Oxford Martin School
'The global refugee crisis and what to do about it' with Rt Hon David Miliband At a time of heightened political tension and policy confusion about the refugee crisis, this lecture will explore why record numbers of people are fleeing their homes; what conditions they are liv...
'Knowing what not to know: sharing and hiding information in digital societies' with Dr Joss Wright Our societies are increasingly dependent on, and shaped by, our information technologies. We read, watch, communicate, interact, and monitor digitally, both as individuals and in our institutions....
Restoring trust in finance: moral obligation meets Econ 101 with Gordon Menzies This lecture is a joint event between the Oxford Martin School and The Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School
Dishonest practices brought to light by the 2008 crisis have r...
'Climate change: what’s new, what’s next?' with Karen Florini In the geophysical world as well as the policy realm, major climate developments have been coming thick and fast over the last year. Former U.S. Deputy Special Envoy for Climate Change and Oxford M...
'Can future energy needs be met sustainably?' with Professor Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith Global energy consumption is increasing rapidly, driven by rising living standards in developing countries. The energy provided by burning fossil fuels is also increasing, albeit not quite as fast ...
"Exploring our inner space: discovering the deep sea and assessing human impact" Professor Alex Rogers
Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford
What is Info-Gap Theory? Oxford Martin Visiting Fellow Professor Yakov Ben-Haim introduces Info-Gap Theory, a method for supporting model-based decisions under severe uncertainty.
Oxford Martin School, University of Oxfor...
'Expanding frontiers in space exploration' with Dr Colin Wilson From rovers on Mars to balloons on Venus and boats on Titan, robotic spacecraft are exploring very distant frontiers indeed.
One of the most pressing ethical considerations is how to protect these...
Thank you for being late: an optimist’s guide to thriving in the age of accelerations This book talk is a joint event between the Oxford Martin School and The Institute of New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School
In this talk Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times Columnist on...
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