1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
How the stethoscope was invented | Moments of Vision 7 - Jessica Oreck
source: TED-Ed 2016年12月29日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-the-ste...
The stethoscope is the single most widely used medical instrument in the world. But where did the idea come from? In the seventh installment of our ‘Moments of Vision’ series, Jessica Oreck shares the modest origins of this incredibly useful item.
Lesson and animation by Jessica Oreck.
Gnosticism with Richard Smoley
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年11月27日
Richard Smoley is editor of Quest: The Journal of the Theosophical Society in America. He is also former editor of Gnosis Magazine. His books include Hidden Wisdom: The Guide to the Western Inner Traditions, Inner Christianity: The Guide to the Esoteric Tradition, Forbidden Faith: The Secret History of Gnosticism, The Essential Nostradamus, Conscious Love: Insights from Mystical Christianity, The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe, The Supernatural: Writings on an Unknown History, The Deal: A Guide to Radical and Complete Forgiveness, and How God Became God: What Scholars Are Really Saying About God and the Bible.
Here he notes that Gnosticism originated among faith communities of Christian believers in the earliest years, suggesting that it was based upon original teachings that Jesus shared with some disciples. Gnostics apparently communicated with other schools of esoteric thought, including hermeticism and astrology. Eventually it was persecuted by the Church and almost entirely eliminated. The teachings of Gnosticism relate to discovering spiritual truths within oneself, rather than from external authorities. In recent centuries there has been a revival of Gnostic thought. One of the most prominent Gnostic thinkers in the modern era is the eighteenth century poet and artist, William Blake.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is a past vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology; and is the recipient of the Pathfinder Award from that Association for his contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on August 6, 2016)
Introduction to Modeling and Optimization (2008-2009 at Bilkent U) by Emre Alper Yıldırım
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月17日
IE-202 Introduction to Modeling and Optimization (2008-2009- Spring)
A general overview of operations research, with selected applications from engineering and management systems, and interdisciplinary areas. The methodology of mathematical modeling and its relation to problems in industrial, commercial, and public systems. Introduction to linear programming: the simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, and related topics. Network models and project scheduling
Lecture 01 Basic definitions: Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Optimization and Modeling 50:22
02 44:04
03 52:40
04 47:58
05 53:15
06 52:41
07 50:42
08 50:02
09 52:28
10 50:22
11 46:44
12 47:40
13 52:19
14 44:49
15 42:24
16 47:44
17 50:30
18 48:56
19 51:02
20 49:15
21 48:23
22 50:04
23 51:09
24 49:07
25 49:25
26 47:14
27 47:14
28 49:01
29 45:07
30 50:42
31 51:37
32 47:01
33 45:59
34 45:01
35 54:11
36 54:57
37 49:41
38 50:36
39 48:06
40 46:33
41 52:32
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月17日
IE-202 Introduction to Modeling and Optimization (2008-2009- Spring)
A general overview of operations research, with selected applications from engineering and management systems, and interdisciplinary areas. The methodology of mathematical modeling and its relation to problems in industrial, commercial, and public systems. Introduction to linear programming: the simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, and related topics. Network models and project scheduling
Lecture 01 Basic definitions: Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Optimization and Modeling 50:22
02 44:04
03 52:40
04 47:58
05 53:15
06 52:41
07 50:42
08 50:02
09 52:28
10 50:22
11 46:44
12 47:40
13 52:19
14 44:49
15 42:24
16 47:44
17 50:30
18 48:56
19 51:02
20 49:15
21 48:23
22 50:04
23 51:09
24 49:07
25 49:25
26 47:14
27 47:14
28 49:01
29 45:07
30 50:42
31 51:37
32 47:01
33 45:59
34 45:01
35 54:11
36 54:57
37 49:41
38 50:36
39 48:06
40 46:33
41 52:32
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part One: The Revolutionary Yogi, with Debashish Banerji
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年1月5日
Debashish Banerji, PhD, is Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles as well as an adjunct faculty member at Pasadena City College and the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is also the former director of the East West Cultural Center in Los Angeles. He is author of Seven Quartets of Becoming: A Transformative Yoga Psychology Based on the Diaries of Sri Aurobindo and also The Alternative Nation of Abanindranath Tagore, a book about his great grandfather. He edited an anthology about his great uncle, Rabindranath Tagore in the Twenty-First Century.
Here he describes Aurobindo’s unique role as a spiritual figure during the chaotic years of the early twentieth century. Born to an upper-class Indian family, he studied in England and achieved high marks as a scholar. When he returned to India, he became a leader in the anti-colonial movement. At this time he also began practicing yoga and quickly discovered many extraordinary states of consciousness. Eventually he was imprisoned for his political activities and, while in prison, his yoga and meditative practices accelerated. He began to experience himself as having a personal relationship with god (Brahman), mediated by the avatar Krishna. He came to experience everything and everyone as an embodiment of Krishna. As a result, he came to realize that a political revolution would be incomplete without an accompanying spiritual revolution.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on December 20, 2015)
Robert Crawford: Sophocles, Antigone (01/10/2013)
source: Arts One Open 2013年10月1日
Lecture by Robert Crawford for the "Remake/Remodel" theme. For more, see http://artsone-digital.arts.ubc.ca/so....
Robert Daum: Genesis (17/09/2013)
source: Arts One Open 2013年9月17日
Lecture by Robert Daum for the "Remake/Remodel" theme. For more, see http://artsone-digital.arts.ubc.ca/ge...
Jon Beasley-Murray: Aimé Césaire, The Tragedy of King Christophe, and Derek Walcott, King Christophe (26/11/2013)
source: Arts One Open 2013年11月26日
Lecture by Jon Beasley-Murray for the "Remake/Remodel" theme. For more, see http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/aime-....
Foreign Policy: Clinton and Trump on Key Global Issues
source: New York University 2016年11月29日
The Brademas Center of NYU and NYU Washington, DC welcomed distinguished journalists to discuss the key global issues and the politics that will decide the election in November. Moderated by Washington Bureau Chief of The New York Times, Elisabeth Bumiller, the panel included foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News, Margaret Brennan, senior national security correspondent for The Washington Post, Karen DeYoung, and White House correspondent for The New York Times, Mark Landler.
For more, visit: https://www.nyu.edu/washington-dc/nyu...
Cognitive Biases, the Psychology of Reasoning & Logical Languages
source: Philosophical Overdose 2013年1月29日
Catarina Duthil Novaes (ILLC/Amsterdam) gives at talk at MCMP titled "Cognitive motivations for treating formalisms as calculi". In The Logical Syntax of Language, Carnap famously recommended that logical languages be treated as mere calculi, and that their symbols be viewed as meaningless; reasoning with the system is to be guided solely on the basis of its rules of transformation. Carnap˙s main motivation for this recommendation seems to be related to a concern with precision and exactness. In my talk, I argue that Carnap was right in insisting on the benefits of treating logical formalisms as calculi, but he was wrong in thinking that enhanced precision is the main advantage of this approach. Instead, I argue that a deeper impact of treating formalisms as calculi is of a cognitive nature: by adopting this stance, the reasoner is able to counter some of her "default" reasoning tendencies, which (although advantageous in most practical situations) may hinder the discovery of novel facts in scientific contexts. One of these cognitive tendencies is the constant search for confirmation for the beliefs one already holds, as extensively documented and studied in the psychology of reasoning literature, and often referred to as confirmation bias/belief bias. Treating formalisms as meaningless and relying on their well-defined rules of formation and transformation allows the reasoner to counter her own belief bias for two main reasons: it 'switches off' semantic activation, which is thought to be a largely automatic cognitive process, and it externalizes reasoning processes; they now take place largely through the manipulation of the notation. I argue moreover that the manipulation of the notation engages predominantly sensorimotor processes rather than being carried out internally: the agent is literally 'thinking on the paper'. The analysis relies heavily on empirical data from psychology and cognitive sciences, and is largely inspired by recent literature on extended cognition (in particular Clark, Menary and Sutton). If I am right, formal languages treated as calculi and viewed as external cognitive artifacts offer a crucial cognitive boost to human agents, in particular in that they seem to produce a beneficial de-biasing effect.
Credit to LMU Munich.
Industrial Policy Evidence Session | LSE Growth Commission 2016
source: London School of Economics and Political Science 2016年11月29日
For more videos in this series please see: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Can lessons from other countries point to the principles that should underpin a modern industrial strategy for the UK?
Mariana Mazzucato (SPRU, Sussex University); Kate Collyer (Competition and Markets Authority); Gary Elliottt (Aerospace Technology Institute); Mark Littlewood (Institute of Economic Affairs); Alan Overd (Charles River Associates) give evidence and are quizzed by LSE Growth Commissioners Tim Besley, Steve Machin and Richard Davies on Industrial Policy and Growth.
This evidence session was held on 22 November 2016 and the London School of Economics & Political Science.
#lsegrowth https://twitter.com/hashtag/LSEgrowth...
Video produced by ECON FILMS
Art in a State of Siege: Hieronymus Bosch in Retrospect
source: Harvard University 2016年11月29日
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Series on Violence and Non-Violence
Joseph Koerner, Harvard University
Art in a State of Siege: Hieronymus Bosch in Retrospect
Joseph Koerner
Victor S. Thomas Professor of the History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University
Benjamin Grant: "Overview: A New Perspective of Earth" | Talks at Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年11月29日
Inspired by the "Overview Effect" - a sensation that astronauts experience when given the opportunity to look down and view the Earth as a whole - the breathtaking, high definition satellite photographs in OVERVIEW offer a new way to look at the landscape that humans have shaped. Benjamin Grant, creator of the Instagram project Daily Overview from which the book is inspired, discusses how the project and book came about.
Get the book: https://goo.gl/GrbVsF
Computational Science & Engineering I (Fall 2007 at MIT) by Gilbert Strang at MIT
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: MIT OpenCourseWare 2008年5月19日
MIT 18.085 Computational Science & Engineering I, Fall 2007
This course provides a review of linear algebra, including applications to networks, structures, and estimation, Lagrange multipliers. Also covered are: differential equations of equilibrium; Laplace's equation and potential flow; boundary-value problems; minimum principles and calculus of variations; Fourier series; discrete Fourier transform; convolution; and applications.
Note: This course was previously called "Mathematical Methods for Engineers I".
A more recent version of this course is available at: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-085f08
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Lec 1 59:51
Lec 2 56:48
Lec 3 57:15
Lec 4 1:07:48
Lec 5 1:07:01
Lec 6 1:05:28
Lec 7 1:07:35
Lec 8 1:05:57
Lec 9 1:09:58
Lec 10 1:00:55
Lec 11 1:06:08
Lec 12 1:06:13
Lec 13 1:11:02
Lec 14 1:00:58
Lec 15 1:06:33
Lec 16 1:02:23
Lec 17 1:05:17
Lec 18 1:07:28
Lec 19 1:08:17
Lec 20 1:01:47
Lec 21 1:09:49
Lec 22 1:02:34
Lec 23 1:15:39
Lec 24 1:00:25
Lec 25 1:22:00
Lec 26 55:22
Lec 27 1:15:50
Lec 28 1:04:34
Lec 29 1:14:04
Lec 30 1:16:30
Lec 31 1:05:08
Lec 32 50:14
source: MIT OpenCourseWare 2008年5月19日
MIT 18.085 Computational Science & Engineering I, Fall 2007
This course provides a review of linear algebra, including applications to networks, structures, and estimation, Lagrange multipliers. Also covered are: differential equations of equilibrium; Laplace's equation and potential flow; boundary-value problems; minimum principles and calculus of variations; Fourier series; discrete Fourier transform; convolution; and applications.
Note: This course was previously called "Mathematical Methods for Engineers I".
A more recent version of this course is available at: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-085f08
More information at http://ocw.mit.edu/terms
More courses at http://ocw.mit.edu
Lec 1 59:51
Lec 2 56:48
Lec 3 57:15
Lec 4 1:07:48
Lec 5 1:07:01
Lec 6 1:05:28
Lec 7 1:07:35
Lec 8 1:05:57
Lec 9 1:09:58
Lec 10 1:00:55
Lec 11 1:06:08
Lec 12 1:06:13
Lec 13 1:11:02
Lec 14 1:00:58
Lec 15 1:06:33
Lec 16 1:02:23
Lec 17 1:05:17
Lec 18 1:07:28
Lec 19 1:08:17
Lec 20 1:01:47
Lec 21 1:09:49
Lec 22 1:02:34
Lec 23 1:15:39
Lec 24 1:00:25
Lec 25 1:22:00
Lec 26 55:22
Lec 27 1:15:50
Lec 28 1:04:34
Lec 29 1:14:04
Lec 30 1:16:30
Lec 31 1:05:08
Lec 32 50:14
Medieval British History (Fall 2009 at Bilkent U) by David E. Thornton
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: CosmoLearning 2015年4月1日
Bilkent HIST 416: Medieval British History
Lec 01 Roman Britain I 48:53
Lec 02 Roman Britain II 46:46
Lec 03 The Vindolanda tablets 49:45
Lec 04 Sub roman Britain, migrations and settlements 58:08
Lec 05 Genetics & the Anglo saxon migrations 49:20
Lec 06 Early Anglo saxon kingdoms 43:37
Lec 07 The Staffordshine Hoard, Arthur & Wales 50:15
Lec 08 Early Scotland and Anglo saxon conversion 47:53
Lec 09 Pre viking Ireland political survey 50:44
Lec 10 Early Christian Ireland & Cain Adomnain 51:00
Lec 11 The Vikings 39:56
Lec 12 Viking in Britain & Ireland 41:22
Lec 13 The successors of Alfred The Great 47:34
Lec 14 Welsh Genealogies 42:05
Lec 15 Background to 1066 45:02
Lec 16 Battle of Hastings & Bayeux Tapastry 1:01:24
Lec 17 Williams I & II 37:14
Lec 18 Henry I 12:34
Lec 19 Norman Administration & Domesday Book 52:57
Lec 20 Anarchy of Stephen's Reign & The Anglo Norman Invasion of Ireland 39:26
Lec 21 Medieval Charters 24:27
Lec 22 Charters cont'd & Wales 25:26
Lec 23 King John & Magna Carta 55:45
Lec 24 Essay Writing & Henry III's Minority 52:35
Lec 25 Henry III & The Barons' Revolt 45:19
Lec 26 Edward I 47:31
Lec 27 Conclusion & Essay guidance 44:15
source: CosmoLearning 2015年4月1日
Bilkent HIST 416: Medieval British History
Lec 01 Roman Britain I 48:53
Lec 02 Roman Britain II 46:46
Lec 03 The Vindolanda tablets 49:45
Lec 04 Sub roman Britain, migrations and settlements 58:08
Lec 05 Genetics & the Anglo saxon migrations 49:20
Lec 06 Early Anglo saxon kingdoms 43:37
Lec 07 The Staffordshine Hoard, Arthur & Wales 50:15
Lec 08 Early Scotland and Anglo saxon conversion 47:53
Lec 09 Pre viking Ireland political survey 50:44
Lec 10 Early Christian Ireland & Cain Adomnain 51:00
Lec 11 The Vikings 39:56
Lec 12 Viking in Britain & Ireland 41:22
Lec 13 The successors of Alfred The Great 47:34
Lec 14 Welsh Genealogies 42:05
Lec 15 Background to 1066 45:02
Lec 16 Battle of Hastings & Bayeux Tapastry 1:01:24
Lec 17 Williams I & II 37:14
Lec 18 Henry I 12:34
Lec 19 Norman Administration & Domesday Book 52:57
Lec 20 Anarchy of Stephen's Reign & The Anglo Norman Invasion of Ireland 39:26
Lec 21 Medieval Charters 24:27
Lec 22 Charters cont'd & Wales 25:26
Lec 23 King John & Magna Carta 55:45
Lec 24 Essay Writing & Henry III's Minority 52:35
Lec 25 Henry III & The Barons' Revolt 45:19
Lec 26 Edward I 47:31
Lec 27 Conclusion & Essay guidance 44:15
Gravitational Waves (2002 at Caltech) by Kip Thorne, Mihai Bondarescu and Yanbei Chen
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: CosmoLearning 2015年1月4日
Phys 237: Gravitational Waves: a 2002 Caltech on-line course, organized and designed by Kip S. Thorne, Mihai Bondarescu and Yanbei Chen. The full course, including this and many other lecture videos, exercises, solutions to exercises, and lists of relevant reading, are available on the web at http://elmer.caltech.edu/ph237/ (currently offline, mirror page found at http://www.aei.mpg.de/~pau/GWs_Course...)
Lec 1 1:00:19
Lec 2 1:23:22
Lec 3 37:18
Lec 3b 49:32
Lec 4 53:26
Lec 4b 35:50
Lec 5 36:51
Lec 5b 46:05
Lec 6 43:28
Lec 6b 40:52
Lec 7 46:30
Lec 7b 38:40
Lec 8 45:19
Lec 8b 40:58
Lec 9 51:10
Lec 9b 35:27
Lec 10 46:41
Lec 10b 41:11
Lec 11 49:04
Lec 11b 38:17
Lec 12 42:54
Lec 12b 40:42
Lec 13 50:23
Lec 13b 37:09
Lec 14 50:30
Lec 14b 35:35
Lec 15 47:23
Lec 15b 35:37
Lec 16 51:40
Lec 16b 36:53
Lec 17 48:12
Lec 17b 39:31
Lec 18 46:24
Lec 18b 39:40
Lec 19 45:07
Lec 19b 41:38
Lec 20 36:18
Lec 20b 38:00
Lec 21 26:29
Lec 21b 34:39
Lec 22 47:55
Lec 22b 42:00
Lec 23 45:41
Lec 23b 45:37
Lec 24 46:25
Lec 24b 31:44
Lec 25 44:37
Lec 25b 52:07
Lec 26 45:47
Lec 26b 32:58
Lec 27 50:18
Lec 27b 37:28
Lec 28 47:41
Lec 28b 53:51
Lec 29 46:59
Lec 29b 44:47
CaJAGWR Semina 58:28
Lec 30 49:25
Lec 30b 37:44
Lec 31 42:14
Lec 31b 46:35
Lec 32 44:31
Lec 32b 42:05
Lec 33 43:57
Lec 33b 44:46
Lec 34 43:29
Lec 34b 33:53
Lec 35 25:12
Lec 35b 1:13:23
source: CosmoLearning 2015年1月4日
Phys 237: Gravitational Waves: a 2002 Caltech on-line course, organized and designed by Kip S. Thorne, Mihai Bondarescu and Yanbei Chen. The full course, including this and many other lecture videos, exercises, solutions to exercises, and lists of relevant reading, are available on the web at http://elmer.caltech.edu/ph237/ (currently offline, mirror page found at http://www.aei.mpg.de/~pau/GWs_Course...)
Lec 1 1:00:19
Lec 2 1:23:22
Lec 3 37:18
Lec 3b 49:32
Lec 4 53:26
Lec 4b 35:50
Lec 5 36:51
Lec 5b 46:05
Lec 6 43:28
Lec 6b 40:52
Lec 7 46:30
Lec 7b 38:40
Lec 8 45:19
Lec 8b 40:58
Lec 9 51:10
Lec 9b 35:27
Lec 10 46:41
Lec 10b 41:11
Lec 11 49:04
Lec 11b 38:17
Lec 12 42:54
Lec 12b 40:42
Lec 13 50:23
Lec 13b 37:09
Lec 14 50:30
Lec 14b 35:35
Lec 15 47:23
Lec 15b 35:37
Lec 16 51:40
Lec 16b 36:53
Lec 17 48:12
Lec 17b 39:31
Lec 18 46:24
Lec 18b 39:40
Lec 19 45:07
Lec 19b 41:38
Lec 20 36:18
Lec 20b 38:00
Lec 21 26:29
Lec 21b 34:39
Lec 22 47:55
Lec 22b 42:00
Lec 23 45:41
Lec 23b 45:37
Lec 24 46:25
Lec 24b 31:44
Lec 25 44:37
Lec 25b 52:07
Lec 26 45:47
Lec 26b 32:58
Lec 27 50:18
Lec 27b 37:28
Lec 28 47:41
Lec 28b 53:51
Lec 29 46:59
Lec 29b 44:47
CaJAGWR Semina 58:28
Lec 30 49:25
Lec 30b 37:44
Lec 31 42:14
Lec 31b 46:35
Lec 32 44:31
Lec 32b 42:05
Lec 33 43:57
Lec 33b 44:46
Lec 34 43:29
Lec 34b 33:53
Lec 35 25:12
Lec 35b 1:13:23
Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays (FAll 2007 at Harvard U) by Marjorie Garber
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: CosmoLearning 2015年1月18日
Recorded on Sep 19, 2007
Harvard ENGL E-129: Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays
Lecture 1: Introduction 1:18:45
Lecture 2: Troilus and Cressida 1:54:28
Lecture 3: Measure for Measure 1:55:35
Lecture 4: Othello 1:49:30
Lecture 5: King Lear 1:48:17
Lecture 6: Macbeth 1:50:48
Lecture 7: Antony and Cleopatra 1:47:27
Lecture 8: Coriolanus 1:51:02
Lecture 9: Pericles 1:52:24
Lecture 10: Cymbeline 1:42:07
Lecture 11: The Winter’s Tale 1:46:29
Lecture 12: The Tempest 1:50:41
Lecture 13: Plenary - Review session 1:47:53
source: CosmoLearning 2015年1月18日
Recorded on Sep 19, 2007
Harvard ENGL E-129: Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays
Lecture 1: Introduction 1:18:45
Lecture 2: Troilus and Cressida 1:54:28
Lecture 3: Measure for Measure 1:55:35
Lecture 4: Othello 1:49:30
Lecture 5: King Lear 1:48:17
Lecture 6: Macbeth 1:50:48
Lecture 7: Antony and Cleopatra 1:47:27
Lecture 8: Coriolanus 1:51:02
Lecture 9: Pericles 1:52:24
Lecture 10: Cymbeline 1:42:07
Lecture 11: The Winter’s Tale 1:46:29
Lecture 12: The Tempest 1:50:41
Lecture 13: Plenary - Review session 1:47:53
Inside American Politics (New York University)
source: New York University 2016年12月1日
1:13:23 The 2016 Election Cycle: What Just Happened? (Inside American Politics 2/7) Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Moderator: Lynne P. Brown, Senior Vice Presi...
1:14:12 Inside American Politics The NYU Brademas Center, in collaboration with NYU La Pietra Dialogues, joined NYU DC Dialogues for a discussion with a group of American political insiders as they covered the current electoral sc...
1:12:06 Inside American Politics NYU Washington, DC hosted a group of American political insiders who discussed the current electoral scene in the lead up to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. Republican and Democratic strategis...
1:18:15 Where Does the Democratic Party Go From Here? (Inside American Politics 5/7) Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Moderator: Kevin Madden, Partner at Hamilton...
1:25:58 Trump as the New Face of the Republican Party (Inside American Politics 4/7) Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Moderator: Catherine “Kiki” McLean, Leading ...
1:17:42 Forecasts (Inside American Politics 6/7) Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Moderator: Hope Warschaw, Community and poli...
1:08:25 Role of the Media and the Changed Political Landscape (Inside American Politics 3/7) Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Moderator: Linda Douglass, Global Head of Co...
1:06:56 Film Presentation: “Election Protection” (Inside American Politics 7/7) Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Presenters include: Emmy Award Winnning film...
32:28 Welcome Remarks (Inside American Politics 1/7)
Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Ellyn M. Toscano, Executive Director, NYU Fl...

Moderator: Lynne P. Brown, Senior Vice Presi...

Moderator: Kevin Madden, Partner at Hamilton...

Moderator: Catherine “Kiki” McLean, Leading ...

Moderator: Hope Warschaw, Community and poli...

Moderator: Linda Douglass, Global Head of Co...

Presenters include: Emmy Award Winnning film...

Top American political actors from the Republican and Democratic parties gathered at La Pietra to discuss the election results one week after the vote.
Ellyn M. Toscano, Executive Director, NYU Fl...
Patricia Blanchette: Frege's Logicism (Elucidations)
source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年10月22日
Patricia Blanchette discusses Logicism and the work of Gottlob Frege. Logicism is a school of thought in the philosophy of mathematics which tries to reduce mathematics to logic. Gottlob Frege was a 18th-19th century German philosopher and mathematician who made important contributions to the fields of logic, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mathematics. This is an episode of Elucidations, a philosophy podcast from the University of Chicago.
Jigsaw Presents: Clay Shirky: "Little Rice" | Talks At Google
source: Talks at Google 2016年11月28日
Almost unknown to the rest of the globe, Xiaomi has become the world's third-largest mobile phone manufacturer. Its high-end phones are tailored to Chinese and emerging markets, where it outsells even Samsung. Since the 1990s China has been climbing up the ladder of quality, from doing knockoffs to designing its own high-end goods.
Xiaomi its name literally means "little rice" is landing squarely in this shift in China's economy. But the remarkable rise of Xiaomi from startup to colossus is more than a business story, because mobile phones are special. The common desiderata of the global population, mobile phones offer the kind of freedom and connectedness that autocratic countries are terrified of. China's fortune and future clearly lie with "opening up" to the global market, requiring it to allow local entrepreneurs to experiment.
Clay Shirky, one of the most influential and original thinkers on how technological innovation affects social change around the world, now turns his attention to the most populous country of them all. The case of Xiaomi exemplifies the balancing act that China has to perfect to navigate between cheap copies and innovation, between the demands of local and global markets, and between freedom and control.
Jason Lieblang: Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Dr. Mabuse The Gamber (13/02/2016)
source: Arts One Open 2016年2月13日
This is a lecture for Arts One at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC. In it, Jason Lieblang discusses some aspects of the social, political, and cultural history of the Weimar Republic in Germany and expressionism in cinema. He then focuses on vision in Wiene's Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Murnau's Nosferatu, and Lang's Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler. He also talks briefly about Grune's Die Strasse.
The CC license for this video is CC BY-NC 4.0 (YouTube doesn't provide this as a choice): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
For more information on this lecture, including the slides that you can't see in this video, see here: http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/weima...
For more Arts One lectures, see here: http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/categ...
Jon Beasley-Murray: Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart (28/03/2014)
source: Arts One Open 2014年3月28日
Lecture by Jon Beasley-Murray for the "Remake/Remodel" theme. For more, see http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/chinu....
For a version of this video with slides, go to http://mediasitemob1.mediagroup.ubc.c....
Electrical Machines and Drives by Henk Polinder (Delft U)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年6月5日
11. Stepper, single phase and universal motors 1:03:40
10. Special purpose electrical machines 1:22:54
9. Inductions machines and characteristics 1:19:40
8. Inductions machines (2) 1:25:29
7. Inductions machines (1) and Synchronous machines 1:22:52
6. DC machine drivers and induction machines (2) 1:21:35
5. Origins of the magnetic field intensity and inductance 1:28:12
4. DC machine drivers and induction machines (1) 1:23:36
3. Principles of electrical mechanics 1:28:13
2. Maxwell's equations and Magnetic circuits 1:27:15
1. Introduction to Electrical Machines and Drives 1:28:46
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年6月5日
11. Stepper, single phase and universal motors 1:03:40
10. Special purpose electrical machines 1:22:54
9. Inductions machines and characteristics 1:19:40
8. Inductions machines (2) 1:25:29
7. Inductions machines (1) and Synchronous machines 1:22:52
6. DC machine drivers and induction machines (2) 1:21:35
5. Origins of the magnetic field intensity and inductance 1:28:12
4. DC machine drivers and induction machines (1) 1:23:36
3. Principles of electrical mechanics 1:28:13
2. Maxwell's equations and Magnetic circuits 1:27:15
1. Introduction to Electrical Machines and Drives 1:28:46
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Part Two: The ABCs, with Debbie Joffe Ellis
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年2月3日
Debbie Joffe Ellis, wife of the late Albert Ellis, founder of REBT, is a licensed Australian psychologist and is licensed in NY as mental health counselor. She has a doctorate in alternative medicine from the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines in affiliation with the World Health Organization, from which she has also received a gold medal (1993) in recognition of her service in the field of alternative medicine. She is coauthor, with her late husband, of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and also his autobiography, All Out! She is an adjunct professor at Columbia University Teachers College.
Here she describes the sequence of processes in rational emotive behavior therapy, using the acronym ABCDE. Activating events, mediated by our belief systems, lead to consequences. Irrational beliefs are then disputed vigorously and replaced by more effective, rational beliefs. She notes the hostility Albert Ellis first encountered when he initially presented his theories of psychotherapy, pointing out that he used his own techniques to cope with the challenges he faced. She also points out that Ellis used in vivo desensitization techniques to deal with his own early life anxieties regarding talking to women and also public speaking. She mentions the influence that REBT has had on cognitive behavior therapy, positive psychology, coaching, and other psychological trends.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on January 20, 2016)
Operating Systems (2008-2009) by İbrahim Körpeoğlu at Bilkent University
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月24日
CS-342 Operating Systems (2008-2009- Spring)
Introduction to operating systems concepts. The operating system as a resource manager. Command languages. Job management and job scheduling. Process management. Memory management, virtual memory, and paging. Interrupt structures and interrupt processing. Message-driven systems and data management. Device management, I/O systems, and I/O processing. Examples of operating systems such as MS-DOS, UNIX.
01 Introduction Introduction to the course, 48:39
02 47:10
03 34:52
04 50:36
05 47:32
07 47:18
08 45:15
09 46:39
10 47:53
11 44:51
12 46:54
13 41:54
14 35:08
15 41:49
16 39:53
17 45:47
18 44:30
19 34:44
20 43:11
21 46:08
22 49:36
23 37:30
24 35:48
25 46:06
26 43:45
27 36:44
28 47:22
29 42:58
30 44:48
31 40:31
32 46:17
33 44:46
34 49:57
35 34:09
36 35:58
37 44:55
38 45:11
39 35:46
40 41:02
41 37:35
42 44:19
43 41:15
44 38:12
45 44:17
46 41:17
47 47:50
48 54:06
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月24日
CS-342 Operating Systems (2008-2009- Spring)
Introduction to operating systems concepts. The operating system as a resource manager. Command languages. Job management and job scheduling. Process management. Memory management, virtual memory, and paging. Interrupt structures and interrupt processing. Message-driven systems and data management. Device management, I/O systems, and I/O processing. Examples of operating systems such as MS-DOS, UNIX.
01 Introduction Introduction to the course, 48:39
02 47:10
03 34:52
04 50:36
05 47:32
07 47:18
08 45:15
09 46:39
10 47:53
11 44:51
12 46:54
13 41:54
14 35:08
15 41:49
16 39:53
17 45:47
18 44:30
19 34:44
20 43:11
21 46:08
22 49:36
23 37:30
24 35:48
25 46:06
26 43:45
27 36:44
28 47:22
29 42:58
30 44:48
31 40:31
32 46:17
33 44:46
34 49:57
35 34:09
36 35:58
37 44:55
38 45:11
39 35:46
40 41:02
41 37:35
42 44:19
43 41:15
44 38:12
45 44:17
46 41:17
47 47:50
48 54:06
Why are we so attached to our things? - Christian Jarrett
source: TED-Ed 2016年12月27日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-are-we-...
After witnessing the “violent rage” shown by babies whenever deprived of an item they considered their own, Jean Piaget – a founding father of child psychology – observed something profound about human nature: Our sense of ownership emerges incredibly early. But why do we become so attached to things? Christian Jarrett details the psychology of ownership.
Lesson by Christian Jarrett, animation by Avi Ofer.
Structured Electronic Design by Chris Verhoeven (Delft U of Technology)
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年2月4日
1 01 Structured Electronic Design Introduction 1 45:57
1 02 Structured Electronic Design Introduction 2 35:57
1 03 Accurate amplification 1 41:49
1 04 Accurate amplification 2 37:09
1 07 Building the nullor Noise 1 45:45
1 08 Building the nullor Noise 2 35:35
1 09 Building the nullor Distortion 1:15:11
1 05 Building the nullor Frequency behavior 1:29:01
1 06 Building the nullor Biasing 1:59:04
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年2月4日
1 01 Structured Electronic Design Introduction 1 45:57
1 02 Structured Electronic Design Introduction 2 35:57
1 03 Accurate amplification 1 41:49
1 04 Accurate amplification 2 37:09
1 07 Building the nullor Noise 1 45:45
1 08 Building the nullor Noise 2 35:35
1 09 Building the nullor Distortion 1:15:11
1 05 Building the nullor Frequency behavior 1:29:01
1 06 Building the nullor Biasing 1:59:04
Offshore Hydromechanics (TU Delft) by Peter Naaijen
# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年5月26日
1 Introduction and Ship Motions 2:03:56
2 Motion Response in irregular Waves 1:31:39
3 3D Linear Potential Theory 1:15:12
4 Pottntial Theory continued and Exercises 1:50:49
5 Potential Flow Diffraction Problems 1:16:47
6 Structural Aspects 1:28:47
7 Summary and Internal Forces 1:28:07
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年5月26日
1 Introduction and Ship Motions 2:03:56
2 Motion Response in irregular Waves 1:31:39
3 3D Linear Potential Theory 1:15:12
4 Pottntial Theory continued and Exercises 1:50:49
5 Potential Flow Diffraction Problems 1:16:47
6 Structural Aspects 1:28:47
7 Summary and Internal Forces 1:28:07
Methods of Documentation
source: New York University 2016年11月29日
October 26, 2016 | NYU Washington, DC
This panel examines the existing and developing technologies being used to reconstruct and document destroyed objects, artifacts, heritage sites and architecture, in order to preserve a digital copy of the past that is lost to the elements, human conflict and the passing of time.
Panelists include:
Khaled Hiatlih, Lead, Reconstruction Initiative, Syria, The Institute for Digital Archeology
Scott Branting, Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
Donald H. Sanders, President, Learning Sites, Inc
This panel was part of the NYU Washington, DC symposium, Protecting Cultural Heritage in an Uncertain Time. For more visit: https://www.nyu.edu/washington-dc/nyu...
Representing Arthur Schopenhauer
source: Philosophical Overdose 2016年11月25日
Grant Bartley from Philosophy Now discusses the ideas of the 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer with Christopher Janaway of the University of Southampton and Daniel Came of St Hugh’s College, Oxford on Philosophy Now Radio Podcast https://philosophynow.org
Arthur Schopenhauer is perhaps most famous for his extreme pessimism. Seeing the world as something horrific and bleak, following in part from our drives/desires, he urged that we turn against such. As a follower of Immanuel Kant, he took space, time, and causality to be, not things-in-themselves, but categories of the mind through which we interpret and make sense of things. However, in contrast to Kant, Schopenhauer argued that reality must ultimately be one, which is essentially "Will". There are several remarkable things about him, including the fact that he was the only major Western philosopher to draw serious and interesting parallels between Western and Eastern thought, as well as being the first major philosopher to openly identify as an atheist. He had a significant influence on many great thinkers and artists, including Nietzsche, Freud, Wittgenstein, and Wagner. The arts were particularly important for Schopenhauer not only because he thought they give us a glimpse into the underlying reality, but because they help us to escape our individuality and thus the inherent suffering and meaningless absurdity of existence.
Openness, Trade & FDI Evidence Session | LSE Growth Commission 2016
source: London School of Economics and Political Science 2016年11月29日
For more videos in this series please see: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Post Brexit, what is the best relationship for the UK to pursue with the EU, and beyond, to ensure the flow of exports, imports and FDI?
Karolina Ekholm (Ministry of Finance, Sweden); Karen Helene Ullveit-Moe (University of Oslo and Bank of Norway); Lionel Fontagné (CEPII), Paola Conconi (ECARES); Will Page (Spotify); and Tim Sarson (KPMG) give evidence and are quizzed by LSE Growth Commissioners Gianmarco Ottaviano, Tim Besley, Chris Pissarides and Richard Davies on Openness, Trade & FDI.
This evidence session was held on 21 November 2016 and the London School of Economics & Political Science.
#lsegrowth https://twitter.com/hashtag/LSEgrowth...
Video produced by ECON FILMS
Realities and Realms: Responsive Technologies in Ecological Systems, Part 2
source: Harvard GSD 2016年11月29日
The Realities and Realms colloquium focuses on the role of computation and robotics in landscape architecture and the expanding sensorial field of the built environment. These hybrid grounds of operation merge anthropogenic perception and technological mediation. As sensing networks expand, data grows exponentially in quantity and ubiquity, building an increasingly abstract landscape of information. How such data is elucidated, curated, and augmented forms new realities for design. This colloquium will explore design methodologies that address concurrent physical and virtual realms and the realities in which they operate.In this context, a realm is a lens through which we sense an environment and a reality is place within which we take action. The Realities and Realms colloquium engages select practitioners, theorists, and academics for an afternoon to explore the future of responsive technologies to interpret and modify environment. Panelists will posit trajectories that frame the role of responsive technologies to imagine, choreograph, and evolve cyborg landscapes and synthetic ecologies.The colloquium will be organized in two panel sessions followed by open discussions, exploring the tools, practice, theories, and futures of responsive technologies in landscape architecture.
Environmental Justice: Then and Now | The New School
source: The New School 2016年11月29日
Delegates to the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit held on October 24-27, 1991, in Washington DC, drafted and adopted 17 Principles of Environmental Justice (http://ejnet.org/ej/principles.html). These Principles were created to build a national and international movement to fight the destruction and taking of lands and communities and to secure political, economic, and cultural liberation denied for over 500 years of colonization and oppression. Since then, The Principles have served as a defining document for the grassroots movement for environmental justice.
This video registers the Tishman Environment and Design Center (http://newschool.edu/tedc) on the 25th Anniversary of the adoption of these environmental justice Principles as it examined the issues of race and the environment in the 21st century. The event featured a discussion with our faculty as they explored the themes of the Principles and opportunities for achieving environmental justice across different social movements, practices and disciplinary perspectives.
- Joel Towers, Executive Dean of Parsons School of Design
- Maya Wiley, Senior Vice President for Social Justice & Henry Cohen Professor of Urban Policy and Management
- Mia White, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
- Mindy Fullilove, Professor of Urban Policy and Health
- Ana Baptista, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Environmental Policy and Sustainability Management & Associate Director of the Tishman Environment and Design Center
Moderated by:
- Michelle DePass, Dean of the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy Tishman Professor of Environmental Policy and Management Director of the Tishman Environment and Design Center
The New School | http://newschool.edu
Location: Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 6:00 pm
Sunil Khilnani: "Incarnations: A History of India in Fifty Lives" | Talk...
source: Talks at Google 2016年11月29日
Acclaimed author Sunil Khilnani came to Google New York to discuss his most recent book "Incarnations: A History of India in Fifty Lives."
Get the book: https://goo.gl/TxY6UX.
Jon Beasley-Murray: Francis Ford Coppola, Apocalypse Now (02/04/2014)
source: Arts One Open 2014年4月2日
Lecture by Jon Beasley-Murray for the "Remake/Remodel" theme. For more, see http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/franc....
As part of this lecture, the following clips from the film, available on YouTube, are discussed:
"Apocalypse Now Opening scene"
"Francis Ford Coppola's Short Acting Cameo In Apocalypse Now"
"Apocalypse Now/Ride Of The Valkyries"
For a version of this video with slides, go to http://mediasitemob1.mediagroup.ubc.c....
Derek Gladwin: Francis Ford Coppola, Apocalypse Now (lecture) (21/03/2015)
source: Arts One Open 2015年3月21日
In this lecture for Arts One at the University of British Columbia, Derek Gladwin talks about the degree to which this film revisits Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and deviates from it (the students had just read Conrad's novella), the style of filmaking that this film could be said to fit into, the historical and cultural context of the film, and cultural and literary references in the film.
To see the presentation that went along with the lecture, click here: https://prezi.com/nhulueghm3xy/decade...
For a video with the slides embedded, see here: http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/franc...
This video is licensed CC BY NC 4.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
T S Eliot, The Waste Land (2013) by Kevin McNeilly
source: Arts One Open 2013年2月25日
Lecture by Kevin McNeilly for the "Monster in the Mirror" theme. For more, see http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/2013/....
For a version of this video with slides, go to http://mediasitemob1.mediagroup.ubc.c....
Aircraft Systems Engineering (MIT)
# Click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年6月5日
MIT 16.885 Aircraft Systems Engineering
Shuttle Operations Video 6:38
22 Test Flying the Space Shuttle 1:51:12
21 Systems Engineering for Space Shuttle Payloads 1:52:08
20 EVA and Robotics on the Shuttle 1:41:37
19 Design Process as it Relates to the Shuttle 1:49:43
18 Mission Control 2 1:48:54
17 Mission Control 1 2:00:38
16 Guidance, Navigation and Control 1:48:49
15 Space Shuttle Accidents 1:50:34
14 Ground Operations Launching the Shuttle 1:48:07
13 Environmental Control Systems 1:52:28
12 Aerothermodynamics 1:55:28
11 Use of Subsystems as a Function of Flight Phase 1:53:08
10 The DoD and the Space Shuttle 1:03:03
09 OMS, RCS, Fuel Cells, Auxiliary Power Unit and Hydraulic Systems 1:51:17
08 Landing and Mechanical Systems 1:53:28
07 Aerodynamics From sub to Hypersonic and Back 1:50:23
06 Propulsion Space Shuttle Main Engines 1:59:52
05 Orbiter Structure + Thermal Protection System 1:57:47
04 The Decision to Build the Shuttle 1:52:52
03 Orbiter Sub System Design 1:51:37
02 Space Shuttle History 1:50:23
01 The Origins of the Space Shuttle 1:50:19
source: tawkaw OpenCourseWare 2014年6月5日
MIT 16.885 Aircraft Systems Engineering
Shuttle Operations Video 6:38
22 Test Flying the Space Shuttle 1:51:12
21 Systems Engineering for Space Shuttle Payloads 1:52:08
20 EVA and Robotics on the Shuttle 1:41:37
19 Design Process as it Relates to the Shuttle 1:49:43
18 Mission Control 2 1:48:54
17 Mission Control 1 2:00:38
16 Guidance, Navigation and Control 1:48:49
15 Space Shuttle Accidents 1:50:34
14 Ground Operations Launching the Shuttle 1:48:07
13 Environmental Control Systems 1:52:28
12 Aerothermodynamics 1:55:28
11 Use of Subsystems as a Function of Flight Phase 1:53:08
10 The DoD and the Space Shuttle 1:03:03
09 OMS, RCS, Fuel Cells, Auxiliary Power Unit and Hydraulic Systems 1:51:17
08 Landing and Mechanical Systems 1:53:28
07 Aerodynamics From sub to Hypersonic and Back 1:50:23
06 Propulsion Space Shuttle Main Engines 1:59:52
05 Orbiter Structure + Thermal Protection System 1:57:47
04 The Decision to Build the Shuttle 1:52:52
03 Orbiter Sub System Design 1:51:37
02 Space Shuttle History 1:50:23
01 The Origins of the Space Shuttle 1:50:19
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Part One: Life's Hardships, with Debbie Joffe Ellis
source: New Thinking Allowed 2016年1月31日
Debbie Joffe Ellis, wife of the late Albert Ellis, founder of REBT, is a a licensed Australian psychologist and is licensed in NY as mental health counselor. She has a doctorate in alternative medicine from the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines in affiliation with the World Health Organization, from which she has also received a gold medal (1993) in recognition of her service in the field of alternative medicine. She is coauthor, with her late husband, of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and also his autobiography, All Out! She is an adjunct professor at Columbia University Teachers College.
REBT is based on the notion that we can replace our irrational and dysfunctional belief patterns with rational beliefs that better serve us and improve our lives. She notes that there are interesting parallels between REBT and certain (but not all) aspects of Buddhism. She describes trying life circumstances in which REBT enabled her to function and enjoy life. She lists many of the philosophical influences on REBT, particularly the ancient stoics such as Epictetus who was a slave. She also tells the story of her parents who were holocaust survivors. She points out that research supports the use of rational and cognitive approaches in therapy. She also discusses the role of gratitude; and emphasizes the importance of unconditional acceptance of self and others.
New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He serves as dean of transformational psychology at the University of Philosophical Research. He teaches parapsychology for ministers in training with the Centers for Spiritual Living through the Holmes Institute. He has served as vice-president of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, and is the recipient of its Pathfinder Award for outstanding contributions to the field of human consciousness. He is also past-president of the non-profit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to creating a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate and apply their inner, intuitive abilities.
(Recorded on January 20, 2016)
Facility Location on Networks (2008-2009) by Barbaros Tansel at Bilkent U
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月16日
IE-577 Facility Location on Networks (2008-2009- Spring)
Applications, modeling, theory and algorithms for optimal location of service facilities on distribution, transportation and communication networks. The course progresses from simple models to complex models. Well known median and center problems as well as other models will be covered. The course ends with a discussion of areas open to research.
Lecture 01 51:44
Lecture 02 47:06
Lecture 03 53:31
Lecture 04 52:47
Lecture 05 41:09
Lecture 06 46:53
Lecture 07 49:25
Lecture 08 44:51
Lecture 09 45:07
Lecture 10 54:42
Lecture 11 44:48
Lecture 12 53:32
Lecture 13 47:45
Lecture 14 44:12
Lecture 15 47:51
Lecture 16 46:38
Lecture 17 42:12
Lecture 18 47:26
Lecture 19 49:11
Lecture 20 44:03
Lecture 21 39:02
Lecture 22 50:48
Lecture 23 52:55
Lecture 24 38:37
Lecture 25 47:55
Lecture 26 37:19
Lecture 27 45:30
Lecture 28 40:43
Lecture 29 43:34
Lecture 30 44:43\
Lecture 31 50:49
Lecture 32 41:13
Lecture 33 51:27
Lecture 34 34:29
Lecture 35 36:09
Lecture 36 45:36
Lecture 37 38:44
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月16日
IE-577 Facility Location on Networks (2008-2009- Spring)
Applications, modeling, theory and algorithms for optimal location of service facilities on distribution, transportation and communication networks. The course progresses from simple models to complex models. Well known median and center problems as well as other models will be covered. The course ends with a discussion of areas open to research.
Lecture 01 51:44
Lecture 02 47:06
Lecture 03 53:31
Lecture 04 52:47
Lecture 05 41:09
Lecture 06 46:53
Lecture 07 49:25
Lecture 08 44:51
Lecture 09 45:07
Lecture 10 54:42
Lecture 11 44:48
Lecture 12 53:32
Lecture 13 47:45
Lecture 14 44:12
Lecture 15 47:51
Lecture 16 46:38
Lecture 17 42:12
Lecture 18 47:26
Lecture 19 49:11
Lecture 20 44:03
Lecture 21 39:02
Lecture 22 50:48
Lecture 23 52:55
Lecture 24 38:37
Lecture 25 47:55
Lecture 26 37:19
Lecture 27 45:30
Lecture 28 40:43
Lecture 29 43:34
Lecture 30 44:43\
Lecture 31 50:49
Lecture 32 41:13
Lecture 33 51:27
Lecture 34 34:29
Lecture 35 36:09
Lecture 36 45:36
Lecture 37 38:44
Computer Organization (2009-2010) by William Sawyer at Bilkent U
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月24日
CS-224 Computer Organization (2009-2010- Spring)
Instruction set architecture (ISA), ISA design considerations, RISC vs. CISC, assembly and machine language, programming a RISC machine. Computer arithmetic, arithmetic logic unit, floating-point numbers and their arithmetic implementations. Processor design, data path and control implementation, micro programmed control, exception detection. Pipelining, hazards, pipelined processor design, hazard detection and forwarding, branch prediction and exception handling. Memory hierarchy, principles, structure, and performance of caches, virtual memory, segmentation and paging. I/O devices, I/O performance, interfacing I/O.
Lecture 01 Introduction 44:01
Lecture 02 50:47
Lecture 03 40:42
Lecture 04 50:44
Lecture 05 35:02
Lecture 06 36:56
Lecture 07 36:00
Lecture 08 33:59
Lecture 09 49:01
Lecture 10 50:24
Lecture 11 49:58
Lecture 12 42:10
Lecture 13 49:01
Lecture 14 38:07
Lecture 15 46:48
Lecture 16 49:17
Lecture 17 45:27
Lecture 18 27:02
Lecture 19 35:51
Lecture 20 47:11
Lecture 21 36:17
Lecture 22 30:31
Lecture 23 46:23
Lecture 24 50:59
Lecture 25 46:09
Lecture 26 41:27
Lecture 27 46:40
Lecture 28 47:10
Lecture 29 42:40
Lecture 30 27:13
Lecture 31 31:05
Lecture 32 49:49
Lecture 33 17:48
Lecture 34 47:13
Lecture 35 47:19
Lecture 36 46:24
Lecture 37 41:14
Lecture 38 42:57
Lecture 39 44:47
Lecture 40 37:21
Lecture 41 45:38
Lecture 42 46:42
Lecture 43 19:20
Lecture 44 39:17
Lecture 45 41:57
Lecture 46 34:47
Lecture 47 47:27
source: Bilkent Online Courses 2014年8月24日
CS-224 Computer Organization (2009-2010- Spring)
Instruction set architecture (ISA), ISA design considerations, RISC vs. CISC, assembly and machine language, programming a RISC machine. Computer arithmetic, arithmetic logic unit, floating-point numbers and their arithmetic implementations. Processor design, data path and control implementation, micro programmed control, exception detection. Pipelining, hazards, pipelined processor design, hazard detection and forwarding, branch prediction and exception handling. Memory hierarchy, principles, structure, and performance of caches, virtual memory, segmentation and paging. I/O devices, I/O performance, interfacing I/O.
Lecture 01 Introduction 44:01
Lecture 02 50:47
Lecture 03 40:42
Lecture 04 50:44
Lecture 05 35:02
Lecture 06 36:56
Lecture 07 36:00
Lecture 08 33:59
Lecture 09 49:01
Lecture 10 50:24
Lecture 11 49:58
Lecture 12 42:10
Lecture 13 49:01
Lecture 14 38:07
Lecture 15 46:48
Lecture 16 49:17
Lecture 17 45:27
Lecture 18 27:02
Lecture 19 35:51
Lecture 20 47:11
Lecture 21 36:17
Lecture 22 30:31
Lecture 23 46:23
Lecture 24 50:59
Lecture 25 46:09
Lecture 26 41:27
Lecture 27 46:40
Lecture 28 47:10
Lecture 29 42:40
Lecture 30 27:13
Lecture 31 31:05
Lecture 32 49:49
Lecture 33 17:48
Lecture 34 47:13
Lecture 35 47:19
Lecture 36 46:24
Lecture 37 41:14
Lecture 38 42:57
Lecture 39 44:47
Lecture 40 37:21
Lecture 41 45:38
Lecture 42 46:42
Lecture 43 19:20
Lecture 44 39:17
Lecture 45 41:57
Lecture 46 34:47
Lecture 47 47:27
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