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How to master your sense of smell - Alexandra Horowitz
source: TED-Ed 2017年1月9日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-mast...
Some perfumers can distinguish individual odors in a fragrance made of hundreds of scents; tea-experts have been known to sniff out the exact location of a particular tea; and the NYC Transit Authority once had a employee responsible only for sniffing out gas leaks. But can anyone learn to smell with the sensitivity of those experts? Alexandra Horowitz shares three simple steps to a better nose.
Lesson by Alexandra Horowitz, animation by Black Powder Design.
The Hegelian Turn (Contemporary Sociology Theory at METU) by Erdoğan Yıldırım
Course: Contemporary Sociology Theory - WEEK 3
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Erdoğan Yıldırım
Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.php?id=249
48:47 The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 4
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Erdoğan Yıldırım
Lecture Notes: http://ocw.metu.edu.tr/course/view.php?id=249

UN Assistant-Secretary-General Ivan Simonovic on the Universality and Diversity of Human Rights
source: Yale University 2016年12月1日
A “Global Governance” Series Talk on the Universality and Diversity of Human Rights with Assistant-Secretary-General Ivan Simonovic, Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Responsibility to Protect. Hosted by Yuriy Sergeyev, former Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, and Senior Fellow, European Union Studies Program.
Sponsored by the European Studies Council and the MacMillan Center at Yale University.
Wendy Jacob | Calm. Smoke Rises Vertically. | Opening Discussion || Radc...
source: Harvard University 2016年12月7日
Opening discussion for Calm. Smoke Rises Vertically, an exhibition by the artist Wendy Jacob. https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/eve...
Working with vibrating walls, a live-streaming weather report, and architectural models from schools for the blind, the exhibition explores sensory experience through different modes of perception.
Hansel Bauman, University Architect, Executive Director of Campus Design and Construction, and Director of the DeafSpace Project, Gallaudet University
Kim Charlson, Executive Director of Perkins Library, Perkins School for the Blind
Wendy Jacob RI ‘05, Independent Artist
Yukio Lippit, Johnson-Kulukundis Family Director of the Arts at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and Professor of History of Art and Architecture in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
From the Frame to the Sphere: Storytelling in Virtual Reality
source: Stanford 2016年12月5日
From the October 24th mediaX Sensing and Tracking for 3D Narratives Conference, Julia Sourikoff, Head of the Virtual Reality & 360 Division at Tool of North America examines how virtual reality is driving a renaissance in creativity with profound implications on the nature of storytelling. Control is shifting from author to audience and forcing creators to develop a new language for immersive media.
Caltech and the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute Launch Major Neuroscience Initiative
source: caltech 2016年12月6日
More info: http://www.caltech.edu/news/caltech-a...
Caltech leadership and faculty join philanthropist Chrissy Luo to discuss how a neuroscience initiative and associated institute will create a unique environment and opportunities for interdisciplinary research that deepens our understanding of the brain.
Credit: Caltech
Landscape Architecture: Urban Water Issues (Fall 2010, UC Davis) by Loren Oki
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月26日
In UC Davis course LDA190, Loren Oki, associate specialist in Cooperative Extension, in the Department of Plant Sciences hosts the fall 2010 Landscape Architecture brownbag seminar on sustainable development. A number of speakers will address challenges and solutions to urban water issues.
Introduction to Urban Water Uses: Lecture 01--Loren Oki, an associate specialist in Cooperative Extension with a concurrent appointment in Landscape Architecture, gives the introduction to the fall brown-bag class. He talks about upcoming speakers, class expectations and goes over general issues in urban water use in the region. 47:28
Slowing the Flow 45:42
Impacts of Development on Fish Habitat 49:13
Future Growth and Land Use Change 50:19
A Contractor's Perspective on Sustainable Landscape Renovation 51:18
Landscapes for a New California 46:21
Designing Residential Landscapes 48:14
Urban Runoff 47:04
Sustainable Water Practice 43:25
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年10月26日
In UC Davis course LDA190, Loren Oki, associate specialist in Cooperative Extension, in the Department of Plant Sciences hosts the fall 2010 Landscape Architecture brownbag seminar on sustainable development. A number of speakers will address challenges and solutions to urban water issues.
Introduction to Urban Water Uses: Lecture 01--Loren Oki, an associate specialist in Cooperative Extension with a concurrent appointment in Landscape Architecture, gives the introduction to the fall brown-bag class. He talks about upcoming speakers, class expectations and goes over general issues in urban water use in the region. 47:28
Slowing the Flow 45:42
Impacts of Development on Fish Habitat 49:13
Future Growth and Land Use Change 50:19
A Contractor's Perspective on Sustainable Landscape Renovation 51:18
Landscapes for a New California 46:21
Designing Residential Landscapes 48:14
Urban Runoff 47:04
Sustainable Water Practice 43:25
Introduction to IPhone Application Development (Fall 2009) by Ken Joy at UC Davis
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年12月19日
ECS189H: Introduction to IPhone Application Development, Fall 2009
This course focuses on software and creative aspects of IPhone application development. Topics include: Development tools (Xcode, Interface Builder, Instruments, Shark), Objective-C (various language features, memory management, mixing with C++), Model-View-Controller and other design patterns, views (buttons, labels, text fields, sliders, etc.), view controllers (NavigationController, TabBarController);, table views, custom views, text and keyboard interaction, event handling and Multi-Touch, data persistence (Core Data, property lists, object serialization), event handling and multitouch, graphics (Quartz, Core Animation, OpenGL ES), 2D game programming, audio, device sensors (accelerometer, GPS, proximity).
2009-09-25 Lecture 01: Course introduction, Why we're here, whirlwind tour of iPhone development, Objective C 1:12:23
2009-10-05 1:02:41
2009-10-09 1:18:43
2009-10-12 1:00:30
2009-10-16 1:16:31
2009-10-19 1:04:14
2009-10-23 1:16:01
2009-10-26 1:16:59
2009-10-30 1:18:15
2009-11-02 1:17:14
2009-11-06 1:12:37
2009-11-09 33:10
2009-11-13 1:52
2009-11-16 57:42
2009-11-20 46:09
2009-11-24 56:11
2009-12-04 1:49:36
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年12月19日
ECS189H: Introduction to IPhone Application Development, Fall 2009
This course focuses on software and creative aspects of IPhone application development. Topics include: Development tools (Xcode, Interface Builder, Instruments, Shark), Objective-C (various language features, memory management, mixing with C++), Model-View-Controller and other design patterns, views (buttons, labels, text fields, sliders, etc.), view controllers (NavigationController, TabBarController);, table views, custom views, text and keyboard interaction, event handling and Multi-Touch, data persistence (Core Data, property lists, object serialization), event handling and multitouch, graphics (Quartz, Core Animation, OpenGL ES), 2D game programming, audio, device sensors (accelerometer, GPS, proximity).
2009-09-25 Lecture 01: Course introduction, Why we're here, whirlwind tour of iPhone development, Objective C 1:12:23
2009-10-05 1:02:41
2009-10-09 1:18:43
2009-10-12 1:00:30
2009-10-16 1:16:31
2009-10-19 1:04:14
2009-10-23 1:16:01
2009-10-26 1:16:59
2009-10-30 1:18:15
2009-11-02 1:17:14
2009-11-06 1:12:37
2009-11-09 33:10
2009-11-13 1:52
2009-11-16 57:42
2009-11-20 46:09
2009-11-24 56:11
2009-12-04 1:49:36
Computer Graphics (Fall 2009) by Ken Joy at UC Davis
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年12月19日
Computer Graphics (ECS175) teaches the basic principles of 3-dimensional computer graphics. The focus will be the elementary mathematics techniques for positioning objects in three dimensional space, the geometric optics necessary to determine how light bounces off surfaces, and the ways to utilize a computer system and methods to implement the algorithms and techniques necessary to produce basic 3-dimensional illustrations. Detailed topics will include the following: transformational geometry, positioning of virtual cameras and light sources, hierarchical modeling of complex objects, rendering of complex models, shading algorithms, and methods for rendering and shading curved objects.
Introduction to Computer Graphics Lecture 01: Preliminary background into some of the math associated with computer graphics. 49:45
Curves in the Plane 52:24
Moving Objects in Space 48:33
Rotations About an Arbitrary Axis 47:06
The Camera Transform 47:18
Clipping 48:03
Depth Buffers and Ray Tracing 46:12
Color and Shading 52:57
Quaternions 39:07
Shading and Texturing 35:22
The Hierarchical Modeling System 39:54
Scan Conversion 44:09
Curves and Surfaces 49:44
Visible Surface Algorithms 37:43
Ray Tracing 48:39
Subdivision Surfaces Part 1 51:07
Subdivision Surfaces Part 2 37:44
Shadows Part 1 30:50
Shadows Part 2 34:17
Camera Motion 27:38
Branches in Computer Graphics 32:14
source: UC Davis Academics 2014年12月19日
Computer Graphics (ECS175) teaches the basic principles of 3-dimensional computer graphics. The focus will be the elementary mathematics techniques for positioning objects in three dimensional space, the geometric optics necessary to determine how light bounces off surfaces, and the ways to utilize a computer system and methods to implement the algorithms and techniques necessary to produce basic 3-dimensional illustrations. Detailed topics will include the following: transformational geometry, positioning of virtual cameras and light sources, hierarchical modeling of complex objects, rendering of complex models, shading algorithms, and methods for rendering and shading curved objects.
Introduction to Computer Graphics Lecture 01: Preliminary background into some of the math associated with computer graphics. 49:45
Curves in the Plane 52:24
Moving Objects in Space 48:33
Rotations About an Arbitrary Axis 47:06
The Camera Transform 47:18
Clipping 48:03
Depth Buffers and Ray Tracing 46:12
Color and Shading 52:57
Quaternions 39:07
Shading and Texturing 35:22
The Hierarchical Modeling System 39:54
Scan Conversion 44:09
Curves and Surfaces 49:44
Visible Surface Algorithms 37:43
Ray Tracing 48:39
Subdivision Surfaces Part 1 51:07
Subdivision Surfaces Part 2 37:44
Shadows Part 1 30:50
Shadows Part 2 34:17
Camera Motion 27:38
Branches in Computer Graphics 32:14
Symposium on the Cultural Integration Process of Refugees in Germany 2016
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年6月20日
Symposium on the Cultural Integration Process of Refugees in Germany 2016
(Berlin; May 20th & 21st, 2016)
Panel Discussion: "NGO's and Social Initiatives" 54:21
Integration Initiatives: Kultur Projekte 30:45
Kelly Miller (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 18:29
Rita Booker (Vice President, SIETAR Deutschland) 29:54
Naomi Martin (MA Student Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) 3:27
Mark Donfried (Director & Founder, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy) 12:19
Integration Initiatives: Kultur Projekte 30:45
Julia Kandzia (Project Assistant of Buntkicktgut - Intercultural Streetfootball Leagues Berlin) 37:38
Sophia Burton (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 14:02
Julia Karmo (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 9:35
Kelly Miller (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 18:29
Jörg-Ingo Weber (Chairman in the board of the Europamusicale-Festival) 8:52
Rita Booker (Vice President, SIETAR Deutschland) 29:54
Hamza Mjahed (MA Student, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) 27:50
Gernot Wolfram (Professor for Media and Arts Management at the Macromedia University Berlin) 56:01
Silvia Oitner (Coordinator of Alice Solidarisch, from the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin) 32:16
Sophia Burton (Co-Founder of Collidoscope) 12:59
Mohsen Naderia (FilmMaker) 5:34
Alen Tabakovic (Macromedia Campus Berlin) 2:33
Robert Olechna (Founder of Mosaic International) 6:45
Lorna Cannon (Founder of Refugee Voices) 7:38
Panel Discussion: "NGO's and Social Initiatives" 54:21
Anna Malavassi (MA Student, Freie Universität Berlin) 4:06
Pedro Affonso Ivo Franco (MA Student, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) 3:32
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年6月20日
Symposium on the Cultural Integration Process of Refugees in Germany 2016
(Berlin; May 20th & 21st, 2016)
Panel Discussion: "NGO's and Social Initiatives" 54:21
Integration Initiatives: Kultur Projekte 30:45
Kelly Miller (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 18:29
Rita Booker (Vice President, SIETAR Deutschland) 29:54
Naomi Martin (MA Student Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) 3:27
Mark Donfried (Director & Founder, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy) 12:19
Integration Initiatives: Kultur Projekte 30:45
Julia Kandzia (Project Assistant of Buntkicktgut - Intercultural Streetfootball Leagues Berlin) 37:38
Sophia Burton (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 14:02
Julia Karmo (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 9:35
Kelly Miller (Co-Founder of Migration Matters) 18:29
Jörg-Ingo Weber (Chairman in the board of the Europamusicale-Festival) 8:52
Rita Booker (Vice President, SIETAR Deutschland) 29:54
Hamza Mjahed (MA Student, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) 27:50
Gernot Wolfram (Professor for Media and Arts Management at the Macromedia University Berlin) 56:01
Silvia Oitner (Coordinator of Alice Solidarisch, from the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin) 32:16
Sophia Burton (Co-Founder of Collidoscope) 12:59
Mohsen Naderia (FilmMaker) 5:34
Alen Tabakovic (Macromedia Campus Berlin) 2:33
Robert Olechna (Founder of Mosaic International) 6:45
Lorna Cannon (Founder of Refugee Voices) 7:38
Panel Discussion: "NGO's and Social Initiatives" 54:21
Anna Malavassi (MA Student, Freie Universität Berlin) 4:06
Pedro Affonso Ivo Franco (MA Student, Academy for Cultural Diplomacy Studies) 3:32
International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Commonwealth 2016
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年10月26日
"Cultural Diplomacy as a Means to Build Bridges between the Commonwealth and the World"
(London; October 12th - 14th, 2016)
(Held Parallel to the 60th BFI London Film Festival 2016)
Commander Suhaib Farooq (Lt. Commander and CEO of New Horizons Group of Companies) 25:56
Adaeze Ekwueme (Chief Executive Officer of Eti-Oni Development Group) 41:16
Oba Dokum Thomson (His Royal Majesty the Oloni of Eti-Oni, State of Osun, Nigeria) 44:54
Aigerim Raimzhanova (PhD Student in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations) 38:19
Robin Marsh (Secretary General, Universal Peace Federation UK) 33:53
Barbara Eifler (Executive Director, Making Music, UK) 27:36
Xenia Davis (Youth Engagement Manager, Making Music, UK) 31:46
Shafique Chouldry (The Council for Christian and Muslim relations with High Wycombe) 50:59
Charles Burnett (Professor, the Warbung Institute, London) 27:27
Oba Dokum Thomson (His Royal Majesty the Oloni of Eti-Oni, State of Osun, Nigeria) 44:54
Adaeze Ekwueme (Chief Executive Officer of Eti-Oni Development Group) 41:16
Jonathan Fryer (Chairman of the London Liberal Democrats and Vice Chair of Liberals International) 52:36
Euripides Evriviades (High Commisioner of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Kingdom) 1:05:05
Humphrey Hawksley (BBC News World Affairs Correspondent) 1:01:49
Commander Suhaib Farooq (Lt. Commander and CEO of New Horizons Group of Companies) 25:56
Natalie Bennett (Former Green Party Leader) 42:55
Mark Paul Brann (Former Secretary General, Universal Peace Federation Europe) 28:51
Shazadah Hayat (Excellent Community Activist, UK) 12:12
Anti-Radicalisation in the Commonwealth 56:45
Velma McClymont (Former Director of the Caribbean and African Learning and Heritage Centre) 28:09
Tony Tokunbo Fernández (Writer, Public Speaker and Radio Presenter) 9:13
Henri-Pierre Koubaka (Journalist and Project Manager at Children's Radio Foundation) 35:51
Eliyahtsoor Ben Aaharon (Brotherhood of African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, UK) 25:35
Tony Langford (Co-Founder, Kinetica Museum) 24:28
William Arthurs (Editor, CityCity Magazine) 44:01
Andrea Ragusa (Department of International and Political Sciences at the University of Siena) 36:47
Aigerim Raimzhanova (PhD Student in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations) 38:19
Tony Haynes (Artistic Director & Co-Founder, Grand Union Orchestra) 1:12:58
John Subbiah (Professional Citar Performer, Taught by Ravi Shanker) 9:05
source: Institute for Cultural Diplomacy 2016年10月26日
"Cultural Diplomacy as a Means to Build Bridges between the Commonwealth and the World"
(London; October 12th - 14th, 2016)
(Held Parallel to the 60th BFI London Film Festival 2016)
Commander Suhaib Farooq (Lt. Commander and CEO of New Horizons Group of Companies) 25:56
Adaeze Ekwueme (Chief Executive Officer of Eti-Oni Development Group) 41:16
Oba Dokum Thomson (His Royal Majesty the Oloni of Eti-Oni, State of Osun, Nigeria) 44:54
Aigerim Raimzhanova (PhD Student in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations) 38:19
Robin Marsh (Secretary General, Universal Peace Federation UK) 33:53
Barbara Eifler (Executive Director, Making Music, UK) 27:36
Xenia Davis (Youth Engagement Manager, Making Music, UK) 31:46
Shafique Chouldry (The Council for Christian and Muslim relations with High Wycombe) 50:59
Charles Burnett (Professor, the Warbung Institute, London) 27:27
Oba Dokum Thomson (His Royal Majesty the Oloni of Eti-Oni, State of Osun, Nigeria) 44:54
Adaeze Ekwueme (Chief Executive Officer of Eti-Oni Development Group) 41:16
Jonathan Fryer (Chairman of the London Liberal Democrats and Vice Chair of Liberals International) 52:36
Euripides Evriviades (High Commisioner of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Kingdom) 1:05:05
Humphrey Hawksley (BBC News World Affairs Correspondent) 1:01:49
Commander Suhaib Farooq (Lt. Commander and CEO of New Horizons Group of Companies) 25:56
Natalie Bennett (Former Green Party Leader) 42:55
Mark Paul Brann (Former Secretary General, Universal Peace Federation Europe) 28:51
Shazadah Hayat (Excellent Community Activist, UK) 12:12
Anti-Radicalisation in the Commonwealth 56:45
Velma McClymont (Former Director of the Caribbean and African Learning and Heritage Centre) 28:09
Tony Tokunbo Fernández (Writer, Public Speaker and Radio Presenter) 9:13
Henri-Pierre Koubaka (Journalist and Project Manager at Children's Radio Foundation) 35:51
Eliyahtsoor Ben Aaharon (Brotherhood of African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, UK) 25:35
Tony Langford (Co-Founder, Kinetica Museum) 24:28
William Arthurs (Editor, CityCity Magazine) 44:01
Andrea Ragusa (Department of International and Political Sciences at the University of Siena) 36:47
Aigerim Raimzhanova (PhD Student in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations) 38:19
Tony Haynes (Artistic Director & Co-Founder, Grand Union Orchestra) 1:12:58
John Subbiah (Professional Citar Performer, Taught by Ravi Shanker) 9:05
Robert H Frank | Success and Luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy
source: London School of Economics and Political Science 2016年12月12日
Speaker(s): Professor Robert H Frank
Chair: Professor John Hills
Recorded on 7 December 2016 at Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building
How important is luck in economic success? Robert Frank explores why the rich underestimate the importance of luck – and why that hurts everyone, even the wealthy.
Robert H Frank (@econnaturalist) is the HJ Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics at Cornell University’s Johnson School of Management. He is author of Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy.
Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband) is the former leader of the UK Labour Party, a position he held from 2010 to 2015. Prior to this he served as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change. He has been the Member of Parliament for Doncaster North since 2005. He holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA from Oxford University.
Nicola Lacey is School Professor of Law, Gender and Social Policy, attached to the Departments of Law and Social Policy and to the Gender Institute.
John Hills is Co-Director LSE International Inequalities Institute and Richard Titmuss Professor of Social Policy at LSE.
The International Inequalities Institute at LSE (@LSEInequalities) brings together experts from many LSE departments and centres to lead critical and cutting edge research to understand why inequalities are escalating in numerous arenas across the world, and to develop critical tools to address these challenges.
Are we waking up the sleeping Arctic Ocean? (Dr Michael Tsamados)
source: UCL Lunch Hour Lectures 2016年12月20日
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at more than twice the global average rate. As the sea ice cover retreats, there is a radiation imbalance and a modification of the Arctic Ocean circulation, and as the atmosphere and ocean come into direct contact, exchanges of heat and momentum will potentially be transformed. Dr Michel Tsamados will discuss the implications for the Arctic climate system and beyond.
From the Margin to the Mainstream | Peter Tatchell | RSA Replay
source: The RSA 2016年11月29日
From the Margin to the Mainstream with human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell. Peter Tatchell is awarded the 2016 RSA Albert Medal for tireless campaigning on human rights and social equality.
In less than 50 years, LGBT rights has gone from the margin to the mainstream. How was this transformation achieved? Peter Tatchell began his LGBT advocacy and activism half a century ago, combining both parliamentary and extra-parliamentary action to secure changes in public attitudes, the law and the way institutions treat LGBT people.
In his speech, Peter will talk about the ideals and methods, the setbacks and triumphs that led to one of the fastest, most successful social reform campaigns in British history.
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Lovecraft's "Tales Outside Time and Space by Flat Earth Theater" | Talks...
source: Talks at Google 2016年12月14日
Flat Earth Theatre's A. Lehrmitt has forged the newly adapted radio play Lovecraft's Tales Outside Time and Space, presenting variations of four of Lovecraft's stories that encounter alternate dimensions full of terrors literally out of this world. From meeting extraterrestrial dimension-hoppers to losing oneself outside time and space, one can travel too far into the unknown, and the journey back may prove the ultimate, and most horrible, test. In this recording the cast will present 2 of the stories followed with a Q&A with the cast and playwright.
Adapted for radio by A. Lehrmitt
Directed by Liz Salazar with Justus Perry
Featuring: Chris Chiampa, Kristen Heider, Justin Hicks, Kathleen C. Lewis, Marty Mason, David N. Rogers, Jake Scaltreto
Foley Team: Liberty Moody and Naomi Hinchen.
With sound design by Kyle Lampe.
Introduction by Lindsay Eagle.
The Nature of Causation: Hume's Regularity Theory
source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年12月18日
Marianne Talbot gives the first talk in a series on the nature of causation at Oxford. This talk explores the regularity theory of causation, first articulated by David Hume, based on his empiricist conception of knowledge...
Causation is an important concept that we all use in ordinary, everyday life, as well as in science. Causation is so important in fact that it has been said that: “With regard to our total conceptual apparatus, causation is the centre of the centre”, and it has been called called ‘the cement of the universe’. But what exactly is causation? In these lectures, the most influential theories of causation are introduced, as well as the motivations for them, the arguments behind them, and the problems they face.
This is from the University of Oxford -- Creative Commons.
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