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(italiano / in Italian) Disegno e Architettura Tecnica (UniNettuno)
source: Ryo Saeba 2017年7月5日
Disegno e Architettura Tecnica / Drawing and Technical Architecture
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
Il corso di Disegno ed Architettura Tecnica introduce ed approfondisce gli aspetti della rappresentazione come linguaggio e strumento principale per l’approccio alla progettazione ed alla gestione del processo edilizio, attività fondamentali della professione di ingegnere civile. Sebbene previsto al primo anno del percorso formativo, esso fornisce al discente alcuni basilari insegnamenti ed elementi cognitivi che concorrono a costituire la base per una successiva introduzione nel mondo della professione, a conclusione dell’iter di apprendimento ed a conseguimento della laurea. Il corso si sviluppa attraverso l’approfondimento di tre macro argomenti o macro aree che concorrono a definire le conoscenze basilari della disciplina della rappresentazione e della tecnologia della architettura. - Elementi conoscitivi del disegno; - Rilievo architettonico; - Analisi dei sistemi e sub sistemi edilizi.
Non sono previsti prerequisiti né propedeuticità di esame.
Il corso sviluppa un percorso didattico che fornisca per un verso le diverse espressioni tecniche della rappresentazione, in gran parte derivanti dal linguaggio di base del disegno, contestualizzate in un quadro conoscitivo e metodologico attraverso la rassegna critica delle principali differenti elaborazioni, sia le principali nozioni per l’approccio al rilevo architettonico inteso come fase principale del processo cognitivo del manufatto edilizia, sia alla analisi approfondita del componente tecnologico – costruttivo quale elemento concorrente alla individuazione dell’organismo edilizio. I contenuti disciplinari sono individuati con riferimento alle esigenze per la formazione del professionista ingegnere operante negli ambiti civile, edile, ambientale e territoriale. L’insegnamento è finalizzato a formare le nozioni necessarie al conseguimento delle capacità selettive e sintetiche per la risoluzione di semplici temi progettuali, con particolare riferimento al progetto tecnologico come sistema complesso.
I contenuti del corso saranno affrontati secondo l’approfondimento delle seguenti tematiche: - Elementi conoscitivi del disegno: ruolo del disegno, principali tecniche grafiche, cenni storici sulle prassi e sugli sviluppi in corso, sistemi tradizionali, linguaggi specialistici dell’ingegneria, disegno tecnico e il trattamento dei dati geometrici, dallo spazio a tre dimensioni alla rappresentazione sul piano, costruzioni geometrico-grafiche per figure piane, proiezioni ortogonali e sezioni, metodi assonometrici per viste sintetiche. - Rilievo architettonico: La elaborazione del rilievo in edilizia, approccio alle preesistenze ed al territorio, procedimenti e metodologie, analisi del ruolo della rappresentazione per la gestione del rilievo e successivamente del progetto, rassegna delle documentazioni di base e di alcune tematiche utili per la gestione dei sistemi interessati (per esempio: cartografie alle diverse scale, cenni di analisi della strutturazione geometrica del territorio vista in relazione ai fattori morfologici, cenni di analisi di opere di opere civili ed edili). - Analisi dei sistemi e sub sistemi edilizi: la evoluzione del processo cognitivo dalla analisi mono disciplinare degli ”elementi costruttivi" a quella pluri disciplinare della “tecnologia dell’Architettura”, analisi dei principali sistemi e sub sistemi attraverso la scomposizione dell’organismo edilizio, l’esempio dei maestri del Movimento Moderno, caso studio su esempi di architettura contemporanea.
Testi consigliati: • Norme per il disegno tecnico / Norme generali, Ente nazionale italiano di unificazione, Milano, 1990 e succ. • Docci Mario, Manuale di disegno architettonico, Laterza Scolastica • Bocconcino M., Osello A., Vernizzi C., Il disegno e l’ingegnere • Cennamo G., Segni Fondamentali - linee guida ai processi e metodi della rappresentazione e del rilievo in architettura, Editrice il Girasole • Dispense del Corso in formato PDF. Gli argomenti riportati sulle dispense costituiscono parte fondante del programma del Corso
Testi consigliati: • Norme per il disegno tecnico / Norme generali, Ente nazionale italiano di unificazione, Milano, 1990 e succ. • Docci Mario, Manuale di disegno architettonico, Laterza Scolastica • Bocconcino M., Osello A., Vernizzi C., Il disegno e l’ingegnere. • Dispense del Corso in formato PDF. Gli argomenti riportati sulle dispense costituiscono parte fondante del programma del Corso
Docente d'Area
Gerardo Maria Cennamo
Docenti video
Prof. Antonio Cottone - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Antonio de Vecchi - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Michele Inzerillo - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
Prof. Laura Inzerillo - Università di Palermo (Palermo - Italy)
UniNettuno - Disegno e Architettura Tecnica 01 Disegnare 42:26
02 Proiezioni ortogonali multiple 39:39
03 Poliedri nelle proiezioni ortogonali multiple 40:33
04 Proiezioni ortogonali multiple delle coniche 43:34
05 Proiezioni ortogonali multiple delle quadriche 40:32
06 Proiezioni ortogonali multiple della sfera 39:48
07 Intersezioni tra solidi in 41:06
08 Proiezioni ortogonali multiple di curve e 40:55
09 Proiezioni ortogonali grafonumeriche 42:46
10 Forme e dimensioni in proiezioni ortogonali 39:46
11 Enti geometrici in assonometria ortogonale diretta 39:22
12 Problemi di forma e dimensione in 38:55
13 Sezioni di poliedri in 39:46
14 Assonometrie ortogonali dirette di 39:56
15 Assonometria diretta ortogonale di superfici 41:39
16 Enti geometrici in assonometria obliqua 42:54
17 Assonometria obliqua delle quadriche 40:23
18 Assonometria obliqua delle superfici 41:28
19 Prospettiva di elementi geometrici 40:29
20 Corollari del disegno 41:42
21 Il processo edilizio (I parte) 37:40
22 Il processo edilizio (II parte) 37:24
23 L'organismo edilizio 37:07
24 Il sistema tecnologico 39:38
25 L'industrializzazione dell'edilizia 34:31
26 L'industrializzazione dell'edilizia-Prefabbricazione 33:33
27 L'evoluzione tecnologica 36:11
28 Gli elementi tecnici 35:58
29 Pareti Perimetrali Verticali (II parte) 39:14
30 Infissi esterni verticali (I parte) 37:10
31 Infissi esterni verticali (II parte) 38:31
32 Solai (I parte) 31:33
33 Solai (II parte) 40:25
34 Pareti interne verticali 40:11
35 Infissi interni verticali 38:41
36 Scale (I parte) 40:06
37 Scale (II parte) 40:40
38 Coperture (I parte) 29:23
39 Coperture (II parte) 35:44
40 Elementi tecnici tradizionali 40:09
41 Pareti perimetrali verticali 41:51
42 Partizioni interne e infissi 40:20
43 I solai e le scale 40:16
44 Le coperture 40:20
45 Archi, volte e cupole 39:47
Word. World. 2017 | A CCA MFA in Writing Thesis Presentation
source: California College of the Arts - CCA 2017年5月4日
Word. World. is the culminating event of the MFA Program in Writing at California College of the Arts that features graduating students reading from their thesis.
An evening of poetry, prose, and writings in between, this night is also a community celebration as these students enter a new phase of their writing careers.
Featured Writers: Trey Bidinger Erin Carini Nathan Freeman Daniel Keating Melissa Lozano Ella Schoefer-Wulf DeShara Suggs-Joe Zoe Young
Word. World. 2017 | A CCA MFA in Writing Thesis Presentation 1:37:12
w/ Ella Schoefer Wulf 7:01
w/ Erin Carini 8:19
w/ Trey Bidinger 12:57
w/ Zoe Young 15:05
w/ Deshara Suggs Joe 12:09
w/ Daniel Keating 11:08
w/ Nathan Freeman 9:23
w/ Soraiya Domi Lozano 8:23
w/ Anna Avery 10:29
w/ Brandon Dale 14:28
w/ Grace Fondow 13:09
w/ Logan Ellis 16:11
w/ Lindsay Lees 10:53
w/ Luna G Reiley 11:55
w/ Katelyn Newman 7:18
w/ Adam Park 9:46
The Janus-face of immunological tolerance and cancer immunity by Daniel Gray (2017)
source: WalterandElizaHall 2017年7月13日
Wednesday Seminar Series
5 July 2017
Dr Daniel Gray
Molecular Genetics of Cancer division
(Español / in Spanish) Mini curso MECÁNICA CUÁNTICA (A lo Feynman) by Javier Garcia
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Javier Garcia 2015年5月30日
Este vídeo es parte de un mini curso sobre mecánica cuántica desde el punto de vista de las Integrales de camino de Feynman. En este capítulo describo brevemente la integración por partes.
1.- Integración por partes 4:48
2.- Funcional y Derivada funcional 36:09
3.- Conexión EULER-LAGRANGE con la 2ª Ley de Newton 27:01
4.- PARTÍCULA LIBRE. Cálculo de la acción mínima 18:11
5,- OSCILADOR ARMÓNICO: Cálculo de la acción mínima 35:45
6.- Modelo simple de molécula diatómica. Desacoplamiento de variables. 57:32
7.- Coordenadas desacopladas del ejemplo del capítulo 6 0:24
8.- Vectores y valores propios: qué significa y cómo se calcula 1:05:52
9.- Aplicación de los Valores Propios a 4 osciladores acoplados. MODOS NORMALES 41:47
10.- Cómo entender los números complejos 40:20
11.- ¿De dónde sale la fórmula de Euler? 16:27
12.- Ondas complejas 28:15
13.- Ondas de materia (De Broglie) 26:03
14.- Postulados de la Mecánica Cuántica 14:25
15.- Construyendo la Integral de caminos (Path Integral) 29:33
16.- Integrales Gaussianas 1 15:04
17.- Integrales Gaussianas 2 5:36
18.- Integrales Gaussianas 3 40:56
19.- Expansión de la Acción a Segundo orden 24:52
20.- Propagador de Feynman para una particula libre 20:14
21.- Deducción de la ecuación de Schrödinger a partir del propagador de Feynman 51:18
22.- Expresión final del Propagador de la Partícula Libre 10:16
23.- Cálculo en detalle del Propagador del Oscilador Armónico 1:10:48
24.- Fórmula de Van Vleck Pauli Morette 5:21
25.- Fórmula de Gelfand - Yaglom 8:21
26.- Deducción de la Ecuación de Schrödinger general 7:48
27.- La Naturaleza es un Espacio de Hilbert 16:30
28.- Ejemplo de Espacio de Hilbert: Química Cuántica (parte 1/2) 40:54
29.- Ejemplo de Espacio de Hilbert: Química Cuántica (parte 2/2) 1:55:23
30.- Ecuaciones diferenciales con Deltas de Dirac y Heaviside 1:01:14
31.- Observables, Operadores y Transformadas de Fourier 1:51:00
32.- Partícula Cuántica en una Caja (Parte 1) 1:07:54
33.- Partícula Cuántica en una Caja (Parte 2) 25:21
34.- Rotaciones en Mecánica Cuántica (Parte 1) 42:55
35.- Rotaciones en Mecánica Cuántica (Parte 2) 36:43
36.- Deducción desde cero del Principio de Incertidumbre de Heisenberg 59:44
37.- Operador de Evolución Temporal en Mecánica Cuántica 58:21
38.- Operador de Evolución Temporal y el Propagador de Feynman 31:28
39.- Trucos de álgebra para resolver el Oscilador Armónico (Parte 1/2) 1:17:21
40.- Trucos de álgebra para resolver el Oscilador Armónico (Parte 2/2) 1:00:48
41.- Relaciones de conmutación (Mecánica cuántica) 59:10
42.- Deducción del Laplaciano en coordenadas esféricas 59:43
43 .- Momento angular y de Spin en Mecánica Cuántica (1/2) 1:00:25
44 .- Momento angular y de Spin en Mecánica Cuántica (2/2) 1:24:34
45 .- Producto directo de Espacios de Hilbert 34:29
46 .- Representación Matricial del Momento Angular en Mecánica Cuántica 36:21
47 .- Suma de Momentos Angulares en Mecánica Cuántica (1/2) 1:01:46
48 .- Suma de Momentos Angulares en Mecánica Cuántica (2/2) 1:06:24
49.- Vectores propios del Momento Angular y de Spin 1:11:45
50.- Normalización de los Armónicos Esféricos 25:25
51.- Resolución exacta del Átomo de Hidrógeno (1/2) 46:23
52.- Resolución exacta del Átomo de Hidrógeno (2/2) 1:31:09
source: Javier Garcia 2015年5月30日
Este vídeo es parte de un mini curso sobre mecánica cuántica desde el punto de vista de las Integrales de camino de Feynman. En este capítulo describo brevemente la integración por partes.
1.- Integración por partes 4:48
2.- Funcional y Derivada funcional 36:09
3.- Conexión EULER-LAGRANGE con la 2ª Ley de Newton 27:01
4.- PARTÍCULA LIBRE. Cálculo de la acción mínima 18:11
5,- OSCILADOR ARMÓNICO: Cálculo de la acción mínima 35:45
6.- Modelo simple de molécula diatómica. Desacoplamiento de variables. 57:32
7.- Coordenadas desacopladas del ejemplo del capítulo 6 0:24
8.- Vectores y valores propios: qué significa y cómo se calcula 1:05:52
9.- Aplicación de los Valores Propios a 4 osciladores acoplados. MODOS NORMALES 41:47
10.- Cómo entender los números complejos 40:20
11.- ¿De dónde sale la fórmula de Euler? 16:27
12.- Ondas complejas 28:15
13.- Ondas de materia (De Broglie) 26:03
14.- Postulados de la Mecánica Cuántica 14:25
15.- Construyendo la Integral de caminos (Path Integral) 29:33
16.- Integrales Gaussianas 1 15:04
17.- Integrales Gaussianas 2 5:36
18.- Integrales Gaussianas 3 40:56
19.- Expansión de la Acción a Segundo orden 24:52
20.- Propagador de Feynman para una particula libre 20:14
21.- Deducción de la ecuación de Schrödinger a partir del propagador de Feynman 51:18
22.- Expresión final del Propagador de la Partícula Libre 10:16
23.- Cálculo en detalle del Propagador del Oscilador Armónico 1:10:48
24.- Fórmula de Van Vleck Pauli Morette 5:21
25.- Fórmula de Gelfand - Yaglom 8:21
26.- Deducción de la Ecuación de Schrödinger general 7:48
27.- La Naturaleza es un Espacio de Hilbert 16:30
28.- Ejemplo de Espacio de Hilbert: Química Cuántica (parte 1/2) 40:54
29.- Ejemplo de Espacio de Hilbert: Química Cuántica (parte 2/2) 1:55:23
30.- Ecuaciones diferenciales con Deltas de Dirac y Heaviside 1:01:14
31.- Observables, Operadores y Transformadas de Fourier 1:51:00
32.- Partícula Cuántica en una Caja (Parte 1) 1:07:54
33.- Partícula Cuántica en una Caja (Parte 2) 25:21
34.- Rotaciones en Mecánica Cuántica (Parte 1) 42:55
35.- Rotaciones en Mecánica Cuántica (Parte 2) 36:43
36.- Deducción desde cero del Principio de Incertidumbre de Heisenberg 59:44
37.- Operador de Evolución Temporal en Mecánica Cuántica 58:21
38.- Operador de Evolución Temporal y el Propagador de Feynman 31:28
39.- Trucos de álgebra para resolver el Oscilador Armónico (Parte 1/2) 1:17:21
40.- Trucos de álgebra para resolver el Oscilador Armónico (Parte 2/2) 1:00:48
41.- Relaciones de conmutación (Mecánica cuántica) 59:10
42.- Deducción del Laplaciano en coordenadas esféricas 59:43
43 .- Momento angular y de Spin en Mecánica Cuántica (1/2) 1:00:25
44 .- Momento angular y de Spin en Mecánica Cuántica (2/2) 1:24:34
45 .- Producto directo de Espacios de Hilbert 34:29
46 .- Representación Matricial del Momento Angular en Mecánica Cuántica 36:21
47 .- Suma de Momentos Angulares en Mecánica Cuántica (1/2) 1:01:46
48 .- Suma de Momentos Angulares en Mecánica Cuántica (2/2) 1:06:24
49.- Vectores propios del Momento Angular y de Spin 1:11:45
50.- Normalización de los Armónicos Esféricos 25:25
51.- Resolución exacta del Átomo de Hidrógeno (1/2) 46:23
52.- Resolución exacta del Átomo de Hidrógeno (2/2) 1:31:09
(Español / in Spanish) Curso QUANTUM TIME TRAVEL by Javier Garcia
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Javier Garcia 2016年10月8日
Mini curso sobre Curvas de Tipo Tiempo en Mecánica Cuántica. En Relatividad General existe la posibilidad teórica de viajar al pasado en las denominadas Curvas Cerradas de Tipo Tiempo. Esto conlleva la violación de la causalidad y por tanto la existencia de paradojas tipo abuelo o bucle causal.
En 1991 el físico británico David Deutsch incluyó este tipo de curvas en la mecánica cuántica y resolvió la paradoja del abuelo, lo que despertó la curiosidad de la comunidad de físicos.
1.- Quantum Time Travel: Introducción al curso 6:26 Este primer capítulo es solo una introducción de lo que vamos a hablar a lo largo del curso.
2.- Quantum Time Travel: Operador Densidad (1/3) 1:12:29
3.- Quantum Time Travel: Operador Densidad (2/3) 1:07:09
4.- Quantum Time Travel: Operador Densidad (3/3) 31:19
5.- Quantum Time Travel: Circuitos cuánticos 1:16:01
6.- Quantum Time Travel: Circuito con LOOP temporal 5:06
7.- Quantum Time Travel: Entropía 46:11
8.- Quantum Time Travel: Paradoja del abuelo (1/2) 13:09
9.- Quantum Time Travel: Paradoja del abuelo (2/2) 47:21
10.- Quantum Time Travel: Discriminación de estados no ortogonales (1/2) 41:20
11.- Quantum Time Travel: Discriminación de estados no ortogonales (2/2) 3:07:32
12.- Cuantización de la luz (1/6) 1:54:11
13.- Cuantización de la luz (2/6) 1:10:12
14.- Cuantización de la luz (3/6) 1:46:07
15.- Cuantización de la luz (4/6) 1:50:33
16.- Cuantización de la luz (5/6) 1:01:43
17.- Cuantización de la luz (6/6) 1:20:40
source: Javier Garcia 2016年10月8日
Mini curso sobre Curvas de Tipo Tiempo en Mecánica Cuántica. En Relatividad General existe la posibilidad teórica de viajar al pasado en las denominadas Curvas Cerradas de Tipo Tiempo. Esto conlleva la violación de la causalidad y por tanto la existencia de paradojas tipo abuelo o bucle causal.
En 1991 el físico británico David Deutsch incluyó este tipo de curvas en la mecánica cuántica y resolvió la paradoja del abuelo, lo que despertó la curiosidad de la comunidad de físicos.
1.- Quantum Time Travel: Introducción al curso 6:26 Este primer capítulo es solo una introducción de lo que vamos a hablar a lo largo del curso.
2.- Quantum Time Travel: Operador Densidad (1/3) 1:12:29
3.- Quantum Time Travel: Operador Densidad (2/3) 1:07:09
4.- Quantum Time Travel: Operador Densidad (3/3) 31:19
5.- Quantum Time Travel: Circuitos cuánticos 1:16:01
6.- Quantum Time Travel: Circuito con LOOP temporal 5:06
7.- Quantum Time Travel: Entropía 46:11
8.- Quantum Time Travel: Paradoja del abuelo (1/2) 13:09
9.- Quantum Time Travel: Paradoja del abuelo (2/2) 47:21
10.- Quantum Time Travel: Discriminación de estados no ortogonales (1/2) 41:20
11.- Quantum Time Travel: Discriminación de estados no ortogonales (2/2) 3:07:32
12.- Cuantización de la luz (1/6) 1:54:11
13.- Cuantización de la luz (2/6) 1:10:12
14.- Cuantización de la luz (3/6) 1:46:07
15.- Cuantización de la luz (4/6) 1:50:33
16.- Cuantización de la luz (5/6) 1:01:43
17.- Cuantización de la luz (6/6) 1:20:40
(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - ÖABT - Tarih Konu Anlatım
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2017年1月31日
00) ÖABT - Tarih - Tanıtım - Orçun Hoca (2017) 4:55
01) ÖABT - Tarih - Tarih Metodolojisi -1- Orçun Hoca (2017) 32:29
02) ÖABT - Tarih - Tarih Metodolojisi -2- Orçun Hoca (2017) 39:17
03) ÖABT - Tarih - Tarih Metodolojisi -3- Orçun Hoca (2017) 30:36
04) ÖABT - Tarih - Uygarlık Tarihine Giriş -1- Orçun Hoca (2017) 34:08
05) ÖABT - Tarih - Uygarlık Tarihine Giriş -2- Orçun Hoca (2017) 38:32
06) ÖABT - Tarih - Mezopotamya ve Anadolu Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 39:41
07) ÖABT - Tarih - Anadolu Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 34:31
08) ÖABT - Tarih - Mısır Uyğarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 36:55
09) ÖABT - Tarih - Asya Uygarlıkları - Hindistan & Çin - Orçun Hoca (2017) 26:40
10) ÖABT - Tarih - Yakın Doğu ve Antik Yunan Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 38:06
11) ÖABT - Tarih - Yunan ve Helen Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 49:22
12) ÖABT - Tarih - Akdeniz Uygarlığı -1- Orçun Hoca (2017) 28:44
13) ÖABT - Tarih - Akdeniz Uygarlığı -2- Orçun Hoca (2017) 34:27
14) ÖABT - Tarih - Akdeniz Uygarlığı -3- Orçun Hoca (2017) 43:33
15) ÖABT - Tarih - Orta Asya Türk Tarihine giriş - Orçun Hoca (2017) 33:40
16) ÖABT - Tarih - İskitler ve Hunlar - Orçun Hoca (2017) 32:19
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2017年1月31日
00) ÖABT - Tarih - Tanıtım - Orçun Hoca (2017) 4:55
01) ÖABT - Tarih - Tarih Metodolojisi -1- Orçun Hoca (2017) 32:29
02) ÖABT - Tarih - Tarih Metodolojisi -2- Orçun Hoca (2017) 39:17
03) ÖABT - Tarih - Tarih Metodolojisi -3- Orçun Hoca (2017) 30:36
04) ÖABT - Tarih - Uygarlık Tarihine Giriş -1- Orçun Hoca (2017) 34:08
05) ÖABT - Tarih - Uygarlık Tarihine Giriş -2- Orçun Hoca (2017) 38:32
06) ÖABT - Tarih - Mezopotamya ve Anadolu Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 39:41
07) ÖABT - Tarih - Anadolu Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 34:31
08) ÖABT - Tarih - Mısır Uyğarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 36:55
09) ÖABT - Tarih - Asya Uygarlıkları - Hindistan & Çin - Orçun Hoca (2017) 26:40
10) ÖABT - Tarih - Yakın Doğu ve Antik Yunan Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 38:06
11) ÖABT - Tarih - Yunan ve Helen Uygarlığı - Orçun Hoca (2017) 49:22
12) ÖABT - Tarih - Akdeniz Uygarlığı -1- Orçun Hoca (2017) 28:44
13) ÖABT - Tarih - Akdeniz Uygarlığı -2- Orçun Hoca (2017) 34:27
14) ÖABT - Tarih - Akdeniz Uygarlığı -3- Orçun Hoca (2017) 43:33
15) ÖABT - Tarih - Orta Asya Türk Tarihine giriş - Orçun Hoca (2017) 33:40
16) ÖABT - Tarih - İskitler ve Hunlar - Orçun Hoca (2017) 32:19
(Türk / in Turkish) 2017 KPSS - ÖABT - Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Konu Anlatım
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2017年2月18日
2017 KPSS - ÖABT - Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Konu Anlatım
01) İslam Öncesi Mekke Dönemi -1- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 41:48
02) İslam Öncesi Mekke Dönemi -2- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 40:13
03) Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı -1- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 37:29
04) Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı -2- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 44:53
05) Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı -3- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 44:59
06) Hz. Muhammet'in Sünneti -1- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 31:24
07) Hz. Muhammet'in Sünneti -2- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:18
08) Hadis Usulü -1- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:44
09) Hadis Usulü -2- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 31:54
10) Hadis Öğrenme Metodları 1- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:16
11) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 35:23
13) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 33:35
14) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -4-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:41
15) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -5- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:20
16) İslam İbadet Esasları -1- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 38:07
17) İslam İbadet Esasları -2- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 45:38
18) İslam İbadet Esasları -3- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 38:56
19) İslam İbadet Esasları -4- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 33:22
20) İslam İbadet Esasları -5- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 35:24
21) İslam İbadet Esasları -6- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 40:13
22) İslam İbadet Esasları -7- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 44:10
23) İslam İnanç Esasları -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 40:25
24) İslam İnanç Esasları -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:13
25) İslam İnanç Esasları -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 44:41
26) İslam İnanç Esasları -4-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 28:04
27) İslam İnanç Esasları -5-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 54:11
28) İslam İnanç Esasları -6-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 30:17
29) İslam İnanç Esasları -7-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:10
30) İslam İnanç Esasları -8-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 42:38
31) İslam Ahlakı -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:18
32) İslam Ahlakı -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 32:16
33) İslam Ahlakı -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 47:01
12) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 40:03
34) Fıkıh Usulü ve Şer'i Deliller -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 28:48
35) Fıkıh Usulü ve Şer'i Deliller -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 31:52
36) Fıkıh -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 39:56
37) Fıkıh -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 42:42
38) Fıkıh -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 20:22
39) Fıkıh -4-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:33
40) Fıkıh -5 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 33:29
41) Dinler Tarihi -1- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 33:53
42) Dinler Tarihi -2- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 39:39
43) Dinler Tarihi -3- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 23:36
44) Dinler Tarihi -4- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 20:50
45) Din felsefesi - 1 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 30:30
46) Din felsefesi - 2 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 38:12
47) Din felsefesi - 3 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:01
48) İslam felsefesi- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 31:52
49) Günümüz Türkiye'sinde İslam Mezhep ve Yorumları- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 31:10
50) İslam Estetiği - Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 29:29
51) Din Psikolojisi - 1 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 44:47
52) Din Psikolojisii - 2 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:18
53) Din Sosyolojisi -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:47
54) Din Eğitimi -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 39:44
55) Alan Eğitimi -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:28
source: İsem Yayıncılık 2017年2月18日
2017 KPSS - ÖABT - Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Konu Anlatım
01) İslam Öncesi Mekke Dönemi -1- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 41:48
02) İslam Öncesi Mekke Dönemi -2- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 40:13
03) Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı -1- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 37:29
04) Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı -2- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 44:53
05) Hz. Muhammed'in Hayatı -3- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 44:59
06) Hz. Muhammet'in Sünneti -1- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 31:24
07) Hz. Muhammet'in Sünneti -2- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:18
08) Hadis Usulü -1- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:44
09) Hadis Usulü -2- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 31:54
10) Hadis Öğrenme Metodları 1- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:16
11) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 35:23
13) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 33:35
14) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -4-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:41
15) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -5- İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:20
16) İslam İbadet Esasları -1- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 38:07
17) İslam İbadet Esasları -2- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 45:38
18) İslam İbadet Esasları -3- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 38:56
19) İslam İbadet Esasları -4- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 33:22
20) İslam İbadet Esasları -5- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 35:24
21) İslam İbadet Esasları -6- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 40:13
22) İslam İbadet Esasları -7- -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 44:10
23) İslam İnanç Esasları -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 40:25
24) İslam İnanç Esasları -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:13
25) İslam İnanç Esasları -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 44:41
26) İslam İnanç Esasları -4-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 28:04
27) İslam İnanç Esasları -5-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 54:11
28) İslam İnanç Esasları -6-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 30:17
29) İslam İnanç Esasları -7-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:10
30) İslam İnanç Esasları -8-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 42:38
31) İslam Ahlakı -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:18
32) İslam Ahlakı -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 32:16
33) İslam Ahlakı -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 47:01
12) Kur'an'ın Muhtevasını Anlama -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 40:03
34) Fıkıh Usulü ve Şer'i Deliller -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 28:48
35) Fıkıh Usulü ve Şer'i Deliller -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 31:52
36) Fıkıh -1-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 39:56
37) Fıkıh -2-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 42:42
38) Fıkıh -3-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 20:22
39) Fıkıh -4-İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:33
40) Fıkıh -5 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 33:29
41) Dinler Tarihi -1- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 33:53
42) Dinler Tarihi -2- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 39:39
43) Dinler Tarihi -3- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 23:36
44) Dinler Tarihi -4- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 20:50
45) Din felsefesi - 1 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 30:30
46) Din felsefesi - 2 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 38:12
47) Din felsefesi - 3 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 36:01
48) İslam felsefesi- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 31:52
49) Günümüz Türkiye'sinde İslam Mezhep ve Yorumları- Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 31:10
50) İslam Estetiği - Hüseyin KAZAN (2017) 29:29
51) Din Psikolojisi - 1 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 44:47
52) Din Psikolojisii - 2 -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 41:18
53) Din Sosyolojisi -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:47
54) Din Eğitimi -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 39:44
55) Alan Eğitimi -İbrahim ERDOĞAN (2017) 37:28
(Español / in Spanish) Seminarios de Fronteras de la Ciencia de Materiales 2015/2016
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: UPM 2015年12月7日
Germán Escalante Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Películas de ZnO se obtuvieron por la técnica de depósito químico en fase vapor con fuente-unica (Single-Source Chemical Vapor Deposition, SSCVD) utilizando acetato de zinc como fuente de Zn y gas oxígeno como agente oxidante. Los depósitos se realizaron sobre sustratos de vidrio. La temperatura del sustrato se varió de 300 a 400ºC con un tiempo de depósito de 5 minutos. Resultados de difracción de rayos-X muestran que las películas depositadas son policristalinas con un tamaño medio de grano por debajo de 38 nm. La variación en la temperatura de depósito dio como resultado una variación en la morfología de crecimiento de 1D (granos columnares) a 2D (nanoplacas). La película depositada a 400ºC presenta nanoestructuras similares a placas apiladas con espesores de aproximadamente 50 nm. Espectros de catodoluminiscencia (CL) obtenidos a temperatura ambiente muestran las emisiones típicamente observadas en ZnO. Un pico de emisión en el UV cercano (λ = 388 nm) correspondiente al borde de la banda. La emisión verde centrada en λ = 525 nm y la emisión roja en λ = 670 nm, estas bandas están asociadas a niveles profundos como los relacionados con defectos, vacantes de oxígeno (VO), entre otros.
Los Seminarios Internacionales de Fronteras de la Ciencia de Materiales son organizados por el Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y tienen periodicidad semanal. Su objetivo es servir de punto de encuentro, interacción y difusión de problemáticas actuales y destacadas dentro del área de la Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales; con una visión amplia que va desde los materiales biológicos a los materiales funcionales, pasando por aplicaciones puramente tecnológicas. En ellos se cuenta con la participación desinteresada de relevantes investigadores y tecnólogos de Universidades, Empresas y Centros de Investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional.
Coordinador: Jose Ygnacio Pastor - jypastor@mater.upm.es
Seminarios de Fronteras de la Ciencia de Materiales 2015/2016
[private video]
SFCM 15/16 5: El sector de la construcción una vía para el reciclado y la sostenibilidad 1:01:26
SFCM 15/16 0: Materiales para la Industria Solar Termoeléctrica 43:29
SFCM 15/16 11: Materiales para la energía nuclear de fusión 53:20
SFCM 15/16 12: Modeling of experimentally characterized microstructures 53:01
SFCM 15/16 13: Estudio de la fisuración del hormigón causado por la corrosión de armaduras 48:39
SFCM 15/16 14: Hormigón reforzado con fibras de poliolefina 51:53
SFCM 15/16 15: Imanes permanentes y nanociencia, motores del desarrollo tecnológico 55:00
SFCM 15/16 16: Aleaciones de aluminio reforzadas con nanopartículas para transporte sostenible 36:39
SFCM 15/16 17: Composite materials: low velocity impact phenomenon 1:03:22
source: UPM 2015年12月7日
Germán Escalante Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Películas de ZnO se obtuvieron por la técnica de depósito químico en fase vapor con fuente-unica (Single-Source Chemical Vapor Deposition, SSCVD) utilizando acetato de zinc como fuente de Zn y gas oxígeno como agente oxidante. Los depósitos se realizaron sobre sustratos de vidrio. La temperatura del sustrato se varió de 300 a 400ºC con un tiempo de depósito de 5 minutos. Resultados de difracción de rayos-X muestran que las películas depositadas son policristalinas con un tamaño medio de grano por debajo de 38 nm. La variación en la temperatura de depósito dio como resultado una variación en la morfología de crecimiento de 1D (granos columnares) a 2D (nanoplacas). La película depositada a 400ºC presenta nanoestructuras similares a placas apiladas con espesores de aproximadamente 50 nm. Espectros de catodoluminiscencia (CL) obtenidos a temperatura ambiente muestran las emisiones típicamente observadas en ZnO. Un pico de emisión en el UV cercano (λ = 388 nm) correspondiente al borde de la banda. La emisión verde centrada en λ = 525 nm y la emisión roja en λ = 670 nm, estas bandas están asociadas a niveles profundos como los relacionados con defectos, vacantes de oxígeno (VO), entre otros.
Los Seminarios Internacionales de Fronteras de la Ciencia de Materiales son organizados por el Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y tienen periodicidad semanal. Su objetivo es servir de punto de encuentro, interacción y difusión de problemáticas actuales y destacadas dentro del área de la Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales; con una visión amplia que va desde los materiales biológicos a los materiales funcionales, pasando por aplicaciones puramente tecnológicas. En ellos se cuenta con la participación desinteresada de relevantes investigadores y tecnólogos de Universidades, Empresas y Centros de Investigación del ámbito nacional e internacional.
Coordinador: Jose Ygnacio Pastor - jypastor@mater.upm.es
Seminarios de Fronteras de la Ciencia de Materiales 2015/2016
[private video]
SFCM 15/16 5: El sector de la construcción una vía para el reciclado y la sostenibilidad 1:01:26
SFCM 15/16 0: Materiales para la Industria Solar Termoeléctrica 43:29
SFCM 15/16 11: Materiales para la energía nuclear de fusión 53:20
SFCM 15/16 12: Modeling of experimentally characterized microstructures 53:01
SFCM 15/16 13: Estudio de la fisuración del hormigón causado por la corrosión de armaduras 48:39
SFCM 15/16 14: Hormigón reforzado con fibras de poliolefina 51:53
SFCM 15/16 15: Imanes permanentes y nanociencia, motores del desarrollo tecnológico 55:00
SFCM 15/16 16: Aleaciones de aluminio reforzadas con nanopartículas para transporte sostenible 36:39
SFCM 15/16 17: Composite materials: low velocity impact phenomenon 1:03:22
(Español / in Spanish) Design Thinking
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: UPM 2017年2月2日
Vídeo producido por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
source: UPM 2017年2月2日
Vídeo producido por el Gabinete de Tele-Educación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Jean-Morlet Chair - Research Talks - Lemanczyk/Ferenczi
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2016年11月2日
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 1 1:27:36
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 2 1:30:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 3 1:12:02
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics- part 4 1:01:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 5 1:26:29
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 6 1:30:33
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 7 1:13:51
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 8 58:42
9 1:01:13 James Maynard: Primes with missing digits
10 1:02:30 Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics
11 48:05 Harald Helfgott: The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools
12 1:12:38 Peter Sarnak: Möbius randomness and dynamics six years later
13 1:13:59 Markus Haase : Operators in ergodic theory - Lecture 1 : Operators dynamics versus ...
14 1:00:09 Nikos Frantzikinakis: Ergodicity of the Liouville system implies the Chowla conjecture
15 57:15 Benjamin Weiss: The unsolved problems of Halmos
source: Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques 2016年11月2日
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 1 1:27:36
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 2 1:30:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 3 1:12:02
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics- part 4 1:01:01
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 5 1:26:29
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 6 1:30:33
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 7 1:13:51
Vitaly Bergelson: Mutually enriching connections between ergodic theory and combinatorics - part 8 58:42
9 1:01:13 James Maynard: Primes with missing digits
10 1:02:30 Peter Sarnak: Integral points on Markoff type cubic surfaces and dynamics
11 48:05 Harald Helfgott: The diameter of the symmetric group: ideas and tools
12 1:12:38 Peter Sarnak: Möbius randomness and dynamics six years later
13 1:13:59 Markus Haase : Operators in ergodic theory - Lecture 1 : Operators dynamics versus ...
14 1:00:09 Nikos Frantzikinakis: Ergodicity of the Liouville system implies the Chowla conjecture
15 57:15 Benjamin Weiss: The unsolved problems of Halmos
Correlation and Disorder in Classical and Quantum Systems (2017)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年6月12日
29 May 2017 to 02 June 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
This program aims to bring together people working on classical and quantum systems with disorder and interactions. The extensive exploration, through experiments, simulations and model calculations, of growing correlation lengths associated with the rapid increases of viscosity and relaxation times in classical systems is a major recent development in the study of the glass transition. At the same time, there have also been significant advances, recently, in the effort to combine density functional theory with dynamical mean-field theory (DFT+DMFT) to understand the properties of quantum many-body systems. These involve treating interactions using quantum impurity models, thereby connecting directly to the physics of disordered systems. Another interesting recent direction of investigation is understanding how the interplay of interactions and disorder in quantum many-body systems can lead to ergodic and non-ergodic phases and transitions between them. The common themes of disorder and correlation effects run through this diverse class of problems prompting a discussion on the possibility of developing a broad theoretical framework within which to understand the phenomenology of disordered classical and quantum systems. The main focus of this program will be to assess the recent developments in these two fields on a common and inter-disciplinary platform, and also strategize the future directions and requirements for their implementation. A secondary focus will be on inter-disciplinary aspects, where common and complementary methods can be merged from both sides, to develop self-consistent and efficient numerical techniques for the understanding and prediction of new phases of matter.
This program is partially supported by NanoScience division of Oxford Instruments
CONTACT US: cqdiscor2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/CQDIS...
Theory of Rigidity & Force Transmission in Granular Systems by Bulbul Chakraborty 44:49
Active Forces and Flows in Development by Madan Rao 41:36
Oxide hetero-interfaces: superconductivity, magnetism by Arghya Taraphder 40:18
Thermal Conductivity of Glass-Forming Liquid by Abhishek Dhar 42:27
Computer simulations of gel-formation via catalytic reactions by Walter Kob 46:46
Reactor to Rheology: Coupled models for polymers by Chinmay Das 45:09
Quantum Spin Liquids in Kagome Lattice by Subhro Bhattacharjee 43:51
Spontaneous disorder near the Mott transition on frustrated lattices by Pinaki Majumdar 47:34
Charge transport in Organic Semiconductors: Role of disorder, correlation by Manoranjan P Singh 40:14
Collective and single particle correlations in a binary mixture : dependence by Shankar P Das 47:08
Jamming and Gardner a granular media experiment by Olivier Dauchot 47:35
Magnetism beyond the 3d transition metal oxides by Priya Mahadevan 36:54
Study of dynamical heterogeneities in aging by Ranjini Bandyopadhyay 41:38
The equilibrium transition underlying irreversible deformation of solids by Surajit Sengupta 47:45
[private video]
Observing the dynamics of molecules at their own scale: a continuous... by Biswaroop Mukherjee 41:19
Continuous Mott transitions in a model Hamiltonian system by N S Vidhyadhiraja 36:40
Random Field Ising Model with Conserved Kinetics by Varsha Banerjee 42:29
Random Pinning in Supercooled Liquids: Connection by Saurish Chakrabarty 29:48
Rigidity of materials as consequence of configurational constraint by Shibu Saw 29:53
Glassy dynamics in active matter by Rituparno Mandal 27:44
Avalanche dynamics in a 2D glass by Shiladitya Sengupta 24:06
Stability of many-body localization in two and higher dimension by Sumilan Banerjee 42:57
The role of pair correlation function in the dynamical by Sarika Bhattacharyya 32:14
Spatio-temporal correlations across the melting of 2D Wigner molecules by Amit Ghosal 46:40
Anomalous dynamics of metal ions in presence of a bacterial protein by Jaydeb Chakrabarti 43:28
Many body mobility edges in a one dimensional model of interacting fermions by Arti Garg 49:01
Soft Electronic Fluctuations in Sr2RuO4 by Mukul Laad 54:46
[private video]
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年6月12日
29 May 2017 to 02 June 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
This program aims to bring together people working on classical and quantum systems with disorder and interactions. The extensive exploration, through experiments, simulations and model calculations, of growing correlation lengths associated with the rapid increases of viscosity and relaxation times in classical systems is a major recent development in the study of the glass transition. At the same time, there have also been significant advances, recently, in the effort to combine density functional theory with dynamical mean-field theory (DFT+DMFT) to understand the properties of quantum many-body systems. These involve treating interactions using quantum impurity models, thereby connecting directly to the physics of disordered systems. Another interesting recent direction of investigation is understanding how the interplay of interactions and disorder in quantum many-body systems can lead to ergodic and non-ergodic phases and transitions between them. The common themes of disorder and correlation effects run through this diverse class of problems prompting a discussion on the possibility of developing a broad theoretical framework within which to understand the phenomenology of disordered classical and quantum systems. The main focus of this program will be to assess the recent developments in these two fields on a common and inter-disciplinary platform, and also strategize the future directions and requirements for their implementation. A secondary focus will be on inter-disciplinary aspects, where common and complementary methods can be merged from both sides, to develop self-consistent and efficient numerical techniques for the understanding and prediction of new phases of matter.
This program is partially supported by NanoScience division of Oxford Instruments
CONTACT US: cqdiscor2017@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/CQDIS...
Theory of Rigidity & Force Transmission in Granular Systems by Bulbul Chakraborty 44:49
Active Forces and Flows in Development by Madan Rao 41:36
Oxide hetero-interfaces: superconductivity, magnetism by Arghya Taraphder 40:18
Thermal Conductivity of Glass-Forming Liquid by Abhishek Dhar 42:27
Computer simulations of gel-formation via catalytic reactions by Walter Kob 46:46
Reactor to Rheology: Coupled models for polymers by Chinmay Das 45:09
Quantum Spin Liquids in Kagome Lattice by Subhro Bhattacharjee 43:51
Spontaneous disorder near the Mott transition on frustrated lattices by Pinaki Majumdar 47:34
Charge transport in Organic Semiconductors: Role of disorder, correlation by Manoranjan P Singh 40:14
Collective and single particle correlations in a binary mixture : dependence by Shankar P Das 47:08
Jamming and Gardner a granular media experiment by Olivier Dauchot 47:35
Magnetism beyond the 3d transition metal oxides by Priya Mahadevan 36:54
Study of dynamical heterogeneities in aging by Ranjini Bandyopadhyay 41:38
The equilibrium transition underlying irreversible deformation of solids by Surajit Sengupta 47:45
[private video]
Observing the dynamics of molecules at their own scale: a continuous... by Biswaroop Mukherjee 41:19
Continuous Mott transitions in a model Hamiltonian system by N S Vidhyadhiraja 36:40
Random Field Ising Model with Conserved Kinetics by Varsha Banerjee 42:29
Random Pinning in Supercooled Liquids: Connection by Saurish Chakrabarty 29:48
Rigidity of materials as consequence of configurational constraint by Shibu Saw 29:53
Glassy dynamics in active matter by Rituparno Mandal 27:44
Avalanche dynamics in a 2D glass by Shiladitya Sengupta 24:06
Stability of many-body localization in two and higher dimension by Sumilan Banerjee 42:57
The role of pair correlation function in the dynamical by Sarika Bhattacharyya 32:14
Spatio-temporal correlations across the melting of 2D Wigner molecules by Amit Ghosal 46:40
Anomalous dynamics of metal ions in presence of a bacterial protein by Jaydeb Chakrabarti 43:28
Many body mobility edges in a one dimensional model of interacting fermions by Arti Garg 49:01
Soft Electronic Fluctuations in Sr2RuO4 by Mukul Laad 54:46
[private video]
Candles of Darkness (2017): Dark Matter and the Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年6月15日
Candles of Darkness
DATE: 05 June TIME2017 to 09 June 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
"Darkness is your candle. Your boundaries are your quest."- Jalal-ud-din Rumi of Balkh (1207 - 1273)
High energy Physics today has, in a sense, literally entered into a Dark Age. We know for about two decades that the Universe is mainly dark, with more than a quarter being Dark Matter, and roughly two-thirds being Dark Energy. It is only the remaining five percent or so of the Universe which we have been able to investigate thoroughly, and even here all that we have is a very successful phenomenological model – which we proudly call the Standard Model – which itself has plenty of loopholes. At the moment, both on the theoretical and experimental front, therefore, high energy physicists are essentially groping in the dark for answers to these puzzles. This is a good moment, therefore, to introspect, and it is in this context that the thought-provoking words quoted above become especially relevant, for it is by probing the present darkness that we will have to find the way forward. This discussion meeting is therefore called ‘Candles of Darkness’, for it is our hope to further the cause of introspection and out-of-the-box thinking which is the need of the day. A highlight of the meeting will be the three Infosys-ICTS Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar lectures, which will be delivered by Professor John Ellis of King's College, London, UK, doyen of the high energy phenomenologist community. Other eminent speakers will review more specific topics and share their insights and perspective.
For logistic reasons, participation in this discussion meeting is limited. You are, therefore, encouraged to apply early.
CONTACT US: candark@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK : https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Results from the LHC by Satyaki Bhattacharya 48:49
Results in Flavour Physics by Guy Wilkinson 46:31
A brief overview of astro-particle physics by Subhendra Mohanty 47:27
Tau Signals for Higgs Bosons in BSM theories at the CMS experiment by Sudeshna Banerjee 30:15
Neutrino mixing and baryogenesis via leptogenesis from complex sacling by Probir Roy 18:36
µ → eγ in a Supersymmetric Radiative Neutrino Mass Model by R Srikanth Hundi 21:21
Higher Dimensional Operators in 2HDM and its Consequences by Siddhartha Karmakar 14:25
Vector Dark Matter Annihilation with Internal Bremsstrahlung by Gaurav Tomar 13:33
Supersymmetry at Low Energy Scales by Sourav Roy 47:05
Overview of Flavour Physics by Giancarlo D’Ambrosio 46:42
New physics searches with heavy flavour observables by Soumitra Nandi 41:27
Overview of Dark Matter by Paolo Gondolo 54:51
Measurements of the CKM Unitarity Triangle by Jim Libby 30:43
Leptoquark Effects in the Recent Anomalies in Flavour Sector by Rukmani Mohanta 26:45
Role of Tensor operators in R(K) and R(K*) by Pritibhajan Byakti 10:32
The darkness within: Unification and revival of the right by Triparno Bandopadhyay 18:33
Mass discrepancy in galaxies, visible-invisible by Pijushpani Bhattacharjee 49:02
Dark Energy Beyond A by Anjan Ananda Sen 42:24
Candles, Rulers, Clumps & Sirens in Darkness: Probing Dark Energy by Subhabrata Majumdar 45:10
Moduli Masses and Inflationary Observables by Koushik Dutta 40:44
An Overview of Neutrino Physics by Amol Dighe 47:15
New Physics in Radiative Charm Decays by Nita Sinha 30:24
Confronting Limitations of the SM through Non-SUSY SO(10) by M K Parida 28:48
Quintuplet Minimal Dark Matter In Left Right Symmetric Model by Ayon Patra 13:41
Unique Collider Signatures of a LRS Model with Minimal DM by Nilanjana Kumar 15:10
The IceCUBE Experiment : Current Status and Future Plans by Debanjan Bose 26:52
Baryogenesis and leptogenesis by Urjit A Yajnik 41:44
Effective theories of dense quark matter and applications in neutron stars by Rishi Sharma 46:50
Neutrino and Its connection to Dark Matter by Sudhanwa Patra 15:49
Signatures of heavier electroweakinos at LHC by Nabanita Ganguly 16:26
Future Directions in Theoretical High Energy Physic by Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya 56:58
Future Directions in Experimental High Energy Physics by Naba K Mondal 56:38
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年6月15日
Candles of Darkness
DATE: 05 June TIME2017 to 09 June 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
"Darkness is your candle. Your boundaries are your quest."- Jalal-ud-din Rumi of Balkh (1207 - 1273)
High energy Physics today has, in a sense, literally entered into a Dark Age. We know for about two decades that the Universe is mainly dark, with more than a quarter being Dark Matter, and roughly two-thirds being Dark Energy. It is only the remaining five percent or so of the Universe which we have been able to investigate thoroughly, and even here all that we have is a very successful phenomenological model – which we proudly call the Standard Model – which itself has plenty of loopholes. At the moment, both on the theoretical and experimental front, therefore, high energy physicists are essentially groping in the dark for answers to these puzzles. This is a good moment, therefore, to introspect, and it is in this context that the thought-provoking words quoted above become especially relevant, for it is by probing the present darkness that we will have to find the way forward. This discussion meeting is therefore called ‘Candles of Darkness’, for it is our hope to further the cause of introspection and out-of-the-box thinking which is the need of the day. A highlight of the meeting will be the three Infosys-ICTS Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar lectures, which will be delivered by Professor John Ellis of King's College, London, UK, doyen of the high energy phenomenologist community. Other eminent speakers will review more specific topics and share their insights and perspective.
For logistic reasons, participation in this discussion meeting is limited. You are, therefore, encouraged to apply early.
CONTACT US: candark@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK : https://www.icts.res.in/discussion-me...
Results from the LHC by Satyaki Bhattacharya 48:49
Results in Flavour Physics by Guy Wilkinson 46:31
A brief overview of astro-particle physics by Subhendra Mohanty 47:27
Tau Signals for Higgs Bosons in BSM theories at the CMS experiment by Sudeshna Banerjee 30:15
Neutrino mixing and baryogenesis via leptogenesis from complex sacling by Probir Roy 18:36
µ → eγ in a Supersymmetric Radiative Neutrino Mass Model by R Srikanth Hundi 21:21
Higher Dimensional Operators in 2HDM and its Consequences by Siddhartha Karmakar 14:25
Vector Dark Matter Annihilation with Internal Bremsstrahlung by Gaurav Tomar 13:33
Supersymmetry at Low Energy Scales by Sourav Roy 47:05
Overview of Flavour Physics by Giancarlo D’Ambrosio 46:42
New physics searches with heavy flavour observables by Soumitra Nandi 41:27
Overview of Dark Matter by Paolo Gondolo 54:51
Measurements of the CKM Unitarity Triangle by Jim Libby 30:43
Leptoquark Effects in the Recent Anomalies in Flavour Sector by Rukmani Mohanta 26:45
Role of Tensor operators in R(K) and R(K*) by Pritibhajan Byakti 10:32
The darkness within: Unification and revival of the right by Triparno Bandopadhyay 18:33
Mass discrepancy in galaxies, visible-invisible by Pijushpani Bhattacharjee 49:02
Dark Energy Beyond A by Anjan Ananda Sen 42:24
Candles, Rulers, Clumps & Sirens in Darkness: Probing Dark Energy by Subhabrata Majumdar 45:10
Moduli Masses and Inflationary Observables by Koushik Dutta 40:44
An Overview of Neutrino Physics by Amol Dighe 47:15
New Physics in Radiative Charm Decays by Nita Sinha 30:24
Confronting Limitations of the SM through Non-SUSY SO(10) by M K Parida 28:48
Quintuplet Minimal Dark Matter In Left Right Symmetric Model by Ayon Patra 13:41
Unique Collider Signatures of a LRS Model with Minimal DM by Nilanjana Kumar 15:10
The IceCUBE Experiment : Current Status and Future Plans by Debanjan Bose 26:52
Baryogenesis and leptogenesis by Urjit A Yajnik 41:44
Effective theories of dense quark matter and applications in neutron stars by Rishi Sharma 46:50
Neutrino and Its connection to Dark Matter by Sudhanwa Patra 15:49
Signatures of heavier electroweakinos at LHC by Nabanita Ganguly 16:26
Future Directions in Theoretical High Energy Physic by Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya 56:58
Future Directions in Experimental High Energy Physics by Naba K Mondal 56:38
Summer school and Discussion Meeting on Buoyancy-driven flows (2017)
# You can also click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist.
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年6月28日
Summer school and Discussion Meeting on Buoyancy-driven flows
DATE: 12 June 2017 to 20 June 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Buoyancy plays a major role in the dynamics of atmosphere and interiors of planets and stars, as well as in engineering applications. This field has witnessed major advances in recent times in modeling, experiments, and numerical simulations.
This program on modeling, experiments, and numerical aspects of buoyancy-driven flows will bring together researchers working in the areas of astrophysics, fluid turbulence, nonlinear physics, and condensed matter physics. The program is planned as a 4 day school followed by a 5 day discussion meeting.
Beside courses of lectures, the school will also contain tutorials on numerical methods. There will be lectures in the discussion meeting on recent results by experts in the field. The aim of the discussions is to foster long-term collaborations among the participants. The topics of the discussion meeting include buoyancy-driven turbulence, Nusselt and Reynolds number scaling, flow reversals, atmospheric applications, rotating convection, etc.
Topics of the schools
Rayleigh-Bénard instability and gravity waves, Nonlinear saturation, Turbulent buoyancy-driven flow and its phenomenology, Bolgiano-Obukhov and Kolmogorov scaling. - Mahendra Verma
Theoretical development, Dissipative anomaly, Scale invariant solutions of the governing equations, Nusselt number scalings. - J. K. Bhattacharjee
Experimental investigation of turbulent convection and buoyancy-driven flows in vertical tube, Boundary layers. - Jaywant Arakeri
Buoyancy-driven flows in atmosphere , rotating and stratified flows. - Jai Sukhatme
Numerical simulations, Finite difference scheme. - Richard Stevens
School at a pedagogical level for students and postdocs (12-15 June, 2017).
Discussion meeting with the participation of leading researchers in the field (16-20 June, 2017).
Contact Us: buoyant@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK:https://www.icts.res.in/program/bdf2017
Rayleigh-Bénard instability and gravity waves, Nonlinear saturation... (Part 1) by Mahendra Verma 1:23:50
Rayleigh-Bénard instability and gravity waves, Nonlinear saturation...(Part 2) by Mahendra Verma 1:26:13
Kolmogorov theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence... (Part 1) by J K Bhattacharjee 1:36:28
Kolmogorov theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence... ( Part 2) by J K Bhattacharjee 1:36:39
Numerical simulations of highly turbulent flows (Part 1) by Richard Stevens 1:19:53
Numerical simulations of highly turbulent flows (Part 2) by Richard Stevens 58:26
Experimental Methods: Flow visualization (Part 1) by Jaywant Arakeri 1:13:17
Experimental Methods: Flow visualization (Part 2) by Jaywant Arakeri 34:22
Stratified Geophysical Flows (Part 1) by Jai Sukhatme 1:10:48
Stratified Geophysical Flows (Part 2) by Jai Sukhatme 1:21:57
Kolmogorov theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence... (Part 3) by J K Bhattacharjee 1:26:50
Scales and scaling in turbulence is stably stratified fluids by J K Bhattacharjee 33:14
On separating plumes from boundary layers in turbulent convection by A P Baburaj 30:04
Quantification of small-scales and large-scale turbulence in thermal convection by Mahendra Verma 30:42
Superstructures in Rayleigh-Benard convection by Richard Stevens 28:50
Turbulent superstructures in Rayleigh-Benard convection by Ambrish Pandey 29:49
Dynamics of quantized vortices in a wall bounded superfluid turbulence by Pankaj Kumar Mishra 31:58
Large Eddy Simulation of Thermally Stratified Turbulent Channel Flow by S F Anwer 20:20
Canonical Hamiltonian understanding of stratified flows by Anirban Guha 32:42
Modelling internal gravity waves for oceanic applications by Mani Mathur 37:40
[private video]
Analysis of an instability in stratified fluid flow by Vishal Vasan 32:10
Buoyancy effects in dilute astrophysical plasmas by Prateek Sharma 32:49
Magnetic confinement of rotating convection: Implications... by Binod Sreenivasan 30:04
[private video]
Convection in the Nocturnal Surface Layer by K R Sreenivas 26:09
Rayleigh-Benard convection and axially by Jaywant Arakeri 40:28
The Fluid Dynamics of Cumulus Clouds by Roddam Narasimha 32:37
[private video]
Droplet dynamics in cloud turbulence: A numerical investigation by Bipin Kumar 33:18
Experimental investigation of cloud formation and growth in turbulent... by Kamal Kant Chandrakar 21:37
[private video]
Dynamics of a bubble by Kirti Chandra Sahu 31:36
Rising bubbles in a liquid column by Rajaram Lakkaraju 27:53
Rayleigh-Benard convection in Nanofluids by Sudhakar Subudhi 22:05
Energy spectra and fluxes of buoyancy-driven flows by Abhishek Kumar 22:59
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2017年6月28日
Summer school and Discussion Meeting on Buoyancy-driven flows
DATE: 12 June 2017 to 20 June 2017
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS, Bengaluru
Buoyancy plays a major role in the dynamics of atmosphere and interiors of planets and stars, as well as in engineering applications. This field has witnessed major advances in recent times in modeling, experiments, and numerical simulations.
This program on modeling, experiments, and numerical aspects of buoyancy-driven flows will bring together researchers working in the areas of astrophysics, fluid turbulence, nonlinear physics, and condensed matter physics. The program is planned as a 4 day school followed by a 5 day discussion meeting.
Beside courses of lectures, the school will also contain tutorials on numerical methods. There will be lectures in the discussion meeting on recent results by experts in the field. The aim of the discussions is to foster long-term collaborations among the participants. The topics of the discussion meeting include buoyancy-driven turbulence, Nusselt and Reynolds number scaling, flow reversals, atmospheric applications, rotating convection, etc.
Topics of the schools
Rayleigh-Bénard instability and gravity waves, Nonlinear saturation, Turbulent buoyancy-driven flow and its phenomenology, Bolgiano-Obukhov and Kolmogorov scaling. - Mahendra Verma
Theoretical development, Dissipative anomaly, Scale invariant solutions of the governing equations, Nusselt number scalings. - J. K. Bhattacharjee
Experimental investigation of turbulent convection and buoyancy-driven flows in vertical tube, Boundary layers. - Jaywant Arakeri
Buoyancy-driven flows in atmosphere , rotating and stratified flows. - Jai Sukhatme
Numerical simulations, Finite difference scheme. - Richard Stevens
School at a pedagogical level for students and postdocs (12-15 June, 2017).
Discussion meeting with the participation of leading researchers in the field (16-20 June, 2017).
Contact Us: buoyant@icts.res.in
PROGRAM LINK:https://www.icts.res.in/program/bdf2017
Rayleigh-Bénard instability and gravity waves, Nonlinear saturation... (Part 1) by Mahendra Verma 1:23:50
Rayleigh-Bénard instability and gravity waves, Nonlinear saturation...(Part 2) by Mahendra Verma 1:26:13
Kolmogorov theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence... (Part 1) by J K Bhattacharjee 1:36:28
Kolmogorov theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence... ( Part 2) by J K Bhattacharjee 1:36:39
Numerical simulations of highly turbulent flows (Part 1) by Richard Stevens 1:19:53
Numerical simulations of highly turbulent flows (Part 2) by Richard Stevens 58:26
Experimental Methods: Flow visualization (Part 1) by Jaywant Arakeri 1:13:17
Experimental Methods: Flow visualization (Part 2) by Jaywant Arakeri 34:22
Stratified Geophysical Flows (Part 1) by Jai Sukhatme 1:10:48
Stratified Geophysical Flows (Part 2) by Jai Sukhatme 1:21:57
Kolmogorov theory of homogeneous isotropic turbulence... (Part 3) by J K Bhattacharjee 1:26:50
Scales and scaling in turbulence is stably stratified fluids by J K Bhattacharjee 33:14
On separating plumes from boundary layers in turbulent convection by A P Baburaj 30:04
Quantification of small-scales and large-scale turbulence in thermal convection by Mahendra Verma 30:42
Superstructures in Rayleigh-Benard convection by Richard Stevens 28:50
Turbulent superstructures in Rayleigh-Benard convection by Ambrish Pandey 29:49
Dynamics of quantized vortices in a wall bounded superfluid turbulence by Pankaj Kumar Mishra 31:58
Large Eddy Simulation of Thermally Stratified Turbulent Channel Flow by S F Anwer 20:20
Canonical Hamiltonian understanding of stratified flows by Anirban Guha 32:42
Modelling internal gravity waves for oceanic applications by Mani Mathur 37:40
[private video]
Analysis of an instability in stratified fluid flow by Vishal Vasan 32:10
Buoyancy effects in dilute astrophysical plasmas by Prateek Sharma 32:49
Magnetic confinement of rotating convection: Implications... by Binod Sreenivasan 30:04
[private video]
Convection in the Nocturnal Surface Layer by K R Sreenivas 26:09
Rayleigh-Benard convection and axially by Jaywant Arakeri 40:28
The Fluid Dynamics of Cumulus Clouds by Roddam Narasimha 32:37
[private video]
Droplet dynamics in cloud turbulence: A numerical investigation by Bipin Kumar 33:18
Experimental investigation of cloud formation and growth in turbulent... by Kamal Kant Chandrakar 21:37
[private video]
Dynamics of a bubble by Kirti Chandra Sahu 31:36
Rising bubbles in a liquid column by Rajaram Lakkaraju 27:53
Rayleigh-Benard convection in Nanofluids by Sudhakar Subudhi 22:05
Energy spectra and fluxes of buoyancy-driven flows by Abhishek Kumar 22:59
Big Think (videos of July 2017)
source: Big Think
7:41 How I Overcame Homelessness Twice to Become a Billionaire | John Paul DeJoria John Paul Dejoria has had a rough ride to the top. Yet being homeless twice and being abandoned by his wife early on didn't shake his drive to make it in this word, and he's managed to turn an admi...
9:38 Why Donald Trump Is Actually Obama’s Natural Successor | Michael Slaby "History is decided by the people that show up," and about 60 million people — about 1/5th of the country — showed up to vote for a boorish reality TV star with no experience in politics. It shocke...
2:22 4 Incredible Words with No English Equivalent: What Is Grief-Bacon? | Kory Stamper The Oxford Dictionary estimates that there may be, at the very least, a quarter of a million distinct English words—not counting technical and scientific vocabulary, regional slang, or inflections—...
11:04 Cornel West: Hope Is Spiritual Armor Against Modern Society's Spiritual Warfare There is a spiritual war happening in the United States, and to be silent is to be complicit, says Dr. Cornel West. He takes his starting point at the elimination of arts programs under Reagan in t...
4:06 What's Wrong with Journalism Today? Narrative, Click Bait, Story Quotas | Matthew Hiltzik Journalists care so much about being first that they've forgotten about being good. What is "good" journalism? For one thing, says PR strategist Matthew Hiltzik, it's responsible and it doesn't pla...
9:21 Social Media's Dark Side: How Facebook and Snapchat Try to Steal Our Self-Worth | Tristan Harris In the 1970s, at the dawn of personal computers, people like Steve Jobs and the scientists at Xerox PARC talked about computers as "bicycles for our mind". Sure, someone was going to make big money...
6:35 Brain Bias: Why You Shouldn't Emulate Geniuses and Their Rigid Thinking Processes | Barbara Oakley How do you get out of a mental feedback loop? The smartest people—call them geniuses or what you will—tend to shut down outside voices and tend to only listen to sources that they know they'll agre...
6:57 Universal Basic Income, the 30-Hour Workweek, and the Economics of Poverty | Michael Slaby Read more at BigThink.com: Follow Big Think here:
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4:00 Why You Should Read Philosophy: Truth, Knowledge, and Meaning Philosophy provides a new way of looking at the world and exploring ideas that otherwise might be too heavy, or too big, to comprehend. It's a lot better than the alternative—which is willful ignor...
4:48 Erasing the Self, Living in a Dream, and Creating New Power Relationships with VR | Jordan Greenhall "The line between what it means to be dreaming and what it means to be awake is going to become very interesting," says Jordan Greenhall, CEO of Neurohacker. Virtual reality is perhaps the easiest ...
7:22 Optimists Do It Longer: How a Positive Outlook Will Boost Your Longevity | Michael Scheier It's not considered ultra-cool to be an optimist in today's culture. Too much pep comes off as naïveté and we're just one motivational poster away from self-implosion. But do you know what is cool?...
8:49 Which Jobs Will Machines Take Over? Movie Critics, Doctors, Truckers... So, what will your second career be? There's no playing coy with it anymore: intelligent machines are coming for our jobs, but rather than let this be a point of fear and the start of even greater ...
6:58 Knowing How to Tell a Good Story Is Like Having Mind Control | Alan Alda People who are natural storytellers make it look easy, but cut to the moment you're in the hot seat—at an interview, a conference, or even in a social setting—and suddenly the suave-ness is not so ...
3:49 Why Interest-Based Negotiation Will Get You What You Really Want Negotiation is part of life. Whether we're talking about something as grandiose as healthcare or as personal as buying a car, we often spend the vast majority of the negotiation process haggling ov...
10:16 Why Are Nations So Divided? Trump, Brexit, and the Struggle for Status There's a schism between the idealism of globalization—i.e. that a more connected, educated, and mobile world is going to make everything better—and that of populism, which demands a more insular, ...
7:58 How a False Arrest Pushed Ex-Tennis Pro James Blake to Be a Voice for Police Accountability Follow Big Think here:
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3:36 How to Control Your Rage, With Buddhist and Michelin Star Chef Eric Ripert Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/how-buddhism-helped-eric-riper... YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
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6:32 The Prison Project: How Can You Restore Humanity In an Inhumane System? In the last 35 years, California has built approximately 22 new prisons, and the state has one of the highest recidivism rates in the country. The US's prison industrial complex has been called Ame...
8:07 Why the Best Scientists Are Open-Minded: Jane Goodall and Bali’s Water Temples Read more at BigThink.com: http://bigthink.com/videos/philip-kitcher-why-the-best-sc... YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTs...
7:31 Do Humans Have Free Will, Or Are We Programmed By Society? | Joscha Bach For many years, Joscha Bach could not understand why humans flock so strongly towards religion and ideology. Having grown up in communist East Germany and seeing the people around him buy into nati...
6:23 Job Automation: Are Writers, Artists, and Musicians Replaceable? You're probably reading this from either a smartphone or a laptop. It's no small secret that the device you're looking at can create works of art... if you put your mind to it. But therein lies the...
10:06 Neil deGrasse Tyson: How to Teach Science? Leverage the Power of Pop Culture Pop culture is a great way to frame new information. And a teacher like Neil can make a huge difference. Why spend hours explaining something in great detail when you can simply use what they alrea...
2:32 CRISPR Babies: Eugenics, Ethics, and Why Regulation Efforts Could Be Too Late Follow Big Think here:
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6:09 Lawrence Krauss on How to Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills Strange answers aren’t inherently wrong, and satisfying answers aren’t inherently right, says Lawrence Krauss in this critical thinking crash course. The astrophysicist explains how principles of s...
8:53 What Hope Actually Meant to Martin Luther King Jr. and President Obama Here's an exercise: If there's someone near you right now, ask them to define hope. Quickly. What did they say: was it motivational? Did it deal with future ambition, expectation, and desire? Histo...
3:29 Questions about Sex That Women and Men Google the Most | Seth Stephens-Davidowitz Sex is a touchy subject. What people say about their sex lives—what they "self-report"—can bear little relation to the truth of the matter. Men famously inflate their number of sexual encounters wh...
5:43 How Your Brain Is Getting Hacked: Facebook, Tinder, Slot Machines | Tristan Harris Casinos, magicians, and the makers of social media platforms all know something about you: your mind is very vulnerable to influence. Just as the magician relies on limitations in your short term m...
4:32 The True Value of Coding: It Teaches You to Think Differently | Gene Luen-Yang As a high school teacher for 17 years, Gene Luen-Yang experienced the highs and lows of teaching computer science. Initially offered as a standalone course at Bishop O’Dowd High School, where Luen-...
7:33 Guns, God, & Drugs: How to Negotiate America's Political Arguments | Dan Shapiro Follow Big Think here:
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8:39 Artificial Intelligence Is the New Science of Human Consciousness | Joscha Bach Follow Big Think here:
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YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
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