Closer To Truth
Alva Noë - Why a Mind-Body Problem? How does the brain produce the mind? This is one of the most difficult problems in science, because how can physical qualities, no matter how complex and sophisticated, actually be mental experienc...
Simon Blackburn - Why a Mind-Body Problem? How does the brain produce the mind? This is one of the most difficult problems in science, because how can physical qualities, no matter how complex and sophisticated, actually be mental experienc...
Charles Tart - Why a Mind-Body Problem? How does the brain produce the mind? This is one of the most difficult problems in science, because how can physical qualities, no matter how complex and sophisticated, actually be mental experienc...
Alan Guth - Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding? The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called "inflation." This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it als...
Paul Steinhardt - Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding? The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called "inflation." This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it als...
Andrei Linde - Why is an Inflationary Universe so Astounding? The very early universe likely underwent a period of enormous expansion called "inflation." This revolutionary theory stunned cosmology. It solved knotty problems of universal structure, but it als...
Paul Fiddes - Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist? What kind of God would create Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer insight into what that kind of God would be like? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism, Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Inf...
Edward Wierenga - Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist? What kind of God would create Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer insight into what that kind of God would be like? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism, Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Inf...
Brian Josephson - Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? If ESP can claim some kind of truth, the implications would be profound. The confirmation of any ESP, no matter how minor, would challenge the materialism-physicalism structure of the world, built ...
Fred Alan Wolf - Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? If ESP can claim some kind of truth, the implications would be profound. The confirmation of any ESP, no matter how minor, would challenge the materialism-physicalism structure of the world, built ...
Bruce Hood - Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? If ESP can claim some kind of truth, the implications would be profound. The confirmation of any ESP, no matter how minor, would challenge the materialism-physicalism structure of the world, built ...
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