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source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年9月7日
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
DATES: Monday 29 Aug, 2016 - Tuesday 30 Aug, 2016
VENUE: Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
Emmy Noether (1882-1935) is well known for her famous contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Noether’s mathematical work has been divided into three ”epochs”. In the first (1908-19), she made contributions to the theories of algebraic invariants and number fields. Her work on differential invariants in the calculus of variations, Noether’s theorem, has been called ”one of the most important mathematical theorems ever proved in guiding the development of modern physics”. In the second epoch (1920-26), she began work that changed the face of abstract algebra. In her classic paper Idealtheorie in Ringbereichen (Theory of Ideals in Ring Domains, 1921) Noether developed the theory of ideals in commutative rings into a tool with wideranging applications. She made elegant use of the ascending chain condition, and objects satisfying it are named Noetherian in her honor. In the third epoch (1927-35), she published works on noncommutative algebras and hypercomplex numbers and united the representation theory of groups with the theory of modules and ideals. In addition to her own publications, Noether was generous with her ideas and is credited with several lines of research published by other mathematicians, even in fields far removed from her main work, such as algebraic topology.
In ICTS-TIFR, we shall celebrate the work of this remarkable mathematician and physicist in this two day discussion meet.
The topics will include the following:
Noether's Theorem in Classical Dynamics: Continuous Symmetries and Conservation Laws for physical systems.
Applications of Noether theorem in particle physics, condensed matter physics, gravity and string theory.
Noether's pioneering contributions to Commutative Algebra and other fields of pure mathematics.
Application deadline: 01 July, 2016
Support for train travel by students and postdocs will be provided as per rules. Due to limited funds, faculty applicants are requested to find an alternative travel support.
For more information, contact program@icts.res.in
Noether’s Theorem in Classical Dynamics : Continuous Symmetries by N. Mukunda 1:02:25
Origin and Development of Valuation Theory by Sudesh Khanduja 1:02:03
Interplay of symmetries and other integrability quantifiers in finite by Lakhsmanan Muthusamy 1:04:50
Noether's theorem and particle physics by Rohini Godbole 57:30
Noether's works in Topology by Indranil Biswas 49:26
Noether's theorems and their growing physical relevance by Joseph Samuel 59:42
Emmy Noether in Erlangen and Göttingen by Ravi Rao 1:18:43
Symmetries and Condensed Matter physics by Subhro Bhattacharya 56:06
Emmy Noether’s ideas in Gravity, Black holes and AdS/CFT by Loganayagam 1:10:05
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Dynamical System by Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjee (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Satadal Datta 2016年1月11日
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture by Prof. Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjee, Harish-Chandra Research Institute: http://www.hri.res.in/
lecture note is available at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_k...
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 1: Introduction 1:57:22
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 2: Dynamical System, 1 D Dynamical System 1:30:21
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 3: Bifurcation, Phase Transition 46:41
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 4: Structural Stability of Bifurcation 1:21:41
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 5: Generic features of Bifurcation, Insect outbreak 1:35:43
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 6: Compact System, Josephson Effect 1:50:45
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 7: Synchronization of Fireflies! 1:34:13
source: Satadal Datta 2016年1月11日
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture by Prof. Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjee, Harish-Chandra Research Institute: http://www.hri.res.in/
lecture note is available at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_k...
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 1: Introduction 1:57:22
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 2: Dynamical System, 1 D Dynamical System 1:30:21
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 3: Bifurcation, Phase Transition 46:41
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 4: Structural Stability of Bifurcation 1:21:41
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 5: Generic features of Bifurcation, Insect outbreak 1:35:43
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 6: Compact System, Josephson Effect 1:50:45
Nonlinear Dynamics Lecture 7: Synchronization of Fireflies! 1:34:13
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年12月21日
PROGRAM URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/NESP2015
DATES: Monday 26 Oct, 2015 - Friday 20 Nov, 2015
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
This program will be organized as an advanced discussion workshop on some topical issues in nonequilibrium statstical physics. The aim of the program is to bring together active researchers to discuss outstanding problems. The main areas of focus in the workshop will be
Heat and particle transport in low dimensional systems.
Large deviation functions and fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems.
Localization and thermalization.
The workshop also aims to bring together researchers from diverse areas in statistical physics so as to initiate exchange of ideas and generate collaborations among them.
The program will consist of short lectures by invited participants on the first day of each week and the rest of the time will be available for discussions. There will also be some pedagogic lectures on the following topics
Localization and thermalization (David Huse, week 1)
Fluctuating hydrodynamics (Herbert Spohn, week 1)
Macroscopic fluctuation theory (Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, week 2)
Exact results in heat conduction (Cedric Bernardin and Stefano Olla, week 2)
Cedric Bernardin, Abhishek Dhar, Joel Lebowitz, Stefano Olla, Sanjib Sabhapandit, Keiji Saito and Herbert Spohn
Introduction to Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Theory in one-dimensional systems by Herbert Spohn 1:43:37
Random Matrix Theory and the dynamics of nonequilibrium interfaces by Herbert Spohn 1:18:21
Cross Magneto-Mechanical Effects in Amorphous Solids with Magnetic Degrees of Freedom 1:00:57
Plasticity and Material Failure in Amorphous Solids(Chandrasekhar Lecture II) by Itamar Procaccia 1:15:47
Micro Big-Bangs and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Turbulent Quantum Fluids 1:08:50
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 3) 1:20:16
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 2) 1:22:05
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 1) 1:25:54
New Dialogues: Entanglement, Holography and Renormalization (Chandrasekhar Lecture Series) 1:13:34
Holographic Entanglement Entropy (Chandrasekhar lecture II) 1:33:15
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 1 1:07:30
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 2 46:02
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年12月21日
PROGRAM URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/NESP2015
DATES: Monday 26 Oct, 2015 - Friday 20 Nov, 2015
VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
This program will be organized as an advanced discussion workshop on some topical issues in nonequilibrium statstical physics. The aim of the program is to bring together active researchers to discuss outstanding problems. The main areas of focus in the workshop will be
Heat and particle transport in low dimensional systems.
Large deviation functions and fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems.
Localization and thermalization.
The workshop also aims to bring together researchers from diverse areas in statistical physics so as to initiate exchange of ideas and generate collaborations among them.
The program will consist of short lectures by invited participants on the first day of each week and the rest of the time will be available for discussions. There will also be some pedagogic lectures on the following topics
Localization and thermalization (David Huse, week 1)
Fluctuating hydrodynamics (Herbert Spohn, week 1)
Macroscopic fluctuation theory (Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, week 2)
Exact results in heat conduction (Cedric Bernardin and Stefano Olla, week 2)
Cedric Bernardin, Abhishek Dhar, Joel Lebowitz, Stefano Olla, Sanjib Sabhapandit, Keiji Saito and Herbert Spohn
Introduction to Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Theory in one-dimensional systems by Herbert Spohn 1:43:37
Random Matrix Theory and the dynamics of nonequilibrium interfaces by Herbert Spohn 1:18:21
Cross Magneto-Mechanical Effects in Amorphous Solids with Magnetic Degrees of Freedom 1:00:57
Plasticity and Material Failure in Amorphous Solids(Chandrasekhar Lecture II) by Itamar Procaccia 1:15:47
Micro Big-Bangs and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Turbulent Quantum Fluids 1:08:50
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 3) 1:20:16
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 2) 1:22:05
Quantum entanglement in macroscopic matter (Lecture 1) 1:25:54
New Dialogues: Entanglement, Holography and Renormalization (Chandrasekhar Lecture Series) 1:13:34
Holographic Entanglement Entropy (Chandrasekhar lecture II) 1:33:15
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 1 1:07:30
Entanglement & C-theorems (Chandrasekhar lecture III) - part 2 46:02
GdR Dynamo (2015, IISc Bangalore)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年12月9日
PROGRAM LINK: www.icts.res.in/program/GDR2015
DATES: 01 Jun, 2015 - 12 Jun, 2015
VENUE: ICTS-TIFR, IISc campus, Bangalore
Dynamo or self-induced magnetic field generation in nature and laboratory is a very important area of research in physics, astrophysics, geophysics and solar physics. The problem has remained largely unsolved for a century due to its nonlinear nature. This field is multidisciplinary with active involvement from theoreticians, experimentalists, and computational scientists. Considering the importance of this problem in various fields, a large number of complex large-scale simulations and experiments have been performed, which provide very valuable insights into dynamo mechanisms including dynamo reversals. Many simulations and several large-scale experiments have been planned for further exploration of dynamo processes.
Emmanuel Dormy,
Stephan Fauve,
Samriddhi Sankar Ray,
Binod Sreenivasan,
Mahendra Verma
Theory of MHD by Alexander Schekochihin (Part 1) 54:13
Theory of MHD by Alexander Schekochihin (Part 2) 1:11:54
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 1) 1:12:39
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 2) 19:46
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 3) 19:54
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 4) 1:04:10
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 1) 1:12:56
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 2) 12:34
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 3) 1:12:56
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 4) 28:47
Astrophysical Dynamos by Kandaswamy Subramanian (Part 1) 1:39:48
Astrophysical Dynamos by Kandaswamy Subramanian (Part 2) 1:12:42
Astrophysical Dynamos by Kandaswamy Subramanian (Part 3) 25:12
Experiments/Liquid Metals by Cary Forest (Part 1) 1:11:57
Experiments/Liquid Metals by Cary Forest (Part 2) 23:28
Experiments/Liquid Metals by Cary Forest (Part 3) 1:18:38
Box Code: Tarang by Mahendra Verma (Part 1) 1:12:56
Box Code: Tarang by Mahendra Verma (Part 2) 17:30
Torsional waves in the Earth’s core by Christopher Andrew Jones (and welcome remarks) 44:54
Convective Dynamos at Infinite Prandtl Number by David Hughes 38:35
Buoyancy Instabilities in Weakly Collisional Magnetized Plasmas by Prateek Sharma 31:46
Energy Trasfers, Spectrum, and Flux in Quasi-Static MHD Turbulence by Sandeep Reddy 24:25
Poster Session/Discussions 2:40
What have we learned from the Von Karman Sodium experiment by Francois Petrelis 1:04:58
The present status of the DRESDYN project by Frank Stefani 40:48
Instabilities in electromagnetically driven flows by Christophe Gissinger 29:50
Instabilities in electromagnetically driven flows by Christophe Gissinger 34:18
Effects of flow inhomogeneity in turbulent dynamo by Nobumitsu Yokoi 17:50
Bounds on Joule dissipation for convective dynamos by Thierry Alboussiere 33:32
Dynamo onset as a first-order transition by Rahul Pandit 31:01
The fate of the k^-2 spectrum in strong MHD turbulence by Vassilios Dallas 25:28
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年12月9日
PROGRAM LINK: www.icts.res.in/program/GDR2015
DATES: 01 Jun, 2015 - 12 Jun, 2015
VENUE: ICTS-TIFR, IISc campus, Bangalore
Dynamo or self-induced magnetic field generation in nature and laboratory is a very important area of research in physics, astrophysics, geophysics and solar physics. The problem has remained largely unsolved for a century due to its nonlinear nature. This field is multidisciplinary with active involvement from theoreticians, experimentalists, and computational scientists. Considering the importance of this problem in various fields, a large number of complex large-scale simulations and experiments have been performed, which provide very valuable insights into dynamo mechanisms including dynamo reversals. Many simulations and several large-scale experiments have been planned for further exploration of dynamo processes.
Emmanuel Dormy,
Stephan Fauve,
Samriddhi Sankar Ray,
Binod Sreenivasan,
Mahendra Verma
Theory of MHD by Alexander Schekochihin (Part 1) 54:13
Theory of MHD by Alexander Schekochihin (Part 2) 1:11:54
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 1) 1:12:39
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 2) 19:46
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 3) 19:54
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Andy Jackson (Part 4) 1:04:10
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 1) 1:12:56
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 2) 12:34
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 3) 1:12:56
Geo and Solar Dynamo by Chris Jones (Part 4) 28:47
Astrophysical Dynamos by Kandaswamy Subramanian (Part 1) 1:39:48
Astrophysical Dynamos by Kandaswamy Subramanian (Part 2) 1:12:42
Astrophysical Dynamos by Kandaswamy Subramanian (Part 3) 25:12
Experiments/Liquid Metals by Cary Forest (Part 1) 1:11:57
Experiments/Liquid Metals by Cary Forest (Part 2) 23:28
Experiments/Liquid Metals by Cary Forest (Part 3) 1:18:38
Box Code: Tarang by Mahendra Verma (Part 1) 1:12:56
Box Code: Tarang by Mahendra Verma (Part 2) 17:30
Torsional waves in the Earth’s core by Christopher Andrew Jones (and welcome remarks) 44:54
Convective Dynamos at Infinite Prandtl Number by David Hughes 38:35
Buoyancy Instabilities in Weakly Collisional Magnetized Plasmas by Prateek Sharma 31:46
Energy Trasfers, Spectrum, and Flux in Quasi-Static MHD Turbulence by Sandeep Reddy 24:25
Poster Session/Discussions 2:40
What have we learned from the Von Karman Sodium experiment by Francois Petrelis 1:04:58
The present status of the DRESDYN project by Frank Stefani 40:48
Instabilities in electromagnetically driven flows by Christophe Gissinger 29:50
Instabilities in electromagnetically driven flows by Christophe Gissinger 34:18
Effects of flow inhomogeneity in turbulent dynamo by Nobumitsu Yokoi 17:50
Bounds on Joule dissipation for convective dynamos by Thierry Alboussiere 33:32
Dynamo onset as a first-order transition by Rahul Pandit 31:01
The fate of the k^-2 spectrum in strong MHD turbulence by Vassilios Dallas 25:28
Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics (2013, ICTS Winter School)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年2月20日
PROGRAM: ICTS Winter School on Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics
DATES: Monday 23 Dec, 2013 - Saturday 28 Dec, 2013
VENUE: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/GWS2013
A worldwide network of detectors are currently involved in an exciting experimental effort for the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs). There is also an ongoing proposal to build a GW detector, called LIGO-India, in India with significant international collaboration. Not only that GW astronomy will open up a fundamentally new observational window to the Universe, the experimental effort for GW detection has been driving precision measurement science for the last few decades.
The ICTS Winter School in Experimental GW Physics is meant to train students, young scientists and engineers on the instrumental science and technology for GW astronomy. The school will feature an intense series of lectures and hands-on sessions covering a number of topics including interferometry, highly stabilized lasers, control systems, etc.
Inauguration 33:11
Peter R Saulson - Overview of gravitational waves and detectors (Waves and sources) 1:06:01
Rana Adhikari - Overview of gravitational waves and detectors (Survey of past and present detectors) 52:33
Peter R Saulson - Interaction of waves and detectors 1:10:29
Oliver Puncken - The advanced LIGO pre-stabilized laser (PSL) 1:12:16
Oliver Puncken - Laser diagnostics and developmental tools 1:11:04
Peter R Saulson - Shot noise and Radiation Pressure noise (Classic view /Poisson fluctuations) 58:46
Rana Adhikari Shot noise and Radiation Pressure noise (Vacuum fluctuations / quantum noise propaga 59:27
Peter R Saulson - Theory of Linear Systems (Basics) 47:34
Oliver Puncken - Thermo-optical effects 1:17:01
Peter R Saulson - Vibration isolation (Passive systems) 57:58
Rana Adhikari - Vibration isolation 1:11:16
Peter R Saulson - Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities (Plane wave picture, static...) 25:34
Rana Adhikari - Thermal noise (Coatings, noise cancellation, generalized coordinates) 27:11
Rana Adhikari - Introduction to Finesse 23:49
Oliver Puncken - Stabilization of the PSL 1:06:11
Peter R Saulson - Thermal noise (Brownian noise, Zener damping, thermo-elastic noise) 1:10:18
Rana Adhikari - Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities 50:38
Peter R Saulson - Control Systems (Basics (feedback)) 53:32
Rana Adhikari - Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities (Matrix approach for interferometer fields) 1:04:32
Oliver Puncken - Installation and Integration of the PSL 1:13:15
Rana Adhikari - Control Systems 53:37
Peter R Saulson - Details of current detectors (Specifications) 59:55
Rana Adhikari - Details of current detectors (Stories about current and past detectors) 58:27
Peter R Saulson - Future detectors (Space) 53:51
Experiments 2:31
Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities (Higher order transverse modes, geometric.... by Rana Adhikari 1:04:23
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2014年2月20日
PROGRAM: ICTS Winter School on Experimental Gravitational-Wave Physics
DATES: Monday 23 Dec, 2013 - Saturday 28 Dec, 2013
VENUE: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore
PROGRAM LINK: http://www.icts.res.in/program/GWS2013
A worldwide network of detectors are currently involved in an exciting experimental effort for the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs). There is also an ongoing proposal to build a GW detector, called LIGO-India, in India with significant international collaboration. Not only that GW astronomy will open up a fundamentally new observational window to the Universe, the experimental effort for GW detection has been driving precision measurement science for the last few decades.
The ICTS Winter School in Experimental GW Physics is meant to train students, young scientists and engineers on the instrumental science and technology for GW astronomy. The school will feature an intense series of lectures and hands-on sessions covering a number of topics including interferometry, highly stabilized lasers, control systems, etc.
Inauguration 33:11
Peter R Saulson - Overview of gravitational waves and detectors (Waves and sources) 1:06:01
Rana Adhikari - Overview of gravitational waves and detectors (Survey of past and present detectors) 52:33
Peter R Saulson - Interaction of waves and detectors 1:10:29
Oliver Puncken - The advanced LIGO pre-stabilized laser (PSL) 1:12:16
Oliver Puncken - Laser diagnostics and developmental tools 1:11:04
Peter R Saulson - Shot noise and Radiation Pressure noise (Classic view /Poisson fluctuations) 58:46
Rana Adhikari Shot noise and Radiation Pressure noise (Vacuum fluctuations / quantum noise propaga 59:27
Peter R Saulson - Theory of Linear Systems (Basics) 47:34
Oliver Puncken - Thermo-optical effects 1:17:01
Peter R Saulson - Vibration isolation (Passive systems) 57:58
Rana Adhikari - Vibration isolation 1:11:16
Peter R Saulson - Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities (Plane wave picture, static...) 25:34
Rana Adhikari - Thermal noise (Coatings, noise cancellation, generalized coordinates) 27:11
Rana Adhikari - Introduction to Finesse 23:49
Oliver Puncken - Stabilization of the PSL 1:06:11
Peter R Saulson - Thermal noise (Brownian noise, Zener damping, thermo-elastic noise) 1:10:18
Rana Adhikari - Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities 50:38
Peter R Saulson - Control Systems (Basics (feedback)) 53:32
Rana Adhikari - Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities (Matrix approach for interferometer fields) 1:04:32
Oliver Puncken - Installation and Integration of the PSL 1:13:15
Rana Adhikari - Control Systems 53:37
Peter R Saulson - Details of current detectors (Specifications) 59:55
Rana Adhikari - Details of current detectors (Stories about current and past detectors) 58:27
Peter R Saulson - Future detectors (Space) 53:51
Experiments 2:31
Optics of Fabry-Perot cavities (Higher order transverse modes, geometric.... by Rana Adhikari 1:04:23
Early Life Stress on Brain and Behavior; The Parental Brain; The Amazing Teen Brain
source: University of California Television (UCTV) 2017年2月1日
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Three fascinating presentations explain how deeper understanding of neurological development reveals the basis of behavior and what factors can cause behavioral impairment, from external factors such as stress to critical periods of neurological growth and change in adolescence. Recorded on 12/02/2016. Series: "Influence of Early Experience on Adult Brain Organization and Function - Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind Symposium" [2/2017] [Science] [Show ID: 31756]
Environmental Science by Arun Kumar Srivastava
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2014年11月6日
Fly Ash ( Part - II ) 50:40
Environmental Impact 45:44
Air Pollution 56:19
Ozone 56:07
Plate Tectonics 57:49
Water Resources 57:26
Environmental Pollution 50:47
Bio Aerosols - II 54:25
Bio Aerosols - Part 1 48:31
Science Communication through Science Film 53:18
Agricultural Meteorology 54:15
Gases Pollutants 49:53
Particle Size Distribution 51:31
Indoor Air Quality and Health 44:57
Application of Aerosols 58:23
Forest Resources, Sustainability and its Importance 53:56
Radiation and Environment - Part 2 56:11
Cloud Formation -I 49:43
Cloud - II 54:31
Atmospheric Radiation 50:14
Patentability Requirement in India : Nonobviousness 57:37
Atmospheric Radiation 53:59
Atmospheric Radiation - IV 53:44
ISO 14000 54:43
ISO 14000 - II 55:20
source: Cec Ugc 2014年11月6日
Fly Ash ( Part - II ) 50:40
Environmental Impact 45:44
Air Pollution 56:19
Ozone 56:07
Plate Tectonics 57:49
Water Resources 57:26
Environmental Pollution 50:47
Bio Aerosols - II 54:25
Bio Aerosols - Part 1 48:31
Science Communication through Science Film 53:18
Agricultural Meteorology 54:15
Gases Pollutants 49:53
Particle Size Distribution 51:31
Indoor Air Quality and Health 44:57
Application of Aerosols 58:23
Forest Resources, Sustainability and its Importance 53:56
Radiation and Environment - Part 2 56:11
Cloud Formation -I 49:43
Cloud - II 54:31
Atmospheric Radiation 50:14
Patentability Requirement in India : Nonobviousness 57:37
Atmospheric Radiation 53:59
Atmospheric Radiation - IV 53:44
ISO 14000 54:43
ISO 14000 - II 55:20
(בעברית / in Hebrew) אבני פינה - יצירות מופת בספרות א' (Literature Masterpieces) 2009
# playlist of the 14 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2009年10月22日
יצירות מופת בספרות עולם א'
ד"ר יואב רינון
קורס מספר 10510
תכנית אבני פינה - תחום רוח
מטרתנו להציג בפני הסטודנטים טווח רחב של יצירות מופת ספרותיות החל מהעת העתיקה ועד הרנסנס. הלימוד מובנה בסדר כרונולוגי, החל מיצירותיו של הומרוס ה"איליאדה" וה"אודיסיאה", שהועלו על הכתב במאה ה-8 לפנה"ס, וכלה בשניים ממחזותיו של שקספיר, "המלך ליר" ו"הסערה", שנוצרו במאה ה-17. בכל שיעור נדון ביצירה או ביצירות ספרותית, ננתח את ההיבטים התוכניים והאסתטיים שלהן, ונבהיר מדוע יש לראות בהן יצירת מופת. בין היצירות שנלמד: הטרגדיה "מדיאה" של אוריפידס, ה"מטמורפוזות" של אובידיוס, ו"הקומדיה האלוהית" של דנטה. דגש מיוחד יינתן לאופן שבו ניתן ללמוד מיצירות אלה על המציאות וכן על האופן שבו הן רלוונטיות לחיינו שלנו כאן ועכשיו, שנים רבות לאחר שנכתבו. בין הנושאים שיידונו: יחסים בין בני משפחה, אהבה ומלחמה, דת, ארוטיות ומיניות. במקביל לחלק מהשיעורים תילמד גם יצירת מופת בתחום ביקורת הספרות, "מימזיס" של אריך אאורבך, שעוסקת בייצוגיה הספרותיים של המציאות בתרבות המערב.
The aim of this course is to offer the students a vast range of literary masterpieces, starting with the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer which were written during the 8th century B.C., and terminating with Shakespeare's King Lear and The Tempest, two texts from the 17th century A.D. During the lessons we shall discuss many literary works, analyzing their content and their aesthetic aspects and thus elucidating the reasons for their being a part of the "Classical" canon. Among the texts we will read are Euripides' Medea, Ovid's Metamorphoses and Dante's Divine Comedy. A special emphasis will be given to the didactic aspects of these texts, namely to what we can learn from them regarding our reality, and to their relevance to our life in the here and now, so many years after their conception. Among the topics to be discussed in the lessons are: relationships within the nuclear family, love and war, religion, eroticism and sexuality. In addition, in some of the lessons we shall learn a masterpiece of literary criticism, Erich Auerbach's Mimesis, which is dedicated to an analysis of the representation of reality in Western literature.
source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2009年10月22日
יצירות מופת בספרות עולם א'
ד"ר יואב רינון
קורס מספר 10510
תכנית אבני פינה - תחום רוח
מטרתנו להציג בפני הסטודנטים טווח רחב של יצירות מופת ספרותיות החל מהעת העתיקה ועד הרנסנס. הלימוד מובנה בסדר כרונולוגי, החל מיצירותיו של הומרוס ה"איליאדה" וה"אודיסיאה", שהועלו על הכתב במאה ה-8 לפנה"ס, וכלה בשניים ממחזותיו של שקספיר, "המלך ליר" ו"הסערה", שנוצרו במאה ה-17. בכל שיעור נדון ביצירה או ביצירות ספרותית, ננתח את ההיבטים התוכניים והאסתטיים שלהן, ונבהיר מדוע יש לראות בהן יצירת מופת. בין היצירות שנלמד: הטרגדיה "מדיאה" של אוריפידס, ה"מטמורפוזות" של אובידיוס, ו"הקומדיה האלוהית" של דנטה. דגש מיוחד יינתן לאופן שבו ניתן ללמוד מיצירות אלה על המציאות וכן על האופן שבו הן רלוונטיות לחיינו שלנו כאן ועכשיו, שנים רבות לאחר שנכתבו. בין הנושאים שיידונו: יחסים בין בני משפחה, אהבה ומלחמה, דת, ארוטיות ומיניות. במקביל לחלק מהשיעורים תילמד גם יצירת מופת בתחום ביקורת הספרות, "מימזיס" של אריך אאורבך, שעוסקת בייצוגיה הספרותיים של המציאות בתרבות המערב.
The aim of this course is to offer the students a vast range of literary masterpieces, starting with the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer which were written during the 8th century B.C., and terminating with Shakespeare's King Lear and The Tempest, two texts from the 17th century A.D. During the lessons we shall discuss many literary works, analyzing their content and their aesthetic aspects and thus elucidating the reasons for their being a part of the "Classical" canon. Among the texts we will read are Euripides' Medea, Ovid's Metamorphoses and Dante's Divine Comedy. A special emphasis will be given to the didactic aspects of these texts, namely to what we can learn from them regarding our reality, and to their relevance to our life in the here and now, so many years after their conception. Among the topics to be discussed in the lessons are: relationships within the nuclear family, love and war, religion, eroticism and sexuality. In addition, in some of the lessons we shall learn a masterpiece of literary criticism, Erich Auerbach's Mimesis, which is dedicated to an analysis of the representation of reality in Western literature.
Anna Akbari: "Startup Your Life: Hustle and Hack Your Way to Happiness" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2017年1月26日
Dr. Anna Akbari channels her background as a sociologist and entrepreneur to explain how to find happiness and success in her book "Startup Your Life: Hustle and Hack Your Way to Happiness".
She explains the path toward these goals with an approach that focuses on experimenting and learning from it.
Get the book here: https://goo.gl/Ns9Zpj.
Living Longer with Better Health | RSA Replay
source: The RSA 2017年1月26日
We are all aware that we are living longer – and for some of us, that’s a scary prospect, especially when we consider that it has been estimated that by 2030 there will be 2 million people aged over 65 without adult children to look after them. And 230,000 of those will be in need of more than 20 hours' care a week and yet will have no informal support. But, what if we lived longer AND with better health?
Speakers: Anna Dixon, Chief Executive of the Centre for Ageing Better; Steve Iliffe, Emeritus Professor of Primary Care for Older People at University College London; Mike Adamson, Chief Executive of the British Red Cross; and Neil Mesher, CEO of Philips UKI and co-chair of the Ministerial Medical Technology Strategy group
Chair: Charlotte Alldritt, Director of Public Services and Communities, RSA
In partnership with Philips UKI: http://www.philips.co.uk/
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Inferring animal social networks and leadership (David Jacoby)
source: The Royal Society 2017年1月11日
We speak to Dr David Jacoby from ZSL, London about his recent research paper 'Inferring animal social networks and leadership: applications for passive monitoring arrays' recently published in our interdisciplinary journal, Interface. David and his co-authors provide the first evidence of long-term, spatially extensive social processes in wild sharks, and some of the results were rather surprising.
Defending Physicalism with Edwin C. May
source: New Thinking Allowed 2017年1月25日
Edwin C. May, PhD, was involved in the military intelligence psychic spying program, popularly referred to as Stargate, for over twenty years. During the last decade, he was the director of research for that program. In this context, he produced over a hundred scientific publications. His academic training was in experimental nuclear physics. He is coauthor of ESP Wars: East and West and also Anomalous Cognition: Remote Viewing Research and Theory. He is the coeditor of a two volume anthology titled Extrasensory Perception: Support, Skepticism, and Science.
Here he maintains that the materialist or physicalist position regarding the mind-body problem could, in principle, be falsified – if evidence for post-mortem survival or reincarnation can be produced that significantly overcomes the alternative explanation of living agent psi. He points out that the dualist position suffers from the problem of explaining how anything non-material can interact with the brain. Even physical particles such as neutrinos do not interact with the brain at all. As something of a digression, he explains how research on Decision Augmentation Theory has shown that purported experiments on micro-PK actually offer evidence of precognition.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).
(Recorded on June 17, 2016)
Competition and the Regulation of the Legal Services Market
source: London School of Economics and Political Science 2017年1月27日
The Competition and Markets Authority, prompted by concerns raised by interested parties that the legal services sector might not be working as well as it should, launched a study into the legal services market in January 2016 focusing on individual consumers’ and small businesses' experience of purchasing legal services in England and Wales. In its interim report, the CMA found some important problems in the functioning of the market to the detriment of consumers. The final report, which is due by the 12 January 2017 statutory deadline, will explore in full the hurdles to competition in the legal services market and make proposals for the appropriate remedies as well as recommendations for the regulatory framework of the legal services market. This will be the first public discussion of the report, which is likely to make a significant impact on a market with an annual turnover of £11-12 billion.
Robert Bourns is President of the Law Society of England and Wales.
Niamh Dunne is Assistant Professor at LSE Law.
Rachel Merelie is Senior Director at the Competition and Markets Authority.
Paul Philip is Chief Executive of the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority.
Julia Black is Interim Director of LSE and Professor of Law at LSE.
LSE Law (@lselaw) is an integral part of the School's mission, plays a major role in policy debates & in the education of lawyers and law teachers from around the world.
Sonja Francis at Caltech: Make Like a Tree
source: caltech 2017年1月26日
As a Resnick Prize Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech, Sonja Francis spent two and half years reaching for a brass ring in sustainability science. Along with Caltech colleagues at the Resnick Sustainability Institute and the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, she sought to mimic the magic of plant life by efficiently turning carbon dioxide into usable fuel. Her quest for the right catalyst was personal: She worries about how pollution from burning fossil fuels is affecting living things both inland and off the coast of her native Trinidad and Tobago. After combing through hundreds of candidates, one day Francis finally saw the reaction she was looking for.
In this video, Francis (who moved on to become a lecturer at Princeton in fall 2016) talks about the motivation behind her investigations, her Caltech journey, and her bubbling breakthrough moment.
Visit http://breakthrough.caltech.edu to learn how Break Through: The Caltech Campaign is supporting talented, creative scholars like Sonja Francis.
Video produced by Caltech in association with Smartypants Pictures. ©2016 California Institute of Technology
Bangalore school on statistical Physics - VI
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年8月20日
Bangalore school on statistical Physics - VI
PROGRAM URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/BSSP2015
DATES: Thursday 02 Jul, 2015 - Saturday 18 Jul, 2015
VENUE: Auditorium, Raman Research Institute
This advanced level school is second in the series of schools being jointly organized by RRI and ICTS, following the highly successful 1st joint school. The present series is an off-shoot of an earlier series of schools entitled RRI School On Statistical Physics started in 2010 at the Raman Research Institute. The present school will be held at the ICTS campus.
This is a pedagogical school, aimed at bridging the gap between masters-level courses and topics in statistical physics at the frontline of current research. It is intended for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows and interested faculty members at the college and university level.
List of topics to be covered and instructors:
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - Abhishek Dhar (ICTS) and Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI)
Introduction to soft matter physics - D. Pine (NewYork)
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - D. Dhar (TIFR)
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - D. Mukamel (Weizmann Institute)
Interacting particle systems - M. Barma (TIFR)
Physics of Molecular Motors - D. Chowdhury (IITK)
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium systems - S. Sasa (Kyoto)
ORGANIZERS: Abhishek Dhar, Sanjib Sabhapandit
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 1 by Abhishek Dhar 1:33:02
Introductory lectures on statistical physics -1 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:33:19
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 2 by Abhishek Dhar 1:30:27
Introductory lectures on statistical physics -2 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:36:53
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 3 by Abhishek Dhar 1:29:25
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 3 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:42:32
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 1 by David Mukamel 1:31:21
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 1 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:28:59
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 4 by Abhishek Dhar 1:18:36
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 2 by David Mukamel 1:28:54
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 2 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:36:26
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 4 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:38:34
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions -3 by David Mukamel 1:30:11
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 3 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:25:48
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 1 by Deepak Dhar 1:33:50
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 4 by David Mukamel 1:34:30
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 4 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:28:48
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 2 by Deepak Dhar 1:49:11
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 5 by David Mukamel 1:34:52
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 5 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:29:56
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 3 by Deepak Dhar 1:30:36
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 6 by David Mukamel 1:30:25
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 6 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:30:27
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 4 by Deepak Dhar 1:21:51
Interacting particle system - 1 by Mustansir Barma 1:37:22
Introduction to soft matter physics - 1 by David Pine 1:35:02
Interacting particle system - 2 by Mustansir Barma 1:33:04
Introduction to soft matter physics - 2 by David Pine 1:36:06
Interacting particle system - 3 by Mustansir Barma 1:36:19
Introduction to soft matter physics - 3 by David Pine 1:21:58
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 4 by David Pine 1:38:11
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 5 by David Pine 1:32:43
Interacting particle system - 4 by Mustansir Barma 1:31:08
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Interacting particle system - 5 by Mustansir Barma 1:37:44
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 6 by David Pine 1:31:13
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年8月20日
Bangalore school on statistical Physics - VI
PROGRAM URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/BSSP2015
DATES: Thursday 02 Jul, 2015 - Saturday 18 Jul, 2015
VENUE: Auditorium, Raman Research Institute
This advanced level school is second in the series of schools being jointly organized by RRI and ICTS, following the highly successful 1st joint school. The present series is an off-shoot of an earlier series of schools entitled RRI School On Statistical Physics started in 2010 at the Raman Research Institute. The present school will be held at the ICTS campus.
This is a pedagogical school, aimed at bridging the gap between masters-level courses and topics in statistical physics at the frontline of current research. It is intended for Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows and interested faculty members at the college and university level.
List of topics to be covered and instructors:
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - Abhishek Dhar (ICTS) and Sanjib Sabhapandit (RRI)
Introduction to soft matter physics - D. Pine (NewYork)
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - D. Dhar (TIFR)
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - D. Mukamel (Weizmann Institute)
Interacting particle systems - M. Barma (TIFR)
Physics of Molecular Motors - D. Chowdhury (IITK)
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium systems - S. Sasa (Kyoto)
ORGANIZERS: Abhishek Dhar, Sanjib Sabhapandit
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 1 by Abhishek Dhar 1:33:02
Introductory lectures on statistical physics -1 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:33:19
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 2 by Abhishek Dhar 1:30:27
Introductory lectures on statistical physics -2 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:36:53
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 3 by Abhishek Dhar 1:29:25
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 3 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:42:32
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 1 by David Mukamel 1:31:21
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 1 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:28:59
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 4 by Abhishek Dhar 1:18:36
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 2 by David Mukamel 1:28:54
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 2 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:36:26
Introductory lectures on statistical physics - 4 by Sanjib Sabhapandit 1:38:34
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions -3 by David Mukamel 1:30:11
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 3 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:25:48
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 1 by Deepak Dhar 1:33:50
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 4 by David Mukamel 1:34:30
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 4 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:28:48
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 2 by Deepak Dhar 1:49:11
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 5 by David Mukamel 1:34:52
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 5 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:29:56
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 3 by Deepak Dhar 1:30:36
Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions - 6 by David Mukamel 1:30:25
Large deviation functions and fluctuation relations in nonequilibrium system - 6 by Shin-ichi Sasa 1:30:27
Directed percolation and Sandpile models - 4 by Deepak Dhar 1:21:51
Interacting particle system - 1 by Mustansir Barma 1:37:22
Introduction to soft matter physics - 1 by David Pine 1:35:02
Interacting particle system - 2 by Mustansir Barma 1:33:04
Introduction to soft matter physics - 2 by David Pine 1:36:06
Interacting particle system - 3 by Mustansir Barma 1:36:19
Introduction to soft matter physics - 3 by David Pine 1:21:58
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Introduction to soft matter physics - 4 by David Pine 1:38:11
[private video]
[private video]
Introduction to soft matter physics - 5 by David Pine 1:32:43
Interacting particle system - 4 by Mustansir Barma 1:31:08
[private video]
Interacting particle system - 5 by Mustansir Barma 1:37:44
[private video]
[private video]
Introduction to soft matter physics - 6 by David Pine 1:31:13
Differential and Integral Calculus 2 by Aviv Censor at Technion
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Technion 2015年12月7日
Calculus 2 - international
Course no. 104004
Technion - International school of engineering
01 - Introduction 7:04
02 - Vectors 39:15
03 - The Cartesian coordinate system 29:44
04 - The dot product 21:00
05 - The dot product - continued 16:33
06 - The cross product 37:54
07 - The triple product 22:24
08 - The equation of a plane 20:31
09 - Planes - continued 24:54
10 - The equation of a line 18:36
11 - Lines - continued 22:36
12 - Lines - continued 13:49
13 - Lines and planes 12:38
14 - Surfaces 21:13
15 - Surfaces - continued 22:41
16 - Surfaces - continued 8:46
17 - Curves 25:24
18 - Topology 55:34
19 - Sequences 19:14
20 - Functions and graphs 17:52
21 - Level curves 21:03
22 - Level surfaces 11:30
23 - Limits 26:02
24 - Properties of limits 12:05
25 - Limits along curves 20:46
26 - Limits and polar coordinates 27:40
27 - Iterated limits 12:07
28 - Continuity 11:39
29 - The intermediate value theorem 40:26
30 - Tangents to curves 37:55
31 - Partial derivatives 19:21
32 - Calculating partial derivatives 21:39
33 - The tangent plane 18:26
34 - Differentiability 30:00
35 - Differentiability - continued 26:12
36 - Differentiability, continuity and partial derivatives 34:08
37 - Directional derivatives 40:42
38 - The gradient 27:53
39 - The chain rule 28:54
40 - Higher order derivatives 23:51
41 - The Taylor polynomial 27:08
42 - The implicit function theorem 35:49
43 - The implicit function theorem - continued 37:37
44 - Proof of the implicit function theorem 21:07
45 - The gradient is perpendicular to level surfaces 30:58
46 - The implicit function theorem for systems of equations 42:11
47 - The inverse function theorem 17:01
48 - Minima and maxima 39:07
49 - Classification of critical points 56:15
50 - Exterma subject to constraints 19:53
51 - The method of Lagrange multipliers 20:26
52 - A two variable example of Lagrange multipliers 32:54
53 - A three variable example of Lagrange multipliers 16:46
54 - Proof of the Lagrange multipliers theorem 12:40
55 - Lagrange multipliers for several constraints 29:32
56 - Double integrals 40:11
57 - Properties of double integrals 30:15
58 - Iterated integrals 13:56
59 - Simple domains 9:48
60 - Double integrals on simple domains 29:31
61 - Examples of iterated integrals 32:31
62 - Changing order of integration 34:28
63 - Change of variables 21:20
64 - Examples of changing variables 25:50
65 - Examples of changing variables - continued 28:32
66 - The requirement that J is not 0 16:17
67 - The geometric meaning of J 41:31
68 - A cool example 26:00
69 - Triple integrals 28:34
70 - Triple integrals over simple domains 20:05
71 - Cylindrical coordinates 34:09
72 - Spherical coordinates 23:17
73 - One more example of changing variables 19:10
74 - The length of a curve 41:29
75 - Line integrals of scalar functions 33:57
76 - Line integrals of vector fields 33:37
77 - Green's theorem 24:37
78 - Finding area with Green's theorem 16:29
79 - Evaluating line integrals with Green's theorem 37:20
80 - Conservative fields 24:36
81 - Simply connected domains 21:27
82 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains 21:04
83 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains - examples 22:12
84 - Surfaces 36:48
85 - Area of a surface 56:56
86 - Surface integrals of scalar functions 25:00
87 - Surface integrals of vector fields 29:01
88 - Surface integrals of vector fields - example 24:25
89 - The divergence 21:49
90 - The divergence theorem (Gauss) 36:48
91 - More on the divergence 30:04
92 - The curl 19:31
93 - Stokes' theorem 27:29
94 - Using Stokes' theorem 19:15
95 - Using Stokes' theorem - continued 54:48
96 - Conservative fields in 3 dimensions 17:12
97 - An example of a conservative field 22:54
98 - More on the curl 21:34
99 - A review problem 48:23
100 - A review problem - continued 1:00:54
source: Technion 2015年12月7日
Calculus 2 - international
Course no. 104004
Technion - International school of engineering
01 - Introduction 7:04
02 - Vectors 39:15
03 - The Cartesian coordinate system 29:44
04 - The dot product 21:00
05 - The dot product - continued 16:33
06 - The cross product 37:54
07 - The triple product 22:24
08 - The equation of a plane 20:31
09 - Planes - continued 24:54
10 - The equation of a line 18:36
11 - Lines - continued 22:36
12 - Lines - continued 13:49
13 - Lines and planes 12:38
14 - Surfaces 21:13
15 - Surfaces - continued 22:41
16 - Surfaces - continued 8:46
17 - Curves 25:24
18 - Topology 55:34
19 - Sequences 19:14
20 - Functions and graphs 17:52
21 - Level curves 21:03
22 - Level surfaces 11:30
23 - Limits 26:02
24 - Properties of limits 12:05
25 - Limits along curves 20:46
26 - Limits and polar coordinates 27:40
27 - Iterated limits 12:07
28 - Continuity 11:39
29 - The intermediate value theorem 40:26
30 - Tangents to curves 37:55
31 - Partial derivatives 19:21
32 - Calculating partial derivatives 21:39
33 - The tangent plane 18:26
34 - Differentiability 30:00
35 - Differentiability - continued 26:12
36 - Differentiability, continuity and partial derivatives 34:08
37 - Directional derivatives 40:42
38 - The gradient 27:53
39 - The chain rule 28:54
40 - Higher order derivatives 23:51
41 - The Taylor polynomial 27:08
42 - The implicit function theorem 35:49
43 - The implicit function theorem - continued 37:37
44 - Proof of the implicit function theorem 21:07
45 - The gradient is perpendicular to level surfaces 30:58
46 - The implicit function theorem for systems of equations 42:11
47 - The inverse function theorem 17:01
48 - Minima and maxima 39:07
49 - Classification of critical points 56:15
50 - Exterma subject to constraints 19:53
51 - The method of Lagrange multipliers 20:26
52 - A two variable example of Lagrange multipliers 32:54
53 - A three variable example of Lagrange multipliers 16:46
54 - Proof of the Lagrange multipliers theorem 12:40
55 - Lagrange multipliers for several constraints 29:32
56 - Double integrals 40:11
57 - Properties of double integrals 30:15
58 - Iterated integrals 13:56
59 - Simple domains 9:48
60 - Double integrals on simple domains 29:31
61 - Examples of iterated integrals 32:31
62 - Changing order of integration 34:28
63 - Change of variables 21:20
64 - Examples of changing variables 25:50
65 - Examples of changing variables - continued 28:32
66 - The requirement that J is not 0 16:17
67 - The geometric meaning of J 41:31
68 - A cool example 26:00
69 - Triple integrals 28:34
70 - Triple integrals over simple domains 20:05
71 - Cylindrical coordinates 34:09
72 - Spherical coordinates 23:17
73 - One more example of changing variables 19:10
74 - The length of a curve 41:29
75 - Line integrals of scalar functions 33:57
76 - Line integrals of vector fields 33:37
77 - Green's theorem 24:37
78 - Finding area with Green's theorem 16:29
79 - Evaluating line integrals with Green's theorem 37:20
80 - Conservative fields 24:36
81 - Simply connected domains 21:27
82 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains 21:04
83 - Conservative fields in simply connected domains - examples 22:12
84 - Surfaces 36:48
85 - Area of a surface 56:56
86 - Surface integrals of scalar functions 25:00
87 - Surface integrals of vector fields 29:01
88 - Surface integrals of vector fields - example 24:25
89 - The divergence 21:49
90 - The divergence theorem (Gauss) 36:48
91 - More on the divergence 30:04
92 - The curl 19:31
93 - Stokes' theorem 27:29
94 - Using Stokes' theorem 19:15
95 - Using Stokes' theorem - continued 54:48
96 - Conservative fields in 3 dimensions 17:12
97 - An example of a conservative field 22:54
98 - More on the curl 21:34
99 - A review problem 48:23
100 - A review problem - continued 1:00:54
Theoretical and Computational Aspects of the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture (2016, ICTS Bangalore)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年12月12日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/bsdtc...
12 December 2016 to 22 December 2016
Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is a striking example of conjectures in number theory, specifically in arithmetic geometry, that has abundant numerical evidence but not a complete general solution. An elliptic curve, say E, can be represented by points on a cubic equation as below with certain A, B ∈ Q:
y2 = x3 + Ax +B
A Theorem of Mordell says that that E(Q), the set of rational points of E, is a finitely generated abelian group, and thus,
E(Q) = Zr ⊕ T,
for some non-negative integer r and a finite group T. Here, r is called the algebraic rank of E.
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture relates the algebraic rank of E to the value of the L-function, L(E, s), attached to E at s = 1.
Further theoretical understanding, corroborated by computations lead to a stronger version of the BSD conjecture. This refined version of the BSD conjecture provides a very precise formula for the leading term of L(E, s) at s = 1, the coefficient of (s − 1)r, in terms of various arithmetical data attached to E. Thus, the computational side of the BSD conjecture goes hand in hand with the advanced concepts in the theory of Elliptic curves.
In this program, the computational aspects of the BSD conjecture with various illustrative examples, as well as p-adic L-functions, which are the p-adic analogues of the L-functions and other theoretical aspects which are important for the BSD conjecture will be discussed.
CONTACT US: bsdtc@icts.res.in
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:16:20
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:10:56
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:14:53
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:07:24
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:15
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 1:07:26
Simultaneous non-vanishing of L-values by Soumya Das 1:04:09
On the 2-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves by Zhibin Liang 1:05:29
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On Class Number of Number Fields by Debopam Chakraborty 23:26
K-groups and Global Fields by Haiyan Zhou 46:18
Stark-Heegner points and generalised Kato classes by Henri Darmon 53:35
two variables p-adic L function by Shanwen Wang 1:07:06
Torsion points of the Jacobian of modular curves X0(p2 ) and non- by Debargha Banerjee 57:59
Rigidity of p-adic local systems and Abapplications to Shimura varieties by Ruochuan Liu 1:10:27
Comparing the corank of fine Selmer group and Selmer group of elliptic curves by Sudhanshu Shekhar 52:59
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p-adic Asai transfer by Baskar Balasubramanyam 1:03:31
Horizontal variation of the arithmetic of elliptic curves by Ashay Burungale 1:09:09
A twisting result in non-commutative Iwasawa theory by Somnath Jha 1:11:14
p-adic uniformization of locally symmetric spaces by Aditya Karnataki 27:46
Root numbers and parity of local Iwasawa invariants by Suman Ahmed 37:47
On the Fourier coefficients of a Cohen-Eisenstein series by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:08
On a universal Torelli theorem for elliptic surfaces by CS Rajan 1:11:14
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 57:56
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:50
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 56:21
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:48
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2016年12月12日
PROGRAM LINK: https://www.icts.res.in/program/bsdtc...
12 December 2016 to 22 December 2016
Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture is a striking example of conjectures in number theory, specifically in arithmetic geometry, that has abundant numerical evidence but not a complete general solution. An elliptic curve, say E, can be represented by points on a cubic equation as below with certain A, B ∈ Q:
y2 = x3 + Ax +B
A Theorem of Mordell says that that E(Q), the set of rational points of E, is a finitely generated abelian group, and thus,
E(Q) = Zr ⊕ T,
for some non-negative integer r and a finite group T. Here, r is called the algebraic rank of E.
The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture relates the algebraic rank of E to the value of the L-function, L(E, s), attached to E at s = 1.
Further theoretical understanding, corroborated by computations lead to a stronger version of the BSD conjecture. This refined version of the BSD conjecture provides a very precise formula for the leading term of L(E, s) at s = 1, the coefficient of (s − 1)r, in terms of various arithmetical data attached to E. Thus, the computational side of the BSD conjecture goes hand in hand with the advanced concepts in the theory of Elliptic curves.
In this program, the computational aspects of the BSD conjecture with various illustrative examples, as well as p-adic L-functions, which are the p-adic analogues of the L-functions and other theoretical aspects which are important for the BSD conjecture will be discussed.
CONTACT US: bsdtc@icts.res.in
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:16:20
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:10:56
Introduction to elliptic curves and BSD Conjecture by Sujatha Ramadorai 1:14:53
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Coates-Wiles Theorem by Anupam Saikia 1:07:24
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:15
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 1:07:26
Simultaneous non-vanishing of L-values by Soumya Das 1:04:09
On the 2-part of the Birch–Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves by Zhibin Liang 1:05:29
[private video]
On Class Number of Number Fields by Debopam Chakraborty 23:26
K-groups and Global Fields by Haiyan Zhou 46:18
Stark-Heegner points and generalised Kato classes by Henri Darmon 53:35
two variables p-adic L function by Shanwen Wang 1:07:06
Torsion points of the Jacobian of modular curves X0(p2 ) and non- by Debargha Banerjee 57:59
Rigidity of p-adic local systems and Abapplications to Shimura varieties by Ruochuan Liu 1:10:27
Comparing the corank of fine Selmer group and Selmer group of elliptic curves by Sudhanshu Shekhar 52:59
[private video]
p-adic Asai transfer by Baskar Balasubramanyam 1:03:31
Horizontal variation of the arithmetic of elliptic curves by Ashay Burungale 1:09:09
A twisting result in non-commutative Iwasawa theory by Somnath Jha 1:11:14
p-adic uniformization of locally symmetric spaces by Aditya Karnataki 27:46
Root numbers and parity of local Iwasawa invariants by Suman Ahmed 37:47
On the Fourier coefficients of a Cohen-Eisenstein series by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:08
On a universal Torelli theorem for elliptic surfaces by CS Rajan 1:11:14
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 57:56
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 1:00:50
On exceptional zero conjecture (Mazur-Tate-Teitelbaum) by Srilakshmi Krishnamoorthy 56:21
Solving Diophantine equations using elliptic curves + Introduction to SAGE by Chandrakant Aribam 59:48
Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年3月10日
Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/IP2014
Dates: Monday 16 Jun, 2014 - Saturday 28 Jun, 2014
In Inverse Problems the goal is to determine the properties of the interior of an object from the object response measured on the boundary, when the object is probed by electrical, acoustic or other means. Such problems arise in medical imaging, oil exploration, non-destructive testing and other fields. Determining the object properties corresponds to finding the non-constant coefficients of a partial differential equation (PDE) from the values, on the boundary of the region, of the solutions of the PDE. These problems may also be interpreted as the inversion of non-linear maps or transforms. The solution of these inverse problems requires harmonic analysis, PDE theory, numerical methods for PDEs, and custom designed inversion transforms and schemes.
Basics (Distribution theory) 1:29:45
Basics (Statistical techniques) 1:14:24
Introduction to Inverse problems 53:15
Basics (Control Theory) 1:00:34
Introduction to Inverse problems 13:40
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:08
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:06:44
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:06:54
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:00:10
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:03:11
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:01:37
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 59:07
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:01:27
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:51
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:05:24
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:50
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 57:58
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:04:17
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:11
Numerics Survey 59:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:01:49
Hybrid Imaging 59:40
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 55:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:03:53
Hybrid Imaging 59:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 59:46
Hybrid Imaging 1:00:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 51:54
Numerical methods in inverse problems 56:43
Hybrid Imaging 1:02:22
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 56:39
Calderon problem 54:55
Numerical methods in inverse problems 55:14
Hybrid Imaging 1:04:00
Numerical methods in inverse problems 48:01
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 1:00:01
Carleman estimates 1:10:03
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年3月10日
Advanced Instructional School on Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Inverse Problems
URL: https://www.icts.res.in/program/IP2014
Dates: Monday 16 Jun, 2014 - Saturday 28 Jun, 2014
In Inverse Problems the goal is to determine the properties of the interior of an object from the object response measured on the boundary, when the object is probed by electrical, acoustic or other means. Such problems arise in medical imaging, oil exploration, non-destructive testing and other fields. Determining the object properties corresponds to finding the non-constant coefficients of a partial differential equation (PDE) from the values, on the boundary of the region, of the solutions of the PDE. These problems may also be interpreted as the inversion of non-linear maps or transforms. The solution of these inverse problems requires harmonic analysis, PDE theory, numerical methods for PDEs, and custom designed inversion transforms and schemes.
Basics (Distribution theory) 1:29:45
Basics (Statistical techniques) 1:14:24
Introduction to Inverse problems 53:15
Basics (Control Theory) 1:00:34
Introduction to Inverse problems 13:40
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:08
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:06:44
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:06:54
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:00:10
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:03:11
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:01:37
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 59:07
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 1:01:27
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:51
Carleman estimates/Hyperbolic inverse problems 1:05:24
Microlocal analysis of generalized Radon transforms 1:03:50
Generalized Radon transforms in tomography 57:58
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 1:04:17
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 58:11
Numerics Survey 59:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:01:49
Hybrid Imaging 59:40
Inverse problems in Riemannian and Lorentz geometry 55:17
Introduction to the numerical solution of inverse problems 1:03:53
Hybrid Imaging 59:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 59:46
Hybrid Imaging 1:00:23
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 51:54
Numerical methods in inverse problems 56:43
Hybrid Imaging 1:02:22
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 56:39
Calderon problem 54:55
Numerical methods in inverse problems 55:14
Hybrid Imaging 1:04:00
Numerical methods in inverse problems 48:01
Inverse problems in seismic/radar imaging 1:00:01
Carleman estimates 1:10:03
Nonlinear Physics of Disordered Systems: From Amorphous Solids to Complex Flows
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年5月11日
Discussion Meeting: Nonlinear Physics of Disordered Systems: From Amorphous Solids to Complex Flows
URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
Dates: Monday 06 Apr, 2015 - Wednesday 08 Apr, 2015
In recent years significant progress has been made in the physics of disordered systems. As is usual in nonlinear physics one can rarely employ standard methods - nonlinear systems require specialized thinking to provide useful progress. Nevertheless some generic techniques like scaling on the one hand and bifurcation theory on the other can find powerful ramifications in the explored issues. In this discussion meeting we will focus on recent advances in this field and the outstanding open questions.
Continuous descriptions for dry active matter by Eric Bertin 42:06
A colloidal clay suspension as a model glass-former: some recent experimental results 56:16
Phase Diagram of Glass Forming Liquids with Randomly Pinned Particles by Smarajit Karmakar 45:33
Activity-induced fluidization in glassy systems by Chandan Dasgupta 49:28
Micro Big-Bangs and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Turbulent Quantum Fluids 1:08:50
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Statistical physics of athermally sheared amorphous systems by Kirsten Martens 46:49
Finite size effects in a model for plasticity of amorphous composites by Damien Vandembroucq 39:57
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Plasticity and Material Failure in Amorphous Solids(Chandrasekhar Lecture II) by Itamar Procaccia 1:15:47
Two-dimensional Turbulence: Binary mixture and polymer additives by Prasad Perlekar 43:09
Laminar undular hydraulic jumps by Ratul Dasgupta 36:07
Particles and Fields in Superfluid Turbulence by Rahul Pandit 40:51
Do thermal transport measurements show any signatures of a glass transition? by Abhishek Dhar 43:39
Cross Magneto-Mechanical Effects in Amorphous Solids with Magnetic Degrees of Freedom 1:00:57
Disentangling the role of structure and friction in shear jamming by Srikanth Sastry 46:56
source: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2015年5月11日
Discussion Meeting: Nonlinear Physics of Disordered Systems: From Amorphous Solids to Complex Flows
URL: http://www.icts.res.in/discussion_mee...
Dates: Monday 06 Apr, 2015 - Wednesday 08 Apr, 2015
In recent years significant progress has been made in the physics of disordered systems. As is usual in nonlinear physics one can rarely employ standard methods - nonlinear systems require specialized thinking to provide useful progress. Nevertheless some generic techniques like scaling on the one hand and bifurcation theory on the other can find powerful ramifications in the explored issues. In this discussion meeting we will focus on recent advances in this field and the outstanding open questions.
Continuous descriptions for dry active matter by Eric Bertin 42:06
A colloidal clay suspension as a model glass-former: some recent experimental results 56:16
Phase Diagram of Glass Forming Liquids with Randomly Pinned Particles by Smarajit Karmakar 45:33
Activity-induced fluidization in glassy systems by Chandan Dasgupta 49:28
Micro Big-Bangs and Quantized Vortex Dynamics in Turbulent Quantum Fluids 1:08:50
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[private video]
Statistical physics of athermally sheared amorphous systems by Kirsten Martens 46:49
Finite size effects in a model for plasticity of amorphous composites by Damien Vandembroucq 39:57
[private video]
Plasticity and Material Failure in Amorphous Solids(Chandrasekhar Lecture II) by Itamar Procaccia 1:15:47
Two-dimensional Turbulence: Binary mixture and polymer additives by Prasad Perlekar 43:09
Laminar undular hydraulic jumps by Ratul Dasgupta 36:07
Particles and Fields in Superfluid Turbulence by Rahul Pandit 40:51
Do thermal transport measurements show any signatures of a glass transition? by Abhishek Dhar 43:39
Cross Magneto-Mechanical Effects in Amorphous Solids with Magnetic Degrees of Freedom 1:00:57
Disentangling the role of structure and friction in shear jamming by Srikanth Sastry 46:56
Trademark and Copyright by Ashwini Siwal (University of Delhi)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2016年3月1日
Lecture 1 : Law Relating to Trademarks in India 56:44
Lecture 2 : Law Relating Trademarks in Indian-II 57:14
Lecture 3 : Use of Trademark 1:01:23
Lecture 4 : Grounds for Refusal of Trade Mark Registration 1:00:25
lecture 4 : Shape Trademarks 58:05
Relative Grounds for Refusal of TradeMark Registration- I 56:21
Procedure to Obtain trade mark Registration 58:50
Relative of Grounds for Refusal of Trademarks Registration- II 59:12
Trade Mark Infringement 1:00:20
source: Cec Ugc 2016年3月1日
Lecture 1 : Law Relating to Trademarks in India 56:44
Lecture 2 : Law Relating Trademarks in Indian-II 57:14
Lecture 3 : Use of Trademark 1:01:23
Lecture 4 : Grounds for Refusal of Trade Mark Registration 1:00:25
lecture 4 : Shape Trademarks 58:05
Relative Grounds for Refusal of TradeMark Registration- I 56:21
Procedure to Obtain trade mark Registration 58:50
Relative of Grounds for Refusal of Trademarks Registration- II 59:12
Trade Mark Infringement 1:00:20
(हिन्दी / in Hindi) Music by Sarita Pathak Yajurvedi (University of Delhi)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Cec Ugc 2016年4月12日
Raag Jaunpuri Bandishien 59:13
Swar aur Saptak 1:00:37
What is Classical Music? 56:32
Raag Miyan Malhar -II 59:09
Raag Miyan Malhar -III 59:57
Raag Miyan Malhar 56:16
Raag Todi - II 56:12
Raag Todi - IV 59:50
Raag Todi -III 51:35
Ragg Todi 58:39
Raag Ramkali -III 58:15
Raag Ramkali -II 58:49
Raag Ramkali -I 1:00:09
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -III 57:07
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -II 56:13
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -I 59:10
Raag Desh - III 53:30
Raga Desh -II 54:09
Raga Desh 56:34
Raag Malkauns -III 56:38
Raag Malkauns - II 53:13
Raag Malkauns 54:05
Raag Bageshiari - Part 2 54:24
Raag Bageshiari 54:58
Raag Kedar - Part 3 56:05
Raag Kedar - Part 2 59:03
Raag Kedar 58:59
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 3 55:45
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 2 56:50
Alhaiya Bilawal 54:27
Music and Literature 52:47
Importance of Bandish in Hindustani Classical Music 44:04
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 3 57:46
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 2 1:00:06
Raag Bhimplasi 58:32
Raag Bhopali - Part 3 57:13
Raag Bhopali - Part 2 52:45
Raag Bhopali - I 56:00
Raag Jaunpuri 55:39
Raag Jaunpuri - Part 2 58:01
Raag Bihag 57:31
Different Styles of Singing in Modern Times 58:51
Raag Bhairav -Part 2 49:18
Raag Bhairav - Part 1 57:31
Raag Yaman - Part 2 32:53
Raag Yaman 52:53
Raag Vrindavani Sarang - Part 2 58:00
Raag Vrindavani Sarang 58:56
Music : Raag Bihag 56:11
Healing Through Music 59:15
The Role of Music in the Development of Nationalism 57:59
source: Cec Ugc 2016年4月12日
Raag Jaunpuri Bandishien 59:13
Swar aur Saptak 1:00:37
What is Classical Music? 56:32
Raag Miyan Malhar -II 59:09
Raag Miyan Malhar -III 59:57
Raag Miyan Malhar 56:16
Raag Todi - II 56:12
Raag Todi - IV 59:50
Raag Todi -III 51:35
Ragg Todi 58:39
Raag Ramkali -III 58:15
Raag Ramkali -II 58:49
Raag Ramkali -I 1:00:09
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -III 57:07
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -II 56:13
Raag Puriya Dhanashree -I 59:10
Raag Desh - III 53:30
Raga Desh -II 54:09

Raga Desh 56:34
Raag Malkauns -III 56:38
Raag Malkauns - II 53:13
Raag Malkauns 54:05
Raag Bageshiari - Part 2 54:24
Raag Bageshiari 54:58
Raag Kedar - Part 3 56:05
Raag Kedar - Part 2 59:03
Raag Kedar 58:59
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 3 55:45
Alhaiya Bilawal - Part 2 56:50
Alhaiya Bilawal 54:27
Music and Literature 52:47
Importance of Bandish in Hindustani Classical Music 44:04
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 3 57:46
Raag Bhimplasi - Part 2 1:00:06
Raag Bhimplasi 58:32
Raag Bhopali - Part 3 57:13
Raag Bhopali - Part 2 52:45
Raag Bhopali - I 56:00
Raag Jaunpuri 55:39
Raag Jaunpuri - Part 2 58:01
Raag Bihag 57:31
Different Styles of Singing in Modern Times 58:51
Raag Bhairav -Part 2 49:18
Raag Bhairav - Part 1 57:31
Raag Yaman - Part 2 32:53
Raag Yaman 52:53
Raag Vrindavani Sarang - Part 2 58:00
Raag Vrindavani Sarang 58:56
Music : Raag Bihag 56:11
Healing Through Music 59:15
The Role of Music in the Development of Nationalism 57:59
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