
Workshop: Homological Mirror Symmetry (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

# automatic playing for the 15 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Hebrew University of Jerusalem    上次更新日期:2015年6月24日

Day 1 - Cedric Membrez (FC1) Definition of Fukaya category 1:11:44
Day 1 - Nick Sheridan (MC2) The pair of pants 1:38:11
Day 1 - Netanel Blaier (AC1) Abstract A∞ categories 1:06:43
Day 1 - Nick Sheridan (MC1) introduction 1:10:01
Day 1 - Uri Brezner (CS1) Derived categories 1:11:33
Day 1 - Amitai Zernik (AC2) Homological perturbation lemma 1:03:45
Day 2 - Netanel Blaier (AC3) Hochschild cohomology 1:06:51
Day 2 - Netanel Blaier (AC3) Hochschild cohomology Part 2 32:07
Day 2 - Nick Sheridan (MC3) Deformation theory 51:28
Day 2 - Lena Gal (MF1) Matrix factorizations 1:15:53
Day 2 - Cedric Membrez (FC2) Abouzaid's split generation 1:34:03
Day 2 - Nick Sheridan (MC4) The B-model 1:09:40
Day 3 - Nick Sheridan (MC5) Automatic split-generation 1:04:40
Day 3 - Adam Gal (MF2) Ideas in the proof of Orlov's theorem 57:13
Day 3 - Nick Sheridan (MC6) The Fano case 1:03:22

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