# You can click the upper-left icon to select videos form the playlist
source: It's so blatant 2013年10月7日
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory -- the first 50 Years
Satellite Conference of the International Congress on Mathematical Physics 2009 in Prague.
Fifty years after the seminal paper, written by Rudolf Haag in Göttingen, appeared in the Lille proceedings, Algebraic Quantum Field Theory has accumulated a wealth of celebrated insights. Recent developments have opened new and promising perspectives. The conference provides an overview of the many modern facets of this approach.
Conference homepage: http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/aqf
Source of videos: http://www.uni-math.gwdg.de/aufzeichnungen/AQFT50/
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Rudolf Haag 1:07:14
Local Algebras: A look back at the early years and at some successes and missed opportunities. Slides used in the talk: http://www.lqp.uni-goettingen.de/lqp/...
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Klaus Fredenhagen 1:19:34
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Sergio Doplicher 1:11:23
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Jakob Yngvason 1:10:43
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by John E. Roberts 49:17
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Roberto Longo 1:05:45
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by David E. Evans 1:02:17
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Daniele Guido 47:17
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Gandalf Lechner 59:23
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Stephen J. Summers 57:48
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Robert M. Wald 1:09:06
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Rainer Verch 58:34
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Stefan Hollands 1:10:11
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Chris J. Fewster 1:04:11
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Romeo Brunetti 57:53
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory | Talk by Valter Moretti 1:08:01
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Dimensions - A walk through mathematics !
# You can click the upper-left icon to select videos form the playlist
source: It's so blatant 2013年9月12日
Chapter 1: Dimension two
Hipparchus shows us how to describe the position of any point on Earth with two numbers and
explains the stereographic projection: how to draw a map of the world.
Chapter 2: Dimension three
M.C. Escher talks about the adventures of two-dimensional creatures trying to imagine what
three-dimensional objects look like.
Chapters 3 and 4: The fourth dimension
Mathematician Ludwig Schläfli talks about objects that live in the fourth dimension and shows a parade of four-dimensional polytopes, strange objects with 24, 120 and even 600 faces !
Chapters 5 and 6: Complex numbers
Mathematician Adrien Douady explains complex numbers. The square root of negative numbers made easy !
Transforming the plane, deforming images, creating fractal images...
Chapters 7 and 8: Fibration
Mathematician Heinz Hopf explains his "fibration". Using complex numbers he constructs
pretty patterns of circles in space.
Circles, tori... everything rotating in four-dimensional space.
Chapter 9: Proof
Mathematician Bernhard Riemann explains the importance of proofs in mathematics. He proves
a theorem concerning the stereographic projection.
Film produced by:
Jos Leys (Graphics and animations)
Étienne Ghys (Scenario and mathematics)
Aurélien Alvarez (Realisation and post-production)
For more information on the film visit: http://www.dimensions-math.org/Dim_E.htm
Dimensions | Chapter 1 14:01
Dimensions | Chapter 2 13:46
Dimensions | Chapter 3 14:08
Dimensions | Chapter 4 13:45
Dimensions | Chapter 5 13:43
Dimensions | Chapter 6 13:35
Dimensions | Chapter 7 13:45
Dimensions | Chapter 8 13:51
Dimensions | Chapter 9 13:49
source: It's so blatant 2013年9月12日
Chapter 1: Dimension two
Hipparchus shows us how to describe the position of any point on Earth with two numbers and
explains the stereographic projection: how to draw a map of the world.
Chapter 2: Dimension three
M.C. Escher talks about the adventures of two-dimensional creatures trying to imagine what
three-dimensional objects look like.
Chapters 3 and 4: The fourth dimension
Mathematician Ludwig Schläfli talks about objects that live in the fourth dimension and shows a parade of four-dimensional polytopes, strange objects with 24, 120 and even 600 faces !
Chapters 5 and 6: Complex numbers
Mathematician Adrien Douady explains complex numbers. The square root of negative numbers made easy !
Transforming the plane, deforming images, creating fractal images...
Chapters 7 and 8: Fibration
Mathematician Heinz Hopf explains his "fibration". Using complex numbers he constructs
pretty patterns of circles in space.
Circles, tori... everything rotating in four-dimensional space.
Chapter 9: Proof
Mathematician Bernhard Riemann explains the importance of proofs in mathematics. He proves
a theorem concerning the stereographic projection.
Film produced by:
Jos Leys (Graphics and animations)
Étienne Ghys (Scenario and mathematics)
Aurélien Alvarez (Realisation and post-production)
For more information on the film visit: http://www.dimensions-math.org/Dim_E.htm
Dimensions | Chapter 1 14:01
Dimensions | Chapter 2 13:46
Dimensions | Chapter 3 14:08
Dimensions | Chapter 4 13:45
Dimensions | Chapter 5 13:43
Dimensions | Chapter 6 13:35
Dimensions | Chapter 7 13:45
Dimensions | Chapter 8 13:51
Dimensions | Chapter 9 13:49
BilgisayarKavramlari (videos of May 2017)
Source: BilgisayarKavramlari
2:24 What are your recommendations for Hayata? ERU Computer Engineering Department Head Dr. We ask Derviş Karaboğa about his advice on life.
33:52 Erciyes University Computer Engineering Department Head of Department Professor Dr. In an interview with Dervis Karaboğa about computer engineering, Erciyes University and academics, we asked the following questions:
Who is the Computer Engineer ...
13:37 Erciyes University Department of Computer Engineering We recognize Erciyes University Department of Computer Engineering in the eyes of the students. Answering our questions
Rahime Yilmaz,
Aybüke Arpacı,
Tahsin Kutlu and
Thanks to Volkan Çakır.
43:53 We are responding to questions about the interview request of Turkey and Information Technologies Gönül Dergisi. Questions:
1. Where are the world's ligatures in the software industry? Which areas are we missing in which areas? Software sector ...
11:12 A section on Technology and Turkey YBU Speech on the MIS section A section on information technologies and social connections
8:17 And A.Ü. Ankara Bilgi University ... Ankara University Computer Engineering Students and students who are under the responsibility of the computer community responsible for the organization of Bi'Gün Ankara 2017 will be able to work with Ankara University B ...
6:27 Regarding Life Suggestions Ankara University Computer Engineering Department Head Prof. Dr. We are asking the advice of faith to the Askerbayli.
3:04 Girls Students and Computer Engineering Ankara University Computer Engineering Department Head Dr. I am asking the situation of female students in computer engineering to Askerbayli.
4:32 MS in Computer Engineering Ankara University Computer Engineering Department Head Dr. I am asking for the views of Iman Askerbayli about his graduate degree in computer engineering and his tendency towards academicianism.
5:40 Recommendations for Computer Engineering Students Ankara University Computer Engineering Department Head Dr. We ask the students who study in computer engineering to Iman Askerbayli.
4:22 Department of Computer and Education Ankara University, Department of Computer Engineering, Prof. Dr. Iman Askerbeyli's opinions about the language to be used in computer engineering education and the education in English and Turkish ...
13:38 Head of Department of Computer Engineering, Ankara University. Dr. In the interview we made with İman Askerbeyli, who is computer engineering suitable for? Who would prefer to be more right? The University of Ankara ...
8:02 Large data and data security We are trying to answer a question about the possibilities of large data, the ownership, privacy, security and the risks involved in valuable information that can be extracted from the data.
9:20 Data Science, DEU, Short Story from MIS Speech Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Management Information Systems is a short introduction to data concepts and large data concepts with short quotes without speaking.
3:31 Hayata Dair Tavsiyeler Yıldırım Beyazıt University MIS Head of Department Assoc. Dr. We ask Kemal İlter about his advice on life.
17:35 Yildirim Beyazit University Head of Management Information Systems Department Chairman Kemal İlter Interview Management Information Systems Head of Department Assoc. Dr. Some topics from our conversation with Kemal İlter:
What is Management Information Systems?
The future of MIS and the situation in Turkey?
Who should read YBS?
YBS v ...
3:19 YBS vs. Business vs. Computer Management What are the areas where information systems are separated from business and computer engineering?
3:19 YBS and English Education Educational language in the field of Management Information Systems (MIS) English Must be Turkish or Turkish?
We answer the question of Yakup Günden, 1st grade student of Uludag University MIS department.
2:55 YBS and ERP education We are trying to answer the question about whether management information systems departments should include ERP training.
3:20 Business Analyst and MIS We are making comments on the concepts of Management Information Systems (MIS) and Business Analyst on the question of Yakup Günden, 2nd year student of Uludağ University.
5:23 On the question of IOT and MIS Objects Internet (or internet of things, internet of things) and management information systems education, Uludag University Management Information Systems 2nd grade student E ...
6:05 Becoming MIS and Project Manager We are trying to answer the question of 2nd grade student Büşra Yalçın in the Department of Management Information Systems of Uludağ University.
3:11 Management Information Systems and Data Science Uludağ University Management Information Systems 2nd Grade Student We are trying to answer Merve Gürleyen'nin sorusununu.
5:09 YB Study Area and Cyber Security We are trying to answer the questions of 2nd grade student Mehmet Önal of Uludağ University Management Information Systems.
2:57 Does Data Science Replace Books? We are trying to answer the question of 2nd grade student Emre Akyüz in the Department of Management Information Systems of Uludağ University.
5:32 Uludag University management information systems department students together with Uludag University management information systems department and İnegöl management faculty, we ask students
17:19 Uludağ University Management Information Systems Department Uludağ University MIS Department. Fatih Gürses Hocamıza department, university and education are asking.
21:39 Mugla University Career in Information Technology Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Technology and Technology Society invited as an invitation to talk about career in short short some short headlines.
25:10 A Short Brief from Career Speech in Informatics The Department of Management Information Systems at Cumhuriyet University has some headlines without talking about "career in information" ....
3:57 Hayata Dair, Prof. Dr. Vahap Tecim Dokuz Eylül University Head of MIS Prof. Dr. We are asking advice about Vahap Tecim Hocamıza Hayata.
2:11 YBS and Okurken Work Dokuz Eylül University YBS Head of Department Prof. Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza While continuing to study in the MIS field, we are asking about the part-time work and opinions on this subject.
4:41 YS Graduate and Academician Dokuz Eylül University YBS Head of Department Prof. Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza We are asking about the recommendations of Masters and Academician thinkers in MIS field.
4:15 Situation of Management Information Systems in the Kamus Dokuz Eylül University MIS Head of Department Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza We are asking about the perception and future of MIS in the public.
3:25 Management Information Systems Department Advantages of Graduates Dokuz Eylül University MIS Chair Prof. Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza We ask about the advantages and disadvantages of MIS graduates compared to graduates from other fields.
3:23 Dokuz Eylül University Management Information Systems Department Dokuz Eylül University MIS Head Prof. Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza We ask about the differences of the section and the topics that are specially inclined during the training.
2:36 How do you see the future of MIS? Dokuz Eylül University MIS Head of Department Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza We are asking about the future of MIS.
1:10 Can Everyone Make Management Information Systems? Dokuz Eylül University MIS Head of Department Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza We ask whether everyone can do MIS and whether it requires special talent.
2:34 What is Management Information Systems? Dokuz Eylül University MIS Head of Department Dr. Vahap Tecim Hocamıza is asking about the definition of MIS from its point of view.
2:08 Becoming Kamuda Bilişim Employee Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Systems Engineering Student Student Yavuzhan Aymak's question is answered. Also on the other side of the video is the link below:
Https://www.youtube.com ...
4:16 Intelligent Cities and Roads Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Computer Systems Engineering Student Ahmet Ekti's answer to the question.
1:02 Women in Information Technology More Successful Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Systems Engineering Department Instructor Yrd. Assoc. Dr. We ask Gurcan Çetin about the situation of female students and female employees in the field of information.
3:08 Recommendations for students studying in Information Systems Engineering Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Systems Engineering Department Faculty Member Hocalarımıza soruyoruz.
3:59 Technology Faculties and Internships Farkı Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Systems Engineering Department Faculty Member Hocalarımıza soruyoruz.
3:03 M.Sc. in Information Systems Engineering Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Systems Engineering Department Faculty Member Hocalarımız Soruyoruz.
0:57 The Future of Computing Systems Engineering? Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Department of Information Systems Engineering.
1:08 What is the technology faculty's song? Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Department of Information Systems Engineering, we ask our faculty members.
2:31 What is Engineering Systems Engineering? Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is a faculty member in the Department of Information Systems Engineering and is a member of the Department of Computer Engineering and Management Information Systems.
1:48 Different Aspects of Mugla University Information Systems Engineering? Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Department of Information Systems Engineering, we ask our faculty members.
1:11 Where does the Department of Information Systems Engineering work after graduation? Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Department of Information Systems Engineering, we ask our faculty members.
4:25 Mugla Information Systems Engineering We Know Our Societies Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Information Systems Department We know our faculty members. On this video,
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Gürüler
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Gurcan Cetin
Asst. Do...
2:05 Can Everyone Do Computing Systems Engineering?
12:27 In terms of Research, Lab and Students, we talk about the research laboratory where students of the Department of Computer Engineering of CU Computer Engineering Department of Cumhuriyet University are involved and the part of students who are interested in the department.
5:55 Academic Studies at CU Computer Engineering Department Assist. Associate Professor. Hidayet Takçı and the Head of the Department Assist. Assoc. Dr. We ask Kali Gürkahraman about academic studies in the department.
5:30 The Future of Computer Engineering Asst. Prof. Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Department of Computer Engineering. Associate Professor. Hidayet Takçı and the Head of the Department Assist. Assoc. Dr. Kali Gürkahraman has been thinking about the future of computer engineering ...
7:52 Student at Computer Engineering Department of CU Asst. At Department of Computer Engineering at Sivas Cumhuriyet University. Associate Professor. Hidayet Takçı and the Head of the Department Assist. Assoc. Dr. We ask Kali Gürkahraman to be a student in the department.
2:12 The Future and Innovations of Management Information Systems Republican University Head of Management Information Systems Department Assoc. Dr. We ask Oguz Kaynar.
7:53 Cumhuriyet University Computer Engineering Department Sivas Cumhuriyet University Computer Engineering Department Assist. Associate Professor. Hidayet Takçı and the Head of the Department Assist. Assoc. Dr. We know Kali Gürkahraman and ask about our questions.
1:51 Master and who should do it? Head of Department of Management Information Systems, Cumhuriyet University. Assoc. Dr. We ask Oguz Kaynar.
2:23 What Are Your Data Mining Workings? Head of Department of Management Information Systems, Cumhuriyet University. Assoc. Dr. We ask Oguz Kaynar.
3:07 Who Can Read the Department of Management Information Systems? Head of Department of Management Information Systems, Cumhuriyet University. Assoc. Dr. We ask Oguz Kaynar.
2:40 What is Management Information Systems? Head of Department of Management Information Systems, Cumhuriyet University. Assoc. Dr. We ask Oguz Kaynar about management information systems.
3:28 What are the songs of the Republican University MIS Department? Head of Department of Management Information Systems, Cumhuriyet University. Assoc. Dr. We ask Oguz Kaynar.
6:11 Diploma or Success? We are trying to answer the question of Murat Yeşiltepe, 2nd Grade Student of Department of Management Information Systems of Cumhuriyet University.
3:41 Digital Marketing and Career We are trying to answer the question of Sema Börekçi, 2nd Grade Student in Department of Management Information Systems of Cumhuriyet University.
2:49 What programming language does it apply to? We are trying to answer the question of Murat Yeşiltepe, 2nd Grade Student of Department of Management Information Systems of Cumhuriyet University.
4:57 Which Subspace On Computers Is More More? What are the areas where it is more difficult to find experts in the field of information technology?
We are trying to answer the question of Sema Börekçi, 2nd grade student of the Department of Management Information Systems of Cumhuriyet University.
15:58 Q & A with Sivas Teknosim Firm General Manager What does an automation company do?
In which field is the demand in the field of semi-informatics?
Who are you targeting when you employ people in the field of information? Who do you want to work with?
It's a computer ...
4:13 2017 Internship Announcement Important : The application period for 2017 has come to an end. The applicants will be interviewed after the preliminary screening, and everyone will be tried to return by June 10th. It...
1:54 Computer Concepts Channel Introduction Computer Concepts channel introduction. Below is the link to access the grouped and used resources of the training videos on the channel:
Speech and Semin ...
10:36 Python Data Constructor and NYP 11: Object and Class Concepts We tried to explain how to define the concepts of Class and Object, how to use properties of an object, and how to use it through the python language.
9:18 Python Data Construct and NYP 10: Validity Field of Variables We tried to describe how to pass as a scope variable, which specifies the validity area of a variable and how the variable is held according to which area it is accessed from.
The local variable ...

Who is the Computer Engineer ...

Rahime Yilmaz,
Aybüke Arpacı,
Tahsin Kutlu and
Thanks to Volkan Çakır.

1. Where are the world's ligatures in the software industry? Which areas are we missing in which areas? Software sector ...

What is Management Information Systems?
The future of MIS and the situation in Turkey?
Who should read YBS?
YBS v ...

We answer the question of Yakup Günden, 1st grade student of Uludag University MIS department.

Https://www.youtube.com ...

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Gürüler
Asst. Assoc. Dr. Gurcan Cetin
Asst. Do...

We are trying to answer the question of Sema Börekçi, 2nd grade student of the Department of Management Information Systems of Cumhuriyet University.

In which field is the demand in the field of semi-informatics?
Who are you targeting when you employ people in the field of information? Who do you want to work with?
It's a computer ...

Speech and Semin ...

The local variable ...
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