
Analyzing Language (2): Bertrand Russell's Theory of Descriptions

source: Philosophical Overdose      2013年6月20日
Stephen Neale discusses Bertrand Russell's famous theory of descriptions and some of the philosophical issues surrounding it involving the nature of language and thought. The theory was introduced in Russell's article "On Denoting" and has made significant contributions to the philosophy of language, as well as logic, epistemology, and metaphysics. Among other things, it made sense out of how we are able to speak and think about non-existent objects. The epistemology which motivated the theory was based on Russell's conception of sense data and his distinction between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description.
Russell's On Denoting: http://users.drew.edu/jlenz/br-on-den...
Knowledge by Acquaintance & Knowledge by Description: http://selfpace.uconn.edu/class/perce...
Part 1 can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe6qX...
Credit goes to Simply Charly: https://www.simplycharly.com