# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: WalterandElizaHall 2012年10月25日
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Medical Microbiology Immunology Parasitology Video Lectures
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Dr. Prodigious 2013年1月18日
See all videos of this series- http://goo.gl/my7pr Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com.
Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
This is a series of Medical Microbiology, Immumology and Parasitology lectures for Medical School/College that may be useful in exams like USMLE, course exams or even post-graduate entrance exams.
source: Dr. Prodigious 2013年1月18日
See all videos of this series- http://goo.gl/my7pr Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com.
Visit our website: http://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
This is a series of Medical Microbiology, Immumology and Parasitology lectures for Medical School/College that may be useful in exams like USMLE, course exams or even post-graduate entrance exams.
Clinical Examination in Surgery by Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Dr. Prodigious 2012年7月8日
Entire Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Visit our website for an organised list of all our videos: https://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
1. Examination of Swelling 22:56
2. Examination of an Ulcer 14:03
3. Examination of a Scrotal Swelling 14:40
4. Examination of Inguinoscrotal Swelling 17:37
5. Examination of Abdominal Lump 27:09
6. Examination Of a Breast Lump 20:44
7. Examination of a Thyroid Swelling 26:56
8. Examination of Peripheral Vascular Disease 20:43
9. Examination of Varicose Veins 19:55
source: Dr. Prodigious 2012年7月8日
Entire Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Visit our website for an organised list of all our videos: https://doctorprodigious.wordpress.com/
1. Examination of Swelling 22:56
2. Examination of an Ulcer 14:03
3. Examination of a Scrotal Swelling 14:40
4. Examination of Inguinoscrotal Swelling 17:37
5. Examination of Abdominal Lump 27:09
6. Examination Of a Breast Lump 20:44
7. Examination of a Thyroid Swelling 26:56
8. Examination of Peripheral Vascular Disease 20:43
9. Examination of Varicose Veins 19:55
Antifono.gr (videos of March 2017)
source: Antifono.gr
49:54 ΟΜΙΛΗΜΑΤΑ: Η βυζαντινή εικονογραφία στην «Πειραϊκή Εκκλησία» Μια συζήτηση για τη σημασία των βυζαντινών εικόνων, μέσα στα πλαίσια της εκπομπής «Ομιλήματα» του Γιώργου Μπάρλα (Τετάρτη 15 Μαρτίου 2017) στον ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό “Πειραϊκή Εκκλησία”, με καλεσμένο ...
49:29 Στα άκρα: π. Νικόλαος Λουδοβίκος (24 Μαρτίου 2017) Ο πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Νικόλαος Λουδοβίκος, καλεσμένος της Βίκυς Φλέσσα στην εκπομπή «Στα άκρα», ανιχνεύει την αυτοσυνειδησία των Νεοελλήνων και τον προβληματισμό που επικρατεί στον δυτικό άνθρωπο με τ...
1:29:10 Νίκος Ξυδάκης - Χριστιανική Παράδοση και Νεοελληνικός Πολιτισμός Ο τεχνοκριτικός, δημοσιογράφος και βουλευτής Νίκος Ξυδάκης, σε μια εξομολογητική συζήτηση με τον π. Ευάγγελο Γκανά, μιλά όχι μόνο για τα γεγονότα και τους ανθρώπους που επηρέασαν τη ζωή και το έ...
30:27 «ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ»: Ο π. Γ. Μεταλληνός για τον μέγα Φώτιο Ο πρωτοπρεσβύτερος Γεώργιος Μεταλληνός απαντά στις ερωτήσεις του Βασίλη Ξυδιά σχετικά με την μετά την Εικονομαχία περίοδο της ανατολικής Ρωμαϊκής Επικράτειας.
Αναφέρεται στα πολιτικά δεδομένα της ε...
51:07 Λ. Κουλουμπαρίτσης, «Το ζήτημα της Πολυπλοκότητας – Η μείζων πρόκληση του 21ου αιώνα» Ο ομότιμος καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου Βρυξελλών (ULB) κ. Λάμπρος Κουλουμπαρίτσης μίλησε τον Ιανουάριο του 2017 με θέμα:
«Το ζήτημα της Πολυπλοκότητας – Η μείζων πρόκληση του 21ου αιώνα»
«Ο κ. Κ...
28:04 ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ: Ο π. Γ. Μεταλληνός για την B' Νηστειών Αγ. Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς (1987) Ο άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς ως ένας από τους καίριους κρίκους που μας συνδέει με την αλήθεια της Εκκλησίας.
Η παρέμβαση του αγίου τη στιγμή που η ορθόδοξη θεολογία κινδύνευε να χάσει (μέσω των προτ...
56:49 «ΑΠΟ ΤΕΧΝΗ ΣΕ ΤΕΧΝΗ» Λυδία Κονιόρδου (2012) Η Λυδία Κονιόρδου μας εισάγει στην «μετα-φυσική» των πραγμάτων που την συνεπαίρνουν.
Μιλά για την αγάπη της στη μουσική αλλά και για τους δρόμους που την έφεραν στο θέατρο.
Εξηγεί τη διαφορά, όπως ...
30:02 «ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ»: Ο π. Γ. Μεταλληνός για την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας (1987) Ο π. Γεώργιος Μεταλληνός συζητά με τον Δημήτρη Μαυρόπουλο για τα ιστορικά γεγονότα, κατ΄αρχήν, που οδήγησαν στην καθιέρωση της «Κυριακής της Ορθοδοξίας» και, αμέσως μετά, για το νόημα και το πνευμα...

Αναφέρεται στα πολιτικά δεδομένα της ε...

«Το ζήτημα της Πολυπλοκότητας – Η μείζων πρόκληση του 21ου αιώνα»
«Ο κ. Κ...

Η παρέμβαση του αγίου τη στιγμή που η ορθόδοξη θεολογία κινδύνευε να χάσει (μέσω των προτ...

Μιλά για την αγάπη της στη μουσική αλλά και για τους δρόμους που την έφεραν στο θέατρο.
Εξηγεί τη διαφορά, όπως ...

Dr. Alberto Sanagustín (videos of March 2017)
source: Dr. Alberto Sanagustín
8:04 EPOC: DIAGNÓSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO (Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica) EPOC (Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica): repaso el proceso diagnóstico, perfiles fenotípicos, clasificación según la gravedad (índices BODE y BODEx) y el tratamiento en función de estos. Tam...
8:12 Cómo ESTUDIAR lo que ODIAS (y hacerlo bien) Cómo estudiar algo que odias, te aburre o simplemente no te gusta. En este vídeo te propongo una estrategia para afrontar este desafío y hacerlo bien. Tener éxito en esto te permitirá tener más mot...
11:42 Sistema INMUNITARIO - INMUNOLÓGICO: órganos y células inmunitarias Sistema inmunitario, inmunológico o inmune: en este vídeo introduzco la fisiología y anatomía de este sistema (0:25), cito los tipos de respuesta inmune (1:14), hablo de los tipos de elementos extr...
11:26 ACNÉ: Fisiopatología, causas y tratamiento Acné vulgar: explico sus fisiopatología, posibles factores causales y abordo el tratamiento según los tipos y gravedad del acné.
8:27 Cómo ESTUDIAR mejor para TU PROFESIÓN día a día Este vídeo explico cómo enfocar es estudio para aprender y memorizar mejor y más rápido en tu actividad profesional del día a día. En este caso no buscamos aprobar exámenes, sino una estrategia de ...
7:32 DIGOXINA: mecanismos de acción e indicaciones (arritmias) DIGOXINA:🌟 en este vídeo hablo de los mecanismos de acción de la digoxina para razonar sus indicaciones terapeúticas, intoxicación y cómo se maneja.
8:09 Cómo ESTUDIAR para un examen tipo TEST rápido y bien Cómo estudiar para un examen tipo test con eficacia: hay trucos para estudiar más rápido, bien y de forma más eficiente un examen de elección múltiple (test). Si estudias un grado sanitario (medici...
10:27 MÉDICOS CONFLICTIVOS: errores, enfrentamientos e intereses En este vídeo hablo de conflictos entorno a la relación médico-paciente, pero que se puede extender al contexto sanitario general. Valoro en siete puntos lo que opino sobre el tema. comento sobre ...
29:33 FÁRMACOS ANTIARRÍTMICOS: clasificación y mecanismos de acción #arritmias El tratamiento de las arritmias pueden ser fármacos, cardioversión, marcapasos, ablación quirúrgica, pero en este vídeo me voy a centrar en el tratamiento farmacológico. Expongo la clasificación de...
0:56 Cambios en el canal de Medicina del Doctor Sanagustin En este vídeo explico unos cambios que quiero hacer en este canal de medicina y el motivo que me lleva a hacer estos cambios. Veremos cómo concreto estos cambios y hacia dónde me lleva. Si tienes a...
9:21 ARRITMIAS (7) REENTRADA #arritmia Reentrada como mecanismo de producción de arritmias cardíacas. Son muy importantes porque es el mecanismo más importante de producción de taquiarritmias. Es muy interesante conocer estas explicaci...



(בעברית / in Hebrew) מבוא למדעי המחשב מ' (Introduction to Computer Science)
# playlist of the 87 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Technion 2017年3月13日
234114 מבוא למדעי המחשב מ'
פרופ' ראובן בר-יהודה
הפקולטה למדעי המחשב
הטכניון – מכון טכנולוגי לישראל
כולל את הקורסים הבאים:
קורס 234114 מבוא למדעי המחשב מ'
קורס 234117 מבוא למדעי המחשב ח'
קורס 234111 מבוא למדעי המחשב
מכיל את קורס 234112 מבוא למחשב - שפת סי
source: Technion 2017年3月13日
234114 מבוא למדעי המחשב מ'
פרופ' ראובן בר-יהודה
הפקולטה למדעי המחשב
הטכניון – מכון טכנולוגי לישראל
כולל את הקורסים הבאים:
קורס 234114 מבוא למדעי המחשב מ'
קורס 234117 מבוא למדעי המחשב ח'
קורס 234111 מבוא למדעי המחשב
מכיל את קורס 234112 מבוא למחשב - שפת סי
English Comprehension at Virtual University of Pakistan
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: vu 2008年10月14日
ENG101 English Comprehension
source: vu 2008年10月14日
ENG101 English Comprehension
(اردو / in Urdu) Islamic Studies at Virtual U of Pakistan
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: vu 2008年10月30日
ISL201 Islamic Studies
source: vu 2008年10月30日
ISL201 Islamic Studies
(2016下-學院) 人際關係與溝通技巧--陳頂立 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多人際關係與溝通技巧(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多人際關係與溝通技巧(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
(2016下-商專) 人際關係--韓聖 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月1日
更多人際關係(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月1日
更多人際關係(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
(2016下-學院) 婚姻與家庭--謝文心 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片左上角清單標誌選取影片)
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多婚姻與家庭(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2017年3月6日
更多婚姻與家庭(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
(בעברית / in Hebrew) 2015-2016 המועדון האסטרונומי (Astronomical Club 2015-16)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: TAUVOD 2016年3月29日
מרצה: פרופ' יורם דגן
Lecturer: Prof. Yoram Dagan
Supercondunctance - Levitating Trains and Quantum Computers
2015-2016 המועדון האסטרונומי
Astroclub 2015-2016
המועדון האסטרונומי : סופרנובות, מוליכות-על - רכבות מרחפות, העברת אנרגיה ומחשבים קוונטיים 1:06:42
מועדון האסטרונומי: הבעיה עם קופרניקוס 1:09:21
המועדון האסטרונומי: קופרניקוס סיפק טיעונים מדעיים משכנעים לכך שאנו מסתובבים סביב השמש 1:14:08
מועדון האסטרונומי: היקום המאיץ - ביטול השגיאה של איינשטיין 1:10:24
המועדון האסטרונומי: היקום החיוור 1:01:11
רון - מסע החללית ניו-הורייזונס אל פלוטו ועולמות הקרח 1:17:06
המועדון האסטרונומי: גורלו של כוכב הנבלע על ידי חור שחור 1:05:29
המועדון האסטרונומי: מהכוכב הראשון עד לאחרית הימים 1:27:10
המועדון האסטרונומי: היווצרות גלקסיות - אבני היסוד של היקום 1:14:31
המועדון האסטרונומי: הרשת הקוסמולוגית והתפתחות גלקסיות 47:36
המועדון האסטרונומי: גילוי גלי כבידה - חלון חדש לחקר היקום 1:20:43
המועדון האסטרונומי: היקום הקדום - מהשניות הראשונות עד קרינת הרקע הקוסמית 1:13:32
המועדון האסטרונומי: הלווין ULTRASAT - לצפות בשמיים המשתנים בתחום העל-סגול 1:08:49
source: TAUVOD 2016年3月29日
מרצה: פרופ' יורם דגן
Lecturer: Prof. Yoram Dagan
Supercondunctance - Levitating Trains and Quantum Computers
2015-2016 המועדון האסטרונומי
Astroclub 2015-2016
המועדון האסטרונומי : סופרנובות, מוליכות-על - רכבות מרחפות, העברת אנרגיה ומחשבים קוונטיים 1:06:42
מועדון האסטרונומי: הבעיה עם קופרניקוס 1:09:21
המועדון האסטרונומי: קופרניקוס סיפק טיעונים מדעיים משכנעים לכך שאנו מסתובבים סביב השמש 1:14:08
מועדון האסטרונומי: היקום המאיץ - ביטול השגיאה של איינשטיין 1:10:24
המועדון האסטרונומי: היקום החיוור 1:01:11
רון - מסע החללית ניו-הורייזונס אל פלוטו ועולמות הקרח 1:17:06
המועדון האסטרונומי: גורלו של כוכב הנבלע על ידי חור שחור 1:05:29
המועדון האסטרונומי: מהכוכב הראשון עד לאחרית הימים 1:27:10
המועדון האסטרונומי: היווצרות גלקסיות - אבני היסוד של היקום 1:14:31
המועדון האסטרונומי: הרשת הקוסמולוגית והתפתחות גלקסיות 47:36
המועדון האסטרונומי: גילוי גלי כבידה - חלון חדש לחקר היקום 1:20:43
המועדון האסטרונומי: היקום הקדום - מהשניות הראשונות עד קרינת הרקע הקוסמית 1:13:32
המועדון האסטרונומי: הלווין ULTRASAT - לצפות בשמיים המשתנים בתחום העל-סגול 1:08:49
(בעברית / in Hebrew) כדור הארץ - הגירסא המדעית (Earth - the scientific version)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: TAUVOD 2012年10月25日
כדור הארץ - הגירסא המדעית (Earth - the scientific version)
מרצה : פרופ' שמואל מרקו, החוג לגיאופיזיקה ולמדעים פלנטריים
סדרת הרקטור 2012- סדרת הרצאות בנושא "כדור הארץ- הגירסא המדעית".
"צהרי יום ד' - הרצאות בחסות הרקטור",
אוניברסיטת תל אביב
ראשית כדור הארץ: היכן הוא נוצר וכיצד? 1:31:15
תוכו כברו? מה יש בלב כדור הארץ 1:30:48
הסלעים כספר היסטוריה 1:30:56
סלעי משקע בחקר כדור הארץ 1:29:48
מבנים בסלע 1:19:20
מבוא לטקטוניקה 1:31:54
מימד הזמן בגיאולוגיה - בן כמה כדור הארץ? 1:30:55
טקטוניקת הלוחות במזרח התיכון 1:32:53
רעידות אדמה 1:31:53
רעידות אדמה והאדם 1:31:52
שינויי אקלים 1:29:31
עיצוב הנוף 1:28:50
אוצרות וסכנות 1:30:35
כיצד נוצרים סלעים? מתי יתפרצו הרי געש? 1:31:38
source: TAUVOD 2012年10月25日
כדור הארץ - הגירסא המדעית (Earth - the scientific version)
מרצה : פרופ' שמואל מרקו, החוג לגיאופיזיקה ולמדעים פלנטריים
סדרת הרקטור 2012- סדרת הרצאות בנושא "כדור הארץ- הגירסא המדעית".
"צהרי יום ד' - הרצאות בחסות הרקטור",
אוניברסיטת תל אביב
ראשית כדור הארץ: היכן הוא נוצר וכיצד? 1:31:15
תוכו כברו? מה יש בלב כדור הארץ 1:30:48
הסלעים כספר היסטוריה 1:30:56
סלעי משקע בחקר כדור הארץ 1:29:48
מבנים בסלע 1:19:20
מבוא לטקטוניקה 1:31:54
מימד הזמן בגיאולוגיה - בן כמה כדור הארץ? 1:30:55
טקטוניקת הלוחות במזרח התיכון 1:32:53
רעידות אדמה 1:31:53
רעידות אדמה והאדם 1:31:52
שינויי אקלים 1:29:31
עיצוב הנוף 1:28:50
אוצרות וסכנות 1:30:35
כיצד נוצרים סלעים? מתי יתפרצו הרי געש? 1:31:38
(בעברית / in Hebrew) אבני פינה - עובדות, נתונים ופירושם (Facts, figures and their interpretation)
# playlist of the 13 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2015年3月18日
אבני פינה - עובדות, נתונים ופירושם
פרופ' יעקב ריטוב
מספר קורס 52210
תשע"ה, סמסטר ב'
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2015年3月18日
אבני פינה - עובדות, נתונים ופירושם
פרופ' יעקב ריטוב
מספר קורס 52210
תשע"ה, סמסטר ב'
Counting Complexity and Phase Transitions Boot Camp
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Simons Institute 2016年2月1日
Counting Complexity and Phase Transitions Boot Camp
Jan. 25 – Jan. 28, 2016
The Boot Camp is intended to acquaint program participants with the key themes of the program. All talks will be recorded.
The Classification Program for Counting Problems
Jin-Yi Cai (University of Wisconsin) and Heng Guo (Queen Mary, University of London)
Approximate Counting
Leslie Ann Goldberg (University of Oxford) and David Richerby (University of Oxford)
Markov Chain Mixing Times, Applications and Developments
Ivona Bezakova (Rochester Institute of Technology) and Nayantara Bhatnagar (University of Delaware)
Where the Hard Things Are
Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)
Dichotomy Theorems for Counting Problems
Xi Chen (Columbia University)
The Partition Function, Sampling and Equilibration in Physics
Florent Krzakala (ENS Paris) and Lenka Zdeborova (CEA-SACLAY)
Constraints, Gadgets, and Invariants
Andrei Bulatov (Simon Fraser University)
Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Nike Sun (UC Berkeley)
Decay of Correlations in Spin Systems
Yitong Yin (Nanjing University)
The Simple, Little and Slow Things Count: On Parameterized Counting Complexity
Radu Curticapean (Saarland University)
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-boot-camp.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
The Classification Program for Counting Problems I 1:00:14 Jin-Yi Cai, University of Wisconsin-Madison https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/jin...
Approximate Counting I 1:01:43
Markov Chain Mixing Times and Applications I 1:01:56
Where the Hard Things Are 1:06:54
Markov Chain Mixing Times and Applications II 1:02:17
Dichotomy Theorems for Counting Problems I 57:53
Approximate Counting II 55:50
The Partition Function, Sampling and Equilibration in Physics 1:10:35
Constraints, Gadgets, and Invariants 53:53
The Classification Program for Counting Problems II 1:02:31
Dichotomy Theorems for Counting Problems II 57:32
Markov Chain Mixing Times and Applications III 58:13
Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 57:45
The Classification Program for Counting Problems III 54:57
Decay of Correlations in Spin Systems 1:03:10
The Simple, Little and Slow Things Count: On Parameterized Counting Complexity 1:07:30
source: Simons Institute 2016年2月1日
Counting Complexity and Phase Transitions Boot Camp
Jan. 25 – Jan. 28, 2016
The Boot Camp is intended to acquaint program participants with the key themes of the program. All talks will be recorded.
The Classification Program for Counting Problems
Jin-Yi Cai (University of Wisconsin) and Heng Guo (Queen Mary, University of London)
Approximate Counting
Leslie Ann Goldberg (University of Oxford) and David Richerby (University of Oxford)
Markov Chain Mixing Times, Applications and Developments
Ivona Bezakova (Rochester Institute of Technology) and Nayantara Bhatnagar (University of Delaware)
Where the Hard Things Are
Andrea Montanari (Stanford University)
Dichotomy Theorems for Counting Problems
Xi Chen (Columbia University)
The Partition Function, Sampling and Equilibration in Physics
Florent Krzakala (ENS Paris) and Lenka Zdeborova (CEA-SACLAY)
Constraints, Gadgets, and Invariants
Andrei Bulatov (Simon Fraser University)
Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Nike Sun (UC Berkeley)
Decay of Correlations in Spin Systems
Yitong Yin (Nanjing University)
The Simple, Little and Slow Things Count: On Parameterized Counting Complexity
Radu Curticapean (Saarland University)
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-boot-camp.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
The Classification Program for Counting Problems I 1:00:14 Jin-Yi Cai, University of Wisconsin-Madison https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/jin...
Approximate Counting I 1:01:43
Markov Chain Mixing Times and Applications I 1:01:56
Where the Hard Things Are 1:06:54
Markov Chain Mixing Times and Applications II 1:02:17
Dichotomy Theorems for Counting Problems I 57:53
Approximate Counting II 55:50
The Partition Function, Sampling and Equilibration in Physics 1:10:35
Constraints, Gadgets, and Invariants 53:53
The Classification Program for Counting Problems II 1:02:31
Dichotomy Theorems for Counting Problems II 57:32
Markov Chain Mixing Times and Applications III 58:13
Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 57:45
The Classification Program for Counting Problems III 54:57
Decay of Correlations in Spin Systems 1:03:10
The Simple, Little and Slow Things Count: On Parameterized Counting Complexity 1:07:30
Approximate Counting, Markov Chains and Phase Transitions
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Simons Institute 2016年2月29日
Approximate Counting, Markov Chains and Phase Transitions
Feb. 22 – Feb. 26, 2016
Markov chains play an important role in a variety of fields, but the analysis of their convergence properties remains a challenging problem. Our emphasis is on the analysis of "large" Markov chains, i.e., finite-state chains where the number of states is exponentially large as a function of the description size of an individual state. Such chains are especially important in the study of statistical physics models and the design of approximate counting algorithms. This workshop will bring together researchers in the analysis of large Markov chains from many areas of application, to review progress and to identify challenges for future research.
Recently there has been considerable success in designing approximate counting algorithms without the use of Markov chains, relying instead on so-called "spatial mixing" properties. Remarkably, matching hardness results have been established in the special case of antiferromagnetic 2-spin systems. This beautiful collection of results ties together the complexity of approximate counting on a general class of graphs with an associated phase transition for the infinite regular tree. By highlighting recent results in the study of approximate counting problems, the workshop will explore analogous connections for other models and for related problems.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-1.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
The Complexity of Approximately Counting in 2-spin Systems on k-uniform Bounded-degree Hypergraphs 48:29 Leslie Ann Goldberg, University of Oxford https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/les...
Dynamics for the Random-Cluster Model 45:20
Local Algorithms for Two Problems on Locally Tree-Like Graphs 44:53
Effect of Initial Conditions on Mixing for Spin Systems 51:24
Cutoff on all Ramanujan Graphs 48:48
Counting Independent Sets in Hypergraphs when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails 46:26
Swendsen-Wang Algorithm on the Mean-Field Potts Model 45:49
Random Walk on Random Directed Graphs 41:48
Random Lattice Triangulations 47:39
Glauber Dynamics of Lattice Triangulations on Thin Rectangles 43:08
SAT Counting and Sampling -- From Theory to Practice 49:01
FPTAS for #BIS with Degree Bounds on One Side 46:59
Curvature, Mixing, and Entropic Interpolation 53:33
Rates of Convergence for 'Features' of a Markov Chain 51:34
Local Graph Coloring 46:02
The Computational Complexity of Estimating Convergence Time 43:09
Local Algorithms for Community Detection 39:00
Learning a Tree-Structured Ising Model in Order to Make Predictions 33:00
Generating Random Permutations Using Switching Networks 35:47
Lower Bounds on the Critical Density in the Hard Disk Model via Optimized Metrics 49:48
An Occupancy Approach to the Hard-Core Model 33:49
Equitable Rectangular Dissections of a Square 37:48
source: Simons Institute 2016年2月29日
Approximate Counting, Markov Chains and Phase Transitions
Feb. 22 – Feb. 26, 2016
Markov chains play an important role in a variety of fields, but the analysis of their convergence properties remains a challenging problem. Our emphasis is on the analysis of "large" Markov chains, i.e., finite-state chains where the number of states is exponentially large as a function of the description size of an individual state. Such chains are especially important in the study of statistical physics models and the design of approximate counting algorithms. This workshop will bring together researchers in the analysis of large Markov chains from many areas of application, to review progress and to identify challenges for future research.
Recently there has been considerable success in designing approximate counting algorithms without the use of Markov chains, relying instead on so-called "spatial mixing" properties. Remarkably, matching hardness results have been established in the special case of antiferromagnetic 2-spin systems. This beautiful collection of results ties together the complexity of approximate counting on a general class of graphs with an associated phase transition for the infinite regular tree. By highlighting recent results in the study of approximate counting problems, the workshop will explore analogous connections for other models and for related problems.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-1.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
The Complexity of Approximately Counting in 2-spin Systems on k-uniform Bounded-degree Hypergraphs 48:29 Leslie Ann Goldberg, University of Oxford https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/les...
Dynamics for the Random-Cluster Model 45:20
Local Algorithms for Two Problems on Locally Tree-Like Graphs 44:53
Effect of Initial Conditions on Mixing for Spin Systems 51:24
Cutoff on all Ramanujan Graphs 48:48
Counting Independent Sets in Hypergraphs when Strong Spatial Mixing Fails 46:26
Swendsen-Wang Algorithm on the Mean-Field Potts Model 45:49
Random Walk on Random Directed Graphs 41:48
Random Lattice Triangulations 47:39
Glauber Dynamics of Lattice Triangulations on Thin Rectangles 43:08
SAT Counting and Sampling -- From Theory to Practice 49:01
FPTAS for #BIS with Degree Bounds on One Side 46:59
Curvature, Mixing, and Entropic Interpolation 53:33
Rates of Convergence for 'Features' of a Markov Chain 51:34
Local Graph Coloring 46:02
The Computational Complexity of Estimating Convergence Time 43:09
Local Algorithms for Community Detection 39:00
Learning a Tree-Structured Ising Model in Order to Make Predictions 33:00
Generating Random Permutations Using Switching Networks 35:47
Lower Bounds on the Critical Density in the Hard Disk Model via Optimized Metrics 49:48
An Occupancy Approach to the Hard-Core Model 33:49
Equitable Rectangular Dissections of a Square 37:48
The Classification Program of Counting Complexity
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Simons Institute 2016年4月4日
The Classification Program of Counting Complexity
Mar. 28 – Apr. 1, 2016
Recent years have seen dramatic progress in counting complexity. In exact computation, we now have a complete classification of counting CSPs into those that are polynomial-time solvable and those that are hard for the complexity class #P. The past decade or so has also seen the emergence of a nascent complexity theory of approximate counting.
The aim of this workshop is to spur progress in this field. In exact computation, we would like to extend our study into models that are more general than CSPs or more refined (e.g., holants, also known as tensor networks, or as factor graphs). We will also examine the algorithmic effectiveness of classification criteria. For problems that are computationally intractable, we need to examine escape routes. Recent dichotomy theorems strongly suggest that holographic algorithms based on matchgates are a universal methodology for problems that are #P-hard in general but P-time computable over planar structures. This thesis is subject to refutation by on-going work. For approximate computation, the corresponding complexity theory is provisional, leaving several important problems unclassified, and needs to be developed. Where efficient approximation algorithms in the conventional sense do not exist, we should look for algorithms that provide weaker approximation guarantees, for example bounding the logarithm of the number of solutions.
The ultimate goal of this investigation is to shed light on the computational complexity of counting problems from domains such as the following: graph homomorphisms, constraint satisfaction problems, holants, combinatorial enumeration problems (generating functions), models from statistical physics (partition functions), graph polynomials and polynomials on more general structures.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-2.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
Approximately Counting Graph Homomorphisms 47:37 Leslie Ann Goldberg, University of Oxford https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/les...
Spin Systems: Hardness of Approximate Counting via Phase Transitions 46:31
Approximating 2-State Spin Systems 42:54
Counting in Sparse Classes of Structures 45:08
Fine-Grained Complexity Classification of Counting Problems 30:56
On the Power of Holographic Algorithms with Matchgates 48:16
Basis Collapse for Holographic Algorithms Over all Domain Sizes 44:44
Approximation Algorithms for Partition Functions of Edge-Coloring Models 49:22
Path Coupling, Metrics, and Sampling Problems in Graphs and Hypergraphs 39:35
Counting Matrix Partitions of Graphs 45:08
How to Not Prove Two Important Theorems 41:31
The Computational Complexity of Counting List H-Colourings, and Related Problems 47:02
Towards Understanding the Complexity of the Ising Partition Function 46:04
The Complexity of Computing Averages 42:33
The Complexity of Approximating Small Degree Boolean #CSP 33:59
Canonical Paths for MCMC: From Art to Science 39:41
Dichotomies for Counting Subgraphs 46:27
Counting Approximation Complexity Classification Through Clones and Invariants 47:20
Enumerator Polynomials: Completeness and Intermediate Complexity 47:42
Dichotomy Theorems for Generalized Chromatic Polynomials 46:53
Geometric Perspectives on Problems in Complexity Theory 46:35
Categories, Representations, and Counting Complexity 44:25
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz Certificates of Infeasibility for Combinatorial Problems 38:34
Finding a Large Submatrix of a Random Matrix, and the Overlap Gap Property 45:12
LP Relaxations for Valued CSPs 40:48
Counting with Bounded Treewidth 40:38
source: Simons Institute 2016年4月4日
The Classification Program of Counting Complexity
Mar. 28 – Apr. 1, 2016
Recent years have seen dramatic progress in counting complexity. In exact computation, we now have a complete classification of counting CSPs into those that are polynomial-time solvable and those that are hard for the complexity class #P. The past decade or so has also seen the emergence of a nascent complexity theory of approximate counting.
The aim of this workshop is to spur progress in this field. In exact computation, we would like to extend our study into models that are more general than CSPs or more refined (e.g., holants, also known as tensor networks, or as factor graphs). We will also examine the algorithmic effectiveness of classification criteria. For problems that are computationally intractable, we need to examine escape routes. Recent dichotomy theorems strongly suggest that holographic algorithms based on matchgates are a universal methodology for problems that are #P-hard in general but P-time computable over planar structures. This thesis is subject to refutation by on-going work. For approximate computation, the corresponding complexity theory is provisional, leaving several important problems unclassified, and needs to be developed. Where efficient approximation algorithms in the conventional sense do not exist, we should look for algorithms that provide weaker approximation guarantees, for example bounding the logarithm of the number of solutions.
The ultimate goal of this investigation is to shed light on the computational complexity of counting problems from domains such as the following: graph homomorphisms, constraint satisfaction problems, holants, combinatorial enumeration problems (generating functions), models from statistical physics (partition functions), graph polynomials and polynomials on more general structures.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-2.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
Approximately Counting Graph Homomorphisms 47:37 Leslie Ann Goldberg, University of Oxford https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/les...
Spin Systems: Hardness of Approximate Counting via Phase Transitions 46:31
Approximating 2-State Spin Systems 42:54
Counting in Sparse Classes of Structures 45:08
Fine-Grained Complexity Classification of Counting Problems 30:56
On the Power of Holographic Algorithms with Matchgates 48:16
Basis Collapse for Holographic Algorithms Over all Domain Sizes 44:44
Approximation Algorithms for Partition Functions of Edge-Coloring Models 49:22
Path Coupling, Metrics, and Sampling Problems in Graphs and Hypergraphs 39:35
Counting Matrix Partitions of Graphs 45:08
How to Not Prove Two Important Theorems 41:31
The Computational Complexity of Counting List H-Colourings, and Related Problems 47:02
Towards Understanding the Complexity of the Ising Partition Function 46:04
The Complexity of Computing Averages 42:33
The Complexity of Approximating Small Degree Boolean #CSP 33:59
Canonical Paths for MCMC: From Art to Science 39:41
Dichotomies for Counting Subgraphs 46:27
Counting Approximation Complexity Classification Through Clones and Invariants 47:20
Enumerator Polynomials: Completeness and Intermediate Complexity 47:42
Dichotomy Theorems for Generalized Chromatic Polynomials 46:53
Geometric Perspectives on Problems in Complexity Theory 46:35
Categories, Representations, and Counting Complexity 44:25
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz Certificates of Infeasibility for Combinatorial Problems 38:34
Finding a Large Submatrix of a Random Matrix, and the Overlap Gap Property 45:12
LP Relaxations for Valued CSPs 40:48
Counting with Bounded Treewidth 40:38
New Directions in Computational Social Science & Data Science
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Simons Institute 2016年4月29日
New Directions in Computational Social Science & Data Science
Apr. 25 – Apr. 26, 2016
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/events/computational-social-s....
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
Should Social Science Be Problem Oriented? 32:12 Duncan Watts, Microsoft Research https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/Dun...
What the Crowd Knows About the Crowd 35:54
Discovery of Treatments from Text Corpora 23:27
Communication Networks and Large-Scale Coordination 31:58
The Fragility of Organizations: A Simulation and Empirical Examples 36:15
Understanding Social Behavior During Crisis Events using Digital Traces 39:52
Counterfactual Inference Using Behavioral Models: An Application to Search Advertising 33:23
Creating the Third Era of Survey Research 42:28
Privacy for the Protected (Only) 55:11
source: Simons Institute 2016年4月29日
New Directions in Computational Social Science & Data Science
Apr. 25 – Apr. 26, 2016
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/events/computational-social-s....
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
Should Social Science Be Problem Oriented? 32:12 Duncan Watts, Microsoft Research https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/Dun...
What the Crowd Knows About the Crowd 35:54
Discovery of Treatments from Text Corpora 23:27
Communication Networks and Large-Scale Coordination 31:58
The Fragility of Organizations: A Simulation and Empirical Examples 36:15
Understanding Social Behavior During Crisis Events using Digital Traces 39:52
Counterfactual Inference Using Behavioral Models: An Application to Search Advertising 33:23
Creating the Third Era of Survey Research 42:28
Privacy for the Protected (Only) 55:11
Random Instances and Phase Transitions
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Simons Institute 2016年5月6日
Random Instances and Phase Transitions
May 2 – May 6, 2016
Randomly generated problems have been studied since Erdős and Rényi. They originally attracted interest in computational complexity as a way to study the "average case" complexity of hard combinatorial problems. More recently, however, research has centered on the combinatorial "phase transitions" exhibited by such models. These strongly resemble phase transitions in statistical physics, and have proved to be a useful tool for determining thresholds in computational complexity. A particular area of application has been random constraint satisfaction problems, where physical intuition has led to a deeper understanding and, in some cases, rigorous proofs.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-3.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
Counting Solutions to Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 51:34 Allan Sly, UC Berkeley https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/all...
A Framework for Imperfectly Observed Networks 46:23
Phase Transitions in Random CSPs 46:26
Analysis of Algorithms on Dense Matrices using Approximate Message Passing 48:51
Recent Advances in Counting Sparse Graphs 48:43
Extremal Cuts of Sparse Random Graphs 48:56
Average-Case Overcomplete Tensor Decomposition 51:33
Phase Transitions in Low-Rank Matrix Estimation 44:35
Learning by Local Entropy Maximization 47:53
Teaching an old code a new trick 45:04
Information-Theoretic Bounds and Phase Transitions in Community Detection and High-Dimensional Clust 43:28
Spatial Coupling as a Proof Technique 48:12
Convergence of MCMC and Loopy BP in the Tree Uniqueness Region for the Hard-Core Model 53:11
Planted Clique, Sum-of-Squares and Pseudo-Calibration 46:30
Community Detection with the Non-Backtracking Operator 44:54
Phase Transitions in Semidefinite Relaxations (A Fast & Robust Algorithm for Community Detection) 46:31
Shotgun Assembly of Graphs 45:02
Bootstrap Percolation on Random Graphs 42:29
Contagious Sets in Random Graphs 34:38
The Large Deviations of the Whitening Process in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 47:08
On the Chromatic Number of Random Regular Graphs 35:09
The lower tail: Poisson approximation revisited 44:43
Stochastic Integration via Error-Correcting Codes 43:52
Solvable Model of Unsupervised Feature Learning 46:00
Sum of Squares SDP Relaxations on Random Tensors 44:30
source: Simons Institute 2016年5月6日
Random Instances and Phase Transitions
May 2 – May 6, 2016
Randomly generated problems have been studied since Erdős and Rényi. They originally attracted interest in computational complexity as a way to study the "average case" complexity of hard combinatorial problems. More recently, however, research has centered on the combinatorial "phase transitions" exhibited by such models. These strongly resemble phase transitions in statistical physics, and have proved to be a useful tool for determining thresholds in computational complexity. A particular area of application has been random constraint satisfaction problems, where physical intuition has led to a deeper understanding and, in some cases, rigorous proofs.
For more information, please visit https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/counting2016-3.
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
Counting Solutions to Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 51:34 Allan Sly, UC Berkeley https://simons.berkeley.edu/talks/all...
A Framework for Imperfectly Observed Networks 46:23
Phase Transitions in Random CSPs 46:26
Analysis of Algorithms on Dense Matrices using Approximate Message Passing 48:51
Recent Advances in Counting Sparse Graphs 48:43
Extremal Cuts of Sparse Random Graphs 48:56
Average-Case Overcomplete Tensor Decomposition 51:33
Phase Transitions in Low-Rank Matrix Estimation 44:35
Learning by Local Entropy Maximization 47:53
Teaching an old code a new trick 45:04
Information-Theoretic Bounds and Phase Transitions in Community Detection and High-Dimensional Clust 43:28
Spatial Coupling as a Proof Technique 48:12
Convergence of MCMC and Loopy BP in the Tree Uniqueness Region for the Hard-Core Model 53:11
Planted Clique, Sum-of-Squares and Pseudo-Calibration 46:30
Community Detection with the Non-Backtracking Operator 44:54
Phase Transitions in Semidefinite Relaxations (A Fast & Robust Algorithm for Community Detection) 46:31
Shotgun Assembly of Graphs 45:02
Bootstrap Percolation on Random Graphs 42:29
Contagious Sets in Random Graphs 34:38
The Large Deviations of the Whitening Process in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems 47:08
On the Chromatic Number of Random Regular Graphs 35:09
The lower tail: Poisson approximation revisited 44:43
Stochastic Integration via Error-Correcting Codes 43:52
Solvable Model of Unsupervised Feature Learning 46:00
Sum of Squares SDP Relaxations on Random Tensors 44:30
New America (videos of March 2017)
source: New America
1:14:37 Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs In today’s world, it is easier than ever for people and material to move around the planet, but at the same time it is easier than ever for diseases to move as well. Outbreaks of Ebola, MERS, yello...
1:01:40 What Algorithms Want Algorithms tell us what to read, where to go, and whom to date…but do we really understand them?
It’s easy to think of algorithms as magical beings, delivering purely objective, admirably efficien...
5:24 Closing Remarks ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “Wh...
49:35 Wargaming the Internet Apocalypse BETSY COOPER Executive Director, Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, UC Berkeley
ALLAN FRIEDMAN Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives, NTIA
ROSS SCHULMAN Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New ...
38:10 Tomorrow's Tech and What it Means for Cybersecurity MICHAEL DALY Chief Technology Officer, Raytheon Cybersecurity
YASMIN GREEN Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw
PETER W. SINGER Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America
43:47 Taking off the Hacker's Hoodie: Building a Better Cybersecurity Workforce THEODORE JOHNSON Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow, New America
CONGRESSMAN JIM LANGEVIN (D-RI), U.S. House of Representatives
ANGELA MCKAY Director of the Government Security Policy and Strategy, Micr...
2:53 Closing Remarks ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER-President and CEO, New America
PETER BERGEN-Vice President and Director, International Security, Future of War, and Fellows Programs, New America
New America and Arizona State...
27:05 The Bear and the Dragon What Will The Future Bring in US China Russia Relations EVELYN FARKAS Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia
HEATHER HURLBURT Director, New Models of Policy Change initiative, New America
JAMES MULVENON Vice-President, I...
35:44 Can We Move Beyond Buzzwords Can Innovation Actually Hack The Acquisition Cycle ELANA BROITMAN Director, New America NYC
ALEX GRAY Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director for the Defense Industrial Base, White House National Trade Council
11:58 Rosa Brooks book talk: How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything ROSA BROOKS ASU Future of War Senior Fellow, New America; Columnist, Foreign Policy; and Professor, Georgetown University Law Center
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Futu...
22:18 Moral Injury: What Are The Future Costs of Today's Wars? ANDREA ELLNER Lecturer in Defence Studies, King's College London
TOM FRAME Director, Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society
THEODORE JOHNSON Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow, Ne...
35:11 What in the World is Going on? Cyber Strategies in 2017 and What They Mean JACLYN KERR Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ELAINE KORZAK Cybersecurity Fellow, Middlebury Institute of International...
13:37 What Can Cybersecurity Learn from Behavioral Science? ALEX BLAU Senior Associate, ideas42
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?”
On ...
30:52 Cybersecurity Policy under the Trump Administration JEANETTE MANFRA Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity, National Protection & Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
IAN WALLACE Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New A...
19:43 The Future of Afghanistan: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Hamdullah Mohib HAMDULLAH MOHIB Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States
IOANNIS "GIANNI" KOSKINAS Senior Fellow, New America International Security program and CEO, the Hoplite Group
New America and Arizon...
11:11 Peaceland Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention SÉVERINE AUTESSERRE Associate Professor of Political Science, Barnard College, Columbia University
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March...
31:15 Can We Stop War Before It Starts? SHARON BURKE Senior Advisor and Director, Resource Security Program, New America
MINA CHANG CEO, Linking the World
JAKE HARRIMAN Founder and CEO, Nuru International
REBECCA J. WOLFE Director of Pea...
1:34:20 Can Technology Make Sports Safer? We’re a nation of sports nuts. We rally around our favorite teams, deify athletes, and sustain a multi-billion-dollar industry built to celebrate athleticism and human endurance. As a result, the s...
31:02 What’s Next for Iraq and Syria ERICA CHENOWETH Associate Dean for Research, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver
LUKMAN FAILY Former Ambassador of Iraq to the United States
ROBERT JOHNSON Director o...
21:21 Young Stars of Cybersecurity SARA SORCHER Deputy Cybersecurity Editor, Christian Science Monitor
PAUL VANN Senior Manager, Cyber Engineering, Raytheon
Cybersecurity in the United States and ar...
22:51 Rise of the Hacker Industrial Complex NILOOFAR HOWE Chief Strategy Officer, RSA
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?...
41:54 War Goes Viral What Does It Mean When Social Media is Weaponized BRAD ALLENBY Co-director of The Weaponized Narrative Initiative of New America and ASU's Center on the Future of War
YASMIN GREEN Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw
ADAM SHARP Former Head...
11:11 Social Media Jihad 2 0: Inside ISIS’ Global Recruitment and Incitement Campaign MICHAEL S. SMITH II Terrorism Analyst and former Kronos Advisory Principal and COO
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March 21 in Washingto...
20:24 What are the Lessons of Colombia's Peace Deal with the FARC for Ending Other Civil Wars JUAN CARLOS PINZÓN Ambassador of Colombia to the United States
ANNETTE IDLER Director of Studies at the Changing Character of War Programme, University of Oxford
New America and Arizona State Univ...
10:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks LIEUTENANT GENERAL (RET.) BENJAMIN C. FREAKLEY Professor of Practice of Leadership and Special Advisor to President Michael Crow for Leadership Initiatives, ASU
42:39 How Do We Inject Innovation Into the Defense Department ERIC SCHMIDT Executive Chairman, Alphabet Inc.
TOM RICKS Senior Advisor, International Security program, New America and Contributing Editor, Foreign Policy magazine
New America and Arizona State ...
43:12 Tomorrow's Air Force: A Conversation with General David L. Goldfein GENERAL DAVID L. GOLDFEIN Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force
KEVIN BARON Executive Editor, Defense One
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on...
1:31:54 Ranking Digital Rights 2017 Corporate Accountability Index We depend on dozens of companies – such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and AT&T – for the digital products and services that increasingly shape our personal lives, careers, and even politics. But how ...
53:47 Tomorrow's Army: A Conversation with General Mark A. Milley GENERAL MARK A. MILLEY Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army
ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 ...
30:45 Lessons Learned Reflections on Cybersecurity in the Obama Administration MICHAEL DANIEL President, Cyber Threat Alliance
SUZANNE SPAULDING Former Under Secretary for National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
Cybersecurity in the Uni...
15:31 Bugs in the System: Addressing the Vulnerability Problem KATIE MOUSSOURIS Founder and CEO, Luta Security and New America Cybersecurity Fellow
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for...
35:10 Big Ideas for the Future of Cybersecurity EVA GALPERIN Director of Cybersecurity, Electronic Frontier Foundation
HERB LIN Senior Research Scholar, CISAC and Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
TERRY ROBERTS Founder & President, WhiteHawk, ...
20:28 Whats Next for the Cybersecurity Community NATHANIEL FICK CEO, Endgame
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?”
On March 20...
9:43 Welcome ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “Wh...
32:57 Keynote: The View from the Hill CONGRESSMAN JIM LANGEVIN (D-RI), U.S. House of Representatives
IAN WALLACE Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring dow...
7:17:48 Cybersecurity for a New America Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: "What's next?"
On March 20, 2017, New America will conv...
8:27:32 Future of War Conference 2017 New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March 21 in Washington, D.C. The event will feature leaders from government, military, journalism, academ...
30:48 What’s Next for Cybersecurity at the State and Local Level What’s Next for Cybersecurity at the State and Local Level?
Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
Moderator: Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America
37:13 What’s Next for International Cybersecurity What’s Next for International Cybersecurity?
Marina Kaljurand, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia and Chair, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Moderator: Sean Ka...
2:01:15 Cybersecurity for a New America Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: "What's next?"
On March 20, 2017, New America will conv...
1:10:04 What’s Next for STEM Education? There is a national consensus: today’s students need more opportunities to build skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) across the PreK-12 grade span. Teachers are a critical p...
2:42:13 Will Collaboration or Competition Propel Humans to Mars and Beyond Between the close of the Cold War and the more recent retirement of the U.S. shuttle fleet, we’ve long since left the first space age behind. But now it seems there’s a new space race brewing—one t...
2:05:40 Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities Strategist and Senior Fellow Peter W. Singer testified before the House Armed Services Committee hearing on "Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities." He covered w...
5:59 Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century - Peter Singer Opening Statement Strategist and Senior Fellow Peter W. Singer testified before the House Armed Services Committee hearing on "Cyber Warfare in the 21st Century: Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities." He covered w...
1:32:59 How People Become Terrorists In the years since 9/11 the scope and nature of the global neo-jihadi threat to the West has changed radically, prompting reassessments from those following the threat. In his latest book Misunders...

It’s easy to think of algorithms as magical beings, delivering purely objective, admirably efficien...

Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “Wh...

ALLAN FRIEDMAN Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives, NTIA
ROSS SCHULMAN Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New ...

YASMIN GREEN Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw
PETER W. SINGER Strategist & Senior Fellow, New America

CONGRESSMAN JIM LANGEVIN (D-RI), U.S. House of Representatives
ANGELA MCKAY Director of the Government Security Policy and Strategy, Micr...

PETER BERGEN-Vice President and Director, International Security, Future of War, and Fellows Programs, New America
New America and Arizona State...

HEATHER HURLBURT Director, New Models of Policy Change initiative, New America
JAMES MULVENON Vice-President, I...

ALEX GRAY Special Assistant to the President & Deputy Director for the Defense Industrial Base, White House National Trade Council

New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Futu...

TOM FRAME Director, Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society
THEODORE JOHNSON Eric and Wendy Schmidt Fellow, Ne...

ELAINE KORZAK Cybersecurity Fellow, Middlebury Institute of International...

Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?”
On ...

IAN WALLACE Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New A...

IOANNIS "GIANNI" KOSKINAS Senior Fellow, New America International Security program and CEO, the Hoplite Group
New America and Arizon...

New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March...

MINA CHANG CEO, Linking the World
JAKE HARRIMAN Founder and CEO, Nuru International
REBECCA J. WOLFE Director of Pea...

LUKMAN FAILY Former Ambassador of Iraq to the United States
ROBERT JOHNSON Director o...

PAUL VANN Senior Manager, Cyber Engineering, Raytheon
Cybersecurity in the United States and ar...

Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?...

YASMIN GREEN Director of Research and Development, Jigsaw
ADAM SHARP Former Head...

New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on March 21 in Washingto...

ANNETTE IDLER Director of Studies at the Changing Character of War Programme, University of Oxford
New America and Arizona State Univ...


TOM RICKS Senior Advisor, International Security program, New America and Contributing Editor, Foreign Policy magazine
New America and Arizona State ...

KEVIN BARON Executive Editor, Defense One
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 on...

ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
New America and Arizona State University invite you to the Future of War Conference 2017 ...

SUZANNE SPAULDING Former Under Secretary for National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security
Cybersecurity in the Uni...

Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for...

HERB LIN Senior Research Scholar, CISAC and Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
TERRY ROBERTS Founder & President, WhiteHawk, ...

Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “What’s next?”
On March 20...

Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring down a future of unknowns. Cybersecurity for a New America 2017 will ask: “Wh...

IAN WALLACE Co-Director, Cybersecurity Initiative, New America
Cybersecurity in the United States and around the world is staring dow...

On March 20, 2017, New America will conv...

Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
Moderator: Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO, New America

Marina Kaljurand, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Estonia and Chair, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Moderator: Sean Ka...

On March 20, 2017, New America will conv...

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