# playlist of the 46 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2015年11月8日
MCD401 - Camera Basics, Principles and Practices
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(اردو / in Urdu) Research Methods (2008, VU of Pakistan)
# playlist of the 45 videos (click the upper-left icon of the video)
source: vu 2008年11月1日
STA630 Research Methods
source: vu 2008年11月1日
STA630 Research Methods
JCCCvideo (videos of May 2017)
source: JCCCvideo
2:02 JCNN Campus Craze 2017 The JCNN Roving reporters throw themselves into the mix at Campus Craze 2017 and ask on behalf of the new incoming freshmen, "what do I need to succeed?"
For more information on this and other hap...
2:05:54 JCCC Board of Trustees Meeting for May 11, 2017
1:07:11 Campus Safety Town Hall: May 2, 2017 Emergency Preparedness Manager, Alisa Pacer, goes over the Conceal Carry Weapons Policy for Johnson County Community College, the emergency door locks pilot program, and the upgrades to the college...
2:37 Johnson County Community College Model United Nations: Join Today! Join the award winning Model United Nations team at Johnson County Community College! Visit us at blogs.jccc.edu/mun
For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://...
2:14:06 JCCC Board of Trustees Meeting for April 20, 2017

For more information on this and other hap...

For more information on this and other happenings at the college, visit http://...

Jordan B Peterson (videos of May 2017)
source: Jordan B Peterson
2:32:33 Biblical Series II: Genesis 1: Chaos & Order Lecture II in my Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories from May 23 at Isabel Bader Theatre, Toronto. In this lecture, I present Genesis 1, which presents the idea that a pre-existent c...
2:25:56 2017 Maps of Meaning 12: Final: The Divinity of the Individual In this, the final Maps of Meaning lecture for 2017, I review the year and its offerings: What is a belief system? Why are people so inclined to engage in conflict to protect their belief systems?..
2:11:22 A Left-Wing Case for Free Speech A few weeks ago, I went to Vancouver and delivered two talks. This is the first. I felt that it would be useful to make a case, from a left-wing perspective, for the primacy of free speech, in the ...
6:20 6 Minutes on the True Purpose of University Education I recently spoke at Harvard University, in interview format, on the topic: Mask of Compassion: Post-Modernism & Neo-Marxism. This is a five minute clip from that talk (available in full at http://...
1:30:05 Harvard Talk: Postmodernism & the Mask of Compassion I was invited to speak at Harvard University in mid-April on the use of compassion as a mask for the advance of the profoundly anti-western postmodern and neomarxist doctrines. There was a fair bit...
2:38:29 Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God Lecture I in my Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories series from May 16th at Isabel Bader Theatre in Toronto. In this lecture, I describe what I consider to be the idea of God, which ...
1:00:09 Senate hearing on Bill C16 Update: on May 18, C16 sailed through the Canadian Senate with no amendments.
I served as a witness at the Canadian Senate yesterday, regarding Bill C16, which adds the ill-defined categories of ...
2:32:24 2017 Maps of Meaning 11: The Flood and the Tower In this lecture, I continue my discussion of the archaic stories at the beginning of Genesis, including Cain and Abel, and the flood story of Noah (the return of chaos), and the story of the Tower ...
3:00 12 Public Lectures: Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories I am presenting a 12-part lecture series on the Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories at Toronto's Isabel Bader Theatre beginning Tuesday, May 16 from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
Neither his...
1:44:56 Martin Daly: Evolutionary Psychology Pioneer I'm speaking with Dr. Martin Daly, a professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, a pioneer in the field of evolutionary psychology, and author of Killing the Competition (http://amzn.to/...
1:34:33 2017 Personality 20: Biology & Traits: Orderliness/Disgust/Conscientiousness In this lecture, I provide details about trait conscientiousness, the best predictor of life success after intelligence (particularly among managers, administrators and students). Sounds good? But ...
13:06 The Indiegogo campaign: last day About a month ago Ezra Levant and the people at RebelMedia set up an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to support my lab's research after my grant funding application was denied by the Canadian Socia...
48:58 2017 Personality 19: Biology & Traits: Openness/Intelligence/Creativity II AUDIO CORRECTED VERSION: In this lecture, I complete my discussion of Big Five trait openness to experience, which is the dimension composed of an amalgam of creativity and intelligence. I also dis...
2:06:24 Banned lecture at Linfield College: Ethics and Free Speech I was recently invited to speak at Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, by the Young Americans for Liberty. The talk had been booked for months, I had my plane tickets and reservations, the hall ...

I served as a witness at the Canadian Senate yesterday, regarding Bill C16, which adds the ill-defined categories of ...

Neither his...

zammù multimedia - Università di Catania (videos of May 2017)
source: zammù multimedia - Università di Catania
16:34 Fisica nucleare e astroparticellare: i Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (Catania) Le telecamere di Zammù TV dentro i Laboratori Nazionali del Sud di Catania (https://www.lns.infn.it), una struttura di avanguardia dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, per mostrarne le attiv...
45:10 Da Catania a New Orleans: i musicisti della Banda dei Marines e i 100 anni del jazz Francesco Martinelli, docente di Storia del jazz all’Istituto Musicale "Mascagni" di Livorno e alla "Siena Jazz University", racconta l'incredibile storia di 18 musicisti catanesi arruolati nel 180...
11:13 Fabio Mollo presenta “Il padre d’Italia” a Catania (Learn by Movies, 15 maggio 2017) Il giovane regista calabrese Fabio Mollo incontra il pubblico della sala Odeon in occasione della proiezione del suo film “Il Padre d’Italia” (15 maggio 2017), inserito nella rassegna in lingua ori...
1:23:52 Tutta un'altra storia - Metamorfosi di Angelo D’Arrigo narrata dai pupi dei Fratelli Napoli TUTTA UN’ALTRA STORIA
Metamorfosi di Angelo D’Arrigo, narrata a grandi e piccini dai pupi siciliani dei Fratelli Napoli
di Nino Bellia

Metamorfosi di Angelo D’Arrigo, narrata a grandi e piccini dai pupi siciliani dei Fratelli Napoli
di Nino Bellia
Marionettistica Fratelli Napoli e I Lautari
Elio Gimbo regi...
1:23:49 La tragedia di Macbeth (Marionettistica dei fratelli Napoli) - Catania, 12 luglio 2016 Video integrale dello spettacolo "La tragedia di Macbeth" andato in scena martedì 12 luglio 2016 alla Scuola Superiore di Catania (Villa San Saverio), riduzione e adattamento per pupi e pupari cata...
0:45 Pint of Science - Catania, 15-17 maggio 2017 Dal 15 al 17 maggio 2017 approda per la prima volta a Catania, grazie alla sinergia tra l’associazione “Pint of Science Italia” e il Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e Struttura della Materia (C...
9:28 "L'istinto della formica" (Museo Civico Castello Ursino, Catania 31 marzo – 10 ottobre 2017) La mostra "L'istinto della formica. Arte moderna delle collezioni benedettine dai depositi del castello", a cura di Barbara Mancuso (Museo Civico Castello Ursino, Catania 31 marzo – 10 ottobre 2017...
33:07 Horizon 2020 SMEs-dedicated Actions 2016/17 Il seminario - tenuto dalla dott.ssa Teresa Caltabiano (Area Ricerca, Università di Catania), e organizzato dalla Cattedra Jean Monnet "International Business for European Union" (IB4EU) - mira a f...
25:18 Mafie in movimento - Ernesto Savona (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) Ernesto Savona - professore di Criminologia all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano e direttore del centro di ricerca "Transcrime" - interviene al convegno “Mafie in movimento - Dinamich...
44:52 Mafie in movimento - Ilda Boccassini (Procuratore aggiunto della Repubblica, Tribunale di Milano) Ilda Boccassini, procuratore aggiunto della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Milano, interviene al convegno “Mafie in movimento - Dinamiche e meccanismi dei processi di espansione della criminalit...
23:43 Mafie in movimento - Alberto Alessandri (Università "Bocconi" di Milano) Il prof. Alberto Alessandri - docente di Diritto penale all’Università Bocconi di Milano e responsabile della ricerca "L'espansione della criminalità organizzata nell'attività delle imprese del Nor...
47:51 Cibo, cultura e comunicazione - Prof. Vito Teti (Università della Calabria) In video la lezione dell'antropologo Vito Teti, docente all'Università della Calabria e autore di “Fine Pasto. Il cibo che verrà” durante il seminario dal titolo "Cibo, cultura e comunicazione" org...
Elio Gimbo regi...

New America (videos of May 2017)
source: New America
7:50:48 Driving Change, Securing Tenure Innovations in Land & Property Rights A new series of case studies authored by researchers at Princeton University’s Innovations for Successful Societies program profiles recent initiatives to strengthen tenure security and reform land...
1:47:34 Is This the America You Want? How to Harness Citizen Power Join Eric Liu, author of You're More Powerful than You Think in conversation with New America president and CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter about how recent events have enabled citizens to make lasting ch...
1:29:54 A Climate for Conflict: Stories from Somalia Struggling with famine, drought, and violence, Somalia today is at a crossroads between a deepening crisis and a path to stability. Desperation is still driving people to crowded cities, refugee ca...
1:07:42 The Future of Us To renew America, we need new ideas about what it means to be American. Shifting demographics and new technologies will rewrite the code of society as we know it, from the ways we communicate to ho...
1:18:21 Anatomy of Terror: From Bin Laden’s Death to the Rise of the Islamic State In early 2011, the Arab Spring shook the Middle East, toppling governments in Tunisia and Egypt with Libya and Yemen soon to follow. From his hideout in Pakistan, Osama bin Laden shifted strategies...
1:37:36 Crypto Wars 2.0: The European Front The right to use strong encryption technology—like the encryption that secures your iPhone or protects your Whatsapp messages—isn’t only under political attack in the U.S. Governments in the U.K., ...
1:43:15 The U.S. Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself, While the Rest of Us Die Since the outset of the cold war, the US government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on infrastructure and processes designed to ensure that the sitting president and other political and m...
59:42 Churchill and Orwell: The Fight for Freedom Winston Churchill and George Orwell were two of the most central figures of the twentieth century. Both came close to death in the 1930s: Orwell shot during the Spanish civil war, and Churchill str...
16:01 Civic Tech for Good To renew America, we need new ideas to bring citizens into their democracy. Change only happens when ordinary people get involved. Now, more than ever, governments need technologists to help them b...
33:45 A Hard Pill to Swallow: Bridging the Health Care Divide DR. ATUL GAWANDE Surgeon, Brigham and Women
AVIK ROY Co-Founder and President, Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing toge...
54:05 We the People: Populism vs Pluralism Instead of the “us versus them” populism of left and right that has been on the rise, we should focus on a different kind of populism: “us” populism, where citizens work together, from local to nat...
1:23:16 Past Performance, Future Potential: A Look Back and Ahead at Economics, Racial, and Social Justice To renew America, we need new ideas on how we can restore freedom and justice to all Americans. Join us for four conversations where the discussion of economic, race, and social justice are or aren...
10:03 Closing Remarks ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellows, thinkers, writers, researchers, t...
54:16 In Conversation: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Anne Marie Slaughter CHIMAMANDA NGOZI ADICHIE Author, Americanah
ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President, New America
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellow...
29:30 Renew America ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President and CEO, New America
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellows, thinkers, writers, researchers, t...
1:54:23 A New Era for Immigration: State and Local Governments at the Forefront of Policy Trump’s first 100 days in office have set in motion a new era for immigration policy. From threatening to withhold funds from Sanctuary Cities and circulating lists of jurisdictions that do not com...
2:13:24 Ethical Use of Predictive Analytics in Higher Education Colleges are under increasing pressure to retain their students. The public and policymakers are demanding that those who enter college—especially students from underrepresented groups—earn a degre...
2:34:04 Varying Degrees: How America Perceives Higher Education Most college graduates will end up eventually earning more than their parents even accounting for student loans. But many students leave school before obtaining their degree. In our new post-recess...
1:27:21 Pumpkinflowers: A Soldier’s Story of Israel’s War in Lebanon In the late 1990s amidst Israel’s continuing war in Lebanon, soldiers fought and died on a small hilltop known as the Pumpkin. The casualties in military lingo were known as flowers. In his new boo...
1:24:59 The Fight for Net Neutrality Begins Again On April 26, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced a proposal to begin dismantling the Open Internet Order. The Order, adopted by the FCC in 2015 after robust public input b...
1:31:29 Bringing Hostages Home: Developing Effective American Strategy Since 2001, terrorist and militant groups have taken almost 1,200 Westerners hostage abroad, with 90 being murdered. American hostages have been killed at disproportionate rates - accounting for ne...
1:23:03 Journalism in Hostile Environments: Perspectives from the Field The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) and the International Reporting Project (IRP) are pleased to present a panel discussion with the honorees of the 2017 James Foley Freedom Awards, h...

AVIK ROY Co-Founder and President, Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing toge...

The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellows, thinkers, writers, researchers, t...

ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER President, New America
The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellow...

The New America Annual Conference is a day-long conference bringing together New America’s network of fellows, thinkers, writers, researchers, t...

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