New Thinking Allowed
Animals and the Afterlife with Miranda Alcott Miranda Alcott, MA, is an intuitive, animal communicator. She has been a certified Crisis Responder and instructor/trainer for the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA), as well as a m...
Video Nugget: Rudolf Steiner on Atlantis with Jason Reza Jorjani This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Jason Reza Jorjani titled "The Philosophers of Atlantis".
Video Nugget: Politics and Parapsychology with Edwin C. May This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Edwin C. May titled "USA's Psychic Spy Program".
Video Nugget: A Faraday Cage for Amplifying ESP with Charles Tart This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Charles Tart titled "Six Decades in Parapsychology".
Military Intelligence Interest in Remote Viewing with Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
Video Nugget: A Nineteenth Century Research Gem with Stephen Braude This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Stephen Braude titled "Macro-Psychokinesis, Part One: Physical Mediumship".
Video Nugget: Time and Space With Glenn Aparicio Parry This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Glenn Aparicio Parry titled "Indigenous EcoPsychology, Part One: On Being Human".
Video Nugget: Jeff's First Remote Viewing with Elizabeth Rauscher This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with physicist Elizabeth Rauscher titled "Remote Viewing Research".
Video Nugget: The Brain at Death With Stuart Hameroff This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Stuart Hameroff titled "Consciousness and the Brain, Part Six: Spiritual Implications".
The Matrix of Life with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of ...
Video Nugget: Telepathy and Process Philosophy with Christian de Quincey This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation witih Christian de Quincey titled "The Philosophy of Panpsychism".
Video Nugget: Excavation of Glastonbury Abbey with Stephan Schwartz This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Stephan A. Schwartz titled "The History of Psychic Archeology".
Video Nugget: Human Poltergeist Interactions with Stephen Braude This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Stephen Braude titled "Poltergeist Phenomena".
Terminal Lucidity with Stafford Betty Stafford Betty, PhD, is professor of religious studies at California State University at Bakersfield. He is author of Heaven and Hell Unveiled, The Afterlife Unveiled, and When Did You Ever Become ...
Video Nugget: Among the Sadhus in Nashik, India, with Chris H. Hardy This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Chris H. Hardy titled "The Infinite Spiral Staircase, Part One: Telepathic Harmonic Fields".
Video Nugget: The Problem with Psychiatric Drugs with Charles Whitfield This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Dr. Charles Whitfield titled "Healing the Child WIthin".
Video Nugget: Becoming a Psychic Detective with Nancy du Tertre This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video conversation with Nancy du Tertre titled "Psychic Criminology".
Video Nugget: The Quality of Psi Research with Vernon Neppe This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Vernon Neppe titled "The Nature of Psi".
How to Meditate with Charles T. Tart Charles T. Tart, PhD, is emeritus professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, as well as the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He is a past-president of the Parapsychologic...
Video Nugget: The Death of Albert Ellis with Debbie Joffe Ellis This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Debbie Joffe Ellis titled "Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Part One: Life's Hardships".
Video Nugget: Healing the Eagle with Stanley Krippner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Stanley Krippner titles "Native American Medicine Man Rolling Thunder".
Video Nugget: The Potential Harm of Psychokinesis This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video discussion between Steve Braude and Jeff Mishlove titled "The Case of the PK Man".
Early Years of Psi Research at SRI International with Russell Targ Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End o...
Video Nugget: Map Dowsing Methodology with Paul H. Smith This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Paul H. Smith titled "Dowsing and Remote Viewing".
Video Nugget: Buddhist Meditation and Gurdjieff Work with Charles Tart This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Charles Tart titled "Psychological Reflections on G. I. Gurdjieff".
Video Nugget: Psychedelic Psychotherapy With Stanley Krippner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Stanley Krippner titled "Psychedelic Experience".
Video Nugget: The Society for Psychical Research This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Terence Palmer titled "Frederic Myers and Psychical Research".
Quotidian Choices with Stephan A. Schwartz Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of ...
Video Nugget: Remote Viewing New Technologies with Joseph McMoneagle This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Joe McMoneagle titled "Guidelines for Future Remote Viewing".
Video Nugget: On Combining Spiritual Paths with Nicki This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Nicki Scully titled "Shamanic Practices".
Video Nugget: The Birth of the Upanishads with Debashish Banerji This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Debashish Banerji titled "The History of Yoga"
Ego and Enlightenment with Cate Montana Cate Montana, MA, is author of Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within and is coauthor of The Heart of the Matter and Underground Physics. Her most recent book is The E-Word: Ego, Enlighte...
Video Nugget: The Experience of Apports with Stanley Krippner This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Stanley Krippner titled "The Apports of Amyr Amiden".
Video Nugget: Géza Maróczy Died in 1951 with Vernon Neppe This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Vernon Neppe titled "The Chess Game from Beyond the Grave".
Video Nugget: Science of the Future with Ben Goertzel This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Ben Goertzel titled "The Possibility of Telepathy in Robots"
A Soul's Journey After Suicide with Joseph Gallenberger Joseph Gallenberger, PhD, is a clinical psychologist. He is author of Inner Vegas: Creating Abundance, Miracles, and Health and Liquid Luck: The Good Fortune Handbook. His most recent book is Heave...
Video Nugget: Prisoners of Our Thoughts with Alex Pattakos This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer video interview with Alex Pattakos titled "The Search for Meaning".
Video Nugget: Philip The Ghost with Stephen Braude This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer interview with Stephen Braude titled "Macro-Psychokinesis, Part Two: Apparitions"
Video Nugget: The Return of the Repressed with Barbara Harris This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer interview with Barbara Harris titled "The Spiritual Implications of Medical Marijuana"
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