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -6 6:56
81) TARİH -Bir Soru Bir Cevap -7 8:08
Semester on 'Artin Approximation and Singularity Theory'
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年6月1日
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Hauser/Rond
Semester on 'Artin Approximation and Singularity Theory'
January - June 2015
General themes
Artin Approximation concerns the solvability of algebraic equations in spaces of formal, convergent or algebraic power series. The classical version asserts that if a formal solution exists, then there also exists a convergent, hence analytic, and even algebraic solution which approximates the formal solution up to any given degree. As such, the theorem is instrumental for numerous constructions in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and recursion theory in combinatorics. A series is Nash or algebraic if it is algebraic over the polynomials. Nash series can be codified by polynomial data deduced from the minimal polynomial by the normalization of the respective algebraic hypersurface. This makes them computable. The field has seen renewed activity through the recent research on Arc Spaces, Motivic Integration and Infinite Dimensional Geometry. Important questions remain still unanswered (nested subring case, composition problems, structure theorems for the solution sets) and shall be investigated during the program. Fruitful interchanges with the singularity theory, the combinatorics and the algebraic geometry groups are expected. The scientific program is to be complemented by an exhibition series of algebraic surfaces in the city of Marseille, based on the very successful "Imaginary" program designed by Hauser for the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 1 1:23:55
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
In this series of four lectures we develop the necessary background from commutative algebra to study solution sets of algebraic equations in power series rings. A good comprehension of the geometry of such sets should then yield in particular a "geometric" proof of the Artin approximation theorem.
Recording during the thematic meeting: «Introduction to Artin Approximation and the Geometry of Power Series» the January 26, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Film maker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 2 1:28:25
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 3 1:29:59
Jan Draisma: Stabilisation in algebraic geometry 1:02:47
Jack Hall: Tannaka duality and formal glueings 59:45
Matthias Aschenbrenner: The algebra and model theory of transseries 1:06:29
Raf Cluckers: Pfaffian functions: real and non-archimedean, and an application to... 48:59
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2015年6月1日
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Hauser/Rond
Semester on 'Artin Approximation and Singularity Theory'
January - June 2015
General themes
Artin Approximation concerns the solvability of algebraic equations in spaces of formal, convergent or algebraic power series. The classical version asserts that if a formal solution exists, then there also exists a convergent, hence analytic, and even algebraic solution which approximates the formal solution up to any given degree. As such, the theorem is instrumental for numerous constructions in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and recursion theory in combinatorics. A series is Nash or algebraic if it is algebraic over the polynomials. Nash series can be codified by polynomial data deduced from the minimal polynomial by the normalization of the respective algebraic hypersurface. This makes them computable. The field has seen renewed activity through the recent research on Arc Spaces, Motivic Integration and Infinite Dimensional Geometry. Important questions remain still unanswered (nested subring case, composition problems, structure theorems for the solution sets) and shall be investigated during the program. Fruitful interchanges with the singularity theory, the combinatorics and the algebraic geometry groups are expected. The scientific program is to be complemented by an exhibition series of algebraic surfaces in the city of Marseille, based on the very successful "Imaginary" program designed by Hauser for the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 1 1:23:55
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its functionalities:
- Chapter markers and keywords to watch the parts of your choice in the video
- Videos enriched with abstracts, bibliographies, Mathematics Subject Classification
- Multi-criteria search by author, title, tags, mathematical area
In this series of four lectures we develop the necessary background from commutative algebra to study solution sets of algebraic equations in power series rings. A good comprehension of the geometry of such sets should then yield in particular a "geometric" proof of the Artin approximation theorem.
Recording during the thematic meeting: «Introduction to Artin Approximation and the Geometry of Power Series» the January 26, 2015 at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France)
Film maker: Guillaume Hennenfent
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 2 1:28:25
Herwig Hauser : Commutative algebra for Artin approximation - Part 3 1:29:59
Jan Draisma: Stabilisation in algebraic geometry 1:02:47
Jack Hall: Tannaka duality and formal glueings 59:45
Matthias Aschenbrenner: The algebra and model theory of transseries 1:06:29
Raf Cluckers: Pfaffian functions: real and non-archimedean, and an application to... 48:59
(Español / in Spanish) La frontera de la Física Fundamental 2013 / The Frontier of Fundamental Physics 2013
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年12月13日
Los agujeros negros son los lugares más violentos del Universo desde la propia Gran Explosión. Veremos que también representan los más sutiles desafíos a los fundamentos mismos de la Física.
Conferencia de divulgación científica de José L. F. Barbón, del Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, en el ciclo de conferencias "La frontera de la Física Fundamental", en la Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, el 14 de Noviembre 2013.
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Ciclo de conferencias "La frontera de la Física Fundamental", en la Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, el 14 de Noviembre del 2013
Los Agujeros Negros, esos monstruos sutiles (José L. F. Barbón) 1:23:26
Los Agujeros Negros, esos monstruos sutiles (José L. F. Barbón) 1:23:26
BigBOSS: Iluminando la Energía Oscura del Universo (Francisco Prada) 1:20:57
Física de Partículas, el acelerador LHC y el bosón de Higgs (María José Herrero) 1:22:54
El Color de la Fuerza: Quarks y Gluones (Margarita García Pérez) 1:11:54
Los Retos de la Física Fundamental en el siglo XXI (Luis Ibáñez) 1:25:28
Cosmología Moderna: del Big Bang al futuro del Universo (Juan García-Bellido) 1:20:20
La hipótesis de Riemann y la Física (Germán Sierra) 1:14:50
Viaje de Ida y Vuelta de las Partículas a las Cuerdas (Esperanza López) 1:40:20
Las Misteriosas Propiedades de los Neutrinos (Enrique Fernández) 1:14:08
Cazadores de Materia Oscura (David G. Cerdeño) 1:24:28
La Partícula de Higgs y el Misterio de la Masa (Alberto Casas) 1:16:44
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2013年12月13日
Los agujeros negros son los lugares más violentos del Universo desde la propia Gran Explosión. Veremos que también representan los más sutiles desafíos a los fundamentos mismos de la Física.
Conferencia de divulgación científica de José L. F. Barbón, del Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, en el ciclo de conferencias "La frontera de la Física Fundamental", en la Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, el 14 de Noviembre 2013.
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¡Y consulta nuestra página web! https://www.ift.uam-csic.es
Ciclo de conferencias "La frontera de la Física Fundamental", en la Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, el 14 de Noviembre del 2013
Los Agujeros Negros, esos monstruos sutiles (José L. F. Barbón) 1:23:26
Los Agujeros Negros, esos monstruos sutiles (José L. F. Barbón) 1:23:26
BigBOSS: Iluminando la Energía Oscura del Universo (Francisco Prada) 1:20:57
Física de Partículas, el acelerador LHC y el bosón de Higgs (María José Herrero) 1:22:54
El Color de la Fuerza: Quarks y Gluones (Margarita García Pérez) 1:11:54
Los Retos de la Física Fundamental en el siglo XXI (Luis Ibáñez) 1:25:28
Cosmología Moderna: del Big Bang al futuro del Universo (Juan García-Bellido) 1:20:20
La hipótesis de Riemann y la Física (Germán Sierra) 1:14:50
Viaje de Ida y Vuelta de las Partículas a las Cuerdas (Esperanza López) 1:40:20
Las Misteriosas Propiedades de los Neutrinos (Enrique Fernández) 1:14:08
Cazadores de Materia Oscura (David G. Cerdeño) 1:24:28
La Partícula de Higgs y el Misterio de la Masa (Alberto Casas) 1:16:44
(Español / in Spanish) Los retos de la Física Fundamental 2016 / The Challenges of Fundamental Physics 2016
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2017年1月17日
Conferencia de Vicent Mateu en la Residencia de Estudiantes, 10 de noviembre de 2016.
Resumen: Incluso tras el descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs, el quark top sigue siendo la partícula más pesada descubierta hasta la fecha. Debido a su gran masa, este singular corpúsculo es capaz de burlar el carácter confinante de las interacciones fuertes y comportarse como la única partícula coloreada cuasi-libre. Al mismo tiempo, la masa del quark top (junto con la del bosón de Higgs) es responsable de que el universo en el que vivimos sea estable... o no.
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¡Y consulta nuestra página web! https://www.ift.uam-csic.es
¿Has visto ya nuestro VÍDEO ANTERIOR?
El quark top: escapando al confinamiento - Vicent Mateu 1:05:27
¿Qué pasa con el quark top? Su enorme masa y su carga de color lo convierten en una pieza clave de la Física de Partículas. Vicent Mateu nos explica sus propiedades, en el marco del Modelo Estándar de Partículas Elementales.
Transparencias en pdf en http://projects.ift.uam-csic.es/outre...
Avances en la búsqueda de materia oscura - David G. Cerdeño 1:23:43
La Física de Partículas frente al reto del análisis masivo de datos - Isabel Campos 1:20:05
Entremeses Nucleares- Alfredo Poves 1:07:29
La utilidad de la ciencia inútil (básica) - Cayetano López 1:25:20
El gato de Schrödinger no está entrelazado ¿quién lo entrelazará? 1:17:56
Viviendo en la frontera: una introducción al principio holográfico - Esperanza López 1:17:00
La fórmula que describe el mundo - Sven Heinemeyer 1:10:35
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2017年1月17日
Conferencia de Vicent Mateu en la Residencia de Estudiantes, 10 de noviembre de 2016.
Resumen: Incluso tras el descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs, el quark top sigue siendo la partícula más pesada descubierta hasta la fecha. Debido a su gran masa, este singular corpúsculo es capaz de burlar el carácter confinante de las interacciones fuertes y comportarse como la única partícula coloreada cuasi-libre. Al mismo tiempo, la masa del quark top (junto con la del bosón de Higgs) es responsable de que el universo en el que vivimos sea estable... o no.
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¡Y consulta nuestra página web! https://www.ift.uam-csic.es
¿Has visto ya nuestro VÍDEO ANTERIOR?
El quark top: escapando al confinamiento - Vicent Mateu 1:05:27
¿Qué pasa con el quark top? Su enorme masa y su carga de color lo convierten en una pieza clave de la Física de Partículas. Vicent Mateu nos explica sus propiedades, en el marco del Modelo Estándar de Partículas Elementales.
Transparencias en pdf en http://projects.ift.uam-csic.es/outre...
Avances en la búsqueda de materia oscura - David G. Cerdeño 1:23:43
La Física de Partículas frente al reto del análisis masivo de datos - Isabel Campos 1:20:05
Entremeses Nucleares- Alfredo Poves 1:07:29
La utilidad de la ciencia inútil (básica) - Cayetano López 1:25:20
El gato de Schrödinger no está entrelazado ¿quién lo entrelazará? 1:17:56
Viviendo en la frontera: una introducción al principio holográfico - Esperanza López 1:17:00
La fórmula que describe el mundo - Sven Heinemeyer 1:10:35
(Español / in Spanish) Los desafíos de la Física Fundamental 2014 / The Challenges of Fundamental Physics 2014
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2014年12月3日
Conferencia de divulgación científica de Juan García-Bellido, del Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, en el ciclo de conferencias "Los retos de la Física Fundamental", en la Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, en Noviembre 2014.
(El uso de la banda sonora original introduce publicidad que monetiza canales de terceros y no está vinculada al IFT)
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¡Y consulta nuestra página web! https://www.ift.uam-csic.es
Inflación: el estado embrionario del universo (Juan García-Bellido) 1:23:56
Gravedad y Mecánica Cuántica (César Gómez) 1:23:58
Unificación y Teoría de Cuerdas (Fernando Marchesano) 1:21:24
¿Y después del Higgs qué? (Jesús Moreno) 1:15:23
¿De qué está hecho el Universo?: De las partículas elementales a la materia oscura (Carlos Muñoz) 1:28:09
En el Corazón de la Materia (Carlos Pena) 1:20:31
Preguntas abiertas de la Física Fundamental (Ángel Uranga) 1:14:35
source: Instituto de Física Teórica IFT 2014年12月3日
Conferencia de divulgación científica de Juan García-Bellido, del Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, en el ciclo de conferencias "Los retos de la Física Fundamental", en la Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, en Noviembre 2014.
(El uso de la banda sonora original introduce publicidad que monetiza canales de terceros y no está vinculada al IFT)
No te pierdas ningún vídeo: solo tienes que... ¡SUSCRIBIRTE!, ¡es GRATIS!:
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¡También en FACEBOOK! https://www.facebook.com/IFT-44478708...
¡Y consulta nuestra página web! https://www.ift.uam-csic.es
Inflación: el estado embrionario del universo (Juan García-Bellido) 1:23:56
Gravedad y Mecánica Cuántica (César Gómez) 1:23:58
Unificación y Teoría de Cuerdas (Fernando Marchesano) 1:21:24
¿Y después del Higgs qué? (Jesús Moreno) 1:15:23
¿De qué está hecho el Universo?: De las partículas elementales a la materia oscura (Carlos Muñoz) 1:28:09
En el Corazón de la Materia (Carlos Pena) 1:20:31
Preguntas abiertas de la Física Fundamental (Ángel Uranga) 1:14:35
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: CSER Cambridge 2016年2月3日
Kay Firth-Butterfield: Lucid AI’s Ethics Advisory Panel. 1:25:46
Lucid is an AI company with an Ethics Advisory Panel which is led by Kay Firth-Butterfield. She will talk about the Panel’s composition and mandate and why the company thinks it is important. Also, she will discuss how the Panel ties to the aims of the Future of Intelligence/CSER and a very brief overview of how Lucid’s AI differs from machine learning.
About the speaker: Kay Firth-Butterfield has worked as a Barrister, Mediator, Arbitrator, Professor and Judge in the United Kingdom. She is a humanitarian with a strong sense of social justice. She has advanced degrees in Law and International Relations which focused on ramifications of pervasive artificial intelligence. After moving to the US she taught at University level before becoming the Chief Officer of the Lucid Ethics Advisory Panel which she envisioned with the CEO. Additionally she teaches a course at the University of Texas Law School on Law and Policy regarding AI and other emerging technologies.
Professor Jane Heal - Pushing the Limits 1:26:55
Professor Margaret Boden - Human-level AI: Is it Looming or Illusory? 1:06:22
Existential Risk: Surviving the 21st Century - CSER Inaugural Lecture 1:27:33
Risks and Benefits of Gain-of-Function Experiments in Potentially Pandemic Pathogens 1:07:31
Minds Like Ours: An Approach to AI Risk 1:30:00
Professor Stuart Russell - The Long-Term Future of (Artificial) Intelligence 1:19:42
Dr Toby Ord - Will We Cause Our Own Extinction? Natural versus Anthropogenic Extinction Risks 1:31:37
source: CSER Cambridge 2016年2月3日
Kay Firth-Butterfield: Lucid AI’s Ethics Advisory Panel. 1:25:46
Lucid is an AI company with an Ethics Advisory Panel which is led by Kay Firth-Butterfield. She will talk about the Panel’s composition and mandate and why the company thinks it is important. Also, she will discuss how the Panel ties to the aims of the Future of Intelligence/CSER and a very brief overview of how Lucid’s AI differs from machine learning.
About the speaker: Kay Firth-Butterfield has worked as a Barrister, Mediator, Arbitrator, Professor and Judge in the United Kingdom. She is a humanitarian with a strong sense of social justice. She has advanced degrees in Law and International Relations which focused on ramifications of pervasive artificial intelligence. After moving to the US she taught at University level before becoming the Chief Officer of the Lucid Ethics Advisory Panel which she envisioned with the CEO. Additionally she teaches a course at the University of Texas Law School on Law and Policy regarding AI and other emerging technologies.
Professor Jane Heal - Pushing the Limits 1:26:55
Professor Margaret Boden - Human-level AI: Is it Looming or Illusory? 1:06:22
Existential Risk: Surviving the 21st Century - CSER Inaugural Lecture 1:27:33
Risks and Benefits of Gain-of-Function Experiments in Potentially Pandemic Pathogens 1:07:31
Minds Like Ours: An Approach to AI Risk 1:30:00
Professor Stuart Russell - The Long-Term Future of (Artificial) Intelligence 1:19:42
Dr Toby Ord - Will We Cause Our Own Extinction? Natural versus Anthropogenic Extinction Risks 1:31:37
Conspiracy and Democracy Project
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Conspiracy Democracy 2015年6月22日
Lawrence Quill - Technological Conspiracies 1:17:21
Technological conspiracies are good conspiracies - at least from the perspective of their proponents. Understanding their dynamics, especially within the context of liberalism, may help shed light upon an apparent puzzle of twenty-first century living: why, when individual privacy is being systematically undermined by both governments and corporations, so few people seem to care. The answer, I suggest, has much to do with rapidly changing conceptions of self and society, but also a prior, fundamental commitment to imagining both self and society as quantifiable and controllable. Leading liberal theorists today tend to see the digital challenge to privacy as undermining one of the core commitments of liberalism. However, I wish to suggest that our current predicament is the result of liberalism's internal logic , a political theory that formally eschews conspiracy thinking in favour of science and modernity, yet one that manages to employ theories of good conspiracy, nonetheless. Technological conspiracies are the fulfilment of a modern, liberal dream, bringing together political power and technology so that citizens are fully known to their governments and corporations such that older concerns with privacy simply become irrelevant.
A public lecture by Professor Lawrence Quill (San Jose).
Christopher Bannister -Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevik Conspiracy in the Spanish Second Republic, 1931-1936 1:30:23
Professor Kelly Greenhill and Dr Ben Oppenheim - Rumour Has It 1:24:26
Dr Benjamin Wurgaft - Leo Strauss & Public Intellectual Culture 1:28:16
Nicci French Public Lecture- 'Lying in the Dark: the stories we tell to keep ourselves sane' 1:16:41
Dr Andy Martin (Cambridge) talk on "Nausea in New York: the FBI & CIA vs Sartre and Camus" 1:06:36
Dr David Hickman (York): Science and Recycled Photography in Conspiracy Theories 1:36:50
Dr Michael Hagemeister: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Facts Surrounding a Fiction 1:10:44
Professor Alex Beringer: Paranoid Masculinities: Conspiracy Theory in Mark Twain’s Fiction 40:44
David Aaronovitch (The Times): Conspiracy theories in an age of transparency 42:44
Dwight Smith: The Mafia and Conspiracy 1:15:23
Professor Joe Uscinski and Professor Joe Parent: American Conspiracy Theories 1:56:02
Professor Samuel Moyn: Is Democracy Conspiratorial? 1:05:22
Prof. Kathy Olmsted: Anglo-American Conservatism & Transatlantic Threat between the World Wars 49:00
Dr Pascal Girard:Conspiracy Theories in France and Italy during the Cold War and Decolonization 52:45
Professor Deborah E. Lipstadt: A Flat Earth Theory or a Clear and Present Danger? 1:18:33
Dr Cornel Zwierlein:Knowlege Gaps: The Early Modern Foundations of Conspiracy & Democracy 1:01:27
Dr. Stef Aupers: Conspiracy theories between secular scepticism and religious salvation 1:08:45
Harriet Washington - Epidemics of Conspiracy 59:56
David Runciman - A Climate of Conspiracy 43:13
Eric Oliver - Enchanted America: Magic, Metaphor and Conspiracy Theories in US Public Opinion 41:32
David Vincent - Conspiracy and the beginning of the democratic state in Britain 1830 - 1860 1:27:40
Simon Schaffer - Imitation Games: Conspiratorial Sciences and Intelligent Machines 1:18:06
Professor Pablo Piccato - The Assassination of Alvaro Obregón 1:23:02
The Real Ideology of Putin's Russia: how it's used in foreign policy and what to do about it 1:17:01
Darrin McMahon Public Lecture 01/03/16 - Conspiracy and Democracy Project 1:15:05
Conspiracy and Terror in the French Revolution - Marisa Linton (Kingston University) Public Lecture 1:22:56
Between Diabolical Instigations & Criminal Combinations - André Krischer Public Lecture 1:20:58
source: Conspiracy Democracy 2015年6月22日
Lawrence Quill - Technological Conspiracies 1:17:21
Technological conspiracies are good conspiracies - at least from the perspective of their proponents. Understanding their dynamics, especially within the context of liberalism, may help shed light upon an apparent puzzle of twenty-first century living: why, when individual privacy is being systematically undermined by both governments and corporations, so few people seem to care. The answer, I suggest, has much to do with rapidly changing conceptions of self and society, but also a prior, fundamental commitment to imagining both self and society as quantifiable and controllable. Leading liberal theorists today tend to see the digital challenge to privacy as undermining one of the core commitments of liberalism. However, I wish to suggest that our current predicament is the result of liberalism's internal logic , a political theory that formally eschews conspiracy thinking in favour of science and modernity, yet one that manages to employ theories of good conspiracy, nonetheless. Technological conspiracies are the fulfilment of a modern, liberal dream, bringing together political power and technology so that citizens are fully known to their governments and corporations such that older concerns with privacy simply become irrelevant.
A public lecture by Professor Lawrence Quill (San Jose).
Christopher Bannister -Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevik Conspiracy in the Spanish Second Republic, 1931-1936 1:30:23
Professor Kelly Greenhill and Dr Ben Oppenheim - Rumour Has It 1:24:26
Dr Benjamin Wurgaft - Leo Strauss & Public Intellectual Culture 1:28:16
Nicci French Public Lecture- 'Lying in the Dark: the stories we tell to keep ourselves sane' 1:16:41
Dr Andy Martin (Cambridge) talk on "Nausea in New York: the FBI & CIA vs Sartre and Camus" 1:06:36
Dr David Hickman (York): Science and Recycled Photography in Conspiracy Theories 1:36:50
Dr Michael Hagemeister: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: The Facts Surrounding a Fiction 1:10:44
Professor Alex Beringer: Paranoid Masculinities: Conspiracy Theory in Mark Twain’s Fiction 40:44
David Aaronovitch (The Times): Conspiracy theories in an age of transparency 42:44
Dwight Smith: The Mafia and Conspiracy 1:15:23
Professor Joe Uscinski and Professor Joe Parent: American Conspiracy Theories 1:56:02
Professor Samuel Moyn: Is Democracy Conspiratorial? 1:05:22
Prof. Kathy Olmsted: Anglo-American Conservatism & Transatlantic Threat between the World Wars 49:00
Dr Pascal Girard:Conspiracy Theories in France and Italy during the Cold War and Decolonization 52:45
Professor Deborah E. Lipstadt: A Flat Earth Theory or a Clear and Present Danger? 1:18:33
Dr Cornel Zwierlein:Knowlege Gaps: The Early Modern Foundations of Conspiracy & Democracy 1:01:27
Dr. Stef Aupers: Conspiracy theories between secular scepticism and religious salvation 1:08:45
Harriet Washington - Epidemics of Conspiracy 59:56
David Runciman - A Climate of Conspiracy 43:13
Eric Oliver - Enchanted America: Magic, Metaphor and Conspiracy Theories in US Public Opinion 41:32
David Vincent - Conspiracy and the beginning of the democratic state in Britain 1830 - 1860 1:27:40
Simon Schaffer - Imitation Games: Conspiratorial Sciences and Intelligent Machines 1:18:06
Professor Pablo Piccato - The Assassination of Alvaro Obregón 1:23:02
The Real Ideology of Putin's Russia: how it's used in foreign policy and what to do about it 1:17:01
Darrin McMahon Public Lecture 01/03/16 - Conspiracy and Democracy Project 1:15:05
Conspiracy and Terror in the French Revolution - Marisa Linton (Kingston University) Public Lecture 1:22:56
Between Diabolical Instigations & Criminal Combinations - André Krischer Public Lecture 1:20:58
57金錢爆完整版 (2017-07月影片)
source: 57金錢爆
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來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
股市分析師 葉俊敏
48:49 波灣危機嘴砲亂放?《57金錢爆》2017.0704
來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
型態大師 蔡森
49:02 小麥大米身價不凡!《57金錢爆》2017.0703
來 賓:
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴


來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴

來 賓:
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正

來 賓:
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴
股市分析師 孫伊廷(坦克爺)

來 賓:
型態大師 蔡森
股市分析師 葉俊敏

來 賓:
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴
股市分析師 陳雨農

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正

來 賓:
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴

來 賓:
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴
股市分析師 陳雨農

來 賓:
股市分析師 葉俊敏

來 賓:
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴
股市分析師 陳雨農

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正

來 賓:
股市分析師 葉

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴

來 賓:
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴

來 賓:
型態大師 蔡森
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
股市分析師 葉俊敏

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
股市分析師 葉俊敏

來 賓:
台大哲學系教授 苑舉正
型態大師 蔡森

來 賓:
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深財經記者 丁萬鳴
CRASSH Cambridge (videos of July 2017)
source: CRASSH Cambridge
13:03 China in a Global WWII Beginning in the late 1980s, much work has been done in China and in the UK and the USA to account more fully for China’s role in WWII. Much of that history remains traditional in its approach, rec...
1:44 Musical Moment at the CCKF-CHCI Summer Institute, China in a Global World War Two From 3 – 14 July 2017, as part of the CCKF-CHCI Summer Institute 'China in a Global World War Two', invited guest speakers and select early career scholars are combining the discussion of formal ac...

Closer To Truth (videos of July 2017)
source: Closer To Truth
5:16 Charles Tart - Does ESP Make Sense? Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, must explaining ESP go beyond physical laws, into unknown non-physical realms?
Click here to watch more int...
8:44 Marilyn Schlitz - Does ESP Make Sense? Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, must explaining ESP go beyond physical laws, into unknown non-physical realms?
Click here to watch more int...
8:31 Lawrence Krauss - Does ESP Make Sense? Parapsychologists are sure ESP is real. Skeptics are sure it is not. But if ESP is real, must explaining ESP go beyond physical laws, into unknown non-physical realms?
Click here to watch more int...
7:30 Max Tegmark - Events and the Nature of Time Are events measured by time? Or is time created by sequences of events? Which is more fundamental, events or time? Worse, we may get different answers from quantum mechanics and general relativity....
9:31 Carlo Rovelli - Events and the Nature of Time Are events measured by time? Or is time created by sequences of events? Which is more fundamental, events or time? Worse, we may get different answers from quantum mechanics and general relativity....
6:06 Sean Carroll - Events and the Nature of Time Are events measured by time? Or is time created by sequences of events? Which is more fundamental, events or time? Worse, we may get different answers from quantum mechanics and general relativity....
9:39 Andrei Buckareff - Evolution and God? What's the relationship, if there is a relationship, between God and evolution? 'Theistic evolution' is the claim that while evolution is real, God makes critical interventions. But could God not h...
8:08 Sarah Coakley - Evolution and God? What's the relationship, if there is a relationship, between God and evolution? 'Theistic evolution' is the claim that while evolution is real, God makes critical interventions. But could God not h...
8:27 Brian Josephson - Evolution and God? What's the relationship, if there is a relationship, between God and evolution? 'Theistic evolution' is the claim that while evolution is real, God makes critical interventions. But could God not h...

Click here to watch more int...

Click here to watch more int...

Click here to watch more int...

Harvard University (videos of July 2017)
source: Harvard University
1:37 Soft Exosuit for Post-Stroke Gait Retraining This video explains how exosuit technology, developed at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, applied to ankle movements helps patients post-stroke regain a more normal gait. C...
0:40 Young students from Allston-Brighton gathered to learn about the science behind what they eat Now in its 5th year, the “Science and Cooking for Kids” lab is a hands-on class aimed at piquing kids’ interests in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) through an approachable medium:...
16:43 The Case for Cosmic Modesty If we want to find life elsewhere, we should search for it in all of its possible forms.
Avi Loeb
“There are many reasons to be modest,” my mother used to say when I was a kid. But after three de...
11:08 The Divine Journey: A Painter's Mission The short documentary looks at the life and work of Vermont painter Janet McKenzie, who is challenging traditional Christian images by using women and people of color in depictions of Jesus, Mary, ...
3:11 CRISPR-Cas: Molecular Recording In this video, Wyss Institute and Harvard Medical School researchers George Church and Seth Shipman explain how they engineered a new CRISPR system-based technology that enables the chronological r...
2:47 Thoreau at 200: Reflections on "Walden" Larry Buell, Harvard’s Powell M. Cabot Research Professor of American Literature emeritus, taught Henry David Thoreau’s seminal book “Walden” for years, both at Harvard and at Oberlin College in Ne...
3:08 Soft Fabric Sensor This textile-based sensor effectively registers fine motor movements of the human body, taking researchers one step closer to creating soft, wearable robots. Credit: Wyss Institute at Harvard Unive...
1:30:28 Wave Piloting in the Marshall Islands || Radcliffe Institute As part of the 2016–2017 Oceans Lecture Series, John Huth leads a panel discussion in which participants tease apart what the Marshallese navigators did, how they were taught, and how they conceptu...

Avi Loeb
“There are many reasons to be modest,” my mother used to say when I was a kid. But after three de...

(русский / in Russian) Макроэкономика
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年3月27日
Автор: Николай Кликунов
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция и тесты: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Базовые макроэкономические показатели: ВВП, инфляция и безработица 1:08:56
Лекция 2: Методики расчета ВВП. Система национальных счетов 1:08:50
Лекция 3: Взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости между базовыми макроэкономическими показателями 1:02:27
Лекция 4: Экономический рост в долгосрочном периоде. Факторный анализ. Функция Кобба-Дугласа 1:18:05
Лекция 5: Модели стационарного состояния. Мальтузианство. Модель Солоу 1:12:15
Лекция 6: Модели стационарного состояния. Безработица. Естественная норма безработицы 1:06:42
Лекция 7: Налогово-бюджетная политика. Понятия и принципы 49:20
Лекция 8: Налогово-бюджетная политика. Эффекты вытеснения 47:39
Лекция 9: Деньги. Банки. Норма резервирования. Инфляция 1:42:36
Лекция 10: Центральные банки. Механизмы денежно-кредитной политики 1:04:58
Лекция 11: Экономика и деньги. Кейнсианский подход 40:03
Лекция 12: Модель AD-AS. Мультипликаторы 1:12:00
Лекция 13: Модель IS-LM 1:14:10
Лекция 14: Международная экономика. Вводные положения 46:43
Лекция 15: Взаимосвязи в международной экономике. Обменные курсы 1:21:53
Лекция 16: Что знают и чего не знают экономисты о работе экономических систем? 42:27
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年3月27日
Автор: Николай Кликунов
Курс в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция и тесты: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Базовые макроэкономические показатели: ВВП, инфляция и безработица 1:08:56
Лекция 2: Методики расчета ВВП. Система национальных счетов 1:08:50
Лекция 3: Взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости между базовыми макроэкономическими показателями 1:02:27
Лекция 4: Экономический рост в долгосрочном периоде. Факторный анализ. Функция Кобба-Дугласа 1:18:05
Лекция 5: Модели стационарного состояния. Мальтузианство. Модель Солоу 1:12:15
Лекция 6: Модели стационарного состояния. Безработица. Естественная норма безработицы 1:06:42
Лекция 7: Налогово-бюджетная политика. Понятия и принципы 49:20
Лекция 8: Налогово-бюджетная политика. Эффекты вытеснения 47:39
Лекция 9: Деньги. Банки. Норма резервирования. Инфляция 1:42:36
Лекция 10: Центральные банки. Механизмы денежно-кредитной политики 1:04:58
Лекция 11: Экономика и деньги. Кейнсианский подход 40:03
Лекция 12: Модель AD-AS. Мультипликаторы 1:12:00
Лекция 13: Модель IS-LM 1:14:10
Лекция 14: Международная экономика. Вводные положения 46:43
Лекция 15: Взаимосвязи в международной экономике. Обменные курсы 1:21:53
Лекция 16: Что знают и чего не знают экономисты о работе экономических систем? 42:27
(русский / in Russian) Производительность современных файловых систем
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年3月27日
Авторы: Андрей Зорин, Андрей Непорада, Юрий Пер
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекции и тесты: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение. Файловые системы. API блочных устройств 13:43
Лекция 2: HDD 4:35
Лекция 3: Поколения файловых систем 36:25
Лекция 4: Распределенные файловые системы 8:57
Лекция 5: Первое поколение ФС. Структура FAT 56:34
Лекция 6: ext 2 39:56
Лекция 7: Структура FAT 17:05
Лекция 8: Cтруктура ext2 1:03:56
Лекция 9: Возможности NTFS. Файловые записи 17:51
Лекция 10: Стандартные типы атрибутов. Служебные файлы NTFS 41:14
Лекция 11: Журналируемые файловые системы 14:28
Лекция 12: Journaling block device 54:50
Лекция 13: Совместимость в семействе extfs, примеры s_feauture_compat, s_feauture_ro_compat 20:00
Лекция 14: Примеры s_feauture_incompat, структура extend на диске 32:45
Лекция 15: Практическое задание, btrfs 8:56
Лекция 16: Распределенные файловые системы. Google Filesystem. Основные особенности 34:09
Лекция 17: Запланированные особенности, поддерживаемые уровни RAID 25:15
Лекция 18: Распределенные файловые системы. Google Filesystem 30:39
Лекция 19: Кластерные файловые системы 27:37
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年3月27日
Авторы: Андрей Зорин, Андрей Непорада, Юрий Пер
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекции и тесты: http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение. Файловые системы. API блочных устройств 13:43
Лекция 2: HDD 4:35
Лекция 3: Поколения файловых систем 36:25
Лекция 4: Распределенные файловые системы 8:57
Лекция 5: Первое поколение ФС. Структура FAT 56:34
Лекция 6: ext 2 39:56
Лекция 7: Структура FAT 17:05
Лекция 8: Cтруктура ext2 1:03:56
Лекция 9: Возможности NTFS. Файловые записи 17:51
Лекция 10: Стандартные типы атрибутов. Служебные файлы NTFS 41:14
Лекция 11: Журналируемые файловые системы 14:28
Лекция 12: Journaling block device 54:50
Лекция 13: Совместимость в семействе extfs, примеры s_feauture_compat, s_feauture_ro_compat 20:00
Лекция 14: Примеры s_feauture_incompat, структура extend на диске 32:45
Лекция 15: Практическое задание, btrfs 8:56
Лекция 16: Распределенные файловые системы. Google Filesystem. Основные особенности 34:09
Лекция 17: Запланированные особенности, поддерживаемые уровни RAID 25:15
Лекция 18: Распределенные файловые системы. Google Filesystem 30:39
Лекция 19: Кластерные файловые системы 27:37
(русский / in Russian) Базы данных
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年4月28日
Автор: П. Щербинин
Курс "Базы данных" в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение и начало проектирования 2:29:34
Лекция 2: Модификация данных. Выборка данных 2:34:32
Лекция 3: Выборка данных. Транзакции 2:29:24
Лекция 4: Расширенные возможности работы с базами данных. Триггеры и хранимые процедуры 2:07:04
Лекция 5: Определение узких мест 2:34:25
Лекция 6: Профилирование запросов. Сложноструктурированные SQL-запросы 2:31:26
Лекция 7: Оптимизация запросов и индексирование 2:18:59
Лекция 8: Конфигурирование базы данных 2:27:00
Лекция 9: Безопасность баз данных 2:47:45
Лекция 10: Нереляционное решение в области баз данных — NoSQL 2:29:53
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年4月28日
Автор: П. Щербинин
Курс "Базы данных" в НОУ "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение и начало проектирования 2:29:34
Лекция 2: Модификация данных. Выборка данных 2:34:32
Лекция 3: Выборка данных. Транзакции 2:29:24
Лекция 4: Расширенные возможности работы с базами данных. Триггеры и хранимые процедуры 2:07:04
Лекция 5: Определение узких мест 2:34:25
Лекция 6: Профилирование запросов. Сложноструктурированные SQL-запросы 2:31:26
Лекция 7: Оптимизация запросов и индексирование 2:18:59
Лекция 8: Конфигурирование базы данных 2:27:00
Лекция 9: Безопасность баз данных 2:47:45
Лекция 10: Нереляционное решение в области баз данных — NoSQL 2:29:53
(русский / in Russian) Управление стратегическим развитием компании в России
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年3月28日
Автор: Андрей Ващенко
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение 5:17
Лекция 2: Фактор 1: Божий промысел 9:25
Лекция 3: Фактор 2: Божественная конкуренция 14:18
Лекция 4: Фактор 3: Социальная эволюция и борьба за ресурсы 9:29
Лекция 5: Фактор 4: Промежуточный лидер во внутривидовой конкуренции 18:28
Лекция 6: Фактор 5: Отказ от божественной конкуренции, как стратегия кризисного поведения 11:07
Лекция 7: Фактор 6: Коренные различия между Европой и Россией в способах самоограничения общества 14:13
Лекция 8: Фактор 7: Трудности прогнозирования 5:30
Лекция 9: Фактор 8: Влияние религии на стратегический менеджмент 11:42
Лекция 10: Вклад военного искусства в развитие стратегического менеджмента в Европе и России 14:48
Лекция 11: Подведение итогов 15:45
Лекция 12: Обсуждение темы "Влияние религии на стратегический менеджмент" 11:33
Лекция 13: Обсуждение темы "Влияние военной науки на стратегический менеджмент" 7:01
Лекция 14: Влияние науки на стратегический менеджмент 17:32
Лекция 15: Обсуждение темы "Вклад научных исследований в развитие искусства" 7:56
Лекция 16: Стратегический менеджмент и конкурентные преимущества 12:57
Лекция 17: Обсуждение темы "Стратегический менеджмент и конкурентные преимущества" 9:02
Лекция 18: Конкурентные преимущества и стратегии предприятия 19:00
Лекция 19: Обсуждение темы "Конкурентные преимущества и стратегии предприятия" 11:26
Лекция 20: Обсуждение темы "Средства анализа" 9:15
Лекция 21: Обсуждение тем "Бизнес-стратегии" и "Сбалансированная система показателей" 21:07
Лекция 22: Обсуждение темы "GAP-анализ" 8:45
Лекция 23: Обсуждение темы "SMART" 11:00
Лекция 24: Обсуждение темы "PEST-анализ" 9:53
Лекция 25: Обсуждение темы "SWOT-анализ" 8:32
Лекция 26: Обсуждение темы "Анализ пяти сил Портера" 16:52
Лекция 27: Обсуждение темы "Конкурентное преимущество по Портеру" 11:09
Лекция 28: Обсуждение темы "Цепочка ценностей по Портеру" 11:46
Лекция 29: Обсуждение темы "Анализ Портера. Ключевые компетенции" 7:52
Лекция 30: Национальные особенности управленческой практики 12:52
Лекция 31: Национальные особенности управленческой практики 18:37
Лекция 32: Национальные особенности управленческой практики: примеры 13:24
Лекция 33: Итоги 8:09
Лекция 34: Введение 7:59
Лекция 35: Роль руководителя (часть 1) 11:34
Лекция 36: Роль руководителя (часть 2) 6:57
Лекция 37: Роль руководителя (часть 3) 13:40
Лекция 38: Обсуждение темы "Роль руководителя" 7:42
Лекция 39: Роль коллектива 4:17
Лекция 40: Итоги 6:06
source: НОУ ИНТУИТ 2016年3月28日
Автор: Андрей Ващенко
Курс в Национальном Открытом Университете "ИНТУИТ": http://www.intuit.ru/studies/courses/...
Лекция 1: Введение 5:17
Лекция 2: Фактор 1: Божий промысел 9:25
Лекция 3: Фактор 2: Божественная конкуренция 14:18
Лекция 4: Фактор 3: Социальная эволюция и борьба за ресурсы 9:29
Лекция 5: Фактор 4: Промежуточный лидер во внутривидовой конкуренции 18:28
Лекция 6: Фактор 5: Отказ от божественной конкуренции, как стратегия кризисного поведения 11:07
Лекция 7: Фактор 6: Коренные различия между Европой и Россией в способах самоограничения общества 14:13
Лекция 8: Фактор 7: Трудности прогнозирования 5:30
Лекция 9: Фактор 8: Влияние религии на стратегический менеджмент 11:42
Лекция 10: Вклад военного искусства в развитие стратегического менеджмента в Европе и России 14:48
Лекция 11: Подведение итогов 15:45
Лекция 12: Обсуждение темы "Влияние религии на стратегический менеджмент" 11:33
Лекция 13: Обсуждение темы "Влияние военной науки на стратегический менеджмент" 7:01
Лекция 14: Влияние науки на стратегический менеджмент 17:32
Лекция 15: Обсуждение темы "Вклад научных исследований в развитие искусства" 7:56
Лекция 16: Стратегический менеджмент и конкурентные преимущества 12:57
Лекция 17: Обсуждение темы "Стратегический менеджмент и конкурентные преимущества" 9:02
Лекция 18: Конкурентные преимущества и стратегии предприятия 19:00
Лекция 19: Обсуждение темы "Конкурентные преимущества и стратегии предприятия" 11:26
Лекция 20: Обсуждение темы "Средства анализа" 9:15
Лекция 21: Обсуждение тем "Бизнес-стратегии" и "Сбалансированная система показателей" 21:07
Лекция 22: Обсуждение темы "GAP-анализ" 8:45
Лекция 23: Обсуждение темы "SMART" 11:00
Лекция 24: Обсуждение темы "PEST-анализ" 9:53
Лекция 25: Обсуждение темы "SWOT-анализ" 8:32
Лекция 26: Обсуждение темы "Анализ пяти сил Портера" 16:52
Лекция 27: Обсуждение темы "Конкурентное преимущество по Портеру" 11:09
Лекция 28: Обсуждение темы "Цепочка ценностей по Портеру" 11:46
Лекция 29: Обсуждение темы "Анализ Портера. Ключевые компетенции" 7:52
Лекция 30: Национальные особенности управленческой практики 12:52
Лекция 31: Национальные особенности управленческой практики 18:37
Лекция 32: Национальные особенности управленческой практики: примеры 13:24
Лекция 33: Итоги 8:09
Лекция 34: Введение 7:59
Лекция 35: Роль руководителя (часть 1) 11:34
Лекция 36: Роль руководителя (часть 2) 6:57
Лекция 37: Роль руководителя (часть 3) 13:40
Лекция 38: Обсуждение темы "Роль руководителя" 7:42
Лекция 39: Роль коллектива 4:17
Лекция 40: Итоги 6:06
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