Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
David Mukamel: Steady states and long range correlations in driven systems - Lecture 1 Abstract : In these three lectures steady states and dynamical properties of nonequilibrium systems will be discussed.
Systems driven out of thermal equilibrium often reach a steady state which und...
David Mukamel: Steady states and long range correlations in driven systems - Lecture 2 Abstract : In these three lectures steady states and dynamical properties of nonequilibrium systems will be discussed.
Systems driven out of thermal equilibrium often reach a steady state which und...
Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 2 Abstract : Lecture 1. Collective dynamics and self-organization in biological systems : challenges and some examples.
Lecture 2. The Vicsek model as a paradigm for self-organization : from particl...
Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 3 Abstract : Lecture 1. Collective dynamics and self-organization in biological systems : challenges and some examples.
Lecture 2. The Vicsek model as a paradigm for self-organization : from particl...
Pierre Degond: Collective dynamics in life sciences - Lecture 1 Abstract : Lecture 1. Collective dynamics and self-organization in biological systems : challenges and some examples.
Lecture 2. The Vicsek model as a paradigm for self-organization : from particl...
Andrea Pulita: An overview on some recent results about p-adic differential equations ... Abstract: I will give an introductory talk on my recent results about p-adic differential equations on Berkovich curves, most of them in collaboration with J. Poineau. This includes the continuity ...
Vladimir Berkovich: de Rham theorem in non-Archimedean analytic geometry Abstract: In my work in progress on complex analytic vanishing cycles for formal schemes, I have defined integral "etale" cohomology groups of a compact strictly analytic space over the field of La...
Charles Favre: Explosion of Lyapunov exponents using non-Archimedean geometry Abstract: We consider a meromorphic family of endomorphisms of the complex projective space parameterized by the unit disk, and show that the blow-up of the Lyapunov exponent near the origin is con...
Tomoyuki Abe: Arithmetic D-modules and existence of crystalline companion Abstract: We will show that there exists a correspondence between smooth l-adic sheaves and overconvergent F-isocrystals over a curve preserving the Frobenius eigenvalues. Moreover, we show the exi...
Hélène Esnault: D-modules and p-curvatures Abstract: We show relations between rigidity of connections in characteristic 0 and nilpotency of their p-curvatures (a consequence of a conjecture by Simpson and of a generalization of Grothendiec...
Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 2 Résumé : Le problème Graph Motif est défini comme suit : étant donné un graphe sommet colorié G=(V,E) et un multi-ensemble M de couleurs, déterminer s'il existe une occurrence de M dans G, c'est-à-...
Guillaume Fertin : Le problème Graph Motif - Partie 1 Résumé : Le problème Graph Motif est défini comme suit : étant donné un graphe sommet colorié G=(V,E) et un multi-ensemble M de couleurs, déterminer s'il existe une occurrence de M dans G, c'est-à-...
Cécile Mailler : Processus de Pólya à valeur mesure Résumé : Une urne de Pólya est un processus stochastique décrivant la composition d'une urne contenant des boules de différentes couleurs. L'ensemble des couleurs est usuellement un ensemble fini {...
Sophie Schbath : Une histoire de mots inattendus et de génomes Résumé : Dans une première partie, je présenterai différentes problématiques liées à des statistiques d'occurrences de mots dans des génomes et décortiquerai plus en détail la question de savoir co...
Juanjo Rué : Random cubic planar graphs revisited Abstract: We analyze random labelled cubic planar graphs according to the uniform distribution. This model was analyzed first by Bodirsky et al. in a paper from 2007. Here we revisit and extend the...
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