
Effective Field Theory by Iain Stewart (Spring 2013)

# automatic playing for the 26 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: MIT OpenCourseWare     Last updated on 2014年6月27日
MIT 8.851 Effective Field Theory, Spring 2013
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-851S13
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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1. Introduction to Effective Field Theory (EFT) 1:19:40
2. Dimensional Power Counting 1:25:19
3. Field Redefinitions 1:24:41
4. Matching and Decoupling 1:21:59
5. Classic Operator Renormalization Group Equations (RGE) 1:22:00
6. Chiral Lagrangians 1:19:07
7. Chiral Loops 1:26:28
8. Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) 1:19:15
9. HQET Matching & Power Corrections 1:20:23
10. HQET Examples 1:23:11
11. Renormalons 1:22:33
12. More Renormalons 1:21:57
13. EFT with Fine Tuning 1:23:23
14. EFT with Fine Tuning Part 2 1:23:47
15. Soft-Collinear Effective Theory (SCET) Introduction 1:26:56
16. SCET Collinear Wilson Lines 1:21:12
17. SCET Multipole Expansion 1:24:09
18. SCET Beyond Tree Level 1:21:47
19. SCET Beyond Tree Level 2 1:22:42
20. SCET Wilson Coefficients 1:27:13
21. SCET Sudakov Logarithms 1:22:50
22. SCET for DIS 1:21:01
23. SCET for Dijets 1:25:35
24. SCETII 1:18:09
25. SCET_2 Rapidity RGE 1:23:03
26. SCET for LHC 1:21:41