Big Think
The Evolution of Homosexuality: From Criminal, to Mentally Ill, to Equal | Bennett Singer It wasn't that long ago, says Bennett Singer, that our nation's most progressive doctors considered homosexuality a psychological disease. That goes to show how far we have come—in areas like gay m...
3 Ways to Stop Racism: Diversity Exposure, Bias Intervention, Cross-Race Friendships | Lori Markson There's no getting around it: we're all a little bit biased. But when do harmful implicit biases, like racial judgements, form? Developmental psychologist Lori Markson and her colleagues have ident...
The Neuroscience of Creativity, Perception, and Confirmation Bias | Beau Lotto To ensure your survival, your brain evolved to avoid one thing: uncertainty. As neuroscientist Beau Lotto points out, if your ancestors wondered for too long whether that noise was a predator or no...
Is Race Genetic or Socially Constructed? | Philip Kitcher How many different races are there? Pick a number, any number, says philosophy professor Philip Kitcher. Wherever there is an agenda there is a division to be made; race is a social construct with ...
CRISPR's Gene Drive Could Revive Extinct Species–or Create New Ones | Jennifer Doudna Gene-editing tool CRISPR is already poised to be one of the biggest inventions of the 21st century, and co-creator Jennifer Doudna already has big ideas for different ways to use it. There's a pote...
3 Brain Systems That Control Your Behavior: Reptilian, Limbic, Neo Cortex | Robert Sapolsky Follow Big Think here: YouTube:
How Our Cognitive Biases Create Emotional Conflict, and How to Rise above It | Dan Shapiro Read more at Big Think here: YouTube:
LGBTQ Revolution: Coming Out, Harvey Milk, Live-Saving Statistics | Bennett Singer Not everyone is in a position where it is wise or safe to come out as gay, lesbian, trans, or bisexual—but for those who can, it is a heroic and revolutionary act. We've known that since Harvey Mil...
Faith and Hope Are Two Different Philosophical Mindsets | Sam Newlands If faith is what bolsters the believers, could hope be a form of secular prayer? What is the difference between faith and hope, anyway? Philosophy professor Sam Newlands explains that while the two...
Goal Setting Is a Hamster Wheel. Learn to Set Systems Instead. | Adam Alter You've just achieved a goal you've been working towards for two years. You did it! Congratulations. Someone asks you: how does it feel? "Kind of anti-climactic, actually," you say. This scenario is...
How Some People Predict Disasters before They Happen: ISIS, Katrina, Fukushima | Richard Clarke Noticing a pattern emerge in the aftermath of some of the worst catastrophes in recent years—like Hurricane Katrina, Fukushima, and the formation of ISIS—global security experts Richard A. Clarke a...
What Climate Science Can (and Can’t) Predict | Philip Kitcher People tend to bandy around the term "scientific consensus" a lot, particularly when talking about climate change. When 97% of the scientific community agrees that climate change is a real thing, y...
Why Buy Things You Only Use Once? Enter the Subscription Economy | Kevin Kelly Could you imagine owning nothing? Depending on your stance on the concept of ownership, Kevin Kelly has a either a startling window into the future or an idea that will make your head spin. Take th...
CRISPR 101: Curing Sickle Cell, Growing Organs, Mosquito Makeovers | Jennifer Doudna Jennifer Doudna was a pioneer of CRISPR, which is a gene-editing technology that is being increasingly studied and used across the world. Jennifer relates the genesis of CRISPR to us and explains t...
The Truth about Job-Taking Machines, Globalization, and Mexican Trade | Robert Kaplan The US economy has spawned a vicious cycle that few people are talking about, but it's one that affects us all. You, right now, are likely caught in that ugly loop. In fact, it's what may one day s...
Cornel West: The Difference Between Justice and Revenge Institutions—governmental, religious, financial, even revolution itself—have a way of turning stale and sour. "Thank God for the history of the heretics and the blasphemers. That's my crowd," says ...
Career Advice from a Woman Who Ruled Wall Street | Sallie Krawcheck Sallie Krawcheck is the current CEO of Ellevest (a digital investment platform for women), is a former CFO and CEO at Citigroup and Merrill Lynch respectively, and is a self-described "financial fe...
Bill Nye on Manmade Earthquakes, Tectonic Plates, and Fracking Earthquakes are usually pretty scary, but they are a natural part of life on Earth. The reason they are devastating to humans is because we have built buildings and cities on top of ground that is ...
The Science of Learning: How to Turn Information into Intelligence Cramming for a test and having a hard time understanding something? Might be best to go away and come back after a while. Your brain is constantly fluctuating between a "learning" mode and an "unde...
Universal Mathematics: All Life on Earth Is Bound by One Spooky Algorithm Read more at
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The Neuroscience of Lies, Honesty, and Self-Control | Robert Sapolsky Follow Big Think here:
How Cognitive Biases Bend Reality: Private Optimism vs. Public Despair | Neuroscientist Tali Sharot Think you’re not an optimist? Neuroscience begs to differ. Dr. Tali Sharot explains that 80% of people globally present with the optimism bias—even if they describe themselves as pessimists or real...
Alan Alda: Grow Your Empathy Through Better Visual Perception The simple act of noticing someone's eye color can build your empathy, explains Alan Alda, who got so curious about empathy one day that he began to experiment on himself. Any time he'd interact wi...
Neil deGrasse Tyson: Dark Matter, Dark Gravity, Ghost Particles, & the Essence of All Objects There's something fundamental we all need to understand about dark matter—it may not actually be matter at all. Neil deGrasse Tyson has a bone to pick with this misnomer that is distracting physici...
Why Atheists and Believers Are Actually Agnostic | Bill Nye Would a world full of atheists be best? Some people dream of the day religion fades away, but for others the mere hypothetical is a form of blasphemy. Imagine, just like John Lennon asked us to: wo...
Google Searches May Be the Best Measure of Human Nature Yet | Seth Stephens-Davidowitz Seth Stephens-Davidowitz has a sneaking suspicion that we might not be all that honest with each other. Instead, we seem to be far more honest with a website. The things that people type into the G...
Capitalism 2.0 Will Include a Healthy Dose of Socialism | Eric Weinstein YouTube:
How Russia's Election Meddling Revolutionized Propaganda | Jordan Greenhall Follow Big Think here:
Why Schools Should Teach Skepticism Above Obedience | Lawrence Krauss “You can can get more information in your cell phone now than you can in any school, but you can also get more misinformation,” says American-Canadian theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss. And he’...
3 Warnings to Stop Global Catastrophe: CRISPR, AI, & Robots | Richard Clarke Low probability events, such as an extinction-level asteroid striking the Earth's surface, deserve more attention than their unlikelihood would suggest. The reason? The magnitude of their impact is...
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