
videos (2013) from Gresham College

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source: GreshamCollege       2014年1月16日

Raymond Flood - Shaping Modern Mathematics: The 19th Century

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source: GreshamCollege           2012年10月1日
The 19th Century saw the development of a mathematics profession with people earning their living from teaching, examining and researching and with the mathematical centre of gravity moving from France to Germany. A lot of the mathematics taught at university today was initiated at that time. Whereas in the 18th Century one would use the term mathematician, by the end of the 19th Century one had specialists in analysis, algebra, geometry, number theory, probability and statistics, and applied mathematics. This series of free public lectures looks at the shaping of each of these mathematical areas and at the people who were involved.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
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1. 56:31 Ghosts of Departed Quantities: Calculus and its Limits
In 1734 Bishop Berkeley published a witty and effective attack on the foundations of the calculus as developed by Newton and Leibniz.  But it took nearly 90 years for the calculus to be given a rigorous foundation through the work of the prolific mathematician, Augustin-Louis Cauchy, who formalised the concept of a limit and created the specialism now called analysis.
2. 54:14 Polynomials and their Roots
We are familiar with the formula for solving a quadratic equation where the highest power of the unknown is a square.  The quest for a similar formula for equations where the highest power is three, four five or more led to dramatic changes in how this question was regarded. Powerful techniques in algebra were developed following work by Abel and Galois in the 19th century to show that there is no such formula when there are powers higher than four.
3. 1:02:49 From One to Many Geometries
For 100 years up to the end of the 19th century the study of geometry was completely changed with the development of non-Euclidean geometries and the use of techniques to think of geometries in higher dimensions - a development essential to Einstein in his development of the theory of General Relativity.
4. 1:00:20 The Queen of Mathematics
Carl Friedrich Gauss one of the greatest mathematicians, is said to have claimed: "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." The properties of primes play a crucial part in number theory.  An intriguing question is how they are distributed among the other integers.  The 19th century saw progress in answering this question with the proof of the Prime Number Theorem although it also saw Bernhard Riemann posing what many think to be the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics - the Rieman Hypothesis.
5. 59:44 Are Averages Typical?
 Not necessarily, for example the average person has fewer than two legs!  This is because some people have fewer than two legs but nobody has more than two, so dividing the total number of legs by the total number of people to get the average gives a number less than two.  Average does not mean typical!  The lecture will examine how the work in the 19th century of such mathematicians as Florence Nightingale, Adolphe Queteller and Karl Pearson on describing and quantifying variation and uncertainty laid the foundations for the theory of statistics as a mathematical discipline.
6. 57:03 Modelling the World
An area of which 19th century British mathematics could be uniformly proud was applied mathematics where new techniques were used on a wide range of problems.  Figures such as William Thompson (later Lord Kelvin), Peter Guthrie Tait, George Stokes and James Clerk Maxwell succeeded in applying mathematics to understanding the physical world.  They worked on many topics including mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, hydrodynamics and the theory of gases.  This lecture will introduce and discuss some of their influential achievements.

Raymond Flood (2013/14) - Applying Modern Mathematics

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source: GreshamCollege         2014年5月1日
Professor Raymond Flood is Gresham's Geometry Professor and a Maths Professor at Kellogg College, Oxford. In his series of lectures, Professor Flood describes and explains fundamental elements of mathematics. Taking the audience from basic principles to the highest level applications, these lectures are perfect for even the most mathematically challenged, and contain enough information and insight to excite a Fields medallist.
As well as covering topics like fractals, symmetries and topology, Professor Flood includes biographical, historical and social information in the subjects, working to create to most complete picture of modern mathematics available.website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege

1. 58:54 Butterflies, Chaos and Fractals
2. 1:05:04 Public Key Cryptography: Secrecy in Public
3. 1:00:54 Symmetries & Groups
4. 57:34 Surfaces and Topology
5. 52:50 Probability and Its Limits
6. 54:39 Modelling the Spread of Infectious Diseases

Gresham College Shorts in 2016

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source: GreshamCollege

Gwen Adshead - The Right Stuff: Ethics and Moral Psychology

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source: GreshamCollege       2017年2月10日
Linking the psychology of moral reasoning with the classic topics of medical ethics (consent, capacity, confidentiality, resource allocation). Boundary violations, poor performance by doctors, and those situations where doctors have dual responsibilities to the state or public as well as to patients will also be discussed.
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-an...

54:49 The Right Stuff: How Do We Make Moral Choices?
In this lecture, I will present and review developments in moral psychology over the last two decades.
Specifically, I will explore the neuroscience of moral decision-making, and the implications of this research for ethical issues such as moral responsibility. I will particularly focus on the capacity to make unwise decisions that are unpopular with others; and the question of whether values can be taken out of the research into moral choice-making. I will conclude by asking further questions about the implications of this work for training in medical ethics.
52:02 The Right Stuff: Information, Privacy and the Ethics of Disclosure
Personal information is understood as the property of individuals, especially in the domain of health care and no information can be disclosed without permission of its 'owner'. This way of thinking about information raises questions about the ethics of information sharing, and our identity as social animals who are connected by discussion and conversation. Dilemmas about information sharing will be discussed in relation to (a) research and (b) the management of risk in health care.
43:16 The Right Stuff: How Do We Make 'Good' Doctors?
In this talk, the concept of the 'good' doctor will be explored and how we can ensure that our doctors are 'good'. This question is crucial at time when morale in the health services appears low and inquiries reveal poor practice by some health care professionals. I will discuss the implications of these developments for the teaching of medical ethics, at both senior and junior levels. The idea of 'virtue' in medical practice will be considered, and how this may be linked to professional identity and responsibility.

(русский / in Russian) Философия и современное международное право / Philosophy and modern international law

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source: Лекториум         2014年1月15日
Избранные доклады конференции, прошедшей в Санкт-Петербурге 13-14 мая 2013 года. Программа конференции и тезисы доступны по ссылке.
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями:

34:46 Русская философия права и диалог культур | Философия и современное международное право
Русская философия права и диалог культур | Курс: Философия и современное международное право | Лектор: Игорь Осипов | Организатор: СПбГУ Философский факультет
29:36 Верховенство права, глобализация и проблемы модернизации философии и теории права
24:17 On rights | Философия и современное международное право | Ricardo Guibourg | ИФ СПбГУ
30:34 The irrelevance of morality in international law | Horacio Spector | ИФ СПбГУ 
25:39 The concept of legal order | Философия и современное международное право | Hugo Zuleta
30:56 A constructivist conception of legal norms | Философия и современное международное право
29:34 Legal dymanics | Евгений Булыгин

(русский / in Russian) Принципы датирования памятников эпохи бронзы, железного века и средневековья / Principles of dating the monuments of the Bronze Age, the Iron Age and the Middle Ages

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум         2013年12月24日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями:

9:36 Приветственное слово | Michael Meyer, Евгений Носов, Wolfram Schier
Лекция: Приветственное слово | Конференция: Принципы датирования памятников эпохи бронзы, железного века и средневековья | Лектор: Michael Meyer, Евгений Носов, Wolfram Schier | Организатор: СПбГУ Исторический факультет
45:44 Concepts of Time in Succession: Changing Social Psychology as Reflected in Archaeology
45:15 Timescale and Chronological Concepts in Prehistoric Archaeology | Wolfram Schier

(русский / in Russian) К 400-летию династии Романовых. Монархии и династии в истории России и Европы / To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. Monarchies and dynasties in the history of Russia and Europe

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source: Лекториум       2013年12月24日
Международная научная конференция К 400-летию дома Романовых "Монархии и династии в истории России и Европы"
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями:

16:18 Легитимация царской власти в эллинистическом мире | Олег Юрьевич Климов | СПбГУ 
Легитимация царской власти в эллинистическом мире | Курс: К 400-летию династии Романовых. Монархии и династии в истории России и Европы | Лектор: Олег Юрьевич Климов | Организаторы: Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет (СПбГУ)
13:50 Пердикка II – ловкий монарх в тени Олимпа 
16:47 Македонская монархия и греческие полисы Малой Азии (336–323 гг. до н.э.) | ИФ СПбГУ
15:35 Монархия, империум, юрисдикция... | Анастасия Паламарчук
15:59 Правители, народы и начало Итальянских войн по Макиавелли и Гвиччардини | ИФ СПбГУ

(русский / in Russian) Путь Востока: Культура. Религия. Политика / The Way of the East: Culture. Religion. Policy

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум      2013年12月27日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями:

36:29 Великий город Шан (XIV-XI в до н.э.): данные археологии | М.Е. Кузнецова-Фетисова
Великий город Шан (XIV-XI в до н.э.): данные археологии | Курс: Путь Востока: Культура. Религия. Политика | Лектор: М.Е. Кузнецова-Фетисова | Организатор: СПбГУ Философский факультет
29:15 Когорта Двенадцати совершенномудрых и её формирование | А.Э. Терехов | ИФ СПбГУ
38:49 Чжун-куй – императорское божество? | Путь Востока: Культура. Религия. Политика
35:01 О разночтениях в китайских рукописях махаянской Махапаринирвана-сутры из Дуньхуана
21:47 Отражение социально-культурной вестернизации в современном китайском языке | ИФ СПбГУ
29:42 Денежные знаки Китайской Республики, как декларативное средство гос. власти (1946-2000)
23:31 Трехречье – пространство поликультурных взаимодействий российско-китайского трансграничья
9:58 Китайско-африканский альянс как новая форма диалога в контексте БРИКС | Д.В. Сухарев 
39:14 Религиоведческие аспекты свадебной обрядности в современной Японии | А.Б. Лисовик

(русский / in Russian) Триста лет печати Санкт-Петербурга / Three hundred years of printing of St. Petersburg

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум      2014年1月27日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
Следите за новостями:

25:08 Своеобразие становления петербургской прессы в контексте европейской традиции 
Своеобразие становления петербургской прессы в контексте европейской традиции | Курс: Триста лет печати Санкт-Петербурга | Лектор: Людмила Громова | Организатор: Лекторий Петропавловской Крепости
27:56 «Книга Марсова» — недооцененный шедевр первой типографии Петербурга | Геннадий Жирков
13:53 Франсуа-Жан Бодуан (1759–1835) – издатель революционной Ассамблеи, Законодательного Собрания...
11:51 Периодическая печать французских эмигрантов 1790-х гг. (Санкт-Петербург – Гамбург)
16:04 «Неравный брак»: взаимоотношения столичной и провинциальной печати в XIX в.
12:24 Отражение эстетических представлений в периодической печати второй половины XIX – начала XX в.
14:51 Газета «Петербургский листок» в духовно-нравственной жизни столицы
11:16 Из истории немецкоязычной музыкальной журналистики Санкт-Петербурга конца ХIХ в.
15:30 Журнал «Восход» и его редактор-издатель А. Е. Ландау | Виктор Кельнер 
10 22:53 Вклад Вейнера П.П. в становление Музея Старого Петербурга | Елена Минкина
11 19:51 Военная иллюстрация в газете «Новое время» | Вероника Смородина 
12 33:22 Петербургский историко-литературный журнал второй половины XIX – начала XX в.