
Susan Stiffelman: "Parenting with Presence" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google     2016年11月1日
Susan Stiffelman talks about how our children’s challenging behaviors—when met with presence and awareness—can catalyze our greatest growth.
She describes 3-ways we can interact with our children:
1) as the calm Captain of the ship who responds rather than reacts and sets loving limits from closeness and connection or
2) as the Lawyer who uses logic and negotiations to convince them to behave when tensions they are unhappy or misbehaving or
3) as the Dictator who—feeling desperate and out of control—tries to overpower children with threats, bribes, or punishments. Filled with practical nuggets that parents can immediately apply in their day to day lives, and are delivered with lightness, warmth, and humor.
You can find the book on Google Play: https://goo.gl/hebol8

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