# automatic playing for the 12 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCIrvineOCW 2013年6月26日
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
A Few of my Favorite Rings: Catalysis Inspired by Cyclic Structures 30:23
Climate Change and Fires: Developing Forecasts for Severe Fire Seasons 30:19
Spin Glasses and Complexity 41:19
Benevolent Viruses Working to Detect Cancer 42:37
Rethinking Mathematics Instruction: Online, Hybrid and Flipped Courses at UCI 52:24
How Our Bodies Teach Us to Unravel the Issues of Our Time 58:35
Solving Climate Change: The Need for Energy Innovation 48:48
Tricks and Treats of Vaccines 59:27
New Astronomy - Exploiting the Neutrino 57:23
The Math in Seeing and Hearing 49:24
Fixing the Cloud Problem in Climate Change Models 51:04