
Hilary Putnam Discussion - Knowledge, Language, & Mind

source: Philosophical Overdose     2016年12月3日
A distinguished LSE panel discuss the life and work of the Harvard philosopher Hilary Putnam. The panel includes Julian Baggini, Professor Jesper Kallestrup, Professor Chris Norris, Dr Sarah Sawyer, and Dr Peter Dennis as chair. Hilary Putnam was an American philosopher, mathematician, and computer scientist. He made important contributions to philosophy of science, mathematics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics, and philosophy of language.
I quite like Putnam's book "Reason, Truth and History" which you can read online here: https://ia802606.us.archive.org/23/it...
This is from the London School of Economics and the Forum for European Philosophy. http://www.lse.ac.uk/publicEvents/eve...