
高等微積分(二)--高淑蓉 / 清大

播放清單: 請點按影片右上角之清單標誌

source: NTHUOCW       2018年4月19日

光電工程導論--黃承彬 / 清大

播放清單: 請點按影片右上角之清單標誌

source: NTHUOCW           2018年5月13日
國立清華大學開放式課程 http://ocw.nthu.edu.tw

(in English) From Disease to Genes and Back

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум        2017年9月25日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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1:59 Course Overview | Marianna Bevova
13:56 Lecture 1.1 | Anatomy of the human genome | Michel Georges
12:17 Lecture 1.2 | Identifying important elements in the human genome | Michel Georges 
11:04 Lecture 1.3 | Genetic polymorphism | Michel Georges 
10:33 Lecture 1.4 | Interrogating genetic variation | Michel Georges
2:04 Week 1 Conclusion | Marianna Bevova 
6:11 Lecture 2.1 | Introduction to genetics of populations | Yurii Aulchenko
8:28 Lecture 2.2 | Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium | Yurii Aulchenko
8:53 Lecture 2.3 | Linkage disequilibrium | Yurii Aulchenko
10 11:33 Lecture 2.4 | Natural selection | Yurii Aulchenko
11 9:26 Lecture 2.5 | Genetic drift | Yurii Aulchenko 
12 2:07 Lecture 2.7 | Week 2: Conclusion | Marianna Bevova
13 12:02 Lecture 2.6 | Genetic structure | Yurii Aulchenko
14 7:43 Lecture 3.1 | Introduction to monogenic disorders | Marianna Bevova
15 11:41 Lecture 3.2 | Linkage analysis. Family studies | Marianna Bevova
16 7:54 Lecture 3.3 | NGS to study Monogenic disorders. Part I | Marianna Bevova
17 10:05 Lecture 3.4 | NGS to study Monogenic disorders. Part II | Marianna Bevova 
18 11:23 Lecture 3.5 | Interrogating genetic variation | Marianna Bevova
19 1:59 Week 3: Conclusion | Marianna Bevova 
20 6:24 Lecture 4.1 | From linkage to association gene-mapping | Yurii Aulchenko
21 12:10 Lecture 4.2 | Genome-wide association studies. Historical overview | Yurii Aulchenko
22 10:11 Lecture 4.3 | GWAS nowadays. Imputations | Yurii Aulchenko
23 10:37 Lecture 4.5 | Population stratification, genomic control | Yurii Aulchenko
24 10:10 Lecture 4.6 | Analysis of genetically structured populations | Yurii Aulchenko
25 8:05 Lecture 4.9 | Meta-analysis of GWAS results: Practical details | Lennart Karssen
26 2:35 Week 4: Conclusion | Marianna Bevova
27 11:00 Lecture 5.1 | Cystic Fibrosis — a story of human genetics | Gert Matthijs 
28 12:08 Lecture 5.2 | The challenges of BRCA1/BRCA2 testing | Gert Matthijs
29 10:39 Lecture 5.3 | Mendelian tricks: trinucleotide repeat expansions | Gert Matthijs 
30 11:05 Lecture 5.4 | Glycans and disease. The MODY3 story | Yurii Aulchenko
31 9:02 Lecture 5.6 | Multifactorial disorders in clinical practice | Gert Matthijs
32 2:13 Week 5 Conclusion | Marianna Bevova 
33 18:58 Lecture 5.5 | Causative genes. Genomic data | Michel Georges
34 28:28 Lecture 6 | Future direction and perspectives | Georges, Matthijs, Aulchenko

(русский / in Russian) Алгоритмы для задачи коммивояжёра | Александр Куликов (Algorithms for the problem of the traveling salesman | Alexandre Kulikov)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум        2017年12月6日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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(русский / in Russian) Машинное обучение и рекомендательные системы | Евгений Соколов (Machine learning and advisory systems | Evgeny Sokolov)

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум     2017年10月30日
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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(русский / in Russian) Кампус | Бумага Медиа

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source: Лекториум            2017年6月6日
«Кампус» — это просветительский фестиваль от команды «Бумаги». Учиться можно не только в университетских аудиториях. Любая городская площадка — бар, театр, кино — это место, где вы узнаете новое и знакомитесь с интересными людьми. 27 мая на Новой сцене Александринского театра прошла серия лекций, которые объединены одной темой — «События». Каждую неделю в мире происходят новые открытия и научные прорывы. Многие из них претендуют на кардинальное изменение нашей жизни. Но какие из недавних событий уже оказывают влияние на нашу жизнь? Влияние каких открытий, людей и событий мы уже ощущаем на себе или почувствуем в следующие 3-5 лет? http://campus.paperpaper.ru/

1:01:41 Можно ли определить террориста по его цифровому следу | Артур Хачуян
Можно ли определить террориста по его цифровому следу | Фестиваль: Кампус | Лектор: Артур Хачуян | Организатор: Бумага Медиа Артур Хачуян — основатель Fubutech Technologies и SocialDataHub 27 мая 2017 года Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture/30527 Другие ролики фестиваля «Кампус» доступны для просмотра по ссылке: https://www.lektorium.tv/course/30531 «Кампус» — это просветительский фестиваль от команды «Бумаги». Учиться можно не только в университетских аудиториях. Любая городская площадка — бар, театр, кино — это место, где вы узнаете новое и знакомитесь с интересными людьми. http://campus.paperpaper.ru/ Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA Следите за новостями: https://vk.com/openlektorium https://www.facebook.com/openlektorium
46:45 Одежда как технология | Наталья Никифорова 
1:06:09 Как не попасть в информационный пузырь | Алексей Ковалев
1:05:27 Чему нас научил вирус Wanna Cry | Павел Кузьмич 
1:04:32 Есть ли в Петербурге эпидемия ВИЧ | Марина Ветрова
1:04:07 Как работает лоббизм в России | Сергей Сушинский 
45:43 Может ли Петербург перейти на «чистую» энергию | Ирина Миронова
1:05:51 Наука в действии. Часть 1 | А. Магун, Ю. Вымятнина, А. Миллер, А. Марей 
1:06:10 Наука в действии. Часть 2 | И. Курилла, В. Волков, К. Федорова, Ж. Чернова
10 33:29 Наука в действии. Часть 3 | Г. Юдин, М. Велижев, А. Вовин 
11 1:00:13 Насколько эффективно устроена борьба с наркотиками в России | Алексей Кнорре
12 57:15 Как генная терапия изменит медицину | Марина Попова 
13 56:52 Как быть критическим оптимистом во времена плохих новостей | Денис Ривин
14 57:23 Как веселились в Петрограде в 1920-е годы | Ольга Хорошилова
15 1:03:05 Что такое «театр безопасности» | Кирилл Титаев

(русский / in Russian) BiotechClub 2017

# playlist (click the video's upper-left icon)

source: Лекториум       2017年11月22日
Биотехнологии 2030: эволюция или революция | Конференция: BiotechClub 2017 | Лекторы: Михаил Масчан, Алексей Марченко, Олег Глотов, Денис Решетов, Александр Павлов, Денис Курек | Организатор: Biocad
Смотрите это видео на Лекториуме: https://www.lektorium.tv/lecture/31684
Другие ролики конференции «BiotechClub 2017» доступны для просмотра по ссылке: https://www.lektorium.tv/conference/3...
Подписывайтесь на канал: https://www.lektorium.tv/ZJA
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Series - Fulbright Lectures

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source: GreshamCollege        2015年3月12日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege

 Elizabeth's Ghost: The Afterlife of the Queen in the Stuart Era - Professor Carole Levin
How was the great Queen of England perceived by her Stuart descendants: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
During the reigns of the Stuart monarchs, the image of Elizabeth was used not only to comment on current affairs, but also as a powerful example of what women could accomplish. A range of sources will be examined to further understand the impact that Elizabeth had in the century after her death in terms of politics and religion - and the perceptions about powerful women.
Part of the 'American Perspectives' Fulbright Series
  North America's Largest Act of Slave Resistance? - Dr Nathan Millett 
The stunning history of a free, democratic community of black people in the age of American Slavery: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
This lecture will reveal and analyse the history of the so-called "Negro Fort;" North America's largest ever maroon community (a settlement of fugitive slaves and their descendants). The Negro Fort emerged at Prospect Bluff, Spanish Florida during the War of 1812 when a British Royal Marine named Edward Nicolls recruited hundreds of slaves from across the Southeast to join the British war effort. Nicolls was a radical anti-slavery advocate who carefully instilled his ideology in the minds of the former slaves before granting them the status of British subjects with full and equal rights to any white British man. At the end of the war, the British left the radicalized former slaves heavily armed and in charge of the fort at Prospect Bluff. During the next 18 months, the former slaves created a flourishing community that was driven by a strong sense of British identity. White Americans, the Spanish, and many Native Americans were deeply concerned by the existence of the maroon community and felt that it might act as a spur to slave resistance across the South. Accordingly, a large detachment of American soldiers and Indian warriors destroyed the fort in July 1816. However, the vast majority of the maroons were able to flee Prospect Bluff before the American assault and would become the key anti-American combatants in the First Seminole War. The lecture will suggest that the actions of the maroons both deserve to be understood as central to the history of North America and provide an invaluable opportunity to understand the lives of slaves during the Age of Revolution.
Part of the 'American Perspectives' Fulbright Series.
47:38 Cultural Misfits: Gender in Early Twentieth-century Literature - Professor Georgia Johnston 
Gender and literature in the early 20th century, from W.B. Yeats' 'Crazy Jane' to Gertrude Stein's 'Patriarchal Poetry', covering T. S. Eliot, Stevie Smith, H.D. and others along the way: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Early 20th-century literature and social sciences contested with one another over gender formations. While social sciences created taxonomies of normalised and medicalised difference, modernist literature simultaneously validated the autonomous particular that defies categorization. Characters as gender misfits countered an imposed social science model, instead emphasising individuality. Close readings from the poetry of T.S. Eliot, Wilfred Owen, W.D. Yeats and Stevie Smith document this literary struggle with the contemporaneous social sciences.
Part of the 'American Perspectives' Fulbright Series.
47:24 Fracking: The Regulation of Shale Gas Extraction - Professor Terence Centner
North America's production of domestic energy from its shale gas sources has been controversial. The release of contaminants into water and air are regulated, but more action seems needed against issues related to shale gas production. Is enough being done to address risks accompanying shale gas extraction activities for the protection of the public and the environment?
Part of the 'American Perspectives' Fulbright series

Series - Boyle Lectures, 2012-2017

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source: GreshamCollege        2012年2月8日
An annual lecture held at St Mary Le Bow Church on Cheapside.
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lectures are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...

1:00:51 Christ and Evolution: A Drama of Wisdom - Professor Celia Deane-Drummond
Perhaps the distinguishing characteristic of Christianity compared with other religious traditions is belief in God incarnate in Christ, the Word made flesh. But what might this mean in the context of modern evolutionary understanding of the human as ultimately emergent from simplest life forms? One way to solve this problem might be to suggest that Christ expressed the divine through his perfect actions in history. This avoids, however, the deeper challenge and meaning of the incarnation as traditionally expressed. Another way to solve the problem is to ignore the challenge of science altogether, and posit that the way we think about Christ is merely connected with different cultural forms. However, this ignores the central place of science in Western culture, keenly felt by the founder of this lecture series, Robert Boyle. I recognise elements of truth in the importance of how Christ acts in history as expressive of his divinity, and the close connection of Christology with culture. But I also suggest that it is possible to retain a more traditional, deeper understanding of Christ incarnate in a way that is compatible with evolutionary understanding by using the category of drama. Drama is, in effect, a different gloss on how to understand historical theology, the action of God in history. It is similar to narrative, except that drama puts more emphasis on contingency. This is crucial, in my view, as it allows evolutionary accounts that put most emphasis on contingent events to be woven into the theological account, but without loss of autonomy within the biological sphere. I will also suggest that the drama we see in Christ is a drama of Wisdom, where Wisdom is understood as a theological category expressing God's being and action. Wisdom also expresses the profound nature of the world as created in and through Wisdom. Christ as human and divine expresses, therefore, a drama of Wisdom incarnate.
1:07:34 The Boyle Lectures: Science and Religion in Dialogue - The Revd Dr John Polkinghorne
1:18:54 New Atheism, New Apologietics - Professor Alistair McGrath
1:06:17 Natural Theology Reconsidered (Again) - Dr Russell Re Manning
1:26:13 The Mathematics of Evolutionary Biology - Professor Sarah Coakley
57:50 The Boyle Lecture 2017

Full Gresham Lectures in 2016/17

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source: GreshamCollege          2016年11月1日
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and...
Website: http://www.gresham.ac.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GreshamCollege
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greshamcollege
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/greshamcollege