source: MIT OpenCourseWare Last updated on 2014年7月1日
MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I, Spring 2013
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This course covers the experimental basis of quantum physics. It introduces wave mechanics, Schrödinger's equation in a single dimension, and Schrödinger's equation in three dimensions.
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1. Introduction to Superposition 1:16:07
2. Experimental Facts of Life 1:20:08
3. The Wave Function 1:17:55
4. Expectations, Momentum, and Uncertainty 1:20:07
5. Operators and the Schrӧdinger Equation 1:23:14
6. Time Evolution and the Schrödinger Equation 1:22:19
7. More on Energy Eigenstates 1:15:54
8. Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Part I 1:21:00
9. Operator Methods for the Harmonic Oscillator 1:17:54
10. Clicker Bonanza and Dirac Notation 1:21:32
11. Dispersion of the Gaussian and the Finite Well 1:21:05
12. The Dirac Well and Scattering off the Finite Step 1:23:48
13. Scattering Take 2 1:22:35
14. Resonance and the S-Matrix 1:23:56
15. Eigenstates of the Angular Momentum 1:24:42
16. Eigenstates of the Angular Momentum II 1:20:38
17. Central Potentials Take 2 1:20:42
18. "Hydrogen" and its Discontents 1:20:07
19. Identical Particles 1:23:01
20. Periodic Lattices Part 1 1:24:20
21. Periodic Lattices Part 2 1:22:21
22. Metals, Insulators, and Semiconductors 1:26:35
23. More on Spin 1:22:10
24. Entanglement — QComputing, EPR, and Bell 1:22:45