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The Infinite Hotel Paradox - Jeff Dekofsky
source: TED-Ed 2014年1月16日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-infinit...
The Infinite Hotel, a thought experiment created by German mathematician David Hilbert, is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Easy to comprehend, right? Wrong. What if it's completely booked but one person wants to check in? What about 40? Or an infinitely full bus of people? Jeff Dekofsky solves these heady lodging issues using Hilbert's paradox.
Lesson by Jeff Dekofsky, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio.
Organic Chemistry (Spring 2012)--James S. Nowick / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年4月20日
UCI Chem 51C Organic Chemistry (Spring 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_51c_o...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu Organic Chemistry 51C is part of OpenChem: http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_c...
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Introduction to Carboxylic Acids. 1:18:42
Lecture 02. Reactivity of Carbonyl Compounds. 1:19:42
Lecture 03. Reactions of Organometallic Reagents. 1:20:19
Lecture 04. Reactions and Protecting Groups. 1:07:01
Lecture 05. Aldehydes and Ketones: Reactions. 1:21:44
Lecture 06. Formation of Imines & Enamines from Aldehydes & Ketones. 1:05:57
Lecture 07. Acid-Catalyzed Formation of Hydrates, Hemiacetals, & Acetals. 1:19:32
Lecture 08. The Chemistry of the Carboxylic Acid Family. 1:20:57
Lecture 09. Reactions of Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Amides, & Nitriles. 1:05:33
Lecture 10. Enols and Enolates. 1:22:02
Lecture 11. More Reactions of Enols and Enolates. 1:22:06
Lecture 12. The Aldol Reaction and the Michael Reaction. 1:22:20
Lecture 13. The Robinson Annulation and the Claisen Reaction. 1:20:54
Lecture 14. Introduction to Amines: Properties and Synthesis. 1:05:43
Lecture 15. Hofmann Degradation, Diazotization, & Aryl Diazonium Salts. 1:21:48
Lecture 16. Introduction to Carbohydrates: Structure and Stereochemistry. 1:06:15
Lecture 17. More Structure, Stereochemistry, & Reactions of Carbohydrates. 1:21:33
Lecture 18. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. 1:04:57
Lecture 19. Organometallic Reactions in Organic Synthesis. 1:22:31
Lec. 09: Wittig Reaction 49:13
Lec. 08: Addition of Water, Alcohol & Cyanide 49:21
Lec. 07: Aldehydes & Ketones: Nucleophilic Substitution 50:26
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年4月20日
UCI Chem 51C Organic Chemistry (Spring 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_51c_o...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu Organic Chemistry 51C is part of OpenChem: http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_c...
These videos cover the third academic quarter of a three-quarter undergraduate-level class "Organic Chemistry" taught at UC Irvine. This third-quarter class, Chem 51C, builds upon the previous two quarters, Chem 51A and Chem 51B, and focuses on the chemistry of carbonyl compounds. Topics covered include aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, acid chlorides, anhydrides, amides, nitriles, enolates, organometallic reagents, the aldol reaction, amines, carbohydrates, amino acids, and peptides. For videos of the Chem 51A class series, please refer to the following link: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6539BAED55972D64
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Introduction to Carboxylic Acids. 1:18:42
Lecture 02. Reactivity of Carbonyl Compounds. 1:19:42
Lecture 03. Reactions of Organometallic Reagents. 1:20:19
Lecture 04. Reactions and Protecting Groups. 1:07:01
Lecture 05. Aldehydes and Ketones: Reactions. 1:21:44
Lecture 06. Formation of Imines & Enamines from Aldehydes & Ketones. 1:05:57
Lecture 07. Acid-Catalyzed Formation of Hydrates, Hemiacetals, & Acetals. 1:19:32
Lecture 08. The Chemistry of the Carboxylic Acid Family. 1:20:57
Lecture 09. Reactions of Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Amides, & Nitriles. 1:05:33
Lecture 10. Enols and Enolates. 1:22:02
Lecture 11. More Reactions of Enols and Enolates. 1:22:06
Lecture 12. The Aldol Reaction and the Michael Reaction. 1:22:20
Lecture 13. The Robinson Annulation and the Claisen Reaction. 1:20:54
Lecture 14. Introduction to Amines: Properties and Synthesis. 1:05:43
Lecture 15. Hofmann Degradation, Diazotization, & Aryl Diazonium Salts. 1:21:48
Lecture 16. Introduction to Carbohydrates: Structure and Stereochemistry. 1:06:15
Lecture 17. More Structure, Stereochemistry, & Reactions of Carbohydrates. 1:21:33
Lecture 18. Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. 1:04:57
Lecture 19. Organometallic Reactions in Organic Synthesis. 1:22:31
Lec. 09: Wittig Reaction 49:13
Lec. 08: Addition of Water, Alcohol & Cyanide 49:21
Lec. 07: Aldehydes & Ketones: Nucleophilic Substitution 50:26
Scientific Computing Skills (Fall 2012)--Douglas Tobias / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 5 Scientific Computing Skills (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_5_sci...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: This course introduces students to the personal computing software used by chemists for managing and processing of data sets, plotting of graphs, symbolic and numerical manipulation of mathematical equations, and representing chemical reactions and chemical formulas.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. 50:31
Lecture 02. 1:23:12
Lecture 03. 1:16:23
Lecture 04. 48:22
Lecture 05. 1:17:21
Lecture 06. 1:17:16
Lecture 07. 48:49
Lecture 08. 1:15:19
Lecture 09. 1:15:05
Lecture 10. 43:08
Lecture 11. 1:18:10
Lecture 12. 1:16:45
Lecture 13. 45:59
Lecture 14. 1:09:01
Lecture 15. 46:01
Lecture 16. 1:16:33
Lecture 17. 1:18:23
Lecture 18. 42:51
Lecture 19. 1:18:30
Lecture 20. 47:54
Lecture 21. 1:18:10
Lecture 22. 1:16:00
Lecture 23. 46:57
Lecture 24. 1:15:04
Lecture 25. 1:07:22
source: UCIrvineOCW 2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 5 Scientific Computing Skills (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_5_sci...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: This course introduces students to the personal computing software used by chemists for managing and processing of data sets, plotting of graphs, symbolic and numerical manipulation of mathematical equations, and representing chemical reactions and chemical formulas.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. 50:31
Lecture 02. 1:23:12
Lecture 03. 1:16:23
Lecture 04. 48:22
Lecture 05. 1:17:21
Lecture 06. 1:17:16
Lecture 07. 48:49
Lecture 08. 1:15:19
Lecture 09. 1:15:05
Lecture 10. 43:08
Lecture 11. 1:18:10
Lecture 12. 1:16:45
Lecture 13. 45:59
Lecture 14. 1:09:01
Lecture 15. 46:01
Lecture 16. 1:16:33
Lecture 17. 1:18:23
Lecture 18. 42:51
Lecture 19. 1:18:30
Lecture 20. 47:54
Lecture 21. 1:18:10
Lecture 22. 1:16:00
Lecture 23. 46:57
Lecture 24. 1:15:04
Lecture 25. 1:07:22
2x2: Jonathan Olivares with Kersten Geers and David Van Severen
source: Harvard GSD 2015年9月17日
09/15/2015esigner Jonathan Olivares will present work from his office; architects Kersten Geers and David Van Severen will present work from their office; then the three will interview each other. "2x2": two design practices seen two ways.Jonathan Olivares established Jonathan Olivares Design Research in 2006 and works in industrial, spatial, and communication design. Based in Los Angeles, JODR approaches design through basic everyday objects reflecting the human condition and the body, in order to question conventional archetypes and emphasize use-value over showmanship. Recent projects include the exhibition Source Material (2014), co-curated with Jasper Morrison and Marco Velardi; the website "A View on Natural Motion," for Nike (2014); the Olivares Aluminum Chair, for Knoll (2012); and the book A Taxonomy of Office Chairs (Phaidon Press, 2011). Olivares’s work has been published internationally and has won several design awards, including Italy’s Compasso d’Oro, and his firm has received grants from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts for two design research projects.Kersten Geers, Design Critic in Architecture, is a principal of OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, which he cofounded in 2002 with David Van Severen. The firm is known for its idiosyncratic architecture—utopian and non-realized projects are customary. It does not invent the architecture but reflects and considers what architecture can signify and be today, reduced to bare essences. Its architectonic ideas are derived from geometric corrections and rigid classifications, to measure the world as it presents itself and to allow life to unfold in all its complexities. In 2010, OFFICE Kersten Geers David van Severen won the Venice Biennale Silver Lion for most promising young architect. In 2012 an overview of their work and was published as a monographic issue. Recently, they were awarded a double Belgian Prize for Architecture.
Avital Ronell, Judith Butler, Laurence Rickels: Arendt, Heidegger & The ... (2009)
source: European Graduate School 2009年10月1日
http://www.egs.edu/ Avital Ronell, Judith Butler and Laurence Rickels conducting a joint seminar in which they discussed Martin Heideggers essay What is Thinking? and how it relates to Hannah Arendt and her ideas on judgement. They spoke about Arendts feeling of not being welcome in the league of male philosophers and Arendts view that she was a political theorist and therefore public versus Heideggers solitary philosophy. They discussed the ontology of thought, as well as the active creation of ones being through thinking. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2009 Judith Butler Avital Ronell Laurence Rickels
Judith Butler and Giorgio Agamben. Eichmann, Law and Justice. 2009
source: European Graduate School 2009年9月9日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler and Giorgio Agamben in a public conversation about Eichmann, Law and Justice at the European Graduate School (EGS) in Saas Fee, Switzerland. They discussed Hannah Arendt's book Eichmann in Jerusalem in relation to Agamben's work on liturgy and the spectacle, or the "liturgy of law" in Agamben's words. They also spoke of Kafka and the idea of justice versus juridical law. Free Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2009 Judith Butler Giorgio Agamben.
Judith Butler. Hannah Arendt, Ethics, and Responsibility. 2009
source: European Graduate School 2009年9月30日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler speaking about Hannah Arendts study of Adolph Eichmann and lecturing about genocide, plurality, Kant and the categorical imperative, juridical law, performativity, and the formation of Israel in a lecture entitled Hannah Arendt, Ethics, and Responsibility - How To Keep Company With Oneself. Judith Butler Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2009 Judith Butler.
(2013下-學院) 金融市場實務---鄭廳宜&楊成福 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月5日
更多金融市場實務請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=866
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月5日
更多金融市場實務請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=866
(2014下-學院) 金融市場實務--鄭廳宜 / 空中進修學院 (1-17)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月15日
更多金融市場實務(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月15日
更多金融市場實務(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
(2014下-學院) 品質管理--張旭華 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月3日
第1講 更多品質管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月3日
第1講 更多品質管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
Organic Chemistry (Fall 2009)--James Nowick / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 51A Organic Chemistry (Fall 2009)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_51a_o...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: Fundamental concepts relating to carbon compounds with emphasis on structural theory and the nature of chemical bonding, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic, physical, and chemical properties of the principal classes of carbon compounds.
Organic Chemistry (Chem 51A) is part of OpenChem: http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_c...
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Syllabus and Introduction. 51:13
Lecture 02. Bond Polarity, Formal Charge, Lewis Structures 50:37
Lecture 03. Resonance Structures, Skeletal Structures, Bond Length. 50:38
Lecture 04. Orbital Models of Structure and Bonding. 50:52
Lecture 05. Molecular Geometry, Acids and Bases. 49:46
Lecture 06. Acid Strength and Equilibria. 50:02
Lecture 07. Lewis Acids, Lewis Bases, and Organic Reaction Mechanisms. 49:35
Lecture 08. Organic Compounds and Functional Groups. 34:13
Lecture 09. Carbonyl Compounds, Intermolecular Forces. 52:16
Lecture 10. Introduction to Alkanes. 36:04
Lecture 11. Nomenclature of Alkanes, Conformations of Ethane 52:24
Lecture 12. Conformations of Butane and Cycloalkanes. 51:29
Lecture 13. Conformations of Cyclohexane. 36:58
Lecture 14. Introduction to Stereochemistry. 51:10
Lecture 15. Assigning Tetrahedral Stereogenic Centers. 52:26
Lecture 16. Meso Compounds. 50:53
Lecture 17. Properties of Chiral Compounds. 51:56
Lecture 18. Introduction to Understanding Organic Reactions 50:36
Lecture 19. Energy Diagrams, Transition States, and Reaction Rates. 48:04
Lecture 20. Energetics of Reactions. 36:42
Lecture 21. Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Nuceophilic Substitution. 49:28
Lecture 22. Mechanistic and Stereochemical Aspects of SN2 Reactions 50:56
Lecture 23. Mechanistic and Stereochemical Aspects of SN1 Reactions 36:39
Lecture 24. Properties of Electrophiles, Leaving Groups, and Nucleophiles 51:41
Lecture 25. Elimination Reactions. Introduction to E2 Reactions. 36:54
Lecture 26. Regiochemical and Stereochemical Course of E2 Reactions. 51:23
Lecture 27. E1 Reactions. Comparison of SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 Reactions. 50:01
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 51A Organic Chemistry (Fall 2009)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_51a_o...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: Fundamental concepts relating to carbon compounds with emphasis on structural theory and the nature of chemical bonding, stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic, physical, and chemical properties of the principal classes of carbon compounds.
Organic Chemistry (Chem 51A) is part of OpenChem: http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_c...
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Syllabus and Introduction. 51:13
Lecture 02. Bond Polarity, Formal Charge, Lewis Structures 50:37
Lecture 03. Resonance Structures, Skeletal Structures, Bond Length. 50:38
Lecture 04. Orbital Models of Structure and Bonding. 50:52
Lecture 05. Molecular Geometry, Acids and Bases. 49:46
Lecture 06. Acid Strength and Equilibria. 50:02
Lecture 07. Lewis Acids, Lewis Bases, and Organic Reaction Mechanisms. 49:35
Lecture 08. Organic Compounds and Functional Groups. 34:13
Lecture 09. Carbonyl Compounds, Intermolecular Forces. 52:16
Lecture 10. Introduction to Alkanes. 36:04
Lecture 11. Nomenclature of Alkanes, Conformations of Ethane 52:24
Lecture 12. Conformations of Butane and Cycloalkanes. 51:29
Lecture 13. Conformations of Cyclohexane. 36:58
Lecture 14. Introduction to Stereochemistry. 51:10
Lecture 15. Assigning Tetrahedral Stereogenic Centers. 52:26
Lecture 16. Meso Compounds. 50:53
Lecture 17. Properties of Chiral Compounds. 51:56
Lecture 18. Introduction to Understanding Organic Reactions 50:36
Lecture 19. Energy Diagrams, Transition States, and Reaction Rates. 48:04
Lecture 20. Energetics of Reactions. 36:42
Lecture 21. Introduction to Alkyl Halides and Nuceophilic Substitution. 49:28
Lecture 22. Mechanistic and Stereochemical Aspects of SN2 Reactions 50:56
Lecture 23. Mechanistic and Stereochemical Aspects of SN1 Reactions 36:39
Lecture 24. Properties of Electrophiles, Leaving Groups, and Nucleophiles 51:41
Lecture 25. Elimination Reactions. Introduction to E2 Reactions. 36:54
Lecture 26. Regiochemical and Stereochemical Course of E2 Reactions. 51:23
Lecture 27. E1 Reactions. Comparison of SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 Reactions. 50:01
General Chemistry (Spring 2012)--A. J. Shaka / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW
UCI Chem 1B General Chemistry (Spring 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_1b_ge...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: UCI Chem 1B is the second quarter of General Chemistry and covers the following topics: properties of gases, liquids, solids; changes of state; properties of solutions; stoichiometry; thermochemistry; and thermodynamics.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1. General Course Information & Properties of Gas. 1:11:51
Lec 2. Partial Pressures & The Kinetic Theory 1:12:53
Lec 3. Last Gas(p) and Condensed Phases 1:05:20
Lec 4. Condensed Phases, Solids, & Phase Diagrams 59:49
Lec 6. Basic Properties of Solutions & Review Problems 1:14:25
Lec 5. Phase Diagrams and Phase Transitions 54:38
Lec 7. Solutions and Colligative Properties 1:16:16
Lec 8. Osmotic Pressure, Colloids & Sum Up of Colligative Properties 1:13:47
Lec. 9. Thermochemistry: Work, Heat, & First Law of Thermodynamics 1:12:09
Lec. 12. Free Energy & Review Problems 1:13:30
Lec. 13. "Clean Natural Gases" & More Review Problems 1:10:23
Lec. 10. Thermochemistry: Work, Heat, Enthalpy and Heat Capacity 1:10:37
Lec. 14. Corrections, Midterm Postmortem, Free Energy and Equilibrium 1:11:09
Lec. 15. One Midterm Problem, Free Energy & Equilibrium 1:08:39
Lec. 16. Equilibrium Constants: Temperature and Pressure 1:12:19
Lec. 17. Equilibrium Calculations 1:09:47
Lec. 18. Chemistry Applies to Us & Review Problems/Calculator Tricks 1:02:05
source: UCIrvineOCW
UCI Chem 1B General Chemistry (Spring 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_1b_ge...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: UCI Chem 1B is the second quarter of General Chemistry and covers the following topics: properties of gases, liquids, solids; changes of state; properties of solutions; stoichiometry; thermochemistry; and thermodynamics.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1. General Course Information & Properties of Gas. 1:11:51
Lec 2. Partial Pressures & The Kinetic Theory 1:12:53
Lec 3. Last Gas(p) and Condensed Phases 1:05:20
Lec 4. Condensed Phases, Solids, & Phase Diagrams 59:49
Lec 6. Basic Properties of Solutions & Review Problems 1:14:25
Lec 5. Phase Diagrams and Phase Transitions 54:38
Lec 7. Solutions and Colligative Properties 1:16:16
Lec 8. Osmotic Pressure, Colloids & Sum Up of Colligative Properties 1:13:47
Lec. 9. Thermochemistry: Work, Heat, & First Law of Thermodynamics 1:12:09
Lec. 12. Free Energy & Review Problems 1:13:30
Lec. 13. "Clean Natural Gases" & More Review Problems 1:10:23
Lec. 10. Thermochemistry: Work, Heat, Enthalpy and Heat Capacity 1:10:37
Lec. 14. Corrections, Midterm Postmortem, Free Energy and Equilibrium 1:11:09
Lec. 15. One Midterm Problem, Free Energy & Equilibrium 1:08:39
Lec. 16. Equilibrium Constants: Temperature and Pressure 1:12:19
Lec. 17. Equilibrium Calculations 1:09:47
Lec. 18. Chemistry Applies to Us & Review Problems/Calculator Tricks 1:02:05
Catherine Malabou. Anthropocene, a new history? 2015
source: European Graduate School 2015年9月20日
http://www.egs.edu/ Catherine Malabou, philosopher and writer, A philosophical approach to the proposed geological epoch called as the Anthropocene.
Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2015.
Catherine Malabou, Ph.D., is an important contemporary French philosopher. Catherine Malabou was born in 1959 and is a former student at the École normal supérieure (ENS) of Fontenay-Saint-Cloud in Lyon, France. ENS schools are regarded as some of the most prestigious French schools for humanities studies. Before that Catherine Malabou was educated in Paris at the renown Sorbonne University.
Steve Hipskind: "No Place Like Home: How (and Why) Does NASA Study the E...
source: Talks at Google 2015年9月14日
"Pictures of the Earth from space say a lot about the state of the planet. Google Earth has put those pictures into the hands of virtually everyone
on the planet. But how do we know how much CO2 is in the atmosphere, how it is distributed and how it is impacting the climate? How do we know the
health of the stratospheric ozone layer that protects all life on Earth from damaging solar radiation? What is the one observation from space that is the only unique signature of human presence? And why do we care?
Come hear answers and perspectives on these and other questions about the only planet we know to harbor life.
Steve Hipskind is the Chief of the Earth Science Division at NASA Ames. The division is primarily a research group working on global to local problems in
Earth system science using NASAąs unique perspective from space. Steve grew up wanting to be an oceanographer watching and reading Jacques Cousteauąs Silent
World and the adventures of Mike Nelson on the TV series Sea Hunt. A graduate course in meteorology changed his primary fluid from the ocean to the
atmosphere. Prior to becoming the division chief, Steve conducted research in stratosphere-troposphere exchange and managed NASA airborne field campaigns
around the world. His fieldwork has taken him from Punta Arenas, Chile on the Strait of Magellan to Kiruna, Sweden above the Arctic circle."
Judith Butler. Ethics and Politics After the Subject. 2009
source: European Graduate School 2009年11月26日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler teaching a class entitled Ethics and Politics After the Subject at the European Graduate School, in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. Over the course of six days she discussed performativity and politics, political theory, sovereignty, plurality, contemporary politics, zionism, hannah arendt, embodiment, gender, as well as the state of crisis in the Middle East and the history of Zion politics. The first part of the class was given over to Hannah Arendt and the question of judgement, while the second half of the course dealt with contemporary politics as well as the role of gender and race. Public open lecture to the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland 2009. Judith Butler.
Judith Butler. Palestine and Nationhood After the Subject 2009
source: European Graduate School 2009年12月7日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler discussing the Israeli occupation and the question of Palestine, the Holocaust, an insistence for answers to Israel, the reality (or unreality) and production of gender and identity in her third part of the "Ethics and Politics After the Subject class at the European Graduate School, in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. Over the course of six days she discussed performativity and politics, political theory, sovereignty, plurality, contemporary politics, zionism, hannah arendt, embodiment, gender, as well as the state of crisis in the Middle East and the history of Zion politics. She also discussed her previous two books, Precarious Life; The power of Mourning and Violence (2006) and Frames of War; When is Life Grievable? (2009). Public open lecture to the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland 2009. Judith Butler
Judith Butler. Binationalism and the Subject. 2009
source: European Graduate School 2009年12月2日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler discussing binationalism and Hannah Arendt, including the question of Israel and Palestine and the idea of Zionism, weaving this into a discussion as well of transgender performance, psychoanalysis and modes of address (how we are called.) Judith Butler teaching a class entitled Ethics and Politics After the Subject at the European Graduate School, in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. Over the course of six days she discussed performativity and politics, political theory, sovereignty, plurality, contemporary politics, zionism, hannah arendt, embodiment, gender, as well as the state of crisis in the Middle East and the history of Zion politics. Public open lecture to the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland 2009. Judith Butler
The wars that inspired Game of Thrones - Alex Gendler
source: TED-Ed 2015年5月11日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-wars-th...
Beginning around 1377, medieval England was shaken by a power struggle between two noble families, which spanned generations and involved a massive cast of characters, complex motives and shifting loyalties. Sound familiar? Alex Gendler illustrates how the historical conflict known as the Wars of the Roses served as the basis for much of the drama in Game of Thrones.
Lesson by Alex Gendler, animation by Brett Underhill.
(2013下-學院) 服務業管理--張旭華 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月5日
更多服務業管理請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=858
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月5日
更多服務業管理請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=858
(2013下-學院) 稅務法規--張進德 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
第17講 更多稅務法規(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=884
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
第17講 更多稅務法規(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=884
(2014下-學院) 稅務法規--張進德 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月6日
第1講 更多稅務法規(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月6日
第1講 更多稅務法規(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
Preparation for General Chemistry (Fall 2012)--Eric Potma / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 1P General Chemistry Prep. (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_1p_pr...
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: UCI Chem 1P is a preparation go General Chemistry that covers: units of measurement, dimensional analysis, significant figures; elementary concepts of volume, mass, force, pressure, energy, density, temperature, heat, work; fundamentals of atomic and molecular structure; the mole concept, stoichiometry; properties of the states of matter; gas laws; solutions concentrations.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Introduction. 19:11
Lecture 02. Classification of Matter. 41:43
Lecture 04. Accuracy & Dimensional Analysis. 42:15
Lecture 05. Numerical Problems. 47:37
Lecture 06. Atoms. 45:48
Lecture 07. Ions and Molecules. 38:06
Lecture 08. Naming Compounds. 36:07
Lecture 09. Organic Compounds. 43:10
Lecture 10. Orbitals & Periodic Table. 48:54
Lecture 11. Mole and Molar Mass. (no captions) 45:48
Lecture 12. Mass Percent. 43:55
Lecture 13. Chemical Reactions. 40:49
Lecture 14. Limiting Reagents 46:19
Lecture 15. Fun. 45:23
Lecture 16. Aqueous Solutions. 47:22
Lecture 17. Precipitation Reactions. 40:44
Lecture 18. Acid-Base Reactions. 43:38
Lecture 19. Redox Reactions. 44:43
Lecture 20. Tips from Dr. Potma. 41:44
Lecture 21. Balancing Redox Reactions. 38:50
Lecture 22. Midterm II Review. 47:59
Lecture 23. Redox in Basic Solutions. 43:02
Lecture 24. Review Final Part I. 47:12
Lecture 25. Review Final Part II. 42:29
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 1P General Chemistry Prep. (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_1p_pr...
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: UCI Chem 1P is a preparation go General Chemistry that covers: units of measurement, dimensional analysis, significant figures; elementary concepts of volume, mass, force, pressure, energy, density, temperature, heat, work; fundamentals of atomic and molecular structure; the mole concept, stoichiometry; properties of the states of matter; gas laws; solutions concentrations.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Introduction. 19:11
Lecture 02. Classification of Matter. 41:43
Lecture 04. Accuracy & Dimensional Analysis. 42:15
Lecture 05. Numerical Problems. 47:37
Lecture 06. Atoms. 45:48
Lecture 07. Ions and Molecules. 38:06
Lecture 08. Naming Compounds. 36:07
Lecture 09. Organic Compounds. 43:10
Lecture 10. Orbitals & Periodic Table. 48:54
Lecture 11. Mole and Molar Mass. (no captions) 45:48
Lecture 12. Mass Percent. 43:55
Lecture 13. Chemical Reactions. 40:49
Lecture 14. Limiting Reagents 46:19
Lecture 15. Fun. 45:23
Lecture 16. Aqueous Solutions. 47:22
Lecture 17. Precipitation Reactions. 40:44
Lecture 18. Acid-Base Reactions. 43:38
Lecture 19. Redox Reactions. 44:43
Lecture 20. Tips from Dr. Potma. 41:44
Lecture 21. Balancing Redox Reactions. 38:50
Lecture 22. Midterm II Review. 47:59
Lecture 23. Redox in Basic Solutions. 43:02
Lecture 24. Review Final Part I. 47:12
Lecture 25. Review Final Part II. 42:29
How memories form and how we lose them - Catharine Young
source: TED-Ed 2015年9月24日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-memorie...
Think back to a really vivid memory. Got it? Now try to remember what you had for lunch three weeks ago. That second memory probably isn’t as strong—but why not? Why do we remember some things, and not others? And why do memories eventually fade? Catharine Young gives the basics on memory and memory loss.
Lesson by Catharine Young, animation by Patrick Smith.
Exploding Stars with Dan Milisavljevic | CfA
source: Harvard University 2015年9月18日
Approximately once every second, somewhere in the universe a star ends its life in a catastrophic explosion called a supernova. These cosmic blasts shape and enrich their parent galaxies, produce exotic objects like neutron stars and black holes, and manufacture the heavy elements that make planets like Earth – and its life – possible. Dan Milisavljevic explores cutting-edge research that is unraveling the many mysteries of supernova explosions, and highlight recent breakthroughs in our ability to survey supernova debris fields in 3D and diagnose a star's impending doom.
music: 「An Ending (Ascent)」,演出者:Brian Eno (iTunes)
Eva Kor: "Surviving the Angel of Death: The True Story of a Mengele Twin...
source: Talks at Google 2015年9月18日
Eva Kor is a survivor of the Holocaust, a forgiveness advocate, and a public speaker. Her life lesson #1 is never, ever give up. She believes anyone is capable of overcoming anything, and that forgiveness is a powerful way of self-healing.
Eva Kor and her twin sister became part of a group of children used as human guinea pigs in genetic experiments, under the direction of the now-infamous Dr. Josef Mengele. Approximately 3,000 individual twins were used in experiments. Eva became gravely ill, but through sheer determination, she stayed alive and helped Miriam survive. About 150 twins were found alive when the Soviet Army liberated Auschwitz on January 27, 1945.
Introduction to Pitch Systems in Tonal Music (Fall 2012)--John Crooks / UC Irvine
# automatic playing for the 11 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Introduction to Pitch Systems in Tonal Music (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/introducti...
Instructor: John Crooks, MFA
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: This presentation is a course overview of what topics will be covered for this series. This series will introduce basic concepts such as pitch systems, frequency, triads, tonal harmony, and Pythagorean sets.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Introduction 2:52
Basic concepts 11:37
The Octave and Just Intervals 19:06
Octave equivalence and More 10:49
Circular Pitch Systems and the Triad 8:06
Building a Diatonic Set with 3:2 Ratios 10:31
Pythagorean Tuning and the Pure Triad 10:09
The Minor Triad and a Circular System of Thirds 13:25
Tuning with Pure Major and Minor Triads 12:03
A 12-Tone Pythagorean Set 11:41
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Introduction to Pitch Systems in Tonal Music (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/introducti...
Instructor: John Crooks, MFA
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: This presentation is a course overview of what topics will be covered for this series. This series will introduce basic concepts such as pitch systems, frequency, triads, tonal harmony, and Pythagorean sets.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Introduction 2:52
Basic concepts 11:37
The Octave and Just Intervals 19:06
Octave equivalence and More 10:49
Circular Pitch Systems and the Triad 8:06
Building a Diatonic Set with 3:2 Ratios 10:31
Pythagorean Tuning and the Pure Triad 10:09
The Minor Triad and a Circular System of Thirds 13:25
Tuning with Pure Major and Minor Triads 12:03
A 12-Tone Pythagorean Set 11:41
(2015/103下-學院) 經貿情勢分析 (1-18) 陳明德
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月6日
第1講 更多經貿情勢分析(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月6日
第1講 更多經貿情勢分析(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
Judith Butler. Primo Levi for the Present. 2006
source: European Graduate School 2007年5月5日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler, feminist philosopher lecturing about "Primo Levi for the Present"; narrative accounts, forgiveness, holocaust, Auschwitz, victims, execution, war, and crime, while asking the question: "What is to give an Account of Oneself?". Public open lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2006, Judith Butler
Judith Butler. Trauma and Holocaust. 2006
source: European Graduate School 2007年3月16日
http://www.egs.edu/ Judith Butler lecturing on the notion of trauma, reflecting on problems like the contemporary holocaust in the middle east. free public open lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe,
Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler & Larry Rickels. Psychoanalysis.
source: European Graduate School 2007年3月22日
http://www.egs.edu/ Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler and Larry Rickels discussing psychoanalysis. Segment of a public lecture at European Graduate School, Media and Communications Studies Program Department, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Slavoj Zizek.
How big is infinity? - Dennis Wildfogel
source: TED-Ed 2012年8月6日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-big-is-...
Using the fundamentals of set theory, explore the mind-bending concept of the "infinity of infinities" -- and how it led mathematicians to conclude that math itself contains unanswerable questions.
Lesson by Dennis Wildfogel, animation by Augenblick Studios.
(2013下-學院) 外匯操作實務--謝金華 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月3日
更多外匯操作實務(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=883
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月3日
更多外匯操作實務(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=883
What's invisible? More than you think - John Lloyd
source: TED-Ed 2012年9月26日
View full lesson on ed.ted.com http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-s-invi...
Gravity. The stars in day. Thoughts. The human genome. Time. Atoms. So much of what really matters in the world is impossible to see. A stunning animation of John Lloyd's classic TEDTalk from 2009, which will make you question what you actually know.
Lesson by John Lloyd, animation by Cognitive Media.
Leadership in Innovation | Gerald Chan | Voices in Leadership
source: Harvard University 2015年9月14日
Gerald Chan, Chairman and CEO of Morningside Group, spoke at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health as part of the Voices in Leadership series on September 9, 2015.
Watch the entire “Voices in Leadership” series at www.hsph.me/voices.
The Voices in Leadership webcast discussion series at Harvard T. H Chan School of Public Health invites leaders to speak about their experiences making decisions that affect global health. Highly interactive and candid, the series is produced in The Leadership Studio for a student audience. The high-definition webcast is streamed live and posted for future viewing. Students learn from experienced leaders about decisions that were effective, decisions that failed, and which decisions, if any, could have been made differently. Watch the entire series at www.hsph.me/voices.
Gerald Chan is the co-founder of Morningside, a private investment group with venture, private equity and property investments. In the life science sector, Morningside focuses on start-up biotechnology companies founded on novel scientific discoveries. Gerald serves on the boards of Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Stealth BioTherapeutics, Synchroneuron, Apellis, Atea, Kezar, Nucana, Aduro, VTI and Matrivax. Gerald is a member of the Global Advisory Council of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, the Dean’s Board of Advisors of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the advisory boards of the Cold Spring Harbor Conferences Asia, the Johns Hopkins Nanjing Center and the Columbia University Center for Radiological Research. He is a trustee of Fudan University in Shanghai and chairs the Board of Overseers of Morningside College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, New York.
Gerald received his BS and MS degrees in engineering from UCLA, his Master’s degree in medical radiological physics and Doctor of Science degree in radiation biology from Harvard University. He did his post-doctoral training at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute as a fellow of the Leukemia Society of America. The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Glasgow in Scotland have conferred on him honorary degrees. He was elected to an honorary fellowship at Wolfson College of Oxford University.
Carl Safina: "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2015年9月18日
Award-winning author and renowned ocean conservationist Carl Safina discusses his new book "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel." Hailed as "a beautifully written, provocative case for seeing animals through their eyes" by Discover magazine, "Beyond Words" draws from decades of observation of African elephants in Kenya’s Amboseli National Park, free-living wolves in Yellowstone, and societies of killer whales in the Pacific Northwest. Taking us into their lives and minds, Safina reports on the astonishing similarities between our minds and theirs (including a surprising capacity for self-awareness, empathy, and grief) and offers a graceful examination of what makes us human. http://carlsafina.org/
Scott Pask: Scripts in Space
source: Harvard GSD 2015年9月18日
Scott Pask is one of the world's most sought-after and celebrated scenic designers. His credits include Tony Award–winning designs for The Pillowman, Tom Stoppard's epic trilogy The Coast of Utopia, and the hit musical The Book of Mormon; he has designed more than 45 Broadway productions—among them Finding Neverland, Something's Rotten, and Pippin—including seven that ran simultaneously this past season. Pask's work has also been seen Off Broadway, in London's West End and National Theatre, and at the Metropolitan Opera, and he is the first American to design scenery for Cirque du Soleil.
Scott Pask earned his MFA in the highly selective scenic design program at Yale University's prestigious School of Drama and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2014 by the University of Arizona, where he had earned his bachelor's degree in architecture. As an architecture student, Pask wanted be more of a spatial storyteller, a space maker who could interpret text three–dimensionally. As a scenic designer he endeavors to draw out the essence of a text and to create environments for the spoken words.
Supported by the Rouse Visiting Artist Fund.
GATE Programs (UC Irvine)
# automatic playing for the 10 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
This webinar addresses critical issues regarding diverse learners in gifted education and provides tips on how to meet their educational needs. Cultural and academic considerations are explored as well as the challenges minority students confront in dealing with the American education system.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Implications for Educators of Gifted Minority Students 1:01:18
Saving GATE: What Parents Can Do 48:38
Classroom Applications of 21st Century Skills 1:02:17
Troubleshooting GATE Programming Obstacles 1:01:20
Gifted and Talented Instruction on a Budget 59:33
Understanding IQ Testing and Special Programming for Advanced Learners 1:02:58
Building the Parent Teacher Connection 1:00:35
What Differentiation Should Look Like 57:59
How to Relate Successfully to Gifted Youth 35:52
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
This webinar addresses critical issues regarding diverse learners in gifted education and provides tips on how to meet their educational needs. Cultural and academic considerations are explored as well as the challenges minority students confront in dealing with the American education system.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Implications for Educators of Gifted Minority Students 1:01:18
Saving GATE: What Parents Can Do 48:38
Classroom Applications of 21st Century Skills 1:02:17
Troubleshooting GATE Programming Obstacles 1:01:20
Gifted and Talented Instruction on a Budget 59:33
Understanding IQ Testing and Special Programming for Advanced Learners 1:02:58
Building the Parent Teacher Connection 1:00:35
What Differentiation Should Look Like 57:59
How to Relate Successfully to Gifted Youth 35:52
Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education (Fall 2010)--Jeff M. Johnston / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Education 320: Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education (Fall 2010).
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/education_...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: This course is developed to satisfy the California Commission of Teaching Credentialing requirements for teacher candidates. The class provides opportunities for candidates to learn how to teach the basic and essential fundamentals of physical education for K-6th grade students. The central knowledge is about children’s motor skill development, along with the emotional and social aspects as they relate to physical activity. Teachers will learn the key aspects to a physical education lesson, which includes a warm-up activity, the lesson plan (skill development and game applications), and closure. As a total lesson, at least half the time should be spent in moderate to vigorous activity.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Fitness activities and Cooperative activities 2:29:57
Lead-in Sport Skills, via Basketball; Throw/catch 2:02:26
Dance! 2:40:59
Group Presentations 2:45:12
Group Presentations cont. 2:40:09
Stress Management (Health Class) 2:27:06
Rainy Day Activities; Reflections and Lessons from Teaching PE 2:37:33
Purpose of PE; Warm-up activities 2:31:01
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Education 320: Teaching PE & Health, Elementary Education (Fall 2010).
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/education_...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: This course is developed to satisfy the California Commission of Teaching Credentialing requirements for teacher candidates. The class provides opportunities for candidates to learn how to teach the basic and essential fundamentals of physical education for K-6th grade students. The central knowledge is about children’s motor skill development, along with the emotional and social aspects as they relate to physical activity. Teachers will learn the key aspects to a physical education lesson, which includes a warm-up activity, the lesson plan (skill development and game applications), and closure. As a total lesson, at least half the time should be spent in moderate to vigorous activity.
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Fitness activities and Cooperative activities 2:29:57
Lead-in Sport Skills, via Basketball; Throw/catch 2:02:26
Dance! 2:40:59
Group Presentations 2:45:12
Group Presentations cont. 2:40:09
Stress Management (Health Class) 2:27:06
Rainy Day Activities; Reflections and Lessons from Teaching PE 2:37:33
Purpose of PE; Warm-up activities 2:31:01
Language and Literacy (Fall 2011)--Penelope Collins / UC Irvine
# automatic playing for the 17 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Education 151: Language and Literacy
This course is designed to help students understand the aspects of linguistic principles and processes that underlie oral and written language proficiency, and how this knowledge is relevant K-12 instruction. Emphasis is on a thorough, research-based understanding of phonology, morphology, orthography, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Students learn ways to use this information to support literacy and oral language development for elementary and secondary school students. Issues of linguistic diversity and second language learning are addressed.
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/education_...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
1 Understanding Language, Literacy, and Thought, Part I 1:16:14
2 Understanding Language, Literacy, and Thought, Part II 1:14:10
3 Understanding English Phonetics 51:06
4 Language and Literacy: Understanding English Phonology 1:20:21
5 Understanding English Morphology, Part I 1:05:26
6 Understanding English Morphology, Part II 1:17:12
7 Understanding English Orthography, Part I 1:02:08
8 Understanding English Orthography, Part II 59:53
9 Understanding Semantics, Part I 1:11:07
10 Understanding Semantics, Part II 1:22:26
11 Understanding Syntax, Part I 1:01:35
12 Understanding Syntax, Part II 1:04:40
13 Understanding Spoken Discourse and Stylistics 1:11:49
15 Understanding Language Variation and American Dialects 1:16:41
16 Applying Linguistic Theory to Practice, Part I 25:58
17 Applying Linguistic Theory to Practice, Part II 1:06:23
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
Education 151: Language and Literacy
This course is designed to help students understand the aspects of linguistic principles and processes that underlie oral and written language proficiency, and how this knowledge is relevant K-12 instruction. Emphasis is on a thorough, research-based understanding of phonology, morphology, orthography, semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. Students learn ways to use this information to support literacy and oral language development for elementary and secondary school students. Issues of linguistic diversity and second language learning are addressed.
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/education_...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
1 Understanding Language, Literacy, and Thought, Part I 1:16:14
2 Understanding Language, Literacy, and Thought, Part II 1:14:10
3 Understanding English Phonetics 51:06
4 Language and Literacy: Understanding English Phonology 1:20:21
5 Understanding English Morphology, Part I 1:05:26
6 Understanding English Morphology, Part II 1:17:12
7 Understanding English Orthography, Part I 1:02:08
8 Understanding English Orthography, Part II 59:53
9 Understanding Semantics, Part I 1:11:07
10 Understanding Semantics, Part II 1:22:26
11 Understanding Syntax, Part I 1:01:35
12 Understanding Syntax, Part II 1:04:40
13 Understanding Spoken Discourse and Stylistics 1:11:49
15 Understanding Language Variation and American Dialects 1:16:41
16 Applying Linguistic Theory to Practice, Part I 25:58
17 Applying Linguistic Theory to Practice, Part II 1:06:23
Avital Ronell and Judith Butler. Contemporaneity of Philosophy. 2006
source: European Graduate School 2007年4月3日
http://www.egs.edu/ Lecture with Avital Ronell and Judith Butler focusing on contemporaneity of philosophy, Jacques Derrida, Georges Bataille, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, theory and trauma. Free public open lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2006
Avital Ronell. Gift of Forgiveness. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2013年2月10日
http://www.egs.edu/ Avital Ronell, talking about pardoning, food, ok, snafu, fubar, eating, gift, divorce, violence, forgetting, trauma, exception. In the lecture Avital Ronell discusses the concepts of forgiveness, drugs, ontic, ontological, friendship, blush, nausea, otherness, alterity, linkage, difference referring to Derrida, Lacoue-Labarthe, Alfred Hitchcock, Hegel. Free public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies Department Program in 2012. EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, Avital Ronell 2012.
Avital Ronell is Professor of German, comparative literature, and English at New York University, where she directs the Research in Trauma and Violence project. She is a member of the faculty of the European Graduate School, interested in Literary and other discourses, feminism, philosophy, technology and media, psychoanalysis, deconstruction, performance art, and has also written as a literary critic, a feminist, and philosopher.
Avital Ronell. Derrida On Forgiveness. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2013年2月1日
http://www.egs.edu/ Avital Ronell, talking about forgiveness, gift, speech-acts, aneconomy, punishment, crime. In the lecture Avital Ronell discusses the concepts of mourning, normalcy, referring to Derrida, Hegel, Lacan, Jankelevich. Free public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies Department Program in 2012. EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, Avital Ronell 2012.
(2013下-學院) 策略管理--閻瑞彥 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月3日
更多策略管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=882
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月3日
更多策略管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=882
(2013下-學院) 國際企業管理--周素娥 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
更多國際企業管理請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=839
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
更多國際企業管理請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=839
(2014下-學院) 國際企業管理--周素娥 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月4日
更多國際企業管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月4日
更多國際企業管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
The treadmill's dark and twisted past - Conor Heffernan
source: TED-Ed 2015年9月22日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-treadmi...
The constant thud underneath your feet. The constrained space. The monotony of going nowhere fast. Running on a treadmill can certainly feel like torture, but did you know it was originally used for that very purpose? Conor Heffernan details the dark and twisted history of the treadmill.
Lesson by Conor Heffernan, animation by Yukai Du.
Housing—What Next?
source: Harvard GSD 2015年9月14日
09/10/2015In conjunction with Living Anatomy (on view in the Gund Hall Main Gallery until 12/20), this discussion furthers the exhibition's implicit intention to develop a critique of modernist housing. Moderated by Mohsen Mostafavi, with Hilde Heynen on the modern project, Irénée Scalbert on housing after modernism, Niklas Maak on his recent research with students in the studio abroad, in Berlin; and Eric Bunge (MArch '98) on nArchitects's My Micro NY. The opening reception will follow in the gallery.Supported by the John T. Dunlop Professorship Fund.
Life in the Universe (Spring 2015)--James Bullock / UC Irvine
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年6月5日
UCI Physics 20E: Life in the Universe (Spring 2015)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/physics_20...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Lec. 1: Motivations, Imaginings and the Meaning of 'Life' 1:02:47
Lec. 2: Defining Life and Our Place in the Universe 1:07:18
Lec.3: Revolutions in Matter and Earth 1:13:10
Lec. 4: Deep Time and the Biological Revolution 1:08:15
Lec. 5. Sky Above and Earth Below 1:06:37
Lec. 6: Earth's Atmosphere and Climate 1:03:01
Lec. 7: The Rise of Oxygen 1:04:21
Lec. 8: DNA and the Origin of Life 1:06:09
Lec. 9: Asteroids, Impacts, and Extinction 1:06:19
Lec. 10: The Solar System 1:02:10
Lec. 11: Water & Life on Mars 54:27
Lec. 12: Life in the Outer Solar System 50:39
Lec. 13: Stars 1:11:47
Lec. 14: Searching for Earth 2.0 1:08:56
Lec. 15: Intelligent Life: Where is Everybody? 1:11:47
Lec. 16: The Search for Life 1:04:23
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年6月5日
UCI Physics 20E: Life in the Universe (Spring 2015)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/physics_20...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Lec. 1: Motivations, Imaginings and the Meaning of 'Life' 1:02:47
Lec. 2: Defining Life and Our Place in the Universe 1:07:18
Lec.3: Revolutions in Matter and Earth 1:13:10
Lec. 4: Deep Time and the Biological Revolution 1:08:15
Lec. 5. Sky Above and Earth Below 1:06:37
Lec. 6: Earth's Atmosphere and Climate 1:03:01
Lec. 7: The Rise of Oxygen 1:04:21
Lec. 8: DNA and the Origin of Life 1:06:09
Lec. 9: Asteroids, Impacts, and Extinction 1:06:19
Lec. 10: The Solar System 1:02:10
Lec. 11: Water & Life on Mars 54:27
Lec. 12: Life in the Outer Solar System 50:39
Lec. 13: Stars 1:11:47
Lec. 14: Searching for Earth 2.0 1:08:56
Lec. 15: Intelligent Life: Where is Everybody? 1:11:47
Lec. 16: The Search for Life 1:04:23
Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation (Spring 2014)--Herbert W. Hamber / UC Irvine
# automatic playing for the 25 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
The graduate General Relativity course is taught by Professor Herbert W. Hamber, Ph.D.
References used for the class include "Gravitation and Cosmology" by S. Weinberg,
"Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity" by J. Hartle,
"Lectures on Gravitation" by R.P. Feynman and "Quantum Gravitation" by H.W. Hamber.
UCI Physics 255 Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation (Spring 2014)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/einsteins_...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: "Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation" is taught at UCI as Physics 255. Topics covered: A Brief History of Gravity, Gravity from the Ancient Greeks to Einstein's Relativistic Theory (1907)
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 01. Introduction 1:28:11
Lec 02. Special Relativity 1 1:17:13
Lec 03. Special Relativity 2 1:21:52
Lec 04. Special Relativity 3 1:23:15
Lec 05. General Relativity 1 1:26:55
Lec 06. General Relativity 2 1:28:33
Lec 07. General Relativity 3 1:26:10
Lec 08. General Relativity 4 1:16:48
Lec 09. General Relativity 5 1:22:10
Lec 10. General Relativity 6 1:23:31
Lec 11. Field Equations 1 1:21:06
Lec 12. Field Equations 2 1:26:21
Lec 13. Field Equations 3 1:21:23
Lec 14. Solutions to the Field Equations 1 1:24:22
Lec 15. Solutions to the Field Equations 2 1:22:57
Lec 16. Solutions to the Field Equations 3 1:26:22
Lec 17. Solutions to the Field Equations 4 1:26:52
Lec 18. Solutions to the Field Equations 5 1:14:16
Lec 19. Solutions to the Field Equations 6 1:29:13
Lec 20. Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics 1:40:55
Lec 21. Student Presentations. Group 1 1:29:36
Lec 22. Student Presentations. Group 2 1:03:09
Lec 23. Student Presentations. Group 3 1:17:55
Lec 24. Student Presentations. Group 4 1:05:06
source: UCIrvineOCW 上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
The graduate General Relativity course is taught by Professor Herbert W. Hamber, Ph.D.
References used for the class include "Gravitation and Cosmology" by S. Weinberg,
"Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity" by J. Hartle,
"Lectures on Gravitation" by R.P. Feynman and "Quantum Gravitation" by H.W. Hamber.
UCI Physics 255 Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation (Spring 2014)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/einsteins_...
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: "Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation" is taught at UCI as Physics 255. Topics covered: A Brief History of Gravity, Gravity from the Ancient Greeks to Einstein's Relativistic Theory (1907)
UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 01. Introduction 1:28:11
Lec 02. Special Relativity 1 1:17:13
Lec 03. Special Relativity 2 1:21:52
Lec 04. Special Relativity 3 1:23:15
Lec 05. General Relativity 1 1:26:55
Lec 06. General Relativity 2 1:28:33
Lec 07. General Relativity 3 1:26:10
Lec 08. General Relativity 4 1:16:48
Lec 09. General Relativity 5 1:22:10
Lec 10. General Relativity 6 1:23:31
Lec 11. Field Equations 1 1:21:06
Lec 12. Field Equations 2 1:26:21
Lec 13. Field Equations 3 1:21:23
Lec 14. Solutions to the Field Equations 1 1:24:22
Lec 15. Solutions to the Field Equations 2 1:22:57
Lec 16. Solutions to the Field Equations 3 1:26:22
Lec 17. Solutions to the Field Equations 4 1:26:52
Lec 18. Solutions to the Field Equations 5 1:14:16
Lec 19. Solutions to the Field Equations 6 1:29:13
Lec 20. Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics 1:40:55
Lec 21. Student Presentations. Group 1 1:29:36
Lec 22. Student Presentations. Group 2 1:03:09
Lec 23. Student Presentations. Group 3 1:17:55
Lec 24. Student Presentations. Group 4 1:05:06
Catherine Malabou. Jacques Derrida's Concept of Life. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2013年1月3日
http://www.egs.edu/ Catherine Malabou, philosopher and author, talking about Jacques Derrida's deconstructive concept of life in Faith and Knowledge and The Beast and The Sovereign. In this lecture Catherine Malabou discusses material life as animal life, the Hegelian notion of contradiction, the relationship between religion and technology, the limits of reason, the structure of promises and the redoubling of origins in relationship to Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Derrida, Sigmund Freud, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Martin Heidegger focusing on the real, death drive, self-negation, dialectics, trace, writing, bios, zoe, technology, faith, the Other, biology, fragility, sacrifice and temporality. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2012. Catherine Malabou.
Catherine Malabou. Jacques Derrida's Critique of Foucault and Agamben. 2012
source: European Graduate School 2013年1月5日
http://www.egs.edu/ Catherine Malabou, philosopher and author, talking about Jacques Derrida's critique of Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben in The Beast and The Sovereign. In this lecture Catherine Malabou discusses Heidegger's critique of metaphysics, Foucault's critique of sovereignty, the distinction between zoe and bios, the relationship between bestiality and human life, political life, the logic of sacrifice and poetry as a new discourse on life in relationship to Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Derrida and Martin Heidegger focusing on the ontology of time, biopolitics, Homo sacer, the materiality of life, vegetal life, death, deconstruction and the distinction between the biological and symbolic. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2012. Catherine Malabou.
A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence
source: TED-Ed 2012年10月29日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/a-glimpse-o...
Welcome to the world of Lucius Popidius Secundus, a 17-year old living in Rome in 73 AD. His life is a typical one of arranged marriages, coming-of-age festivals, and communal baths. Take a look at this exquisitely detailed lesson on life of a typical Roman teenager two thousand years ago.
Lesson by Ray Laurence, animation by Cognitive Media.
(2013下-學院) 全球運籌管理--黃瑞傑 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
更多全球運籌管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=881
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
更多全球運籌管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=881
(2014下-學院) 全球運籌管理--黃瑞傑 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月4日
更多全球運籌管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 2015年3月4日
更多全球運籌管理(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
What happens when your DNA is damaged? - Monica Menesini
source: TED-Ed 2015年9月21日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-happen...
The DNA in just one of your cells gets damaged tens of thousands of times per day. Because DNA provides the blueprint for the proteins your cells need to function, this damage can cause serious issues—including cancer. Fortunately, your cells have ways of fixing most of these problems, most of the time. Monica Menesini details the processes of DNA damage and repair.
Lesson by Monica Menesini, animation by FOX Animation Domination High-Def.
The Heroic Quest--Joseph Hughes / Missouri State University
# playlist of the 24 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: Missouri State University 上次更新日期:2015年5月21日
LLT 180: The Heroic Quest
Human societies have long used the theme of the quest for self-knowledge as a vehicle to assess their own cultures and to explore ethical situations arising in civic life. This course examines texts from diverse cultural traditions in which protagonists confront their inherited identity of culture and language, providing a broader perspective on self-discovery in our own society.
Learn more about Missouri State iCourses at http://outreach.missouristate.edu/ico...
Lecture 0: Course introduction 5:49
Lecture 1: Welcome 50:05
Lecture 2: Gilgamesh 49:35
Lecture 3: Gilgamesh II 1:00:36
Lecture 4: Gilgamesh III 1:10:57
Lecture 5: Gilgamesh IV + Homer, Odyssey 1:05:48
Lecture 6: Homer, Odyssey II 59:06
Lecture 7: Homer, Odyssey III 58:36
Lecture 8: Aristophanes, Frogs 1:09:52
Lecture 9: Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche 1:07:07
Lecture 10: Review for Test One 58:19
Lecture 11: Sophocles, Antigone 46:56
Lecture 12: Sophocles, Antigone II 1:00:42
Lecture 13: Sophocles, Antigone III 23:18
Lecture 14: Vergil, Aeneid 48:14
Lecture 15: Vergil, Aeneid II 43:29
Lecture 16: Aeneid vs. Odyssey 38:07
Lecture 17: Dante, Inferno 43:37
Lecture 18: Dante, Inferno II 43:34
Lecture 19: Gogol, The Nose 48:25
Lecture 20: Gogol, The Nose II 50:24
Lecture 21: Gogol, The Nose III 49:03
Lecture 22: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions 48:19
Lecture 23: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions II 32:13
source: Missouri State University 上次更新日期:2015年5月21日
LLT 180: The Heroic Quest
Human societies have long used the theme of the quest for self-knowledge as a vehicle to assess their own cultures and to explore ethical situations arising in civic life. This course examines texts from diverse cultural traditions in which protagonists confront their inherited identity of culture and language, providing a broader perspective on self-discovery in our own society.

Learn more about Missouri State iCourses at http://outreach.missouristate.edu/ico...
Lecture 0: Course introduction 5:49
Lecture 1: Welcome 50:05
Lecture 2: Gilgamesh 49:35
Lecture 3: Gilgamesh II 1:00:36
Lecture 4: Gilgamesh III 1:10:57
Lecture 5: Gilgamesh IV + Homer, Odyssey 1:05:48
Lecture 6: Homer, Odyssey II 59:06
Lecture 7: Homer, Odyssey III 58:36
Lecture 8: Aristophanes, Frogs 1:09:52
Lecture 9: Apuleius, Cupid and Psyche 1:07:07
Lecture 10: Review for Test One 58:19
Lecture 11: Sophocles, Antigone 46:56
Lecture 12: Sophocles, Antigone II 1:00:42
Lecture 13: Sophocles, Antigone III 23:18
Lecture 14: Vergil, Aeneid 48:14
Lecture 15: Vergil, Aeneid II 43:29
Lecture 16: Aeneid vs. Odyssey 38:07
Lecture 17: Dante, Inferno 43:37
Lecture 18: Dante, Inferno II 43:34
Lecture 19: Gogol, The Nose 48:25
Lecture 20: Gogol, The Nose II 50:24
Lecture 21: Gogol, The Nose III 49:03
Lecture 22: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions 48:19
Lecture 23: Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions II 32:13
Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts--Robert Bradley / Missouri State U
# automatic playing for the 30 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: Missouri State University Last updated on May 21, 2015
THE 101: Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts
Theatre 101 aims to answer several questions, the most important of which is, "what is the nature of the theatre experience?" Why do people do theatre? What do they hope to accomplish? What is the relationship between the performers and the audience? How has the relationship between theatre and society developed throughout history from the early theatres of democratic Athens to the contemporary mega-musical? The course looks at drama and theatre arts as art, literature, business, and entertainment, and it examines the creative processes of theatre -- writing, design, directing, and acting -- which move from idea to script to performance. Because theatre, by its very nature, is interactive and interdisciplinary, this course encourages students to develop their own imaginations and to be open-minded in their responses to the theatre experience. It encourages considered, critical evaluation of difficult or challenging material and asks students to develop their capacity for interpretation, evaluation, and cultural understanding.
Lecture 1 - Introduction 55:35
Lecture 2 - Interview with Dr. Michael Maudin 56:38
Lecture 3 - The Audience 58:02
Lecture 4 - Theatre, Film, Television and Public Affairs 48:26
Lecture 5 - Musical Theatre 58:51
Lecture 6 - Development of the American Musical 58:27
Lecture 7 - Golden Age of the American Musical 56:01
Lecture 8 - Interview with Michael Brill 53:02
Lecture 9 - The Play 57:19
Lecture 10 - Structure of a Play 1:00:04
Lecture 11 - Interview with Sandra Fenichel Asher 54:08
Lecture 12 - Interview with Paula Caplan 54:54
Lecture 13 - Interview with Sherri Kramer 53:57
Lecture 14 - Interview with Dr. Tita Baumlin 55:46
Lecture 15 - Theatre Organization 58:30
Lecture 16 - The Director 59:08
Lecture 17 - Interview with Dr. Michael Mauldin 56:15
Lecture 18 - Interview with Roy Hamlin 53:52
Lecture 19 - Interview with Jack Laufer 57:22
Lecture 20 - Interview with Tess Harper 56:56
Lecture 21 - Interview with Milton Blankenship 59:06
Lecture 22 - Interview with Student Actors 45:59
Lecture 23 - The Visual Designers 58:58
Lecture 24 - Interview with Louis Schaeffer 49:30
Lecture 25 - Theatre Architecture and Performance Spaces 49:08
Lecture 26 - The Producer 36:37
Lecture 27 - Interview with Dr. Blackwood & Mark Templeton 50:22
Lecture 28 - Interview with Enoch Morris 48:51
Lecture 29 - Interview with Beth Domann 51:57
Lecture 30 - Summing Up 55:05
source: Missouri State University Last updated on May 21, 2015
THE 101: Introduction to Theatre and Drama Arts
Theatre 101 aims to answer several questions, the most important of which is, "what is the nature of the theatre experience?" Why do people do theatre? What do they hope to accomplish? What is the relationship between the performers and the audience? How has the relationship between theatre and society developed throughout history from the early theatres of democratic Athens to the contemporary mega-musical? The course looks at drama and theatre arts as art, literature, business, and entertainment, and it examines the creative processes of theatre -- writing, design, directing, and acting -- which move from idea to script to performance. Because theatre, by its very nature, is interactive and interdisciplinary, this course encourages students to develop their own imaginations and to be open-minded in their responses to the theatre experience. It encourages considered, critical evaluation of difficult or challenging material and asks students to develop their capacity for interpretation, evaluation, and cultural understanding.
Lecture 1 - Introduction 55:35
Lecture 2 - Interview with Dr. Michael Maudin 56:38
Lecture 3 - The Audience 58:02
Lecture 4 - Theatre, Film, Television and Public Affairs 48:26
Lecture 5 - Musical Theatre 58:51
Lecture 6 - Development of the American Musical 58:27
Lecture 7 - Golden Age of the American Musical 56:01
Lecture 8 - Interview with Michael Brill 53:02
Lecture 9 - The Play 57:19
Lecture 10 - Structure of a Play 1:00:04
Lecture 11 - Interview with Sandra Fenichel Asher 54:08
Lecture 12 - Interview with Paula Caplan 54:54
Lecture 13 - Interview with Sherri Kramer 53:57
Lecture 14 - Interview with Dr. Tita Baumlin 55:46
Lecture 15 - Theatre Organization 58:30
Lecture 16 - The Director 59:08
Lecture 17 - Interview with Dr. Michael Mauldin 56:15
Lecture 18 - Interview with Roy Hamlin 53:52
Lecture 19 - Interview with Jack Laufer 57:22
Lecture 20 - Interview with Tess Harper 56:56
Lecture 21 - Interview with Milton Blankenship 59:06
Lecture 22 - Interview with Student Actors 45:59
Lecture 23 - The Visual Designers 58:58
Lecture 24 - Interview with Louis Schaeffer 49:30
Lecture 25 - Theatre Architecture and Performance Spaces 49:08
Lecture 26 - The Producer 36:37
Lecture 27 - Interview with Dr. Blackwood & Mark Templeton 50:22
Lecture 28 - Interview with Enoch Morris 48:51
Lecture 29 - Interview with Beth Domann 51:57
Lecture 30 - Summing Up 55:05
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