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Representation, Coding and Computation in Neural Circuits
source: Simons Institute 2018年2月12日
The aim of this workshop is to shed light, at the level of cortical circuits, on issues of representation and coding such as sparsity and high-dimensionality, spikes and coding capacity in the presence of noise. It will also address questions related to how neurons compute: the role of dendritic nonlinearities and clustered plasticity, recurrent circuits, excitatory-inhibitory balance and models of cooperative computation (as opposed to single neuron computation).
For more information, please visit: https://simons.berkeley.edu/workshops...
These presentations were supported in part by an award from the Simons Foundation.
1 30:35 Pattern Separation and Completion in Subregions of the Hippocampus
2 42:52 Place-Cell Sequences in the Hippocampus
3 31:51 Active Dendrites in the Formation of Hippocampal Place Fields
4 33:29 Continuous 8 Hz Alternation between Divergent Representations in the Hippocampus
5 32:20 Coding of Space and Time in Cortical Structures
6 32:18 Decoding the Population Activity of Grid Cells for Spatial Localization and Goal-Directed Navigation
7 34:36 Recurrent Circuitry Implements Concentration-Invariant Odor Coding in Piriform Cortex
8 34:02 Basal Ganglia Architecture for Reinforcement Learning
9 33:49 Computational and Experimental Approaches to Study Dendritic Integration...
10 32:39 Synaptic Learning Rules Tuned to Functional Requirements
11 36:51 A View of Cortex from the Thalamus
12 31:31 Dissecting the Dynamics of Signal Transmission in Thalamocortical Circuits
13 46:04 Emergence of Direction Selectivity at the Convergence of Thalamo-Cortical Synapses in Visual Cortex
14 34:38 What Electric Signals Tell Us about the Brain Code
15 [private video]
16 37:31 How Fast Is a Neural "Winner-Take-All" When Deciding Between Many Noisy Options?
17 36:49 The Regime of Sensory Cortical Computation: Loose E/I Balance and Normalization
18 35:01 Precise Multimodal Control of Neural Ensemble Activity
19 33:50 What Are All Those Neurons in Foveal V1 Doing?
20 35:45 Detecting Object Boundaries in Natural Scenes Requires 'Incitatory' Cell-Cell Interactions
21 39:48 An Accurate Functional Model of Single Neurons in V1, V2 and V4
22 43:25 Emerging Dynamics and Cognition in the Global Brain
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