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What happens when your DNA is damaged? - Monica Menesini
source: TED-Ed 2015年9月21日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-happen...
The DNA in just one of your cells gets damaged tens of thousands of times per day. Because DNA provides the blueprint for the proteins your cells need to function, this damage can cause serious issues—including cancer. Fortunately, your cells have ways of fixing most of these problems, most of the time. Monica Menesini details the processes of DNA damage and repair.
Lesson by Monica Menesini, animation by FOX Animation Domination High-Def.
The Heroic Quest--Joseph Hughes / Missouri State University
# playlist of the 24 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Missouri State University 上次更新日期:2015年5月21日
LLT 180: The Heroic Quest
Human societies have long used the theme of the quest for self-knowledge as a vehicle to assess their own cultures and to explore ethical situations arising in civic life. This course examines texts from diverse cultural traditions in which protagonists confront their inherited identity of culture and language, providing a broader perspective on self-discovery in our own society.
Learn more about Missouri State iCourses at http://outreach.missouristate.edu/ico...
Lecture 0: Course introduction 5:49
Lecture 1: Welcome 50:05
Lecture 2: Gilgamesh 49:35
Lecture 3: Gilgamesh II 1:00:36
Lecture 4: Gilgamesh III 1:10:57
Lecture 5: Gilgamesh IV + Homer, Odyssey 1:05:48
Lecture 6: Homer, Odyssey II 59:06
Lecture 7: Homer, Odyssey III 58:36
Lecture 8: Aristophanes, Frogs 1:09:52
Lecture 9: Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche 1:07:07
Lecture 10: Review for Test One 58:19
Lecture 11: Sophocles, Antigone 46:56
Lecture 12: Sophocles, Antigone II 1:00:42
Lecture 13: Sophocles, Antigone III 23:18
Lecture 14: Vergil, Aeneid 48:14
Lecture 15: Vergil, Aeneid II 43:29
Lecture 16: Aeneid vs. Odyssey 38:07
Lecture 17: Dante, Inferno 43:37
Lecture 18: Dante, Inferno II 43:34
Lecture 19: Gogol, The Nose 48:25
Lecture 20: Gogol, The Nose II 50:24
Lecture 21: Gogol, The Nose III 49:03
Lecture 22: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions 48:19
Lecture 23: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions II 32:13
source: Missouri State University 上次更新日期:2015年5月21日
LLT 180: The Heroic Quest
Human societies have long used the theme of the quest for self-knowledge as a vehicle to assess their own cultures and to explore ethical situations arising in civic life. This course examines texts from diverse cultural traditions in which protagonists confront their inherited identity of culture and language, providing a broader perspective on self-discovery in our own society.

Learn more about Missouri State iCourses at http://outreach.missouristate.edu/ico...
Lecture 0: Course introduction 5:49
Lecture 1: Welcome 50:05
Lecture 2: Gilgamesh 49:35
Lecture 3: Gilgamesh II 1:00:36
Lecture 4: Gilgamesh III 1:10:57
Lecture 5: Gilgamesh IV + Homer, Odyssey 1:05:48
Lecture 6: Homer, Odyssey II 59:06
Lecture 7: Homer, Odyssey III 58:36
Lecture 8: Aristophanes, Frogs 1:09:52
Lecture 9: Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche 1:07:07
Lecture 10: Review for Test One 58:19
Lecture 11: Sophocles, Antigone 46:56
Lecture 12: Sophocles, Antigone II 1:00:42
Lecture 13: Sophocles, Antigone III 23:18
Lecture 14: Vergil, Aeneid 48:14
Lecture 15: Vergil, Aeneid II 43:29
Lecture 16: Aeneid vs. Odyssey 38:07
Lecture 17: Dante, Inferno 43:37
Lecture 18: Dante, Inferno II 43:34
Lecture 19: Gogol, The Nose 48:25
Lecture 20: Gogol, The Nose II 50:24
Lecture 21: Gogol, The Nose III 49:03
Lecture 22: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions 48:19
Lecture 23: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions II 32:13
Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts--Robert Bradley / Missouri State U
# automatic playing for the 30 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: Missouri State University Last updated on May 21, 2015
THE 101: Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts
Theatre 101 aims to answer several questions, the most important of which is, "what is the nature of the theatre experience?" Why do people do theatre? What do they hope to accomplish? What is the relationship between the performers and the audience? How has the relationship between theatre and society developed throughout history from the early theatres of democratic Athens to the contemporary mega-musical? The course looks at drama and theatre arts as art, literature, business, and entertainment, and it examines the creative processes of theatre -- writing, design, directing, and acting -- which move from idea to script to performance. Because theatre, by its very nature, is interactive and interdisciplinary, this course encourages students to develop their own imaginations and to be open-minded in their responses to the theatre experience. It encourages considered, critical evaluation of difficult or challenging material and asks students to develop their capacity for interpretation, evaluation, and cultural understanding.
Lecture 1 - Introduction 55:35
Lecture 2 - Interview with Dr. Michael Maudin 56:38
Lecture 3 - The Audience 58:02
Lecture 4 - Theatre, Film, Television and Public Affairs 48:26
Lecture 5 - Musical Theatre 58:51
Lecture 6 - Development of the American Musical 58:27
Lecture 7 - Golden Age of the American Musical 56:01
Lecture 8 - Interview with Michael Brill 53:02
Lecture 9 - The Play 57:19
Lecture 10 - Structure of a Play 1:00:04
Lecture 11 - Interview with Sandra Fenichel Asher 54:08
Lecture 12 - Interview with Paula Caplan 54:54
Lecture 13 - Interview with Sherri Kramer 53:57
Lecture 14 - Interview with Dr. Tita Baumlin 55:46
Lecture 15 - Theatre Organization 58:30
Lecture 16 - The Director 59:08
Lecture 17 - Interview with Dr. Michael Mauldin 56:15
Lecture 18 - Interview with Roy Hamlin 53:52
Lecture 19 - Interview with Jack Laufer 57:22
Lecture 20 - Interview with Tess Harper 56:56
Lecture 21 - Interview with Milton Blankenship 59:06
Lecture 22 - Interview with Student Actors 45:59
Lecture 23 - The Visual Designers 58:58
Lecture 24 - Interview with Louis Schaeffer 49:30
Lecture 25 - Theatre Architecture and Performance Spaces 49:08
Lecture 26 - The Producer 36:37
Lecture 27 - Interview with Dr. Blackwood & Mark Templeton 50:22
Lecture 28 - Interview with Enoch Morris 48:51
Lecture 29 - Interview with Beth Domann 51:57
Lecture 30 - Summing Up 55:05
source: Missouri State University Last updated on May 21, 2015
THE 101: Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts
Theatre 101 aims to answer several questions, the most important of which is, "what is the nature of the theatre experience?" Why do people do theatre? What do they hope to accomplish? What is the relationship between the performers and the audience? How has the relationship between theatre and society developed throughout history from the early theatres of democratic Athens to the contemporary mega-musical? The course looks at drama and theatre arts as art, literature, business, and entertainment, and it examines the creative processes of theatre -- writing, design, directing, and acting -- which move from idea to script to performance. Because theatre, by its very nature, is interactive and interdisciplinary, this course encourages students to develop their own imaginations and to be open-minded in their responses to the theatre experience. It encourages considered, critical evaluation of difficult or challenging material and asks students to develop their capacity for interpretation, evaluation, and cultural understanding.
Lecture 1 - Introduction 55:35
Lecture 2 - Interview with Dr. Michael Maudin 56:38
Lecture 3 - The Audience 58:02
Lecture 4 - Theatre, Film, Television and Public Affairs 48:26
Lecture 5 - Musical Theatre 58:51
Lecture 6 - Development of the American Musical 58:27
Lecture 7 - Golden Age of the American Musical 56:01
Lecture 8 - Interview with Michael Brill 53:02
Lecture 9 - The Play 57:19
Lecture 10 - Structure of a Play 1:00:04
Lecture 11 - Interview with Sandra Fenichel Asher 54:08
Lecture 12 - Interview with Paula Caplan 54:54
Lecture 13 - Interview with Sherri Kramer 53:57
Lecture 14 - Interview with Dr. Tita Baumlin 55:46
Lecture 15 - Theatre Organization 58:30
Lecture 16 - The Director 59:08
Lecture 17 - Interview with Dr. Michael Mauldin 56:15
Lecture 18 - Interview with Roy Hamlin 53:52
Lecture 19 - Interview with Jack Laufer 57:22
Lecture 20 - Interview with Tess Harper 56:56
Lecture 21 - Interview with Milton Blankenship 59:06
Lecture 22 - Interview with Student Actors 45:59
Lecture 23 - The Visual Designers 58:58
Lecture 24 - Interview with Louis Schaeffer 49:30
Lecture 25 - Theatre Architecture and Performance Spaces 49:08
Lecture 26 - The Producer 36:37
Lecture 27 - Interview with Dr. Blackwood & Mark Templeton 50:22
Lecture 28 - Interview with Enoch Morris 48:51
Lecture 29 - Interview with Beth Domann 51:57
Lecture 30 - Summing Up 55:05
Geoffrey Bennington. Kant, Derrida, and the Death Penalty. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2012年9月15日
http://www.egs.edu/ Geoffrey Bennington, contemporary philosopher and translator, discusses Jacques Derrida, Richard Rorty, deconstruction, Immanuel Kant, philosophy, rigor, the death penalty seminars, critique, Kant's The Doctrine of Right and Metaphysics of Morals, justice, revolution, law, necessity, reason, differance, and capital punishment. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland. 2012 Geoffrey Bennington.
Anne Dufourmantelle. The Philosophy of Hospitality. 2011
source: European Graduate School 2011年11月22日
http://www.egs.edu Anne Dufourmantelle, philosopher, psychoanalyst and author, talking about the philosophy of hospitality. In this lecture, Anne Dufourmantelle discusses psychoanalysis, the figure of the master, the subject, the foreigner, death, Antigone, Ulysses and Oedipus in relationship to Jacques Derrida, Immanuel Levinas, Immanuel Kant, Socrates, Jacques Lacan and Sophocles focusing on parricide, the Other, hubris, violence, hostility, haunting and truth. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2011. Anne Dufourmantelle.
How do we smell? - Rose Eveleth
source: TED-Ed 2013年12月19日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-do-we-s...
An adult human can distinguish up to 10,000 odors. You use your nose to figure out what to eat, what to buy and even when it's time to take a shower. But how do the molecules in the air get translated into smells in your brain? Rose Eveleth charts the smelly journey through your olfactory epithelium and explains why scent can be so subjective.
Lesson by Rose Eveleth, animation by Igor Coric.
(2013上-學院) 稅務(租稅)法規與實務--黃士洲 / 空中進修學院 (1-17)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年6月23日
更多稅務(租稅)法規與實務請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=638
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年6月23日
更多稅務(租稅)法規與實務請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=638
(2014上-學院) 稅務(租稅)法規與實務--黃士洲 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2014年9月1日
第1講 更多稅務(租稅)法規與實務(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=1001
source: 華視教學頻道 2014年9月1日
第1講 更多稅務(租稅)法規與實務(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=1001
(2014上-學院) 健康管理--楊慕慈 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2014年9月1日
第1講 更多健康管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=1003
source: 華視教學頻道 2014年9月1日
第1講 更多健康管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=1003
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