The University of Chicago
The 530th Convocation – The University of Chicago The University Ceremony of the 530th Convocation of the University of Chicago was held on June 10, 2017, on the Main Quadrangle. The University of Chicago Pipe Band led distinguished faculty and de...
The 28th Annual Lowell T. Coggeshall Memorial Lecture On May 16, 2017, Samuel Hellman, MD, delivered the 28th Annual Lowell T. Coggeshall Memorial Lecture, “Learning While Caring,” at the University of Chicago Department of Medicine Grand Rounds.
Chicago Harris Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, Spring 2017 The University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy Diploma and Hooding Ceremony was held at Mandel Hall on June 10, following the 530th Convocation. Brad Bogan, MPP‘97, delivered the Alumni R...
The College Class Day 2017 The College of the University of Chicago celebrates Class Day, a new convocation tradition, on June 9, 2017. The event features invited speaker David Brooks, AB’83, an op-ed columnist for the New Y...
Being Empathetic and Analytical at the Same Time Christian Madsbjerg, author of Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm and the founder and senior partner of ReD Associates, argues that the liberal arts are the best t...
What is Sensemaking Christian Madsbjerg, author of Sensemaking: The Power of the Humanities in the Age of the Algorithm and the founder and senior partner of ReD Associates, provides a definition of what "sensemaking"...
Being on the Right Side of Automation David Kalt, founder and CEO at, shares his thoughts on humans as learning machines and on how liberal artists are on the right side of automation, at the “Bridging the Gap: How the Liber...
Liberal Arts Skills are Invaluable in the Financial World Don Phillips, former CEO and current director of the Board of Directors at Morningstar, speaks about hiring people with a liberal arts background at "Bridging the Gap: The Power of Liberal Arts in ...
Taking the Analysis to Another Level Award-winning journalist John Wasik talks about the importance of embracing the liberal arts to understand the narrative beyond data analysis at the "Bridging the Gap: The Power of Liberal Arts in ...
Master of Liberal Arts as a Practical Pursuit Jan Perrino, an alumna of UChicago Master of Liberal Arts, talks about the Master of Liberal Arts as a practical pursuit and how it helped her in her business. Jan is the founder of Perrino & Asso...
"What Should We Fear? Courage and Cowardice in Public Life" Moral theologian Jean Porter (John A. O’Brien Professor of Theological Ethics at the University of Notre Dame) gave the talk "What should we fear? Courage and cowardice in public life" on Monday, J...
Social Sciences Division Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, Spring 2017 The Social Sciences Division Diploma and Hooding Ceremony was held in Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on Saturday, June 10, following the University of Chicago 530th Convocation. It included conferring...
Physical Sciences Division Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, Spring 2017 During the University of Chicago Physical Sciences Division Diploma and Hooding Ceremony on June 10, 2017, graduates from Chemistry, Computer Science, Financial Mathematics, Geophysical Sciences, M...
Law School Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, 530th Convocation The University of Chicago Law School’s Diploma and Hooding Ceremony is held in the historic Rockefeller Memorial Chapel and celebrates the achievements of students who have completed the degree req...
Division of the Humanities Diploma and Hooding Ceremony, Spring 2017 The Division of the Humanities Diploma and Hooding Ceremony was held in Mandel Hall on June 9, 2017, as part of the University of Chicago's 530th Convocation.
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