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[lectures in English] 機器人視覺 Robotic Vision--王學誠 / 交大
source: NCTU OCW 2017年12月28日
This course covers fundamental and advanced domains in vision for mobile robots, including topics from early vision to mid- and high-level vision. We will use "Duckietown" (an open course "MIT 2.166 Autonomous Vehicles) as platform, and students will form teams to develop vision-based projects, including mobile robots, assistive robots, or VR. (This course is taught in English.)
機器人視覺 Robotic Vision YouTube Playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
1 30:35 單元1 Introduction to Robotic Vision
2 21:46 單元2 Duckietown,Robotic Vision for Assistive Technology
3 31:33 單元3 AprilTags
4 14:02 單元4 Objection Detection and Evaluation
5 50:29 單元5 Mid-Level Features
6 25:40 單元6 High-Level Features
7 39:35 單元9 Sensor Data, RANSAC, FORVIS
8 27:14 單元10 RANSAC, ICP
9 15:14 單元11 Navigation Overview, Gazebo
10 33:59 單元12 The Map and World Model (2D, 3D Mapping)
11 23:29 單元13 Robot Model
12 19:08 單元14 Duckietown Review
13 25:53 【報告1 In-Class Tutorial】Jupyter & python
14 35:37 【報告2 In-Class Tutorial】Object Detector
15 29:09 【報告3 In-Class Tutorial】Gazebo Simulation
16 39:36 【報告4 In-Class Tutorial】Caffe Tutorial
17 27:26 【報告5 In-Class Tutorial】PCL & LCM Tutorial
18 12:38 【報告6 In-Class Tutorial】PCL Segmentation
19 9:58 【報告7 In-Class Tutorial】Visual Odometry
20 11:55 【報告8 In-Class Tutorial】Visual Odometry
21 15:22 【報告9 In-Class Tutorial】Husky
22 14:38 【報告10 In-Class Tutorial】Rosserial Arduino & Encoder Visualization
23 10:26 【報告11 In-Class Tutorial】Tensorflow
24 8:50 【報告12 In-Class Tutorial】Multicamera System (Eye to Hand System)
25 6:54 【期中報告】Topic:Virtual Reality Simulation
26 10:03 【期中報告】Topic:Guidedog Robot
27 5:42 【期中報告】Topic:Smart Home Security Robot
28 7:19 【期中報告】Topic:Consultant Robot
29 5:06 【期中報告】Topic:3D Prediction
30 11:08 【期中報告】Topic:ROBO-Cleaner
31 7:52 【期中報告】Topic:Object Recognition
32 10:06 【期中報告】Topic:Autonomous Lift Riding Robot
33 3:38 【期中報告】Topic:Multicamera system (Eye to Hand system
34 4:21 【期中報告】Topic:Reinforcement learning
35 8:43 【期末報告】Topic:Virtual Reality Simulation
36 7:51 【期末報告】Topic:Guidedog Robot
37 6:50 【期末報告】Topic:Smart Home Security Robot
38 5:14 【期末報告】Topic:Consultant Robot
39 7:53 【期末報告】Topic:3D Prediction
40 10:15 【期末報告】Topic:ROBO-Cleaner
41 8:36 【期末報告】Topic:Object Recognition
42 10:26 【期末報告】Topic:Autonomous Lift Riding Robot
43 10:59 【期末報告】Topic:Autonomous Lift Riding Robot
44 6:53 【期末報告】Topic:Multicamera system (Eye to Hand system)
45 5:35 【期末報告】Topic:Reinforcement learning
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